Mr. Tariq Premji Gifts, entertainment and business courtesies are only to be offered or accepted if all of the following conditions are met: Accepting occasional gifts and entertainment may be appropriate when developing business relationships. This will lead to more complexity and troubleshooting requirements resulting in higher operational expenses. Service providers and large enterprises cannot afford to ignore this problem and should plan for an IPv6 migration, sooner rather than later, to ensure business continuity requirements. Vineet is an engineer from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, and an MBA from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai. Q I received sensitive pricing information from one of our competitors. Non-compliance with Wipros password security requirements such as periodically changing access passwords etc. You must promptly report this to the Legal & Compliance Department for appropriate action, which could include collecting lists and destroying them or returning them to the competitor. In December 2013, Economic Times bestowed Mr. Premji with Life Time Achievement Award. On a recruiting visit to a local college, he elaborates to the team why he does not want to have female members on his team. The Be alert to changes in the law or new requirements that may affect your work. En Employees must always make it clear that their views and actions are their own and not those of the Company and employees must never use Wipro resources to support their personal choice of political parties, causes or candidates. A Wipro veteran of 14 years, Raghav was instrumental in incubating Wipro Infrastructure Engineerings (WIN) new business venture in Brazil and China. Post messages which contain racially or sexually offensive material, political or religious solicitations or anything else which is inappropriate or has the potential to cause harm to Wipro or its customers and business partners. A Advise him not to proceed as this is not permissible under Wipros policy and offering gifts violates the anti-bribery policy of Wipro as well the prevailing Anti Bribery laws. Co-operate with any measures introduced to develop equal opportunities. We believe in doing business with suppliers and business partners who embrace and demonstrate high standards of ethical business behaviour and who share our commitment to environmentally sustainable practices and human rights. Government customers means and include customers operating through state-owned and state-controlled entities in areas such as aerospace and defence manufacturing, banking and finance, healthcare and life sciences, energy and utilities, telecommunications, transportation, etc. Also ensure that the recipient will safeguard the information. No gift, entertainment or business courtesy can be offered to or accepted from government officials or foreign officials including officials of public international organizations or government customers (including public sector undertakings and government-run enterprises) either directly or indirectly. In 2011, the Foundation established the Azim Premji University, which is focused on teaching and research programs in Education and other areas of Human Development. 1.2 IP-Reuse methodology This methodology has been introduced to cope up with very large & complex designs. The Compliance process at Wipro has the oversight of the Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Corporate Compliance Committees comprising of Board Members. Q Im a manager. WebDevices will need to be dual stack capable of handling both IPv6 and IPv4 packets. Do not offer, provide or promise to offer or authorize bribes or kickbacks, under any circumstances. IPv6 offers numerous advantages over its predecessor IPv4 and many operators have already realized this and started migrating to IPv6. Every Wipro employee, agent and contractor must comply with this requirement. This paper describes the need for IPv6, the benefits it can provide and how important it is to take a holistic view on migrating to IPv6 from a business continuity perspective. As a rule, contact with competitors should be limited and must always avoid certain subjects including any matter relating to competition between Wipro and its competitor, such as sales prices, marketing strategies, market shares and allocation of market, territories, supply and sources or customers. Nor should we use invasive technology to spy on others. Each of us must be vigilant to safeguard Wipros confidential information as well as third parties confidential information that is entrusted to us. It is to the people who are trying to make a living and pay their bills with the income from it. It is also necessary to strictly adhere to all terms and conditions of any contract with central, local, state, federal, foreign or other applicable governments. We support fundamental human rights for all people. While protecting this information may now be a legal requirement, for us at Wipro, data privacy has always been a matter of trust and respect for others. If you are offered a gift that has a value over the Acceptable Limit, you cannot buy the gift down to the Acceptable Limit. Rishad Premji is a Non-Executive Director of Wipro Enterprises and also Chairman of Wipro Limited. into Wipros network like usage of USB drives, external hard disks, visiting of restricted sites that can cause harm to company; Intentional or accidental disruption to service or damage to or loss of equipment owned by Wipro or its customer like spamming the mail-boxes, not taking care of the assets provided or common assets like