I am retired and on a fixed income. Gexa Energy offers several plans for customers to choose from. If you do not have an online MyGexa account,sign up now! Please contact me or bill me immediately! I am not even going to dispute previous overate and incorrect billing. Budget Billing is designed to make your bill more predictable, so you can more easily budget for your energy costs year round. To see for which payment arrangements your account is eligible, simplysign-in to your online MyGexa account. Meanwhile, Gexa has been Better Business Bureau accredited since 2010. A Young Girl, Request A Quote > Shop Plans for Your Home I was and learned the hard way. If the payment form you wish to use is not shown, you can add it under the Payment Accounts section. I am not even going to dispute previous overate and incorrect billing. Apparently, my rate is based on my staying within 2000 kWh, which provides a magic $100 discount that then gives me the rate I'm supposed to get? When I received the following months bill I realized that the current kWh readings were 400 kWh less than the previous bill. 1/7/2022 1225 $105.37 $87.70 $17.67 As indicated, Gexa Energy invoiced your account according to the usage reported by Oncor, however your July invoice included a true-up caused by underbilling on your account. Im confused at this point because I did not close my account. Gexa Energy provides small and large businesses with strategies and plans to reduce costs while maintaining service reliability. Ladonna ****** Your complaint states that you received a high bill and requested a meter re-read but were denied the request. I was approved through a government assistance program to pay $450 towards my balance which left me with a $250 credit. actual charges of $914.92 for Actual usage of 4824 kWh from 6/10/2022 to 7/11/2022 (of which only 4671 kWh billed due to the difference in replacement usage). They gave me the run-around and I contacted the state agency regarding this and also got the run-around. Texas Electricity Rates with Green Energy Plans up to 38% off other big brands. Make Gexa Energy bill payments in one of our many . This is fraud. I signed a 12-month contract in September 2019. Learn more. Somehow my months are always slightly above 2000 like 2010 or 2022. Desired outcome: You must be calling some where over seas and nobody talks any English. Daylio Vs Journey, Further review of your account indicates the following: On August 10, 2022 Gexa Energy issued your first months invoice of $429.33 for a reported usage of 1821 kWh from 7/6/2022 to 8/9/2022. This section always appears at the bottom of the first page. Back to Support Gexa Energy Contact Information & Support. It has now been over 48 business hours and no contact. Cannot consume 928kWh (12/22-12/28), then 783kWh (12/22-12/30). Only my first month was below because you can cancel without penalties within the first 3 days. It would vary some what but not that much. Please be aware payments may take up to three business days. La Minoune Jeu De Carte, I paid some of the first of course and was calling their customer service complaining that the bill was extremely high during the billing period in question I was out of town 3/4 of the time; so there is no way the meter is correct. A supervisor callback request has also been opened for your ex-husbands previous Gexa Energy account, regarding the outstanding balance due. To cancel your payment, you will have to unenroll from the Auto Pay program. We thank you for providing us with an opportunity to address your complaint. A Usage Credit of $100.00 will be included for each billing cycle when your usage is between 1000 kWh and 2000 kWh. The way in which Gexa advertises their plan is at best misleading, at worst it is a scam plan. We appreciate your feedback. 33 Year Cycle Astrology, Honey Gold rewards is one of the best parts of Honey. If you use between 1,500 and 1,999 kWh a month on the 12-month plan, you will receive a $50 usage credit. Automatically apply all 29 codes at checkout with one click, Price-Protected Guaranteed Plan Texas Electricity 12mo rate up to 50% off other big brands. We contact Gexa on our own this evening (9/12) and were given the run around once again. endobj Credits always appear with a minus sign (-) before the amount. I always pay my bills on time, but do work on a monthly budget, the whole situation has me unduly stressed. Gexa Energy is committed to improving the customer experience. A supervisor will be contacting you shortly to discuss the next steps required to submit a meter test. Walden Mega Magic Uk, The next day I get a bill for the entire amount again, despite already having paid half. Method Wow Drama, The representative advised that he could re-enroll your account on the same plan and processed a new enrollment on the Gexa Saver Deluxe 12 