0000012591 00000 n If you want to put in the whole bale into a feeder, you will need to check it to see that your stock are eating it fast enough, so that it doesnt heat up. The other possible weight that a freight company may use to calculate shipping costs is called cubic weight, and that is based on cubic feet/meters. Our original plan was individual wrap but the guy who baled the hay said he couldnt wrap it after all, yikes! Density = 4 to 5 pounds per cubic foot for straw, Pounds = 3.1416 x ( diameter / 12) x ( diameter / 12) x (width / 12) (all in inches) x density For us, its a big help. It is important to determine the fill height for each load so that the correct volume is computed. From the time you mow the forage until the time it is wrapped (stored) is a shorter time period than it takes to make hay, since hay needs to be completely dry. In this study, the average density was measured as 5.0 lbs DM/ft. Haylage is the same forage you would normally make for hay, but it is baled up when still wet at 45-55% moisture so it will ferment. 2 Includes all types of forages harvested for haylage or green chop; dry hay is not included. Waiting to wrap is the potential Achilles heel of haylage. Shrink Loss is the Weight of As Fed (AF) Feed lost d. This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesnt support. With a focus on industry applications and research, the online program is designed with maximum flexibility for today's working professionals. For three years, station staff recorded the weight and depth of forage for each load of alfalfa haylage, red clover haylage, oatlage, and corn silage harvested at the research station. Most people use two tractors to make haylage. Density = 0.8 bushels per cubic foot for corn or soybeans However, bunker silo densities less than 14 lb dry matter per cubic foot resulted in dry matter losses of 17-20%. Connect with your County Extension Office , Find an Extension employee in our staff directory , Get the latest news and updates on Extension's work around the state, Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: info@extension.wisc.edu | 2023 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Privacy Policy | Non-Discrimination Policy | Discrimination and Harassment Complaints | Disability Accommodation Requests | Civil Rights. We weigh grain, feed inputs, crop inputs, calves, cows, and milk . The weight of soil per cubic foot depends on the type of soil and whether it is moist or dry. Size: 3 ft. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. Large square bales have been around for about 40 years. The extension agents noted that there was not only large farm-to-farm variability but also extreme differences within bales of the same size located on different farms. As with all estimation methods, there is a small amount of error inherent in this calculation method. According to research at the University of Wisconsin and Cornell University, when silage was packed in a bunker silo to a density of greater than 14 lb of dry matter per cubic foot, it ensiled well. 0000021954 00000 n Then we went out and moved the bales out of the field close to where we wanted them to be put once they were wrapped. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Haylage is faster to make from start to finish. Here's an example. So for every 2,000 lbs (ton) of freshly baled hay you buy youre losing 200 lbs when compared to moisture stabilized hay. 2 Bushels = 0.4787 x diameter x diameter x average depth of grain (all in feet) x (1 - % moisture) for ground ear corn An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements. Time of purchase impacts bale weight in two ways. Iowa State University The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. 2020-41595-30123 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Silage that is not packed has a weight of approximately 25 pounds per cubic foot, and well-packed silage is considered to weigh approximately 35 pounds per cubic foot. 0000024189 00000 n Averaged over all species and cuttings, the density of forage in a wagon was 5.0 pounds of dry forage per cubic foot (lbs DM/ft). Grass bales, like timothy, weigh 20% less than alfalfa bales. It should be pretty easy weigh the bales and then buy or sell the bales based on that weight. Research done at Cornell in the mid-1990s set a benchmark density of 14 pounds of dry matter (DM) per cubic foot. If the earlage is harvested while the corn is too wet, dry-matter yields will be reduced and seepage losses will be higher. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) All rights reserved. Square hay bales come in two major size groups, small and large. 6 / 12 = .5 feet. 0000006582 00000 n Sometimes growers sell hay from a field and require an estimate of the quantity removed or sold. Choose High Quality Hay gives you tips on how to spot good hay that is worth your money. Researchers at the Marshfield Agricultural Research Station conducted a study to estimate the weight of loaded forage boxes. This compared to 846 pounds for grass bales of the same size. 0000032849 00000 n Density = 0.515 bushels per cubic foot for ground ear corn If better accuracy is needed one should use a drive-over scale and weigh each load as they come in. Weight = 7.15 pounds per gallon for diesel fuel (at room temperature) It is also difficult to build a secure load with enough weight to keep the shipping cost reasonable. Weight: from 1,000 to 2,200 lbs. Here well focus only on the baled haylage. 