Level I Grants are only available to individuals who are entirely new to the National Geographic Society network, as well as individuals already in the network who are not yet Explorers, including team members on previous grants, National Geographic Young Explorers awarded in 2019 or later, recipients of discretionary funding opportunities such as the COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists and the COVID-19 Remote Learning Emergency Fund, and recipients of grants from the China Air & Water Fund. 0000017896 00000 n People will trust partners to reciprocate under experimental conditions most if they believe partners are kin, followed by compadres, then paisanos, then co-workers, and finally co-parishioners. You will be able to view and submit a full application online in early March 2018. Cochabamba for two months. Digital sound recorder $70 (independent variables H1-2), I will consult published records of precipitation in Cochabamba for 2004. A research assistant is needed to do partial transcriptions of 240 semi-structured interviews, assist in interviewing, and help run the investment game. Over six years of coursework, I have acquired a solid four-field education in anthropology that enables me to understand the cultural, biological, historical, and symbolic aspects of water scarcity and conflict. The methodology section is particularly strong. The advantages of using a modified version of the Stack function. Link to an image of the revised budget page 2 for 0314395, Bernard & Wutich 1977 Networks and Marginality: Life in a Mexican Shantytown. This would leave a residual 320 hours of transcribing and coding work to complete in December, after the monthly interviews end. Half-time Undergraduate Student Research Assistant (46 weeks) $2020 Consult the EC website for more information on the types of programs funded. Laughlin and Brady's (1978) model of adaptation describes how economic and social interactions fluctuate with seasonal patterns of resource scarcity. Projects are typically funded for US $5,000 and cannot exceed . I will set up the games using Barr's (2001) adaptation of the investment game protocol and script for developing nations. 0000000016 00000 n Level 2: If you are more established in your field, have previously received a grant from the National Geographic Society, or are seeking a higher level of funding, you may apply for a Level II Grant. Grant projects last one calendar year or less. You can download a sample application for each project focus as a reference to help you prepare your proposal. Spradley, James P These documents are meant for people with intermittent access to the internet and are for preparation purposes only. Where? S. Carolina Proposal Activities Not Funded by NGGDPP Nonfunded activities Annually, the NGGDPP solicits proposals from state geological surveys for the preservation and rescue of geoscience materials and data. For example hypothesis 3 and hypothesis 4 are simply flip sides of the same coin. With whom do you work? If you are more established in your field, have previously received a National Geographic Society grant, or are seeking a higher level of funding, you may apply for a Level II Grant. Shaanxi Teachers University, Chinese Language and Literature, Aug. 1998-May 1999, Appointments: Employment and Research Experience, 2002 Preliminary fieldwork, interviews on water scarcity in Bolivia Maloney, R. Shawn and Michael Paolisso Boulder: Westview Press. 0000031085 00000 n This item has been moved from budget item B4 to B6 because it requests funds for out-of-country employees. Get updates about our critical work to explore and protect our planet. Secret Discount Link H1. Following anthropologists who have modified experimental economic methods to study economic behaviors in 15 small-scale societies (Henrich et al. 1985, Corbett 1988, Walker 1989). 1995 [1982] A house of my own: Social Organization in the Squatter Settlements of Lima, Peru. The research will be the first study to examine if and how urban social support relationships are transformed by severe water scarcity. Urban Studies 36(2). For the semi-structured interviews, I will adapt the interview protocol from Stack's classic study of urban survival strategies (1970) for use in Cochabamba (see appendix). The proposal also calls for use of an experimental game to study economic behaviors, analogous to research that has been conducted in fifteen small-scale societies. The five specific objectives are: Literature Review Review: The proposed project is an interesting and clearly formulated inquiry into the effects of water shortage in a periurban barrio of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Research Site: Villa Israel, Cochabamba, Bolivia https://www.nationalgeographic.org/funding-opportunities/grants/ (Elicit the names of all of the items -- furniture, pictures, radios, etc. National Geographic Society grantee. e. What housework do you do (shopping, scrubbing, cooking, dishes, etc.)? Data collection The transcription kit will speed the transcription work of the research assistant, so that he or she will also be able to participate in the data collection. Stewart-Gambino and Wilson 1997). experiences in the community (ethnicity, religion, profession, age, and gender). 