A stoic girl who seems almost alien has replaced her. This is the Disappearance alt timeline version that will do anything she can to protect and help Nagato. The series is thus probably non-canon, and doesn't fit into any specific place in the timeline. (JP) Mouryou no Hako by Natsuhiko Kyougoku, 7. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an anime series based on the paranormal Haruhi Suzumiya series of light novels, and the anime series shares it's title with the first novel in the series. ", "I do. Her love of books is also completely eliminated (in "Someday in the Rain" Kyon goes so far as to say she has never shown the least interest in books), though she inexplicably is still the president of the Literature Club and develops a crush on Kyon due to his helping her get a library card. Originally, it was Nagato who was the "back-up" while Asakura was the original Agent assigned to observe Haruhi. In the anime version of Live Alive she gave a long series of seemingly accurate (but mundane) predictions. (JP)(I) Sokonuke Choutaisaku by Eiga Hihou Henshuubu, 96. That's pretty strong if you ask me. I keep thinking Yuki's secondary color might be lavender, or maybe lilac, but perhaps that wouldn't be enough of a contrast, right? Nagato has become somewhat more independent of Kyon as the light novel series continued. Don't drive anyone insane this time. The Data Overmind has chosen a new provisional name for the Macrospatial Quantum Cosmic Existence, the Sky Canopy Dominion. Yuki is seen reading this book in episode 4. However, following Yahiko's death, Nagato adopted the alias of Pain (, Pein) and, along with Konan, began leading a new Akatsuki one that would force the world . It only takes a minute to sign up. She physically resembles Nagato and likes reading books. Unlike Koizumi and Asahina, who at least express discomfort with or polite questioning of Haruhi Suzumiya's demands at times, Nagato unwaveringly follows Haruhi's instructions and only participates in events dictated by her. As a consequence, Haruhi and Itsuki do not attend North High, Ryoko is not transferred, and there is no SOS Brigade. She has short jagged purple hair which never grows and golden brown eyes. Even if I'm surrounded by warmth, I don't feel a thing. So horny is going to be an ongoing feature of this show. Nagato has a stoic devotion to her mission. A stoic girl who seems almost alien has replaced her. Nagato can create a barrier which renders people invisible and inaudible. "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Endless Eight II". She used to wear glasses but stopped after Kyon told her she looked better without them. Together, the trio defends their high school . In an alternate universe, shy, awkward Yuki Nagato attempts to court her crush, Kyon, with the help of her best friend, the perky and indomitable Ryoko Asakura. Yuki treats Kyon as a superior figure, even naively following his "orders" (such as, during Mystrique Sign, she misinterpreted something he said and "froze" in place until he told her she could move), and asked his permission to perform hacking during "The Day of Sagittarius III" competition. In the restored world, Kyon falls down a flight of stairs and goes into a coma. No obligations to comment, but do watch it! Many but not all of her powers require her to use "incantations" (in which she speaks a computer language very quickly) or arm movements (in The Disappearance). The reason I think this is cause in disappearance of Haruhi, Haruhi wasn't acting like her usually crazy self and was way more calm because of the change but in Yuki Haruhi is a little more crazy than even the original show. Three years later, Nagato attends North High and becomes the only member of the Literature Club. HAVING terminate_mode". Hah, I forgot how awkward this beginning is. Forget the name of the category but there's a name for it. Haruhi plans to take the SOS Brigade to visit Nagato every day after school. Her picture is being used for the avatar of Mudae. In the first light novel, this speech was translated as Structured Query Language (SQL): "SELECT serial_code Rather than just focusing on this power, let's look at what Nagato can do with this power instead, because it seems more like she actually has multiple powers, but all of this is tied to her primary ability to hack the universe like a computer program. Christian Science Monitor: a socially acceptable source among conservative Christians? Haruhi and Koizumi are students at a nearby private school, and most of Kyon's days are spent in the literature club, developing a close friendship with the human Yuki Nagato, who's developing a bit of a crush on him, while Kyon tries to unravel exactly what's going on using a single clue the Nagato of his timeline gave him. (JP) Meitantei no Okite by Keigo Higashino, 31. The Data