Presumably, the photo was taken then. Unfortunately, there is no name index for Bronze Star awards. Which war? Enthusiastically applying his sound judgment and extensive knowledge, he has contributed materially to the successful accomplishment of the United States mission in the Republic of Louisiana. It includes a video and references to his time advising Seal Team 1. The section is a reference to when DeSantis deployed to Iraq as a SEAL team advisor. Cotton, Tom; DeSantis, Ron (July 30, 2015). CITATION TO ACCOMPANY THE AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR WITH V DEVICE Are these organizations open to the public? "[47] He is a co-sponsor of the Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015, also known as Kate's Law, which would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to increase penalties applicable to aliens who unlawfully reenter the United States after being removed. Roughly 30,000 US troops were deployed to the country during the surge to quash insurgencies, boost security, and stabilize Iraq. Im not a vet or descendant but interested in the information you are talking about. Russia is using air defense missiles to hit ground targets in Ukraine. Thank you for this info. That sentence came out of the mouths of several veterans over the years while I got to attend my grandfathers unit reunion annual meetings over the years. This period is remembered as one of the most violent phases of the war. [49], In the wake of the IRS targeting controversy, DeSantis called for the resignation of Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen for having "failed the American people by frustrating Congresss attempts to ascertain the truth. "[50] DeSantis supports a constitutional amendment to impose term limits for members of Congress, so that Representatives would be limited to three terms and senators to two terms. And this example shows you the information which would be available for a Bronze Star Medal for Gallantry (Valor) for US Army in WWII. Citation to accompany the award of the Bronze Star Medal Citation to accompany the award of the Bronze Star Medal. [37] Regarding U.S. policy toward refugees, DeSantis said "the prudent policy is to err on the side of protecting the American people. For heroic achievement on 11 Aug 06 in the vicinity of Tariz, Iraq. Chief among them, he received the Bronze Star medal for meritorious service from October 2007 to April 2008. He was awarded the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and the Bronze Star Medal. For heroic achievement on the night of 16 April 1967 while voluntarily serving as a member of a eight-man team from Delta Company, 1st Marine Battalion, 1st Marine Division South Vietnam. "Groomer"-obsessed Gov. [3], Ron DeSantis was born in 1978 in Jacksonville, Florida. Congressman DeSantis was first elected to the 6th Congressional District of Florida in 2012, and was re-elected in 2014. Attached is an example. Congressman DeSantis also holds a seat on the Congressional Oversight Committee, and has been relentlessly investigating scandals concerning the Obama Administration, including the Battle of Benghazi where four Americans, including two Navy SEALs, lost their lives because of the failure of Obama to execute Cross Border Authority so Military personnel at the ready could be sent to rescue them. [41], DeSantis is opposed to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Major Xxx s leadership and professionalism exemplify the Army values and his actions reflect great credit upon himself, the Multi-National Corps-Iraq, the United States Army and the Department of Defense. [9] He has taught U.S. Military Law at Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville. By his heroic actions throughout, he was instrumental in saving the life of 8 Marines reflecting great credit upon himself and upholding the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. You can search to see if there is a digital copy of the service member's "Award Card". You can not post a blank message. Please type your message and try again. Mica opted to run in the reconfigured 7th, making the 6th an open seat. The Combat Veterans For Congress PAC is supporting the 63rd endorsed and elected Combat Veteran For Congress to run for the United States Senate in Florida; he is the 28th endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress to serve in Congress. A member of the Republican Party, he ran in Florida's 2016 U.S. Senate election; however, DeSantis withdrew from the race following incumbent Senator Marco Rubio's announcement that he would seek reelection to the Senate, reversing his initial pledge not to run, on June 22, 2016. SGT ROBERT B. BROWN/REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM 6. CAUGHT BETWEEN THE CROSSFIRE OF AN ENEMY AMBUSH, SSG SMITH PUT HIMSELF IN THE LINE OF DEVASTATING ENEMY FIRE AS HE MANEUVERED HIS FIRE TEAM TO A COVERED POSITION FROM WHICH THEY COULD EFFECTIVELY DEFEND THEMSELVES AND RETURN FIRE ON ENEMY POSITIONS. The medal is sometimes referred to as the Bronze Star. [12] In the November general election, DeSantis defeated Democrat Heather Beaven by 57%-43%, with majorities in all four counties. Naval Reserve Center in Dallas, Texas, in 2004 while still a student at Harvard Law School, completing U.S. Washington DC Lawyers Chapter,, Featured Fireside Chat with Gov. At times, DeSantis also had to work hand in hand with the newly stood-up Iraqi judicial system, Thorleifson said. Template:Governor See line number 33 "decorations and citations". Im speaking of