plan with an Energy Charge of 20 cents per kWh. They tell me my account was closed. In June, my husband and I expected cost to go up as we were using the AC more. As a new customer, you'll receive a $100 bill credit for every month that you use between 1,000 and 2,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. Stefano Pessina House, Yin Lee Avatar, Business Hours. They reviewed the tape of the call and found that in fact their employee had not explained it accurately. While the BBB is a paid accreditation, we have included here as a measure of brand awareness in the eyes of the consumer. Gexa Energy Optimizer Service makes it easy to save money with smart thermostats professionally installed for convenience. At over 1000k kWh, Gexa credits me with $100. If you do not have an online MyGexa account,sign up now! Rimworld Embrasures Temperature, This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Payment Received The payments Gexa Energy has received up to the statement date. Yevgeny Nikolaevich Lebedev, d6da,n%=`SyXdj&i2_Ts=". I have calculated by own as per kWh usage and above energy charges. Apparently, the plan was supposed to be described to us as "at the end of the contract, all outstanding costs are owed". If you have questions about your Gexa Energy bill payment, contact Gexa directly here. No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. Variable-rate plans: A variable-rate plan doesnt have a contract, meaning you can walk away anytime. Residential deposits can be refunded after a customer pays their monthly Gexa Energy bill on-time for 12 consecutive months. I did pay the bill because it is due and did not want to be delinquent, but I refuse to continue doing business with them. Pay Online. A detailed review of your account indicates that you began service with Gexa Energy on 7/7/2021. AEP had mixed my line with his, so Ive been paying for his usage and he for mine. 11/3/2021 1056 $76.90 $62.50 $14.40 Happy days, who would turn that down? To honor our old rate for the past 2 bills since we were given no notice, and give us the opportunity to then renew once paid. Your account was automatically reinstated on the same plan. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will Gexa Energy require a deposit? Gexa Energy offers GexaConnects, a service that helps you quickly and easily sign up for high-speed internet, digital TV, and home phone service when you move. BBB is here to help. . The RECs Gexa purchases represent the renewable attributes of power generated from a variety of renewable energy sources, including, but not limited to, the sun, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave or tidal energy, and biomass or biomass-based waste products, including landfill gas. Were proud to be part of the worlds largest producer of wind and solar energy. On March 30, 2022 Gexa Energy issued your final invoice of $664.62 which included a balance forward of $375.49 and current charges of $154.78 for a usage of 1037 kWh from 3/8/2022 to 3/26/2022. Horrible! These philanthropic initiatives include: Gexa Energy offers fixed-rate and variable-rate plans, with contracts ranging from 12 to 36 months all powered by 100% green energy. Contract ended 12/30, then I get this bill. Slugma Slugma Kappa, Gexa Happiness Guarantee, Texas power company "100% Green" cheap rates No solar panels - up to 42% off other big brands. On August 17, 2022 Gexa Energy received your email stating that you do not believe your meter was read correctly. If you have not already registered you can do so now and start enjoying simple and secure payments. They subsequently sent me bills on 9/7/22 for an April 12th and May bill, which I had already paid. Be on alert for utility service disconnection scams- Please be aware your local utilitywill never call you seeking payment. last month I paid the highest electric bill I have ever seen 09/02/2022. Residential and Business Customer Service. Since your family may be spending more time at home right now, you can keep up-to-date with your electricity usage by creating an online account. Katharine Viner Husband, Im furious. Saturday: 8:00 am 2:00 pm. Two representatives from Gexa told me that my contract for 10.9 cents per 1,000 kwh only works if my usage is exactly 1,000 kwh for the billing cycle. Gexa Energy was first mentioned on PissedConsumer on Jan 04, 2008 and since then this brand received 89 reviews.. Gexa Energy ranks 121 of 746 in Utility category. According to Gexa Energy, between 12/22-12/28 my electricty usage was 928 kWh. The agent advised that an adjustment could not be applied to a closed account, however failed to adequately investigate your concern. Switching plans or providers is easy. I signed up for your Gexa Saver 24 expecting a rate close to 13.8c kWh. Or you can manually copy and paste the codes when checking out on the Gexa Electricity & Energy site to see if they work for you. GET STARTED! We recommend this plan if you live in an apartment or a small house because youll likely qualify for a bill credit. Texas electricity discounted rates up to 45% off PLUS $75 GEXA bill credit with Happiness Guarantee. For each of these measures, providers were assessed on a yes or no basis. Gexa has not contacted me regarding my billing. Gexa Energy is committed to improving the customer experience. A detailed review of your account indicates that you began service with Gexa Energy on August 12, 2020. You requested to cancel your account as of 9/12/2022 due to a Move Out. Trying to reach a supervisor is impossible! 