because I have not failed to walk in the light of your ways. Its greatness and glory is in the fact that God comes to us and seeks us in and through His word. for everything youve commanded is perfect and true. Love is the motive for obedience. I hope to motivate you to feed yourself from Gods Word and give a few basic principles to get you going. A general rule: the epistles interpret the gospels; the New Testament interprets the Old. (GJ)112My heart is set(GK) on keeping your decreesto the very end.[d](GL). for you will make me obedient to your instructions. After a trip to the United States, the late German theologian Helmut Thielicke was asked his observations about American Christianity. 137You are righteous,(IK) Lord,and your laws are right. All rights reserved worldwide. 5. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Give me revelation about the meaning of your ways. iv. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. John Bunyan said it well: This Book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this Book. If you will meditate on Gods Word and commit it to memory, God will use it to keep you from sin. See how they oppress me, all because of my passion for your precepts! (CK)54Your decrees are the theme of my song(CL)wherever I lodge.55In the night, Lord, I remember(CM) your name,that I may keep your law. ver 133, 165; Ps 18:22-23; 19:13; Pr 3:23; Isa 63:13, ver 51; Job 30:1; Ps 5:5; Jer 20:7; 50:32; Da 4:37; Mal 3:15, ver 27, 73, 144, 169; S Job 32:8; Pr 2:6; Da 2:21; Jas 1:5, ver 22; Ps 69:9; 89:51; Isa 25:8; 51:7; 54:4, ver 62, 72; Ps 1:2; 42:8; S 63:6; 77:2; Isa 26:9; Ac 16:25, ver 17; Ps 125:4; Isa 50:2; 59:1; Mic 2:7, S Ge 1:27; S Job 4:17; 10:8; Ps 138:8; 139:13-16, ver 111, 144; S Ps 111:8; Isa 51:6; S Mt 5:18; 1Pe 1:25, ver 146; Ps 54:1; 116:4; Jer 17:14; 31:18; 42:11, Ps 6:6; Isa 22:4; Jer 9:1, 18; 13:17; 14:17; La 1:16; 3:48, Ps 37:11; Isa 26:3, 12; 27:5; 32:17; 57:19; 66:12, 1Ki 8:30; 2Ch 6:24; Ps 28:2; 140:6; 143:1, ver 10; S Ps 95:10; Jer 50:17; Eze 34:11; S Lk 15:4, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Revelation, Paperback, Comfort Print, NIV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture, NIV, Verse Mapping Bible, Comfort Print: Find Connections in Scripture Using a Unique 5-Step Process, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Galatians, Paperback, Comfort Print, NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Comfort Print: Follow Gods Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds throughout Scripture, NIV, The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People. in this imperfect world except your words. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. (FX), 105Your word is a lamp(FY) for my feet,a light(FZ) on my path.106I have taken an oath(GA) and confirmed it,that I will follow your righteous laws. Your faithfulness flows from one generation to the next; all that you created sits firmly in place to testify of you. Psalm 119:45-47 The Passion Translation (TPT) 45 I will walk with you in complete freedom, for I seek to follow your every command. We all have to make hundreds of decisions that determine the outcome of our lives. you established the earth, and it endures. (DK)69Though the arrogant have smeared me with lies,(DL)I keep your precepts with all my heart.70Their hearts are callous(DM) and unfeeling,but I delight in your law.71It was good for me to be afflicted(DN)so that I might learn your decrees.72The law from your mouth is more precious to methan thousands of pieces of silver and gold. This man would have taken his stance not with the self-congratulating Pharisee of the parable, but with the publican who stood afar off, but went home justified. (Kidner). (IN)139My zeal wears me out,(IO)for my enemies ignore your words.140Your promises(IP) have been thoroughly tested,(IQ)and your servant loves them. and pay close attention to all your ways. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! Psalms 119:77-79 New Living Translation (NLT) . Ray Kroc, the late chief of McDonalds was serious when he used to say, Youve gotta be able to see the beauty in a hamburger bun. Debbi Fields, founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies, says, Im not a businesswoman, Im a cookie person. (A Passion for Excellence [Random House], p. (6) Commandments (v. 6, 22x in the psalm) points to the straight authority of what is said (Kidner). I will give my thanks to you from a heart of love and truth. Those with open hearts are given insight into your plans. He's hopeless! Truths shining light guides me in my choices and decisions; the revelation of your Word makes my pathway clear. Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. (KJ)166I wait for your salvation,(KK) Lord,and I follow your commands.167I obey your statutes,for I love them(KL) greatly.168I obey your precepts(KM) and your statutes,(KN)for all my ways are known(KO) to you. God has prescribed the right way to live: How I long for my life to bring you glory. Since the Book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible, it shows us the priority of praise and worship to God. your servant will meditate on your decrees. Amen. (Luther, cited in Boice), iv. TPT: The Passion Translation Share Read Full Chapter Bible App Bible App for Kids Compare All Versions: Psalms 119:68 Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 119:68 The One Hour Prayer Cycle The psalmist was a peaches and cream believer: He delighted in Gods Word and couldnt get enough of it (vv. My question is, Are you a person of the Word? We must apply ourselves with diligence and discipline in order to learn the Word. (Some critics call the NIV the Nearly Inspired Version!). D. L. Moody said, The only way to keep a broken vessel full is by keeping the faucet turned on. Keeping the faucet of Gods Word running repeatedly through your mind will clear out the garbage and make you pure., The Bible for All: How to Pray for Bible Translation, Praying For The CureFor Comfort And Healing From Cancer, [Difference Makers ls] Live Heart Healthy, Evangelical Alliance Week Of Prayer 2021: Bible Engagement, Jesus in All of 1 Samuel - A Video Devotional. Read the Bible, discover plans, and seek God every day. (BJ)37Turn my eyes away from worthless things;preserve my life(BK) according to your word. I lie awake every night pondering your promises to me. Psalms 119:65-72 The Message (MSG) Be good to your servant, GOD; be as good as your Word. Your displeasure rests with those who are arrogant. (IV)144Your statutes are always righteous;give me understanding(IW) that I may live. A task which more able and learned expositors have performed, or will perform better; nevertheless, my services were not to be withheld from it on that account. (Augustine, cited in Spurgeon), (c) 2020 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik Psalms 119:11 I consider your Word to be my greatest treasure, and I treasure it in my heart to keep me from committing sin's treason against you. (HK)125I am your servant;(HL) give me discernmentthat I may understand your statutes. The Passion Translation is a registered trademark of Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. By using our website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy. (Z)14I rejoice in following your statutes(AA)as one rejoices in great riches.15I meditate on your precepts(AB)and consider your ways.16I delight(AC) in your decrees;I will not neglect your word. (IY)146I call out to you; save me(IZ)and I will keep your statutes.147I rise before dawn(JA) and cry for help;I have put my hope in your word.148My eyes stay open through the watches of the night,(JB)that I may meditate on your promises.149Hear my voice(JC) in accordance with your love;(JD)preserve my life,(JE) Lord, according to your laws.150Those who devise wicked schemes(JF) are near,but they are far from your law.151Yet you are near,(JG) Lord,and all your commands are true. Anyone who loves you and bows in obedience to your words. these cravings to obey your every commandment! Copyright 2020 Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. He was perceptive: The Word of God is authoritative; it is reliable; and, it is powerful to change the hearts of sinners into saints. Im not talking about the question of whether God gave us an inerrant Bible. Empower me to live every moment in the light of your ways. They dont know that everything you say is true. But we need to join the psalmist in affirming both the sovereignty and goodness of our God when we go through trials (vv. Note verses 18, 24, 98-101, 104, 105, 130. Every word you speak, every truth revealed, is always right. The Bible is meant to be obeyed. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. (L)6Then I would not be put to shame(M)when I consider all your commands. I have heard many times, God didnt cause this trial; He just allowed it, as if that gets God off the hook! I despise every lie and hate every falsehood. STOP delaying to get to know the Bible better! How sweet are your living promises to me; sweeter than honey is your revelation-light. Make me passionate and wholehearted to fulfill your every wish. Give me more understanding of your wonderful ways. so that Ill never have to be ashamed of myself. Invigorate my life so that I can praise you even more. The Bible is Gods authoritative and reliable Word. (KG)164Seven times a day I praise youfor your righteous laws. 113I hate double-minded people,(GM)but I love your law. Here is, first, a confession of imperfection and of helplessness. so they harass me with their lies. (KE)163I hate and detest(KF) falsehoodbut I love your law. 3 They'll never do what's wrong but will always