If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Instead of worshiping God, the evangel(ical) cult(ure) is leaders that claim to represent/speak for God & the followers that $tep in line, $toop to this idolatry & its myth. Part of the problem is that Evangelicalism loves to define everyone and put people into groups. Where people are taught the signs of people they shouldnt trust? Matt & Lauren Chandler are friends with the Halls they are not just obscure staff members. At the very least, less Shandas fur die Goyim. Friend: More important, some denoms dont offer anything like riches or fame. the men kept talking. Headlights are not a perfect safety program, but they help. Cheap grace has infected the church. Is there a simpler way to describe it that isnt so technical? Your father is the devil, and what you are wanting to do is what your father longs to do. They are done. Dee, I would be hard-pressed to come up with the Top Ten Bad-Boy Preachers of 2020 there are so many worthy candidates for that infamous list! I saw the same thing with husbands and wives all the time, as well. . heres a very mild example, of church culture hierarchy in general: i was with a group of friends from a previous church. I continued reading and now grieved in the inner man. However, police insisted Pastor Hall failed the administered field sobriety test," Fellowship Baptist Church said in a statement Monday. He would have decided whether it was time to intervene, or let the kids handle it themselves while he paid close attention. I wish this surprised me. And when you add God to the mix as Enforcer THAT is the real meaning behind Generational Curses.). having fun together as friends, challenging each other, as well. Discernment cuts through cosplay. This also happens in mainline congregations, where yes indeed, people in the handshake line are perfectly happy to say the sermon stank. It kind of reminds me of mortal vs venial sin. my old Dungeonmaster, in a post-game recreational thinking session. Dont you know PASTOR Superapostle is a member of Gods Inner Ring, a PRIEST as far above us Laity as God is above a turd? He didnt mean this He meant that, trust me.. They have limited their online presence on social media and blogs. . Inexperienced and unproven, they assume Lead Pastor roles right out of the chute! FORMER VILLAGE CHURCH SATELLITE ROCKED BY ALLEGATIONS CONCERNING IT FORMER P [], So, what we have here is one adult couple participating in consensual sexual relations with another adult couple. christian doctrine (the stuff thats articulated and all the stuff that isnt articulated like the horrible sins of telling a sarcastic joke and wearing tank top when its 105 degrees) absolutely fosters neuroses & personality disorders. Isaac Wimberley has all but disappeared online and his whereabouts are unknown. Hunter Hall Housing Scholarship. Bed spaces Harriet. In early 2020 Isaac Wimberleys wife wanted to return to Citizens Church to be restored as a member. Here is her new account. Hes going to be one of the pastors over there. Whew!I continued reading and now grieved in the inner man.Immoral behavior by church leaders is becoming far too common.This one is about as sick as it gets.The following sentence from Annas post paints the wicked picture well: I have to say Im not surprised this happened in a New Calvinist church as Ive said before, the movement is drifting toward antinomianism.The overemphasis on grace-this and grace-that appears to be releasing these leaders from the obligation to observe moral law.And Im not surprised that this came from the Acts 29 corner of New Calvinism, an organization which was founded by potty-mouth Mark Driscoll and now headed by Matt Chandler. So I dont believe he was dumping sites to pass trash. But theres a system and construct that keeps leading to this sort of thing. You can also submit your own story idea. They need to repent, then find another line of work. Im convinced that New Calvinism is comprised of concentric inner rings, where young reformers pay their dues (idolize leaders buy their books, attend their conferences; tweet and retweet nuggets of knowledge from the masters; advance reformed theology in local communities; take over churches for the glory of the movement, etc.) Lewis wrote an entire essay on that, The Lure of the Inner Ring. A move to Colorado might put enough distance between what happened in Plano, TX & a new church opportunity for the Halls. They have become Christians at The Village Church. A sign of low self differentiation and low self worth? There is no time-out & then a return to ministry. Sovereign Grace Ministries You said it elastigirl, you said it. In addition to NPD, learning about malignant narcissists can be helpful. Well in the case of church sex scandals, this third one is a doozy. In 2013, The Village Church released a rap album featuring Wimberley with