28. James 4:1-2. Allah ordered a pen to write everythings qadr even before creating the earth and heavens. God will not change your spouse for you. When God does bring your spouse back, you need to be strong . As you and I continue to pray Psalm 51 daily and other scriptures, please pray that your beloved spouse or teenager or young adult will want to go to church with you or that they, on their own, will start seeking the Lord. His sacrifices did not go unnoticed. It reminded me of when I was in my prodigal time and God delivered me, and it was just like you described. We get trapped in a vicious cycle of self contempt and fleshly pleasure. The more you show us the Christ like love and peace within you, the more restless, uneasy, uncomfortable and far from peaceful we become. I love him and miss him greatly, but i kn ow God will have his way. Thank you so much for sharing this!!!! Thank you so much for posting thisI come and read it every time I feel like giving up or look at my circumstances, and as of today, I am giving my husband completely to God .. Romans 12:18But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. Meanwhile, as I wait, I share what God can and will do as if Hes already done it. "God, Change My Spouse" Today's message is from Bob, who was a prodigal who returned home and was remarried to me for an additional 23 years before the Lord took him home to Heaven. The post-pigsty prodigal recognized his behavior meant he deserved to be disowned as a son. Once your spouse comes into your house, Allah SWT will increase your rizq, and put blessing in your earnings. After four months, my husband finally returned home, and two years later, Im happy to say that we are fully committed and very much in love. Just do your responsibility carefully, and things will get better. The one spouse who has been left behind then starts praying to God to bring their spouse back home. In the arrest stage the enemy is looking for a reason to arrest you, accuse you of wrongdoing and you will identify who your Judas are/is in your circle. After all these years of asking God to bring him to sobriety, I feel like there's no point in continuing to pray, but I keep praying anyways." (You can read the story of how God used my brother's addiction to convict me and the beginning of the story here) And then I went to church this Sunday. I have been believing for Gods restoration of my marriage and my Husbands salvation for two years next month. I have been reading the Word of our Lord and sometimes feel like a little fish in too big of an ocean. In the resurrection stage, you will experience life improvements, healing and walk into your harvest season. I am having an amazing time reading the Word and meditating on two different stories. And in Gods time he will be back or I will hear from him. Though her husband professed to be a Christian, there was no fruit indicating that he had a genuine relationship with the Lord. !. Be encouraged. "What is my prodigal spouse thinking?" abandoned spouses want to know. The Prodigal Spouse. I dont recommend this every time you speak, but perhaps monthly or bi-weekly depending on how often you talk. Once you realize these signs of help from Allah SWT it will be a little easier for you to move on. Luke 6:27-28, 36. So I needed to hear your testimony today so Id know exactly how to express myself to him. Thank you for reminding me of my deliverance and the promises of God. God Is Touching Prodigal Spouses' Hearts -, So true Bronx! But, as a life partner, you should be able to forgive your spouses mistakes as long as it is not something severe like cheating. In the intro paragraph, it says that Proverbs 16:1 says that there is no wisdom or insight or plan that will succeed against the lord. Before, you give up on your partner, give it to God. YOU ARE JOINT HEIRS WITH JESUS CHRIST! It says I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. Hope for Hurting Marriages Purposed Marriage. He can send the storm in so many different ways. When you're in the storm, you tend to be fearful, angry and frustrated. And I am so looking forward to what is to come and that my husband will be back in a right relationship with the Lord. You and your spouse forgive each other for past mistakes. I know that my test will one day be my testemony as well. And we are once again blessed that Stephanie has been led to share her experience as a prodigal and the insight gained through her experience and being restored to the Lord, which she posted on the private FAM Fellowship website last night. While the enemy is coming for you, dont be surprised if it seems as if everyone including your prodigal spouse disowns you and stops supporting you. Nothing can make a marriage last like God can. There can be a prodigal spouse; there can be a prodigal brother or sister / an extended family relationship. So please take the time to read and meditate on the following scripture references because we have to put our hope in the power and promise of Gods Word as we stand in faith and obedience for the deliverance of our adulterous spouses and the restoration of our marriages and families. However, this does not mean that those who are struggling to find a spouse do not receive help from Allah SWT in this regard. We pray this because we love them. Thats actually Proverbs 21:30. A couple must remember religious worship and obligations to ensure that their iman is strong and that they can handle difficult situations with that strength. Thank you for your words of encouragement! I love him and am praying for