783/392 is doctored. Jackdaw Spiritual Meaning, Visit your nearest Money Services store with your digital code and bill stub to pay your Gexa Energy bill with the assistance of our friendly associates. We thank you for providing us with an opportunity to address your complaint. Gexa Saver Value 12: Bill credits for this 12-month, fixed-rate plan start at $35 a month when your usage is between 500 and 999 kWh and increase to $50 a month when you use between 1,000 and 1,500 kWh. On September 10, you contacted Gexa to state that you are not being billed the same price you were originally on and requested a billing adjustment. Jimmy Nail Sons, Tim Cook House, Select the Switch Payment Accounts arrow and choose a new form of payment. Sheep Card Game, Then we received a cut off notice, called back, got the same answer BUT this time the rep said we had to pay the almost $600 so that they could then reverse it and it would "wipe out" the error. As indicated, Gexa Energy has invoiced your account in accordance with the usage reported by Oncor. We promise not to send you any unrelated messages, Click here if youd like to unsubscribe from notifications about new complaints of Gexa Energy. They told me it would take 21 days. Exclusive Texas energy code delivers lower rates up to 45% off other big brands. You are 65 or older and are not currently late on payments for any electric service account. The wife and I are hit with a surprise charge of over $1600 dollars from Gexa. Our records confirm that no new invoices have generated yet as of this date. ;no other attempts were made to even make sure d received the infothe supervisor i d spoke to 10-19-2022She told me mixed up tails at the beginning and at the end! However, if youre looking for the shortest-term plan, their Flex Rewards plan is month to month. No-deposit plans allow you to skip the deposit and the credit check. I am refusing to pay until I get answers as to why it was cancelled in the first place and why I did not receive the original contractually agreed upon price. Phil Spencer Age, Learn more by checking our, Headquarters: 20455 State Highway 249, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77070, Customer service: 713-961-9399 or 866-961-9399, Everything you need to know about Gexa Energy, Frequently asked questions about Gexa Energy, Do not sell or share my personal information. Avail daily usage data--will show consumption was over 1000kWh by 12/30. Essentially, they put me on a plan that was two times as expensive since they could not figure out who contacted them to cancel the original contract. You can unenroll in Auto Pay by logging in to your account portal and clicking the UN-ENROLL AND STOP AUTO BILL PAY button, located in the Payment Options section of the Payment Center. The agent advised that a payment would be required in order to send a reconnection order and waived the late fees on your account as a courtesy due to the improper call handling. If you do not meet the deposit exception requirement or demonstrate a satisfactory credit history, you may be required to pay a deposit in order for your service to start with Gexa. Redhead Girl Looney Tunes Character, Somehow my bill that month was similar to previous month. We thank you for providing us with an opportunity to address your complaint. Gexa Energy meets all of those expectations, which is why were happy to include them in our marketplace. Cancel my Contract or Put Me on the FIXED RATE you promised. Some cookies are essential for you to use our site, while other cookies collect data about your browsing habits. Auto Pay How do I view my scheduled Auto Pay? Let us show you how. They do NOT bring affordable electricity plans Desired outcome: We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused you. Choose Energy only partners with trusted providers that meet strict criteria, including reliability, variety of plans, affordability, and customer satisfaction. This place and the people that operate it are CORRUPT TO THE CORE! If a deposit is needed, well let you know immediately. We we realized this, Gexa offered to open up an internal investigation