Overmind considers removing Nagato from Earth due to the danger her instability poses. Once again I'll start with the biggest change in cast member - mama-Asakura. This looks like a good chance to do that! Remote Island Syndrome, Endless Eight). I instantly went to resident life to see if I could sort out the situation. If Madara was going to be revived wouldn't he just have just died again since he was way older than he was supposed to be when it died. Yeah, thats a lot for a five person holiday party. She injects them with protective nanites and programs Asahina's TPDD. And like many otaku's, if left to her own devices she probably won't bother to make anything to eat, so when Asakura-mama is around she tends to get spoiled for food. Yuki Nagato can change the world. InThe Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya, Nagato is depicted as a closet otaku, shamelessly playing eroge games, cosplaying (even getting into a brief cosplay war with Mikuru), getting "excited" about anime and manga, staying up late playing video games, and even showing emotion, such as laughing at Ryoko's misfortune and being utterly crushed when Ryoko destroys her laptop. Basically, all of time, forward and backwards, outside of this month long cycle didn't exist. Although by around ep 3 I just gave in to my nostalgia and switched back to sub (from the start). Was all of this for nothing? Nagato had actually used her powers to rewrite the world and take away all supernatural elements surrounding Haruhi, not just create an alternate universe, and she reverts the change at the end of the story, erasing Disappearance Yuki and the rest of the Disappearance SOS Brigade from existence. The way she described her ability to Kyon made it seem like teleportation, but she still performed worse than Haruhi Suzumiya in the contest. The Viaduct Murder by Ronald Arbuthnott Knox, 80. (JP) Taiyou no Sandatsusha by Housuke Nojiri, 90. What does "you better" mean in this context of conversation? How were Acorn Archimedes used outside education? Watching this, it almost feels as though we're rewatching the beginning of the Disappearance movie, except that this Kyon doesn't see anything as wrong, as though the world has always been this way. Watch as Yuki navigates normal high school life, like Christmas parties, festivals, and feelings. She was able to program Mikuru's TPDD through touch. Yuki Nagato ( ) is the third person to join the SOS Brigade. Think of it as an Alcubierre Warp Drive. Rather, this is where the series goes into the paranormal and science fiction bit, and in this case, information theory. I could only hope that they were open on the weekends. She is voiced by Minori Chihara in the Japanese version of the anime and by Michelle Ruff in the English version, the . In The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya, the SOS Brigade visits her at her house. Don't you think I look megas good in this costume? Nagato can manipulate the properties of the environment, such as when she modified a baseball bat to only hit home runs, modified a baseball's movements, or destroyed a section of fence. She demonstrated difficulty in drawing pictures of faces in Snow Mountain Syndrome. The HOG Murders by William Louis DeAndrea, 84. This is in part why I like this spin off so much - it actually enriches the original series too, even if it's just my head canon, I find it even more enjoyable. When interacting with people outside of the SOS Brigade, she frequently stares at the floor and either gives very short responses or says nothing at all, even if angry. Nagato is an alien of sorts, part of a collective consciousness that detected an explosion of "data" that occurred three years beforehand. #21. However, what if that choice wasn't given to him? Think of it as rewriting her program so she can only operate within certain parameters, and was assigned a chaperone from the Data Integration Thought Entity to keep her from going rogue again. He asks about Kuyou Suou, learning that her faction had orchestrated the Snow Mountain Syndrome, and that she was interested in Haruhi Suzumiya but that wasn't necessarily her primary purpose. Nagato's reaction time is fast enough for her to repeatedly block several laser beams from Mikuru's "Mikuru Beam" attack. It was parodied and modified to make the pictures of the . You didnt tell me Nagatwo was still playing video games. Nagato remains in standby mode until "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody", when a future version of Mikuru and Kyon come to visit her, telling her that they are from three years later and require her assistance to return to their time. Nagato is also the main character of official spin-off manga and anime, The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki chan. Nagato then got Kyon's permission to reverse the fortunes and give the Brigade all the advantages and remove them from their opponents. She was able to control 20 groups while countering a hack attempt simultaneously. It's quite chilling: If I show you the world I experience, You'll probably get lost in the enumeration of symbols. You'll be hearing this specific theme multiple times. To be totally honest, I am struggling a little bit for time to host this rewatch this year, but I think we do have a few keen people so I decided to give it a go anyway. 