0000017247 00000 n That will seem very wet if you are used to dry hay. Please check Cooking Ingredience Conversion and Weight to Volume Conversion. As long as the wrap is not damaged the haylage inside will be stable. Cubic Weight Definition. This way the lambs can spend the summer outside with their moms, eating grass and enjoying the sunshine. Tons of dry matter = Pi x diameter x diameter x depth of (all in feet) x density / 2,000, for corn silage or haylage Missing the weight of a bale by 10 percent amounts to some pretty significant dollars if multiple tons are being purchased. The sooner the haylage is wrapped, the better. Size: 18 wide x 14 high x 36 long. Once stored, questions have come up on how to estimate the tonnage of silage in a bunker silo. Copyright 1995-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Round hay bales are usually quite large and weigh from 600 to 1,600 lbs (272 kg to 544 kg). 0000021977 00000 n If you cut the netting sooner, you may not be able to move the bale, especially if you are using a spear instead of an unroller. Averaged over all species andcuttings, the density of forage in a wagon was 5.0 pounds of dry forage per cubic foot (lbs DM/ft). Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. High density bales are made with whats called a High Density Bale Compression System (bale press). ft) x 62.4. Dont use anything that will pierce the plastic. The weight of the tractor is the issue here, not the unroller. Square hay bales come in two size groups, small and large. All rights reserved. 0000010957 00000 n A bale sitting on the flat end keeps its round shape, bales left on the round edge will flatten a bit and be harder to wrap, especially if you are individually wrapping them. Density = 7.5 + (0.4 x depth of silage) (in feet) = tons of dry matter per cubic foot for corn silage (density increases with the depth of the silage) Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Our summer forage harvesting went well this year, in a season when other farmers in our area that were making dry hay had little to no success. The first is called dead weight; that is the actual weight of the item to be shipped in its completely boxed and ready-to-ship form.. As has been well documented by research, storage losses can range from below 5 percent to over 50 percent, depending on storage method. 0000043584 00000 n Dont leave the netting out there, they might eat it. We all know that the sooner you notice a health problem in your stock, the sooner you can start treatment and get her back into top shape. Table 3 shows that there are 470 cubic feet per ton of settled alfalfa c. 7,200 470 = 15 tons of hay 3. You have a hay bale that weighs 100 lb. The small square bale baleage seems to be popular in Europe, but has yet to catch on around us. x 115 lb/ft. If dusty forage is a problem for you or your stock then haylage may be a viable alternative for you. You are looking for somewhere in the really wilted range. When you decide it is time to bale, be sure you are using a baler that can handle the extra weight of the wetter forages. The density of this type of concrete in kilograms per cubic meter is 2,300, so the calculation goes as follows: weight of concrete = 15 m 2,300 kg/m = 34,500 kg. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. DM per cubic foot Silage Storage Safely minimize shrink and preserve quality in storing silage. We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities. Diameter - distance across a round structure It does not store any personal data. Round bales, also called rolls of hay, started showing up in fields about 40 years ago. Pi - Constant with an approximate value of 3.1416 They have some distinct advantages over small square bales and round bales, are ideal for shipping and are easy to stack in storage areas., The ability to be handled by forklifts and front end loaders is another key feature. link to Why Do Farmers Have Lambs In The Winter. Haylage is normally stored outside in rows or stacks, no barn is needed. Hopefully, the timing coincides with a window of nice weather! Long distance transport of round bales presents some special problems. Weight = 8.33 pounds per gallon for water Density = 10 to 12 pounds per cubic foot for hay Disadvantages of silage . For example the silo is 50 feet long by 30 feet wide and the silage averages 12 feet deep. The plastic wrapping of the bales keeps out all the weather, freeing up barn space. link to How Do You Know If A Sheep Is Sick? Volume of hay in round stacks The rules or formulas used for oblong stacks do not apply to round stacks. I truly enjoy sharing our experiences (Im the writer) and helping folks get started raising animals on their own farm or in the backyard. 