Im very pleased with and thankful for the natal consultation I had with Patrick Watson; he provided super interesting. I had an amazing consultation with Patrick and his reading truly resonated with me. You're so sensitive and vulnerable sexually that it can take time for a new lover to feel safe and right to you. Last November, Meghan wrote an opinion piece for the NY Times, titled The Losses We Share, which reflects on the tremendous losses of 2020 as well as her own tremendous loss. The ones dipped in gold causes the victim to fall madly in love and the ones dipped in lead cause a vial repulsion. 6 Ways You Can Actually Use Lots in Astrology (NSFW). 8 is the Feminine Power through Reception, as opposed to the Masculine Power of 6 through Giving, Penetrating. I accept the possibility that Patrick Watsons analysis may be inaccurate and assume full responsibility for any actions I independently undertake in response to the analysis of my horary. In astrology, Eros represents sexual objectification, passion and desire, and creativity. Patrick Watson is exceptional! If you have Nemesis in the 5th house, please don't freak out and think that means you're going to have a miscarriage. She literally was an ambassador. All Rights Reserved. ZR from the Lot of Fortune might be a good place to research other things that can happen to your meat sack, like weight loss, weight gain,pregnancy,cosmetic surgery,illnesses, accidents and death, yknow, fun stuff. Highly, highly recommended! He's a really cool guy with great character. You may enjoy submitting to a dominant partner, however, and if you are an abuse survivor, you might too easily find yourself recreating abusive situations. Theyre derived from the arcs between planets and Lots. This doesnt forebode well for issues concerning the body, because of the Moons general significations as well as its rulership of the 1st. He provided me with insight and. super impressed and happy with the reading. This is a guy who was PRESIDENT of the United States, and his Fortune 10th period coincided with his post-presidential activities with Clinton Global Initiative and Hillarys 2008 campaign? I highly recommend a reading with Patrick. hobbies, I don't usually watch astrology videos. Hello and Welcome! I'm sure most people have already noticed the fact that their 1st houses-7th houses are swapped. Whats funny about this for Claudia Marie is that this would mean her Spirit and Eros release at the exact same time, meaning the topics of romance and sex would unfold at the same time as her career. I knew that if I was ever going to get a reading it had to be with an astrologer that practiced and worked with the Hellenistic techniques - the most accurate techniques I believe are around today in the astrological world -. Be sure to seek advice from Patrick Watson! One really weird rule Valens gives that still has to be sussed out, is the reversal of Fortune and Spirit in night charts when the Moon is below the horizon, or where the ruler of Fortune falls amiss, that Spirit takes on the role of Fortune. For example, his Aquarius-(Leo) Loosing of the Bond coincided with his successful 1992 run for President. He helped me understand some of the conflicts I have been facing with family and career, and even some of the challenges my children have been facing during recent transits. What's so interesting about this is that Meghan has the Lot of Nemesis, Saturn's Lot, in the 5th house in her chart. The 4th house also signifies land in general and the homeland. In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. Any House Cusp. Check your Lot of Eros out, see if it lines up with annual profections and your relationships. Where have you been?? With Eros in Aries you tend to be more turned on by a prospective love partner who says "no . Now, you must be thinking, why on earth was I messagingmy friend messagingstrange questions to voluptuous women in the porn industry on Myspace, and to that I can only say that I, I mean, he was single, 19 years old, and was willing to go that extra mile for sound data in the name of proper astrological research, dammit. You should definitely seek advice from Patrick Watson. You didnt even get to what to do with the regular Lots and now youre going to go off on Hermetic Lots? Well, thats right, but thats all I got for right now. My consultation went really well. them really simply and thoroughly. Last year I made a new Gemini rising friend with his ascendant and Mars in Gemini, during the Venus retrograde in Gemini. In rare cases, another house cusp is . He cheated like no one's business, and Juno stuck by his side through it all. Okay whoa, whoa, wait a second, back up here. With Eros in Scorpio you have a powerful erotic vibe that you likely exude - whether or not you're aware of it. Your primary organ of erotic attraction is your mind; fantasies and sexy stories are big for you. It is possible for you to cross the line into abuse without noticing as you need to develop sensitivity to others' needs and feelings. Eros in Scorpio is deeply emotional and more vulnerable than others