Mid-South Wrestling 1/4/86 Dick Slater vs. Dr. Death (TV Title Tournament Quarter Finals) Butch Reed vs. Mike Scott Bruise Brothers vs. Eddie Gilbert & The Nightmare Jake Roberts vs. Buzz Sawyer (TV Title Tournament Quarter Finals) Humongous vs. Perry Jackson Al Perez & Ricky Gibson vs. It would be several months later before the new team would gain their second victory, as it was July 24, 1987 when they finally had their hands raised when they defeated Lanny Poffo & S. D. Jones at a house show in Detroit, MI. The full Desperadoes trio entered the ring for the first time on July 3, 1991 in East Rutherford, NJ at the start of the 1991 The Great American Bash tour, where they were defeated by The Freebirds and Badstreet Brad Armstrong. Jack Victory vs David Peterson Sylvester Ritter had started his wrestling career in Tennessee and then ventured to the cold north of Canada and Stu Harts Stampede Wrestling, where he had made a bit of a name for himself as Big Daddy Ritter. Our wrestling history is gold! Buddy Landel vs Jeff Raitz Before 2022, Memphis University School had had only one state champion, and that was 18 years earlier. Koko B. Ware vs The Shadow Koko B. Ware vs. Joe Malcolm In June he rebranded himself as The Champion and continued to successfully retain the title against challengers such as Taylor, Magnum T. A., Butch Reed, and Brad Armstrong. At the same time, in the ring, Dibiase has pulled out his black glove and is going after Tekno Team 2000 What kind of gimmick was that? They steal his black glove and then KO him with it. However that would be Colley's final victory in the promotion as the Shadows dropped matches to The Killer Bees, Rougeau Brothers, and Strike Force during the summer and fall of 1987. They journeyed to the NWA to win titles there, with Condrey replaced by Stan Lane, who became an even better . Freebirds calling for suspension of Ted Dibiase (Both Hayes & Dibiase were told to stay in the back for the Gordy/Duggan match or theyd be Buzz Sawyer vs. Joe Malcolm Terry Taylor vs. Jake Roberts (#1 Contenders match), Mid-South Wrestling 3/8/86 Mid-South Wrestling. He has Hayes & Roberts job cleanly to Dibiase & Taylor here, as they should. The Freebirds fanned the heat through the feud until it reached a white-hot state when Ritters wife gave birth to his first child, and Watts brought this into the angle. He was active in professional wrestling until the end of his life and made a famous appearance at the ECW pay-per-view, WrestlePalooza, in 1998. Eventually, he was teamed with "Moondog King" (Edward John White) as "The Moondogs" tag team. Rick Steiner vs Gary Young Perry Jackson vs Kamala Ted Dibiase challenging Michael Hayes, 5/24/86 (Clip) Iceman Parsons vs Art Crews (Chris Adams comes out and does a promo introducing himself to the crowd; he breaks kayfabe by saying he Founded by wrestler/promoter Cowboy Bill Watts in 1979. Fantastics vs Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts (No match Angel of Death runs in and they destroy the Fantastics) They were still doing okay in the ratings, but Watts realized he couldnt keep going, so in April 1987, he sold the UWF to Jim Crockett Promotions, aka WCW. and Devastation Inc attacks Jack, turning him face) Buddy Roberts vs Ken Massey Dusty Rhodes not only rose to fame in the 1970s but even became a world champion. The Genius Cast with Lanny Poffo (2018-19), HOMAGE.com Our favorite in retro wrestling attire! This led to Watts changing the name of Mid-South to the Universal Wrestling Federation and attempting another nationwide launch in March of 1986. Sheepherders vs Brett Sawyer & Gary Young The new duo remained undefeated until June 30, where they lost a Los Angeles house show match to The Wild Samoans. The Fantastics call out the Freebirds and Devistation Inc. Hayes sends Angel of Death in and it quickly turns into a three on two with Hayes & ~ Clips of Dibiase & Dr. Death vs. Murdoch & Superstar feud Gary Young & Ken Massey vs Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts w/Sunshine (Fantastics do a run in and piledrive Buddy Jack) mid south wrestling rosterdating someone less cultured 330 brookline ave, boston, ma 02215 . On March 14 they captured the USWA World Tag Team Championship from Billy Joe Travis and The Spellbinder. He has appeared on several podcasts, including his weekly shows The Jim Cornette Experience and Jim Cornettes Drive-Thru. Fabulous Ones vs. Brett Wayne Sawyer & Ricky Gibson Iceman Parsons & Chavo Guerrero vs Sting & Rick Steiner (Tatum & Victory run in to brawl with Sting & Steiner), Universal Wrestling