Support Veteran Journalism . 165 Justin Martyr,c. The web should be old and dirty to some extent but neednt be real dirty. It is obvious they Does a tree that falls in the forest make a noise. (My instincts believe these are most likely neuron replacements / implants for our brains, type in nanobots and neuron interface into you tube, theyve been considered if not constructed). I laid it sticky side skyward and left it outside overnight. Its about 6-8 mo old and has not been used since the summer. This confirmation was quite the shock cause I knew then all of us in the White Mountains at least were all being infected with this bizarre nano affliction, infestation, infection. Chemtrails are the medium GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply: Chemtrails are the medium directed energy is the method. 70. By the third day however a large spraying operation could be seen to the east and I started looking in spider webs and on the oozing sap on trees and on the new sap on my car. Your email address will not be published. One plausible explanation of how the flat ribbon like fibers seem to grow even on glass is that these synthetic model organisms can assemble plastic components from the air, water or wherever present and use dc current as part of their assembly technique, or they are feeding off the silicone in the glass or both. Did an EPA Official Collude with Monsanto by Tilting Research? Only 4,and they are among the only group of 12 kids who got all their vaccinations (read educate before you vaccinate). Ever put metal in a microwave? Metal particulates are strangling the roots of Chemtrails are a very common explanation, despite any evidence that they are actually occurring. Trees are dying, are we Next outspoken Redding, CA-based Chemtrail activist Justin Timbers rest of --! Im contemplating soil sample analysis due to an inordinate number of trees dying on my property. Since 2010, the bark beetle alone has been attributed to the deaths of well over 100 million California trees. Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only. Where is the proof? The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING VETERAN JOURNALISM - JOIN SOFREP+ . Small trees and slash (tops and branches) are typically piled and burned, scattered to decompose (applicable on moist sites), chipped or ground (masticated) onsite, or sold for biomass fuel. Its imperative that you reproduce any of these observations, should you care or dare to see how bad the air really is, but few if any seem to give a shit about anything anymore, another neurological observation of real real concern. so, photosynthesis has been inhibited and it is during the photosynthesis process that plants intake carbon Much to my amazement Fred slowly freed himself from this mess which I watched for about 3-5 days. All of them (still gets FDA approval, youll eat some tonight probably), How many days did it take to notice changes in the rats? With that said, have you. 1379 John Wycliffe,c. Ever wonder why America is the most obese country on the planet? Ezekiel Cheever,1757 Aaron Burr, Sr.,1767 Isaac Backus,1774 Samuel Langdon,1788 Benjamin Gale,1793 Samuel Hopkins,1794 Samuel Osgood,1794 William Linn-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea - Rome-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of RomeBiblical Expositors of the Early Medieval Periodd. correspond with the installation of all the microwave antennae on this mountain!!! I showed him my entire collection of weekly tests and told him of the morgellons fibers Id found in the water. More effective than say, just putting it in the water? Chemtrails? This would however explain a number of neurological symptoms described by Morgellons patients. The local governments know very well about the Chemtrails and what it is doing to the eco system and environment and how it is killing humans they won't do any testing because they already know the results my grass is suffering from the ill effects of their chemtrails I have little idea what they are doing to my body people want to remain ignorant of the truth at all costs and trying to make some ignorant people aware only brings you hate and ridicule because of people like this we all suffer because as long as people chose to remain wilfully ignorant of what goes on in life it puts us all in serious danger I don't know how people do it refuse to see the Truth in front of their faces my neighbors spend lots of money each year trying to keep our grass alive when it is a lost cause as long as this evil government keep poisoning the land by posioning the air and water but just try telling my neighbors about the Chemtrails causing the grass to die and they look at you like you are insane how do you ever wake braindead people up. I kid. God save us. Hell I still cant believe most of this. warming supposedly caused by too much co2, really impedes plants from absorbing co2. Project Cloverleaf The Science Behind it It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. I had shown the other office the chemical poisoning also, but not the biological stuff. always after a couple of days of rain that they worsen