Gaelic is an ancient language that originates in Ireland. Popular with horse lovers and those who actually have stables or even a building that used to be stables but has been converted to a residential dwelling. Meaning little hollow, this was originally a place name. As a field of thorns hardly conjures up an image of a comfortable, welcoming home. Gaelic is a fascinating language and you probably know that many place names in Scotland have Gaelic origins. Check out our video Scottish Gaelic: Explained for a fun and informative introduction. Fortunately, this hasnt stopped Quade from being a boys name, with bearers like American opera composer Quade Winter and Australian rugby player Quade Cooper. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. Strong, Rustic Boys Names Youre Guaranteed to Adore, Three Letter Names for Boys That Youll Fall in Love With, 200 Cute Unique Names for Boys That Youll Adore. As the predecessor of Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx languages, Gaelic brings in a naming tradition that spread its mythical heritage throughout the British Isles! Trevor is a Welsh and Gaelic boys name meaning prudent.. Famous bearers include singer Ronan Keating from the Irish boy band Boyzone and golfer Ronan Rafferty. The place name Galloway comes from the Gaelici nGall Gaidhealaib or amongst theGall Gaidheil. Glenn is a Gaelic boys name meaning a narrow valley.. Cairbre is a Gaelic name for boys meaning chariot driver.. . TheGall Gaidheil, literally meaning foreign Gaels originally referred to the mix of Scandinavian and Gaelic people that lived in Galloway in Medieval times. Also seen as Euan. Darragh, pronounced DAR-ah, is derived from the Old Irish word daire, meaning oak tree. For this reason, it is sometimes anglicized as Oakes. This charming name was a heavy hitter in the U.S. in the 80s and 90s, with bearers like Twin Peaks star Kyle MacLachlan and race car driver Kyle Busch. Sorley is a Gaelic name for men meaning summer wanderer.. >tradition in Scotland of people giving their houses names? It comes from the Germanic "hrod," meaning "fame" and "berhtl," meaning "bright.". The Sydney Opera House. Nirvana fans may choose to use it as a nickname for Cobain. I think I shall rename Casa Kat 'An Sgoran' that seems an appropriate name for my palatial estate. As a surname, Brogan comes from OBrogain, meaning son of Brogan. It was first used as a given name by Saint Brogan, whom many name their sons after today. Scottish words are alive and well seeing use in the top 1000 fire " Gaelic. Look through examples of home translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Variant of Ramsey, which was originally a surname from the place name meaning wild-garlic island. Gawain was a popular medieval name, and the nephew of King Arthur in legend. Here we've got some great names from Scottish and Gaelic terminology, which share Irish culture that could fit as a name for your dog. Here is a good example of a Gaelic place name that reveals a bit of history. Anglicized spelling of Eoghan, meaning born from a yew tree. Its an anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic surname Mac Giolla Ruaidh, derived from mac, meaning son, and ruadh, meaning red. Gilroy and similar-sounding Leroy and Elroy all have an old-fashioned feel, which could be charming or outdated, depending on your preferences. He honoured his marriage to Isabella Brant and the painting depicts the couple sitting in a bower surrounded by Honeysuckle as a symbol of undying love. It originated in the sixth century, one of the first bearers being Senan mac Geircinn, a saint and the founder of Scattery Island. Tadhg, pronounced TEEG or TAYG, is an Irish and Scottish Gaelic name with ancient roots. One's own dwelling place; the house or structure in which one lives; especially the house in which one lives with his family; the habitual abode of one's family; also, one's birthplace . Calan: Meaning "slender". This rather poetic Gaelic place name means the headland of the sea-hounds. Well, that's our list of Scottish Gaelic boys names. I checked with a Gaelic-speaking friend in Stornoway over the weekend and she agrees with that use of it. Formed on the Carse of Stirling over 8000 years ago, Flanders Moss is one of the last fragile remnants of the great bogs that once covered much of Scotland. Scottish diminuitive of Gregory, meaning watchful, alert. In the U.S., however, Murray hasnt been in since the 1920s. Meaning green water, this was originally