the Vietnam War 1969-1970 , the 1st Cavalry Div (airmobile). DeBonis, Mike; O'Keefe, Ed; Sullivan, Sean (June 22, 2016). Haskell halted further enemy attacks by manning a machine gun and establishing fields of fire in a night position which ensured the Marines' safety. [26], DeSantis opposed the Iran nuclear deal framework, calling it "a bad deal that will significantly degrade our national security. Federalism & Separation of Powers, Sponsors: Leading the patrol away from the path of intense fire, he left his position of cover, wrestled the man to the ground and, although wounded himself, managed to assist in ultimately removing the Marines to the safety of the patrol base. Sale price. What combat experience does a JAG officer get in Iraq? His professionalism and dedication to duty are in keeping with the finest traditions of the army and reflect great credit upon himself, the 1st Infantry Division, and the United States Army. DeSantis was elected to Congress in 2012 and then became the governor of Florida in 2019. Opened in January 2002, the detention center at Guantanamo housed hundreds of detainees. He has also been involved in investigating the IRS violation of the right of conservative Americans citizens to exercise their Constitutional right to organize to participate in the election process, and has led the effort to hold IRS Commissioner Koskinen and Lois Lerner accountable for the cover up and obstruction of justice. Thank you. When Maj. Shawn Campbell was killed in a helicopter crash, his wife, Kelli, scrambled to find a school for their four young children. Having only recently obtained my father's posthumously, while the process can take time through NARA and TACOM, it suggests many WWII combat soldiers were entitled to the award, expanding a possible listing, and perhaps many had not yet received it. Ron DeSantis and wants to see less government and more free market principles put in. 4. I was asking a question of Glenn Soden regarding orders for a Bronze Star Medal awarded after the war because you had been awarded a Combat Infantryman (or Combat Medical) Badge. If you have friends, associates, or relatives who know voters in Florida, kindly pass this column on to them, and ask them to support Congressman DeSantis by working in his campaign, providing financial support for his campaign in any amount, and/or by networking with others who would be willing to support his campaign. |unit = Judge Advocate General's Corps DeSantis was assigned as a Trial Defense Counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. In 1991 he was a member of the Little League team from Dunedin National that made it to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Citation to accompany the award of the Bronze Star Medal Observing no other wounded Marines Haskell chose to refuse medical evacuation and not sacrifice the Marines' position. . "[52] The bill passed the U.S. House in March 2014. The battleship, named for five brothers killed in the Pacific, was the first American warship designated in honor of more than one person. When awarded for acts of heroism, the medal is awarded with the "V" device. The two rescue swimmers were yards from the ships propeller as it lifted into the air on 12-foot waves. in History and from Harvard Law School with a J.D. HIS ACTIONS WERE INSTRUMENTAL IN PREVENTING THE THEFT OF $425,000.00 AND THE SUCCESSFUL AND SAFE EVACUATION OF UNARMED CIVILIAN PERSONNEL. They were issued in General Orders. "[38], DeSantis has sharply criticized the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for the Veterans Health Administration scandal of 2014, in which veteran deaths were linked to fatal wait times. ron desantis bronze star citation. It is awarded for meritorious achievement or service in combat operations, or for valor, in which case it has a bronze "V" affixed to the ribbon. If the solider was issued a CIB or CMB or they served in an Infantry Unit and have an Infantry MOS. FOR EXCEPTIONALLY VALOROUS ACTION IN THE FACE OF OVERWHELMING ODDS AND DIRECT HOSTILE AGGRESSIONS AS THE COMMUNICATIONS SERGEANT FOR AN ADVANCED TEAM CONDUCTING COMBINED COMBAT OPERATIONS IN AFGHANISTAN. Serving ones country does not need clarification. How do I look up award ribbons, specifically Bronze star for soldiers? Composite by Coffee or Die Magazine. An easy way to research them is to read the article on the particular medal you're interested in on Wikipedia. He only spoke of the war a handful of times. PRIVATE FIRST CLASS THYOT'S PERSONAL BRAVERY AND DEVOTION TO DUTY WERE IN KEEPING WITH THE HIGHEST TRADITIONS OF THE MILITARY SERVICE AND REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, HIS UNIT, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. PDF Book II Marines & Other Personnel Cited 2y. The old soldiers have always said that CIB or CMB is worth its weight in gold and is more important then the ribbons themselves. His navy decorations encompass the Bronze celebrity Medal for meritorious carrier and the Iraq Campaign Medal. Perhaps I should have been clearer. However, most of Mica's territory in Orange County had been drawn into the new 7th Districtthe old 24th District. There was an Army LT who got a Bronze Star for helping with the PREPARATIONS for Desert Shield. [11] His writing has appeared in National Review, The Washington Times, The American Spectator, Human Events, and American Thinker.