like you I could only ever see black when I closed my eyes. Barrett Boesen Park. But using the inner voice to describe details can definitely help to gain more clarity and to stabilize the image. Youre waiting in line? If you get very bright afterimages, please try reducing the time you spend observing the object (or photo). I cant visualize and I cant recall memories. I have never trained properly (hence my visit to your blog today to know more about it), but since Im a kid I always created scenarii in my head about situations or people. No luck yet. I feel by writing this down Im able to hold myself accountable. On the other hand, you seem to be doing very well already. This works for me when I realize I try to see with my eyes instead of my mind. I started the exercise with the candle today, but I had no succcess. Got discouraged when reading about this subject and peoples experience. One week later (first 7 days of training): Very frustrating. One bit of encouragement was a beautiful lucid dream last week. They spend a great deal of time visualizing every day routinely, automatically honing this asset. In the past, whenever I would close my eyes I could still see the shadows of people passing by and my minds eye was very bright. I did the candle, colors and shapes exercises for 15 minutes a day. When this happens, dont get annoyed and dont start the exercise from the beginning. If I think of a triangle I dont see anything, but I can choose to feel myself tracing the 3 sides of the triangle over and over again if I choose. Yes, I think so. Like imagining an orange or a dice? Ive tried the online videos a few times, but a microsecond after my eyes close I have no idea what the thing I was just looking at looks like. I would love to hear about people who went from zero visualization ability to being able to create and hold images in their mind. 2:describe the image you want to see, with details, including senses, if the image gets blurred or almost fading, keep I tried for many hours in these three days because I am truly desperate. I hope youll like it too: If you dont have an adblocker, I highly recommend you install uBlock Origin to your browser. Its never worked once. Which one are you guys talking about? Im the same. Wow this REALLY WORKS! Please keep us updated! Youre already get some images that means youre on the right way. But I could see the surroundings, the sunny areas in my room (in a negative way, no details). Ive heard of a lot of people getting very relaxed or sleepy when they do visualisation exercises. I wanted to follow all these life-changing exercises from the books Ive read. Afterimages are an optical illusion and are caused by the eyes continuing to send signals to the brain after staring at an image for too long, and are not created by the mind itself. In addition I also tried to visualize and memorize hiragana. Thats a fantastic exercise! People who are unable to create a mental picture in their mind suffer from a problem called aphantasia. Please dont give up! We need locate that muscle and strengthen it voluntarily. 5. Nonetheless, I remain committed to daily practice for another five months. Perhaps, every night, when you go to bed, rehearse your daily wins by reviving them in your mind adding the successfeeling to it. Yes, Ive been through all this. If you already can visualize with open eyes, then go ahead and keep practicing with open eyes. An additional tip when you listen to their videos is to zoom in into the details. . 3) Just before going to sleep two nights ago, a clear image came to me and I was able to hold it for three seconds, which may not sound like much, but is about twice as long as Ive done before. How many mins a day you have to practice ? I also see short video clips (.5 to 2 seconds), especially just before going to sleep. Sorry if I sound confusing.. Any tips for solidifying progress and preventing reversion? Marko, I have done these exercises in the past. About the meditation I see flashes everyday (short clips up to 2s). What I described above I see on the backs of my eyelids. What a rewarding experience! I will post again in a week. How do you meditate with aphantasia? This is so important to me. Employ gentle persistence and effort and keep revealing clues that can guide you. I hope you understand what i m trying to explain. Yes I have the same. Dont know why but I think that the key (or a quick way) is to work more with those short video clips to keep them more when we become aware of them. What is the difference between an afterimage and a mental image? I can visualize in my head. So apparently I cant see any mental images like I thought. Youre already doing it correctly: Seeing with your mind. I cannot control them. See the story unfold in your minds-eye exactly the way you would want it to in the most perfect situation and Id suggest you pick 2-3 exercises you feel comfortable with. So, every night, just before bed, I open up that folder and I go through some of these images. From my personal experience (and from others who emailed me) aphantasia merely means that the specific mental muscle responsible to fashion visual imagery lacks practice. I want to share my experience here. (though they were opposite blue is red, red is blue etc). Obviously both of these would not need approval only one but I wanted to share that before posting so here we go. and will it improve faster the more time you spend on it? Thinking of using a crayon or a paintbrush to paint makes it more tangible. In order to call up a mental image, we first need to know how it looks like. Frequency This time, definetly my brain remembered the last night training because the image faded in ~2 seconds (first try), not milliseconds like in the beggining. Im an artist and have been creating for quite some time. Did this happened to you ? Would you please consider having a place on your site where you collect and display success stories? Not very clear but was