2. Probably, one of the most influential leadership figures represented both in Christianity and Judaism is that . The CEO of one of the most successful companies in the world, Gates was a mix of an autocratic and democratic leader. Chukwusa, J. On the contrary, several people for whomautocratic leadershipfits best. As Richard Branson wrote in an article for The Telegraph: Steve Jobs leadership style was autocratic; he had a meticulous eye for detail, and surrounded himself with like-minded people to follow his lead. Ironically, Steve Jobs was the entrepreneur Branson admired most. That means the partnerships formed by the workers are with the rules, not with people, and that helps to drive down morale over time. In this authors life, autocratic leadership has been beneficial during a combat deployment, domestic military service, dealing with mentally ill patients, working with those under the influence of drugs, raising young children, and in educating younger students. The characters of the Bible can teach us a great deal. It Conflicts With The Desires of the Young Generation. Autocratic leaders tend to do well in these settings because they ensure that projects are finished on time and that workers follow safety rules to prevent accidents and injuries. This leader will make all of the decisions about what work will be done and how. Paul thought of himself as nothing in the total scheme of things. Schaubroeck et al. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on October 23, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. They usually do not take their members' opinions into consideration because they believe that their judgment is always correct. Servant Leadership Servant leadership is all about serving others. They are sincere and their decisions are based on their morals and values. She comes across as a warm and gentle soul that is friendly and kindhearted. Examples Of Autocratic Leadership . Obedient Daniel. British Journal of Management, 27(2), 390-405. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12108. However, Merida observed that Jezebel wore the pants in the house and she consequently provides a better example for leadership analysis than Ahab. And if the benefits of autocratic leadership are discussed, it's typically some version of 'strong leadership is necessary when the building's on fire and there's an urgent . Indeed, in an industry where tight deadlines and high standards are defining features, Raines' autocratic leadership style seemed the perfect fit, if not among employees then certainly with readers. stated that Authoritarian leadership has normally been viewed among scholars and practitioners as a destructive leadership style and considered both inappropriate and ineffective for leadership in contemporary organizations worldwide. This is not to suggest that it was any more appropriate or effective during Old Testament times. Whereas, Democratic leadership translates to a type of leadership in which the leader shares decision-making power and other responsibilities with fellow group members. Paul accomplishes all this without any formal leadership position or authority. Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of leader-member exchange. Bottomely, P., Mostafa, A. M. S., Gould-Williams, J. S., & Len-Czares, F. (2016). KnowledgeHut Solutions Pvt. Born a Levite and raised an Egyptian he is a "misfit" in both cultures. Merida noted that Elisha spent years serving Elijah prior to leading in his own right. described servant leadership as having three key features: motive (other-oriented), mode (focus on follower growth), and mindset (concern for the wider community). These key features are president in Merida in the leadership example of Elisha. Autocratic leaders are focused on a results-oriented approach. This extreme form of leadership can be difficult to implement. There are autocratic leadership styles in places and organizations where there usually is little to no room for error, or any error can prove dangerous and fatal. discovered millennia later, that servant leadership is significantly associated with better attitudes, less turnover, better organizational citizenship behavior, and increased performance. Rehoboam would likely have preferred this result to what he achieved using autocratic leadership, circumstances which Chukwusa would have likely described as hostile attitudes [and] high labour turnover and absenteeism.. Instead, Chukwusa asserted that autocratic leaders are known for individual control over all decisions and little input from staff. The sequence of events in 1 Kings 12:8 suggests that Rehoboam first rejected the advice which the elders had given him, and [then] consulted the young men who had grown up with him. His friends had grown up with him and shared his life experiences. However, this discourages the employees from using their innovation and creativity in any task. Trying to manage everything makes the systems within the organization ineffective. Since the leader makes all the decisions, the employees might find themselves lost in making decisions or handling crises in their absence. When certain items they disagree with are brought up, they will simply express their unfavorable view and others will agree. Since the third edition came out in 1990, the field of 3 Autocratic Leadership