Ki nga korero tawhito, ko Hoturoa o runga i te waka nei i a Tainui, te mea tuatahi i tanumia ki Muriwhenua. 10 Hei whakamaurutanga moku ki te iwi, e. Gold plate.Actually it was the copper of the European. Te Karaka.He pakeha no mua; tera ano kei tetahi waiata, e penei ana:, 18. Ka momotu ki tawhiti, ki Paerau. 6. E kiia ana hoki i kohua te upoko o Parua ki roto i taua taha. Ka tikina, e, takahia te au o te wai, Stream Troy & Tangihaere - Kaore Te Aroha by Aotearoasmosttalented on desktop and mobile. 5 Ka pa kai raro, kai te pohatu; I waiatatia mai i Taporaroa, kei te pito whakararo o te moana. Te Tora was a brother of Hikitanga; who was killed by the Ngati-Kahungunu at Tuhara (Whakaki) in the district of Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, the killing was a murder. Ko te Auahi te ingoa o te wahi i patua ai te Whanau-a-Hinetapora, he mea patu kohuru na Ngati-Ira. E hika ma e! Mokai te ngakau te whakatau iho, Sweet sound of your voice.In the Maori term Waha kai rongorongo, a pleasant speaking or singing voice. Ka u kai tohou one, kai Whekenui, e. This inspired the composition of the song by Turiwhewhe whilst she was at Paoteki, in the district of Aorangi, the name of the assembly house there was Hemo-o-Tawake. In Grey's Nga Moteatea, it is given as Ngamotu. The explanation for that is the claim made that the lament was composed by the forbears of Te Wharepouri, the people of Te Wharepouri belonged to the district of Ngamotu. Hikurangi.Ko te maunga nui kei te tai rawhiti. Then another woman appeared, Te Hunawerawera by name, and she took the husband, fleeing with him to Taitai. On arrival at the home of the seer he asked which of the two, he or Poroa, would survive (the battle). Tipi-a-Taikehu.This is one of the peaks on Hikurangi. 20. Ratanui.In the locality of Tikirau (Whangaparaoa). E noho ana a Te Whatanui, a Ngati Raukawa, a Ngati-Tuwharetoa i te motu i Te Roto-a-Tara, e kiia nei ko Te Awarua-o-Porirua, i reira hoki te pa. Ka tutaki nga taua ki Kahotea; ka mate ki reira a Te Momo, na Peketahi o Ngapuhi i patu. Dual wives.Ngakuru Pene Haare explains puna-tau-tokorua as being synonymous with the more common punarua meaning having two wives, or the second wife. Na, mo te moe punarua te take o te waiata nei. I whai a Taranaki maunga kia riro i a ia nga wahine a Tongariro. Ka kawa nga ware, ka waikoherikitia, The Maori often retain their juvenile names for use among relatives, friends and fellow-tribesmen. 1. This is a lullaby, with aspects of a lament, by Nohomaiterangi for his sons Te Hauapu and Pani-taongakore. Or is it a word expressing fear and doubt. That then is tautenga (which the translator has feebly rendered as harvest.). When this Maori woman was missing, Ruarangi set out to search for her. Tenei ka irirangi kei runga ia, I whakawhaiaipo ia ki a Te Toko, ara, Te Mahutu, he rangatira no Waikato, no Ngati-Maniapoto. Pp ake nei i te mauri o te aroha He hononga ki te iwi kua whakangaro Orona.Ko te parekura o Ngati-Tuwharetoa i a Tuhoe. No Mere Whakaoi ka pouaru ka moea e Karauria Kauri. 14. Whakarongo te taringa, About a year later the Ngati-Te-Kohera, a sub-tribe of Ngati-Tuwharetoa, went to live in Hawkes Bay. He married as his senior wife, Matahira, of the Ngai-Taharora, of Te Whanau-a-Rakairoa also. Tahuri mai o mata te tihi ki 'Tirau I te tautenga o te kaharoa, Ka rere nga rangatira, a Kiwara ma ki te arai, kei taona. Whakatiakina ra e nga iwi nunui According to Rikihana the war canoes of Ngapuhi in latter times were of kauri. The war-parties met at Kahotea, where Te Momo was killed by Peketahi of Ngapuhi. He kaiwhakatairanga a Leonardo DiCaprio ina he kawe i etahi atu ahua pahau. Ko tenei waiata me ona whakamarama na Raureti Mokonuiarangi i homai ki a Apirana Ngata. The Cave at Oremu).It is a place for the dead between Waihi and Tokaanu, Lake Taupo. It was Rangaika who killed him at Orangiamoa (Wairoa). 9. Te Taite, however, explains it is a word expressing anxiety and apprehension. E taututetute ana, kia puta ia ki waho re e i, 18/73, S. 72, S. Hoki mai e roto ki te puia nui ki Toknu, 36. 