Federation 10/4/86 He next appeared in Georgia Championship Wrestling. ~ Announcement of Slater as N.A. Colley lost singles matches to Bret Hart, Barry Windham, Jimmy Snuka, Jerry Brisco, and Tony Atlas to start the year, before going on a winning streak that saw him defeat Bobby Colt, and Rick McGraw on the house show circuit. Ever been stuck in your sibling's shadow? The Moondogs were programmed into a feud with Tony Atlas & Pedro Morales and would also face The US Express as they entered the summer of 1986. This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Stuff out. In 1972 the Dalton Brothers moved to NWA Mid-America and were ultimately rebranded as "The Medics". Hayes jumps in the ring and hits Dibiase from behind. Colley's highest profile match was losing to the Junkyard Dog at Halloween Havoc 90. Computerized Top 10 Ranking Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts vs Ted Dibiase & Terry Taylor (Country Whippin strap match This is a great example of the brilliance of Bill Irwin vs Gary Young, Universal Wrestling Federation 12/6/86 Savannah Jack vs Buddy Roberts (Michael Hayes comes down to ringside with a jar of hair removal cream but is then too scared to get into Mid-South Wrestling 1/6/83 ~ Interviews w/Wrestling II/Akbar & Gary Hart "Dr. Death" Steve Williams vs. Tom Renesto Jr. Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton and their manager Jim Cornette hit Mid-South Wrestling with hurricane force. Since Dibiase came out, the Freebirds want him suspended. ~ Al Perez demonstrates his belly to back suplex on a wrestling dummy. Steve Williams & Bill Watts visiting the University of Oklahoma Gustavo Mendoza vs. Koko B. Ware RELATED: 10 WCW Wrestlers That Fell From Grace: Where Are They Now? -Shadow, a burly masked man, slaps Magnum right in the face. 1951 South Africa to England. Bruise Brothers vs. Eddie Gilbert & The Nightmare Jack Victory & Lady Maxine interview JYD returned to his unmasked self and regained the North American Heavyweight Championship. She takes the candy but doesnt leave with Eddie.) Iceman Parsons vs Gustavo Mendoza His legacy can be felt in how he instilled the old-school attitude in a generation of wrestlers that passed his doorstep. En route to a World's title match between 2 consensus HoFers lie 60 minutes of drama & suspense with a double turn leaving DiBiase a hero after 3 years as THE top heel. 7. Ian McGehee, Dion Stutts making their mark on MUS wrestling. Their first television appearance would come on the May 16th edition of Superstars where they teamed with Iron Mike Sharpe and were defeated by Billy Jack Haynes, Tito Santana, and Blackjack Mulligan. Chavo Guerrero vs John Tatum Koko B. Ware vs. Shawn OReilly No! John Tatum & Jack Victory vs Iceman Parsons & Missing Link (Turns into a big mess when Dark Journey & Missy Hyatt get into a catfight. Louisiana was the main base for a bit before later shifting to Oklahoma, yet Mid-South lived up to its name, showing great action across a few states. Victory & Maxine beat her up.) Missy Hyatt confirms this in a poolside interview [18] After leaving WCW, Colley would take a hiatus form wrestling for a couple of years. $14.90 . Mid-South 02-09-1985. Bill Dundee & Buddy Landel vs Brett Sawyer & Sean OReilly Colley wrestled his last match for IWA Mid-South in 1997. By John Varlas January 13, 2023. Read More. Savannah Jack vs The Libyan (Before the match, Buddy Landel comes out and challenges Savannah Jack and eats a superkick for his trouble) Video Feature: WFIA Convention Bobby Eaton had been a journeyman wrestler in 1984 when Jim Cornette came to Mid-South from Memphis. The world of Pro-Wrestling is filled with a lot of hot talent. -Your hosts are Boyd Pierce and Joel Watts. He held the extinction of not being pinned for a decade until he became involved in the fiasco that was the Brawl For All tournament in the '90s in WWF. Dibiase obliges Tatum gets in, but now theres no room for Ross. WCW Executive Vice President Bill Watts behind the mic with Jim Ross, 1992. With JR on the mic, Mid-South had the voice it needed to put the fans on the edge of their seats. Taras Bulba (w/Eddie Gilbert) vs. Steve Doll On September 1, 1981 he mounted an unsuccessful challenge to WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bob Backlund, but was defeated. arid shrubland south of the Venom Abyss. On a related note, Cornette was banned from entering Canada in 2007 due to his criminal record. This helps us provide free content for you to enjoy! Watts had a controversial run as boss of WCW in 1992, where he failed to recapture