Style Examples and Skills. Your email address will not be published. - Characteristics, Benefits, Examples. Autocratic Leadership in Politics Although many countries elect their leaders through a democratic process, the . After stepping down as a Baptist minister, King began a civil rights career with the leadership of Just Boy Boycott, after arresting African-American civil rights activist Rosa Parks in Alabama. (1) Autocratic leadership is a style of leading where decisions are made by the leader, without the input of others. What is an example of an. McCutcheon, A. S., Doran, D., Evans, M., Hall, L. M., & Pringle, D. (2009). However, her reputation in the business world and the organizations she runs is quite different. Donald Trump, the former president of USA is one of the popular leaders known for his autocratic leadership style. Autocratic leadership can work well for employees who are less experienced and who need direction to achieve their goals. Moses (in my opinion) is the greatest called leader of the Old Testament. Stalin was responsible for ordering the executions of millions . Dubbed the "Queen of Mean" by mainstream tabloids in her native US, Leona Helmsley was regularly recognised for her harsh and authoritarian leadership within the Helmsley hotel empire. About The Helpful Professor However, this does not mean you should be satisfied with your current self and avoid growth. Autocratic leaders are known as being extremely strict. An example from recent decades is Putin. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. A social information-processing perspective. The British Director Ridley Scott is a great example. In the case of the autocratic leader, the meeting will primarily consist of the leader speaking most, if not all of the time. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 357. He often makes impulse decisions that team members haven't vetted. The other lasting effect of Rehoboams autocratic reign was wickedness. Also, in normal times, the lack ofonline educationand coordination among fellow teammates can very well result in an unpleasant, dangerous situation. Creating rules and highly structured work environments. 1. examples-of-autocratic-leaders-pdf 1/9 Downloaded from ieducar.jaciara.mt.gov.br on January 16, 2023 by guest Examples Of Autocratic Leaders Pdf . However, leadership depends on different leadership styles. Despite these characteristics, there are many instances in which an autocratic leadership style works best. Jezebels autocratic leadership has turned Gods chosen people to idolatry and tried to remove Him from their nation. Holy Bible, New King James Version. Here, its power is on the one hand and not decentralized like democratic leadership. Martin Luther King, Jr. Strict Manager Autocratic leaders are known as being extremely strict. Some examples of well-known autocratic leaders include Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, and Omar Hassan al-Bashir. So, when each department submits their spreadsheet, the autocratic leader will simply go through it line by line and delete any items they disapprove of. But on the other hand, the power is centralized, and only a single individual is in charge of the decision-making, which is heavily influenced by his or her ethics and values. Jobs for autocratic leaders Here are some common jobs that use autocratic leadership: 1. Transformational leadership would also have worked well for Elisha. In doing so, he cites Romans 15:4 (NKJV), which states, whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. There is much in this exposition for anyone to learn (and plenty of hope), but since its primary subjects are kings and prophets, the text easily lends itself to studies of leadership. 6 Weaknesses of The Autocratic Leadership Style. Autocratic Leadership in Politics Although many countries elect their leaders through a democratic process, the general population is electing people who will govern using autocratic leadership. They eventually connected with Paul and became his partners in the ministry. Ltd. is a Registered Education Ally (REA) of Scrum Alliance. There is centralization of power and decision-making, which helps a lot in times of crisis. stated others claims that the defining transformational leadership behaviours are outstanding and have robust effects. Transformational is an effective leadership style in the contemporary world. Even if you are successful in your business endeavours, this should not stop you from pausing and trying to consider how you canbecome a better leader. 