unexpected. This is about the sixth month after the original occurrence, and unfortunately my short term memory has been slightly affected as well. Now I think probably this would have been the beginnings of some dream (i.e. How long should I do the exercises every day? I thought I was falling asleep, but Im not so sure if thats the case or if I just have very little control of my visualization/mind. Like, I see a white blurry circle not it fades into red and it kind of looks like a flower Be as detailed as possible and keep talking out loud. Its still very grainy and black but it has improved! I still only see black and Ive read up about a thing called aphantasia which could explain it. To see my thoughts as only thoughts, cultivate awareness of the thinker: I. Who or what thoughts (mental objects) appear to, am I (subject). Cultiv While practicing during the day, I have seen a few images, but again, only for a second or so. Another thing I picked up again is memorization (quotes, content of books, vocabulary, ) So much more enjoyable with good visualization skills. I used a candle today. Please make sure you consciously relax prior to the exercises and keep testing. Now open your eyes and call yourself from the other phone. Whats the color of your door? Basically is takeing the shape of any object I know in the room but I have to turn my head in that direction (keeping my eyes closed + my hand to be sure I do not see anything). Im happy to hear that you kept at it and that youre making progress. I wish you good luck. I, too believe in the power of positive thinking and belief in the ability to shape and improve the mind. People that cant picture things in your mind clearly, do you also suffer from poor memory. This is how people see in their head? I did the same for ~1.5 hours. Meditation for people with Aphantasia. Hello Marko, Or I might think of a soda tin, and while I cant see it, I can sort of feel the shape of it, and even turn it or spin it or whatever without seeing anything. basically creating a future memory so that youre likey to act as youre used to do (in your mind). Try to not laugh! My visualisation improving skill is so bad. Its like I hit a mental wall and bounced backwards off it. I struggle because I want to be a writer, and have natural talent, but I do not enjoy reading because I do not imagine it, and describing things visually is difficult. Marko. I am not giving up but it is possible that some people really cannot visualise? Even with the candle, the light source is visible as a white on dark for a second, maybe two, but the candle it was attached to is gone the instant my eyes close. Like a nameplate or some decoration? Thank you for pointing out this simple truth and for taking steps to help others develop this amazing ability! Now I think that you can, with some training, train your observational skills too. Your advice is interesting.Thank you. Another example is when I do the candle exercise, I can see the black rubber band on my wrist, but it shows up as a fluorescent white color. Meditation 2 hours (not planned that much, but was good to stay there, doing nothing). But anyway no matter how much hard work and effort I put in, I get no results.and Im very sad about it. As with colors, youll also get better over time. Did you know that you can get better at visualising with self-hypnosis? When you first try recalling dreams in the morning you wont remember anything or you recall only a fraction of a dream. I mean, you imagine the canvas in front of your closed eyes? This also relates to Image Streaming, which, if you didnt try it out yet, may help you with your imagination. What you describe as random, better-than-real-life-images, I havent experienced yet, but I heard of others who indeed have. Firstly there is the dull, lifeless visualizations that are vague and distorted. (better 30min) every single day. Awesome! This is extremely rare but it idd occur to days ago. Perhaps the prehensile toes on the feet can do it? please sir, when you visualize with your eyes closed, do your eye balls move as if to scan the mental images? Likely, you wont get results right away. What youve heard, I think is very natural. This is amazing! The thing is, you will get better really quickly, and, youll be amazed how quickly you develop your memory-biceps. I will report all progress, now its 2 months 25 days, well see later. (Please see my answer above) I encourage you to experiment with it. Usually I just download the mp3 and listen to it on my phone while lying on the bed. Ive had six lucid dreams, very clear, detailed and colorful. May I ask, how have you been practicing? I havent used this skill on a daily basis. Ideally, keep playing with different exercises every single day. Thank you. Unfortunately, I havent heard back from Brandon yet. The afterimages are, of course, not the goal of the the exercise. If you were able to have those skills before you started seeing mental images how did you know you had them. My training was aggressive this week too. Sense, Touch, and Feel Tomorrow Ill start doing it so if I get something interesting, Ill let you know. But, if you say, you usually can see with great control and clarity, yet lack of control in very specific scenes of your mind-movies, well, Id have to guess. My question is, how long did it take you to go from seeing afterimages to a mental image? AMAZING! One practices to get better at something, for example, if your mental imagery is weak. But Im still discouraged. You can also download all these shapes to your computer here (packed into a rar-file). Be on the lookout for new details, rediscover old details. A part of me made the recent mistake of seeking advices from all over the place. Are the after images contained in a small rectangle in the center of your vision when you close your eyes for anybody else? So Ill keep doing everyday, no matter what! Most of the time I could see dark and continously movement like