'Rehu.Short for Tukorehu. I te Pukeronaki te uru ki te whenua; In the meantime that man had gone to acquaint his friends of the beauty of his wife. 5 I a Pehia, i a Toheriri, kai a Kehu, a te hoa; Mate ki te iwi. Ka whiri nga mate ki nga momo rangatira 2. The singing of this song has encircled the land; it is sung at times of mourning for the dead, it is most effective when sung by a company of singers. E kiia ana, na tetahi kuia o Tuhourangi, he tangi mo nga rangatira maha o tera iwi i mate i te horonga o Mokoia i a Ngapuhi. Roto-a-Tara.He roto kei Heretaunga. 22. The Karewa, mentioned in the song, is the island of that name lying outside the harbours of Aotea and Kawhia, and is not at Tauranga as Sir Apirana Ngata surmised and as recorded in his Nga Moteatea Part 1, p. 37. Mo te aitua o nga rangatira maha o Tuhourangi, e whakahuahuatia nei e te waiata nei, te tikanga o tera kupu I te whakatere kino o Mokonuiarangi.. He atua te tane whakaako i te itinga, He oriori, ahua tangi ano, na Nohomaiterangi mo ana tamariki mo te Hauapu raua ko Pani-taongakore. P. 96. as Waiata mo Te Kawana n ate Kawau Te Tawa and he gives the following information:-. Te whakamaranga i te Pourewa. Ko te Pukeronaki ta raua tamaiti. 55. 17. 15. Kaore te Aroha Mohukihuki ana - an old love song Kaore te Aroha e Huri Runga Ra - longing for northern iwi . Kia whakatomokia te hanga kikino nei. Hei tawhaowhao paenga tai; It is said that the head of Parua was boiled in the calabash. Boiled.In the Maori text kohua. Bishop Williams' version is kuhua (insert). E whanatu ana koe ki a te Rewarewa ra, Na to mana, tangohia atu te mea e aukati ana i a maatau ki te aroha ki te Atua, he arai mo te whakatinanatanga o te oranga Karaitiana. 1. Whakapapa, Kuramahinono (f) = Te Whatuiapiti = Te Aopatuwhare (f), W.M., Te Rangiwawahia, Hikawaha, Nohomaiterangi = Te Whatumariari, Kiripunoa, Te Hauapu, Pani-Taongakore, Tapuhara, Te Rakautaha, Tohuangaterangi (kei raro), Te Hika, Wharetutu, Rangipuawhe, Ihaia Hutana, Tohuangaterangi = Tapuhara, Tukutahi, Ngarangi Kapuaha, Tatari, Pareihe Kaiate-kokopu, Te Hapuku, Patukaikino, Karanema Te Nahu, Hoera Pareihe, Arihi Te Nahu, Retia Pareihe, Hori Tupaea ma. Kei te mata ngira tonu te ngotonga ki roto ra. Te Turi p. 41.E penei ana, Koe tama e tu mai ra i te hori ki te tonga e, Ki a Te Tawhitawhi ra, me aha atu koe ra., 5. Kua tawhio te motu i tenei waiata; e tangihia ana i nga matenga tupapaku; he waiata pai hoki ki nga reo tokomaha. This song is a lament by Hinekaukia for her son who was burnt by fire at Kereruhuahua, in the district of Waipaoa, in the Gisborne area. Te Hanawai.An ancestor of Ngati-Whatua, who was said to have been the repository of the leprosy disease. Ko Te Hemanawa i paea ki uta, ka makaia ki runga ki te whata-aruhe. 6. Ripiroaiti was the wife of Ruarangi, who came on board Kupe's canoe from across the ocean, when he (Kupe) came to this country. Parua. Aue! The people of the Ringatu (Upraised Hand) Church know of Hamiora Aparoa, he lived at Ohiwa. ka puta ra ra! Ka titiro whakatemoana te iwi ra; hoki rawa mai te titiro kua ngaro te wahine nei, kua hoki ki tona iwi patupaiarehe. Ka haramai tenei, ka wakahaumitia, Toea mai ra te ata i Houhora! She composed this song on the death of Te Momo at Kahotea, near Roto-a-Tara, in Hawkes Bay. 13. At Tauranga-a-kumu, Tukorehu allowed Te Hapuku to escape. This took place at the time when there was much warfare in the Hawkes Bay district, and it was invaded at various times by Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati-Raukawa, Waikato, Ngati-Maru, Ngati-Maniapoto, Ngati-Paoa, Ngapuhi and Ngati-Whatua, and severe defeats were inflicted on the people of Hawkes Bay and Wairarapa. Mate kuware.He mate kohuru hoki te mate o Taneuarangi ma. 25 Ki taku makau tupu, e. Te Rohu was a daughter of Te Heuheu Tukino, by his senior wife Nohopapa. 3. is used. Pukeronaki.He puke hei waenganui o Tongariro o Ngauruhoe; e kiia ana ko te tamaiti tera a Tongariro raua ko Pihanga. 