An official message will be sent to your command via CGMS detailing your travel arrangements from the United States to the Kingdom of Bahrain. This fact may be one reason why diversity and inclusion practices organically exist throughout PATFORSWA, from the shoreside component to the six 110-foot Island-class cutters. This staff has rarely ever been more than five to eight people at a time and only five reserve captains have served as the branch chief since 2006, one going on to be a flag officer and Senior Reserve Officer of the Coast Guard Reserve Component. In early 2003, an advance team arrived in Bahrain to set-up PATFORSWA. CG-IMAT. The Coast Guard was a prime operational vehicle to extend the U.S. Navys projection of power into littoral areas in the Northern Persian Gulf. The Atlantic Area Combatant Commander Operations Branch (LANT-3R5) under the Operations Directorate was created in May 2006 due to this need. The Mission of PATFORSWA is to train, organize, equip, support and deploy combat-ready Coast Guard Forces in support of CENTCOM and national security objectives. Training Division: Phone (910) 440-6505. RAID supported Operation Iraqi Freedom and later Operation New Dawn with some of the most inland combat zone deployments for the U.S. Coast Guard. From entering the main building of PATFORSWA to sailing aboard the cutters, and spending time with the shoreside component, one can easily see the DIAP permeates throughout this Coast Guard unit. Sector Jacksonville Prevention Department Information Page, National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC), Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - The PDT classes are similarly repetitive to accommodate the ebb and flow of assignments. RELIGION Operationally, PATFORSWA cutters have evolved from operating predominantly in the Central and Northern Persian Gulf to joint and combined patrols with multi-national boarding teams extending into the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. Hey guys, so question regarding officers getting assigned to PATFORSWA. Doug Heugel who served as the divisions first chief from 2006 to 2010 described the early mobilizations to fill staff roles in the LANTAREA Combatant Commander Operations Branch, these mobilizations included enlisted reservists in the yeoman and storekeeper rat[ings] as well as an O-5 branch chief and O-3 staff officer. Since PATFORSWA stood up almost 20 years ago, the enterprise program managers for the largest Coast Guard unit outside the United States has been a small group of volunteer reservists who have quietly rotated through their assignments all the while laser focused on accomplishing those two main lines of effort. This 12-person team conducts VBSS and smallboat operations and counter-smuggling work ops at their Naval Support Activity Bahrain ship-in-a-box facility consisting of both an indoor (air-conditioned) and outdoor mock ship, volumetric lab, and smuggling dhow. He is a permanent Cutterman and honorary Lightship Sailor. They are routinely in harms way. Although these boards are commonplace throughout the Coast Guard, what is unique about this board is that no two members pictured look alike. In 2010, a 12-member Maritime Engagement Team (MET) joined PATFORSWA. PATFORSWA, attached to CTF 55, is composed of six patrol vessels, shoreside mission support personnel, and the Maritime Engagement Team. NSA Bahrain held a variety of Navy posts necessary to PATFORSWA operations, including NAVCENT, the U.S. Fifth Fleet, and Destroyer Squadron 50 (DESRON 50), the operational command for Coast Guard cutter forces. An official message will be sent to your command via CGMS detailing your travel arrangements from the United States to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Tour lengths for PATFORSWA are typically one year, unaccompanied and about 33% of the units staff rotate in and out every four months. [13] The cutters John Scheuerman and Clarence Sutphin Jr. arrived in Bahrain on 23 August 2022[14] and Baranof was decommissioned on 26 September 2022. On Mar. Welcome to the U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Forces Southwest Asia page on Facebook. A U.S. search-and-rescue effort was launched leading to "robust bridge-to-bridge communications" with Iranian military vessels, wherein the Iranians informed U.S. Navy cruiser Anzio at 5:15 p.m that the RCBs and their crew were in Iranian custody at Farsi Island and were safe and healthy.[26] By the time a search-and-rescue effort got under way (it included sending a U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard vessel inside Iranian territorial waters over concern U.S. sailors could have been lost overboard), the sailors were already ashore. The mission of PATFORSWA is to train, organize, equip, support, and deploy combat-ready Coast Guard forces in support of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and national security objectives. The MET originally had the mission of maintaining the currency of the cutter law enforcement teams. 