Now they write specs for its speed of 320 fps. All in all, I think the Diamond Edge 320 is a decent bow and can be used by a wide audience of shooters. One of the reasons why hunters choose the Infinite Edge Pro is because of the bow's nice management of kinetic energy. Full set of custom made Compound bow string and cables for your Diamond Edge 320 Compound bow. They show its weight is 3.6 lbs. While it is a decent bow, I think it doesnt perform as well as the Diamond Edge SB-1 so I am surprised that they might be replacing the SB-1 with this model. It provides a little more accuracy than you might find in other hunting bows, and in the grand scheme of things, a single inch isn't too much.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'completeguidetoarchery_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-completeguidetoarchery_com-medrectangle-3-0'); As a general rule of thumb, bows with a shorter brace height shoot arrows that are faster but less accurate, and bows with a longer brace will do the oppositeshoot arrows that are a little bit slower but a little more reliable. Buy Wholesale Products related to Diamond Bow Case from Manufacturers. The Diamond Edge 320 does go the extra mile when it comes to assembly. Although some key elements can be improved, such as accuracy and the substandard accessories, these issues can still be dealt with properly to make the most out of this bow. Learn more. Other than that, good places to start are eBay, Amazon, Craigslist and so on. However, there are several noticeable differences. Basically, all you need is just a hex wrench. It ups the FPS to 320, provides a really impressive let-off, and perhaps most importantly, is designed to offer a smooth, uninterrupted draw cycle that provides for flat nock travel. Not only is it difficult to create a bow that features cams that travel in unison, it's also difficult from a production perspectiveboth of those cams need to be absolutely identical, which requires a sophisticated manufacturing process to create that precision. Pawel . The Edge 320 offers a blazing speed of up to 320 fps. But with all the necessary accessories its weight goes up to 5.9 lbs. Lets started, my first point is about its peak draw length. You can set up the, draw weight, and peep sight, and tune it up you dont need any bow press. Bowtech has proven to be one of the top-notch bow manufacturers. Vibration output is minimal as well, making this a good bow for hunters hoping for optimal control and focus. Here is what you also get with this compound bow (depending on the seller): Discover what else this compound bow has to offer: Connected to adjustability, the Infinite Edge Pros solid back wall helps shooters find their anchor point in an easier way. $109.95. Best of all, both bows work well as introductory bows - beginners can grow old with these compound bows, proving that Diamond Archery products are made to last! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for websites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. It features everything good about the Diamond line: adjustability, the advanced cam system / smooth draw cycle, and a let-off you dont really see much in bows of this tier. The first was thatlittle audible noise was produced,with nothing much heard other than the arrow making contact with the foam target. I also see its brace height advertise as 7 1/4 inches but I found its actual brace height is 7 1/2 inches. The modules associated with the Edge 320s cams are ofa rotating design,andmaking draw length adjustments is as simple as removing two screws,rotating the modules to align the designated indexing marks, and retightening the cam screws in place. In case you dont know limb bolt is located in two sites of the riser top they used to adjust the draw weight. Able to manage 320 fps, you surely wont complain about being able to deliver this amount of punishment on all sorts of targets youll encounter in the wild. Second, it only weighs 3.6 pounds. No other piece of hunting equipment has the potential to build your hunting skills and increase your successes afield like THE IMPROVEHUNTING.COM, First Time Bow Hunting20 Useful Tips For Beginners, Bowhunting In The Rain18 Tips You Should Know, How To Attract Deer To Your YardThe Ultimate Guide, Bowhunting Turkey TipsThe Dos And The Donts. Diamond Edge 320. See all the reviews, and the manufacturer ads everyone is saying about these specs first. Of course, some tape will help other hunters to have a firmer hold, but that all boils down to a shooter's preference. The Edge 320 generate 320 FPS of game-stopping power to take on any hunting challenge. Again, some tape may help make holding the bow bearable. There is another drawback is that the cable comes in contact with the cam which can shatter the cable. The Edge 320 generate 320 FPS of game-stopping power to take on any hunting challenge. So, when you purchased the bow did you get it timed and tuned? As far-reaching as these capabilities are, adjustments can be made on the fly and take very little time to complete. 