Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help. How to recognize a verb radical in French ? She is red. However, some job titles only use the masculine form for both men and women. Is the following correct ? Examples: Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. Not too long ago, I wrote a post about the gender of nouns in French. Confusing? Ex. You made an interesting point there. Most places ending in -e are feminine. , + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +To continue to improve your FRENCH, have a look at : The French Adjective NOUVEAU + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +, When the name of a country ends with another letter, it is masculine and we put the article le in front of this name, Le BrsilLe CanadaLe CamerounLe DanemarkLe GhanaLe GuatemalaLe HondurasLe JaponLe LibanLe MaliLe MarocLe NicaraguaLe PakistanLe ProuLe PortugalLe QatarLeVenezuela, LAfghanistanLAngolaLAzerbadjanLEquateurLIrakLIranLOugandaLOuzbkistanLUruguay, When the name of a country is in the plural, we put the article les in front of this name, Les BahamasLes BermudesLes ComoresLes mirats arabes unisLes tats-Unis Les Fidgi Les les Fro Les Pays-Bas Les Philippines Les Seychelles, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++To continue to improve, have a look at : 30 videos in 60 days to improve your FRENCH +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, Bahren Chypre Cuba Djibouti Hati Isral Kiribati Madagascar Malte Maurice Monaco Nauru Oman Sainte-Lucie Saint-Marin Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines Sao Tom-et-Principe Singapour Trinit-et-Tobago Tuvalu et Vanuatu, 1 - France2 - .. Thailande3 - .. Italie4 - .. Cambodge5 - .. Mexique6 - .. Comores7 - .. Etats-Unis8 - .. Pays-Bas9 - .. Seychelles10 - .. Brsil11 - .. Canada 12 - .. Equateur13 - .. Irak14 - .. Vnzuela15 - .. Monaco16 - .. Malte17 - .. Singapour18 - .. Cuba 19 - .. Isral 20 - .. Sainte-Lucie. In Arabic, soup and the calendar year are feminine. If we never overcome those fears, we wont be able to succeed. Not only do countries have genders in French, but they also can be singular or plural. You asked what I thought? According to the Big Five trait theory of personality, Shelby would be considered to be: (Points: 5) showing signs of her masculine archetypes in her french As a general rule, those countries ending in -e are feminine, and the rest are masculine. Then translate it to spanish. 3 You (singular familiar form) can drink a glass of milk. In short, it has an impact on other words in a sentence. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! 1. There is some controversy regarding not only professions but the whole French language arising out of feminism and the gender equality movement. It is relatively common (although slightly old-fashioned) to refer to a country as a person when talking about it. Before you start pulling out your hair, I will teach you a simple rule. All of this may seem like a lot, but even French speakers make mistakes with gender. All rights reserved. Actually, this will be my next blog article, so watch out for it! Fascinating, indeed. Very helpful but I should have worked out the Australie thing myself! "The colours" translates to les couleurs. Thanks for commenting. Is Meursault French The Stranger? What Colours in French are feminine? How do you memorize gender of nouns then? There is only one noun in this sentence. Your email address will not be published. Larousse lists it as feminine, like other dictionaries such as Termiums BtB to give but one other example. For example, la voiture (the car) can only be feminine; le stylo (the pen) can only be masculine. I have to say that French is another hard language, not only the grammar but also the pronunciation especially for me. If you are reading this blog post, you have probably already learnt the names of a few countries. Finally, lets talk about cities. Dont forget to do the exercice to anchor these things in your memory. Thats the case of most words that define people. Jhabite Madagascar. Examples: des pommes (some apples), des gteaux (some cakes), des lettres (some letters), etc. Look at the table below for some of the most common noun endings in French. les (plural) The partitive articles or "some" in English: du (masculine) de la (feminine) des (plural) In addition, you'll need to know the gender in order to determine which pronoun to use. But as a French teacher I should give you some patterns in word endings that tend to indicate masculine nouns, while other endings favor feminine nouns. Many thanks. We dont spam! Download Free PDF to improve your French in 30 days, Download Free PDF 9 books, 1 film and 30 days to learn French, Download PDF Learning French in 1 week (gender and adjectives), Learning French reading in 4 weeks with 4 stories, Download PDF to learning French in 12 weeks, 3 textbooks and 12 weeks to improve the French language. We dont spam! Pick which one you need when you need to say bye in French! For cars, it highly depends. In truth, there are no rules. We do not say either le Monaco or la Monaco, this name of country has no article, as Cuba, Israel, Taiwan, Haiti, Chypre (Cyprus), Madagascar and some others. EXCEPTIONS: Soy hija nica; ______ a. no tengo, she is a good professor and I (feminine) am your good student thank you, musee cinema stade what are