choose the paths of the Lord. Everything you do is beautiful, flowing from your goodness; (N)7I will praise you with an upright heartas I learn your righteous laws. His faithfulness is a wrap-around shield keeping you from harm. Even when temptations encircle me with evil. It doesnt change with the times (vv. One of the amazing things about the Bible is that it speaks with practical relevance to every culture in every period of history. (AE)18Open my eyes that I may seewonderful things in your law.19I am a stranger on earth;(AF)do not hide your commands from me.20My soul is consumed(AG) with longingfor your laws(AH) at all times.21You rebuke the arrogant,(AI) who are accursed,(AJ)those who stray(AK) from your commands.22Remove from me their scorn(AL) and contempt,for I keep your statutes. (K)5Oh, that my ways were steadfastin obeying your decrees! Ask God to revive you through His Word. This psalm is an acrostic poem, the stanzas of which begin with successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet; moreover, the verses of each stanza begin with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Whenever I see the wicked breaking your laws, I feel horrible. Spurgeon has 398 pages on it in his Treasury of David. How do we reconcile the psalmists love for Gods law with Pauls teaching that were not under the law? See how I long with cravings for more of your ways? i. The psalmist (we dont know who he was; some suggest Ezra) was living in a hostile environment. (FL)I meditate(FM) on it all day long.98Your commands are always with meand make me wiser(FN) than my enemies.99I have more insight than all my teachers,for I meditate on your statutes. Evil men were persecuting him (vv. Youre my place of quiet retreat, and your wraparound presence. for nothing is more pure and eternal than your truth. Save me, God, and Ill follow your every instruction. Two manuscripts of the Masoretic Text and Dead Sea Scrolls; most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. Youve heard of the man who needed to know Gods will, and so he opened the Bible at random and pointed to a verse. I will observe your laws every moment of the day. 46 When I stand before kings, I will tell them the truth and will never be ashamed. Your needs will vary. Usually what is lacking with a person who is spiritually malnourished is the motivation to feed himself or else some basic principles on how to do it. For less than $5/mo. to the lovers of your Word, and they will never be offended. 14:21). they become the theme of my joyous songs. Prepare before me a path filled with your promises. Lord, never forget the promises youve made to me. (5) Statutes (v. 5; 22x in the psalm) comes from a word meaning to engrave in stone and thus they speak of the binding force and permanence of Scripture (Kidner). than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. It is derived from the verb to say and may sometimes have the nuance of promise (NASB margin, vv. (JJ), 153Look on my suffering(JK) and deliver me,(JL)for I have not forgotten(JM) your law.154Defend my cause(JN) and redeem me;(JO)preserve my life(JP) according to your promise. (10) Faithfulness (v. 90), righteousness (v. 40), and name (v. 132) are also sometimes cited as synonyms for the Scriptures in this psalm. becomes my shield as I wrap myself in your Word! But many who would never doubt the Bibles authenticity as Gods Word or distrust its essential authority as a guide for righteous living have nevertheless accepted the notion that Scripture simply does not contain all we need to minister well in these complex and sophisticated modern times. In the complex world in which we live, we desperately need Gods wisdom for making sound decisions. If he cant do it by attacking the inerrancy of Scripture, he does it by subtly eroding belief in the sufficiency of Scripture. (HF)123My eyes fail,(HG) looking for your salvation,(HH)looking for your righteous promise. Psalms 119:105-112 The Message (MSG) By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God. Im convinced that one of the greatest needs for believers today is to learn how to deal with trials biblically. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . The answers to all the problems we face today are in the Bible, because it speaks Gods truth to our human condition, which has not changed over the centuries. (CN)56This has been my practice:I obey your precepts. You tried once and died in Leviticus, overwhelmed with the Kings English. 86, 138, 140, 151, 160). So now I ask: teach me more of your holy decrees. 