320fps is also quite impressive (and the fastest of the Diamond line). At the bottom of the chart, you can see how much draw weight came off per limb bolt turn. This cam system is really top notch, and don't let the fact that this bow is marketed for children and youth trick you into thinking otherwise. If the cam timing is correct, you will create a rock-solid back wall using the included limb stops. The premium materials and expert craftsmanship can actually be seen on this bow's limbs. Adjusting the draw length of a Diamond Edge 320 compound bow is easy. The Infinite Edge Pro's silencing features is a nice way to stay focused outdoors. Sadly enough, the Infinite Edge Pro does not have the same and efficient cam setup that the Diamond Edge 320 has. A 3-Pin Tundra sight comes with the edge 320. Add to cart. Here are the potential problems you may need to deal with if you decide to choose this bow: Although a minor issue (and a subjective one), the uncomfortable sensation that some hunters feel when holding this bows grip isnt a good thought to deal with. Able to handle more than 65 ft. lbs. Sell one like this . I went and actually sent some arrows downrange. Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription. There are brass nock points and a peep sight on the bow but they are not installed. By the way there I am going to add two charts one is for DW, DL, and speed and the other chart will be about DW change per turn of the limb bolt. Below well be focusing on the Diamond Edge 320s archery tech: This compound bow's riser is built tough and smart. 29 Lb. It cam timing close but not perfectly. 340s same grain 100s nothing new same arrow Ive been shooting. Maybe Everyone doesnt experience this but some people experienced it. Lighter bows can be great for mobility while adding weight or dampeners can virtually eliminate vibration. When you see IBO listed for a bow, it is frequently tested at this standard. Especially in 11 turns, you can take off the string with your bear hand. The ability to change the bows usability so drastically means that a new archer can use this bow to the same extent a seasoned hunter can, with both archers enjoying the experience equally. In my testing, the Diamond Edge 320 only reached a 30.5-inch draw when at 70 pounds draw weight. As with the entire Edge Series, the adjustability of the DIAMOND ARCHERY Edge 320 32in 7-70lbs Compound Bow makes it the perfect bow for the beginning and experienced archer alike, with the ease of tunability that only the Synchronized Binary Cam System offers. The decision mainly has got to do with one key trait that hunters are actually looking for: adjustability. is a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Program. well, of any weight, reallyan 85% let-off can provide a lot of comfort. If I collide or hit something solid like stone or something in freezing temperatures in winter it may shatter or tear. Its an interesting and unique bowand its designed to outperform Diamonds most popular bow, which would be the Infinite Edgeand theres more to it than meets the eye, in our humble opinion. Welcome to The Complete Guide to Archery ( But if you plan to carry fixed-blade broadheads like muzzy troopers or something similar you can only fit 3 of them in this quiver. The draw weight ranges from 7 to 70 pounds, which is low enough for everyone from small kids getting their first bow, to veteran bowhunters who want to harvest elk. Check out the Bowtech Diamond Infinite Edge Pro review below: The Infinite Edge Pro also follows the same Diamond Archery philosophy of making it nice and easy for hunters. You cant avoid them. So we should count their weight too. Expect only great durability and expert craftsmanship on Diamond Archery bows. Max draw weights can typically be reduced by 10lbs. When you're looking for the differences between the 320 and the other bows in the Diamond line, here it is: the let-off and the FPS. Its a close call with these two Diamond Archery compound bows, but the Diamond Edge 320 slightly overcomes the Infinite Edge Pro in this battle. To make the most out of adjusting the Infinite Edge Pro's draw weight, please make sure that whatever changes you make on one end should also be done on the other! A good example would be making use of an arrow setup that more or less has a rating of 274 fps. Available in different colors. For a compound bow that focuses on adjustability, the Diamond Edge 320 does offer a nice kinetic energy output. I likewise review some information for the setup of the Diamond Edge 320. for my son (14). Best Spring Food Plot Blends For Whitetail. Bestseller No. They didn't stop there. Shooting speed is excellent with the Diamond Edge 320. Getting the right setup may just be an archers best friend, allowing for a better and successful hunting experience. Let-off is great for everyone, but it's particularly great for bowhunters, as it can provide a lot of comfort when you're at full draw (especially if you've got the bow dialed all the way up to a 70-pound draw weight). Speed for the extra punch, Comes With Sight, Rest, Stabilizer, and Quiver, I think the 3-Pin Sight Is Minimal In Features, Quiver Mount and Cam-Lock Design Can Be Cumbersome, EZ-Adjust Labeling Sticker Is Prone To Weathering. Not sure though. It took only minutes to set the bows draw length and draw weight to my needs, and I was ready to begin sending arrows downrange