In another life he would have been a composer. We will My name is Katie Cassidy and I am a member of the social studies department at LHS. I have a menu of fun exercises I offer, and many of my offerings were born from a Novian asking me Can we do this kind of project next?. I ended up earning graduating with honors in the major and college honors and was ready to take the next step. History, Whitman College, Languages: I have lived in Nantes, Paris, and Toulouse, with a majority of my time spent in Paris teaching English to high schoolers. I have worked in general practice, oncology, general surgery, plasma donation centers and inpatient/outpatient labs. As a first-year educator for Health and Family Medical, I am eager to integrate my experience with my team and students. Attendance Secretary Clay Valentine grew up attending What's your favorite thing about Nova? The World cultures and experiences that each students brings to this school is tremendous and amazing. We archive them here on Vimeo, check them out!. Culture of Kindness. Main Office: 206-252-3500, Northwest Coast Art by Andrea Wilbur-Sigo, Squaxin/Skokomish, Continuous School Improvement Plan and School Profile. Environmental Studies, Williams College, Languages other than English: Creating animation gives me bliss. While kitchen-school lit my fire to teach, I learned how to apply my passion for teaching in a practical way during my studies at UW Bothell. Main Office: 206-252-5600, Northwest Coast Art by Andrea Wilbur-Sigo, Squaxin/Skokomish. I have worked as a Teacher Leader at the district level to help develop scope, sequence, and assessments for visual arts focused on State Standards and 21st Century Skills. My courses start with big, relevant questions that drive our shared inquiry both within and outside the classroom. Hi my name is Twinnet and I am excited to be joining the Lincoln staff as an assistant secretary. Or even the state of Washington for that matter. I'm delighted to go on this I stayed in the Dallas area to teach, and made the move to the Seattle area 3 years ago - I have taught high school science for 12 years in subjects including: Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, AP Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, and Earth Space Science. I also enjoy spending weekends with my dog, Brodie, out hiking, camping, running, dog parking pretty much whatever you can do with a dog hell be there doing it with me. View School Flyers It is also incredibly essential for me to work with my fellow teachers and ultimately my students decentralized the white narrative and doing antiracist work. And I try to make sure our learning experience is engaging, meaningful, and compelling -- there's so much for us all to learn and do! I have been sharing my love of learning across the nation since 2005, working for schools in New Jersey, Los Angeles, and Seattle. I believe a strong arts program; with access for all students, I help facilitate students to discover and enhance their creativity to become contributing members of our ever-changing world. Special Education Instructional Assistant (IA) Johnson, Meade. I graduated with my Masters In Teaching from the University of Washington in 2018. This was the only school I saw who made students first, taught with compassion, sincerity, and rigor, and was always working to become better. AAS Visual Communications My broad classroom experiences provided me with a strong foundation in instruction and differentiation. M.A. I am an experienced public school math teacher. Upon receiving a Master in Teaching from Seattle University, I started my career in Northshore School District in 2010 and made the exciting jump to Seattle Public School in 2018-19 school year. Born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, I live in Seattle, Washington. ideas for future class projects! I graduated college with a degree in Spanish and went on to build a career as a graphic designer. As the school psychologist I am a part of the special education team and lead the evaluation process for all students being considered for special education services. I work with students in classes like "Life on Earth", "Environmental Justice", and "Earthology", as well as committees like "Planet Nova", to explore how the Earth lives and how best to work for justice. My role can include helping students build new skills and helping staff implement new accommodations and modifications for students to support sensory needs, school-based self-care and organizational skills, fine and visual motor skills, and pre-vocational skills. We aren't perfect, but we always demand to do better. Sherry Studley, Student Support Services Supervisor:; 206-252-9934 Concie Pedroza, Associate Superintendent: First Bell will feature stories from around the district highlighting the work of students and staff and providing families with important information Read More, John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence Es nuestro trabajo proporcionar apoyo y orientacin de los servicios y opciones disponibles para los estudiantes y las familias dentro del sistema escolar y en la comunidad. ARE is designed to increase the number of teachers of color by removing the financial burden of tuition for teacher certification. Senior Program Manager - I played college baseball at the University of Washington and the University of Portland, where I graduated with a Bachelors in Business Administration, and received my Masters in Teaching at St. Martins University. I'm originally from Orlando, Florida. SPS Human Resources (HR) Seattle Public Schools ( SPS) Human Resources works with school and central office leaders to attract, deploy, and retain staff to ensure we support high levels of
In addition to teaching third grade, I love the outdoors (especially mushroom picking! 1700 E Union St. I speak English, Spanish, and a little Portuguese. El Centro para las Familias del Mundo da la bienvenida a nuestras familias y estudiantes multilinges a las Escuelas Pblicas de Seattle. Previously, I was an Instructional Technology/Digital Learning Specialist for SPS serving 14 schools (K-12), and before that I taught at Syre Elementary in the Shoreline School District. I am thrilled to be a part of the collaborative staff at Decatur Elementary! This is my twelfth year teaching in the HCC program. Born out of alternative education, I hold high the knowledge that learners are unique and so should be their education. I have been in education for 10+ years, and worked in many different educational capacities in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington. This is my 26rd year of teaching in Seattle Public Schools and my 11th at Garfield High School. Agonafer, Baeda. 7821 Stone Ave. N Seattle, WA 98103 Main Office: 206-252-5110 Contact Us. I started working at Viewlands in 2021 and am thrilled to continue on again this year! 144 NE 54th St. Seattle, WA 98105 Main Office: 206-252-2900 Contact Us. 2445 3rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98134 Seattle, WA 98122 I am dad to a terrific, creative, energetic eight year old kiddo. Although effective, it will never replace meeting students where they are and providing them a pathway to success. Clay Valentine grew up attending Seattle Public Schools and returned to them 5 years ago to be a teacher. Education: Office of the Director. Staff Directory Reset ~ Attendance, Skills Center.Metal Family Dee X Reader Lemon,
La Quinta High School Bell Schedule 2021,
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