him and the NCP (that was really hard) each day. Many people just dont get why you go to church, or why you read that bible full of old stories. And the adulterous spouse does not try to make little of what he or she did. If you feel that your relationship is better now than the previous one, its one of the signs that God is working on your marriage, and hopefully, it will get better gradually. And hearing of your restoration boosts my own hope that no matter how hard the heart and no matter how long the struggle, GOD IS STILL GOD AND HE IS EVEN MORE CONCERNED ABOUT OUR MARRIAGES THAN WE ARE! Parable of the Prodigal Spouse The prodigal son isn't the only story of a prodigal in Scripture. I've spent countless, exhausting hours in my fleeting life working to portray myself as a person I know I'm not. Its so amazing when someone here in the Earthly Realm who you have never met pretty much tells you word for word what God has personally spoken and shown you in the spiritual Realm. So I truly appreciate you taking the time to read all Scripture references for yourself and that youd also take the time to point out my mistake, which as youll see, Ive corrected! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!! A daily devotional that will offer encouragement from God's Word as you stand for the restoration of your marriage. Always stay strong in Christ and rememberWhat would Jesus do! Amen! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Like the prodigal son, we are prodigal wives. Thank you so much for sharing this, Stephanie. This message forum is for those who God has called to stand for their marriage. You will search far for a book that is this open about the prodigal . Also, as long as it is not about haram matters, both of you should respect each others opinions and actions. We even think our children will be "just fine"-another lie. This testimony really helped me, especially the part about its not about feelingsits about Gods promise. And its really important to understand that feelings do not matter!!! Thank you, Sunshine! Now, it can happen that you do not have that much money or a stable job to provide the necessary stuff for your family. 9. Why? If its that youre continuously working on yourself, and the same goes for your spouse, both of youre working to be a better spouse for each other, its a very bold sign of Allah SWT mercy. Your testimony has given me joy and happiness and a longing to know God more and to be like him. Soften my heart, dear Lord, and allow my prayers to bring nothing but the greatest blessings . Its important to use discernment when addressing your prodigal. it is by the grace of God that I came across this website and your post tonight. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. Thank you, your testimonies always encourage us. Now, peace overflows in both of . Report an Issue | Now, there are two parts when it comes to making mistakes, and forgiving each other. UNDERSTAND, this promise has to die in order for it to be raised back to life. Thank you so much for yielding to the Holy Spirit and presenting this much needed information. By . Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 at 6:47 pm in Seeds Of Faith. Your spouse does not take responsibility for your past mistakes, and neither do you. 12. I was restless, discontented, unhappy, and unable to sleep. Regardless of your financial condition, work stress, kids issues, and other problems, if you find peace and contentment with your marriage life, rest assured that God wanted you to be with someone to reduce stress from your shoulders. It may seem strange, but not all couples feel close. The post-pigsty prodigal spouse does not try to minimize what he or she did. Many havent looked through Spiritual Eyes, but I have and your testimony explained exactly what I saw. But you on the other hand, have God and the Holy Spirit, and all of his angels on your left, and on your right, in front of you, behind you, and everywhere you go. Final. If you find signs that indicate trust, affection, care, respect, and forgiveness in your relationship, you can rest assured that God wants you to stand for the marriage. Its Thanksgiving and Im not with my family and havent seen my kids, which makes it hard enough, but I will continue to pray and stand on Gods word concerning the restoration of my marriage. Shane got worse before he got better. People make mistakes, and thats what makes them human. All About Marriage, Family and Relationships. I guarantee you right now that your prodigal spouse is not peaceful because there is no true peace in sin (Isaiah 48:22). Thank you so much for your testimony, your encouragement, and that you feel led by God to share these past two posts. I have witnessed this in my spouse as well. And He is not interested in what makes you comfortable. We all need that. They think that the bible has nothing to offer them in this day and time. A blessed spouse is one who keeps all promises and words, even when things don't work out between husband and wife. Thank you. Philippians 2:1-5 . He took a deep breath and began to exit the car. Pray for each other and remember to worship, 13. I love Jesus and I love my family. And nothing is impossible for God. The starting point for that to happen is forgiveness. If you guys trust each other, it is a super positive sign that Allah put the right person in your life. Marriage is one of the signs of Allah SWT and there are often signs that God is working in your marriage that you may not even be aware of.table of contentsSigns God Wants You to Be With Someone1. Bob: Yes; but there can be other kinds of prodigals. Regardless of the difficulties in your life, your relationship with your spouse will grow stronger and vice versa. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." ( Psalm 46:1) "The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." ( Psalm 9:9) "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." ( Romans 15:13) This may not suit you, but if your spouse always supports you and helps you to become the best version of yourself, take it as a blessing from Allah SWT that you have given to someone who will make sure you see it through to the end. One of the signs that God is working in your marriage is that you will find that your spouse is willing to do anything to please you, to get your attention. But it saddens me to see so many marriages in trouble and made me feel selfish, which I know is the root of so much sin. For that, you must bepraying for each other Also, for worldly matters, couples should pray for each other to do things on their behalf. With time, I came to understand that God had transformed his heart and his godly sorrow was sincere. When You Always Feel Closer to Your Spouse, 9. We believe we could never be a good spouse to you because weve hurt you so deeply and we love the NCP. And how are you now? 13 Signs God is Working on Your Marriage September 20, 2022 by Noble Marriage Marriage is one of the signs of Allah SWT, and oftentimes there are signs God is working on your marriage that you might not even realize. Feelings come and go. God met him where he was. Why? You may have issues that your spouse doesn't like, but the point is, you need to work on yourself to improve those issues. Its been hard for me to pray since the divorce, so everything you said was reassuring. 5 Proven Ways to Fix Zsh Command Not Found Error on macOS [Bash and Zsh]. He never stopped working on my husband's heart and transforming him. Yet at the same time, I thought I had . Things might not work as you planned after six months or a year of the marriage. Whatever the feelings, we have to acknowledge them before we can deal with them. We are searching for a way to remain faithful to our vows while our prodigals are still in the pig pens of life, so I pray that God continues to use this site for many years to come. How do you let go and let God fix your marriage? Now I feel broken a little. He's now going through the motions of a Prodigal Husband. During our pause, it was evident to Tommy when the Lord was working on me and softening my heart. So he has two deceived people under his control and manipulation. May you be blessed amply by our Lord for sharing your testimony as a prodigal. Praise the Lord that you came to your senses and trusted God to restore you marriage. Your testimony has increased my faith in God by knowing what my spouse is passing through in the spiritual realm. (Proverbs 19:11) 2. Perhaps Im rambling; but this is my pointthere is no peace for the prodigal!!! The truth is that it has already been done for methey just dont see it yet. Someone who is self-focused is typically prideful, and we know what the bible says about pride. Why isn't God answering your prayers for a Christian husband or wife? Allah ordered a pen to write the qadr of everything even before he created the earth and the heavens. Also, you will constantly remember the duties to Allah SWT. God hears your cries and understands your desire for healing and restoration, so dont give up on the process. A Good Intention Converting to Islam for marriage, Before Considering a Proposal How to Pray Istikhara for Marriage, Friendship Between Man and Woman in Islam. I was contemplating giving up my stand this weekendBUT GOD! Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Even a word or two spoken to a cashier, waitress or employee you work with can move mountains and set. | Cru, 15 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Restoration - ChristiansTT, Restore Your Marriage: 10 Tips That Will Change Your Life, When to wait and when to let go - Rescuing Marriages, God's Will to Restore Marriage After Divorce: Read This If You Trust God to Restore Your Marriage. All Rights Reserved. More Prayers for Prodigals. 4. Your husband needs Christ and you know that. But as a life partner, you should be able to forgive your spouse's mistakes, as long as it's not something serious like cheating. This might not get your attention, but if your spouse is always supportive and helpful for you to become the best version of you, take him/her as a blessing from Allah SWT that he gave you someone who will make sure you make it till the end. Repentance is necessary before reconciliation can occur and Gods Word calls us to reconcile relationships. If youre unable to identify those, this section will help you in this regard. Thank you! Your relationship looks better than before. When you are about to get married, and looking for a spouse, there are signs telling you that you are getting help from Allah regarding your marriage. God-ordained Spouses who God has standing and praying for your prodigal spouse will find themselves going through the stages below. It was as if my wife had written it, because she has said/done nearly all of what you have mentioned. Thank you so much for this word!!!!!! Ive had a real problem with my feelings, so thats really a big help to me. Thank you, Stephanie, and thank you all. Yes, it may be that your spouse is a Christian or you thought so, at one time. Things might also seem that Allah is punishing you through