She was launched in 1765, featured prominently in the Battle of Cape St Vincent in 1797, and won fame as Nelsons flagship at Trafalgar. It signalled an end to the phoney peace, and the start of further hostilities that, by the summer, would turn to mortal conflict. In March 1642, with hostilities looming, an initiative arose from Maidstone Assizes. In retrospect, it looks a symbolic funeral pyre. Within moments, two Mk.4s of 600 Squadron circling at 2,000 feet to observe the fatal accident flew into each other. With the first Civil War over and King Charles safely in custody, the Puritan-dominated Parliament was free to throw its ideological weight around. Several people fell ill, and one child died; but the cause remained unknown. Lake, esq. Vowing to fly his Imperial Eagle over the Tower of London, Boney terrifyingly amassed an army of 100,000 at Boulogne. In the rolls of the 13th of king Henry III. 14), This estate afterwards came into the name of Palmer, ancestors to those of Bekesborne, who bore for of Sevenoke, by whom he had no issue. Lesser, or Little Park, and the woods and lands belonging to this estate in his own hands, and soon afterwards purchased of a descendant of Sir Edward Bo They replicated one that Gray had already done with thread but on a larger scale, along a whole gallery. On June 27th, he was met at Deptford by a vastly superior force, having also suffered many desertions on the way. Great Storm: Station closed October 1987 by David Wright, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Any murder featured in the Chamber of Horrors at Madame Tussauds waxworks must be extraordinary. The first manned trial was planned for February 21st, 1916. Otford, lately disparked, and his lands, meadows, &c. By 1450, the rule of Henry VI and, Although the Cornish Rebellion of 1497 is fashionably pitched as a Celtic nationalist revolt against the English monarch, it was in truth an armed protest against tax rises that was hijacked by a disgruntled minor aristocrat called James Tuchet, the 7. accounted a manor, and seems in the reign of king Although Sandwichs population was already swollen by Dutch Protestant immigrants, poor Huguenot refugees were awarded 50 shillings by the authorities. Conscious of its status as the nations senior county, Kent was never backwards in putting forward its opinion on national matters, never mind how unpopular they might be. The weather had been poor, and the River Medway was in full spate. Other ships flashed a warning, but were ignored because Captain Wilkie was asleep. Following a failed attempt, he departed from Dovers Admiralty Pier on August 24th, 1875, covered in porpoise oil and accompanied by three boats. Parliament reacted with the same outrage as the last time, denouncing their insolence and gaoling them. Field, which most probably was the spot on which the Otford's four churches are the Anglican Church of St Bartholomew in the village centre, the Otford Methodist Church, the Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, and the Otford Evangelical Church. acres, lying in Otford, Seal, and Kemsing; in the 15th It reportedly flew for 300 yards at nearly 5 feet. Marching from Dover to London in October 1215, King John found his path blocked by Rochester Castle, which controlled the river crossing. It was struck from behind by a steam train from Cannon Street to Ramsgate carrying 700 passengers at 30 mph. Efforts to blow up the remainder failed, and in 1998 it was dismantled. It battered the town for hours, as monstrous waves up to road level flooded the streets. Scores of nurses were drafted in. called in Saxon, OTTANFORD, in the book of Domesday, OTEFORT, and in the Textus Roffensis, OTTEFORD; for it is observable, that the syllable an, when The demands were moderate, but Parliament reacted with outrage. All the crew bar one were rescued. The following day, they ran the thread from the houses tower to the garden, and finally across 800 feet of paddock. The only wonder is that no more than 13 were killed and 21 injured. It was too late. and law days of it, in the hands of the crown at the After getting a degree at Sheffield University, she became an engineer, but an even better pilot. The Battle of Ashingdon is also known as the Battle of Assundun, the Battle of Assingdon, the Battle of Assandun and the Battle of Assendun. HMS Vanguard sank at anchor in Chatham dockyard, but at least no one was harmed. Cnut (/ k nj u t /; Old English: Cnut cyning; Old Norse: Kntr inn rki [knutr n rik]; died 12 November 1035), also known as Cnut the Great and Canute, was King of England from 1016, King of Denmark from 1018, and King of Norway from 1028 until his death in 1035. After sailors mutinied and took over Deal, Sandwich, and Walmer, the Earl of Norwich landed, leading an armed insurrection in Kent and Essex coinciding with a revolt in Wales and invasion from Scotland. As a finale, the structure would be spectacularly burned down. The winds are reckoned to have been equivalent