a duet of Wimberley & popular Christian rapper Tedashii. the group of women i was chatting with started looking around in frustration. ++++++++++++. Healthy churches at least live out the example. What did He mean? Hunter Street Baptist Church, 2600 John Hawkins Parkway, Hoover, Alabama 35244 (205) 985-7295 It is extremely difficult to safely extract from someone like that. The Apostle Paul personally wrote a letter to the Corinthian church when he heard what was going on with the sexual sin that had infected it. Dont ask, dont tell? Room assignments will be confirmed 45 days from the start of each semester. Hall was immensely popular as the Plano campus pastor, and was slated to leadCitizens Church, after its roll off as an autonomous campus in late summer 2019. in christian church culture in which I grew up (which mingled between various denominations and traditions), women and men worked together and made decisions together. The "Praise in Motion Dance Ministry" was established, under his leadership. J. C. Pegram - 1897; Rev. or meal plans. You coward. You know the old myth that celebrities die in threes, or something to that effect? A lot of these men are grown and harvested in problematic college ministries, Bible colleges,and discipleship programs when theyre young. Uninvolved dads continued to chat away at the table. Im glad I jumped ship many years ago. Pastor / Church Planting & Strengthening. I think they had only one murder mystery during my favorite seasons 2-5 (with Eric has his apprentice/other sidekick); instead, most of the mysteries were the type a somewhat-shady antique dealer would encounter: fakes, frauds, cons, counter-cons, and general strangeness, all delivered with a wry sense of humor. Continuing reading at this link. With all of the recent news of Jerry & Becki Falwells strange proclivities and now Carl Lentz getting the boot from Hillsong Church because of his infidelity, Im convinced these stories come out in threes. Then you have Taryn andAdam and Andres. Ive watched some of them do terrible things right in front of me and one I am thinking of still thinks he has the right to rule everyone else and is trying (badly) to accomplish that. The information I received IS from a member of Citizens Church, who contacted me to write the post. i think of jesus, who was expressly not about wealth and not about power and not about who gets to be first, but rather things like willingly giving up wealth and power, selflessness, treating others the way you want to be treated nay, actually preferring others to yourself, elevating those at the bottom, humility. In my long tenure of doing church in America, Ive found that some of the most godliest people in church are pew peons. Yes, and dont forget in churches operating under the beauty of complementarity, the men take the lead on everything. Every time I think Ive heard it all, I realize I havent. What we had here were two long-term staff members of The Village Church who were highly regarded, very popular and ready to be launched into an autonomous church body as leaders. If Hunter Hall or Isaac Wimberley try to weasel back into ministry again, lets hope some folks will do a Google search and find this blog post. They also considerably cleaned up Tinker (one of his sidekicks). rejection and threats of ostracization, let alone the fires of hell. Primarily when looking at cluster B disorders, especially NPD and Anti-Social PD. Charlie Hall. I mean, the feelings of some people might be hurt,Read more , Pastors have a sacred duty to maintain moral standards & a good reputation with outsiders (i.e. changes them. The mainline denoms have been screening seminarians for decades, and also intervening when things go wrong. ; the world; I Timothy 3:1-7). We read about their spiritual immaturity and bad behavior every day on TWW. how in the world did this happen? ishy: Can I start a revolution where mental health assessments are a key part of allowing people to be church leaders? It doesnt seem like anyone is requiring the pastors to have any integrity. The leadership has identified a handful of positive implications transitioning could have. email, with two to three preferred tour dates and times, to housing@uhcl.edu. Hall and Wimberley would certainly be in the running. Someday, if they are faithful and true, they will rub shoulders with Pope Piper and King Mohler they will have arrived at The Inner Ring. (Im getting sarcastic). I do have questions: At this point both couples had stopped attending Citizens Church, and Isaac Wimberley had served a short stint as a worship leader at Lake Pointe Churchs White Rock Campus, where former Village Church Northway Campus Pastor Steve Hardin is now the pastor. Of course, they also went to public hangings and bear-baitings for fun. $1,000 per semester scholarship for on-campus living at Hunter Hall. . https://www.podbean.com/eu/pb-puvst-ba4f1e, I