some other irregular nouns? Thank you for your question Stephanie. How to say yes in French? countries, continents, mountains, seas, lakes, 10 Most Important French Verbs For Tourists (With Examples), View simplefrenchlessonss profile on Facebook, View simplefrench_sfs profile on Twitter, View UCpTMm51EzgA2SufqAYVp6RAs profile on YouTube, View 109401442178003394189s profile on Google+, Learn the Names of Countries in French - Simple-French, French Conjugation of Etre and Avoir (Present Tense), Names of Countries in French: Masculine Feminine Articles, Ville de Nice adhre au patrimoine de lUnesco. And although I dont want to admit it, there is a difference! Not only do things have genders in French, but cities, states, and countries do, too! French Learning Sites You are Going to Love, 20 Most Important French verbs You Must Know. Those are the only two sources I have found giving a gender to Madagascar. However as there are so many exceptions, these gender patterns are not fool-proof, but they can help you to guess the gender of many French nouns. Replies to my comments You will receive an email asking to confirm your subscription. 7 French Learning Books The Old-School Way. It's important to learn the gender of a word as you go along. In French, all nouns have a gender - they are either masculine or feminine nouns, and they have a number - they are either singular or plural. I said most cases because there are some exceptions. These words and a few others, however, defy that suggestion. Im assuming masculine since it doesnt end with an e, but you never know! Something in the inexpensive range? Note that in French, countries, continents, regions and states are either feminine, masculine or plural. The French translation for "architect (feminine)" is architecte. Examples: la France la Belgique l'Espagne l'Argentine la Colombie la Russie la Chine l'Australie There are six exceptions where the countries ending in -e are not feminine: le Mexique le Mozambique le Belize Old English used to have grammatical genders, but they fell out of use. Is butter feminine or masculine in French? je me lave (masculine) or je me lavee (female) il se lave elle se lavee Many thanks Dympna, showing signs of her masculine archetypes in her. Compound tenses are tenses that have several parts to then. In some instances, the gender of the noun is apparent: un garon (a boy) is masculine, whereas une fille (a girl) is feminine. You can check out this article for more ideas. Spoiler: Grammar purists and I dont get along. is a lie. Everything has a gender, so its important to understand the differences. You will definitelymake mistakes when youre learning and thats ok. Its important that you try and speak as much as possible even if its not perfect. Some words also have a feminine version. She comes from Argentina. When visiting with those who speaking English well it is always a bit intimidating for me as I realize I could do some improving. As a general rule, the countries ending in -e are feminine. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed, Subscribe for free on : Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android | Deezer | RSS, Hi, Welcome all on the Fast French Learning blog to Learn and Improve your French ! by Mgomezhernandez. Rules can be learned, but the exceptions drive me crazy. Here are just a few examples: Albania = Albanie, Gambia = Gambie, Slovakia = Slovaquie, Russia = Russie, Argentina = Argentine. In French there are sometimes very different words for men and women, and for male and female animals, just as in English. Feminine and masculine in French simple explanation. my teacher there is no way we just have to learn it the way it is she was like we have to learn French the French way and I believe that even the hardest of nuts has a solution, Thank you for your question Zamrah Ibraheem. + A few sentences to use everyday, 10 books to get more knowledge of French grammar, Download PDF French verbs in several tenses to learn (the 3 groups of verbs). In general, you must use a definite article in front of the names of countries, continents, mountains, seas, lakes and rivers. But dont fret just yet. I have a question If someone is talking to a woman about a man, for example, The maid (a female) walked up to Chloe and told her that she had a visitor (a male) I get it. An auxiliary, and a participle. When evoking the names of countries in French, you will usually use a definite French masculine, feminine or plural article (le / la / les) to go with it. The French Calendar: Speaking of Days, Weeks, Months and Seasons, Prepositions: Small and Mighty Words That Drive French Sentences, Learn to Use the French Word 'Tout' and Its Variations, Learn French Prepositions with Geographical Names, French Demonstrative Adjectives: Adjectifs Dmonstratifs. : In 1640, John Benson published a second edition of the sonnets in which he changed most of the pronouns from masculine to . Required fields are marked *. Well thats how the gender influence the past participle. by Classroom52. Thank you for sharing the list of all the suffixes. How do you use the feminine and masculine in French? Masculine,le,un These are named after the common noun tat (state), pays (country), le (island, isle) and the countries in question are a set of various states, lands or islands, hence the use of the plural. In this case, we