a surname. Scotlands biggest city Glasgow is called Glaschu in Gaelic. Giving the impression of an idyllic way of life. Shaw is an English and Gaelic name for boys meaning wolf.. This ancient name is derived from the Gaelic word cath, meaning battle, and val, meaning rule. Its anglicized as Cahal, Cahill, Kathel, and occasionally Charles. Pronounced slown, Sloane is an anglicization of the surname OSlaughhadain, with sluaghadh meaning raid or expedition. Sloane is currently trending for girls, ranked #181 in the U.S. and #471 in Scotland. This means I may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you make a purchase after clicking on a link on this page. It was the name of a legendary saint of Cork who performed extravagant miracles, such as banishing a serpent from Cork with holy water and making the sun stay in the sky for two weeks after his death. Duane is a Gaelic name for men with two possible meanings: dark or swarthy.. Below are 25 popular and unique Gaelic baby names for boys along with their meanings, origins, and other interesting information. 44 pages. According to the National Records of Scotland, the top ten names for girls in Scotland for 2020 includes Emily, Amelia, Grace, Ava, and Lily.These classic girl names hold a universal appeal that isn't fading anytime soon!. In modern times, he is a prominent folklore figure in some parts of Ireland, believed to be a phantom horseman who rides around the country on a white steed. Doyle is a Gaelic boys name meaning dark stranger.. Pronounced MAL-kem, Malcolm is a sophisticated name derived from the Scottish Gaelic Mael Coluim. Alternative spellings include Barrie, Barry, and Berry. This name was historically common among the chiefs of Clan MacLean. Beforeany English speakers arrived it was evidently as Gaelic as therest of Scotland. Again, this creates the feel of a natural, simplistic way of life surrounded by nature and most probably at the side of a wood. Then I remembered I still haven't named my little house, so I asked for a name sign to hang by the door. Muhammad - top choice for the UK for the fifth year running in 2021, Muhammad remains high up the list. A Scottish surname, originally from the French grand. Seals are cute, intelligent, and curious, which could make Ronan an appropriate pick for your baby boy! Ahearn Master of horses. Glenn Scottish, English. Tadhg is a Gaelic male name meaning poet or philosopher.. From place names derived from Gaelic gleann "valley". This masculine name could be an original alternative to the similar-sounding Darrell and Darryl. There is no shortage of Scottish boy names starting . Colm (collum) This is the Gaelic variation of the Latin "columba" meaning dove. Real-life bearers are Percy Jackson actor Logan Lerman and social media personality Logan Paul. The Gaelic name for Aberdeen translates as the mouth of the Don. Originally a surname. Scottish Gaelic Names For A Dog. It is also of English origin, derived from the words dael, meaning valley, and hus, meaning house. This laid-back name is a trendy choice for U.S. boys, ranked #271 in 2020. = Jamie - originally of Scottish origin meaning, 'supplanter'. It is thought to be the origin of the more famous name Craig. Brown. In Medieval Irish literature, Lochlann described a strange faraway place, sometimes referred to as the Otherworld, a supernatural realm where the gods lived in Celtic mythology. Peader is a Gaelic boys name meaning stone or rock.. It creates the impression of a small but cosy home tucked away from the worlds hustle and bustle. 100 Strong Scottish Names for Girls. Lorne - one of the first three sons to land in Scotland. Lennox is a Gaelic male name meaning elm field.. Celebrity bearers are plentiful, including British icon Sir Ian McKellen and American Vampire Diaries actor Ian Somerhalder. Interestingly, an older version of the name Artda Muircholhas been identified in early manuscripts this may have referred to acts of piracy or wrecking around the rocky coastline. Even though Nolan originated from the Irish ONuallain, it isnt doing so hot in its homeland, with less than three boys receiving the title in 2020. Currently, Alby is more popular than Ailbe in the Emerald Isle, ranked #496 in 2020. Hogan is a youthful choice among our Gaelic names for boys, meaning young.. Anglicized spelling of Ruaidhri, meaning red king. A name with several origins, Murray is derived from OMuireadhaigh in Ireland. Quinn is a Gaelic name meaning descendent of Conn.. CAMPBELL - From a Gaelic nickname cam bul meaning "wry or crooked mouth". English spelling of Iomhar, meaning yew and warrior. Gordon Scottish. Scottish version of George, meaning farmer. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Today, Duane is unpopular in its homeland and the U.S., not ranked in either country since the early 2000s. Famous name bearers include TV actor Blaine Maye and Buccaneers quarterback, Blaine Gabbert. Although Kyle is technically unisex, its more commonly used for boys, with the modern Kyla superseding for females. There are far more named houses than numbered ones. With post houses in many villages closing down, most former post offices are being converted into residential dwellings. Adair Oak tree crossing. Both spelling variations are ranked in the U.S. James - Hebrew Supplanter. Fortunately, it prevailed, bringing several fantastic Gaelic boy names along with it! Meaning birch wood, this was originally a place name. The only>ones I can think of are isolated farmhouses and bothies in the Highlands>which could be thought of as being one-building hamlets; how many people>in towns and villages ever bothered? We hope that our list of over 100 Scottish dog names has given you the chance to find the perfect one for your wee lass or laddie!Scottish names are rich in history and can help you tell a tale all with a single word.. Meaning chief lord in Gaelic and was a 6th century saint from Glasglow. Among the many Gaelic male names describing physical characteristics, Duncan means dark-haired man.. Some other possibilities include Fiona, Kirsten, Mhairi, Ailsa, Eilidh, and Caitlin. Back in Ireland, Blaine first hit the charts in the 1980s but has slowly decreased in popularity ever since. Bearers include baseball player Nolan Ryan and actor Nolan Gould who plays Luke on Modern Family. Cameron: Meaning "crooked nose". This Scottish Gaelic name is derived from the Latin name Columba, meaning dove. It was a popular choice among early Christians due to the doves association with purity and peace. In England, Shaw was a topographic name for someone living near a dense group of trees. Beta site: were developing a new website to help make your trip to Scotland even better. So many of the names are descriptive of the area. Yet another cool Scottish boy name, based in Balgair is an earthy, natural name, meaning "Fox." Blaine. A Scottish or English surname, originally meaning 'Welsh' or 'foreigner'. Farker is a Gaelic name meaning beloved man.. Another name used by those of us lucky enough to be surrounded by nature. : Craig Cockburn writes:: > I get asked this a lot, and it seems to get asked a lot here too. 'British foreigner'). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Popular Scottish last name. It is a region in southwestern Scotland, given its name because mixed Norse-Gaelic inhabitants settled there during the Middle Ages. MacKenzie, McKenzie, Mackenzie. Its spelled Oisean in Scottish Gaelic. Meadow 11473. Mary Queen of Scots's son. Expert local knowledge, gifts and inspiration. It also comes with some lovely spelling variations to choose from, including Caicey, Kacey, Kacie, and Kayce. Unsubscribe at any time. It is an anglicized form of the Gaelic Madadhan, from the word madadh, meaning dog. If your husbands a sports guy, hell likely love this name thanks to its association with famous NFL coach John Madden and the video game made in his honor. It first took off as a personal name in the 90s, ranked in the U.S. top 20 since 2006. Kian is a variation of the Irish Gaelic name Cian and is also a common Persian name, meaning king. Other common spellings are Kean, Keen, Keenan, and Keenen. Meaning: Bright fame. Hollyhaven. Gaelic House Names. Itis clear in the place-names if in nothing else that survivedbut I was sure Gaelic was spoken in Caithness last century.Could be wrong. Before the days of huge schools, with hundreds and thousands of students, children who were lucky enough to have an education were taught in school houses. Eilidh . The name is a reminder that many Flemish people settled in Eastern Scotland between the 11th and 17th centuries. The top 50 house names in the UK are: Orchard 11894. Perfect for a little boy with dark features, Duncan is an anglicized version of the Scottish Gaelic name Donnchadh. This heroic name can be pronounced koo-HULL-un or koo-KULL-un, depending on your preferences. Dallas is a Gaelic and English name meaning meadow dwelling., When you hear the name Dallas, youll likely think of horses, cowboy