have really difficult news that I need to share with you, and its heavy, and its heartbreaking, Im going to read a statement: As Christians, we are called to make war with our sin and through grace to lead lives marked by holiness. She is now back under a different handle while she deals with them. antinomian one who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace the moral law is of no use or obligation; one who rejects a socially established morality. Kids started to get tired. On the other hand, most pulpiteers that I have known were not spiritual men (not Holy Spirit anyway). Those are our people. If we used that criterion alone for Christian leaders, we would have to empty numerous American pulpits. 2014 - May 2018. And total blind spots on insiders is one of those results. Max: If we used that criterion alone for Christian leaders, we would have to empty numerous American pulpits. elastigirl, you were obviously the smartest one of the bunch in that gathering you will never be a lemming. How to Resign from a Church YOU WOMAN! At my former church I came to see that our pastor was a liar. He lied to me personally multiple times, and from the pulpit. 218.35 K USD. This does not compute with me. Pastor Hunter has been preaching for over 25 years, and his unique down-to-earth, real and transparent style of preaching has made him a household favorite among young and old alike. Dont waste peoples time and money (and the efforts of the personnel at the educational institutions) training people for tasks they arent suited to perform. singleman: Im not sure such assessments are required prior to a church hiring a candidate for a pastors position. The Reverend Steve W. Hall has been the proud Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church since 1985. Wimberley was the worship pastor at the Dallas Northway campus before joining Hall at the Plano campus. The reason Im talking about that is because today is the last day Plano is going to be on our stream. The site also notes he was a former chaplain to the Plano Fire and Police. According to this sermon dated April 7, 2019, Chandler says hes known Hall since he was 16 years old. Perry Hunter Hall, Inc . With all of the recent news of Jerry & Becki Falwells strange proclivities and now Carl Lentz getting the boot from Hillsong Church because of his infidelity, Im convinced these stories come out in threes. Agency intact. Headless Unicorn Guy: Antinomanism? Sexually compromised leaders at a church formerly The Village Church - Plano Campus "I was recently contacted by someone who informed me that VERY BAD things have gone on over at Citizens Church Plano (formerly The Village Church-Plano Campus) which involved the campus pastor, Hunter Hall, and the worship pastor, Isaac Wimberley. Becoming a stay-at-home-mom within a conservative Christian sub-culture has made me far more of a feminist (in the traditional definition of the word) than public school, a secular university education, and seven years of working for a liberal/secular college ever did. If there was an actual sexual crime involved with actual victims, that would be a completely different story, but literally no one was hurt. Thanks for sharing! Listen to him preach about those Filthy Romish Papists and their Priestcraft!!!! They are us. The fact that you got your story from someone who wasnt a member and doesnt even know them personally shows that this is slander and gossip, You should have spoken and heard both sides before reporting anything. Much of the 21st century church reminds me of lyrics from an old song Living Life Upside Down (by Truth): What if were knocking at the gates of hell Evangelicalism has a cultural problem. it wasnt like this a few decades ago. Theyre off stream as of this sermon, once this is over, and then they are going to be Citizens Church over there in Plano. Most of these guys are. which goes back to the question if its the environment and ideology messing with people who otherwise wouldnt be that way or is it something already in the person If there is no transparency in the church, it gives non-believers every right to call Christians hypocrites. healthy human beings catch themselves at some point, and get themselves on a better track. And while we're affordable, we're a great value because of how far our degree They are us. Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 meal plans will be available in July 2023. Dr. Louis R. Jones succeeded Dr. Smith as the eighteenth Pastor of West Hunter Street Baptist Church. Where I live, mothers do still handle the greater burden of child care, but fathers are expected to pitch in as well. Sorru tp be sour apples here, but would a psychological assessment have caught any of these four? (its good to have connections, you know). I love to cook but tomorrow we are going to Cracker Barrel which is amusing since Im a foodie. In a letter dated May 25, 2021, Hunter, who is pastor of the Grace Memorial Church on Chicago's West Side, briefed Pelosi on the murder of his 17-year-old great nephew. It came to light Tuesday that in 2016, Hunter Hall committed infidelity with another adult member of our church, which disqualifies him as an elder and staff member and he has therefore been removed from both of those positions. Kevin Hall, Assistant Director. Emilie Polk. WHO IS HUNTER HALL? I was only insightful and wise when they wanted me to be and it fit their agenda. Before moving on I need to say again what I just shared, as it is difficult to process on Tuesday of this past week, the elders of Citizens Church were informed that Hunter Hall committed infidelity with an adult member of our church, resulting in him being disqualified as an elder and being removed as both an elder and staff member. This may only work IF your not the king in your own kingdom. https://www.lewissociety.org/innerring/. This person believes that they are the worst of all sinners to ever live and they deserve nothing good that they have. Suffering Puritan? i.e. I dont know how fundavangelicalism does it, but it left me both extremely shocked and somehow not. Former Village Church Satellite Rocked by Allegations Concerning Its Former Pastor, Before You Sign: What You Need to Know About Membership Covenants, Sexually compromised leaders at a church formerly The Village Church Plano Campus Divorce Minister. When I learned that the chairman of the elders board at my church had been swinging with his much younger second wife (who had been coerced into it), had defrauded a church member and a person from outside the church, then committed insurance fraud a number of times (one of which caused an innocent fatality), it was shocking and sickening. Gridlock'd. Waist Deep. Bill Decker, Executive Pastor. past experiences with them all was reinforced at that moment, and I looked at them all and realized they all had been conditioned to do nothing until the pastor initiated something. Im convinced that New Calvinism is comprised of concentric inner rings. Movies. Christianity has become more about having correct ideology than pure hearts and how people exercise the faith. I dont get why it is okay to publicly gossip and humiliate them. At one point, cars did not have headlights. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hunter Hall offers temporary housing for short-term guests. And arrested their development at that point, if not regressed it to toddler level. over 40 minors to choose from, UHCL has something for every interest. Yes you read that right..a PASTOR (Hunter Hall & his wife), a WORSHIP PASTOR (Isaac & his wife) were swapping spouses & engaging in illicit sexual encounters and word was getting out. The technical skills can be learned as needed, but the human element, things like gentleness, grace and patience, in pastoral ministry is much harder to impart in the classroom setting. Rex Barrett. A common term that is used is, passing the trash. Trust me, that ego got deflated. And, my board had ongoing assessment while home on furlough. And remember, Calvin was an accomplice to murder. Too much money and power, and too many eyes gazing admiringly at you, is likely to mess with you, no matter how well you start out. According to this sermon dated April 7, 2019, Chandler says hes known Hall since he was 16 years old. Im glad you were able to recognize it and hopefully endure smear campaigns and abuse if that happened after you left. But theres a system and construct that keeps leading to this sort of thing. Rev. In other words, they keep candidates humble. Rev. Outside that shes just kind of sitting there in his mind. there just werent a lot of charged issues. 2700 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 77058, Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Awareness (Title IX). Need a place to stay while working at NASA, with a local internship, or visiting the life, and maximize your UHCL experience.During your visit/stay with us, be prepared for a safe and healthy-conscious environment, I will start off the post here and send you on to her website to finish it off. We will do everything we can to walk with ever person impacted by this, not just now, but in the months to come.. I suspect that the revolution will come, if it comes at all, from below. perhaps they are rather normal, but something about The Village Church culture made them feel like celebrity superstars with power enough to be immune to the rules the apply to lesser beings. Wow. Executive Assistant to Josh Kouri. These are open ended questions that are yet to be answered. We are their people. The professors there make constant demands of students, and are constantly pointing out areas in need of improvement. Wimberley has also previously performed at Lake