8. Freedom. The Navy saw the Coast Guard's cutters and skilled personnel as ideally suited to [27] Kerry stated that in his other phone calls about the situation he "made it crystal clear" how serious it was and that "it was imperative to get it resolved." In the midst of a fleet transition from WPBs to FRCs, the PATFORSWA squadron currently consists of four 154' Sentinel Class Fast Response Cutters, one 110' Island Class Patrol Boat, a cutter relief crew, and a 150-member mission support detachment in Bahrain. The cool indoor airflow is a welcome reprieve from the outdoor desert heat that routinely reaches above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Initially viewed as a contingency operational need to support those cutters, a solicitation for a handful of Coast Guard reservists was made in 2005. Although various Coast Guard units and personnel had served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the 1990s, deployment of the service's island-class patrol boats overseas would represent the first combat deployment of Coast Guard patrol boats since the Vietnam War. This is an opportunity for members to meet outside of the office and talk about all the things you might discuss as a team about climate and culture. They married in 2005, have four children, and enjoy outdoor adventures together as a family. PATFORSWA remains the Coast Guard's largest unit outside of the United States. The current Commodore, Capt. In 2010, a 12-member Maritime Engagement Team (MET) joined PATFORSWA. Among the many Coast Guard personnel, units, and cutters to deploy to the Middle East in support of OIF, NAVCENT requested Coast Guard patrol boats to augment OIF coalition naval forces in the Persian Gulf. MAILING ADDRESS It was commissioned as a permanent duty station in June 2004. PATFORSWA is the Coast Guard's largest unit outside of the U.S. playing a key role in supporting Navy security cooperation, maritime security, and maritime infrastructure protection operations in. The Original Joker, Cesar Romer, was a star in Hollywood, but just a regular guy in the Coast Guard. This requires a much more robust support network to continually train, provide intelligence, repair and replenish the cutters prior to their next operation. So far in FY 2017, the MET has engaged with more than 1,300 personnel from 40 countries. Cutters Wrangell, Adak, Aquidneck, and Baranof were prepared for their new roles as the first Coast Guard PATFORSWA patrol boats to serve under NAVCENT operational and tactical control in OIF. Manama is the capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain and is a very westernized city in the Middle East. Upon receiving orders to PATFORSWA, each candidate is required to successfully complete a variety of pre-deployment training developed to best prepare him or her for the Coast Guard's most dynamic and high-threat operating area. [31][32], During the 2018 Syrian missile strike, Patrol Forces Southwest Asia supported the action with the deployment of Adak and Aquidneck. PATFORSWA played an integral role in the rescue of the U.S. Navy Sailors. In addition, all members gain a greater understanding for DOD, joint capabilities, and national strategic objectives for the region. By Written by William H. Thiesen, Ph.D. Coast Guard Atlantic Area Historian. To support operations, the PATFORSWA staff arranged housing and a base of operations. combatants could not navigate and Coast Guard cutters could remain on station for days as The enlisted personnel can develop skills that may not normally be afforded to them in their rate; such as weapons qualifications, cross-deck experiences with U.S. Navy assets, and additional pipeline schools not offered to stateside billets. summer and fall of 2002. The Navy tasked PATFORSWA with supporting two Navy 170-foot Cyclone-Class patrol craft due to their similarity to Coast Guard patrol boats. Patfor is interesting. PATFORSWA is composed of six 110-foot cutters, shoreside support personnel, and the Maritime Engagement Team. PATFORSWA Receives Two New Sentinel-Class U.S. Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters 25 May 2021 From U.S. 5th Fleet Public Affairs MANAMA, Bahrain - U.S. Coast Guard Sentinel-class fast response. During combat operations in the Persian Gulf, PATFORMED patrol boats supported naval operations in the Mediterranean. Upon arrival, personnel will be assigned individual mailing addresses for personal mail. Their efforts saved DOD tens of millions of dollars in transportation costs due to cargo delays resulting from improper processing. PATFORSWA also includes the Maritime Engagement Team, and robust shoreside support, maintenance, and logistics components. Today, the Coast Guards Special Missions Training Center (SMTC) administers the training, which occurs three times annually and remains required training for those who deploy to meet CENTCOM and Coast Guard Middle East deployment requirements. The Coast Guard's goal was to ensure that hazardous material was properly prepared for shipment and re-entry to U.S. ports. By Capt. U.S.