[9]. The Combat Veterans for Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Congressman Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6) who will bring to the United States Senate extraordinary public sector and private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems and represent his Congressional District and the Republic. "[28], During a line of questioning, DeSantis told Secretary of State John Kerry that the executive branch had a legal obligation to provide Congress with the details behind any side deals made between world leaders and Iran. We need more examples. Fair winds and following seas to Marine Corps 1st Lt. Nicholas Manganiello. Usually their websites are open to the public, and they respond to queries. His effectiveness in communicating with Central Command, FORSCOM, the United States Army Reserve Command, Human Resources Command and the Department of the Army G3 mobilization branch allowed MAJ Xxx to coordinate with various units of the Army Reserve and Active Duty to place 67 individual Soldiers on an extension order for an additional 365 days in theater filling shortages in commands where Army units came forward to theater at less than 100% strength. [68][69], DeSantis was endorsed by the socially conservative Family Research Council Action PAC in 2015. Even if you get there the day before that campaign ends, you're awarded that campaign star. I looked again at my dads discharge paper to see if the dates are listed after the bronze star award and they are not. What did Ron DeSantis get a Bronze Star for? The prison has its own courtroom where trials are held for inmates. [53], DeSantis introduced a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution that would provide that "Congress shall make no law respecting the citizens of the United States that does not also apply to the Senators and Representatives. Charles Hart, 47, of Apopka, is the chair of the Orange County Republican Party. Gancarski, July 31, 2015 (July 31, 2015). US Army Special Forces assigned to Special Operations Task Force-West Hadithah stop and search a suspicious vehicle in their area of operations in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom on Aug. 31, 2007. |website = House website SMPs make up an elite Iraqi army unit that has received training from Navy SEALs. Sgt. Contact Disclaimer. Further he directed helicopters arriving on the scene the next morning to target areas. Special Mission Platoon instructors show students how to move on line when entering a room to clear it in Habbaniyah, Iraq, on Dec. 15, 2007. [9] He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal. During the period (dates) he consistently manifested exemplary professionalism and initiative in obtaining outstanding results. Best of luck with your research! THOUGH WOUNDED, HE CONTINUED TO DIRECT FIRE AND HIS LEADERSHIP UNDER FIRE INSPIRED HIS MEN TO FIGHT AT GREAT RISK TO THEIR OWN SAFETY, RESULTING IN THE ENEMY'S EVENTUAL RETREAT AND HIS PLATOON'S SAFE PASSAGE THROUGH THE AMBUSH KILL ZONE. Assuming responsibility for the lack of communications, he raced over 200 yards across uncleared and open terrain and streets, braving sniper fire and capture, to tell the platoon to cease fire. If you review Congressman DeSantis positions on his Congressional Web site, you would be pleased with his stands; they agree with the Combat Veterans For Congress Mission Statement. Perhaps I should have been clearer. MAJ Xxx provided Soldiers with the knowledge of the Xxx function in theater as well as numerous internet resources that are available for the deployed Army Reservist. Re: How to look up Bronze Star awards. The question is simply whether the government can force the owners of Hobby Lobby to pay for abortifacients in violation of their faith. |predecessor = Richard Scott That period seems to line up with the Florida governors deployment to Iraq. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. "[18], In 2013, DeSantis signed a pledge sponsored by Americans for Prosperity promising to vote against any global warming legislation that would raise taxes. [64][65] DeSantis has opposed legislation to require online retailers to collect and pay state sales tax. US Marine Corps photo by Sgt. |branch = United States Navy In July 2022, we received mail from our readers that asked us to . DeSantis has said "The enemy is an ideology rooted in militant Islam" and has said that ISIS must be stopped and its members kept away from America. The is a not-for-profit news forum for intelligent Conservative commentary. Examples can be posted by using the form below. In July 2007, Lt DeSantis received orders to report to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group ONE in Coronado, California; he was assigned to SEAL Team ONE and ordered to deploy to Iraq on October 7, 2007 with the troop surge. CITATION TO ACCOMPANY THE AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR WITH V DEVICE DeSantis was awarded a bronze star medal for meritorious service from October 2007 to April 2008, the records show. Major xxx, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious wartime service as the Operations Officer, XXX, Multi-National Corps-Iraq, Victory Base, Iraq from 12 February 2008 to 17 April 2009 during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. The bronze service stars which are worn on the campaign medals (for example, the Korean Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, etc.) Also note that the Bronze Star Medal has always been awarded for either valor or achievement/service. Im trying to find out what he did to earn it? He was reelected to the job in November 2022. ",, "Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis running for U.S. Senate",,, "Former Ambassador John Bolton Endorses DeSantis",,, "DeSantis Condemns Deal as a Gift to Iran's Ayatollah",, "DeSantis and Kerry get contentious over Iran Deal",, "'We need to save the country,' conservative U.S. Senate candidate tells Broward activists",, "Ron DeSantis: Releasing Guantanamo Detainees is a Security Threat",, "Obama's GITMO Proposal Draws Fire From GOP Candidates Vying to Replace Marco Rubio",,, "House Bill Would Cut Aid to Palestinian Authority",, "Ron DeSantis co-introduces non-discrimination of Israel in labeling act",, "Two GOP Congress members visit Israel, pledge support",, "GOP Senate candidates call for fight against Islamic militants after Paris attacks",, "Rep. Ron DeSantis on refugee debate: 'Err on side of protecting the American people'",, "Congressman Ron DeSantis pushes legislation to hold Veterans Affairs accountable",, "Rep. Ron DeSantis pushes for VA reform in St. Augustine",, "IAVA Team Continues to Seek Path Forward for 9/11 First Responders",, "Rep. DeSantis Statement on ObamaCare Repeal",, "Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis says Obamacare tax is cheaper than insurance",, "GOPs Darrell Issa represents a clear test for anti-Trump Democrats trying for electoral gains in 2018",, "Ron DeSantis Turns Up the Heat on Obama for Failing to Enforce Immigration Laws",, "Before Skeptical Lawmakers, Officials Defend 'Legality' of Obama's Immigration Actions",, " Shrink player Sanctuary cities under fire",,,, "No more ruling class culture: New legislation would jettison pensions for Congress",, "GOP Congressman: Obama Veto Threats Inconsistent With His Oath to Execute the Law",, "Ron DeSantis' Faithful Execution of the Law Act Passes House",, "Reps. DeSantis and Salmon Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Hold Washington Accountable",, "Internet users demand politicians abide by fictional 28th Amendment",, "DeSantis emphasizes importance of economic growth",, "New St. Johns Rep. opens up on financial and governmental reforms",,, "Ron DeSantis wants Obama to remove IRS commissioner or else",, "Resolution Introduced to Impeach IRS Commissioner",, "Email insights: Ron DeSantis, "Taxpayer Superhero"",, "The REINS Act will keep regulations and their costs in check",, "Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis Restore 'Let Seniors Work Act'",, "Bill filed to sharply reduce the gas tax",, "Economy Commentary Let America Fix the Highways Washington Broke",, "Retail group assails DeSantis over Internet sales tax",, "Planned Parenthood Head: An Abortion Survivor is a 'Baby' Entitled to Medical Care",, "Ron DeSantis denounces Planned Parenthoods alleged "loathsome practice"",, "House Freedom Caucus: 'We Oppose Any Spending Measure' That Funds Planned Parenthood",, "Ron DeSantis endorsed by Common Core opponent FRC Action PAC",, "Florida Congressmen Divide Over Hobby Lobby Case",,,,, Republican floats measure to kill Mueller probe after 6 months, "Congressman Ron DeSantis moves to Flagler County - News - Daytona Beach News-Journal Online - Daytona Beach, FL",, "RONALD DION DESANTIS - DOB: 1978/09/14 - Palm Coast, FL - Florida Resident Database",,, Pages containing cite templates with deprecated parameters, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, United States Navy personnel of the Iraq War, Judge Advocate General's Corps, United States Navy, Members of the United States House of Representatives from Florida, Republican Party members of the United States House of Representatives. Mr. Hall the example I posted above, and again here, is what was given to this particular soldier with his medal. SSG SMITH'S PERSONAL COURAGE, TACTICAL EXPERTISE, AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE WAS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS PLATOON'S OVERALL SUCCESS AND SURVIVAL. Roberta Russo May 31, 2022 1:52 PM ( in response to mike keane ) If the soldier served in the U.S. Army during WWII, their discharge papers should list the Bronze Star Medal, if one was awarded. "As she faces the most difficult test of her life, she will have not . |serviceyears= 20042010 (Active)2010present (Reserve) Company D successfully attacked the rebel town of Yoquque and was successful in driving the main enemy force out. are awarded for being in a specific theater of operations during a specific specified time period. |allegiance = United States "[71], DeSantis opposes gun control. US troops conducted near-nonstop operations against insurgents in Al Anbar, a province in western Iraq. All rights reserved. Folds of Honor, a veteran-focused nonprofit, helped them find the right school in a new city. Ron DeSantis standing in front of a bone frog mural. [4][5], He graduated from Dunedin High School in Dunedin in 1997. I'm familiar with the regular awards orders process. :-). [24] DeSantis was endorsed by the fiscally conservative Club for Growth. Family members often see a campaign ribbon listed "with two bronze stars" (for example). Since his election to, Congress he has led by example to reform Congress by declining pension and taxpayer-financed health insurance subsidies for Congress, authored a bill to end pensions for members of Congress, authored a bill to force Congress to live under Obama Care as it is written, supports term limits for members of Congress, and supports prohibiting Congress from exempting its members from generally applicable laws. Award of the war a handful of times CMB is worth its weight in gold and is more important the! 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