Pointes summer youth camp, Journey. This ensures that the PUBLIC knows about the reputation (good or bad) of the pastor and whether or not he is qualified to be an elder in the church. If theyre not truly saved and they continue to refuse to put their faith in Christ, they will suffer for all eternity for this and for every other sin theyve ever committed. They wanted to make sure their kids knew the church loved them and didnt abandon them. Its toxic (fundagelical culture) and it puts a monkey wrench into human flourishing. Hunter Hall was a longtime staff member at The Village Church, most recently as the Campus Pastor of the Plano location (until August 2019). Yet another sign that Christians are Late Adopters. Atheism Uber Alles. I notice grandiose statements in Christian schools and churches mission, marketing statements all the time. elastigirl: and then in-groups and out-groups are created. In fiction, the trick to writing a loveable rogue character is you have to take him right up to the edge of becoming A Bad Guy, have him dance right along that line (for tension), but never actually have him take a step over it. Wild Honey: I finally walked up and said, Hey, maybe the dads could break up the party in the back?. before they move into the next ring closer to the center where the big-boys live, the ring from which all rings come forth.Someday, if they are faithful and true, they will rub shoulders with Pope Piper and King Mohler they will have arrived at The Inner Ring. YOU SHUT UP!. Abigail: Regarding james beamers comment about calling out the wivesyes their sin is disgusting but its the MEN onstage every sunday claiming to speak for God! . Hunter is a recent graduate and loves investing in relationships. Wives arent really a person for some of them rather theyre only a plot device for the husbands personal grand narrative, the wife didnt exist before she met the husband and she doesnt exist now outside his preferences. Swingin while preachin Jesus is a new low point in the American church. And I believe Chandler made those comments before all this took place. He, along with Hunter Hall, were members of the band Folk Angel, and Wimberley has gained notoriety for his spoken word presentations, most notably on the album Tell Us of the Night (Christmas album.) So would I Max. In August 2020, an announcement was made to the members of Citizens Church that there would be another meeting with an update concerning Hunter Hall. Our church made a mistake about 15 years ago in hiring an associate pastor at a time when some key people were under a lot of strain. Corrupt churches lack safeguards because they prize their corruption. He never really liked it as he thought if it continued, you might have only 10-15 pastors left in the country. If youre elect, then the P in TULIP teaches that youre never out no matter what. FORMER VILLAGE CHURCH SATELLITE ROCKED BY ALLEGATIONS CONCERNING ITS FORMER PASTOR. I might work myself up to a 10-pack of Haines socks for something terrible, and stinky, sweaty socks for the truly awful. There is no restoration for immoral pastors. Just like Pedo Pastors, someone really needs to start a Take-a-Number System. Yes, these men as individuals did these things. Those are our people. Net worth. Their perceptions had little to almost nothing to do with what my thoughts or intentions were about a subject and didnt match me as a person at all. Calvinism in general would lead toward that. it was evening, it was getting colder. i am justified in being critical (but i call it realistic). Pastor Willie Hunter Jr. and Lady Shauna Cobb-Hunter, have been married over 20 years and are blessed with three children, Noah, Caleb and Leah. Gods grace is the ONLY way anybody can ever be saved and resorting to a false faith plus works gospel is never the answer. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them., [] SWINGING PASTORS? The first floor of Hunter offers a gender inclusive restroom. Gordon McPherson 1901 - 1903 The church followed through on their promise to support the two families, keeping them on the payroll for a short time. Aaron Addison. How come its the men wife swapping! One example if a person was being evaluated over the course of therapy sessions: Phone: 281-283-2615Email: housing@uhcl.eduHunter Hall635 Bayou Road Houston, TX 77058-1002Office hours:Mon. Youth, beauty, and the latest smart phones are the markers that matter nowadays. They have matured in their faith at The Village Church. The fires of hell still handle the greater burden of child care, but it me. Construct that keeps leading to this sermon dated April 7, 2019, says. Fur die Goyim contacted me to be answered would a psychological assessment have any! And harvested in problematic college Ministries, Bible colleges, and from the start of each semester be answered to. 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