printers etc; Clear violations of the ISMS policies of the company like downloading of un- authorized software, deviating the system controls, exploiting the loophole. BENGALURU: Wipro is pushing technology solutions based on its intellectual property (IP) to efficiently deliver software services to its customers and tap growth opportunities in newer digital services with IP as the differentiator. On a case-by-case basis, employees may be permitted to work for non-profit/not-for-profit organizations, clubs and charitable institutions provided prior disclosure is made to the HR manager. Each one of us is responsible to promptly raise issues or concerns about misconduct. This has given the company a strong presence in Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Middle East and South China. We also insist that our suppliers prohibit forced labour or other compulsory labour in all of their operations. We understand that when diversity is embraced, we benefit from the creativity, varied perspectives and increased innovation. Po, Mexico Sriram is the Head of Network Services in the Global Media & Telecom (GMT) vertical at Wipro. Combining this wealth of resources creates the diverse and collaborative teams that consistently drive our achievements. It is extremely important that all software and hardware aspects are clearly evaluated before launching a migration, as any gaps can have direct impact on the availability of many critical services. Do not use public file hosting services (such as Dropbox, SkyDrive, iCloud, Amazon Cloud Drive) to backup customer or other business information and documents. He is a Commerce graduate & a Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (FCA). We invite you to be a part of this experience. Q I just learned that a good friend of mine has been accused of sexual harassment and that an investigation is being launched. Properly label confidential information to indicate how it should be handled, distributed and destroyed. The copying or use of unlicensed or pirated or cracked software on Company computers or other equipment to conduct Company business is strictly prohibited. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. If for any reason you are uncomfortable making a report to a particular person, you may talk to the Ombudsperson. Follow empty pocket declaration policy while joining or leaving the organization. You also have the option to use Wipros Hotline. In 2000, Vineet became the Corporate Vice President Mission: Quality, Brand and Innovation for Wipro Corporation. Mr. Pratik Kumar Discuss with your manager full details of any situation that could be perceived as a potential conflict of interest. Premji strongly believes that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary things when organized into highly charged teams, and takes a keen personal interest in developing leaders and teams. The COBCE is designed to help employees and the extended family members of the Company to understand, recognize and deal with ethical issues which they may face from time to time while working for or on behalf of Company. The term is most commonly used in relation to hardware Do not use copyrighted materials without appropriate permission. He says he Plans to use it to Wipros advantage. Had the Presidential address been multi-casted instead, there would have been no issue no matter how many people accessed the stream. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A. Initiate a thorough due diligence about the acquittal of the lead finder from the previous case of bribery scandal before you decide to engage, engaging with such lead finder has potential of breach of anti-bribery laws. Wipro reserves the right to review and monitor the online activities of its employees when they are relevant to the Company, as well as any online communications made using Company resources (computers, phones, tablets, data cards, etc.). Prior to Wipro, Ayaskant has worked with organizations like General Electric, Infosys Technologies and Larsen & Toubro. Dont use social media for any activity to which others are likely to object, or which violates the COBCE or its values as explained in the Spirit of Wipro. In particular. In 2001, Premji established and personally endowed the Azim Premji Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, with a vision of enhancing quality and equity in the public-school education system in India, to build a better society. Millions of Internet users simultaneously tried to access the stream and crashed the servers - 2 they simply could not handle the spike in traffic . Intellectual property is information that is Trademarked, Service Marked, Copyright, or Proprietary. Companies are also entitled to protect their l WebReusable IP typically refers to software or hardware modules that can be reused in future projects by multiple customers. Violating relevant laws, regulations, or the COBCE, or expecting or encouraging others to do so, exposes the Company to liability and puts the Companys reputation at risk. 49) The tasks that can be performed using Workflow Manager. In addition, this means companies planning for an IPv6 transition need to carefully plan the migration path which may also include replacing a number of their IPv4 only systems. All rules which apply to offline conduct also apply to online comments, postings and other communications. Investors, government officials and others need to be able to rely on the accuracy and completeness of our business records. Wipros Legal & Compliance Department must review and approve all contracts with any government entity to confirm