might think at first glance. MOON IN ARIES (NATAL): THE YOUTHFUL MOTHER MOON, MOON IN CANCER: THE CELESTIAL MOTHER MOON, MOON IN LEO (NATAL): THE REGAL MOTHER MOON, MOON IN SCORPIO: THE TRANSFORMATIONAL MOTHER, MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: THE EDUCATING MOTHER, PALLAS IN ASTROLOGY The Asteroid of Wisdom, DEJANIRA IN ASTROLOGY: The Victim Asteroid, EROS IN ASTROLOGY: The Sexuality Asteroid, VESTA IN ASTROLOGY The Spirituality Asteroid. The Lot of Necessity is the Hermetic Lot of Mercury. So I watched the first videoand that was it! Which is how we get to the idea of ambassadors being a 5th house topic. Thank you Patrick. It is certainly the most powerful & instantaneous contact I have ever experienced & I have had a few (Mars/Pluto/Uranus conjunct in the 8th natally) -- you may be interested that this person with whom I have the Eros/Node/Vertex synastry came into my life as Pluto crossed my South Node & trined my Dsc (!) Having a rectification chart done with Patrick availed me the opportunity to connect deeply with the aspects of my. Without using the Lots, there's no reason I should enjoy anything Gemini-ish. (He was also super nice to me, a non english speaker. One of the dominant planets in your natal chart is the Sun. Circumstances create opportunities for taking action, but sometimes actions lead to different circumstances. helpful insights into the topics I expressed my curiosity about. Insist on being treated as somebody important to your lovers - you have that right. Dont ask. I ended the session feeling optimistic about my future, and knowing when to expect some trouble related to two difficult placements. I will definitely come back for more readings in the future. What else can you do with the Lots? Syzygy (Full or New Moon prior to birth) Well, it's basically things that make you happy, things that make you feel entertained, things that make you feel good, things that you choose, willingly. Most people probably see the word "Eros" and "Venus," jump straight to "erotic," and conclude that The Lot of Eros must signify romantic relationships. For example, Barack Obama has Fortune in Aries, and the ruler of his Fortune 10th and Lot of Exaltation is Saturn in Capricorn, in its own sign in the Fortune 10th. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign: Astrologys Big Three, Thanks to the explosion of astrology online and in social media, many people are taking a deeper dive into their personal astrology. i just had my chart rectified by Patrick. Zodiacal Releasing from the Lot of Spirit starts with the sign of the Lot of Spirit. Winona didn't publish a book or anything on her hobbies, that's the key distinction. Any House Cusp Ruler. Please select "I agree to get email updates" option. Jessica Lange does photography as a hobby and has published books of photographs. Eros and Psyche are a pair of lovers as defined by the myth of their journey to unite together. If you read my post about the symbolism behind the formulas then you may remember me saying that it's important to look at the formula itself, not just the name of a Lot. What does lot of Eros represent? It is as if your Ascendant were a cardinal point; all Lot combinations are in antiscia relationships across the horizon. So if a Lot is in the sign of Leo in the Natal Chart, it will remain in that sign for the first 19 years of life, and after those 19 years are completed, the Lot will move into the next sign in zodiacal order, Virgo, and stay there for the next 20 years. If you project the distance from Mars to Venus from the Ascendant, you get a one-stop-shop Lot for Sale, Lands, Landed Property and Adultery. The Lot ofOperations and Orders in Medical Treatment? I have accepted my role as an unabashed Gemini stan despite the fact that they also annoy the shit out of me (see, clingy Venus in Scorpio in aversion). One way you can use the Lots is by incorporating them into annual profections. I. learned how the interactions between the various planets of my natal chart worked together, showing areas that might show ease and others that might be more problematic. Coinbase automatically converts the USD price into the current exchange rate for currently accepted cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Dai (DAI), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and USD Coin (USDC). until the time of my reading which is FINE if it wouldve resulted in more information about me. ever done for myself. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. She entered her Libra period on April 6th 2000, and it was in late April 2000 that reports began to circulate that she had been seen canoodling with Leonardo DiCaprio. You love to flirt and feel attractive, and it turns you on when two or more potential partners compete for your attention. Jupiter signifies justice and law. It gives me some hope for the future, and enhances my understanding of struggles Ive dealt or been dealing with. In art he was depicted as a beautiful winged youth, with eyes often covered, symbolising the blindness of love and passion. As we all know, Eros is the god of love and desire in Greek mythology, so naturally this asteroid has a lot to do with our love lives. ***I should warn you before you go and try to apply this technique to other charts, that there are some extenuating circumstances with Fortune and Spirit that could cause wildly different interpretations. You are sensitive to others' bodies and you love to help people feel good. Eros in Aries makes a person love the chase. You love sex, but there is no goal. I was at first a little nervous to do so, since this is not something I do often, and I didnt really know what to expect, but I found that Well, it's basically things that make you happy, things that make you feel entertained, things that make you feel good, things that you choose, willingly. It is professional astrologer Patrick Watson who does his job best. So much makes sense now. When you want something, you want it now. More research has to be done here. You wont be disappointed! Bee Wolf-Ray is a long-time professional astrologer. Similarly, the influence of Eros in astrology can be explained as things that happen inadvertently in life, be it about falling in love or an irresistible desire to achieve something disregarding the rationality of that notion. According to Masha'allah, if the Lot of Spirit is in a dark house, the . When you make love, you can virtually become that person, you feel them all the way down. These planetary periods are referred to as major periods, Level 1 periods, or L1 periods for short. The 11th House: Where Your Wild Things Are October 13, 2019 The 11th house in astrology is one of the 12 astrology houses, each of which governs different parts of your personality and life. I really enjoyed his consultation and. I have great confidence in the result of his work on my chart as it speaks to the events in my life and who I am. Meghan's 7th house is Harry's 1st house, etc. The ruler of the 7th exalted in the 4th is a perfect example for marrying into the royal family, especially one with a long line considering we're talking about Saturn. Were also reminded of their Mars in Capricorn in the 6th, which can also indicate trouble with ones employees or subordinates. The term Lots capture the original idea from Platos Timaeus of souls casting lots for different []. Surrender to the grief, cry as deeply as possible for as long as you need to and then return to your senses. Sure beats the old Head+Wall-Sanity=Lot of Tedium method. But back to teh bewbz. Required fields are marked *. I'll do a separate post on Necessity later, but what you need to know is that it signifies negative things. In some accounts, Eros is equipped with two distinct kinds of arrows. You are a butterfly, turned on by variety and novelty. Night: Take the distance from Jupiter to Spirit, count the same from the Ascendant From this you could extrapolate that Ashleys personal downfalls are connected with or coincide with her career, whereas Mary Katespersonal downfalls areseparate from valleys in her career. However, the initial attraction they felt for one another may eventually fade in time if they decide to overindulge in their sexual impulses. Needless to say, Patrick is a true pro at it. Episodes. The rest of your birth chart will help to guide you on when and where you can give in to this impulse, and when it's best to pull back. I've been sitting on the fence about getting an astrological consultation for a while, until I discovered Patrick and, Big Fat Astro. The distance between two of the points is added to the position of the third (very often the ascendant) to derive the location of the lot. You dont need eminence to be happy, but if having a high rank in your society is important to you to be happyI hope you have some eminence factors. I really enjoyed my reading and felt that I learned so much in just 1 hour. And she is a pornographic actress, after all. Which, I'm sure they're more than happy to be rid of at this point. Mars rules not only her 5th house but also her 10th house and MC which are associated with career. Necessity signifies constraints, submissions, struggles, and wars, and makes enmities, hatreds, condemnations, all the other restrictive things befalling men as a result of their birth. Paulus Alexandrinus, Day: Take the distance from Spirit to Venus, count the same from the Ascendant A bulk of the information given to me was about general astrology. But the other Hermetic Lots? Would do again 10/10! Lot of Necessity Day: Take the distance from Mercury to Fortune, count the same from the Ascendant Its beyond the scope of this article to explain it in tremendous detail, and Id highly recommend taking Chris Brennans course on this, but here are the basics. However, Venus and Saturn are inferior position to the Moon, Mars and Jupiter, which suggests the Moon can overcome the issues presented by Saturn. As well as studying the physical body, astrologers look to its name to find its meaning. Bushs bitchFormer UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was born with Fortune in Pisces and Spirit in Virgo. In astrology, Eros represents sexual objectification, passion and desire, and creativity. Jupiter will enter Aries on May 10, 2022 and retrograde back into Pisces October 28, 2022, finally leaving Pisces on December 20, 2022. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. I had a general chart reading today with Patrick. Eros overpowers the mind with love and sex. Too often this stuff is dressed in the robes of rhetoric and academia, so its nice to see it brought down to Earth with humor and simply being real. 1 articles . Celestial Names for Boys Inspired by Outer Space, Celestial baby boy names inspired by planets, stars, and famed astronomers make excellent, unique options for your little astronaut. Select an Arabic Part from the pull-down menu. How do the Lots tell me anything about the shit I do? Invocation of this right would never be based on any discriminatory bias regarding race, sex, gender identity, adult consensual sexual orientation, religion, national origin, ability, health, socioeconomic status. 8 the self-defense art of Aikido: using the energy of the opponent to neutralize him. Psyche, was a mortal girl that Eros fell in love with. A bulk of the information given to me was about general astrology. All of your turn-ons begin mentally. You probably do not. It is necessary to examine the Lot and its ruler to see in which signs they are located, because the cause of death will be foretold by the Moon (which is Fortune), when in conjunction with the Sun in Aries, suffers an . You enjoy the romping, playful physical act, and you love to try new things. All rights reserved. Overall, it felt like a flimsy reading. Something that isn't often talked about is the fact that the 5th house signifies ambassadors. Her Lot of Eros is ruled by Saturn, the Lord of Darkness, and she doesn't use flash. In particular, I'm interested in her book "Highway 61." The more you study them, the more you see a kind of subtle interplay between Fortune and Spirit,circumstance and will. This passion may be short-lived, as your changeable attention span swiftly shifts focus to a new attraction. It might be enough just to know that they want you; you are very choosy about who you finally let in. Lots are simply taking this exact separation between two planets in a natal chart as being significant for that planetary combination, and examining it in relation to the Ascendant. This comes up with synastry constantly but remember, we're not just talking about sun signs, we're talking about all the planets. Sometimes theyre very literal. In a situation where Patrick Watson agrees a refund is warranted, refunds for purchases made in crypto will only be provided in USD at the original USD price. Jessica Lange has the Lot of Eros in her 7th house in Aquarius, conjunct the moon and Jupiter, and ruled by Saturn retrograde in Leo in her 1st house. The ruler of Cancer is her Moon in Aries in the 10th. Tl, dr: If youre thinking about doing a reading with Patrick, go for it! Eros was a celebrated god in classical antiquity, urging one to seek a higher form of beauty, truth, and goodness. Gosh, I dont know, its almost like he becomes well known for being someones partner, but its a kind of inverse of aMars archetype or whats expected of a malelikeFirst Gentleman. June Love: Marriage & Commitment. I was like, You have the heart in a good place! . George H.W. It's pure attraction rather than true compatibility. Think newspapers vs. books. Lol It's more complicated than that so don't get too caught up on the sign but this is one easy way you can see it come up. How Many People Share The Exact Same Natal Chart? Eros in the Signs. Assessing Compatibility. So with Virgo-Pisces activated on Fortune, her Mars in Virgo opposite Jupiter in Pisces came to life. The operative and effective signs are the Ascendant, MC, <the XI Place of the> Good Daimon, <the V Place of> Good Fortune, the Lot of Fortune, Daimon, Love, Necessity. DERP. Eminence-wise, it would seem Fortune in Cancer would make more sense for a President since its ruler is Moon in Taurus (exaltation) in the 11th from Fortune in Cancer. I get along really well with my mom who has her ascendant and moon in Sagittarius. Meghan was 36 years old when she got married to Harry in 2018 which put her in a 1st house Cancer year. In this sense they are somewhat like houses which divide the horizon by planetary arcs instead of by signs (I prefer Whole Sign Houses, an elegant division for dubiously civilized ages). The most well-known goddess asteroids are Juno, Vesta, and Pallas. January 2, 2023 @ You are acutely sensitive to harsh and abrasive situations; you prefer the lights to be low, the music soft and the textures smooth. Meanwhile, Giselle Bndchen was born with the Lot of Fortune in Aries and the Lot of Eros in Virgo. Learn to be direct and clear in asserting your needs. Hop on over to my post about the symbolism behind the formulas for a refresher on why the Lot formulas are structured like that. By my purchase of this horary service I acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions: 1) I do not hold Patrick Watson to be legally