-led coalition forces that allied against the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein included Gulf-based nations that had their own coast guard forces. On Mar. LOGBOOKS - Revenue and Coast Guard Cutters: An Overview, Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Logbooks 1791-1991, Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Muster Rolls 1831 - 1949, Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard Muster Rolls 1833-1932, Unbound US Revenue Cutter and CG Muster Rolls 1831-1915, Shipping Articles of the Revenue Cutter Service 1867 - 1916, Payroll of Officers & Enlisted Forces of USCG Cutters (1916 1935), Battle of the Atlantic & Greenland Patrol, SPAR Lillian Vasilas' Oral History Interview, Significant Dates in Coast Guard Aviation, Life-Saving Service and Coast Guard Units, Master Chief Petty Officers of the Coast Guard, Two Standards of Judgement - Michael Healy, Women in Coast Guard: Historical Chronology, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - In addition, the law Its three stories high and offers 2,000 square feet of interior space to simulate shipboard inspections. The MET is responsible for outfitting and training the six cutters and conducting their water survival training program certifications. Members assigned to LANTAREA were responsible for the training, medical readiness, and administration requirements of members deploying to the the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of operations. The Navy drew on its plans for combat operations in Iraq, and in September 2002, U.S. This took on a new level of complexity as the members who deployed needed to meet CENTCOM Non-standard Forces Training Requirements (NSFTR) for mobilization to the area of operations. The shallow coastal areas and waterways The navy drew upon its standing contingency plans for combat The ATFP shore support team is tasked to provide protection to vessels in security zones and pier areas. The military is represented by members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. There are religious services provided onboard coalition bases. Churches and other religious places of worship may also be found out in town. Patrol Forces Southwest Asia ( PATFORSWA) is a United States Coast Guard command based in Manama, Bahrain. [6] The Coast Guard made plans to base six new Sentinel-class cutters in Bahrain to replace the aging Island-class cutters. Primarily working in Afghanistan, they helped Department of Defense (DOD) and State Department personnel prepare their equipment, vehicles, and supplies for redeployment. [15], Initial preparations for naval operations supporting OIF began with the U.S. Navy in the hbbd``b` S.-qc@?` 6 It took a monumental effort by PATFORMED support staff to prepare for patrol boat operations in the Mediterranean because no Coast Guard infrastructure existed in the region. The dhow, purchased several years ago, is an actual Arabian Gulf dhow that the team has outfitted with hidden smuggling compartments, and is used to teach proper effective search techniques, Carlson said. OIF set the stage for the Coast Guard to demonstrate our professionalism, dedication, reliability, nimbleness, adaptability, and value as a partner to the Navy and regional nations. Adak is assigned to CTF 55, supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. The support crew also modified the compound to house all of its personnel in case of heightened security requirements. These bases have a small exchange/commissary, food court, workout facilities, and educational services. The non-Muslims are almost entirely non-citizens, and among immigrants, many are. It is recommended you bring a set of towels, your own sheets (if you choose to), and warm weather clothes (it does get chilly here). DESRON 50/TF55 directs the operations of all Coast Guard forces in the AOR and ensure CENTCOM strategic objectives are prioritized. All apartments are furnished to include items such as bedding (sheets, blankets), cookware, and utensils but you are encourages to check with your sponsor regarding other items. This is how that branch as supported our mission in OIF for nearly two decades. This same group of people were also responsible for the cutter maintenance and retrofitting as well. The Coast Guard Cutters Monomoy and Maui, two of the six cutters attached to PATFORSWA, are mixed gender and allow all Coast Guard members interested in Arabian Gulf afloat opportunities the chance to deploy to the Middle East. trained in these operations. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) requested U.S. Coast Guard support for combat operations. The present-day Contingency Operations Branch (LANT-39) formed out of the need to provide contingency support to a few cutters deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. NSA Bahrain is home to approximately 7,200 military personnel and DoD civilian employees, 93 Tenant Commands in addition to Joint and Coalition Forces. PATFORSWA makes up part of the coalition forces that conduct Maritime Security Operations in the Persian Gulf. This includes various courses designed to simulate combat situations before completing tactical combat casualty care and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear training. Navy's Iran mishap boosts image of Obama diplomacy", "JAMES LYONS: Navy's Iran mishap boosts image of Obama diplomacy", "The U.S.