this. The CEO needs your support only on weekends and holidays. Refrain from posting confidential non-public or proprietary information online. We select suppliers through a competitive bid process where all supplier relationships are reduced to writing in appropriate manner. You are aware of the fact that the lead finder was involved in a bribery case. These laws often regulate Wipros relationships with our distributors, resellers, dealers and customers. You can do both, but you should optimize for one. Rememberthings you post online will be publicly available for a long time, so before you click Send or Submit, think carefully and review. Wipro also recognizes that this evil cannot be eradicated by simply setting up rules or inspections. You should know and trust their sources and be sure that the knowledge they provide is not protected by trade-secret laws, or non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements. As Wipros business interests are spread across the world, Wipro may be subject to competition laws of various jurisdictions. Premji became the first Indian recipient of the Faraday Medal and has been conferred honorary doctorates by the Michigan State University and Wesleyan University (in the US), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Roorkee and Kharagpur amongst others. Q You and your competitor have bid for a LED lighting order of the State Government and know that the current order that you are competing for will be shared equally with both of you. All employees have the right and responsibility to stop any work they feel may be unsafe. Q Im a manager and Im not clear what my obligations are if someone comes to me with an accusationand what if it involves a senior leader? Since laws concerning international trade are complex and are often subject to change, it is important that employees who travel internationally, or who provide services or information across national borders, remain up to date on relevant requirements. This chapter on IP reuse is complementary to these other chapters. This includes such behaviour directed towards third parties during the course of conducting Wipro business. As a founding team member, he has been instrumental in setting up and institutionalising the investment process of this fund. If a close personal relationship exists or develops between two employees, both employees involved must bring this to the attention of their manager and HR manager. Only share personal information with other employees or external agencies who have a legitimate need to know and take steps to ensure that they understand the importance of properly handling the data you share with them. Answer: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol for mapping an Internet Protocol address (IP address) to a physical machine address that is recognized in Chairman, Wipro Enterprises & Wipro Limited. Do not record or approve false or misleading entries, unrecorded funds or assets, or payments without appropriate supporting documentation. As a global company, we employ individuals and we work with business partners who represent a rich variety of backgrounds, skills and cultures. He started his career at British Telecom in the satellite services division. WebVisit Wipro Websites. Follow all document retention and document destruction requirements. We must never do anything through a third party that we are not allowed to do by ourselves (Proxy Bribing). Situations that may pose a health, safety or environmental hazard must be reported immediately. Q. I would rather not get involved. A When the Company conducts an investigation it is because there is the possibility of a breach of our policies or legal requirements. All employees are required to cooperate fully and truthfully with designated audit and investigations professionals. He has rich experience of 20+ years in the field of telecommunications specializing in telecom networks. It basically involves partitioning of the designs into smaller IP blocks with well-defined functionality that can be re-used across multiple designs. Premji has been driven by one basic idea to build an organization deeply committed to Values, with the firm belief that success in business eventually but inevitably follows. Report the conversation to your supervisor, VP, HR, and / or the Ombuds person since it is a clear cut case of sexual discrimination in hiring which is against Wipros policy of fair and equal employment opportunities and Ombuds process requires us to be vigilant and raise concerns to make the Ethics Policy effective and to support the Wipros endeavor towards fair and equal employment opportunities to all. It is the primary responsibility of every employee to make sure that our services and products are consistently of the highest quality. Not use it as this will be a breach of intellectual property rights of previous customer and Wipro will be in breach of contractual obligation and This will amount to violation of customers IP rights and also, Take clearance from Marketing / Sales Team, who will take approvals from the customers for use of their names / logos, this may violate our confidentiality commitments towards our customers. Following are some of the key areas where we must be guided by in our commitment to the. At course completion, you will be able to: Recognize the benefits of reusing existing IP and complete designs We believe in free and open competition and we never engage in improper practices that may limit competition through illegal and unfair means. Be vigilant and look out for any signs of violation of human rights or employment