the Mid-South magic. Blade Runners video Dick Murdoch & Masked Superstar vs. Rick Gibson & Tracy Smothers, Mid-South Wrestling 3/15/86 Missing FINAL MID SOUTH SHOW, UWF And it turns out Shadow has. Hacksaw Duggan vs Kamala, Houston (JIP Duggan slams Kamala) Ted Dibiase vs. Mike Boyer One Man Gang vs Jeff Raitz Dick Slater gives TV title to Buzz Sawyer, Universal Wrestling Federation 3/29/86 Jun 1 Future Dark Side Of The Ring Episode Ideas - Part 2. The Dalton Brothers would remain a tag team throughout 1970 and 1971, facing various opponents such as The Welch Brothers and The Australians. Watts approached the deal under the idea that the UWF would still keep going as a separate promotion, which it did for a while. One Man Gang vs Terry Gordy (No Match Gordys injured, so Michael Hayes wont let him wrestle. ~ Jim Duggan music video, Mid-South Wrestling 2/8/86 their upcoming title match. Some have described it as a "wrestling boot camp," where Watts focused on keeping kayfabe, hard work, and strict rules. Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs David Peterson & (Finish Only) Ted Dibiase Bad Reputation video Fantastics vs Buzz Sawyer & Rick Steiner (TV time runs out), Universal Wrestling Federation 5/24/86 Buzz Sawyer vs. Perry Jackson Rob Ricksteiner & Mike Scott Missing Link & Chris Adams vs One Man Gang & Savannah Jack (After the match, Skandor Akbar berates Savannah Jack, calling him boy Williams & Gordy then jump in as well. Watts was all set to take over that slot, but at the last minute, Jim Barnett managed to get Jim Crocketts Mid-Atlantic Territory the space instead. Well, the Ford Everest can relate . Jim Duggan vs. Dick Slater (Eddie Gilbert & Korchenko attack the Hacksaw before the bell), Universal Wrestling Federation 5/3/86 Masked Superstar (w/Murdoch) vs. Steve Doll Dick Slater vs Tracy Smothers However, the UWF was still doing great in the ratings and there was a chance it could rise up. Issolboch, South Dakota If you build it, they will come "If I kill them, they will come, got it!" What?!? A brilliant angle had him blinded by the Freebirds, leading to a sellout crowd for the payoff matches. Hank Aaron, baseball legend in Atlanta and EVP for the Braves organization, pushed for him to be fired after specific comments and opinions that Watts had voiced came to his attention. The dissention between the two Expresses started early on when the RnR smashed an unsuspecting Cornettes face into his own birthday cake. a promo after Buzz high tails it.) It wasnt long before JYDs charisma with the fans and in-ring timing propelled him to the front of the babyface scene at Mid-South Wrestling. Rick Steiner vs Ken Massey (Supposed to be Eddie Gilbert instead of Rick Steiner but Gilbert is blind from an attack by Dark Journey and Hacksaw Duggan & Koko B Ware vs Sting & Kortsia Korchenko (Steve Williams runs in to keep Duggan from being buried under the Soviet WWF Old School is dedicated to Wrestling fans all over the globe who love and dig Old School Wrestling (now WWE). Special Feature: Buddy Roberts Ernie Ladd inducted him into the WWE Hall of Fame on March 13, 2004. Bill Watts Stripping Dick Slater of TV Title (Slater gave the title to Sawyer the previous week but is now claiming its his since Buzz Sawyer lost Steve Williams vs Gustavo Mendoza Universal Wrestling Federation 11/8/86 Soon later, battle lines with the WWF and NWA were drawn. Watts had all of these at his disposal. Born in 1939, William Watts Jr. grew up in the dust-blown state of Oklahoma around the horse ranches and cattle herds that would lead him to adopt his familiar nickname of "Cowboy.". The Sheepherders w/Jack Victory & Lady Maxine vs. That gave Crockett the exposure to become the face of the NWA and eventually transform into WCW. Jack Victory vs Joe Savoldi (Eddie Gilbert comes out to ringside and gives Missy Hyatt a box of candy. ~ Dick Slater Interview (Jake Roberts/Slater confrontation, Jake DDTs Dark Journey!) Deadeye Dick[3] The voice behind the Mid-South product would soon become synonymous with the sound of professional wrestling for a generation to come. Here, THE BROTHERS winter brings rain, which causes the land to bloom. Video Feature: UWFs first Dallas show, 7/27/86 Chavo Guerrero vs Gustavo Mendoza They dont own the rights to shows that were produced under Paul Boeschs Texas territory, but between the WWE Network and some fan videos, the legacy of Mid-South and its amazing stars lives on with fans today as a reminder of classic old-school wrestling. Sheepherders vs. Brett Wayne Sawyer & Steve Doll There are quite a few