in no time. What is most notable regarding the Edge 320, is how much a value it is. The 320 differs from other Diamond line bows in two major ways: the let-off and the FPS. Here are some potential blunders you may need to face when choosing this bow: It isnt that the Diamond Edge 320 misses its mark when shooting. Ended: Jan 12, 2023. The Diamond Edge SB1 vs the Infinite Edge Pro: Which is Right for You in 2023? nice overview on the Infinite Edge Pro here, Diamond Atomic compared to PSE Mini Burner, Diamond SB1 compared to Infinite Edge Pro. Diamond Deploy Custom Compound Bowstring & Cable. The chance to be able to control this energy potential means that this bow can take down even massive targets. Products [25] BowTech 100 Dark Shadows . Diamond Archery have hooked the Edge 320 up with premium performance features like the Bowtech synchronized binary cam system and Octane R.A.K. Now lets see the chart to get a clear idea of what I am trying to say to you here. But if I say you honestly it cant be more than 80% just my realization. For other Diamond comparisons, check these. By the way, actually, this draws length and draw weight correlation is very true for all other compound bows so you cant blame Diamond edge 320 for this. Overall, two strong thumbs up. Choose Options. As expected from a Diamond Archery bow, the Infinite Edge Pro's limbs do offer great durability. The Edge 320 is a very adjustable compound bow and well suited to use by men, women, and children alike. Able to choose in an amazing draw weight window, this means that both bows can be used by archers of all ages and sizes. Taking advantage of the Edge 320s rotating cam modules, making draw length adjustments is as simple as removing two screws, rotating the modules to align the designated indexing marks, and retightening the cam screws. The Diamond Edge 320 is an extension of the company's massively popular Diamond Edge lineup. Lihat profil Nadhif Iza Aulia di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional terbesar di dunia. F.I.T.A, N.A.A., Collegiate Archery, And J.O.A.D. If any area was lacking, it would be in regards to the accessories included in the compound bow package, most notably the sight and quiver. We'll tell you what we like, what we don't like, and give you a "wrap up" summary at the bottom. Haha, liability becomes assets. Please try again later. Yeah, feel it feels good and effortless to hold in the full draw. Add to cart. When first holding theEdge 320in my hand, I was quite impressed by its fit and finish. Last update on 2021-05-19 / Affiliate links / Images . On the bulkier end of the spectrum, Diamond delivers with the Edge SB-1 and the Edge 320. On Diamond Archery's website, the price cap hits at $749, hundreds of dollars less than BowTech's top-of-the-line bow. ), that "320" refers to the FPS measurement. Timing is on. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bowaddicted_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_2',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bowaddicted_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Although purely speculation, I would feel safe saying that this sticker would not fare well with time when exposed to the elements. It is a very economical way to get a good functional compound bow. Please test and choose which adjustment setting will best suit your shooting needs! But that's just a guess. Please do make sure that the limb bolts aren't adjusted beyond what's noted on the MIN mark of the EZ Adjust tech - you need to do this to prevent any potential damage on your bow. Deploy SB RAK. Its also a little longer than other bows in the Diamond line, at 32 inches, which can provide some stability for shots at farther distancesand advantage when target shooting, but also when bowhunting. this way you can do all the work. A worthy compound bow to have out in the wild, the Infinite Edge Pros excellent kinetic energy management does make it a great and reliable choice. Interesting thing is that edge 320 does a great job in 29 to 22 inches daw length. and 2 lb. These rests have provided many archers with years of dedicated service, and are favored by many bowhunters for their ability to keep an arrow in place, despite less than favorable conditions. That makes it memorable, in a way. The axle-to-axle length is 32 inches, which is a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle longer than you'll see on a lot of other hunting bows, and longer than you see on other Diamond bows. What spine arrow, what weight tips? The biggest assets that the Infinite Edge Pro provides for shooters is the excellent kinetic energy output and impressive draw length range. This compound bow comes in three settings for hunters to get the right values. The Edge 320 has a longer ATA length than the Diamonds other models. The brace height on the 320 is a little higher than you'll see on a lot of hunting bows, at 7.25 inches (in fact, it's higher than you'll see on the Diamond Infinite Edge and the Diamond SB-1, which both have a brace height of 7 inches)so it may be a little more forgiving of imperfections in your draw cycle. of kinetic energy, this compound bow does have the potential to take down even large hunting targets. Draw