Children from families with incomes at or below 130 percent of the poverty level are eligible for free meals. Our goals include: Henrico, Va. Dec. 9, 2022 To meet an increasing demand for substitute teachers on Fridays, Henrico County Public Schools will increase the daily rate for classroom substitute teachers to $131 on Fridays beginning Jan. 6. Highlands Elementary School Unclaimed 1600 Shepard Road, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Contact info Website 7 /10 GreatSchools Rating 13 reviews Public school 585 Students Grades PK-5 Updates Compare 7 /10 GreatSchools Summary Rating 7/10 Test Scores above average 7/10 Student Progress above average 6/10 Equity average Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 Welcome to An Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Highland Springs Elementary School. Highland Elementary strives to be an EXCELLENT SCHOOL. . High-performing schools earn three-year waivers from annual accreditation, although performance on school quality indicators is reported annually. Virginia schools are focused on the following school quality indicators in meeting the objectives of the federal law: The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires annual testing in reading in grades 3-8 and once during high school. Instructional Assistant: Tiffany Stanley, Mrs. Phanomrat Mookkung - Cafeteria Worker I During the summer of 2021, the first cohort of students at An Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Highland Springs Elementary transitioned to An Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Fairfield Middle School for summer intersession. Division Website (opens new window). department: - all departments - adult education centerarthur ashe elem schoolarthur ashe elementary schoolbrookland middle schoolc&m school administration buildingcte resource centercashell donahoe elementary schoolcentral officechamberlayne elementary schoolcharles m johnson elementary schoolcolonial trail elementary schoolcrestview elementary Superintendent: Dr. Amy E. Cashwell Teacher: Charise Armstead, Teacher, Chair: April Prentiss *, Mrs. Melanie Zimmerman - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 3 Floor/Area Square-Footage: 67,063 804-652-3600. Dear Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Highland Springs Elementary School Family, It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to you as the incoming principal of Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Highland Springs Elementary School. View School Flyers, Mr. Rodolfo Castillo - Building Service Manager III, Ms. Shelley Harvard Campbell - Paraeducator Spec Ed Every Dreamer will demonstrate grade level proficiency in the areas of reading, math, science, and social studies by the end of the 2021-2022 School Year. Instructional Assistant: Connie King In 1905, the one-room schoolhouse located there sheltered 27 students in grades 1 through 6. Studies show that well-nourished students are better learners. Support our mission. Highland Elementary Staff Directory., Mrs. Robin Schultz - Teacher Instrumental Music Principal: Shannon M. Washington Associate Principal: TBD Director of Operations and Student Services: April Jones Office Staff Secretary: Ta'Eisha Eddings Office Assistant: Debbie Gilbert School Nurse Amy Roessner Federal Programs Preschool Teacher: Heather Hamm Instructional Assistant: Ginny Deasy Teacher: Michelle Sawyer, Ms. Alison Clarke-Pentz - Teacher ESOL Thank you, Henrico County []. Practice test items representative of the content and skills included in current Standards of Learning assessments are available on the, This chart displays the percentage of students passing state science tests. Cafeteria Assistant: Selena Curry Funding may be used to address students academic, social, emotional and mental health needs. Meet the staff at Highlands Elementary School . Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse educational, social, and civic learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens. Students at this school are making less academic progress from one grade to the next We will work hard to build relationships, rapport, and make connections with all our children. Cafeteria Assistant Manager: Joyce Garlick The School Breakfast Programis a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritious breakfast meals to students. This years recipient is Crissy Lynn, a [], The purpose of the American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief or ESSER III fund is to help sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on the nations students. An Achievable Dream graduates continue their education and go on to successful careers to include lawyers, teachers, engineers and naval officers., Mr. Charles Lund - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 5 Does this school offer opportunity for all its students, or leave some behind? Back To Top. Teacher: Chante Hunt Apply on employer site., Mrs. Claire Brinker - Classroom Teacher STEM Specialist Highland Elementary School 3100 Medway Street Silver Spring, MD 20902., Mrs. Phanomrat Mookkung - Lunch Hour Aide Perm . Online Services | Calendars | Directory | Email Search | Employees | School Board & BoardDocs | Communications, P.O. The combined rate used to evaluate academic achievement in English in high schools includes students who pass state tests and English learners making progress toward learning English., Questions about this site? Practice test items representative of the content and skills included in current Standards of Learning assessments are available on the, This chart displays the percentage of students passing state writing tests. Yes, students who attend AADCA at Fairfield Middle School will participate in sports with Fairfield Middle School students. GreatSchools is the leading nonprofit providing high-quality information that supports parents pursuing a great education for their child, schools striving for excellence, and communities working to diminish inequities in education., Ms. Kimberly Weedon - Paraeducator Spec Ed Speech Therapist: McKenzie Childs Teacher: Arden Locher Laura: LaHue: Principal: 993-3300: Sloane: Junge: Secretary: 993-3300: Peggy: Moellers: Nurse: 993-3300 Participation is optional. Instructional Assistant (Kindergarten): Louise Pontonporo Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of the school year, regardless of reason., Mrs. Molly Padgett - Paraeducator Spec Ed Level One No more than one student group performing at Level Two and no student group performing at Level Three, Level Two Two or more student groups performing at Level Two and no more than one student group performing at Level Three, Level Three Two or more student groups performing at Level Three, Percent Passing Percent of students in school or group passing state English tests, Percent Passing With Recovery Percent of students in school or group passing state English tests after remedial instruction, Percent Showing Growth Percent of non-passing students who improved compared with prior performance on state English tests, Percent Showing EL Progress or Proficiency Percent of English-language learners passing state English-language proficiency tests or making progress toward English-language proficiency, Accreditation Combined Rate Percent of students in school or group meeting state standard for achievement, growth or progress, No Proficiency, Growth or Progress Percent of students in school or group not meeting state standard for achievement, growth or progress, Percent Passing Percent of students in school or group passing state mathematics tests, Percent Passing With Recovery Percent of students in school or group passing state mathematics tests after remedial instruction, Percent Showing Growth Percent of non-passing students in school or group who improved compared with prior performance on state mathematics tests, Accreditation Combined Rate Percent of students in school or group meeting state standard for achievement or growth, No Proficiency, Growth or Progress Percent of students in school or group not meeting state standard for achievement or growth, Level One Schools with a current year or three-year average overall absenteeism rate of no more than 15 percent (that is, no more than 15 percent of the students missing 10 percent of the school year), or schools that were at Level Two the prior year and decrease the rate by ten percent or more from the prior year, Level Two Schools not meeting Level-One performance with a current year or three-year average rate of no more than 25 percent, or schools that were at Level Three the prior year and decrease the rate by 10 percent or more from the prior year. Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse educational, social, and civic learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens. For more information, see, School divisions that choose to take part in the National School Lunch Program get cash subsidies and donated commodities from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for each meal they serve. HSHS Graduation 2022. Appreciation Week January 17, 2023; HCPS substitute teachers now earn more on Fridays January 10, 2023; Shady Grove Elementary School kindergarten teacher named HCPS Teacher of the Year . Costs for any community-based educational programs or alternative programs that are not part of the program offered by the school division are the financial responsibility of the parent. Student counts are reported by grade assignment, race, ethnicity, disability, English proficiency, and economic status., Ms. Vicmarie Arocho - Teacher Site Acreage: 22.5, Mrs. Shannon Dorsey - Teacher, Focus 2020-2021 math results reflect reduced student participation in state math assessments due to COVID-19. PowerSchool | Schoology | Library | CommonSense | Calendar | Anonymous Alerts. They also learn financial know-how and how to speak green, or use the language of business and money. . Number of Buildings; Number of Stories: 1 One-Story Building Receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; Is a migrant or is experiencing homelessness., Mrs. Theresa Hernandez - Teacher Art We will work hard to build relationships, rapport, and make connections with all our children., Ms. Madison Moe - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 2 We are dedicated to providing the best possible education for each child at our school. Applications have been eliminated totally in divisions that implement the community eligibility provision for all schools within the division., Ms. Debbie Martinez - Speech Pathologist At Highland Elementary, we focus on educating the whole student while having a lot of fun! Students learn important life skills through a specialized curriculum that includes ethics, etiquette, peaceful conflict resolution and healthy living. Academic achievement in mathematics in high school is evaluated based on the percentage of students passing state end-of-course tests in mathematics., Mrs. Kaitlyn Jessell - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 1 Region: 1 Henrico, Va. Dec. 12, 2022 Henrico County Public Schools employs more than 4,000 teachers, but only one is honored each year with the school divisions Teacher of the Year Award. The school also received a physical makeover to go with its new educational program: fresh paint, visually consistent signs and colorful inspirational banners, and a STEM lab in 2017-18. Teacher: Jennifer Hacker At the beginning of each school year, letters and meal applications are distributed to households of children attending school. For more information, see. Elementary School No. The collection of race and ethnicity information as specified by the U.S. Department of Education is required for eligibility for federal education funds and for accountability reports. Prior to 1890, Highland Springs was a rural area. The notice must state whether the student is eligible to return to regular school or to attend an approved alternative education program or an adult education program offered during or after the period of expulsion. Teacher: Nicole Thomas, Teacher, Chair: Chantelle Graves*, Ms. Angela Mejia - Paraeducator, Head Start The key dates formula was originally bargained in the 2015-18 CBA as a tool for staff and families so there would be consistency around calendars and dates weren't arbitrarily set. Participating schools must serve breakfasts that meet Federal nutrition standards one quarter of daily recommended levels of protein, calcium, iron, vitamins A and C and calories and must provide free and reduced-price breakfasts to eligible children. Highlands Elementary School Where children come to know who they are and who they can become. A short-term suspension (10 days of less) may be imposed by a principal, an assistant principal, or a designee teacher in the principals absence. A winding country road bisected the area. We are looking forward to an exciting new school year! Virginia students are assessed annually in mathematics in grades 3-8 and at the end of secondary courses (Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II) as needed to meet graduation requirements. It was an area of small farms that had been carved from plantations that existed before the Civil War., Mrs. Sonya Vasilios - Teacher ESOL Library Assistant: Donna Bailes, Reading Specialist: Andrea Neff Model the expectation in every situation. Monday-Thursday: 7:50 a.m. to 4:20 p.m.Friday: 7:50 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Will AADCA at Fairfield Middle School have sports? 402 FISHER AVE., SUITE 593 Monday-Thursday: 8:10 a.m. to 4:25 p.m.Friday: 8:10 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. My child is enrolled at AADCA at Fairfield M.S., Mrs. LisaMarie Campbell - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 3 Level One School is performing at or above the state standard for the indicator., Mrs. Valerie Lee - Teacher, Focus Virginias ESSA implementation plan expects that by the 2023-2024 school year, no more than 10 percent of all students, and of students in the student groups listed in this table, will be chronically absent. 1012 SW Trenton St. Seattle, WA 98106 Main Office: 206-252-8240 Contact Us. The wide variations in participation rates and learning conditions should be taken into consideration when reviewing 2020-2021 data., Mrs. Michelle Piket - Principal Asst Elementary Boise School District ., Mrs. Tracey Witthaus - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 4 Teacher: Hope Connor Teacher: Margaret Olander, Ms. Vivian Lopez - School Secretary I 10 Month ADDRESS 600 Pleasant St. Highland Springs, Va. 23075 SCHOOL HOURS Monday and Wednesday: 8:10 a.m. - 4:20 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8:10 a.m. - 2:40 p.m. School divisions that take part in the National School Lunch Program get cash subsidies and donated food items from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for each meal served. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Unique Programs: Watch D.O.G.S. Phone: 804-328-4045 If any AADCA student elects not to participate in the program, those spots in the academy will be open to students from Fair Oaks Elementary School. Teacher: Deanna Gillespie The student may apply for readmission to be effective one calendar year from the date of his or her expulsion. Those between 130 percent and 185 percent of the poverty level are eligible for reduced-price meals, for which students can be charged no more than 40 cents for lunch and 30 cents for breakfast. Note: Reading pass rates reported for high schools reflect the performance of a 12th-grade class of students who entered the ninth grade at the same time. Community and business sponsors help the program become a reality. Teacher: Cekina Dilligard Highlands Elementary School; Contact; 1600 Shepard Rd; Winter Springs, FL 32708; Phone: 407-746-6650; Our School; About Us; Business Partners; Meet Our Staff; Attend SCPS; Enrollment Information; Get Involved; Transportation;, Mrs. Lauren Haney - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 2 An Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Highland Springs Elementary School Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse educational, social, and civic learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens. Teacher: Michelle Sawyer Increasingly, Virginia schools are implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, a nationally-recognized approach to support positive academic and behavioral outcomes for students. Job. ESL Teacher: Janine Burns, Cafeteria Manager: TBD School Colors: Red and Black Employer est. A student who is chronically absent in any year between the eighth and twelfth grade isseven times more likely to drop out of school., Mrs. Holly Warner - Teacher ESOL Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive. PHONE & FAX (804) 328-8140 (p) *NEW NUMBER* (804)328-8149 (f) *NEW NUMBER More Phone Numbers, Ms. Kara Clapper - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 2 Participation in the School Breakfast Program has been linked increased achievement,reduced absenteeism and tardiness, fewer disciplinary problems, and better student health. Can my child attend the An Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Highland Springs E.S. In addition to an Achievable Dream program director at the school, AADCA at Highland Springs has a student enrichment coordinator to help shepherd the important changes. Use the newHCPS Employee Email Directory, Director of Operations and Student Services: April Jones, Teacher: Heather Hamm < = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results Staff Directory. Select Show Data for details on the combined rate for Mathematics Academic Achievement as follows: The school quality indicator for science is based on the overall percentage of students passing state science tests. The index awards full credit for students who earn a Board of Education-approved diploma and partial credit for other outcomes, as displayed in the table below. Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse educational, social, and civic learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens., Mrs. Blanca Valle - Classroom Teacher Elementary Pre-Kdgn Daytime Custodian: Myra Chavez, Ms. Susan Williams - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 5, Ms. Maria Davis - Paraeducator, Ms. Debra Davis - Food Svc Satellite Mgr III The public/private partnership with An Achievable Dream was approved by the Henrico School Board in January 2017. Division: Henrico County Public Schools This positive approach to discipline prepares teachers and principals to implement new techniques that reduce disruptive student behaviorsthat lead to suspensions and decrease instructional time., Mr. Joseph Ramienski - Teacher Physical Education History results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. Teacher: Katherine Mutter Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (opens new window) to view PDF files. Teacher: Debbie Parker Highland Park Elementary. Classroom instruction will be personalized in small group-direct instruction and provide individual assistance using a variety of strategies and technology that engages our students in the learning process. Students receiving homebound and home-based instruction are excluded from the calculation. Students who can't read at grade level by the third grade are four timesmore likely to drop out of high school. The School Breakfast Program operates by supporting breakfasts in the same manner as the National School Lunch Program. Instructional Assistant: Ginny Deasy, Ms. Barbara Cino - Teacher Staff Development The school quality indicator for graduation and completion awards full credit for students who earn state Board of Education-approved diplomas and partial credit for students who earn high school equivalency certificates. Highland Park Elementary. This years recipient is Crissy Lynn, a [], The purpose of the American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief or ESSER III fund is to help sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on the nations students. Hidden Springs Elementary School; Highlands Elementary School; . COVID-19 practices for the 2022-2023 school year, School Based Mental Health Supports & Services, Virginia School Principals Appreciation Week, HCPS substitute teachers now earn more on Fridays, Shady Grove Elementary School kindergarten teacher named HCPS Teacher of the Year, Henrico County Public Schools ESSER III Spending Plan. Cafeteria Assistant: Elaine Motley Teacher: Kimberly Winn Welcome To Highland Elementary, the home of our young Fighting Scots and where Character Counts! The principal or assistant principal must tell the student of the charges against him or her. This chart displays the percentage of kindergarten students who were previously enrolled in a public preschool within a Virginia school division. The student must be told of the charges against him or her. Participation is optional. 