10 Te rau o te amokura, Ngati-Waiora.The sub-tribe of Te Houhou. (The Poetess has made an oblique reference to the adulteress behaviour of Te Hunawerawera in this line, by a play of words on the name of the peak Te Tone-o-Houku (The Clitoris of Houku). Tera atu pea tona roanga, kei nga mea e mohio ana. Ka tonoa iho e Te Rangipouri, he turehu, tona tamahine a Parearohi, ki te moe tane Maori mana, hei mea e tuhono ai tona iwi turehu ki te iwi Maori i runga i tona mohio iho, kua riro te mana o te motu nei i te iwi Maori. Tuki ana i te whenua, This song was also published in McGregor's book, Maori Songs, p. 57, but there were several obvious errors in that text. In T. Turi p. 41.After the words Grieving for this line reads as follows:. Tirohia i te Waiata 55.). Ka korero raua ko Poroa, he rangatira tera no Te Rarawa, me ko wai o raua te mea toa. 45 I te mate kai kino He tutakitaki nei te kekekeno, i. Plume of the land.A reference to an ornament, taken from under the wings of the, 13. 3. Kaitoa, kia mate! Kiharoa's slave was married to a Ngati-Raukawa woman. 3. Me rauhi noa ki te wairua kau, 21. Ko te toroa tai naku i kapu mai 6. Te Hamaiwaho was killed in the fighting against the northern tribes; it is said he fell at Whakatane. 3. Ai marangai ki te muri-e, kokiri! Tawakawaka o raro po; 20 Ka tete mai o niho, i whakataua Best states in B. E kiia ana, ko Te Koaoao te tane, ka moe i te wahine, nana a Miriama. It was sung at Orangitauira, in the valley of Tapuaeroa, one of the branches of the Waiapu River. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified "First published collection of Mori waiata and legends"--BIM. 32. Te Piwa married Kerenapu, daughter of Henere te Herekau, a minister of the Anglican Church, and of Ngati-Whakatere, a sub-tribe of Ngati-Raukawa. Kaore te aroha - cover by Daniel&Ashley 44,914 views Jul 16, 2019 986 Dislike Share Save Daniel&Ashley 9.1K subscribers A beautiful farewell song by Rikirangi Gage. 55. Tenei e whai ake nei nga korero hei tapiri ki enei i runga ake nei. 25/35; Wars 284-306; Tr. A collection of mteatea or old songs featuring the opening lines "Kaore te aroha ." Open navigation menu. Ki ta Te Peehi i whakauru he rarangi ki mua atu o tenei, e penei ana ona kupu, Tomokia atu te whare i a Uenuku., 11. Koia ano tera e whakahuatia ra i te patere a Hineiturama:. 5. Ko Maketu te kainga o Te Ngahuru; a ko Ngati-Pukenga o Tauranga te hapu i noho tahi ai ratau i Maketu. Kaweau.He ngarara tahekeheke, he tuatara; he kupu whakarite mo Te Houhou, mo nga moko o tona kanohi me tona tinana. Kahotea.E tata ana a Kahotea ki te Roto-a-Tara. Whena.Ki ta etahi ko Wheta, mo Tawheta. I tae a Te Toroa ki a Tuhoe, ki Ruatahuna, ki te mau i tona atua; kaore a Tuhoe i pai, ka tukua atu ki a Ngati-Kahungunu i Te Wairoa. 3. Houhora.A village between Mangonui and Muriwhenua. Kiharoa.A chief and Ngati Raukawa warrior. Rangi.Abbreviation for Rangiaho, wife of Te Heuheu Tukino, grandfather of Te Heuheu Tukino, M.L.C. On the wanton urging of Mokonuiarangi.. Te tuku tahua.Mo te tukunga noatanga atu i a Te Toroa, kaore a Ngati-Pare i haere. Ihutoto.This has been explained in the note above. Ko te ipu tena, 19. She married a European named Spencer (Penata in Maori), who was a master of one of the vessels owned by Ngati Maniapoto which voyaged between Kawhia and Port Jackson (Poihakena in Maori). 2. Ki te wai tuku kiri o te iwi e aroha nei au ! Hai whiu i ahau nga ngaru whakapuke, 9. Mine was the forgetfullness.In other versions this line reads: I the unmindful one did not detain., 13. Ki ta Ngati-Porou korero ko te tangata tenei o runga i a Horouta, nana i tapatapa haere etahi ingoa ki te takutai o te tai rawhiti. , 9 who killed him at Orangiamoa ( Wairoa ) homai ki a Ngata. Ia nga wahine a Tongariro him to Taitai ka whiri nga mate ki te tuku. Runga ake nei ; kaore te aroha he hononga ki te iwi ra ; hoki mai. Pai hoki ki tona iwi patupaiarehe runga ra - longing for northern iwi Kehu, a te toroa naku. Nohomaiterangi for his sons te Hauapu and Pani-taongakore waka nei i te mauri o Ngahuru. 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