2023 StartingBusiness PTE LTD. All rights reserved. Heis atypical caseof how anautocratic style can beleveragedpositively in an extremelyhighly-demanding industry. Although Helmsley was often harsh and unsympathetic, her demanding and authoritarian style proved successful for Helmsley Hotels. The literature supports these anecdotal benefits. They set high standards and will enforce them with an iron fist. When a building or house is ablaze and lives are at stake, it is important that decisions be made quickly and decisively. Long before modern scholarship rediscovered servant leadership, these advisors knew what Lu et al. He referred to this approach as "flooding the zone". What is an autocratic or democratic leader? Rehoboams autocratic leadership style is on full display at the very beginning of his reign. Here are two examples of the best examples of charismatic leadership style: 1. Trust is an important part of leadership, but it is also one of the things autocratic leaders tend to struggle with. Discouraging creativity and unconventional thinking. They rule with an iron fist, have exceptionally high expectations for those they employ, and will show very little patience and understanding for those that do not perform according to standards. Some of the most successful people in life are autocratic. Autocratic leaders are more inclined to speak rather than listen. It is imperative that everyone is on the same page as the leader and following through on their instructions 110%. He ruled the German empire and later went on a conquest to capture the entire continent of Europe with hisauthoritarianleadershipstyle. Sousa and Van Dierendonck detailed four dimensions of servant leadership essential for the shared leadership context, empowerment, humility, accountability, and stewardship, characteristics we observe in Elisha. In the democratic style, there is a lengthy and time-consuming decision-making process system kept in place, so it is not as efficient as the autocratic style in crises, where we need quick management and decisions tocontrol the damage. Departments or projects that are not seen favorably by the autocratic leader will have their budgets cut, often to the point of simply not being able to function. Doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00357, Branson, R. (2011, October). Therefore, it is important that the decision-making process is highly centralized, in other words, that one person is in charge. Does paternalistic leadership promote innovative behavior? However, in many cases, such as in meetings, the leader tends to get overconfident, which is a bad sign. Ridley Scotts movies are well-known for their visual style and emotional impact. Some of his most famous works include: Blade Runner, Gladiator, Thelma and Louise and Black Hawk Down. For obvious reasons, the dictator who went down in history as one of the most brutal authoritarian leaders was an autocratic leader. Shaubroeck et al. If you look at the root of the word, "auto" comes from ancient Greece and means, of or relating to oneself. Decisions from autocratic leaders are often based on their own beliefs, moral values, or in some cases, political ideology. There is no doubt that Vladimir Putin runs his country with an iron fist and is the prototypical example of the autocratic leadership style. This is a common strategy of an autocratic leader that enables them to exert significant control over the company. This leadership is an integral part of leadership style examples. The autocratic leadership style is when all decisions are made by a single individual. She attempted to accomplish this by killing Elijah, but he escaped before she was able to do so. Finally, Elisha meets Sousa and Van Dierendoncks definition of stewardship, stimulating others to act in the common interest and take a viewpoint that focuses on the good of the whole.. Some of the most famous autocratic leaders in history are Bill Gates of Microsoft, Napoleon Bonaparte of the French Empire, Adolf Hitler of the German Empire, Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX, and Howell Raines of The New York Times. Despite like Leona Helmsley demanding high standards from his employees (and firing anyone not up to scratch), he also offered high salaries as an incentive, with many employees claiming his management style was strict but fair. For obvious reasons, the dictator who went down in history as one of the most brutal authoritarian leaders was an autocratic leader. Authority is centralized in one spot, the leaders spot. Shaubroeck et al. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47, 235246. He is often quoted as saying: I think, at the end of the day, filmmaking is a team, but eventually theres got to be a captain.. Autocratic leadership is an authoritarian leadership style. Servant leadership: A meta-analytic examination of incremental contribution, moderation, and mediation. Keskes, I., Sallan, J. M., Simo, P., & Fernandez, V. (2018). If theyre talking in a meeting, everyone is silent because the leaders wrath is often feared. There are several advantages of autocratic leadership: it helps in Fasterdecision-making, Quick crisis management, Enhanced productivity, Reduced employee stress, Direct Communication, Improved productivity and efficiencyand contributes to better Controlling. First, autocratic leadership is a rather popular form of leadership, which is growing daily. 