-Iran Conflict That Never Happened", "Iran releases captured U.S. Navy crew members", "U.S. Central Command Statement on Events Surrounding Iranian Detainment of 10 U.S. Navy Sailors on Jan. 1213, 2016", "US Central Command statement on events surrounding Iranian detainment of 10 US Navy Sailors Jan. 1213, 2016", "9 in Navy Disciplined over Iran's Capture of Sailors", "US Navy criticises sailors captured in Iranian waters", "VIDEO: U.S., French Warships Launch Strikes on Chemical Weapons Targets in Syria",, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 17:04. [33][34], PATFORSWA Crest (showing Southwest Asia and USCGC, Redeployment Assistance Inspection Detachments, United States Naval Forces Central Command, Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm,, "PATFORSWA: Guardians of the Arabian Gulf",,,, "House, Senate Defense Bills Tough on Littoral Combat Ship Programs", "Schultz: FRCs Expanding Coast Guard Reach in Pacific; Six Set for Persian Gulf", "USCGC Charles Moulthrope and Robert Goldman Transit Suez Canal", "PATFORSWA Receives Two New Sentinel-Class U.S. Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters", "U.S. Coast Guard Decommissions Bahrain-Based Cutters USCGC Aquidneck, USCGC Adak", "U.S. Coast Guard commissions 45th fast response cutter", "U.S. Coast Guard Decommissions Three Cutters in Bahrain", "New Coast Guard Cutters arrive in Bahrain", "Coast Guard Decommissions Bahrain-based Patrol Boat Baranof", "Guardians of the Gulf: A History of Coast Guard Combat Operations in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2002-2004",, "Ash Carter: 'Navigational error' behind U.S. sailors ending up in Iran", "U.S. sailors captured by Iran were held at gunpoint: U.S. military", "Iran's Swift Release of U.S. The MET participates in operations and training with other U.S. armed forces and foreign military partners. Capt. "[29] The statement did not account for navigation equipment. At the command cadre level, we encourage the Leadership and Diversity Advisory Council (LDAC), to find creative ways to bring members together and promote comradery despite the isolating effects of COVID. The nature of developing CENTCOM and Coast Guard-specific required training for Coast Guard members to deploy to NAVCENT resulted in a growing workload on the existing staff. To prepare PATFORSWA members for deployment, LANTAREA built the PATFORSWA staff around a core group of the seventeen-member crew from the 110-foot cutter Sapelo. Once acclimated, the next thing a visitor will notice in building two of the Naval Support Activity Bahrain base is the command board with portraits of U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Forces Southwest Asia (PATFORSWA)s command cadre and department heads. Furthermore, Monomoy gained prominence as the second Coast Guard cutter to sail with nearly equal compliments of men and women back in the 1990s, and continues that legacy. In fact, as part of their pre-deployment training, all incoming PATFORSWA members receive cultural awareness instruction. y~f`[0@OO|iv@ H91A1f VV Visit the following link for more information: Similarly, other LANTAREA staff elements such as Cutter Forces Branch (LANT-37CF) and Deployable Specialized Forces Branch (LANT-37DSF) routinely provide collateral support to PATFORSWA management when needed. PATFORSWA has a well supplied machine and workshop allowing engineers and damage control personnel to fabricate necessary items to facilitate emergency repairs and reduce logistical delay for specialized parts. The Bahraini Dinar is the primary currency off base in Bahrain. The Kuwaiti Dinar is the primary currency off base in Kuwait. While they are deployed as CTU 55.1.8, PATFORSWA acts as administrative control for the team, liaising on their behalf with U.S. 5th Fleet (C5F), and CTF 55. They play a crucial role in maritime security, maritime . [25] The RCBs reported their engine failure to Task Force 56, and all communications were terminated after the report. We bring a non-redundant capability to the combined maritime component commanders throughout the AOR, said Coast Guard Capt. Six 110-foot Island-class patrol boats the Coast Guard cutters Adak, Aquidneck, Baranof, Maui, Monomoy, and Wrangell are forward deployed to Bahrain. Our team is composed of the top performers in each given specialty and are entrusted with highly sensitive information and expected to perform at the highest operational level. FPO AE 09834-0002. The shallow coastal areas and waterways of Iraq are subject to heavy silting. In October 2002, the commander of U.S. I understand it's pretty competitive, any recommendations on how to get an edge or advantage as a . Mailing address: Telephone FY 2023 Special Duty Pay and Assignment Pay FY 2023 (1 Oct 22 to 30 Sep 23) Special Duty Pay & Assignment Pay ALCOAST 359/22 provides Fiscal Year 2023 Special Duty (SDP) and Assignment Pay (AP) authorizations. They provided guidance to DOD unit movement officers and hazardous materials (HAZMAT) certifiers on requirements and regulations, ensured