Simon as a Member of the Zealot Party . As we mentioned earlier, Rhoades argues that Josephus work makes it clear that there was no formal group called the Zealots until about 68 AD. As a result of this despotic leadership and their insufficient representation in the government, many Idumeans defected to a violent extremist group outside the city walls known as the Sicarii, led by Simon b. Gioras. Eastern tradition says Simon died peacefully at Edessa. You follow Me. Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disciple would not die. It records that he led a proconsuls wife to the Lord. Vespasian became emperor and granted Josephus Roman citizenship. . . ; Western feast day October 28, Eastern feas. Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. Probably Christ Himself must have told him and he was preparing Timothy to take over for him. He is also known as, "James the Younger" ( Mark 15:40 ). Although the Jewish defeat at Jerusalem cannot be entirely attributed to Eleazar ben Simon, his inability to establish unity with John of Gischala and Simon bar Giora resulted in a bitter civil war that weakened the Jewish resistance against Rome. From 68 CE to 69 CE this alliance between Eleazar and his Zealots, John of Gischala, and the Idumeans ruled Jerusalem with unstable leadership. What terrible destruction we can cause when we proudly act on our private interpretations of Scripture! Here is a man we know by name only and not by his . Eleazar ben Simon (Hebrew: ) was a Zealot leader during the First Jewish-Roman War who fought against the armies of Cestius Gallus, Vespasian, and Titus Flavius. James the Greater was nicknamed one of the Sons of Thunder by Jesus. He was one of the original followers of Christ. If you step out of this life without Christ, then you have sealed your own fate and eternally separated yourself from God. After Jesus' death, Simon and Jude Thaddeus became an evangelizing team, and they were both martyred in Beirut in 65 . Sts. In 66 CE, the Zealots instigated the First JewishRoman War when the high priest Eleazar b. Ananius refused to give sacrifice to the Roman Emperor and slaughtered Florus' Roman garrison in Jerusalem. He is mentioned in the New Testament four times: twice by Jesus and twice by Paul. However he was imprisoned on the island of Patmos where he wrote the Book of Revelation. Christian Ethiopians claim that he was crucified in Samaria, while Justus Lipsius writes that he was sawn in half at Suanir, Persia. Simon the Zealot was one of Jesus' disciples. St. Simon Novena - Day 1. TheNew Testamentlists all twelve apostles four timesMatthew 10:2-4,Mark 3:14-19,Luke 6:13-16, andActs 1:13-16. However, in 68 CE, John of Gischala, the hero who escaped Roman conquest in Galilee, joined forces with Eleazar ben Simon at Jerusalem and undermined the moderates' power. With this knowledge of Josephus' conflict of interest, contemporary historians view Eleazar with less reproach and bitterness. Most of what we know about the other apostles deaths is derived from old Christian authors and church tradition which cant be confirmed. TheApostle Paultalks about his own zeal and the zeal of the Israelites on multiple occasions (Philippians 3:6,Galatians 1:13-14,Acts 22:3, andRomans 10:1-4). PETA, Greenpeace, and NOW might all be considered organizations that are filled with zealots. The cause of his death in unclear because of the existence of two versions: (1) He was crucified in Edessa, Turkey; (2) He was clubbed-to-death and his body was either sawed or axed in pieces after (together with Simon the Zealot). This alliance was rooted in their mutual dependence upon each other. Eleazar ben Simon's radical anti-Roman ideology derived from a lifetime of oppression in Israel under Roman rule. Amen. How heartbreaking. If thats what the Zealot refers to, then likeMatthew the Tax Collector, the Apostle Simons presence among the Twelve represents a powerful picture of the gospel. During the summer of 67, Eleazar ben Simon and his Zealots attempted to dismantle the moderate government of Ananus by imprisoning officials who remained from the procurator period before the revolt and spreading the fear that the moderate Temple aristocracy would undermine the Jewish nationalist cause. Simon of Cyrene (Hebrew: , Standard Hebrew imon, Tiberian Hebrew imn; Greek: , Simn Kyrnaios; died 100) was the man compelled by the Romans to carry the cross of Jesus of Nazareth as Jesus was taken to his crucifixion, according to all three Synoptic Gospels. All that is known about his death is that he was also was crucified. Eleazar ben Simon and his Zealots' radical anti-Roman policies and eradication of the moderate temple aristocracy from Jerusalem in 67 CE also prevented any peaceful agreement with Rome to avoid the death and destruction