0000015064 00000 n The catch is to make the dry hay you (or the person you are buying hay from) need to have the break in the weather that will permit making dry hay. 50 (ft) x 30 (ft) x 12 (ft) = 18,000 cubic feet 18,000 cubic feet x 40 lb/cubic feet = 720,000 lb silage 720,000 lb of silage / 2000 lb/ton = 360 tons of silage in this silo. William Edwards, retired economist. Let's say we have 15 cubic meters of Portland concrete. While this calculation is better than a guess, it does not provide the accuracy required for sale of forage or yield checks. Density = 9 to11 pounds per cubic foot for corn stover Most small square bales can be handled manually. Now the haylage has to cure, meaning ferment for a while to turn into haylage. Haylage does require more mechanized handling to make and feed and is heavier per bale than hay. To find the average dry weight per board foot, divide the pounds per cubic foot by 12. Being round they are difficult to secure and there have been multiple accidents caused by bales falling from trucks. Grass bales generally will weigh less than legume-based bales of similar size. First cut alfalfa haylage and red clover haylage were denser with loaded wagons averaging 5.6 lbsDM/ft. There are a few cautions to be taken here: haylage does not move well and a puncture to the plastic will result in spoilage. This work is supported in part by New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no. How Moisture Content Affects Hay Bale Weight Fresh baled hay: 18% to 20% moisture by weight. High density small square bales are now being produced to reduce storage and shipping costs. The good news here is that the timing of the wrapping is completely within your control. Haylage has two big advantages over dry hay: First off, lets talk about storage. This means a dry window of time to make good hay is tough to get so we went with a new option, for us, haylage. If you find a tear, fix it with agricultural tape, duct tape wont hold for more than a few weeks. Many people use the words haylage and baleage interchangeably. They come in two basic shapes, round and square. trailer << /Size 234 /Info 169 0 R /Encrypt 187 0 R /Root 186 0 R /Prev 235248 /ID[<03c3f8c75692ed62b9f40aeef95d39f5>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 186 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 172 0 R /Metadata 170 0 R /JT 184 0 R /PageLabels 168 0 R >> endobj 187 0 obj << /Filter /Standard /R 2 /O ( UV.`Dz-#_m_}g) /U (]pek+YTCYm{`N) /P -4 /V 1 /Length 40 >> endobj 232 0 obj << /S 607 /T 728 /L 800 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 233 0 R >> stream Haylage will have a higher protein value than dry hay. Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: Making Sure Your Kernel Processor Is Doing Its Job, 2023 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Brian Holmes, Professor Emeritus, UW-Madison Reference: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Yearbook. The good parts and the not so good parts come together, so lets look at some of the pros and cons of both haylage compared to hay. Multiply by .4 if ear corn. If something went wrong in the fermentation process, like the plastic was torn and introduced air, then the haylage will be unsuitable as feed. In the past, we harvested any extra forage we grew as dry hay and left the haylage making to others. All Lambs are supposed to be born in the spring, right? The plastic cuts off the air, leaving the baled forage in an anaerobic (no air) environment. Introduction Grass forages were less dense and averaged 4.6 lbs DM/ft 3. Unless you are already making some haylage you will not have all of the equipment needed to make the haylage. Haylage can easily be fed in the barn, actually most people would probably be feeding it inside. Bales that only deform under the tractor's weight will likely have 12 pounds DM per cubic foot. The forage used for haylage is cut the same as it would be for will for dry hay, the difference is in the timing of baleing. The weight changes, however, when the temperature does. 260 Heady Hall For a broken concrete, the weight of 8 cubic feet will be 875 = 600 pounds. Normally, there is enough of a dew on the grass in the morning that waiting until early afternoon to start raking, the prebaling step, is very normal. Round bales are usually handled with a tractor mounted front loader having a special spike attachment. Questions? A 5x5 bale weighs 1,200 lbs (540 kg) and a 5x6 bale weighs 1,500 lbs (680 kg). Short version: Pounds = 0.0005787 x length x width x height (all in inches) x density, Cylindrical: Gallons = 3.1416 x diameter x diameter x length (all in feet) x 7.5 gallons per cubic foot In the previously mentioned Wisconsin study, the average weight of a 4-foot by 5-foot legume bale was 986 pounds. Haylage is a fermented forage that is fed to animals like hay. This means it needs to be high quality and harvested on time, both of which have been challenging lately with dry hay for our area. I like dry hay and actually prefer feeding dry hay to some of our animals. Density = 10 to 14 pounds per cubic foot for hay Typical hay bale density is 9 to 12 lbs per cubic foot. Cooler water is denser than warmer water, so if the temperature of the water is less . Forage Species Haylage is fermented moist hay. Specific gravity is a measure of the relative density of a substance compared to the thickness of water. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Typical hay bale density is 9 to 12 lbs per cubic foot. The list of factors that can influence the weight of a large round bale include: Forage maturity (percent leaves and stems). Leaves generally pack better than stems, so as plants mature and develop a higher percentage of stems to leaves, bales generally become less dense and weigh less. Both have advantages and ideal use situations. 0000044442 00000 n Haylage is the same forage you would normally make for hay, but it is baled up when still "wet" at 45-55% moisture so it will ferment. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Haylage is made by baling the forage when wet (45-55% moisture) then wrapping it to get proper fermentation by excluding air. 0000009027 00000 n In addition, this example will assume an average forage density of 5.0 lbs DM/ft and a forage dry matter of 40%. That is a bit different than this, so well stick to haylage in the form of baleage. Small Square Hay Bales - 3 Types: 2 String, 3 Wire and High Density. Hay bale density is determined by how much the baler compresses the hay. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. 0000001459 00000 n Making haylage starts out like making any other normal hay, you cut the forage with a mower to get the long stems to start to dry. The bad news is procrastination is also easy and completely within your control. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Unrolling works well on frozen ground and okay on soft ground. Lets look into it. A 4x5 bale weighs 950 lbs (430 kg). Care should be used when interpreting the results of a shrink calculation. 0000001610 00000 n 50 (ft) x 30 (ft) x 12 (ft) = 18,000 cubic feet 18,000 cubic feet x 40 lb/cubic feet = 720,000 lb silage Tons of dry matter = 0.000393 x diameter x diameter x average depth of silage (all in feet) x (8.0 + (0.15 x depth)) for corn silage It frequently is used to refer to the loss of feed during harvest, handling, and storage. 0000011521 00000 n We truly appreciated their work, and they were fast and did a super job! Looks ready to bale dry? How can the total weight of a loaded forage box be estimated? link to Why Do Farmers Have Lambs In The Winter. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. of Science and Technology Since we were running really late on time ours were tube wrapped, just because it is faster than wrapping individually. Multiply 150 pounds by .5 feet and you get 75 pounds for a square foot of concrete that's 6 inches thick. First, if youre purchasing bales out of field, they are likely going to be at a higher moisture level and weight than they will be after being cured in storage. For the details, click over to my article on Oatlage. Table 1 shows the average silage density of each forage species. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 0000002337 00000 n Bushels = ( circumference / Pi) x ( circumference / Pi) x average depth of grain (all in feet) x Pi x density They are popular with horse owners, small animal breeders, landscapers, and anywhere that manual handling is required or where only smaller quantities of hay are needed. We (my husband and I) are life long animal lovers and full time livestock farmers in Ohio. Given the choice, I prefer a wet year to a dry one. Fresh baled hay: 18% to 20% moisture by weight. &== bfi:2q~~q8]_Bb2. Mono-Slope Beef Barn Air Quality Research Project. This is because legumes such as alfalfa will make a denser bale than a grass species. Density = 5.4 + (0.28 x depth of haylage) (in feet) = tons of dry matter per cubic foot for haylage (density increases with the depth of the haylage) 185 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 188 /H [ 1610 727 ] /L 239078 /E 44700 /N 24 /T 235259 >> endobj xref 185 49 0000000016 00000 n Forage species also affects bale weight. Pioneer Strategic Account Manager Jim Smith is back for another installment of the Silage Zone to help you get the most out of your silage storage. Finally, there are many models of balers of differing ages. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. How long the haylage takes to reach 45-55% depends upon the forage and the weather, but the next day is likely the time to bale haylage for us. Bushels = 0.628 x diameter x diameter x average depth of grain (all in feet) for shelled corn or soybeans Also needed is a wrapper, tube or individual, and a loader or skid steer to get the bale into the wrapper. So why do you see some sheep with Hey there, Im Kathy! A 4 ft wide x 5 ft high round legume hay bale may weigh 1,000 lbs. 0000006056 00000 n Thanks for stopping by! You need the stems of the grasses to stay long! 0000038442 00000 n .CBRIM>O=hNS@X[D#B07.ETm[fm Ames, IA 50011-1054. They are often preferred when the bale is going to be shipped long distances, since their density lowers shipping costs and makes it easier to build a secure load. Although heavier than two string bales, they can be handled by one or two people without special equipment. Haylage is fermented hay. Its not haylage potential anymore, just bale it dry. Compare that to dry hay, which is 18-22% moisture (University of Missouri). In this example the actual wet basis density of the silage is 14 lb per cu-ft / 0.35 = 40 lb /cu-ft. First cut alfalfa haylage and red clover haylage were denser with loaded wagons averaging 5.6 lbs DM/ft3. The bale is already wrapped it can be stored anywhere that is convenient for you to get to later, it does not need to be in a barn! (If you find any errors please contact us). Haylage is baled at 40-60% moisture, it is essentially a wet bale of wilted forage. Since the bales are wrapped you do not know what you have for your stock to eat until you open the bale. Most small square bales can be handled manually. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This example uses a wagon measuring 8-ft wide by 16-ft long and having an average fill depth of 6-ft. To estimate the wet basis tonnage of silage in a bunker silo, we need to work from two assumptions: the silage was packed to a density of 14 lb dm /cu-ft and has the standard 35% dry matter and 65% moisture. Density = 5 to 7 pounds per cubic foot for straw the total you get after multiplying the three dimensions together) by 1728. (100 lbs - 80 lbs) = 20 lbs Small two string bales can be easily handled by most people without special handling equipment. Crib capacities in bushels for ear corn per foot of length: Width Height in Feet In feet 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Don Hofstrand, retired extension value added agriculture specialist, agdm@iastate.edu, Department of Economics For example the silo is 50 feet long by 30 feet wide and the silage averages 12 feet deep. This will change depending upon where you live and how good of a drying day (sunny, low humidity or cloudy, high humidity) you have. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 0000017785 00000 n Circumference - distance around a round structure 0000041051 00000 n 0000003418 00000 n Some dryland corn producers this year turned to silage production to get the most value from their low-yield crop. Alfalfa bales are about 15% heavier than the same size bale of timothy. It needs to dry out more. It often ranges from 9 to 12 pounds per cubic foot. If your baler is older, check into its capabilities. By understanding the basics of calculating firewood weight per cubic foot, you can accurately estimate how much wood you will need for your next . Short version: 1 Capacity based on 16 lbs. Wed love to hear from you if you have any questions! Most hay bales stabilize at about 8% to 9% moisture content. Square hay bales come in two major size groups. Our main enterprise is sheep, with pigs, a few cattle, garlic and a ton of poultry, as well! DM per cubic foot 2 Capacity based on 13 lbs. Haylage is made by baling the forage when wet (45-55% moisture) then wrapping it to get proper fermentation by excluding air. Once the bales are wrapped, they are put in an out of the way place where they will stay until fed. We put the bale in the end of the barn with the tractor, then cut the plastic and remove the netting while inside. Dont mow first and expect the custom guy to be available, call and check with him first. Sixty to 65 percent dry matter, with 35 to 40 percent moisture (for the harvested material), is best. They will step on it and poop on it, making it unsuitable to roll out later. These large bales have replaced their smaller counterparts on many farms and hay growing operations.. 0000011291 00000 n Since the weight of concrete per cubic foot is 150 lbs, the weight of 8 cubic feet of concrete will be 8150 = 1200 lbs (pounds). Square hay bales come in two size groups, small and large. Some parts of this site work best with JavaScript enabled. pounds of dry forage per cubic foot (lbs DM/ft 3). Sometimes this is accurate, other times it is not. We have those too. Haylage also requires plastic to wrap the bales. Haylage is forage that is cut, baled moist and wrapped in plastic to ferment. Now the naturally occurring bacteria that like to grow in anaerobic conditions start to grow. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. At first, making haylage is the same as making dry hay. 0000017224 00000 n High density small square bales are now being produced to reduce storage and shipping costs. Fresh, dry, fluffy snow might only weigh about four pounds per cubic foot. For a while is very vague I know, but this again depends upon the weather, the moisture of the haylage and the size and density of the bales. 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To provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns weight to volume Conversion gives you tips on to... Is harvested while the corn is too wet, dry-matter yields will be stored in your browser only your. People would probably be feeding it inside tractor & # x27 ; s say have... Special equipment forage species any errors please contact us ) have Lambs in the barn with the tractor, cut. 0000017247 00000 n that will seem very wet if you are already making some haylage you will not all! Provide the accuracy required for sale of forage or yield checks moist or dry are models... 15 % haylage weight per cubic foot than the same size feed inputs, crop inputs, crop,... ( new Date ( ) haylage weight per cubic foot ( ) ) all rights reserved baled hay buy... Handled by one or two people without special equipment, call and check with him first two major groups! Red clover haylage were denser with loaded wagons averaging 5.6 lbsDM/ft for your stock eat! Were denser with loaded wagons averaging 5.6 lbsDM/ft anonymous statistical purposes Missouri.. Bale density is 9 to 12 lbs per cubic foot for corn stover most small square bales are usually with! Supposed to be available, call and check with him first and expect custom! A while to turn into haylage making dry hay and actually prefer feeding dry hay, started showing up fields. Not provide the accuracy required for sale of forage or yield checks can easily be fed in form. Be born in the spring, right been classified into a category as yet extra forage grew... Of some of our animals small and large alfalfa bales are wrapped you Do not Know you... Care should be used when interpreting the results of a substance compared to the thickness of water of and. Marketing campaigns you or your stock to eat until you open the bale consenting or withdrawing,...

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