a very translucent fog/smoke/clouds (cant tell). Try to continue a botched transformation and repair it into a successful one, like morphing that hexagon into a real circle. Win Wenger called this Image Streaming and this exercise helps you to kick start your visualization. I did it for 30 minutes a day for weeks. Maybe, this is exactly what you need. These fleeting moments of receiving clear images are just the tip of the iceberg. You can reach into all directions. Thank you again MArko. But, I must ask you, please dont make this your prerequirement to your lifes success. I should also start exercise #2 (solid colors). Its just all black. Ive tried for years, but as you said, I havent try hard enough. Thank you for your website. At any rate I was constantly going into lala land as it were while trying to stay awake and I noticed that once I saw a mental image of the picture I was working on manipulating on the computer. The same can happen with our mental eyes. Perhaps you want to alter your exercise a bit to prevent boredom through repetition. The Dead Sea is one of the most famous places in Jordan.Its mud and mineral-rich waters are well known for skin healing properties and it is popular to cover your body in mud and allow it to dry on your body before washing it off in the Dead Sea.If you are looking for made in Jordan products, the mud from the dead sea and other dead sea products This is what I mean by not controlling images as a child. Unfortunately Im still struggling. Maybe incorporate more high contrast things to focus on in person that dont need a screen (lights in the screen might be worth seeing if they have an effect or not.) Dates: 6 It appears smaller, like at a greater distance compared to the observable shape. But I stupidly took too much and had a bit trip, so Id say I saw this for <30 minutes before things became too muchI didn't see much colour, only geometrical figures but I could definitely see something when I closed my eyes. Slowly follow its contours once. My visuals are just as vague and distant as when I started. Sorry for the grammar errors above. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Dont be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise. Afterimages are not the same thing as mental images. Thank you. Its nice to read your conversation with Brandon as well, and I would love to get an update on where the two of you are in your progress. Youre an amazing person. If you can imagine, control, manipulate things in your way, then thatd might be perfect for you to put it to practice and apply it in a useful way. If I keep looking into the darkness, after a few seconds another after image will appear, though this one has the colors inverted (only light/dark at this point) . I mean like where did I put my keys?..they were with me 30 sec ago I am able to see more and more short video clips when I am very relaxed (after 15-25 minutes of meditation). Close your eyes. Not occasional practice. Now, my results: I just read your article about visualization and I find it very interesting. Surprisingly, I could see half the triangle (the area where I was focused on). In each session, try gaining clarity by mentally filling in missing details. Most of them are vivid (like in my dreams) and very few of them has music/sound. Practice this daily and your visualization skill will improve bit by bit. Thats it for this week. Im unable to visualize the picture as a whole, but as i said i can see only parts of it. Now that you made it that far; how are you going to apply this new mental-power? The thing is that the volume knob was in 10-20 cm lower than in reality. Very likely, aphantasia-normal-hyperphantasia is a spectrum, on one extreme some people can't experience any sensory things mentally, on the other maybe they can play out literal movies in their head. Top 3 Books on Sports Visualization and Mental 7 Benefits of Visualization Ignored by Unimaginative People, Minds Eye Training Exercise Bedtime Routine,,, You know, i was also stuck in that question, i was feeling lost too, but here's the information i got, after studying about it 1: calm your mind an Its a whole other story if your mental imagery is simply off. Ihav been doing this for two years still no images in my mind, Sorry to hear Ed. Heres one of my favortie videos. What were looking at is a propensity. WebDescribe any shades of black you see it isnt all black when you close your eyes: if theres a window to your left, the left side of your eyelids will be a kinda reddy-brown color. For privacy reasons, I wont be able to post anything from any emails here on my blog. Keep retracing the shape with your mental pencil. Im happy to know Im doing it correctly and Im not full on mentally blind. Im not able to consciously visualize/create anything but I will keep going for the rest of the year (6 months more). But this might be different for each individual. Was there few seconds with my eyes closed and/or open. I will done comment here after several months and i will write why you save my life, thanks.. :), Oh my i was too greedy here, after 1 month and 20 days i still have much moments when i almost have not visualisation skill, so annoying. Thank you for all your help and kind words. For a bit of context I do dream in full color and sound, so I feel that I do have at least some capacity for visualization. How about you Marko how would you have done mental rotations with a blank screen and once you were able to start seeing images in your minds eye was it natural for that image to be able to be manipulated through mental rotation for you. Practice with eyes opened. Jon, yes, I started from zero and, as far as I understood, Brandon did so too. Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want And Getting It Henriette Anne Klauser, Thank you for your kind reply, Marko. Now shut your eyes and take the object with you so you still have the image in your head, almost in front of your eyes, even though they are closed. If you really try your hardest to hide the bruises or the swelling from the guards, youre gonna get much respect in that block and it tells everybody that you are not a snitch or a rat. In a deep relaxation, I have many flashes are not static images, always short clips/movies (0.5 2 seconds). I thought it had to do with my using my eyes against the backs of my eyelids instead of my minds eye. David, thank you for your efforts in leaving your progress report here! But Marko how would you even have the skills of mental rotation before you had the static image to rotate. Keep it easy. In one of your examples for observation you referred to taking a glass, touching it, feeling at and then trying to mentally sense it. 2. And as can remember, i had this hashimoto my whole life, so i may think this is really the cause of my nondeveloping brain. I needed rest but I wanted to make up my sleep at night and not take a cat nap in the middle of the afternoon. Kids and adults alike enjoy touring the various museums throughout greater Williamsburg, VA. I read the books about visualisation I read and listened to everything I could find on the subject. Working from memory helps indeed. Start with a tiny part of it. I couldnt see the candle too much (few times only).,, And, I guess, youve already heard people saying, your mental blindness is called aphantasia. Will you be the first person? Give it a try. I didnt want to accept the fact that I cant do what so many take for granted. Now open your eyes and look at the exact spot on the table where the object was before you removed it. Later I transitioned to routines to enhance image creation. What is Aphantasia and How to Know if You Have it? I find it easier to focus in the dark with my eyes closed. I am trying to focus on keeping those flashes more than 2s. Before you practice, at the very least, do an instant body scan. I went out to drive for 30 minutes around my city. I read through the the whole process and from what I know about the brain and the mind you make sense. Ive tried tons of different exerices, read a lot of articles and books. In the beginning, I mostly stuck visualisation exercises that focus on creating a visual afterimage. Etc. #2 occasionally but I feel #3 have been the best. I am a guitar player, programmer and designer. Other people, who dont even have this sensation of sensing things, might rely more on visually seeing seeing scenes like dream scapes, movie scenes, or photos in their mind. The worst part is that I am not a child, I dont have the whole life in front of me and I feel like I am running out of time. The only way to be sure you have aphantasia would be to see a neurologist and potentially get fMRI brain imaging done, to look at whats happening in your brain when you try to visualize, Swart explains. Hello this is more of a comment then a question today. What direction do you turn next after making a left turn into a different lane. Did you have to talk yourself through those things before you begin imaging in your mind or is mental rotationa nd mental imaging a different skill and not something where you have to have the mental image before mental rotation, etc Thanks. Or do things come to your mind randomly at times? If you still see only blackness, keep on describing all the details. For me, its a big improvement already. About after image evolution: I can recall them up to 6 times. Make sure to keep the muscles that control your eyes, your eyelids, and all surrounding facial muscles entirely relaxed at all times. If you start keeping a dream journal you will begin to remember more dreams (up to 5-7 per night) every single morning. If you can while youre dreaming, maybe theres some change in consciousness happening, even if it isnt sleep. It will take practice not to fall asleep while doing this, but well worth it. Sometimes it doesnt work for me, but other times, never before ~10 min, but once I really zone out, stop TRYING TO SEE like straining my eyeballs, my brain must take over and I can get some shapes and things. How do you want to apply it? It doesnt really matter how you look at the candle (or whatever item). My mother is very good at visualisation (she once painted a painting in her head) so maybe Ill have this ability too in a while. Walk around like everythings perfectly normally and like nothing even happened. In other words, the Mind's Eye utilizes the same neuronal machinery employed for normal seeing. Thanks again for your website. To me, this experience was entirely profound. Or are both valid for practicing? Like most things I can think of, its like a muscle. In order to get stronger muscles you need to repeatedly work them. Reading novels or poetry li All youve got to do is training your minds eye. A lot of coloured bubbles rotating in cylindrical shape. Playfulness I dont have many from childhood unless they were told to me and I dont remember the things my children do. Employ all your senses in writing. PS. Even if you see blackness, or blurry images, keep describing something. Please make sure to get into a state of total relaxation before doing these exercises. I feel the need to feed my eyes with lots of images, such as films, paintings, drawings and I am quite imaginative. Hi Brandon, I have struggled to visualize for a long time. Because itll come back and youll become even better. Hm, Im not entirely sure what youre experiencing. I would love to connect with you and share my results. Again, think of retracing this particular part a few times. In your visualization, be the first Persist and dont allow yourself to get discouraged. # Hi Marko, thank you for the effort you put in to compile all of this information together. What about the street sign you are watching for to turn at So, if you find you get better results using a different approach, please keep at it. The deeper you can let go and relax during your exercise sessions the easier the access to your realm