say au Havre, au Caire, la Nouvelle Orlans, etc. Feel free to check out my other posts to learn more about the French language and culture. Hopefully when I make enough mistake I can progress in time. English has only two indefinite articles: a and an. Your email address will not be published. And sure enough, it turns out our months are also all masculine or days are all feminine. Ex. For example, in English, we just use the for everything whether its masculine/feminine or singular/plural. Lets find out 10 ways to say yes in French. In this sentence situe is in the feminine form. Today well show you some general guidelines to help you determine the gender of a country. Its a great resource for people interested in learning languages online. I think it is D, but I do not understand the significance of an S on the end of tiene. However, not all countries are preceded by articles. As a total novice this is the first time I have been able to make sense out of this language, that doesnt mean it will be easy for me but Im getting closer to understanding. Okay, so far we learned about the genders of countries and what to do if theyre plural. in most cases where it precedes a noun starting with h. Examples: . French spelling: le plus, le moins de choses possible or possibles? Is the word person feminine or masculine in French? Remember that you need to use a definite article (the "the," such asle orla)for countries. 10. The French translation for "Moroccan (singular, masculine)" is marocain . With masculine words, use le (the) or un (a . Cheers. They do have genders, although its trickier to figure them out. Learning French with Duolingo app : How long does it take ? 13. 4. We use de l for both masculine and feminine singular nouns. Thats why, there are so many you cant count. articles), pronouns, and adjectives. The ending of a French noun often changes depending on whether it refers to a male or a female. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. I know it has, need help to find base meter, scheme, stanza forms if any, and the metrical peculiarities such as end-stopped lines, run-on lines, elision, pause, feminine ending, masculine, =) Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Or is this just for the passe compose or direct object pronoums ? Ils viennent de Singapour. La voiture est rouge. To control physiological processes in the body B. But when it needs to be feminine, does it become aportee? You can unsubscribe at any time. What other people dont know.. even more! They come from Singapore. Our French teacher will be along sometime this evening. PPPS: And check out these article, youll find plenty of words to use there! The following countries are masculine even though they end in -e: le Mexique (Mexico) le Blize (Belize) Please check. Generally, the feminine form is simply the masculine form of the adjective, with an -e at the end. In 1956 Morocco declared independence, and in the government declared Classical Arabic as the official language. Note that when a nationality ends in -en, we double the n before adding -e. Unlike English, nationalities are not capitalized in French. Is Monaco feminine or masculine in French? Is sandals in French masculine or feminine? D)girls express stronger preferences. Of course, there are a few exceptions. I am not sure at all why the Wiktionary says it is masculine. However, if it is necessary to make the agreement of an adjective or a participle, it will masculine. There you are! Not too much help lol. Look at this beautiful chart Ive made for you!! Don't subscribe Most of them have articles, although there are a few exceptions. And quite fascinating as well. Please try again. When evoking the namesof countries in French, you will usually use a definite French masculine, feminine or plural article (le / la / les)to go with it. Here are some examples of other, Bahren, Chypre, Cuba, Hati, Isral, Malte, Monaco, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Marin, Singapour, Sri Lanka, These are named after the common noun tat (state), pays (country), le (island, isle) and the. What is my in French feminine? You will also need to know the gender of the country in order to use it in a preposition. Having that said, the word tea in French is generally a feminine word. Here are some examples of other countries whose name is used without an article: Les tats-Unis dAmrique, les Seychelles, les Philippines, les les Fro, les Pays-Bas. Because French nouns are not inflected for gender, a noun's form cannot specify its . To express origin, we use the preposition de. Simple French Lessons Online and Other Things Too. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. There would probably be some healthy of videos of speaking French, as well as information like yours that give information about the basics of the language. It was truly comprehensive, insightful, and everything. As you can see, all countries have genders in French. Examples: un portable (a cell phone), un garon (a boy), un plat (a dish), etc. I didnt take French class in high school, I took Spanish and I always wondered why the word the was never properly explained and I still wondered when to use as masculine or feminine or singular or plural. Common animal names have both a masculine and a feminine form. Are countries masculine or feminine in French? Note that in French , countries , continents, regions and states are either feminine , masculine or plural. You can ask a new question or browse more French questions. Elle is the feminine pronoun. As a general rule, countries that end in -e are feminine: la France, l'Angleterre, la Chine, l'Argentine, l'Algrie, la Colombie, la Mauritanie, l'Inde All other countries are masculine: le Nigria, le Brsil, le Canada, le Japon, le Danemark, le Maroc, le Liban, le Pakistan, le Prou Its kind of subjective. See how the ending changes? In this article you are going to learn how to make the difference between the feminine and the masculine country names, By loading the video, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy.Learn more, When the name of a country ends with the letter -e, it is feminine and we put the article in front of this name, La Belgique La Bulgarie La France La Grce La Slovaquie La Suisse La Syrie La Thailande La Tunisie, Here are 6 exceptions: these are masculine country names that end with the letter -e and in front of which we use the article le, Le BlizeLe CambodgeLe MexiqueLe MozambiqueLe SurinameLe Zimbabwe, When the name of a country ends with the letter -e, it is feminine and we put the article l' in front of this name, LAlgrieLAllemagneLAngleterreLArgentineLEspagneLIndeL'ItalieLIndonsieLIrlandeLIslande, Thank you for entering your email, I sent you an email, check your email box now ! Even for Spanish speakers and other speakers whose languages have genders, we sometimes make mistakes when telling genders apart. Download PDF 3 books to learn French by yourself, Download PDF 4 workbooks to learn French while driving, Download Free PDF Learning French while driving Podcasts, Download for Free + 1 video and the best CDs to learn to speak French in the car, Learning French oral in 1 night (while you are sleeping) with an MP3. See how the gender changes? There are certainly differences in the English language, I would imagine it goes the same in French. 11 months ago. And blue is "bleu" Since feuille is feminine you would say bleue but papier is masculine. Write a comment to tell me what you think and share with others ! Well, for starters, it doesnt mean that these countries are neutral. Formal instruction for a language is important to teach the proper use. Well, in most cases, we can know the gender of a word by its ending. Feminine and Masculine country names : Feminine country names Feminine country names The feminine country names that start with a consonant Feminine country names : La Belgique Feminine country names : La France When the name of a country ends with the letter -e, it is feminine and we put the article in front of this name La Belgiqu e Anyway, you explain the differences very well and it was an interesting read, so thanks, Enrique! Adjectives are words that give you more information about the noun. With plural countries, we use two prepositions: aux and des (short for les and de les). Is Morocco feminine or masculine in French? The English equivalent is some. To help you with this, keep in mind that words that are often thought of as 'gender neutral' take on the masculine form. Dont worry, though. They come from Peru. Note that in French, countries, continents, regions and states are either feminine, masculine or plural. Elle est rouge. Animals and inanimate objects, however, are another kettle ( poissonire feminine) of fish ( poisson masculine). Why is televisionalways feminine and workalways masculine? Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. In French all nouns areeither masculine or feminine there is no neutral. The Masculine and feminine 2 Whack-a-mole. any foot covering, as a shoe or boot; footwear. Examples: When talking about location, in most cases, we just use the preposition . MASCULINE: nominative - DER Vater ist gro the father is big genitive - der Hut DES Vaters ist neu the, FRENCH: GEOGRAPHICAL EXPRESSIONS The definite article is used with names of countries, continents, provinces, mountains, and bodies, When a verb has two object pronouns, (one direct and one indirect), the indirect object (usually the object pronoun referring to the person) precedes the direct object pronoun (usually the object pronoun. Which are. Understanding the gender of countries in French is essential since that will tell you which prepositions and adjectives to use with them. For more examples, check out this page (in French) where you have the complete list of countries with their corresponding articles. Unfortunately (or should I say, fortunately? They are both first-person forms of the verb "estar," and one is often used and one. sures . Which French nouns are feminine? Examples: de largent (some money), de leau (some water), de lamour (some love), etc. (OK, I know, this is mixing the carsport with aviation, LOL). What do you think? Do my native language (Latvian) also has that as Ive never thought of it way? We have to determine the gender of a word so we know which one to use. In some cases, an article is part of the city name, and we have to keep it. To put sentences on the same note. Well thats homonymes for you. (accessed January 18, 2023). a) do you have a MAC or a PC and b) do you have, Do this: Start with a sentence about your family in English. The usual rule for grammarians is that "the usage dictates". French, What other people think is often surprising. Lets see the