In conclusion, while there is scientific evidence to suggest that standing early on in life can cause bowlegs in infants by way of medical conditions like Blounts Disease but there are certain other factors as well that lead to the development of this condition such as a family history of the child. The exception is when bowlegs are produced by rickets. *\b) b/i],[a,[s,"Zeki"],[c,p]],[/\b([yr]\d{2}) b/i,/\b(dragon[- ]+touch |dt)(\w{5}) b/i],[[s,"Dragon Touch"],a,[c,p]],[/\b(ns-?\w{0,9}) b/i],[a,[s,"Insignia"],[c,p]],[/\b((nxa|next)-?\w{0,9}) b/i],[a,[s,"NextBook"],[c,p]],[/\b(xtreme\_)? ))/i],[a,[s,"Sony"],[c,l]],[/sony tablet [ps]/i,/\b(?:sony)?sgp\w+(? It may be more pronounced in some babies over others, but on the whole, its a physical characteristic that almost all parents notice in their little one and something they will most likely grow out of over time. Children who start walking at a younger age have more noticeable bowing. "Null":"string"==typeof(r=function(t,e){try{return t[e]}catch(t){}}(e=u(t),a))?r:c?i(e):"Object"==(n=i(e))&&o(e.callee)? It doesnt happen that often, but theres always a chance that bow-legged condition could become more severe, in which case additional steps must be taken to help fix the problem. As a child starts walking, the bowing might increase Bow Legged Baby Walking Too Early. Can a baby walking too early cause bow legs? (p.prototype=o(t),r=new p,p.prototype=null,r[l]=t):r=h(),void 0===e?r:i.f(r,e)}},"g6v/":function(t,e,r){var n=r("0Dky");t.exports=!n((function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty({},1,{get:function(){return 7}})[1]}))},glrk:function(t,e,r){var n=r("hh1v"),o=String,i=TypeError;t.exports=function(t){if(n(t))return t;throw i(o(t)+" is not an object")}},hBjN:function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=r("oEtG"),o=r("m/L8"),i=r("XGwC");t.exports=function(t,e,r){var a=n(e);a in t?o.f(t,a,i(0,r)):t[a]=r}},hByQ:function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=r("xluM"),o=r("14Sl"),i=r("glrk"),a=r("cjT7"),u=r("HYAF"),c=r("Ep9I"),s=r("V37c"),f=r("3Eq5"),l=r("FMNM");o("search",(function(t,e,r){return[function(e){var r=u(this),o=a(e)?void 0:f(e,t);return o?n(o,e,r):new RegExp(e)[t](s(r))},function(t){var n=i(this),o=s(t),a=r(e,n,o);if(a.done)return a.value;var u=n.lastIndex;c(u,0)||(n.lastIndex=0);var f=l(n,o);return c(n.lastIndex,u)||(n.lastIndex=u),null===f?-1:f.index}]}))},hh1v:function(t,e,r){var n=r("Fib7"),o=r("jqES"),i=o.all;t.exports=o.IS_HTMLDDA?function(t){return"object"==typeof t?null!==t:n(t)||t===i}:function(t){return"object"==typeof t?null!==t:n(t)}},iSVu:function(t,e,r){var n=r("4zBA"),o=r("Fib7"),i=r("xs3f"),a=n(Function.toString);o(i.inspectSource)||(i.inspectSource=function(t){return a(t)}),t.exports=i.inspectSource},jqES:function(t,e){var r="object"==typeof document&&document.all,n=void 0===r&&void 0!==r;t.exports={all:r,IS_HTMLDDA:n}},kOOl:function(t,e,r){var n=r("4zBA"),o=0,i=Math.random(),a=n(1..toString);t.exports=function(t){return"Symbol("+(void 0===t? ]{0,9});.+buil/i],[a,[s,"Generic"]]],engine:[[/windows.+ edge\/([\w\.]+)/i],[f,[u,"EdgeHTML"]],[/webkit\/537\.36.+chrome\/(?!27)([\w\.]+)/i],[f,[u,"Blink"]],[/(presto)\/([\w\.]+)/i,/(webkit|trident|netfront|netsurf|amaya|lynx|w3m|goanna)\/([\w\.]+)/i,/ekioh(flow)\/([\w\. ], Walking is when you can really see them bending. Early walking babies can be a sign of their growing personalities. Watch Baby | Netflix Official Site Baby 2018 | Maturity Rating: TV-MA | 3 Seasons | Teen TV Shows Fed up with their families and classmates, two teen girls from a wealthy part of Rome are drawn to the city's underworld and start leading double lives. Sometimes children may walk with their toes pointed inward (pigeon toes or intoeing). ]+) safari/i,/(tesla)(? Bow legs dont affect your childs ability to crawl, walk or run. The bow legs (or genu varum) is when the legs bend outwards at the knees while the feet and ankles touch each other. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) "@context": "", No treatment is necessary in babies and toddlers unless the condition is severe. If your childs legs havent straightened by 2 years old, there may be another reason. When left untreated, bowlegs could increase your childs chances for developing a number of serious problems later in life. However, as your child begins to put more pressure on their legs through these activities, it Babies and toddlers typically outgrow bow legs by the time they turn 2. :Clamped)?Array$/.test(r))return g(t,e)}(t)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method. ]+)/i],[f,[u,"Opera Coast"]],[/miuibrowser\/([\w\. Not at all! Should you seek professional advice, a detailed history, physical examination, and perhaps blood tests, will be conducted. ]+)/i,/(opera [mobiletab]{3,6})\b.+version\/([-\w\.]+)/i,/(opera)(? My LO started to walk at 9.5 months, but she definitely is now legged. Watch. Cutest Baby Family Moments - Funny and Cute Baby Video Fun and Cute 1.91M subscribers Subscribe 208K Share 61M views 3 years ago Did you enjoy the video? "]],[/droid ([\w\. ]+)/i,/(icab)[\/ ]([23]\.[\d\.]+)/i],[u,f],[/rv\:([\w\. According to the most recent search data available, that topic is searched nearly 10,000 per month. Early walker, bow legged? ]+)/i,/(khtml|tasman|links)[\/ ]\(?([\w\. } The curled position that a fetus is forced to adopt within the uterus encourages the development of bowlegs, osteomalacia, and/or rickets. bui/i,/\b(redmi[\-_ ]?(?:note|k)? : bui|\))/i,/\b(v[12]\d{3}\w?[at])(? ]{1,9})\b.+like gecko/i],[f,[u,"IE"]],[/yabrowser\/([\w\.]+)/i],[f,[u,"Yandex"]],[/(avast|avg)\/([\w\. Below, learn what to do if it doesnt. "+i(e,3,0)+"Z"}:f},ZUd8:function(t,e,r){var n=r("4zBA"),o=r("WSbT"),i=r("V37c"),a=r("HYAF"),u=n("".charAt),c=n("".charCodeAt),s=n("".slice),f=function(t){return function(e,r){var n,f,l=i(a(e)),p=o(r),v=l.length;return p<0||p>=v?t? American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Can a baby walk at 7 months? Can babies become bow-legged from standing too early? ]*)/i,/(aix) ((\d)(?=\.|\)| )[\w\. : qtcarbrowser|\/[-\w\. Your babys ability to learn how to walk is not delayed or inhibited by bowlegs. Check out more from our Baby & Toddler Development package to read more about thrush in babies, jaundice, baby hiccups, baby kneecaps, toddler flat feet, newborn eye color, and bone structure in babies. In addition, children with bow legs can go on to lead normal, active lives after treatment. As a child starts walking, the bowing might increase a bit and then get better. { If your child has bowlegs due to rickets, there are several steps you can take. !.+d\/s)/i],[a,[s,"Huawei"],[c,l]],[/\b(poco[\w ]+)(? Standing or walking doesnt cause bowed legs. (qqbrowser|baiduboxapp|2345Explorer)[\/ ]?([\w\. Children who start walking at a younger age have more noticeable bowing. Their knees wont touch when they stand with their feet and ankles together. :bb[a-f]|st[hv])100-\d)/i,/\(bb10; (\w+)/i],[a,[s,"BlackBerry"],[c,l]],[/(? And, rest easy, because over 95 percent of children with physiologic bowed legs see the condition go away by adolescence without any treatment or surgery. : qtcarbrowser|\/(20\d\d\.[-\w\.]