0000001973 00000 n Simmel, Georg A purposive sample of 60households will be chosen, primarily for development of test protocols, mainly for the creation of a water scale. National Geographic Society Grants Program Apply Now! key informants will allow me to check their recollections and assessments of norms against each ;Vxs5"@17LbN$qC\hJUo9k0^>i])yz "b8;9vTd=r7(2"N]D\q?w(,Q`~wuuxK\Fxb.. O,. I will conduct one interview every two months with each of the 60 households in the purposive sample. The $600 estimate is for a bottom-of-the-line pre-owned laptop with the capacity to run Excel, A-3000, and SYSTAT. a. If you have received a grant from National Geographic in the past, you may submit a new proposal after you have closed your previous grant record. The A-3000 transcription kit includes software, a headset, and a foot pedal. -- in each room in the house that were acquired in the last week. During the second phase, I will conduct in-depth interviews 1956 The Functions of Social Conflict. Individuals who are already National Geographic Explorers (i.e., those who have already received a grant from the National Geographic Society) are NOT eligible to apply for Level I Grants. A laptop computer is essential for data entry, management, transcription, and analysis. Tel: (876) 927-1660-9 Exts. You will be allowed to save your work and complete it at another time. The anthropological literature on Andean survival strategies indicates that people form mutual support relationships based on five to determine how water scarcity affects the frequency and quality of social interactions between households. UPDATED JANUARY 2018 While not all the components of this Sample Proposal are required from OCJS grants, it is a good example of a universaland soundfunding proposal. 2001). This totals 600 hours of work per month. L. Ohlsson, ed. Funding is not restricted to United States citizensforeign nationals are invited to apply. My responsibilities include overseeing a four-survey evaluation of health care in the state of Florida, which involves 300 interviewers and 13,500 interviews. This opportunity is best suited for individuals who have the potential and desire to make significant positive contributions to their field by leveraging the funding, capacity, and additional support provided by the National Geographic Society and connections to other Explorers. 4. Everyone has a hard time making it on the money they get and has to get some help from others. London: Zed Books. The transportation budget also includes funds for occasional taxi rides to and from the airport, to carry large loads, and in the evening when buses stop running to Villa Israel. 2002 Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. i. Young Explorers Grants (YEG) offer opportunities to individuals ages 18 to 25 to pursue research, conservation, and exploration-related projects consistent with National Geographics existing grant programs, including: the Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE), the Expeditions Council (EC), and the Conservation Trust (CT). Mack, Raymond As the winter dry season progresses, the impacts of water scarcity become increasingly severe. If selected, each individual will receive direct funding of $800,000, as well as substantial additional resources and services over four (4) years. Field notes and transcribed narratives that include anecdotes about tie breaking and water conflicts will be coded to indicate if the case supports or disproves any of the hypotheses. The Expeditions Council funds exploration and adventure around the world. Nash, June Social Problems 12(4):388-397. Madison's last film, Fungiphilia Rising, was funded by a successful Kickstarter campaign, is currently screening at festivals throughout the world and is featured on National Geographic's Short Film Showcase. Photo Credits from top of page: Christopher Johns, Robbie Shone, Kostadin Luchansky, Cory Richards (2). Funding requests at this level can be up to USD $20,000. Villa Israel, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Cochabamba, is an impoverished community of 565 migrant families. L. Beneria and S. Feldman, ed. Throughout the process the researcher will build on current available data and work with NGOs active in this area. This research will contribute to the doctoral training of a female doctoral student, as well as the methods training of a Bolivian undergraduate student from the Is it a kind of economic free-for-all or are ideas of turn taking employed at times? You can become a National Geographic grantee by applying for one of our grants. The National Geographic Society's Grants Program provides seed funding and support to early career individuals, as well as those more advanced in their careers, who are working to address critical challenges, advance new solutions, and inspire positive transformation across all seven continents. H5. Was the item in anyone elses home before? If you are working on a project outside your home country or community, you must include at least one local collaborator on your team who is significantly involved in the project. We recommend reviewing the following information before applying for funding. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. Living expenses for Co-PI (12 months) $6200 https://www.nationalgeographic.org/funding-opportunities/grants/what-we-fund/. The first phase will lay the groundwork for the second, so that I will be prepared to complete a baseline assessment of exchange and social interactions before the dry season begins in May. We develop creative, novel, or scalable solutions to global sustainability challenges and projects that highlight breakthrough solutions and innovations. water acquired by each household from all sources at the time of each interview, and will also ask the person responsible for collecting water to assess how much water was collected that day. The researcher addresses the issue of the project's social salience in a clear manner. Boulder: Westview Press. Recording(Click here for mp4 file523MB). Broader Impacts Proposal applicants are encouraged to consider the following guidance for drafting impactful proposals: The presentation is available from the July 19, 2022 and August 10, 2022 webinars on the NGGDPP Webinar on FY2023 Program Announcement. This involves documenting the reciprocal exchanges that a sample of households engages in over a nine-month period. Working within the theoretical perspective that increase in scarcity of resources reduces cooperative ties within communities, the proposal aims to test the proposition that in Villa Isreal, a barrio of Cochabamba, Bolivia, severe water shortages erode reciprocal exchange and social relationships. Ronnfeldt, Carsten This is good, working on my project to ensure workability then I will apply for a grant.i need someone to help me in this. A common measure of an appropriate starting bid is one day s wages. All applications must be submitted through our online application system. Fight Fraud against NGOs Transportation $20 3. In Hydropolitics: Conflicts over Water as a Development Constraint. The estimate of $2160 assumes that half of the players will send nothing (so that the cost of the interaction is $3) and half of the players send the full amount (so that the cost of the interaction is $9). Learn what it really means to be a National Geographic Explorer and get to know our community. Funding Information. Social interactions will occur more frequently in the wet season than in the dry season. allocated 4 to 8 hours per meeting for interviewing and observation. Review: This proposal deals with conflicts over water shortages in Bolivia. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40(4):637-656. On this page you will find examples of grant applications and summary statements from NIDCD investigators who have graciously shared their successful submissions to benefit the research community. The recording and transcript are available from the August 10, 2022 webinar. Sociability in Bolivia, Principal Investigator: H. Russell Bernard The proposed research will determine if severe water scarcity erodes reciprocal exchange and social relationships in Villa Israel, a barrio of Cochabamba, Bolivia. 0000038091 00000 n During the dry season, households with more water will engage in generalized reciprocal exchange relationships with more households than will households with less water. Copyright Policy H9. Fringe benefits are also excluded, as are salaries. Throughout the year, all households lack sufficient water for daily sanitation tasks in Villa Israel. Equipment funding requests including scanners, computers, storage media, and relevant software licenses are acceptable as long as the equipment is necessary for the successful completion of the work funded by the NGGDPP. Research Objectives. 0000023876 00000 n Who? Organizations can apply for grants, but the person within the organization who will lead the projectnot the institutionshould be the applicant and will be expected to meet the requirements of the grant. Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. Yes Level II grants are extremely competitive and recipients receive funding up to $100,000. This game will test trust and reciprocity among participants. Trips to the Cochabamba center will be necessary to make photocopies, purchase food, and acquire research supplies. Access your saved CRE pre-application form. Funding opportunities may be available to U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) bureaus annually as funding allows. https://www.nationalgeographic.org/funding-opportunities/grants/, Click here to Get Email Alerts about the Latest Grants, Level I grants receive funding up to $20,000 and offer unique opportunities for. 1995). 1978 Introduction: Diaphasis and Change. Intellectual Merit Our funding opportunities aim to further understanding of our planet and empower a global community to generate solutions for a healthier and more sustainable future. 0000001366 00000 n Although early conflict theorists called for empirical All rights reserved. However, a record of prior experience in the fields of research, conservation, or exploration should be submitted as it pertains to the proposed project. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) provides links to example narratives, as well as links to open opportunities for funding. c. With whom do you participate in special activities (church groups, dancing, etc.)? H3. The only other criticism would be a general failure of the investigators to situate the research questions within a larger political economic context. 194 0 obj <> endobj xref The presentation and recording are available from the October 2020 webinar,NGGDPP Webinar on FY2021 Program Announcement and Proposal Writing Best Practices. 1992 The Politics of Bolivia's Economic Crisis: Survival Strategies of Displaced Tin-Mining Households. About us, Premium Sign in Wiley: Jossey-Bass: A supplement to Thomas Blackburn's book Getting Science Grants: Effective Strategies for Funding Success (Jossey-Bass, 2003), the website includes links to funded proposals to federal and private agencies. Player A is given a sum equal to one day's labor (about US $3), and the option to keep the money or send some of it to the player B. These grants are highly competitive and reserved for select projects that push boundaries to achieve significant and tangible impact in your field. The National Geographic Society is launching a rigorous global effort to find three (3) of the best scientists doing field research on animal behavior and cognition. 1. With respondents' permission, I will record interviews using a digital sound recorder (Maloney and Paolisso 2001). These grants are highly competitive and reserved for select projects that push boundaries to achieve significant and tangible impact in your field. Fill out YEG pre-application for Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE), Access your saved CRE pre-application form, Fill out YEG pre-application for Expeditions Council (EC), Access your saved EC pre-application form, Fill out YEG pre-application for Conservation Trust (CT), Access your saved CT pre-application form. ?1K[UrNu3VvJ+IhVo(Nnv_s~'Vf~/E>W{tc}L5LC#Lybm6bC2vi}\^mlIP>[%[q5B\hCo?oKLK|]HQnv:Q[4ssuUCOo/oh)JV%YMtGu_uLYZyBG{bey}[o4Zb?$i0 The National Geographic Society is inviting proposals from experienced project leaders in the areas of conservation, education, research, storytelling, and technology for its Exploration Grants Program. Digital sound recorder $70 Grantees may not: offer or give anything of value to a government official or any other person as an incentive to, or in exchange or as a reward for, obtaining an improper advantage for National Geographic; or give, offer, solicit or accept anything of value that is intended to induce the recipient to violate his/her duty of loyalty to his/her employer. Which meals? 