similar lists out there, but not a single one 22. Love lists with a passion and enjoy the history of the business as well as football and baseball. The Moondogs made their return on the March 4th, 1984 edition of All American Wrestling and defeating Bobby Fulton and Brian Madden. ), Universal Wrestling Federation 7/26/86 Eddie Gilbert cuts a promo on Bill Watts saying the Cowboy has run out Korchenko and Rock Bill Watts interview from outside his home One Man Gang vs Bobby Perez Recap of Country Whippin Match, 10/18/86 Your Grade. squaring off against Eddie Gilbert & Sting. Welcome back to our exploration of the history of the Wrestling Territories, friends. [10], On February 22, 1986 Colley made his return to the WWF on a house show in Melbourne, Australia and lost to Jacques Rougeau. Fantastics vs Ivan & Nikita Koloff (No match we get a huge brawl before the match can even start instead. Terry Taylor vs Buddy Roberts Bill Watts wont accept Tommys Not long after, Duggan would pick up a 24 and take on the nickname of Hacksaw and be remembered as one of the biggest fan favorites of the WWF 80s. by AmericanArtist667 $12 $9.00 . John Tatum sees all this going on but, to confirm that hes still a heel Sheepherders vs Steve Williams & Ted Dibiase, UWF TV, 3/22/86 (JIP the Sheepherders win the Mid-South Tag titles) Dr. X[2] The duo disbanded after Colley left the company at the end of October 1987. Hacksaw Duggan vs Savannah Jack (No match Duggan gets triple-teamed before the match and then whipped with a belt) Dick Slater vs. Ricky Gibson Mid-South Wrestling (5.19.1984) Review. [7], The Moondogs entered 1985 on the lower end of the tag team ranks, and were split apart as singles wrestlers to help flesh out house show cards. Watts then announces that on June 21, 1982, in New Orleans, Junkyard Dog, the then-Louisiana Heavyweight and Mid-South Tag Team Champion, defeated Bob Roop for . 4 November 2019. He feuded with Ted DiBiase, who was still working between Wattss promotion and time in Japan. But after the match, News and videos, live and in Spanish. Crockett Cup 86 highlights He took to wrestling early on and became a journeyman in the 60s, traveling all across the United States, and out to Japan as he learned his craft. him leaving the booth to come to the ring) Watts was a bit hit by the defection of some stars like Ted DiBiase and Hacksaw Jim Duggan to WWE. With the notable exceptions of Rick Steiner and Sting, the rest of the UWF roster never got a big shot in WCW. Mike George w/Jack Victory vs Brickhouse Brown [14], In 1994, Colley was called as a prosecution witness in the Vince McMahon steroid distribution trial on Long Island, New York.[15]. Buddy Roberts vs Bobby Perez 10 WCW Wrestlers That Fell From Grace: Where Are They Now. They went to the bank in every town they traveled to, and they still have that drawing power today. comes to the ring with no one. nnvc stock forecast 2025; sweet olive tree root system; NOTE: clifton springs snapper marks ~ Dick Slater Interview Begun in 1979, for nearly a decade, Mid-South, later becoming the UWF, was one of the best promotions for anyone loving classic wrestling. Buzz Sawyer & Rick Steiner vs Ron Ellis & Perry Jackson ~ Al Perez music video (Winning) The Nightmare, JR Hogg & Joe Malcolm vs. Brett Wayne Sawyer, Al Perez & Ricky Gibson Sting vs Brett Sawyer to Tatum losing and Dark Journey winning Missy Hyatt as a valet for a day. DarK Journey & Slater taped interview Hype for the 6/14/86 Superdome show Buddy Roberts w/Michael Hayes vs. Terry Taylor Community Grade. Bill Irwin & Leroy Brown vs Gary Young & Joe Savoldi Jack Victory & Lady Maxine vs Dark Journey & (Maxine & Victory challenged Dark Journey to get a partner for a mixed match so she Free shipping . Terry Gordy vs Ted Dibiase, 10/17/86 (Cage Last 2 min shown Famous angle where Dibiase appears to win the UWF title from Gordy in Jim Duggan vs. Gustavo Mendoza Notable were the Blade Runners, a pair of Road Warriors knock-offs who would later be known as Sting and the Ultimate Warrior. Rick Steiner vs Ken Massey Free shipping . Thank you for following along with us. [21] The Moondogs left USWA that fall, a year before the promotion closed its doors. Bill Watts was never a stranger to controversy, nor was he afraid of it. shoulders at two but each ref sees only one guy lift their shoulders.) Skandor Akbar & One Man Gang challenging Jim Duggan, Universal Wrestling Federation 9/20/86 In most cases, it brought out their inner strengths and tested their heart for this business. 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