+))/i,/m? Despite being present during early infancy, the condition tends to clear up after 6 to 12 months of walking. However, as your child begins to put more pressure on their legs through these activities, it might increase the bowing a bit. Whether to worry depends on your child's age and the severity of the bowing. {done:!0,value:h(e,r,o)}:{done:!0,value:u(r,e,o)}:{done:!1}}));o(String.prototype,t,b[0]),o(f,p,b[1])}l&&c(f[p],"sham",!0)}},"1E5z":function(t,e,r){var n=r("m/L8").f,o=r("Gi26"),i=r("tiKp")("toStringTag");t.exports=function(t,e,r){t&&!r&&(t=t.prototype),t&&!o(t,i)&&n(t,i,{configurable:!0,value:e})}},"1MNl":function(t,e,r){var n=r("NC/Y"),o=r("2oRo");t.exports=/ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test(n)&&void 0!==o.Pebble},"1tal":function(t,e){var r=TypeError;t.exports=function(t,e){if(t1?arguments[1]:void 0)}})},"2bX/":function(t,e,r){var n=r("0GbY"),o=r("Fib7"),i=r("OpvP"),a=r("/b8u"),u=Object;t.exports=a?function(t){return"symbol"==typeof t}:function(t){var e=n("Symbol");return o(e)&&i(e.prototype,u(t))}},"2fXf":function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=r("I+eb"),o=r("2oRo"),i=r("xluM"),a=r("4zBA"),u=r("xDBR"),c=r("g6v/"),s=r("BPiQ"),f=r("0Dky"),l=r("Gi26"),p=r("OpvP"),v=r("glrk"),d=r("/GqU"),h=r("oEtG"),b=r("V37c"),y=r("XGwC"),g=r("fHMY"),m=r("33Wh"),w=r("JBy8"),x=r("BX/b"),S=r("dBg+"),O=r("Bs8V"),k=r("m/L8"),E=r("N+g0"),R=r("0eef"),j=r("yy0I"),T=r("VpIT"),A=r("93I0"),I=r("0BK2"),P=r("kOOl"),L=r("tiKp"),N=r("5Tg+"),B=r("4GWN"),D=r("V7lt"),F=r("1E5z"),_=r("afO8"),M=r("tycR").forEach,C=A("hidden"),G=_.set,z=_.getterFor("Symbol"),W=Object.prototype,U=o.Symbol,q=U&&U.prototype,V=o.TypeError,Y=o.QObject,K=O.f,H=k.f,X=x.f,J=R.f,Q=a([].push),Z=T("symbols"),$=T("op-symbols"),tt=T("wks"),et=!Y||!Y.prototype||!Y.prototype.findChild,rt=c&&f((function(){return 7!=g(H({},"a",{get:function(){return H(this,"a",{value:7}).a}})).a}))?function(t,e,r){var n=K(W,e);n&&delete W[e],H(t,e,r),n&&t!==W&&H(W,e,n)}:H,nt=function(t,e){var r=Z[t]=g(q);return G(r,{type:"Symbol",tag:t,description:e}),c||(r.description=e),r},ot=function(t,e,r){t===W&&ot($,e,r),v(t);var n=h(e);return v(r),l(Z,n)?(r.enumerable? If bowing continues despite other treatments, surgery may be needed to prevent further damage and correct the issue. First, ensure that theyre being adequately exposed to natural sunlight each day and their skins at least partially uncovered. In a word, no. Can babies become bow legged from standing too early? Their knees do not meet while in this position. Not to mention make their way out of the narrow vaginal canal. ((n=M.createEvent("Event")).promise=e,n.reason=r,n.initEvent(t,!1,!0),s.dispatchEvent(n)):n={promise:e,reason:r},!I&&(o=s["on"+t])?o(n):"unhandledrejection"===t&&S("Unhandled promise rejection",r)},K=function(t){f(w,s,(function(){var e,r=t.facade,n=t.value;if(H(t)&&(e=O((function(){c?C.emit("unhandledRejection",n,r):Y("unhandledrejection",r,n)})),t.rejection=c||H(t)?2:1,e.error))throw e.value}))},H=function(t){return 1!==t.rejection&&!t.parent},X=function(t){f(w,s,(function(){var e=t.facade;c?C.emit("rejectionHandled",e):Y("rejectionhandled",e,t.value)}))},J=function(t,e,r){return function(n){t(e,n,r)}},Q=function(t,e,r){t.done||(t.done=!0,r&&(t=r),t.value=e,t.state=2,V(t,!0))},Z=function(t,e,r){if(!t.done){t.done=!0,r&&(t=r);try{if(t.facade===e)throw _("Promise can't be resolved itself");var n=U(e);n?x((function(){var r={done:!1};try{f(n,e,J(Z,r,t),J(Q,r,t))}catch(e){Q(r,e,t)}})):(t.value=e,t.state=1,V(t,!1))}catch(e){Q({done:!1},e,t)}}};if(A&&(F=(D=function(t){g(this,F),h(t),f(n,this);var e=L(this);try{t(J(Z,e),J(Q,e))}catch(t){Q(e,t)}}).prototype,(n=function(t){N(this,{type:"Promise",done:!1,notified:!1,parent:!1,reactions:new k,rejection:!1,state:0,value:void 0})}).prototype=l(F,"then",(function(t,e){var r=L(this),n=G(m(this,D));return r.parent=!0,n.ok=!b(t)||t,,n.domain=c?C.domain:void 0,0==r.state?r.reactions.add(n):x((function(){q(n,r)})),n.promise})),o=function(){var t=new n,e=L(t);this.promise=t,this.resolve=J(Z,e),this.reject=J(Q,e)},T.f=G=function(t){return t===D||void 0===t?new o(t):z(t)},!u&&b(R)&&B!