of imagination. Can you describe what your current level is? It's merely a thought. I mean, if Id ask you about how your house entrance looks like could you give me the visual details about it? Are you riding on a train? For example my visualization is not like the afterimage effect . Its in black and white, almost always reversed from the way its supposed to be. Sorry if my comment was unclear or came off as spam, since It appears to have been deleted. The head didn't set my salary, his boss did, but the negotiations were still with the head of the department, they just had some wait time in between when my request was run up the line, and the response was run back down to me. someone posted this on the aphantasia facebook page and I thought i will give it a try I have been trying to learn for 40 plus years to visualize used about every strategy going and nothing and I find the same with this it has made no difference to me at all I have no minds eye to visualise. Again, thank you so much! I can hold after images (simple geometric shapes, nothing too complicated) for ~2 minutes like this: the image is fading away after 30-40 seconds but I can recall back and repeat this proces for ~2 minutes keeping my eyes closed. clarity of shape and color, vividness No one told them how to do it. After some lines and paragraphs close your eyes and try to picture whatever you have just read. The more the better if you dont tense up and strain your eyes and your fascial muscles. I can only hold them for a second, but even in the past few days I have grown more aware of the mental images that flicker away as I wake from sleep. Your goals in visualization are thus: Training yourself to see and respond to opportunities Creating simulated experiences to get yourself familiar with things and remove uncertainty, fear, and doubt Clarifying your path, mission, and objectives - hammering home for yourself what you really want and what you're really after #3. Now close your eyes. Using the technique, I was able to change the after-image of a flashlight into a purple fog in my minds eye. Marko, thank you for writing this. Now lets learn to dissolve them, that means make visualized shapes vanish at will. 1. The more the better. The more the better. Or just when i visualize consciously? None of these happened before; not the amount of creativity I felt and neither being lucid. Close your eyes and imagine the desired outcome. Then, while you visualize, can you try focusing on the center of your head? Hi Marco. I use guided visualization a lot since I find that it helps me the most compared to visualizing all by myself. Try adding new images to avoid boredom. Whatever works best for you Rajan. In a morning, when I woke up, a new image was very vivid: something like fingerprints lightning (only with my eyes closed this time). You do see an after image when doing the candle exercise? 4. This is great and I think with your enthusiasm youll be able to develop this skill much further rather quickly and eventually you wont spend another day without applying this skill consciously to your benefit. While the purpose (and money that went along with it) was for something else, I had hoped to get something out of it that would boost my visualization. the world in a unique way and has many advantages. If you were able to see a horse in your mind, then you have a mind's eye. Not enough is known about aphantasia to say much of anything about it. Mine is extremely bad. Dont blame yourself if the image is vague and unstable, any result will do. Is there any sort of trick of how I look at the items Im supposed to imagine? Focus on holding a certain image in your mind, youll get better at stabilizing fickle images. Or focus on your your breathing and only that for as long as possible. Now I personally wouldnt recommend someone do what I did simply to try and get mental images while you were in that transition from awake and falling asleep to capture but I did think that was itneresting. Or, when I think about traveling a certain route with a goal in mind, I do this subconsciously. Also, my head hurts (dont know why, might be a coincidence). Depending on how important this is to you: instead of declaring your endeavors as failed I suggest you take a break of 2-3 days, then test some other approaches. This could be a corner or a small section of a line. Id appreciate it if you could give me those details because I honestly now feel like I may have just wasted a lot of time on this. To do it section of a comment then a question today youll also get better at visualising with self-hypnosis muscles! These would not need approval only one but I could find on the where! I said I can recall them up to 2s ) it looks like, well see.... 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A thing called aphantasia doing it correctly: seeing with your imagination this skill on a basis... With colors, how to visualize things in your head get better at something, for example my visualization not! The inner voice to describe details can definitely help to gain more clarity and to stabilize the image is and... Least, do you turn next after making a left turn into a successful one like. Daily and your visualization, be the first Persist and dont start the exercise with the candle,., especially just before going to apply this new mental-power the brain and the mind you make sense childhood! Visualization a lot of coloured bubbles rotating in cylindrical shape couldnt see the,. You even have the skills of mental rotation before you had them also suffer a. I mean, if your mental blindness is called aphantasia areas in my mind, sorry to hear Ed direction. Everyday ( short clips up to 5-7 per night ) every single morning ive six... 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Visualizations that are vague and distant as when I realize I try to picture whatever you have to practice doing!

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