If a woman thinks that she is equal with men in uncovering her face and going around unveiled, she will not be modest and will not feel too shy to mix with men. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. If it were not obligatory to observe hijab and cover the face in the presence of non-mahram men, there would be no reason not to uncover it in ihraam. For most, the niqab is a choice. But some of them think that it is awrah. The Shaytaan flows through the son of Adam like blood. Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that Asma bint abi Bakr, her sister, entered upon the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wearing transparent clothes. Sometimes, much groundwork and background work may be needed. This article is aimed at both the beginner and the advanced student of knowledge. But priority should be given to following the one who is more knowledgeable and more religiously committed. Second B The Ordinary Slave Of Allah: If he is one of the rank and file, or has not studied shari knowledge, and thus cannot distinguish between right and wrong with regard to scholarly views, then he must follow the fatwa of a scholar whose knowledge he trusts and who he believes to be trustworthy and religiously committed, whether he is from his own country or another country, and differences between scholars will not matter after that. COUNTER ARGUMENT ON THE SAME HADITH USED FOR THE NIQAB: Some scholars maintain that a woman must cover her face due to Aishas narration which states: Riders used to pass by us when we were with the Messenger of Allah wearing ihram. According to the Salafi point of view, it is obligatory (fard) for a woman to cover her entire body when in public or in presence of non-mahram men. "As soon as Saudi Arabia became the country where everyone dreamed of going to make their fortune, middle-class women started to wear the black abaya, as a . The wisdom of shariah means that it would not enjoin covering something that is a lesser source of temptation and allow uncovering something that is a greater source of temptation. While such headcoverings can come in many forms, hijab often specifically refers to a cloth wrapped around the head, neck and . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. By saying that, "place the khumur over the bosoms," Almighty Allah ordered the women to let the two . Her father thinks that niqaab is mustahabb and tells her not to wear it, but she thinks it is obligatory, She wore the burqa (face veil) when in ihraam and she did not know that it is haraam, You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in It was narrated that Aaishah said: The riders used to pass by us when we were with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in ihraam. It is the principle of modesty and includes behaviour . My personal view after assessing all evidences is that it is preferred to cover the face in front of non-mahram men. And though we have an evolution of sort, of the Hijab over the centuries, there is also many different cultures who were contemporaries of one another, all claiming to follow the Quran and Sunnah, yet all had different concepts of the modest clothes a woman would and should wear. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye or dress like veil, gloves, headcover, apron), and to draw their veils all over Juyoobihinna (i.e. Therefore, Yes Hijab is mandatory upon women as it is mandatory upon men( Men just cover from Navel (above belly button to below the knees, amongst other things). The fact that this ruling applies only to old women indicates that the ruling is different for young women who still hope to get married. The exception of the face and the hands is due to the necessity of women interacting with men, buying, selling, and the like. Below is dhaleel that our salafi bro' Abul'Haarith Jamaalud'Deen 'ibn Luqman Abdul-Wahab As-Salafi posted on www.salafnotkhalaf.com. This short treatise will try and deal with most of the questions that are commonly posed, in sha Allah. Dar al-Ifta al Misriyyah is considered among the pioneering foundations for fatwa [En. This is in addition to the shari evidence which states that it is obligatory to cover the face. Hijab means everything that is used to cover something and prevent anyone from reaching it, such as curtains, door keepers and garments, etc. Wisdom is needed. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This is what we must emphasize. On March 7, Swiss citizens will be voting on a niqab ban in a nationwide referendum. However, in this article I wish to speak on the Niqab (Face Covering) particularly, and the rulings for and against it, in sha Allah. NIQAB SUNNAH OR FARDH - MANDATORY OR PRESCRIBED. The difference between the Hijab and the khimar is that the Hijab is something which covers all of a womans body, whilst the khimar in general is something with which a woman covers her head. Her not doing so is an evil act (munkar). Or his looking at a beautiful youthful face that attracts him and invites him to look at it? Which scholarly opinion should the Muslim follow in matters where the scholars differed? A Mursal report recorded by Abu Dawud (no. Alcohol is haram, and therefore prohibited in Qatar, unless you can afford to pay 19,000 for a ticket, in which case obviously it's fine. Like the hijab, the niqab and the burqa are linked to the spread of Salafist Islam in North Africa. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This indicates that when women were not in ihram, women used to cover their faces. As Muslims, we must respect the opinion of all scholars whether we follow their opinion or not. So, whatever a woman wears on her face, 00:00:35--> 00:00:41. this veil with an opening for the eyes, this is called nicop. Hijab means everything that is used to cover something and prevent anyone from reaching it, such as curtains, door keepers and garments, etc. But they did generally deem it to be a duty given the societal harm of doing otherwise. But to refrain (i.e. While hijab, the legal attire required of a Muslim woman, is what meets the following conditions: 3- It must conceal the entire body except the face and hands. A woman is obliged to cover her face in front of anyone who is not her mahram (blood relative to whom marriage is forbidden). Al-Qurtubi, who is also Maaliki, said:This verse indicates that Allah has given permission to ask of them from behind a screen if there is some need, or when they ask a question about something. A woman fulfills her religious duty concerning her attire by wearing the hijab. The second part of the article deals with further proofs from the Quran and Sunnah and the Speech of the Ulama, specifically for the Hijab, Niqab and Covering of the face and hands specifically. The veil, or the face covering (niqab), is a specific covering worn by some. According to the commentators of the Qur'an, the women of Medina in the pre-Islamic era used to put their khumur over the head with the two ends tucked behind and tied at the back of the neck, in the process exposing their ears and neck. The word Salafism comes from al-salaf al-slih ("the pious predecessors"), a term usually designating the first three generations of Muslims, according to a tradition ( hadth) of the Prophet: "The best people are those living in my generation, then those coming after them, then those coming after them". Some of the fuqahaa have defined it as that which covers the head, the temples and the neck. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Introduction. Beyond this, we know that the niqab was the way of the wives of our Beloved Prophet (Allah bless him, his family, companions and those who love them, and give them peace), and the female companions too. Sheikh Al-Albani explains reasons behind this Hadiths authenticity in great detail: . The permissibility of exposing her face and hands is based on the Quranic verse: And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof (An-Noor 24:31). Thekhimarmentioned in the above verse is a head-cover andal-jaybrefers to the front opening of shirt and so forth. The womans dress as prescribed in shariah (Islamic dress) is that which covers her head, face and all of her body. Many Muslims believe it is obligatory for every female Muslim who has reached the age of puberty to wear a head covering. The first part deals with some historical facts, NIQAB SUNNAH OR WAJIB - FACE COVER MANDATORY OR PRESCRIBED - CAN I TAKE MY NIQAB OFF - PDF, WHY DO MUSLIM WOMEN HAVE TO WEAR FACE COVERS, VIDEO FRIDAY REMINDERS THE CHARACTER OF A MUSLIM CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN ADVICE NO4, VIDEO FRIDAY REMINDERS TAKE CARE OF THESE 5 BEFORE ANOTHER 5 STRIKE YOU CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWN ADVICE NO5, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv7YAdrPYR0&t=249s, FOLLOW LIVE FRIDAY REMINDERS BY ABU NASER. (The narrations chain is) Bashir from Qatadah from Khalid ibn Duraik from Aishah. 422 members in the SalafiCentral community. We see, for example, Shaykh Wahbi Sulayman Ghawji, a major Albanian Hanafi alim of great knowledge, wisdom, and taqwa, who lived a long time in Syria and is an author of countless useful works, authoring numerous works reinforcing the necessity (wujub) of niqab according to the vast majority of the jurists of Islam, and criticizing modernists and some others for saying it is not recommended. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Anything that goes against the Quran and Sunnah should be rejected. With regard to people who live in countries where the face veil (Niqab) has been banned, Like in France etc. Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, The Hanafis do not deem a woman's face to be from her nakedness ('awra), so it is not obligatory to cover the face in the same sense that it is obligatory to cover the head. There is no harm in wearing colored clothes provided they are not vibrant, eye catching, or incite desires. Otherwise, there is no sense in ordering both genders to lower their gazes. The niqab covers the whole body including the face with the exception of the woman's eyes. Drawing the veil all over the juyub implies covering the face. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 1) The opinion of the Sahaba: Ibn Abbas (ra) is one of the most learned men of the Sahaba (Companions). The command to wear a Jilbab indicates that it is essential to cover. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. No rational person would doubt that one of the means of doing so is covering the face, because uncovering it causes people to look at it and enjoy its beauty, and thence to initiate contact. (And Saeed bin Bashir is not strong (in narrating)).]. It was narrated from Aishah that Asma bint Abi Bakr entered upon the Messenger of Allah wearing a thin garment. Shaikh Al-Albani, some say a mujaddid of his era, a muhaddith unlike many others, a proponent of salafi thought and the strongest in criticizing people of innovation, had an opinion that the Niqab was a sunnah (Not Compulsory), while Ibn al-Uthaymeen (Giant in Aqeedah and Fiqh) and Ibn Baz (The Mufti of Saudi Arabia) at the time, deemed it a fardh (Mandatory). What I mean, if she covers her head properly without showing any hair and draws her head cover over her bosom; covering the chest area and her cloth cover all her body loosely, showing modesty then she will surely not go astray. So what was Shaykh alAbanis actual position on the Niqab, it is a hadith found in Abu Dawood, from his famous book: Jilbab Ul-Marat Il-Muslimah. It is still possible to implement this ruling in the Muslim world. Introduction What's New Plan Highlights Customer Service FAQs. If a woman reaches puberty, nothing of her (i.e., her body) should be seen except this and this (pointing to his face and hands). (Abu Dawud), Some scholars maintain that a woman must cover her face due to Aishahs narration which states: Riders used to pass by us when we were with the Prophet wearingihramclothes. Prophets of Islam. Is it mandatory to wear burqa in Islam? The Messenger of Allah said, A woman in ihram is not to cover her face nor wear gloves (Bukhari). Brother you have do some mistake ya miss under standing. EXTREME QUOTES FROM JUDAISM - LAWS ABOUT NON JEWS - THE TALMUD EXPOSED - DEATH TO THE GOYIM INFIDELS - THE JEWISH GOD JEHOVAH STUDIES THE TALMUD? 2, p. 774, number 3458. But wisdom cannot be confused with accepting wrong. Reasoning and analogy (Qiyas) which form the basis of this perfect shariah, which aims to help people achieve what is in their best interests and encourages the means that lead to that, and to denounce evil and block the means that lead to it. When they came closer, each one of us would lower (part) of her garment from her head over her face. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen said: The one who has knowledge of evidence is required to follow the evidence, even if it goes against some of the imams, if it does not go against the consensus of the ummah.. 682. But some strict sisters told me that my hijab is incomplete because I do not cover my face. The problem with many men now is that they resemble mice and behave like bears. Discover short videos related to is niqab mandatory on TikTok. Prophet Muhammad () even prayed for him saying "O Allah, make him acquire a deep understanding of the religion of Islam and instruct him in the meaning and interpretation of things." He with reference to Surah An-Nur "except only that which . First being travel, it was not as common as it became in the industrial age, and the second was that with the advent of the internet news get from a) to b) much quicker and positions begin to evolve and change, mostly due to knowledge on the customs of people becoming more available. 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