2020-2021 science results reflect reduced student participation in state reading assessments due to COVID-19., Mrs. Alba Ramirez - Building Service Worker Sh 2 To access the emails of the following faculty and staff members,click here. A student is considered chronically absent if he or she misses two or more instructional days per month (18 days, or 10 percent of a 180-day school year) regardless ofwhether the absences are excused or unexcused. Mathematics results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires states to assess at least 95 percent of students in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8, and to test at least 95 percent of students in reading and mathematics at least once during their high school careers. : $53K. Staff 240-740-1770 . Teacher: Megan Kelly, Teacher, Chair: Katelynn McRae* Principal's Message., Mrs. Kelly Beall - Classroom Teacher Elementary Grade 2 Does he or she have to attend the An Achievable Dream Certified Academy? Highland Springs Elementary School Unclaimed 600 Pleasant Street, Highland Springs, VA 23075 Contact info 2 /10 GreatSchools Rating 5 reviews Public school 594 Students Grades PK-5 2 /10 GreatSchools Summary Rating 1/10 Test Scores below average 4/10 Academic Progress below average 1/10 Equity below average Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ACADEMICS, Mrs. Rebecca San Sebastian - Primary Talent Development GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, 600 Pleasant Street, Highland Springs, VA 23075, Test scores are important to look at because they indicate where students are performing compared to grade-level standards. About Us. All other students pay the full price for meals. Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse educational, social, and civic learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens. Teacher: Stacie Price Box 23120 | 3820 Nine Mile Road | Henrico, Virginia 23223, Mrs. Valerie Lee - Teacher, Acad Intervention Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse educational, social, and civic learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens. Located at Miramesa Drive and West Road, the school is estimated to cost $39.6 million. The Town of Highland Springs was named from the high elevation and number of springs in the area and was a planned community. More information about ESSA implementation in Virginia is available on the, The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 requires annual testing in mathematics in grades 3-8 and once during high school. Category: Elementary (PK-05) School Instructional Assistant: Isaac Edgerston, Instructional Assistant (Kindergarten): Teresa Spears Students not wishing to participate will be transferred to their zoned middle school. Highland Springs Elementary School is a Public school that serves grade levels PK-5. Children who are chronically absent in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade are muchless likely to read on grade levelby the third grade. An expulsion(removal from school for 365 calendar days) may only be imposed by a local school board. Teacher: JaneT Johnson, Teacher, Chair: Tonya Brooks-Green* Highland Elementary School. Cafeteria Assistant: Cheryl Scott School name: Highland Springs Elementary School Year Opened: 1966 Floor/Area Square-Footage: 67,063 Number of Buildings; Number of Stories: 1 One-Story Building Program Capacity/Maximum Enrollment: 634 students Number of Classrooms: 33 Site Acreage: 22.5 School Colors: Red and Black School Mascot: Scottie Dog Support the social emotional learning styles/needs for all students and staff. 600 Pleasant St Highland Springs, VA 23075, visit VDOE on Facebook (opens new window), Highland Springs Elementary Quality Profile, A Parents Guide To Understanding Student Discipline Policies and Practices In Virginia Schools, For more information, seeA Parents Guide To Understanding Student Discipline Policies and Practices In Virginia Schools, for more information about school nutrition programs, < = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results, Accredited: All indicators at Level One or Level Two or Waiver, Accredited With Conditions: One or more indicators at Level Three, Accreditation Denied: Under State Sanction. 3434 N. Bogus Basin Rd, Boise, ID 83702 | Phone 208-854-5050 | Fax 208-854-5051. Phone 951-788-7292 | Fax . PHONE & FAX (804)328-4045 (p) (804)328-4038 (f) COVID-19 practices for the 2022-2023 school year Welcome to An Achievable Dream Certified Academy at Highland Springs Elementary School. A parent may ask for a short-term suspension decision to be reviewed by the superintendent or his designee.

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