Then there are people who got sucked in because of one of those viral videos. The video, he said, is from late June when he was in small Siskiyou County, California, in the northern part of the state. I don't want to hear that. Released on 03/11/2022. Right now Im in Sonora, Arizona. Larsen: But Joey's influence goes beyond just getting laypeople to care about the things growing in their neighborhoods. He keeps a stash of 40 to 50 saplings in his backyard and at a friends nursery, awaiting the next chance to sneak a tree onto a median or into another opportune location. Learn to spot shallow conformity in social circles and don't waste your time on them, study plants and geology instead. but I think there's other things happening there it's like in this time that we're in, which is like pretty, anti-science he's getting across these scientific ideas by not sounding like he's shouting at you from the ivory tower, right? But before I did that I decided to give it a flea bath, which was probably a stupid idea in retrospect, since I think it might have just been shocked by it. Who is the man behind an accent more commonly associated with a Chicago firehouse than an open expanse of mountains and grassland? Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. At the time, I was like, "Whatever, shit happens, animals die." It's just, there's something so inherently beautiful about that. Nother payote right there, doing that thing they do, just blendin' in with the gravels that have been deposited over the last, I don't know, 300,000 years by the, uh, meandering channel of the Rio Grand-ee. Im not going to fuck with you, he promises as he chases the pup, who eventually relents and sits in the grass. I would probably say the same thing to somebody cause theres a lot of jackaes out there, he says. Journalist - SF Bay Area. It starts in Chicago, where he was raised by a single mother who was an elementary school teacher. By his own estimate, he has planted somewhere between 300 and 400 trees, mostly native and drought-tolerant oaks and cypresses, along medians and in parks. Braidwood Dunes is another really good one. Larsen: This video went viral when Joey posted it back in 2019, but venomous snakes are not his typical beat. A moment later we see the coyote in the footwell of the mans truck, frozen in place: [Newest rescued sea otter pups make their fuzzy debuts at Shedd], I just seen a tick jump ship, which means that eeder theres some sorta problem with your blood flow or da tick itself thinks you dont stand a chance, but Im gonna see that you have a chance. Larsen: Riding the rails, he got an up-close tour of the geologic time scale exposed by railroad cuts: layers of rock dating back millennia. As Jesse points out, what makes Joey's videos different from so many of the strangely popular educational personalities found on YouTube, is that we rarely see much of Joey himself. I don't know, six or seven years give or take. A few years ago I wrote about the Chicago accent and its near total disappearance from TV and film, though you can still reliably hear it on the radio: WXRTs Marty Lennartz has been doing his Going to the Show with a Regular Guy movie reviews since 1984; like Santore, he has a Chicago accent but its not nearly as thick as the one he uses in character. Theres so many different wildlife disease concerns that have significant overlap with human health impact.. I was just in Sonora, Mexico, looking at plants. I thought, "Oh, shit!" They just hide. And especially where we are now as a species with our understanding of science and the world and all this technology that we have. So he decided that he'd see the U.S. by hopping freight trains. Joey Santore, 36, never expected to get famous for posting videos about nature. Transcript. As Jesse points out, what makes Joey's videos different from so many of the strangely popular educational personalities found on YouTube, is that we rarely see much of Joey himself. I don't want to hear that. As a child, Santore took an interest in science early, visiting Chicagos Field Museum with his mother and propagating elm trees from seeds in their yard. "I dont know, the whole thing kind of messes me up thinking about it because it was pretty sad she died that morning when I was due to bring her south to the wildlife rehab that was on my way back to Oakland., "It looked grossly malnourished. It's just the way it is. 2023 TIME USA, LLC. You get, for instance, a cactus that's native to the Chicago area. I guess why I talk like that is, one, I want to make the science communication more funny. Then, in 2012, he officially appropriated space in the park for rare trees, including Baker, Tecate, Santa Cruz, and Guadalupe cypresses, along with lodgepole pines, coast (aka California) evergreen live oaks, and incense cedars. It's totally fascinating stuff, man. Joey travels around the world and takes you on plant walks, with "colorful" commentary. Everything I know (about nature and botany) I basically learned myself, he said. Along his routes, he would stop at libraries and gain free access to academic papers with the help of pirate websites. So I did that and I got her to eat a little bit, he says. Larsen: But you also get the feeling that botany gave him a way to make sense of the world, and of humans' place within it. Oh, yeah, there we go. I mix tragedy with comedy to make it more digestible and less futile-seeming. Nothing major, but a shovel takes two arms. It makes the nausea a little bit easier to deal with. Among Santores fans are plant geeks, outdoor enthusiasts, and cannabis growers who were