liable for any circumstances or consequences arising from his analysis of my question. The Astrology Podcast, Episode 192, Zodiacal Releasing: An Ancient Timing Technique, Chris Brennan & Leisa Schaim, February 11, 2019. Also he's as funny as his blogs! For me, my Lot of Eros signifies my love of games, learning, verbose people, mental stimulation, etc. . This is taking into consideration layers of factors that are unique to Meghan. Here Eros wants to lose all sense of where his being ends and . Patrick is not just skilled at chart interpretation; he thinks like a scientist, continually working out techniques that emerged from recent translations, which, in my opinion, always contain an interpretive dimension, particularly 2,000 years beyond the writing of the text and the culture within which the text was produced. Gotta appreciate an astrologer that doesn't sugarcoat things and analizes everything to the minor detail. This was a huge obstacle for Brady and Bndchens relationship that had barely just begun. & thus opposed his Eros. Since it is the opposite calculation of Fortune and equidistant from the Ascendant from Fortune, its meaning is also complementary to the Lot of Fortune. The natural zodiac sign of the 9 th house is 'Sagittarius'. a sign). Mars is fallen in Cancer but, it is of sect and has triplicity. She doesn't use flash and she doesn't crop photos. The Lot or Part of Fortune - Astrodienst My Astro Home Free Horoscopes Astro Shop All about Astrology About Astrodienst Frequently Asked Questions Forum Language EN Shopping Cart My Astro Horoscopes Astro Shop All about Astrology Topics in the Astro Shop Astro-Databank Sometime in mid-February 2007, right around the beginning of Bradys Fortune 10th Eros period,Moynahan told Brady she was pregnant with their child, and did not want an abortion. The placements of personal planets such as Mars, Venus, and Moon also play a crucial role in shaping the sexuality of an individual, and hence, a holistic approach is necessary to interpret the results accurately. Arent they just more infinite mincing and parsing of the natal chart to extract whatever information we want out of it? They also oppose Saturn in Leo by whole sign and square Venus in Taurus by degree. Such a relationship is likely to be focused on the physical side. His reading for me was profound and answered many questions I had about trends. While the Lot of Eros signifies more than JUST relationships, it does still signify them. There are others out there who love what you have to offer, and who share your preferences. Tumbling silently end over end, Eros has now caught the attention of scientists by hosting the first satellite ever to reach, orbit . There's nothing strategic or political about this partnership. The Lots of Fortune and Spirit are derived from the arc between the Sun and Moon, so those are still based on an actual astronomical distance at least. Its not too doom and gloom nor over the top unrealistic. Sometimes he carried a flower, but more often his silver bow and arrows, with which he shot desire into hearts of men, overpowering the mind with thoughts of love (and SEX!). The Loosings between Gemini-Sagittarius and Virgo-Pisces are more variable. Eros shows where erotic attraction might get you in trouble, and it also reveals what your best, healthiest erotic life can look like. Nemesis in Greek mythology is the spirit of divine retribution, of righteous indignation against those who succumb to hubris. Lange's Lot of Spirit (faith, intellect, mind, career) is in her 3rd house (frequently traveled places) in Libra, ruled by Venus in Taurus in her 10th house. I see success. Now that Meghan is in a Libra year, activating the unsupportive Royal Family as indicated by Venus in Virgo, it seems that the worst of it is the fact that Harry and Meghan are being stripped of their royal titles. Even all of these are in the same signs. The signs angular to Fortune are the most active, and special attention is paid to the Fortune 10th. Glad you enjoyed it! Patrick is a master at chart readings. The whole process started on February 2nd 2013 and finished on April 27th 2013, during Cancer-Capricorn-(Capricorn)-Aries. Lot of Fortune, Spirit, Eros. , I wish I had an experience like the other people here but mine was lacking. You enjoy fantasies and you are highly turned on by physical appearance. Out of it may be short-lived, as opposed to the grief, cry as deeply as possible as! Causes the victim to fall madly in love with and special attention is paid to idea! About trends side through it all the top unrealistic learned so much in 1. To do with the regular Lots and now youre going to go off on Hermetic lot of eros astrology verbose people, stimulation... Lange does photography as a beautiful winged youth, with eyes often,! Aries makes a person love the chase Harry 's 1st house, the Lord Darkness... Can take time for a refresher on why the Lot of Fortune in Pisces Spirit... To help people feel good her 5th house signifies ambassadors ambassadors being a house! 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