differences between, However, French has four definite articles which are: l. . We use them to refer to a portion or unspecified amount of foods, drinks, or other uncountable nouns. So I told you nouns have one gender. Before you start pulling out your hair, I will teach you a simple rule. They may not make any sense in our native languages, but thats exactly the bauty of learning foreign languages. Will it be le Cote dIvoire or la Cote dIvoire? The Masculine and feminine 1 Whack-a-mole. very nice this helped me a lot in my exams thank you soo much! We wont cover that here but will probably do in the future. Q: Is tomato masculine . For feminine singular nouns, we use de la. On the other hand, French has three: . Je vais la plage : Im going to the beach. Your email address will not be published. Whereas for seasons, its 50/50. He comes from the Netherlands. With feminine countries, we use the preposition en when talking about location. Many masculine French nouns can be made feminine simply by changing the ending. They all have to agree in gender and quantity with the nouns they precede. That means that this a very easy French lesson which students of any level can learn. Note : Including possessive adjectives, which I talk about in this article (coming soon!). Note: L is used when the noun starts with a vowel. The idea is surely appealing to learn. Some aremasculine and some are feminine. Au revoir, les amis! In English, there is no equivalent article. b. We use it for plural nouns, whether theyre masculine or feminine. I may be biased here since Im a native Spanish speaker, but I think most of those who speak a Romance language agree French and Romanian are the hardest ones to learn. When talking about origin, we only use the preposition de and drop the article. When talking about a womans nationality, all you have to do is add -e to the masculine form. You will find it here, Your email address will not be published. Such is the case of island countries and city-states. The nouns listed below are generally masculine. Most job titles are either masculine or feminine. We can say the table, the chair, the house, the cars, etc. [/easytable]. Today, you learned you can guide yourself by the ending of a word. iron translate: fer [masculine], fer [masculine] ( repasser), repasser, de/en fer, de fer, fer, fer ( repasser. GCSE : a French writing exam How to learn it quickly ? Read our privacy policy for more info. To show you how to make accent marks with the computer I need to know 2 things. There is nothing wrong with not working something out oneself because its always an opportunity to learn or realise something we already knew in a way that we no longer forget , Hi,thank you this has helped me alot since i am about to do an exam tomorrow, Thanks for your comment Dave, very happy to be of help. Keep in mind some countries, mostly islands and city-states, do not have articles. Examples: la voiture (the car), la chaise (the chair), la table (the table), etc. : The car is red. Easy answer : when you are learning French vocabulary, you learn nouns with the gender. Required fields are marked *. But we do it anyway. You now know what gender are countries of the world in French. On top of that, there are many exceptions. Not sure, we have that. Top sentences to know for your first 24 hours in France. D.) Europe, #1 You must consider whether you are female, like Marie and, post your question. Here are the main rules: - Most places ending in 'e' are feminine . for both masculine singular and feminine singular nouns. Feel free to come back anytime for more French resources. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. answered by Frenchy May 16, 2010 Are they masculine or feminine? However, if it is necessary to make the agreement of an adjective or a participle, it will masculine. There are pronouns specifically to replace feminine and masculine nouns. When evoking the names of countries in French, you will usually use a definite French masculine, feminine or plural article (le / la / les) to go with it. In reality, its the contraction of the articles, when they precede a noun starting with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u). Examples: les chiens (the dogs), les arbres (the trees), les mots (the words), etc. Now lets take a look at some typical feminine endings. But ultimately, in French, there is no real logic on why a word is masculine or feminine. To me, it sounds masculine, and the Wiktionary agrees with me. Good. We also use. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "feminine masculine" . Good luck for your exam! Hello Kiran, in French it is la Cte dIvoire, because the noun cte is feminine. Speaking informally, you can simply ask Comment t'appelles-tu?. . You see, grammar, rules, there are always lots of them. is monaco feminine or masculine in frenchtrees that grow well in clay soil texas. There are just a few exceptions: In those cases and forcountries that usel'as the definitive article, the gender is indicated next to the name. Just try to remember which of the most frequent names of countries in French are masculine or feminine. An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. There is no reason, no order. a. libros** b. libroes c. libroces d. libriones 2. what is the plural form of la television? Therefore: J'ai achet une (voiture) Mercedes. Ma l'ensemble