worm-holed into Santores channel while looking up plant propagation. When it comes to wildlife rehabilitation for coyotes, its extremely challenging for coyote pups, she says. There's little nuances of social mannerisms that I miss about Chicago, like that voice I channel on the YouTube page. I try to always encourage people to download Wikipedia andiNaturalistonto their phones as a resource. Like I just got really excited when I would read about this stuff. Jesse's assignment was to cover Joey's search for a local plant called lophophora williamsii: otherwise known as peyote. It's the oldest psychedelic substance known to man. Perhaps because the accent (and its attendant colloquialisms) has become such a rarity, when it does turn up in a piece of media, people notice which could be one of the reasons why the coyote video has generated so much attention. Joey is a botanist & producer of Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't YouTube channel. The mannerisms at least among the white people out there were super soft and delicate and kind of passive, with an NPR voice. Learn more about all the benefits of membership at It makes the nausea a little bit easier to deal with. I realize maybe I shouldnt have done that because it probably stressed it out, but again this thing was covered in parasites, he says. Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher who first studied with Plato and then became a disciple Come on, hey. And in particular, that pup being in thinner body condition and being possibly hungry, that wouldnt be unexpected to see it at different times of day or night, she explains. S1E10 - Doing What You Love Without Making It Your Job, with Joey Santore The Joy of Challenge 374 subscribers Subscribe 1.6K Share 31K views 1 year ago Joey Santore, from "Crime Pays but. I saw it (the coyote) running across the road, it looked grossly malnourished. The Outside Podcast is made possible by our Outside+ members. The first steps to learning more is realizing your own ignorance, and then being willing to work beyond that. We dont value plants, we dont value habitat, often we dont value each other. I grew up hearin people talk like dat. The Field Museum is great too. Santore: And then I realized, I didn't know anything about the country I lived in and it was a big ass country, so why not travel? I first learned about Joey a few years ago, in a video titled "Guide to Illegal Tree Planting," which was sent my way by a friend familiar with my affinity for both botany and what's known as "guerilla gardening." It was about 2 p.m. and hot out and coyotes, I rarely see them out during the day. But Joey's influence goes beyond just getting laypeople to care about the things growing in their neighborhoods. I remember reading about spectroscopy there and that was what really blew my mind was how you could take the light that's reflected off of a star or a planet and put it through a prism and then you'd get a spectral signature of whatever the atmosphere was composed of or whatever the star was composed of. You knows what Im gonna do, Im gonna take you to a nice rehab facility. This video went viral when Joey posted it back in 2019, but venomous snakes are not his typical beat. An ex-punk and former train engineer who is self-taught in the sciences, Joey Santore does not fit the mold of the stereotypical botanist. Okay. Santore: I thought you was a gopher snake at first. Joey Santore | major gifts fundraising at charity: water Hi there. Suddenly I'm able to zoom out and see how the world around me works and how I fit into it and, and observe these relationships that different organisms have with each other. And that's why he's lovingly bullying it out of the road, just like he did that rattlesnake. Unfortunately when I found her, I was so far out in the middle of nowhere and I didnt really realize how sick she was until later that night when I brought her home, he says. He undoubtedly spurred people who'd never heard about milkweed to give a damn about the plant. A lot of people [who] find that YouTube page seem really upset to find out that Elwood Blues is not really a botanist. I associate them with a place to like get away from people and, kind of open air playground. Joey Santore, amateur botanist "Crime pays but Botany Doesn't" Podcast "It's all gonna be okay. And I, my friend's pilfered scooter. A knowledge of the relationships between living things and how we have all evolved to survive over time is a coping mechanism and a glimmer of hope in the age of increasingly dire predictions about the progress and effects of climate change. But, about that voice. So I put all this narration through this voice of a 50-year-old Chicago mook from the West Side. Think Dan Aykroyd in The Blues Brothers dialed to 11. You can read Jesse's story on Outside Online. I just been planting trees, sometimes with permission, mostly without, uh, because the city I live in kind of dropped the ball so hard on their, uh, uh, public beautification efforts. Maybe I should have just left her alone. Learn more about all the adventures to be had across Mississippi at But if it gives me a chance to get more people excited about botany and plants and viewing the world outside of this depressing human infrastructure in society that I think is killing so many of us slowly, then I guess its good then I guess the clickbait coyote video served a purpose and its all part of my grandiose plan to get more people interested in science and ecology and I guess, this sounds corny, the natural world in general..

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