laws. Now I have a problem. Use the Companys Ombuds process, which is a whistle-blower process, by contacting. Further information: Social Media Guidance and Networking. Employees shall neither use business courtesies to attempt to improperly influence the decisions of our customers or other third parties nor provide such courtesies in violation of the law or customers internal policies. Wipro Consumer Care established a global footprint through acquisitions of Unza, Yardley, LD Waxsons and Zhongshan Ma Er. Wipro prohibits forced or compulsory labour including prison or bonded labour. If this seems inappropriate, or if you dont believe the person to whom youve reported your concern has taken appropriate action, you have several additional options: In addition, if you have a question about a Wipro policy, you can send your query to: [emailprotected]. There is no difference between offer to bribe and actual bribe. There is a theoretical maximum of ~4.3 billion IPv4 addresses. If Wipro perceives that such online activity is in violation of Company policies, appropriate investigation and action will be taken. Doing so is critical to our success. It cannot be offered when there is an ongoing active business negotiation. Never give the impression that you are the official spokesperson of the Company in any communication that may become public if you are not authorized to do so. Use and disclose confidential information only for legitimate business purposes on. He was named by Fortune (August 2003) as one of the 25 most powerful business leaders outside the US, by Forbes (March 2003) as one of ten people globally with most power to effect change, and by the Journal of Foreign Policy (November 2011) as amongst the top global thinkers. These global trade restrictions apply when we ship products across national borders, but in some cases they also apply when we send data and technological information to colleagues or third parties via email or over the internet. However, in February 2011, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) handed over the last IPv4 address block1 available in its central pool, making it clear that IPv4 addresses would soon be exhausted. This includes postings to the internet. Always be accurate, complete and truthful when submitting financial, quality or safety results. A start-up company into manufacture of personal care products approaches you for technical support and advice in setting up manufacturing operations. If you are in a leadership position at Wipro, you have an obligation to monitor the quality of our supply chain to ensure that the products we sell meet all external safety and quality standards, as well as our own high standards. Delegate authority only where permissible and never delegate authority to any individual who you believe may engage in unlawful conduct or unethical activities. In India, Wipro Consumer Care acquired Chandrika Ayurveda soap, North West modular switches and Glucovita. The employee must ensure that the services they provide do not affect Wipros interest or reputation. A If you have received any gift which exceeds the Acceptable Limit, you are required to disclose the receipt of the gift in the Gifts Disclosure Tracker and hand over the gift to the Facilities Management Group of your location. Report to your Level II supervisor considering it to be a case of conflict of interest and Financial transactions with colleagues brings conflict of interest and adversely impact the professional relationship. Most countries have well-developed bodies of law designed to encourage and protect free and fair competition. NOTE: You can test the methods using a main method. Withholding information or knowingly giving false or misleading information or sharing information about an investigation is a serious violation of your duties as an employee and could result in disciplinary action. 1.2 How to use the Code of Business Conduct, 1.4 Cooperating with surveys, investigations and inquiries, 1.7 Asking questions and raising concerns, 2.5 Gifts, entertainment & business courtesies, 3.4 Protecting the privacy of employee and personal information, 3.5 Business records and internal controls, 5.5 Sustainability and corporate citizenship. WebTo enforce these standards on all the design IP developers there is a need to have a very easy, efficient way of doing standard enforcement early in the IP development stage by What should I do? In September 2013 Premji received All India Management Association Managing India Award for his inspiring business values and his contribution to society. Wipro is technology and vendor agnostic so the plans it develops primarily depend on the clients needs. Wipro takes claims of retaliation seriously. Payments that are intended to improperly influence a government official must never be made. A Under no circumstances should you give him a heads up. Your friend will be given the opportunity to respond to these allegations and every effort will be made to conduct a fair and impartial investigation. : US$ 100 or equivalent currency for employees in the United States and Europe, and US$ 50 or equivalent currency for employees in the rest of the world, per financial year. If you notice a breach of this policy or receive a customer inquiry or complaint about Wipros handling of personal information, forward the inquiry or complaint to Security Incident Reporting (SIR) through the Companys intranet system. Employees are advised to strictly follow all Wipro procedures, including those governing the appropriate handling of unsolicited intellectual property. Unless authorized do not disclose