boots, and the state of Texas! History shows that The Black Isle was a meeting point for various cultures and power struggles. Its also the anglicized version of Muireb, an old Scottish name. The Gaelic Place Names of Scotland website Ainmean-ite na h-Alba recommends Dn D based on the most common pronunciation today. These Scottish dog names (and Scottish-themed choices) are all pulled from Rover's massive dog names database. The closest I came was TRALEEa lovely town in Ireland and DUNFALLANDY which I like the sound of but doesn't suit the house.I really want a Scottish name. Little one. . It is derived from ciar and dubh, both meaning dark or black. Often used as a surname, Kirwan could be an unconventional alternative for trendier k names like Kieran or Kaiden. Donn was the god of the dead in Irish mythology. Blair is derived from the Scottish Gaelic word blar, meaning field, plain, or meadow. While Blair is typically masculine in Scotland and Canada, its a popular girls name in the U.S., ranked #333 in 2020. It was derived from the Gaelic name Breandan, originally from the Old Irish Brenainn. This was the name of two 9th-century kings of the Scots and Picts. This is one of the most popular Irish girls names on the go! Whichever name you do end up choosing, be sure you know the meaning behind it (and the correct pronunciation) so your pup can carry . Gravelly homestead. You might be interested to know that Glasgows earliest recorded family were Gaelic-speakers: a royal document from the 12th century mentions the children and dependants of Gillemachoi who would have spoken Gaelic. Daley is an Irish boys name meaning gathering or assembly.. In many cases the original frame of the barn would be built from solid oak, hence making it an obvious name choice for a converted barn. So if your home is a former Mill House then this is the perfect name to celebrate its history. Fun Fact: Maille is the name of a three-century-old French company known for its specialty mustards. A manly association is the mack truck, while the more nerdy one is Apple. These were either survivors of the British peoples who lived in Scotland before the Gaelic invasions from Ireland in the 5th century (in particular the Welsh-speaking Strathclyde Britons, who . English spelling of Fearchar, meaning dear man. It is the Irish form of Jane and means "God is gracious". Oak trees are arguably the most loved and well known species of tree as well as being the most common in Britain and are a symbol of strength and survival. It is an anglicized form of the Irish Gaelic surname O Caireallain meaning descendant of Caireallan. It is also a pet form of the personal name Caireall, meaning warrior. This cool name could be a fresher alternative to the outdated alternative Carl. Check 'home' translations into Scottish Gaelic. A place name in Scotland that was originally one of the kingdoms of Scotland. As for the house itselfwell it is low set, with a nice garden and hedge out front. The Gaelic name is A' Mhine Fhlnrasach meaning literally 'The Flanders Peat Moss'. Meaning place of the elms, this name was originally a surname. Popular Scottish girl names and meanings. This name is so ancient that its meaning has been lost with time! I recall the same thing all overthe Highlands in towns and villages. According to the National Records of Scotland not a whole lot changed for 2018, but there are a couple of new additions (while Millie and Hannah drop out of the top 20. It is derived from the Scottish Gaelic name Fionnlagh, composed of fionn, meaning white or fair and laoch meaning warrior or hero. Finley is a trendy unisex pick in the States, ranked higher for girls than boys. Despite this, Darren is a likable name with impressive namesakes, including film director Darren Aronofsky and Glee actor Darren Criss. If the house lies in a hollow - ie. I can think of several along Ferry Road in Leith, thoughcan't remember names off the top of my head. Meaning a discliple of Saint Columba, this was the name of several kings of Scotland. 2023 VisitScotland. As of 2020, it was ranked #86 for Irish boys. Or maybe you just like the sound of Scottish names, which are undeniably cool. Idyllic way of life lived in Galloway in Medieval times Canada, its more commonly used boys. Could be an original alternative to the doves association with purity and peace Elroy. Darragh, pronounced TEEG or TAYG, is derived from the words dael, meaning rule Scottish... 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