to a Category 2 hurricane. SIR THOMAS SMITH, gave by will, in 1625, to six poor persons who do not receive alms, and frequent divine service, bread Newspapers started showing up around Europe in the C17. the crown, where it continues at this time. Leeds Castle, east of Maidstone, looks so tranquil that it is hard to imagine serious conflict there. In April 1803, Napoleon sold Louisiana to fund his imperial ambitions, and Britain declared war. to have been stiled the HONOR OF OTFORD, having a The peculiar circumstances revolve around John Nichols Tom, alias Sir William Courtney. the king's licence purchased lands and meadows here, Before long, the whole locality was aflame. As early as 1815, Margate had the stone harbour-arm that doubles as a pier. But the former in that year him to reside in, as he intended to do, on account of The cause was never definitively established. It started a copycat pattern of Luddism that resulted in over 100 machines being destroyed in East Kent within eight weeks. The torment of knowing until the end of his days must have been punishment enough. to it several court leets, within the hundreds of Codsheath, Sommerdenne, Sherborne Borough, and Kingsborough; all adjacent hundreds to this honour. The Captain of HMS Haslemere leapt in to save her, but himself froze to death. of his son Charles Polhill, esq. His reasoning was that all Indians must enjoy the same standard of justice as Britons, failing which their affection and allegiance could not be expected. During the first two years of WW1, however, they were a weapon of terror. The opening of the Channel Tunnel in 1994 sounded the death knell. When it became clear that the mutineers aims were revolutionary, support drifted away, even though departing ships were fired upon. in the 29th year of his reign, as has been mentioned In consequence of which The driver, John Sansom, reported afterwards that he saw nothing, but simply felt an impact. and Saxons, for their lands, lives, and liberties. Although the task of communicating with pilots in the air had seemed nigh on impossible, by April 1915 Major Prince was ready to attempt a conversation with Captain JM Furnival. As a political entity, it made slow progress until, in 1924, Even before its first pit was operational, the, Following the Indian Mutiny of 1857, Great Britain took over administration of the subcontinent from the East India Company and appointed a viceroy. The Kent County Lunatic Asylum was built on Barming Heath to cater for the entire area of historical Kent as far as Deptford. daughter of Oliver Cromwell; he was one of the Kentish petitioners in king William III. 2d of king Philip and queen Mary, (fn. The first Navigation Act in 1651 aimed to hamper Dutch shipping, and inevitably stoked tensions. He himself was born in Dublin, and went to Eton and Oxford. It stood behind the present ruins more to the south. Coincidentally, the Hundred Years War was going badly, and a series of poll-taxes designed to raise funds exacerbated popular hostility. She somehow ended up ramming the Grosser Kurfrst, which sank in eight minutes. With the French planning an invasion of England, it was designed to prevent them using the recently completed Ostend-Bruges canal to transport troops. This wind really was an ill one. render it very moist and marshy, yet it is here rather fertile. for the Everests and Pettys. On June 1st, 1942, in response to the RAFs destruction of Cologne, the city was carpet-bombed by 77 aircraft carrying forty tons of bombs; 43 people were killed and 800 buildings destroyed, with many more damaged. their arms, Argent, a chevron sable, between three Five Kent men went to petition the Tory-dominated Commons to pass a bill of supply so that the King could build Britains defences against the French. On November 29th, 1957, Oakwood Hospital formerly the Kent County Lunatic Asylum saw a fire with a trivial cause but a terrible sting in the tail. year of queen Elizabeth, in whose descendants this It caused quite a stir thereabouts. Their trial consisted in being dunked in the river. Even so, in July 1909, a handful of contenders were determined to try their luck. They ejected their ballast, anchors, food and drink, and finally even their clothes. Broughton went on to serve in two Parliaments; but, after Oliver Cromwell died and the monarchy was restored, there came a reckoning. On the narrow bridge, one of the horses spooked, causing a wheel to crash through the balustrade. There is wood for the pannage of Thirty were drowned. the palace. Richard John Bingham, the 7th Earl of Lucan, was central to one of the great criminal mysteries of the C20. was widened in 1767, many skeletons were found in youngest son of Thomas Polhill, esq. As the defendant Kenneth Noyes solicitor pointed out, Decabrals death was hardly helpful to his impending appeal. It was published as a weekly in Canterbury in 1717, but soon started appearing on both Wednesday and Saturday. The ship drifted onto the Nore sandbank, and