2 What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart's passion! Leave me, all you workers of wickedness. Lord, strengthen my inner being by the promises of your Word. Everything you speak to me is like joyous treasure. I long for more revelation of your truth, for I love the light of your word as I meditate on your decrees. I still delight and cherish every message you speak to me. My Comfort Lord, never forget the promises you've made to me, for they are my hope and confidence. The Bible is not a book of helpful hints for happy living. It speaks with authority. Lord, your judgments reveal your righteousness. New International Version (NIV). They are not Readers Digest type hints on how to live or suggestions for success. The ungodly have done their best to throw me off track. You have tried me and . 14, 16, 24, 77, 92, 111, 129, 162). It means really a continual imperfection and helplessness, for the Hebrew verb relates not only to the past, but to the present. (Spurgeon), ii. So they turn to human expertise in the fields of psychology, business, government, politics, entertainment, or whatever else they think might supply some recipe for success thats lacking in Scripture. (JY)159See how I love your precepts;preserve my life,(JZ) Lord, in accordance with your love.160All your words are true;all your righteous laws are eternal.(KA). (CO), 57You are my portion,(CP) Lord;I have promised to obey your words. (IF)135Make your face shine(IG) on your servantand teach me your decrees. (GW)118You reject all who stray(GX) from your decrees,for their delusions come to nothing.119All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross;(GY)therefore I love your statutes. The psalmist remembered his own frailty and sinful tendencies (astray like a lost sheep), and therefore asked God to seek him. We must trust it! give me understanding to learn your commands. (CF)51The arrogant mock me(CG) unmercifully,but I do not turn(CH) from your law.52I remember,(CI) Lord, your ancient laws,and I find comfort in them.53Indignation grips me(CJ) because of the wicked,who have forsaken your law. 2 Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart 3 they do no wrong but follow his ways. This verse is extremely emotional and full of tears, for truly we are all thus going astray, so that we must pray to be visited, sought, and carried over by the most godly Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God blessed forever. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. But that makes Satan sovereign, which is blasphemy! Dont let them mock and scorn me for obeying you. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. 50, 67, 71, 75, 107). Gods Word is our source of light. We can know that same joy as we delight ourselves in Gods Word. Ive learned that there is nothing perfect. Ask God to teach you. (LE)Seek your servant,for I have not forgotten(LF) your commands., Reclaiming Mindfulness: Meditating & Staying Grounded, Jesus in All of 2 Peter - a Video Devotional, The Bible for All: How to Pray for Bible Translation, Evangelical Alliance Week Of Prayer 2021: Bible Engagement, Made To Shine: Enjoy & Reflect God's Light, Reading The Bible In Historical Sequence Part 9, Daily Bible Reading Sustained By Gods Word Of Wisdom. It said, Judas went and hanged himself. He thought Id better try again. So he pointed again and the verse said, Go thou and do likewise. He thought, This cant be what God wants--Ill try once more. So he pointed again at random and read, What thou doest, do quickly! Gods wisdom and direction comes from a thorough knowledge of His Word, gleaned over the years as a person walks closely with Him. Like the eight lines of each stanza, there are eight Hebrew words, all synonyms, used to refer to the Word of God. I wont forget for a moment to follow your commands. The Masoretes (a group of Jewish scholars between the 6th and 10th centuries AD) said that the word of God is mentioned in every verse except Psalm 119:122. God, you are near me always, so close to me; every one of your commands reveals truth. for you are my Savior and you keep your promises. Even though my life hangs in the balance. Psalm 119 shows us that the Word of God should have top priority in our lives. Psalm 119 in The Passion Translation (TPT) 195 subscribers Subscribe 239 Share 12K views 2 years ago Psalm 119 in The Passion Translation (TPT) Any other scripture. His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. Since it comes from God the law is not just for academic interest, but for obedience. It has the flaw of King James language in sections addressing God (such as Ps. to know more about you, for Im in love with you! (FO)100I have more understanding than the elders,for I obey your precepts. For example, you may apply Psalm 119:11 by thinking, I ought to memorize some Scripture. Thats okay, but too general. Be systematic according to your needs. teach me the power of your wonderful words. Read Online - The Passion Translation Read Online Encounter the heart of God using an online Bible reading platform. I long for more revelation of your truth. I will walk with you in complete freedom, When I stand before kings, I will tell them the truth. all because of the way my enemies disrespect your laws. 17Be good to your servant(AD) while I live,that I may obey your word. Rescue me from the oppression of ungodly men. so I can enjoy the reward of following them fully. Even though Im considered insignificant and despised. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. (3) Ways (v. 3; used 7x of Gods ways in this psalm) refers to Gods characteristic manner of acting, as contrasted with our ways (119:5, 26, 29, 59, 168). Here they comethese lawless rebels are coming near. Psalm 119 New International Version Psalm 119[ a] Aleph 1 Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. New International Version (NIV). You can run under His covering of majesty and hide. 9, 11, 36, 37, 133). Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. psalm 113 the passion translation. for I take strength from all your commandments. for they just walk away from your promises. get to know the Bible better! If you dont yet know Christ, read the Word (John is a good place to start) and ask God to reveal Himself to you. Let the Bible interpret itself as you compare Scripture with Scripture. When God speaks, He does not mumble. so that I may live faithful and unashamed for you. (FF)94Save me,(FG) for I am yours;I have sought out your precepts. YouVersion uses cookies to personalize your experience. While the psalmist, in New Testament terminology, is already born again, he recognizes that the Word of God is the source of spiritual life and vitality. My body trembles in holy awe of you, leaving me speechless. I refused to bend my morals when temptation was before me. The Bible is clear that godly people are not exempt from trials. Christian Standard Bible You have tested my heart; you have examined me at night. 169May my cry come(KP) before you, Lord;give me understanding(KQ) according to your word. (LC)175Let me live(LD) that I may praise you,and may your laws sustain me.176I have strayed like a lost sheep. The Passion Translation - Psalms 18Buy it here - will be reading multiple versions of the Bible primarily from Psalms. If you know Christ as your Savior, but are going through a difficult or dry time, seek God through His Word. Dont leave me to the mercies of those who hate me. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. all because of my passion for your precepts! that I may always live to obey your truth. The Passion Translation: " Dear Friends in Philippi, My name is Paul and I'm joined by my spiritual son, Timothy, both of us passionate servants of Jesus, the Anointed One. Lord, you reject those who reject your laws. This week we are going to be reading from Psalm 119:169-176 in the Passion Translation - so grab your favorite Bible . TPT: The Passion Translation Share Read Full Chapter Bible App Bible App for Kids Psalms 119:105 Read Full Chapter Compare All Versions: Psalms 119:105 Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 119:105 Narrated By Brian SimmonsThe Passion Translation New Testament with Psalms,Proverbs, and Song of SongsTranslated from Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts by Dr. v. I do not think that there could possibly be a more appropriate conclusion of such a Psalm as this, so full of the varied experience and the ever-changing frames and feelings even of a child of God, in the sunshine and the cloud, in the calm and in the storm, than this ever-clinging sense of his propensity to wander, and the expression of his utter inability to find his way back without the Lords guiding hand to restore him. (Bouchier, cited in Spurgeon), As far as I have been able, as far as I have been aided by the Lord, I have treated throughout, and expounded, this great Psalm. It is a hymn in praise of and appreciation for God's instructions to His people. I am continually consumed by these irresistible longings. (KR)170May my supplication come(KS) before you;deliver me(KT) according to your promise. Break open your Word within me until revelation-light shines out! GOD'S WORD Translation I have more insight than all my teachers, because your written instructions are in my thoughts. Although there are some obvious themes running through the psalm, the overall structure seems to be determined mostly by the alphabetic arrangement. Start for FREE. If you miss a day or two, dont quit. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Spiritual Life, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. Pastor John MacArthur writes, Contemporary evangelicalism has been beguiled and sabotaged by a ruinous lack of confidence in Gods Word. Love for Gods law with Pauls teaching that were not under the law is not just for academic,! Us and seeks us in and through his Word, and therefore God... 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