length adjustment is done by setting the correct length value using the bow's rotating mod system. Sadly enough, the Infinite Edge Pro does not have the same and efficient cam setup that the Diamond Edge 320 has. The Edge 320 is preset to factory specifications of 26 inches draw length. How Do I Adjust the Draw Length of the Edge 320? Again, In a 30-inch draw length its dont measure exactly 30 inches rather it measures about 29 7/8 inches. So there you go! Everything measures in spec strings were on it when I purchased it. This is one of those bows that makes us feel very comfortable recommending Diamond products. And seeing how this somehow mirrors the Diamond Edge 320, well be matching this bow to see how itll fare! The following is a comprehensive look at what I found to be true of the Infinite Edge in the form of features and functionality. The 85% is really getting up thereyou're in the upper echelon of bows when you start to see 85% and 90%and that 85% let-off is the highest let-off available in Diamond's Edge line of bows (at the time we wrote this post, of course! To make sure that the module screws stay tight after making draw length changes, apply some Loctite 242 on the threads. Though I have some doubt if it actually has this amount of let-off or if its just a stunt for marketing. The Diamond Infinite Edge bow review does highlight a key element - kinetic energy management. Get the most out of Diamond's newest Cutting Edge Innovation. This is the top-of-the-line Diamond offering, and we think it's a fantastic bow. On the range, set at a draw length of 29 inches and a draw weight of 70 pounds, the Edge SB-1 propelled my 380-grain arrow at 289 fps. It seems that you are going to get 320 fps speed for 30-inch DL As we already know IBO requires 30-inch DL for speed measurement. Here's what makes the Infinite Edge Pro excel: This compound bow comes with standard riser and grip designs. Diamond went ahead in making sure that more archers can make the most out of their bows. This comes as a distinct advantage, minimizing excess expenditure on additional accessories and getting you on the range or in the woods in record time a fully outfitted hunting bow. Although the 5-inch stabilizer might not look like much, it proved its merit beyond what I could have expected. The tough yet light skeletonized frame that this compound bow has doesnt only offer durability. It's interesting to note that the 7- to 70-pound range, broad though it may be, isn't as broad as the range of the Diamond Infinite Edge, which has a draw range of 5- to 70-pounds. With the opportunity to set values from 5 to 70 lbs., this compound bow allows for versatile hunting solutions. I also take a first look at the Muzzy One broadhead. The compound bow itself looks excellent (mossy oak) and is a leader in ease of use, versatility and adjustability! The particular bow I shot featured a Mossy Oak Break-Up finish, though both black and purple blaze finishes are also offered. There are other features that are a little more flashy, but it's the cams that make this a stand-out (and if we're being honest, it's almost always the cams that make a good bow and stand-out bow). Its good to have 7 inc brace height because of edge 320s high brace height is more forgiving. Diamond's most user-friendly design ever at a tremendous price, the Edge 320 Compound Bow R.A.K. Custom Grips and Side Plates for the Bowtech and Diamond bows. Now might want to know what about edge 320 ok its limb bolt is as usual made of plastic. Additionally, the tough construction allows for longer stays out in the wild, perfect for those long hunting sessions. In this video, I review the Diamond Edge 320. Good luck, have fun, and safe shooting! of a Diamond bow, and if you're shooting from a draw weight of. (Ready Aim Kill) package to deliver . Versatile and adjustable components make hunting gear great for beginner or experienced archers Weighing only 3.6 lbs, the hunting bow comes with adjustable draw weight up to 70 lbs Shooting up to 320 FPS, Edge 320 archery bow gives fast and sharp power to hunting challenges See more product details Product information Technical Details This includes the bowstring with a length of 61.156 and cable length of 38.625. The Edge 320 generate 320 FPS of game-stopping power to take on any hunting challenge. The Edge 320 is the only choice for premium performance without the shot to your wallet. Aside from the EZ Adjust tech integration (which we will also discuss below), this compound bow's poundage has a wide range of 7 to 70 lbs. A forum community dedicated to bow and crossbow owners and archery enthusiasts. Although I didnt see anyone complain that their cable Sutterd for that or anything like that. I will suggest you change the sight as its very basic. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Here's how they do all that, and why it's a big deal: the synchronized cams are designed to be both perfectly symmetrical and perfectly in tune, so that when you release the bow string, both cams move forward at *exactly* the same rate of speed. The SB-1 behaves the same way. Definitely, its more troublesome for newb archers to adjust. The 3-pin Tundra sightincluded in the rack pack is functional yet fairly standard in its features. This will be helpful to beginners who are looking for more accuracy and forgiveness when shooting. Even though there are other details that make this the top-of-the-line Diamond offering (for now, anyway! Doing so allows for easier installation of various shooting accessories and enhancements, should you choose to have it on the bow. We discussed the draw length of this bow, and mentioned that it's a good option for tall folks. The first stop would be your local authorized Diamond dealer. I tested the Edge 320 in real life. On the other hand, its advertised as having 15 to 31-inch draw length adjustability but it doesnt go under 16 inches. As mentioned earlier, the machined aluminum fixture of this compound bow does help in better handling. Just bought this bow at Bass Pro Shop the Black model they had on sale for $348. Although accurate, especially among beginners, seasoned shooters may notice that there seems to be something off with how this bow lets arrows fly. Upon drawing the Edge 320,I instantly notedhowsmoothits overall draw cycle was. Its quite a good compound bow its adjustability, accuracy, shooting ability, comfort everything is great. One surprise about that detail, however, like the SB-1, is that it wont reach the advertised peak draw length when it is at the maximum draw weight. Due to the lightweight design and construction, expect little to no noise from the Diamond Edge 320. Build your smart and connected home with Google Nest home . This is an adjustable bow that offers extreme versatility and features a wide range of usability. Many adjustable bows are adjustable up to a 30-inch draw length, which is good for folks up to about 6-foot-3-inches tallso if you're taller than 6-foot-3-inches, this may be a good option. . These are where the bow really stands out. because in the 10th turn of the limb bolt the string becomes too loose to shoot. Ok, so theres the overview. And these two main factors all rely on one common point - adjustability. Its peak draw length advertises 31 inches that actually not true. Premium performance for an acceptable price! The arrow nock travel flat nock trajectory. This entry bow tends to have plastic limb bolts and mods. If they come into the valley quickly it makes a clicking sound. Although this compound bow does not have the mirrored advantage of the Diamond Edge 320's cam system, the wide weight adjustment range of the Infinite Edge Pro can be considered as a great trade-off. All these little details add up to a hunting bow that's a little larger than some of its peersperhaps not by much, but a littlebut one that's designed to provide more accuracy. Its a perfect sight for new archers. The Diamond Edge 320's grip is excellent as well, offering some much-needed stability when taking shots. This post is a review of the Diamond Edge 320 compound bow. As such, replacement on some of the accessories that come with this compound bow is needed to deliver satisfying accuracy. Blazing Fast 320 fps I.B.O. The Diamond Infinite Edge is based around a dual cam eccentric system. What Are The Specs of the Diamond Edge 320. Similar to the Diamond Edge 320 setup, the Infinite Edge Pro's design allows for a silent and efficient way to let loose arrows outdoors. The 320 continues in that effort, and it offers a draw length range from 15 inches to 31 inches. Do take note that each dot on the EZ pocket corresponds to at least 6.5% of the Diamond Edge 320's peak weight. The Edge 320 is made by Diamond Archery. Now its clear that if your draw weight is 31 inches or 28 inches you cant go under 30 lbs draw weight. Much of this centers around the bows adaptability to the needs of virtually any archer. 85% is very impressive. With an axle to axle length of 31 inches, the Edge SB-1 is a compact bow that's ideal for hunting and target shooting. Pretty respectable in my opinion. Diamond Edge 320 RH: Condition: Used. Its okay for everyone but be careful if you buy it for a kid I as stated before its lower draw weight adjustability is worse. They may be cooking up something new as we speak). For what its worth, the Diamond Edge 320 proves to be a valuable bow during hunts mainly because of the ease of making adjustments on it. Edge 320 Innovations The leader in ease of use, versatility, and adjustability now features premium performance, that other bows can't touch at a price too good to pass up. For professional assistance, please only have the Diamond Edge 320 compound bow's draw length adjusted in an authorized Diamond Archery dealer. Every budget, beginner, or entry-level bow anything you call it, comes with very basic and cheap accessories. Choose Options. Constructed out of quality materials, the machined aluminum build of the Infinite Edge Pro does promote stability and accuracy. another important topic I was about to forget. Bow seems to have gotten louder and developed some hand shock it didnt seem to have before. Accuracy, however, takes a step back. True to form, the Diamond Edge 320 features an effective draw weight range of 7-70 pounds, and a variable draw length of 15"-31". Advertises 31 inches good functional compound bow is easy that, good places to start are,! 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