broke her back. As soon as France fell in June 1940, after just six weeks resistance to the German invasion, Flamboyant fighter ace Leutnant Franz von Werra claimed during the, A Yorkshire lass, Amy Johnson had it all: brains, looks, charm, skill, and guts. This led only to a further escalation. Not until the affluent 1980s did the Channel Tunnel get the go-ahead. After considerable experimentation, he constructed a vast aircraft with a wingspan of 104 feet, powered by two steam engines. rout to the Isle of Shepey, and had he not desisted palmers scrips or purses of the second, stringed and tasselled or, One of this family, John Palmer, died possessed of Archbishop Thomas Becket seems to have been Eanswiths bones were reburied within the walls of its chapel, which stood on the site of todays St Mary and St Eanswythes Church. He charged her with making it happen by witchcraft. estate has continued down to Charles Polhill, esq. The Battle of Assandun (or Essendune) was fought between Danish and English armies on 18 October 1016. resided from time to time, as appears by their frequent Speed is normally vital in aerial combat, and the race to build the first jet fighter during WW2 seemed at one point crucial. part of this parish. Undeniably Ebbsfleet heralded the dawn of the 400-year Kingdom of Kent. (Cropped, minor text edits). anno 1300, (fn. Under these terms Cnut gained Mercia and payment for his army, while Edmund held Wessex. On the night of November 30th, a small fire was detected. The source of the uncertainty is the wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery, 1 miles offshore. 150 hogs. If you can hear me now, it will be the first time speech has ever been communicated to an aeroplane in flight. taken down. It was not until March 1895 that the Lumire brothers presented their cinmatographe in Paris. The international media were out in force to report on talks moved there from Londons Churchill Hotel for security reasons: a powwow between Moshe Dayan, Foreign Minister of Israel, and his Egyptian counterpart Muhammad Ibrahim Kamel. and a fair was held at Otford on his anniversary. Luckily, his son Edmund Ironside was made of sterner stuff. Their ready admission to such nonsense suggests a good deal of coercion, but it was enough to see them arraigned. Huguenot was another religious name coined as a term of derision. Having won back the crown, he instantly changed his tune, ostentatiously giving a decent burial to the archbishop slain by his own men, and magnanimously letting bygones be bygones. He faced a doughty opponent: Hubert de Burgh from Norfolk, a veteran defender of sieges. After this palace, with its parks and appurtenances, Although the North-West of Europe is not normally associated with newsworthy seismic activity, an area of instability does exist to the east of Kent. This was a strategic disaster for Spain, which henceforth would struggle to defend its empire. A classic case concerns the battle at Ebbsfleet (Wippedesfleot), the Thanet village that shares its name with Gravesends railway station. the compass of that day, have made the victory compleat over their whole army. The rebel barons had taken the initiative by sending William dAubigny to reinforce it, and the city constable had admitted his troops. Originally published by W Bristow, Canterbury, 1797. Marconis invention of wireless telegraphy was initially greeted with ridicule. Violence between police and flying pickets became commonplace, the so-called Battle of Orgreave in June 1984 signalling the Governments zero-tolerance intent. The Royal Mail commemorated the projects bicentenary in 1991 with a set of stamps featuring Hamstreet near Ashford. 22). Even so, England could consider itself lucky. While he was at Oxford attending a meeting of these Contrariants, the blue touchpaper was lit. Early on January 5th, 1857, while heading for London from New York with a cargo of wheat and flour, she anchored off Kingsgate Bay in a storm. King John died four days later, but de Burgh continued to resist on behalf of child king Henry III. Demands was presented that eventually went well beyond those of the Spithead mutineers. in the 44th year of that reign, had a grant in see of join the river here. The raids ultimately proved merely a distraction from Hitlers war on Russia, and brought Germany retaliation on a horrendous scale. Maintenance was criticised, especially as the speed limit had recently been increased. At 7.45am, when they were called to breakfast, several charges were left temporarily beside a bulkhead. Though most of England had given up, the young new king took the battle to the Danes. The outcome hung in the balance before Geta won a triumph, despite the Britons three-to-one numerical superiority. It was not quite the worst such calamity in Britain: in 1997, 160 vehicles were caught up in a fatal pile-up on the M42. He was incarcerated at the RWK barracks in Maidstone, where he attempted to escape by digging a tunnel. Afterwards there emerged a scene of destruction whose like would not be seen again until the Blitz. It was in fact one of the bloodiest civilian incidents of the War. The project came in 80% over budget, the tunnel was long underused, and it is most familiar now for problems associated with illegal immigration. Dover incident: Old Bunyard, 2020. The idea was suggested after the 1746 Battle of Culloden, when the British Army, seeking to suppress Jacobite rebels in the Scottish Highlands, required detailed maps. manoeuvres that ended in the battle of Otford. 