2001 Kinship, Familiarity, and Trust: An experimental investigation. The National Geographic Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, age, or disability. The researcher has also undertaken independent research projects in Mexico and Bolivia, and therefore has the fieldwork and language skills required for the project. The Young Explorers Grants Program supports a variety of projectsand an age-range of applicantsthat are generally not covered by other sources of funding. Similar to the survival tactics documented in rural African households, urban Andean households engage in frequent reciprocal exchanges to guard against privation. Living expenses were calculated for the Co-PI to reside and work in Villa Israel, Who helps pay for it? This involves the development and testing of a scale to assess water consumption, as well as conducting interviews to document variation of water use in a sample of households. UPDATED JANUARY 2018 These and other macro-level questions may be of interest as the research is undertaken. We recommend reviewing the following information before applying for funding. During the first phase, I will use a sampling frame to choose a 60-household purposive sample, create and test interview protocols, choose key informants, and train a research assistant. Fight Fraud against NGOs The obvious counterpart in the countryside is water distribution for irrigation and there are numerous studies here (e.g., Gelles, Gose, Guillet, Isbell, Sherbondy, Sikkink) that discuss the conflict and cooperation involved in this event, and would serve as a counterpoint to the study proposed here. 1999 An Emerging Logic of Urban Water Management, Cochabamba, Bolivia. The fund will distribute support ranging from $1,000-8,000 USD for local coverage of the preparation, response, and impact of this global pandemic as seen through evidence-based reporting. Although applicants must be 18 or older at the time they submit their application, there are no restrictions related to minimum years of experience in their discipline. Bus fare will be needed to travel from Villa Israel to any other part of Cochabamba. Not sure which application to fill out? H7. f. Was it a gift or a loan? Barr, Abigail DMP - Core and Core Photos(Click here for Word document), DMP - Geologic maps, Well logs, Geochemistry, Critical Minerals, Field Notebooks(Click here for Word document), Preserving Valuable and Irreplaceable Geoscience Collections, National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20192, Region 2: South Atlantic-Gulf (Includes Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Region 12: Pacific Islands (American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), Registry of Scientific Collections (ReSciColl). H.W. A digital sound recorder is needed to record semi-structured interviews, so that they can be transcribed by the research assistant. The National Geographic Society's Grants Program provides seed funding and support to early career individuals, as well as those more advanced in their careers, who are working to address critical challenges, advance new solutions, and inspire positive transformation across all seven continents. In Cochabamba, I became associated with three organizations that are working on local water problems. McFarren, Wendy Coleman, James S. 140 Broadway 46th Floor While assisting Drs. The research assistants salaries are calculated at $2.20 an hour, 40 hours a week, totaling $3520 per assistant over the 10-month period. In Cochabamba, the study's findings will be disseminated through partnerships with three local NGOs, along with suggestions regarding ways in which the research might contribute to the success of future water delivery projects. 0000009445 00000 n Please be as specific as possible. Household interviews Household interviews will produce data for the following variables: number of reciprocal exchanges (H1,3), number of reciprocal exchange relationships (H4), number of social visits (H2,5), and number of social relationships (H6) that each household has reinforced (through visits, for example) during the week preceding each interview; and the order in which households withdraw from exchange and social relationships (H9-10). Bus fare will be needed to travel from Villa Israel to any other part of Cochabamba. Project start dates should be a minimum of six months after the submission deadline to ensure any awarded funds are received in time. 4. LEISURE TIME Privacy Policy, Contact us The names of three academic or professional references and a curriculum vitae are to be included with the full application. exacerbate tensions, and community-wide patterns of adaptation to environmental scarcities are not well-formed, may be particularly vulnerable to water conflicts (Moench 2002). C. Laughlin, Jr. and I. Brady, eds. Read the full disclaimer here. You will be able to view and submit a full application online in early March 2018. Privacy Policy, Contact us Secret Discount Link 1999 Theorizing the City. You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time. Any grant The pre-application form can be completed in multiple sessions. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should write the application and be listed as the project leader. My aim is to learn how people spend their time from the moment they wake up in the morning until they go to bed at night -- to learn who they visit, which relatives they see daily or weekly, what they do for each other, whether they exchange goods and services, and how these exchanges are arranged. The individual responsible for carrying out the project should apply and write the application. Gilbert, Alan If your pre-application is approved, you will be sent an email with a link and a password giving you access to our full application online. In Capital, Power, and Inequality in Latin America. Upon entering the field, I will also begin to look for key informants through word-of-mouth Research Competence of the Student During summer of 2003, I will return to Villa Israel to introduce myself formally to community members, hire a research assistant from the sociology department at the Universidad Mayor de San Simn, and finalize living arrangements for the following January. 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