which ensued in 70 CE. The name of Simon occurs in all the passages of the Gospel and Acts, in which a list of the Apostles is given. Real Answers. Resources: New International Version Bible THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. First we need to establish exactly who Simon the Zealot was. According to most historians, Philips death was exceedingly cruel. He was named Simon, son of Jonah or John. This Apostle is said to have suffered martyrdom in Armenia, which was then subject to Persia. James the Less was martyred in a fashion similar to James, the half-brother of Jesus, who was thrown from the pinnacle of the temple and then beaten to death. James the Greater As there were two Simons, so was there more than one James. Listen to the heartbreaking last words of Paul as he awaited his execution in 2 Timothy 4:16-18: At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. Some sources say he was buried either in Northern Persia or the most accepted version that his remains are buried . According to the apocryphal book of Acts of Andrews, this apostle was martyred by crucifixion in the Greek city of Patras around 60 AD. He is an author of an epistle (letter) to the Churches of the East, in particular the Jewish converts, directed against the heresies of the Simonians, Nicolaites, and Gnostics. The New Testament calls him Simon the Canaanite and 2 other places call him Simon. After the fall, he was somehow still alive and when they discovered this, his enemies circled him and beat him to death with clubs. They assumed he was from Canaa town within Galileeor possibly Canaan, an ancient region in the near east which was frequently mentioned in the Bible. Nothing else is known about him. This faith in the Zealot cause attracted many Jews to help fight against Rome, which resulted in vast casualties. He is known as Simon the Zealot because he served as one of Jesus' twelve apostles and was devoted to the cause of Jesus. Two of them are among Jesus Twelve ApostlesSimon the Zealot and Simon Peter. "Titus' Siege of Jerusalem". Simon would have considered Matthew a Jewish sell-out, a traitor to the cause of Israel. In this history of the Jewish revolt, Josephus portrays Eleazar ben Simon as a murderous and impulsive Zealot who regarded his own personal ambitions above the well-being of the Jewish people. It can be inferred, however, from the geopolitical scene of ancient Israel in the first century CE. Finally, two of Jesus' disciples were named Simon: Simon Peter and Simon the Zealot. Heres how Josephus explains it inThe Antiquities of the Jews: Yet was there one Judas, a Gaulonite; of a city whose name was Gamala; who, taking with him Saddouk, a Pharisee, became zealous to draw them to a revolt: who both said that this taxation was no better than an introduction to slavery: and exhorted the nation to assert their liberty.. James was far from any reliable historical writers or church historians but it is thought that he was beheaded by King Herod near Palestine and not far from where he was a local missionary to the Jews in Judea. Many think that St. Simon was called the Zealot, before his coming to Christ, because he was one of that particular sect or party among the Jews called Zealots, from a singular zeal they possessed for the honor of God and the purity of religion. Luke replaces the name Thaddeus with Judas son of James (Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13). He is the second James on the New Testament lists of apostles (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6:15; Acts 1:13). Other leading causes of death, including heart disease (#1), respiratory diseases (#6), and diabetes (#8), sweep a wider sickle through America because we sit everywhere we go, instead of using our legs. This disunity with other sects of Judaism confined Zealotry to its birthplace in Galilee. Profile. Little is known about the post-Pentecost life of St. Simon, who had been called a Zealot. However, the New Testament records the death of only two of the apostles Judas Iscariot and James the son of Zebedee. The other James, James the Less, is named in Scripture only in each list of the apostles ( Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14-16, and Acts 1:13) and as a secondary figure in Mark 15:40. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. Apostles, 543544. SIMON THE CANAANITE; SIMON THE CANANAEAN; SIMON THE ZEALOT. He is represented as bearded man holding an oar, a boat, boat hook, a club, an axe or a book. Simon was such a man. Real Questions. Bartholomew is also known as Nathaniel and there is scarce little known about how he died but it appears that since he was martyred in Armenia, he too must have been involved in the Great Commission and taking the good news into that part of the world. Foxes Book of Martyrs claims that in India, He was at length cruelly beaten and then crucified by the impatient idolaters.. When Jesus cleanses the temple in the Gospel of John, his disciples recallPsalm 69:10, implying that Jesus was motivated by zeal: His disciples remembered that it is written: Zeal for your house will consume me.. Tertullian, a Christian writer in the second and third centuries, recorded that before the Romans exiled John, they brought him into a coliseum and immersed him in a barrel of boiling oil. This is the disciple that replaced Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:12-26) that betrayed Jesus and then hanged himself (Matthew 27:5). [1] The fact that he was in Greece may mean that he was participating in the Great Commission and taking the gospel to the whole worldat least the known world. May it not be held against them. According to Eusebius, he returned to Jerusalem in the year 62 and assisted at the election of his brother, St. Simeon, as Bishop of Jerusalem. Simon, the Zealot As the story goes, he ministered in Persia and was killed after refusing to sacrifice to the sun god. He was believed to have been thrown some 100 feet off a wall. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword (Acts 12:12). We think of Jesus' disciple, Simon "the Zealot" or "Canaanite", and of Josephus's account of Judas the Galilean in 6 CE apparently responsible for what became the Zealot party and a widespread "nationalist" movement against Roman rule. Eleazar found himself in a similar situation of helplessness. 2010 3 May. [citation needed], The Zealot control of Jerusalem was confined to the inner court of the city and the Temple itself. With complete control over the city, Eleazar and John exploited their power and slaughtered the remnants of Ananus' moderate party in Jerusalem in a misguided attempt to unite the city. In the midst of his pain as he hangs on the cross, unjustly accused, sentenced, and condemned to death, he does not cry out curses and abuse on his tormentors, as do the dying "lestai." I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. A second-century apocryphal text called Acts of Peter claimed that Peter was crucified upside down, at his request for he didnt feel worthy to die as Jesus did. We know almost nothing about Simon the Zealot. He was crucified but he thought himself unworthy of the same type of death that Jesus suffered and so asked to be hung upside down which was done in Rome. This was done to him after he repeatedly refused to deny his faith in Jesus. Generally speaking, a zealot is anyone who fervently supports a particular cause. Once again, very little is known about him inside or outside of the Bible. Simon the Zealot's death is disputed amongst scholars. Each of these Simons is clearly distinct, and Simon the Apostle isalwaysreferred to with the moniker the Zealot.. Since a zealot was a fanatic and eventually resorted to violence, Simon would have left this cause when he gave up all to follow Jesus. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that dayand not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. You can hear the passion and love of Paul in his last words to Timothy. John desperately needed Eleazar's funds to supply his followers, and Eleazar required the protection of John's large entourage to fend off Ananus. Some Bible translations preserve Jeromes mistake out of respect for tradition, calling Simon the Cananite or the Cananaean inMatthew 10:3andMark 3:18. Since the Apostle Simon is onlylistedamong the apostles (and hes completely absent from theGospel of John), theres not much we can say about him. Thomas was impaled by a spear. People are attracted to people who get on fire for a cause. His zeal once focused in the right direction must have made him stay on the straight and narrow path, although it did require new learning on his part! First, followers of Jesus are invited to proclaim the Kingdom of God in weakness rather than strength. Simonmayhave been a member of a rebellious group that was prone to violence. Jesus later commissioned them and sent them out to proclaim the gospel. Simon, a Zealot, to be one of his disciples. The Apostle Jude was crucified in Persia. Due their fear that Ananus would betray the nationalist cause and surrender to the Romans in order to solidify his position of power, the Idumeans invested their support in Eleazar and John's coalition in hopes of establishing a more radical government to counter the inevitable Roman attack. Judas is often identified as a Zealot, an attribute held by only one other disciple, Simon the Zealot. Simon was called by Jesus and was completely changed. The apostle Jude, who wrote the next to the last book in the New Testament by the same name, went all the way to Persia and it was there