10s. On his return, he was greeted by a crowd of over 3,000. It is therefore in the highest degree unlikely that Canute would have placed . The flashpoint was the imprisonment of Robert Belling, an escaped serf from Gravesend. For Britain, it was a classic victory over a world-class opponent for a nation that, a thousand years later, would possess the finest fleet in the world. The result was that wages rose dramatically, and the mobility of labour was transformed. He heard a noise and, looking up, saw a V-1 rocket heading his way, pursued by a Spitfire. It was opened in 1692 at the behest of Queen Mary II, who liked the idea of a naval equivalent of the Chelsea Hospital for soldiers. Although not as strong as the 1382 earthquake, the one that occurred at 6pm on April 6th, 1580 had equally dramatic if rather different effects. A Yorkshireman, he served in the Army before taking up a favourite occupation of ex-soldiers, highway robbery. At 10.01 am, without warning, the blocks 90-foot ventilation tower collapsed, burying many underneath. During WW1, Neville Usborne (b 1883) had the unique distinction of being both a Royal Navy lieutenant and a wing-commander, having taken command of the Royal Naval Air Services Kingsnorth station on the Hoo Peninsula. Among other monuments and memorials in this church, in the Despite the carnage, with a war on, the factory was soon rebuilt. Major-General Eyre Coote, commander of Dovers army garrison, was to lead a force of 1,300 to destroy the locks and sluices, obliging French vessels to take to the sea, where the Royal Navy could engage them. It has been for some years possessed by the family of The rebels were met halfway by Audley, who took over command. A favoured destination was Elizabethan England, with its sympathetic Protestant work ethic. Though most of England had given up, the young new king took the battle to the Danes. On August 18th, a brand-new Air Union Blriot 155 was travelling from Le Bourget to Croydon with two crew and 13 passengers when an engine failed. Sandwich, which had been Englands biggest trading port outside London, never got over it. It was ten years old and ten feet high, and Louis had been gifted it by the Egyptians, who were after an alliance against the Syrians. The . and several tales are told of the miracles he wrought Despite official reassurances, they could still explode at any time. The liberty of the duchy of Lancaster claims over a Canterbury, and consequently in that deanry. He won a great victory, killing many of the raiders and capturing nine ships; its also recorded that some Danes ended up overwintering in Thanet for the first time. Once in, the Vikings did all they were notorious for, including stripping the city bare, setting fire to the cathedral, and taking eminent hostages, one of them being Archbishop Aelfheah himself. HEREABOUTS TOOK PLACE/ ON THURSDAY THE 18TH OF JUNE A.D. 1450/ THE BATTLE OF SOLEFIELDS/ FOUGHT BETWEEN ROYALIST TROOPS UNDER/ SIR HUMPHREY STAFFORD - AND MEN FROM/ KENT LED BY JACK CADE Inscription legible? Bosville, esq. The Battle of Brentford (1016) was fought in 1016 some time between 9 May (the approximate date Canute landed at Greenwich) and 18 October (the date of the later Battle of Ashingdon) between the English led by Edmund Ironside and the Danes led by Canute. There is one word to say to anyone who demands that the wreck of SS Richard Montgomery off Sheppey be disarmed: Kielce! Originally called Edgar Wakeman, SS Kielce was a Polish cargo ship that in 1946 collided with the French vessel Lombardy off Folkestone, and sank on her side in 35 feet of water. Crucially, this incorporated a research & development programme, known as the Balloon Factory, which in 1882 moved to Chatham. Kent was Parliamentarian in outlook, like the rest of the South and East, but had Royalist landowners. his son, and others his trustees, conveyed the whole of in the 33d and 34th years of king Edward III's reign, Even before its first pit was operational, the Kent Coalfield suffered its worst accident. At Otford, he won a sterling victory that saw the invaders fleeing to Sheppey. his wife, daughter of John Polhill, esq. The motives of the French are unclear, though it could have been a pre-emptive strike in support of the baguette. 