proper container and structural integrity per the International Convention for Safe Containers, and advised DOD on proper stowage, segregation, blocking, bracing, placarding, labeling, packaging, and manifestation of containerized cargo. This duty also entails coordinating site visits by hundreds of essential Coast Guard and interagency partner staff, distinguished visitors and contractors who support PATFORSWA and the NAVCENT mission sets. You should be counseled on PCS travel entitlements and final PCS orders will be processed by your departing Servicing Personnel Office (SPO). Preparations for Coast Guard deployment moved quickly. Upon receiving orders to PATFORSWA, each candidate is required to successfully complete a variety of pre-deployment training developed to best prepare him or her for the Coast Guards most dynamic and high-threat operating area. These teams support the combined maritime forces operating in CENTCOM enforcing international law and sanctions, conduct pattern of life multi-national vessel boardings on the high seas, facilitate deployed Coast Guard members required tactical training, and provide a myriad of subject matter expert exchange opportunities to enhance partner nation interoperability in the Middle East. (Photo) Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Kristin Antonides of Port Security Unit 309 paints the quarters building in her spare time. NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) BAHRAIN What are the requirements to get picked up for one of these spots? These WPBs included Adak, Aquidneck, Baranof and Wrangell. In Bahrain, the exchange rate is approximately $2.65 US to 1BHD. Early on these reservists help the LANTAREA Cutter Forces staff who had assumed the role of managing PATFORSWA as a new collateral duty.. These efforts include a weekly eagles and anchors meeting that was established earlier in summer 2020, and "real talk with the deputy," where all paygrades are encouraged to present any issues directly to leadership. Coast Guardsmen fill critical roles on ever-changing special teams such as the Combined Task Force 150, the Advanced Interdiction Team, and the MET. The training regime is geared toward ensuring immediate integration into their respective crews. Each Island-class cutter receives at least one week per month to perform all scheduled maintenance, and every 18 months the unit is sent into a dry dock to conduct more comprehensive repairs to major pieces of machinery. Coast Guard SPARS marching in formation as part of Honolulus V-J (Victory over Japan) Day Parade. An official website of the United States government. ATTN: Member Name/Department The Atlantic Area (LANTAREA) Combatant Commander Operations Branch (LANT-3R5) was formed, ultimately becoming what we know as the Contingency Operations Branch (LANT-39). While the 110-foot Island-class cutters back home are being decommissioned and replaced by the fast response cutter (FRC), the PATFORSWA 110s are continuing to be expertly maintained to ensure they continue to support regional strategic objectives. LANTAREA assigned a commanding officer of PATFORSWA and selected four 110-foot Island-class patrol boats (WPBs) for the mission based on their superior maintenance records. [20], Secretary of State John Kerry, spoke with Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at least five times by telephone. McKinley became a fulltime liaison officer to DESRON 50 and Magee became assistant operations officer for DESRON 50 in addition to their duties as PATFORSWAs commander and executive officer. The Iranian forces made the sailors kneel with their hands behind their heads. CDR Hood and his wife Arlene are both natives of central Connecticut, and high school sweethearts. In October, LANTAREA created a shore detachment to oversee personnel, supply and maintenance requirements for patrol boat operations in the Persian Gulf. Topics such as weapons qualifications, tactical combat casualty care, improvised explosive devices, emergency egress, and a plethora of administrative requirements have been taught and delivered over the years. The U.S. Coast Guards Redeployment Assistance and Inspection Detachment (RAID) Team administratively assigned to PATFORSWA, operated from 2003 through May 2015 from Camp Arifjan in Kuwait and was co-located with the headquarters of the 595th Transportation Brigade, U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC). This task is exceptionally complex and requires coordination with yet another group of key stakeholders for success. Since then the mission has grown, and is now used to share the Coast Guard core law enforcement competencies with our coalition partners throughout the region and into the European Command and Africa Command AORs, Carlson said. Kuwait is predominantly an Islamic country where over 80% of the total population and 95% of Kuwaitis practice the religion. Her spare time will be sent to your command via CGMS detailing travel... From 40 countries almost entirely non-citizens, and robust shoreside support, maintenance, and among immigrants, are... 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