your spouse. My husband and the NCP just legalized their adultery last month, but I will not give up. Romans 5:8 Do all you can to live in peace with everyone. How was your relationship with your husband or wife a year ago? Parents of prodigals feel helpless. Someone just sent me this link and it helped me to understand what my husband is doing/feeling. I have been married for thirty-one years and separated for six months, and I have FAITH that my Lord will restore my marriage. you two, thehusbandand the wife will be happy that Allah SWT brought them together. During the last twenty years of marriage ministry, the question Bob has been asked most often has been, "What is it like for my prodigal spouse?" In The Prodigal's Perspective, Bob gives answers from his heart to dozens of questions that are on the hearts of men and women standing with God for marriage restoration. Your gratitude growsSigns that Go. Copyright 2005-2023 Faith And Marriage Ministries. Love is a means of survival. Thank you so much for this testimony. But the word Gospel means: good news. When I was in what I call my prodigal moments, there was a period of time when I was in the thick of sin and God was tapping me on the shoulder, but I ignored him. Thank you sooo much for posting this!! And He can. If you're one of those lucky couples and you both feel close, consider yourself blessed. I am new to this site, and want to know what NCP stands for. Your Spouse Spends More Time with You, 12. However, there are still signs God is restoring your marriage from time to time. Speak life into a young adult. All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others, MySpace !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); I hope this helped! So Ive given my wife and marriage to God and know that He is faithful and Im not going to just focus on me and my family anymore. I knew that the Lord would be faithful. It was told by Jesus to His followers to illustrate God's love and forgiveness, even when one would abandon the security and blessings God has bestowed, to follow a fallen "wisdom" over that which God has provided. I will stand with the LORD and fight for the restoration of my marriage. Whether it is for friends, colleagues, family members, and other non-influential individuals, it is never healthy for your relationship. Congratulations! Bob, a returned prodigal, has been asked most often, "What is it like for my prodigal spouse?" In The Prodigal's Perspective, Bob gives answers from his heart to dozens of questions that are on the hearts of men and women standing with God for marriage restoration. After twenty-five years together and nineteen years of marriage, Ive had no contact with my husband for ten months and he lives with the NCP. May God bless you. You start to feel like God left you and changed his mind about the promise. Posted Stepping outside your comfort zone forces trust in the Lord and growth in your spiritual walk. Continue spreading your testimony and encouraging Covenant Spouses to take the narrow road and Stand in the gap for their Covenant Spouses while they are away in the far country. God Bless you. That awkward and uncomfortable feeling also produces authenticity. (Mark 10:27) Do you believe in me? It is common for even a religious person to feel weak in iman and good works. And the prodigal does what FEELS right; not what IS right. Matthew 26, 27, 28 is where you can read and learn more about each stage of the process. 2. If you are continually working on yourself, and the same applies to your spouse, both of you are working on being better spouses for each other, that is a very bold sign of Allah SWT's mercy. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I pray these steps come in handy. I LOVE HIM!!!! "Then 'unexplainably,' she said after all those years the Spirit turned on the light and brought about a dramatic change in her husband. I would like to ask for prayer support as I also am in the midst of marriage problems. And we point out your faults so we can justify our sin to ourselves. The enemy is at work trying to bury this love story by throwing dirt on your name, holding your past against you, sending counterfeits after counterfeits your prodigal way. Therefore, if you already have a job or business, from which you earn a good amount of money or the amount is enough for a small family, consider this as your Lord's first sign that he is providing rizq for his wife. Thats because after marriage, your sins will have consequences in your marriage life, and the same goes for your spouse. 5) Hold on to hope. Find ways to love and serve your prodigal without expecting anything in return. He did. In this stage people are mocking you. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. That is exactly why Satan put this person in our path. Sooner or later for those promises and words, things will get a lot better between you guys. Not only will this create a healthy dialogue, but it will also shine a light into whats happening in the life of your prodigal. Believe the words out of Gods mouth. It is just as you said; good moments, bad moments and you never know what will be the next time. And when we do, we will without a doubt be blessed and encouraged beyond belief!). I do not want my husband to remain in pain or to suffer, but knowing that he is not resting easy helps calm my fears. If you are one of those lucky couples, and both of you feel close to each other, consider yourselves blessed. He/she will make you forget about those issues for a while, and encourage you to keep pushing to your limits to make sure your end goes well. Your spouse doesnt hold accountable for your past mistakes, neither do you. Making mistakes after marriage is quite common. As soon as your spouse enters your house, Allah SWT will increase your rizq and bless your earnings. Here is the Christian advice you need for su. If there is no trust, there will eventually be a divorce. Hosea took her away from the men who had used her, gave her a home, and had children by her. Desiring your prodigal to have a restored relationship with the Lord should far outweigh the longing for a restored marriage. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. So wipe your tears just like I had to tonight, and get up and act like a child of the most high God!!!! | vfa. Im praying that God will work in my heart and in my husbands heart as well. Now I am the one standing for my marriage and praying that my husband will end things with the NCP and come back home. This post was my mantra as I waited for my prodigal husband to leave his NCP, and I would turn to it whenever I got discouraged. Hope is as vital to your soul as air is to your lungs. One of the signs God is working on your marriage is that you will find your spouse is willing to do anything possible to please you, to seek your attention. 31, Dont Blame God on Your Divorce Podcast Ep. One of the more common questions is, do you think my prodigal is open to the possibility of restoration. That's because after marriage, your sins will have consequences in your married life, and the same goes for your spouse. Peace. This will reduce the chances ofunnecessary arguments. Philippians 4:6, For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. Now there are two parts when it comes to making mistakes and forgiving each other. Prodigals live in an illusionary world that they believe in. Thank you for writing this. Keep hope by trusting God to heal your marriage -, How To Know If You Have Been Dismissed From Your Marriage - Dr. Carol Ministries, 17 Incredible Signs That God Is At Work In Your Marriage, Click here to read Fighting for Your Marriage While You're Apart by Linda W. Rooks, 10 Signs Your Marriage Is Built on Christ, Faith and Marriage Ministries Blog Archive Faith in God will restore our marriages, Advocating for Reconciliation in Your Marriage, Marriage Restoration Prayers | spiritual gifts today, Does a good god want me in a bad marriage? "Father, please make them unable to clearly see what to do; please cause confusion." (verse 6b) 3. I so love my Husband and with each day, desire more and more to be restored with him. Im so glad God led your heart to publish this for all the souls He sends to search for His face. As a stander, this is time for you to grow in Him! Desiring your prodigal to have a restored relationship with the Lord should far outweigh the longing for a restored marriage. (Deuteronomy 3:24) Do you believe I can bring you through this?, So when you are hurting, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 147:3. When you are angry, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 135:14. When you are tearful, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 126:5. When you are fearful, rememberits not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Isaiah 41:10. And when you are disappointed or discouraged, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 34:18.. In the Lutheran Church's Order of the Holy Communion, during the distribution of the bread and cup, the minister would say: "Take, eat; this is the true body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . The Lord changed my hopeless, angry heart in an instant when my husband left and instilled a spirit of steadfastness in me, even when I felt like the injured party. If you are still broken hearted, you need more time. He is living in another relationship and has been for about 18 months now but I know this will not last as she is 20 years younger than my Husband. It seems that Satan is really going after the family and marriage. Im so familiar with that particular passage of Scripture and cant believe I made such a mistake! Today, your prodigal spouse is distant; tomorrow pleasant; the next day angry; and the next happy-as if life couldn't be better. It is common even for a religious person to feel weak in iman and good deeds. To maintain a family well, you will have to have a minimum amount of earnings to provide for the family. He or she will put these issues off your mind for a while and encourage you to keep doing what you can to make sure your ending is a good one. You must love them! But He won't. Let me clarify. Just carry out your responsibility carefully and things will get better. Are you praying for a spouse? )Adore your Savior, who came to seek and to save the lost. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. 21 Signs God Is Restoring Your Marriage - Daily Marriage Forever, Defend your marriage. How was your relationship with your husband or wife a year ago? Im standing for my marriage and praying for my husband and the NCP as well (and for her marriage as well). Today so Id know exactly how to express myself to him makes them human really a help... In Seeds of Faith not matter!!!!!!!... Why Satan put this person in your earnings, I pray these steps come in handy was... Partner, give it to be disowned as a stander, this section help! So much for this Word!!!!!!!!!! Will hear from him with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God to their... 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