favorite est un aeropostale t-shirt rose, un short bleu, et des sandales rose. SUBJECT PRONOUNS Singular je (j') = I tu = you (familiar) il = he, it elle = she, it on = one, "we," you, they, people Plural nous = we vous = you (can be formal singular as well as familiar plural) ils = they, masculine elles = they. Some words are either masculine or feminine regardless of their ending. Some rules that you can rely on - Masculine and feminine in French isn't as hard as you think! I know that in the passe compose, apporter becomes apporte (with an accent). Don't be confused! City genders are not quite clear, so its not a big deal as compared to countries. Nouns in English are not generally assigned genders. You shouldnt say oui in all situations! Often the masculine or feminine form doesnt affect the meaning in a conversation and as a French person I must admit that its actually quite nice to hear some mistakes. This includes all the continents ( Europe, Afrique, Amrique, Asie, Ocanie, Antarctique ). To pose the question formally, you'd say Comment vous-appelez vous? ), gender is not quite clear regarding cities. I know. Now, I recommend you use Genders are common in Romance languages like Spanish and French, and they can be hard to grasp for English speakers. A few tips to be able to read French in 1 month, How long to learn to speak French ? S. C'est le Monaco. Podcasts, Download PDF 4 books to get conversational skills and having talks easily, Download Ebook PDF 6 tips for speaking French fluently and easily, Download PDF French idioms to speak like a native, Download Free PDF A very good and famous Podcast to learn French, Download a Free MP3 lesson Learn to speak French easily with audio CDs, The best French radios and 1 famous app for learning French, The best podcasts to learning French on Spotify and iTunes, Talking French by listening, with an audio lesson, for free, Best French TV shows to learn French on Netflix, Practicing your French with a story (French/English), 3 conversations to improve your French Podcasts, How to learn French with music ? 7 textbooks to learn the vocabulary in French. I have a hard time learning any language. Only one grammatical gender. Finally, for plural we use des. "Colour" in French is couleur. 8. Wed love to keep you updated with our latest content. We will be happy to check it for you. 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The country in order to use a definite article ( coming soon! ) an! Level can learn ( with an e, but even French speakers mistakes! De choses possible or possibles drinks, or other uncountable nouns is simply the masculine form of the most noun... Usage dictates & quot ; in French for it this just for the next time comment! - most places ending in -e: le Mexique ( Mexico ) le Blize Belize. Say bleue but papier is masculine OK, I wrote a post about the French translation for quot... ( Europe, Afrique, Amrique, Asie, Ocanie, Antarctique ) my other posts to to., just as in English, we use two prepositions: aux and des short... ; are feminine some rules that you need to know the gender only professions the., Sydney, etc: des pommes ( some love ), des gteaux ( some money,! Do if theyre plural do is add -e to the masculine form, le moins choses., what other people think is often surprising or a female as Ive never of! Short bleu, et des sandales rose feminine singular nouns, we the... 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Table ( the pen ) can only be masculine `` the, such... Its ending favorite est un aeropostale t-shirt rose, un short bleu, et des sandales rose for!, au Caire, la chaise ( the words ), des gteaux ( some love ), gteaux... Enough, it will masculine countries, continents, regions and states are either feminine, masculine plural. Have worked out the Australie thing myself very easy French lesson which students any... And they can be made feminine simply by changing the ending of a few exceptions end. Accessed January 18, 2023 ) 1956 Morocco declared independence, and male... This beautiful chart Ive made for you our latest content email asking to confirm your subscription watch. Some water ), etc speakers whose languages have genders, although there are very.: de largent ( some cakes ), etc ( poisson masculine ) Benson published second. Are female, like Marie and, post your question s form can not specify its libriones what... Thats why, there are some exceptions, whether theyre masculine or plural in your memory do in the compose. Bauty of learning foreign languages hard as you think think it is necessary to make accent marks the! Unspecified amount of foods, drinks, or other uncountable nouns 1956 Morocco declared,! Womans nationality, all you have the complete detailed explanation and answer everyone. The noun with Duolingo app: how long does it take states, for... Article ( the words ), les arbres ( the chair, the chair, the chair, the,. Countries with their corresponding articles fears, we have got the complete list of all suffixes. The names of countries and city-states edition of the verb `` estar, '' one. Which one to use a definite article ( the car ), la table ( table! French questions and although I dont want to admit it, there is no real logic on a! Ask comment t'appelles-tu? two indefinite articles: a French writing exam how to the.

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