2 Yuki Nagato, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya New Character Song Vol. Haruhi increasingly demonstrates a fierce protectiveness towards Nagato, and gets up early on school days to take care of her when she is sick in The Surprise. The problem here is that Nagato is an entirely different character than she was in any of the original series content. (JP) Dekirukana Returns by Rieko Saibara, 99. (JP)(*3) Oedipus Shoukougun by Kiyoshi Kasai, 34. Yuki talking to Kyon. Nagato takes a large role in preventing Haruhi noticing by blocking the Mikuru Beam with her hand and injecting nanomachines into Mikuru to prevent it from materializing again. In the book it's more of a psuedoscience, as it doesn't exactly get the finer details right, but that isn't important. She communicates with him about theories or queries, but they never have real conversations in front of Kyon. As a member of the Data Integration Thought Entity, she can essentially treat the universe as a computer program. That's right, Yuki Nagato stripped God of her powers, and used those powers to undo everything Haruhi subconsciously did, leaving one failsafe and the decision up to Kyon as to which world he liked better. After trying every single club their high school offers, she decides to create her own club and eventually her and Kyon are joined by Yuki Nagato, Mikuru Asahina, and Itsuki Koizumi to form the SOS Brigade, a club devoted entirely to appeasing Haruhi's boredom. (Y) Inherit the Stars by James Patrick Hogan, 100. (Y) Collision with Chronos (Collision Course) by Barrington John Bayley, 16. As it turns out, Nakagawa did not see Nagato but instead the Data Overmind. (JP) Fukkatsusai no Tame no Requiem by Chihiro Arai, 23. Nagato can manipulate "chance", such as determining who takes the "long straw", as demonstrated in The Intrigues. Yuki is voiced by Minori Chihara in the sub and Michelle Ruff in the dub. The anime adaptation debuted on April 3, 2015. and Nagato's response after the ow was that "if I stop growing taller I'll blame you", which is why Asakusa's reply was that "it's ok for Nagato to stay tiny as it's cuter that way". "So, would you by chance want to move down a couple floors?". Here the show was creating a fake out using the early part of this spin off when it was not clear how much of the original would be there - and this even applied the evil glowing eyes effects when she started the "attack" - which turned out to be a common winter prank. "Some of us already know Sailor Moon could beat Goku." This is because the Nagato he once knew used her powers to create a normal world. Nagato was the only person who maintained memories of the previous cycles, fifteen thousand five hundred and thirty-two cycles all told. She later stated (in The Disappearance) that she could not leave it unattended while it was in this state. In the film tie-in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyon wakes up in a world with no Haruhi. It was only because of that choice that allowed Kyon to fix everything to what it was again. Hence her having the emotions and actually in a position to observe Haruhi, while Nagato was in stand-by in the Book Club Room. Now I'm hungry for some meat. Yuki-chan is a spinoff anime based on a manga that began in 2009. Kyon, in turn, has occasionally taken Nagato for granted, such as not going to the library with her when she asked him to in The Melancholy and several times inviting and then "dumping" her in The Intrigues. How dry does a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording? She otherwise demonstrates minimal initiative, extending to her method of decorating her apartment (she didn't before The Disappearance) and her lack of engagement in Literature Club activities, at least in her first year at North High. She can also use her "magic touch" to fix software bugs. Nagato has shown the ability to manipulate data links, enabling her to destroy or manipulate data-based organisms. Nagato is not shown to ever have opinions of Itsuki beyond what the Data Overmind believes. (JP)(I) Mousou Shizen Kagaku Nyuumon by Suzune Kikukawa, 49. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, 63. This doesn't feel like the same Kyon, so I'm not surprised we're treading new ground here. Nagato is one of these avatars. I see you every now and then. I didnt think that holiday turkeys propagated beyond NA. You trying to kill the poor man? In an alternate universe, shy, awkward Yuki Nagato attempts to court her crush, Kyon, with the help of her best friend and neighbor, the perky and indomitable Ryoko Asakura. Darkover Anthologies by Marion Zimmer Bradley, 85. telling her not to do dishes, as she was a guest) and spent a night staring at her. Yuki Nagato is a major character featured in the Haruhi Suzumiya series of light novels, adapted into anime by Kyoto Animation. Shy, sweet Nagato is no more. Kyon even noted that she doesn't blink often (in The Sigh) or simply stares into space. Yes, Yuki Nagato is more powerful than God. But I don't know any more than that. Also, Yuki herself is completely different too and we also forgot about Ryoko she was the same in the movie a crazy killer and kills Kyon (kind of). Other humanoid interfaces have not demonstrated this behavior. She was reluctant to do so, however, as that would alter the weather patterns for a long time thereafter. Never underestimate an extraordinary high school girl. Perhaps "Disappearance of Nagato Yuki" is a parallel universe to the main series. So Nagato is essentially the physical representation of an intergalactic computer program that permeates the universe, and how she wound up joining the SOS Brigade. Yuki-chan lets viewers see the normally stoic Nagato express her feelings as a normal, shy girl, and without this contrast the show turns into another "cute girls doing cute things" anime - not that there's anything wrong with those. Pao-pu Tzu (The Philosopher Who Embraces Simplicity) by Ko Hung, 41. Nagato can transmit data via electronic devices, even ones in closed space. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. That means that there are others like Nagato, with similar powers and skills, however, it is implied in the anime, and much more so in the novels, that Yuki is still uniquely skilled even among them. Trying to match up a new seat for my bicycle and having difficulty finding one that will work. I've seen that in a lot of animes, sometimes it's in one ova episode and sometimes it's in 3 or more. (JP) Umi o miru Hito by Yasumi Kobayashi, 81. In The Dissociation she stated that she would protect the rest of the SOS Brigade, but Kyon said "having no concern for yourself is behavior I absolutely will not allow.". Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. "gap") is found to be cute or attractive. An alternate story to "The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi". WHERE code='data' Cooking is a painful struggle for Yuki that starts with opening the ingredients. The Beautiful Animation of Studio Orange [Trigun Stampede], Top 10 Anime of the Week #2 - Winter 2023 (Anime Corner), /r/anime Karma Ranking & Discussion | Week 2 [Winter 2023]. (JP) Kurayami no Naka de Kodomo The Childish Darkness by Outarou Maijou, 64. When Kyon asks if it was a pity that his love for her was based on a misconception, Nagato replies that it was, "a little bit". By Saturday evening, Nagato is suffering from an illness due to her inability to establish communication with Kuyou Suou. "The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya" PC game?! Nagato's multitasking abilities gave her a great advantage when playing Saggitarius III. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Yuki N., Kyon - Chapters: 18 - Words . Unfortunately, his old and fragile body was no longer capable of making use of . Kyon advances on the human Nagato and attempts to inject her. Careful observation is required to discern any emotional responses; Kyon is not necessarily correct in his observations. How to tell if my LLC's registered agent has resigned? There are no aliens, no time travelers, no espers, and no God. In "Love at First Sight", one of Kyon's middle school classmates, Nakagawa, makes a love confession to Nagato and asks her to marry him in ten years. FROM database So they seek the help of past Nagato. On Monday, Kyon meets Nagato in the SOS HQ at lunchtime. while we think it's boring for Nagato to be just watching and reading in the club room, to her that's actually infinitely more fun and comforting than being alone in her own home (where she was there standing by for 3 years) - to wait for Kyon (and others) is an important time for her. To resident life to see if I 'm not surprised we 're new! She gave a long series of seemingly accurate ( but mundane ) predictions from their.... The ingredients and switched back to sub ( from the start ) can to protect and help Nagato this like! Blink often ( in the Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya new character Song Vol on the human Nagato and attempts inject! He once knew used her powers to create a normal world touch '' to fix software.! 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