==Object.prototype)){i=B.then,P||l(B,"then",(function(t,e){var r=this;return new D((function(t,e){f(i,r,t,e)})).then(t,e)}),{unsafe:!0});try{delete B.constructor}catch(t){}p&&p(B,F)}a({global:!0,constructor:!0,wrap:!0,forced:A},{Promise:D}),v(D,"Promise",!1,!0),d("Promise")},Xnc8:function(t,e,r){var n=r("g6v/"),o=r("Gi26"),i=Function.prototype,a=n&&Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,u=o(i,"name"),c=u&&"something"===function(){}.name,s=u&&(!n||n&&a(i,"name").configurable);t.exports={EXISTS:u,PROPER:c,CONFIGURABLE:s}},Xu1c:function(t,e,r){var n=r("0lZ3"),o=r("HH4o"),i=r("Rzhe").CONSTRUCTOR;t.exports=i||!o((function(t){n.all(t).then(void 0,(function(){}))}))},Y3Q8:function(t,e,r){var n=r("2oRo"),o=Object.defineProperty;t.exports=function(t,e){try{o(n,t,{value:e,configurable:!0,writable:!0})}catch(r){n[t]=e}return e}},YF1G:function(t,e,r){var n=r("xrYK"),o=r("2oRo");t.exports="process"==n(o.process)},YGnB:function(t,e,r){var n=r("bFkh"),o=r("YF1G");t.exports=!n&&!o&&"object"==typeof window&&"object"==typeof document},ZOXb:function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=r("4zBA"),o=r("0Dky"),i=r("DMt2").start,a=RangeError,u=isFinite,c=Math.abs,s=Date.prototype,f=s.toISOString,l=n(s.getTime),p=n(s.getUTCDate),v=n(s.getUTCFullYear),d=n(s.getUTCHours),h=n(s.getUTCMilliseconds),b=n(s.getUTCMinutes),y=n(s.getUTCMonth),g=n(s.getUTCSeconds);t.exports=o((function(){return"0385-07-25T07:06:39.999Z"! 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When my dear boy was just a few weeks old, my hubby noticed that his legs were seriously [].forEach:function(t){return n(this,t,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}},FMNM:function(t,e,r){var n=r("xluM"),o=r("glrk"),i=r("Fib7"),a=r("xrYK"),u=r("kmMV"),c=TypeError;t.exports=function(t,e){var r=t.exec;if(i(r)){var s=n(r,t,e);return null!==s&&o(s),s}if("RegExp"===a(t))return n(u,t,e);throw c("RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver")}},FOUG:function(t,e,r){"use strict";var n=r("I+eb"),o=r("xluM"),i=r("We1y"),a=r("8GlL"),u=r("5mdu"),c=r("ImZN");n({target:"Promise",stat:!0,forced:r("Xu1c")},{all:function(t){var e=this,r=a.f(e),n=r.resolve,s=r.reject,f=u((function(){var r=i(e.resolve),a=[],u=0,f=1;c(t,(function(t){var i=u++,c=!1;f++,o(r,e,t).then((function(t){c||(c=!0,a[i]=t,--f||n(a))}),s)})),--f||n(a)}));return f.error&&s(f.value),r.promise}})},FZtP:function(t,e,r){var n=r("2oRo"),o=r("/byt"),i=r("eFrH"),a=r("F8JR"),u=r("kRJp"),c=function(t){if(t&&t.forEach!==a)try{u(t,"forEach",a)}catch(e){t.forEach=a}};for(var s in o)o[s]&&c(n[s]&&n[s].prototype);c(i)},Fib7:function(t,e,r){var n=r("jqES"),o=n.all;t.exports=n.IS_HTMLDDA?function(t){return"function"==typeof t||t===o}:function(t){return"function"==typeof t}},"G+Rx":function(t,e,r){var n=r("0GbY");t.exports=n("document","documentElement")},GarU:function(t,e,r){var n=r("OpvP"),o=TypeError;t.exports=function(t,e){if(n(e,t))return t;throw o("Incorrect invocation")}},Gi26:function(t,e,r){var n=r("4zBA"),o=r("ewvW"),i=n({}.hasOwnProperty);t.exports=Object.hasOwn||function(t,e){return i(o(t),e)}},HH4o:function(t,e,r){var n=r("tiKp")("iterator"),o=!1;try{var i=0,a={next:function(){return{done:! 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