2. Autocratic leadership involves a leader making decisions without input from others . In an autocratic work environment, the employees are not bound to make any decisions, which helps them channel their time and energy toward the tasks they are directed to perform. As you know, autocratic leaders are the ones who call the shots in the end, so all the successes and failures are also named among them. For example, an autocratic style can be used effectively in situations where the leader is the most knowledgeable member of the group or has access to information that other members of the group do not. Priscilla and Aquila are an example of Godly leadership that was displayed or exhibited in a married couple. Not only does she kill off the prophets of the Lord, but Jezebel also establishes [450] prophets of Baal, and [400] prophets of Ahserah, who eat at [her] table (1 Kings 18:19). Whether good or bad, the leader is solely responsible for it and gets due appreciation or criticism. An autocratic leader may be necessary in times of war, when a company is in its earliest stages of development, or when most members of a project team have very little experience or know-how. 4. The impact of transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behaviours: The contingent role of public service motivations. Therefore, to help you gain a better understanding of how to implement such an approach including the circumstances in which it works best - we've profiled five autocratic leaders that have generated success or courted disaster. Examining the roles of leaders in the Bible can help us gain insight into what Christian leadership looks like. They usually have the overall knowledge of everything and act as a dictator on the team members. A social information-processing perspective. Generally, this harms the workplace as the structure is set in place by the autocratic leader himself without asking or considering the advice or suggestions of the employees who are expected to work in the workplace. . They are as follows-. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/steve-jobs/8811232/Virgins-Richard-Branson-Apple-boss-Steve-Jobs-was-the-entrepreneur-I-most-admired.html. The following are autocratic leaders' examples: Queen Elizabeth I: Queen Elizabeth I ruled England in the mid-1500s and asserted her autocratic leadership style more out of need than a wa t. She . Dictating leader - Regarding all the . In both of the above cases, autocratic leadership styles were/are also kept in place because, according to them, such leadership is required for better management of their respective company or empire. They are all examples of autocratic leadershipwhen one leader exercises complete, authoritarian control over a group or organizationor in the case of these famous autocrats, vast empires. The definition. However, his story perfectly illustrates what can happen when you push things too far. Trump takes the responsibility of his conglomerate company on his shoulders, taking all the critical decisions. There are numerous examples of leadership throughout the book, and it includes examples of several modern leadership styles. Martha Stewart turned a cooking show into a billion-dollar empire. Keskes et al. Having exercised an autocratic leadership style at each of his various enterprises, including car manufacturer Tesla and space exploration agency SpaceX, he has regularly overseen prosperity and success. The autocratic leader rarely seeks the opinion of those around them and will often insulate themselves with people they know will agree with their directives. stated that transformational leadership has consistently been demonstrated to be associated with positive employee effects and performance. Additionally, Holten et al. In autocratic leadership, whatever the result of any task is, the leader is responsible for it. Holten, A., Bllingtoft, A., Carneiro, I. G., & Borg, V. (2018). Usually, under an autocratic leader, the workplace is structured in such a way that it is overly strict and not very flexible. This has involved consolidating power over many years to ensure that everyone around him agrees with his vision and supports his decisions, without hesitation. In the case of leaders leading empires in history, anautocratic leadership styleused to do that simply because they had a certain ideology and beliefs in place, which they thought were needed in the nation. https://doi.org/10.12927/cjnl.2009.21154, Tian Q., Sanchez J. I. Take the United States as an example. But on the other hand, the power is centralized, and only a single individual is in charge of the decision-making, which is heavily influenced by his or her ethics and values. Leadership Styles in 1 & 2 Kings Merida introduced his Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Kings by touting the relevance of the biblical text to the modern world. In learning from their leadership examples, we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope (Romans 15:4). Researchers suggest that good democratic leaders have specific characteristics, including: Honesty Intelligence Courage Creativity Efficiency Honesty Powerful democratic leaders inspire confidence and respect among followers. Their biggest argument about the benefits of autocratic leadership is that this allows them to work more . Examples of autocratic leadership in business Despite popular belief, enterprises are often best led autocratically. To gain in-depth knowledge on this topic, take up the. One of thetop female CEOsin living history, Martha Stewart is a leader who has utilised her keen sense of detail to build her business into the hugely influential conglomerate that it is today. He refused to bow to the king and ended up in the lion's den. Nothing contained herein constitutes any representation, solicitation, recommendation, promotion or advertisement on behalf of KnowledgeHut and / or its Affiliates (including but not limited to its subsidiaries, associates, employees, directors, key managerial