and the leaves look as if they've been burnt. Because it isnt happening and all of you have bought into a giant internet hoax that was started with the widespread of the internet in the late 90s. P.O. C02 "Plumes" and Contrails. This is nothing less than state sanctioned / sponsored terrorism / mass homicide!!!!! All people that look at blood for a living must know what is really going on !!!!! US Corporations' September 30th fiscal payment deadline Sep 30, 2023 USA Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. In a 2017 interview on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Dr. Herndon speculated that settled chemtrail spray dust covering California's foliage may act as an accelerant. Chemtrails - dead and dying plants and trees - YouTube I believe the pope of Rome is Antichrist (Daniel 7:7-27,2Thessalonians 2:1-12,2Peter 2:1-22,1John 2:18-25, Revelation 13:1-9) and Rome. In 1974, persons associated with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) obtained patent US3813875 for using barium to create ion clouds in the upper atmosphere. Youll notice that jet routes crisscross over every major city, because thats where the navigation equipment lives (although GPS is modifying that slightly). your ignorance and asshole treatment of people trying to stop the insanity. weapons are there? It is spread by a tiny aphid-like bug called the Asian citrus psyllid. This particular towns water supply is drawn from the lake, which can only mean they are getting a double dose, not just their air but their water too. He seemed concerned and vowed to investigate, then left. It has to be extremely cold (-40 C), so the altitude that cons happen can change from day to day based on weather patterns. It remains my great concern that components of viruses or the complete virus itself may be also replicated and remains an undetected / undisclosed aspect of this technology. I think years of contrails, and the more recent years of chemtrails has caused this reaction, and our trees are dying from it. Maybe the F-35 Program Guys are running it. When most of them die in WWIII they will think it is the other ones faults. 1412 John Huss,c. All photographs are from the exact same GPS location. They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. Most of these observations were made outside a small town (approx pop. At this point I realized I needed, cameras as no one would believe any of this, All of them (still gets FDA approval, youll eat some tonight probably), All of them (its now in over 8,000 foods, click, 6 to 10 at least (read the back, its poison, call them). See: Strange Days Strange Skies. We also have more holes in the ozone layer caused by HAARP ionizing the upper atmosphere. Clearly we continue to be suffocated slowly by metal particulates. Upcoming Events. He thought about it for a while and, looking puzzled, said, "No." Its not only Hinze, all dams will slowly start showing signs of death, this is happening globally.If you know nothing of chemtrails, geoengineering, aerosol spraying, its about time you opened your eyes, looked up and took notice of what is so obvious when looking towards the sky. At this point I realized I needed cameras as no one would believe any of this. Only 5% of Americans believe in chemtrails, but plenty more share a similar, deep-seated dread about the planet's future. This implies undeniable intelligence and or pre-programming or control of some kind!!! Why the voltage thing is so important: Ive observed in my jars that were electrolyzed that the growth of what Ive learned are called synthetic model organisms (or artificial life forms) is greatly enhanced and increased. Reproduction of this work is encouraged, for non-profit, educational purposes only. all life on earth dies. The only way to treat a chemtrail overdose is to do the following: Feel better now? Climate engineers want to start using the terms 'Albedo-enhancement' and 'Cloud reflectivity enhancement' instead of Geoengineering because people are waking up to the meaning of that term. Why? The Last Disaster, Galactic Center Discoveries, Sky Spray | S0 News Jun.3.2020 Suspicious0bservers, California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering., Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project, Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earths Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications., No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101 [Chemtrails Exposed], 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. By now youre probably thinking Ill just drink more water and flush this metal stuff out, which would normally really help, except try this, electrolyze a glass of your tap water and remember this process will only remove the metals (ionic salts) in your tap water All metal is poisonous, heavy or not, in high doses and outside evolutionary time parameters. Ungulates don't fly planes, come on. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. This would explain the DNA of insects and plants that have been isolated in infected humans. Dumping fuel at just 5000 feet results in the fuel evaporating before it ever gets close to the ground. Geoengineering Initiatives have been called . I realized that trees are dying in 2008 and after much reading and thought (and resistance), it became quite obvious to me that the only reason that fully explains the empirical evidence is air pollution. Though the government has reserved the legal right to test stuff on us (usc 1520a) the states have a legal / moral / ethical obligation to protect us, I guess unless theyve been promised more tax dollars, protection, and or the antidote. An opinion piece like this is used to direct a gullible audiences own opinion in order to help garner future support for the writer or media outlet. Built by. Trees, bugs, The EPA then closed up its books and left without another word. Maybe you should be concerned. We must put a stop to this chemical poisoning. Why.Bless, G.I. I told him I could prove without any shadow of a reasonable doubt that we are currently under not just chemical attack but also biological (synthetic). water or flooding them through weather control, and by way of carbon sequestratiion. My people perish for lack of accurate knowledge. The Chemtrail Crisis An Overview and Update Source, by Amy Worthington, Idaho Observer. Likewise, over-watered leaves can turn yellow and fall off. Its imperative that those concerned make their own observations and dont believe my work, get off your duff and verify it yourselves. I offer my observations with the assurance of duplicability. However, we might have a hard time proving that people are actually "dying from chemtrails." Although plant and tree life and certain types of insects indeed seem to be declining, people all over the United States and other countries are going about their business without even noticing chemtrails overhead. By Jim Robbins October 12, 2015. Well, those were actually secret chemtrail missions. Chemtrails are different than contrails. The picture above is of the apple tree in our back yard. Ive always had to watch the weather to protect the crews and equipment and complete the task at hand. None, almost to the point of starvation. Allan Buckman, a biologist with the department of fish and game for 38-years, discusses the damage to trees and plants extensively in a videoexposing chemtrails. I kid. Its now my belief that Morgellons is what Alzheimers patients have and can likely be proven with post mortem brain slices perhaps from dogs, and the miracle grow stuff in our air is slowly but continually being electrolyzed in our brains and bodies perhaps in specific or targeted areas. Very odd. Electro MAGNETIC frequencies work best with metals to Trees are of immense importance, they are a symbol of our living planet. Still Doubt the Pope owns the CIA, well then doubt Caveat Lector and the Papacy's CFR are Satanic. No way man, to many ungulates are doing it. What does that mean? it takes the fight out of people.makes you passive. A covert op can be invented and planned from the get-go; or players, seeing an event unfold, can jump onboard in mid-stream, take control, and use the event to launch an operation. Or maybe someone hurt your feelings, sending you straight to your safe space and you dont know why? 9/19/2012 - When the denial of chemtrails is resolved, concerns of their content and their effects are raised. Which by the way, has been hard to observe chem-trails because of heavy unusual cloud cover (with little rain-here anyway). She said her small town back east was experiencing this memory dysfunction after heavy spraying, and she apologized for having to read notes she had made for the program, as she too was having short term memory problems. It would appear man has out-smarted himself, or this is the wrath we deserve for our apathy, or this is the start of the promised 80% population reduction recommended in U.N. documents with a twist. It is no secret that Americas military-industrial megalith is secretly altering earths atmosphere in frightening ways. to almost visible with the naked eye or magnifying glass. I soon left for Idaho and the first three days there the visibility was good, and a small sheen around the sun meant I might have found a safer haven for my family to move. It states that barium can cause breathing difficulties, increased blood pressure, changes in heart rhythm, stomach irritation, muscles weakness, swelling of the brain, as well as damage to the liver, kidney, heart and spleen. is real science and not even close to the same as the conspiracy behind chemtrails. Place inside and on the side of a clean closed jar with just a tiny bit of moisture in the jar and let sit for 48 hrs. I have read that when the Sun enters a low activity phase the ionosphere becomes inadequate for some of the communication equipment that our government uses. My hopes for the future destroyed and the realization that everyone from here to Idaho has been infected with this heinous man made creation (type morgellons into you tube) has become a reality. The combination of fungal growth and insect infestation has killed untold numbers of trees in California. We Need Your Help to Stop It and Protect our Rights! 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