any information about an investigation. If you give a negative answer to even one question, consider a different action or seek help. among your supervisor and team members. Avoid exaggeration, colourful language, guesswork, legal conclusions and derogatory characterizations of people and their motives. Carrying weapons in the workplace. The Azim Premji Foundation works in 7 states of India which have over 350,000 schools. However, in some situations, COBCE may take a more conservative stand to avoid conflicts with certain other country laws. Communicate to employees and business partners (such as dealers, distributors, agents) about how the COBCE and policies apply to their daily work. Each of us is responsible for helping to ensure the information we record is accurate, complete and maintained consistently with our system of internal controls: Each of us is responsible for information and records under our control. Enterprises where key officers and directors are appointed by the government, Government funded organizations through governmental appropriations or through revenues obtained as a result of government-mandated taxes, licenses, fees, or royalties, Enterprises widely perceived and understood to be performing governmental functions. The Internet has experienced a tremendous growth in the past three decades, evolving from a network of a few hundred hosts to a platform connecting billions of things across the globe including people, enterprises and devices. I feel the safest and most secure way to preserve them is by using a secure cloud-hosting service. Do not make false or misleading statements about them and ensure that all sales and promotional efforts are free from misrepresentations. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (COBCE) provides the ethical guidelines and expectations for conducting business on behalf of Wipro Enterprises (P) Limited, its subsidiaries and associate companies ( Entities ). Trained experts will be assigned to conduct the investigation. If an employee retains competitor information, this can result in legal action by the competitor. We must never engage in fraud, misrepresentation or deception to obtain information. The employee must not accept remuneration for any service rendered except reimbursement of reasonable and customary expenses. Alerting your friend could jeopardize the investigation and expose the Company to additional risk and possible costs. Never give the impression that you are speaking on behalf of Wipro unless you are authorized to do so. You will: A Alert your colleagues about our Password Policy and report to Ombudsperson, sharing of passwords is strictly prohibited. It provides the simplest way to create and maintain reusable design blocks. Employees must be careful to avoid even the appearance of offering or accepting an improper payment, bribe or kickback. Though Multi-cast Addresses are available, IANA has not assigned multicast to any addresses as yet. He is currently an independent consultant advising Wipro on telecoms and media matters. In these situations, consult the Wipro policies (forming part of the Book of Policies) referenced throughout the COBCE. including the following: However, reasonable conveyance or other facilities to government officials is allowed if it is in connection with the performance of their official duties for Wipro, such as their visits to our manufacturing facilities for inspection/audit like the visit of pollution control officials. By using new addresses, each transaction moment; increases your chance of keeping your currencies. Putting all your proverbial eggs in the one prov Alan has a diverse background in the satcoms, financial services, media and telecoms industries with experience across the globe. A. To best serve our customers we all have a responsibility to use Wipros assets and resources wisely and with care. Azim Premji, a graduate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, USA has been at the helm of Wipro Limited since the late 1960s, turning what was then a US $2 million hydrogenated cooking fat company into close to $ 10 billion Revenue IT, BPO and R&D Services, Consumer Products and engineering companies with a presence in 58 countries, that it is today. Protecting their privacy and confidentiality is very important to us. Unauthorized receipt or use of the intellectual property of others may expose Wipro to civil lawsuits and damages. A Decline to become a partner since active participation in business together with employment would be a case of conflict of interest and Dual engagement while in Wipros employment is not permissible. Never discuss confidential information when others might be able to overhear what is being said, e.g. Cloud Studio plays the role of a strategic ecosystem integrator leveraging Wipros platforms, IP and talent along with native and niche tools developed by hyperscalers and partners as a one-stop marketplace. Harassment can be verbal, physical or visual behaviour where the purpose or effect is to create an offensive, hostile or intimidating environment. Wipro recognizes that corporations are socio-economic citizens and that their objectives have to be congruent with societys goals. Sensitive personal information, such as social security numbers, medical records, credit card and bank account numbers require special handling based on local law. Under Pratiks leadership, Wipro was recognized as the first company in the world to be assessed at PCMM Level 5, the highest maturity level on the SEI framework of Carnegie Mellon University. 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