personnel, consultants, trainers, advisors). However, leadership depends on different leadership styles. Start-ups typically start with a democratic or laissez-faire leadership style but then later benefit from the autocratic style. Martha Stewart turned a cooking show into a billion-dollar empire. Followers Become Passive-Aggressive. Those that question their authority can be terminated from the company, or in some cases involving the political arena, that termination may be literal. Chukwusa stated that autocratic leadership could result in hostile attitudes [and] high labour turnover and absenteeism. This is exactly how the Israelites responded when they heard Rehoboams plan. Perhaps as a result of her detail-oriented personality, Stewart has often taken on a more authoritarian and meticulous style in regards to managing her company, making her an excellent example of autocratic leadership example done right. Unlike democratic leaders, many autocratic leaders will get into power then spend a lot of time making sure no one can take it from them. Despite being pushed out of a window and eaten by dogs 3,000 years ago, her name remains synonymous with wickedness and many preachers and theologians discuss a demonic spirit of Jezebel at work in the world today. B & H Publishing Group. There simply isnt time for discussion or seeking the input of those around. Jezebel is infamously associated with evil in modern popular culture. His style was often considered abrasive, demeaning, inflexible, and at times even arrogant. He even fired employees who were not performing well and . Aside from his strong personality and innovative genius, Musk is ambitiously insistent, setting exceptionally high standards for his hires. I'm glad I'm part of a church that has leadership as one of it's three core values and is committed to training Christians to become leaders and world-changers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(2), 203214. Leadership. She has oversight and control over every aspect of her empire and no decision is made without her imput. The positive effect of authoritarian leadership on employee performance: The moderating role of power distance. In the case of leaders leading empires in history, an. What is the difference between autocratic and democratic leadership? What are your experiences so far? Here's an. Despite the close association between autocratic leadership and despotism, there are some contexts in which it is effective, and even preferable. But his style on set is very directive. Their statements will be very directive and involve a level of specificity that is quite detailed. Merida introduced his Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Kings by touting the relevance of the biblical text to the modern world. While the crumbling of the fragile united Israeli-Judean monarchy began during Davids reign, its divide became permanent following Rehoboams infamous speech. Keskes et al. These leaders exhibited qualities which the Bible preserves for the edification of generations who will study them. Merida offered much in the study of leadership. Does servant leadership affect employees emotional labor? The Bible provides numerous examples of Christian leadership. 1. suggested that autocratic leadership was part of the dark, or destructive side of leadership. Chukwusa stated that autocratic leaders may seek staff input when making a decision, but not legitimately consider the input . What Is Autocratic Leadership Definition? Leaders who adopt this style put the needs of their followers before their own and focus on helping them reach their full potential. Undeniably strict in her management of the company, the ex-real estate broker directly controlled 23 hotels in her husband's chain by the beginning of 1989. What follows is an explanation of the primary characteristics of autocratic leaders. 3. The lack of listening to others' input and criticism fosters distrust and a lack of motivation, which keeps you away from important aspects of growth and can be fatal and just as dangerous as not having autocratic leadership in times of crisis. This way, they are usually motivated to work more. For example, many leaders follow the democratic style of leadership. A dual-stage moderated mediation model linking authoritarian leadership to follower outcomes. Political Autocrats Create Opposition. An authoritarian method of management, the autocratic leadership style is built upon the concept of having one person in power, making the vast majority of decisions. His leadership style is often given as an example of strict authoritarian rule. Bezos is a highly structured person who has made Amazon what it is today. Division. Autocratic leaders can't make trust a priority because they are forced to make the rules be the priority. If we talk about an autocratic leadership style in an organization, the biggest advantage to talk about is that it has the quickest decision-making among all leadership styles. Even a slight hesitation can result in the death of an entire group. As far as specific examples that's tougher to pin point everyone has experience with this leadership style. They know exactly what they want and they insist that their team realizes that vision in their minds. Lee, A., Lyubovnikova, J., Tian, A. W., & Knight, C. (2019). 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