1016. When the Queen persisted after predictably being refused entry, Margaret got her archers to fire on the royal party. It endured for 151 years, until the Dissolution of the Monasteries rendered it unfit for purpose. The fire was blamed on cinders drifting across from blazing cottages nearby. The Battle of Otford was a battle fought in 776 between King Offa of Mercia and the Jutes of Kent at Otford in the English county of Kent. Marching from Dover to London in October 1215, King John found his path blocked by, The First Barons War (1215-17) was a civil war on English turf between Normans loyal to the atrocious King John and Normans prepared to do anything to dethrone him. An old woman who complained at Blackheath about the Kings treatment of her was rewarded with execution. among other premises, in exchange to that king. inclosed within it, parcel of the honour of Otford, for His plan was simple: to take off from Swingate aerodrome, less than a mile from where Blriot had landed, fly to Sangatte, turn round, and come back to his start point. Edmunds sent parcels of chocolates to notable people, including the doctors unfortunate wife. Margate is no stranger to extreme weather, but the tempest that struck it on November 29th, 1897 did more than rattle windows. Moments later, a second wave lifted him, the sole survivor, onto a lifeboat. In view of his past record, he was hanged. The crowd, who were enjoying a public holiday, cheered wildly; but it will no doubt have struck some that putting a minor through this ordeal was not necessarily the mark of a civilised society. It followed hard upon another mutiny concerning pay and conditions at Spithead, off Portsmouth. On December 23rd, 1912, Hardinge and his wife Winifred were riding an elephant near the Red Fort in Delhi to celebrate the transfer of the capital from Calcutta. 15) who, in his 33d year, demised Fortunately, the scientific revolution would soon be delineating the difference between truth and self-serving superstition. at Otford, wherein actions not above forty shillings esq. Charing Heath flying bomb: Old Bunyard, 2020. The Viking presence in England continued and in 1013 Svein, accompanied by his younger son Cnut, was accepted as king. Strangely, though he was hanged, she was burned at the stake, having been found guilty of petty treason against a superior, namely a man. Flight Lieutenant Gordon McDonald of 41 Squadron was flying over Biggin Hill when his Meteor Mk.8 went dramatically out of control, possibly disturbed by the wake turbulence of another plane. The Fab Four spent six days in Kent, using the Great Danes Hotel near Hollingbourne as their base. Six men received long sentences, including one in Morocco. As that happened in France, he planned an encore in England at this, the only viable civilian site. The battle was a victory for the English, who nevertheless lost a large number of men. possessed by the Cobhams of Sterborough, which he Memorials for Bostock and Brasiers; a memorial on the south RYE-HOUSE is an estate here, which was formerly Around midnight, a Dutch truck that had arrived from Zeebrugge was taken aside for investigation by customs officials. Among the survivors was Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees, who at the time were top of the charts with Massachusetts. The victim turned out to be Alan Decabral, a particularly interesting character, since he had expressed fears for his life after testifying as a key witness in the recent M25 murder case. The west wind blew him well off course, but he eventually spotted a signal flag being waved east of Dover Castle, and landed to a heros welcome. Apart from the two valuable ships, Britannias lost cargo was worth 2.5 million today, while Admiral Gardner was carrying nearly 1 million in copper coins belonging to manufacturer Matthew Boulton. It was finally dismantled in 1966 for another 1 million plus. He was executed at Penenden Heath on August 15th and buried at Bearsted, while old Sondes found himself heirless. pounds; what Richard de Tonbridge holds in his lowy is lands of the Greater Park disparked soon after the grant The temperature rose as high as 91F, which was then exceptional for that time of year. Although it was magnificent, Blriots cross-Channel flight in 1909 was a blow to British national pride, since it handed leadership in world aviation to the French. this manor descended from the Rev. The defendant was later granted clemency and transported; but the incident helps explain why the Indian National Congress, founded in 1885 by Kent-born Allan Hume, was initially unpopular, and Russell Street survives. For Kent, it was fine achievement for a county that would go on to be a mainstay of naval enterprise. This was a so-called Liberty ship one built for Britain in the USA during WW2 that the Americans had cheekily named after one of their Revolutionary War heroes. with two hundred pounds. In the later 8th cent., Kent was struggling to retain its independence against the growing power of Mercia. Years War was going badly, and Kemsing ; in the river Medway was in fact one of the.... 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