on our behalf to find out if we were given incorrect information. This plan isn't well explained when you sign up. Any bill due after your date on unenrollment will need to be paid manually. Lock in a low fixed-price plan today for peace of mind and price protection for a year. Cancel account without early termination penalties. . If that occurs, an individual line item for each charge/credit will appear below the TDU Delivery Charges. Always read a plans Electricity Facts Label (EFL) to learn about important information, including: After signing up for your new electricity plan, Gexa Energy will work with your local utility company to get your service started. We did that, than it showed up again and again another shut off notice. Also, under fix plan my rate should match the amount set by the terms of the planhowever they will write in * small print a higher rate by about 7 cents per kWh and said allow by law? (EFL) to learn about important information, including: The rate per kWh based on your electricity usage, The percentage of energy sourced by renewable sources, You can expect to see both Gexa Energy and local utility charges on your. I have the same problem and question also the accuracy of the reading My bill goes up and down. Previously it was .06. Desired outcome: We thank you for providing us with an opportunity to address your complaint. Really?Scam and dishonestyThey also claim to be BBB acredited but, they are not according to the BBB. I live alone in a 1 bedroom!! Gexa Energy reviews show mixed support for Gexa services (Yelp & Reddit versus Home Energy Club & Bird Eye), but offer 100% renewable electricity plans, and the Gexa Energy login, MyGexa, for customer account management and Gexa Energy bill pay. Gexa Energy is committed to improving the customer experience. Register Are you ready to make managing your account even easier? I will really appreciate if you can investigate my matter and refund whatever I have been over charged and from next month onwards generate invoice as per my agreement. They told me they got my account back on 10/14. Businesses can also take advantage of Gexa Energys commercial electricity, with Texas-based customer service, efficiency services, and access to NextEras wind and solar investments. If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Business Profile. Energy solutions for businesses of all sizes. % This portion repeats the billing date, account number, and payment due date and includes the customers mailing address, the amount due, the payment remittance mailing address, and contact phone numbers for payment with a credit card. Travis Kelce Instagram, A detailed review of your account indicates that you began service with Gexa Energy on 7/6/2022. 42% OFF. That would be enough profit for them. Read about how we make money to learn more. On July 2022, I received my monthly bill from Gexa for dates 5/4-6/8, some time after I received a corrected bill for 3 times the amount for the same days, 5/4-6/8. Gexa Energy offers several payment arrangement options. The rep i was now speaking with let me know that i had the choice of paying $179 today or my electricity would stay off and on top of that they are expecting another $300 on the 26th of this month!! International Association of Better Business Bureaus. When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints. Simply enter your details online then head to your nearest Money Services location before 8pm that same day to finalize the payment. Invoice Data kWh Usage Total Invoiced Amount Expected amount as per my calculation Difference over charge I AM GETTING LEGAL ASSISTANCE NOW! Frontier distinguishes themselves by supplying their customers with good value and with highly personalized service using their proprietary industry-leading technology. Cancellation fees vary depending on the provider and the length of your plan, so check the Electricity Facts Label (EFL) before signing up. On March 31, 2022 our records indicate you spoke with a Gexa Energy representative who confirmed that your billing dispute had completed, and your usage was found to be accurate. They then tell me it was closed out and transferred to another company. On August 1, our records indicate you called to question the increased usage reported on your July 15. Again, despite already having paid half, d6da, n % = ` SyXdj & ''... To cancel your payment, you can cancel without penalties within the page... Be contacting you shortly to discuss the next day I get a for... Are not according to Gexa Energy is committed to improving the customer experience Energy bill payments in one our... Online then head to your online MyGexa account, sign up now up. Offers several plans for your Home I was and learned the hard way be included for each billing when. 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