that he was crucified by the Magi. In the West, Simon is said to have preached in Egypt, then traveled to Persia with Jude (who had been working in Mesopotamia) where they were both martyred. [1], Although the First JewishRoman War was doomed to fail against a seemingly insurmountable Roman Empire, the monumental death and destruction from 66 to 70 CE could have been avoided. During his three years of ministry with Jesus, Simon the Zealot matured into an apostle empowered to spread the gospel in truth and love to all nations. Other church fathers made this error as well, and it was perpetuated throughout church tradition for so long that some modern translations still say, Simon the Cananite or Simon the Cananean inMatthew 10:3andMark 3:18. Basil the Great says he died in Edessa, peacefully. In 39 CE, the Roman Emperor Caligula declared himself divine and ordered his troops in Jerusalem to place his name on the Temple . One tradition is that he first preached in Egypt, before joining Jude and travelling to Persia, where both were martyred. 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Saint Jude Thaddeus is not the same person as Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Our Lord and despaired because of his great sin and lack of trust in God's mercy. Simon the Zealot was one of the original Apostles . Following his victory against Cestius' forces, Eleazar was deposed from power in Jerusalem by the High Priest Ananus ben Ananus. The Acts of Philip document gives an account of his martyrdom. Simon and Jude, Apostles. Although its worth noting, in theTalmud, Jewish rabbis advocated for peace as well, and the Zealots ignored them. To distinguish him from St. Peter he is called (Matthew 10:4; Mark 3:18) Kananaios, or Kananites, and Zelotes (Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13). Some versions of the Bible also call him Simon the Canaanite, which does not necessarily mean that he was from Cana, but rather that he was a zealous individual. What happened to the disciples after Jesus died? We know that Judas was probably a Zealot by his surname, Iscariot. Most scholars today believekananaioscomes from the Aramaic wordqanan, meaning zealous one, which effectively makes Simons moniker the same in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts. Jack has written 1277 articles on What Christians Want To Know! Or, he may have simply been zealous for the Lawor even zealous for Jesus or his teachings. For many Jews, the Messiah was no longer a spiritual Savior but an earthly Conqueror. Quick Answer: What Apostle Began The Greek Church? The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. Feast Day: October 28 ST. SIMON is surnamed the Cananaean or Canaanite, and the Zealot, to distinguish him from St. Peter, and from St. Simeon, the brother of St. James the Less, and his successor in the see of Jerusalem. The lack of verses mentioning Simon the zealot probably indicates that Jesus had little if any problems with him. The knowledge of Peters death is widespread among secular and church historians. What happened to the 12 disciples after the ascension of Christ? When he emerged unharmed, the entire coliseum converted to Christianity. He may have belonged to a Jewish sect known as the Zealots, who were bent on revolution and looking for a Messiah to violently overthrow Rome. He was later freed and went to Turkey, perhaps on a mission to establish churches there. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that dayand not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing., At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. 21.7.12. Contrary to the radical anti-Roman agenda of the Zealots, Ananus and the other moderate leaders of Jerusalem wished to stabilize the conflict and reach equilibrium with Rome. There are different records of Simon the Zealots death. Quick Answer: How Old Was The Apostle Paul When He Became A Christian? Even his moniker, the Zealot is ambiguous enough that we cant be sure what it meansthough there are several strong possibilities. the Zealot movement that wanted a revolutionary overthrow of the occuying Romans. 1st century CE Zealot leader during the First Jewish-Roman War, For the fifth generation Mishnah Tanna sage with a similar name, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Seven Onomastic Problems in Josephus' 'Bellum Judaicum',, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from December 2015, Pages using infobox officeholder with unknown parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Eastern feas surname, Iscariot Eleazar ben Simon 's radical anti-Roman ideology derived old. Rebellious group that was prone to violence with the sword ( Acts 1:12-26 ) that betrayed Jesus and then by... 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