Clay tells him what he thinks it means but Alex believes that there was something deeper to the line that led him to try and kill himself. 9w1 Aug 16 '21 13 Reasons Why: Alex's Relationship with Charlie Jessica looks peaceful finally being able to reach him. Adoptee. During prom, Zach, Alex and Jessica talked about their involvement in Bryces murder. Zachs now been drinking heavily, showing up to the party drunk. Deputy Standall mentions this in ". Alex isn't too excited, so Carolyn tells him that it's okay to take a few moments to take it in.. Alex introduces his boyfriend, Charlie St. George, to the family. Alex was one of Tyler's first friends; their friendship continued throughout the whole series. After surviving his suicide attempt, Alex shows more signs of insecurity as he deals with disability resulted from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Alex told Zach that he found out Monty is the one behind the threats the testifiers received, so they started looking for him. Tyler then revealed that he photographed Alex when he was in a coma because wanted to document him getting better. She also expresses her concerns to Justin, who gets mad. They agreed to go as friends. Alex tells him that it surprised him, but then kisses him back. Jessica assumed that Alex broke up with her because of Hannah making him, so she confronted Hannah and ultimately slapped her across her face. They both take part in the burial, and are among the group when they are discussing that they'll always be there for each other if anyone needs any help. Ani asks why and he tells them that it was because of his body image. Alex was embarrassed by his dad bringing and picking him up from school, so he called Zach to ask for a ride. While at Alex house, Justin got called by Jessica and found out that shes with Bryce. He also has a scar on his head after the surgery and isn't wearing his septum ring. Eclipse World Promotion. Alex thanks her. Tyler told him to stop and punched back, knocking Alex to the ground. Deputy Standall turns up and realizes that the person driving the car is his son. When Tyler arrived, he and Jessica told him to leave as they think of him as a creep. Charlie later finds Alex at the pier, where he tells Alex that he's breaking his heart. At graduation, Charlie sits with Alex's family. Later, Alex asks Zach and Jess about her suicide note, only to learn that talking about suicide is now banned at school. On the camping trip, when Alex approaches Zach and Charlie's tent. Charlie and Alex strike up a relationship after spending time together during the active-shooter drill. Throughout the show, Alex's insecurities, that come from his guilt and not being traditionally masculine, have been a big part of his personality, as is his compassion, sense of humor, temper and seeking accountability. Justin told Alex to not mess things up just because hes still in love with Jessica and that Jessica is scared of him. Alex felt like Bryce shouldve been alive, attending prom, but Zach told them that, even though Bryce didnt deserve to die, they deserve to live. He jokingly asks if they can be the kind of friends who drink coffee, to which Jessica agrees. Cars & Vehicles. Alex suggests that she should take a break, but she tells him that she need their relationship to be done because sex and being in a relationship are not working for her. The couple are named prom kings, and Charlie is by Alex's family's side when they watch him graduate. how to ask for rent reduction due to repairs; countdown timer best practices; cheesecake calories 100g; douglas dragon musician; bluegriffon javascript; activities for muscular dystrophy; To save face, he lies to Jessica and says that Hannah is jealous and they should 'lay low'. Zach then said that the kiss was nice, which surprised Alex. That night, they went bowling together. Jessica looks at him with concern. Jess gets mad at him and leaves. Alex also joined Bryce when he went to break in and mess up his Dad's house. When the school goes into lockdown, Alex texts Jessica but she does not reply. At prom, Alex, Jessica and Zach had a conversation about Bryce. The next day, Jessica and Alex enters the school together, earning looks and whispers from the students. Also just the way he acts seems unnatural and if u watch interviews the actor's voice is pretty different and it sounds like he's putting it on in the show. They make their relationship official. But Alex cuts him off before going further telling him that he wants no part of it, and tells him to be careful about who he talks to. and The Group. Later, a picture of Justin, Alex and Jessica are shown in Jessica's room. She tells Alex that he deserves to be happy. The motto of their friendship becomes "F.M.L. She also accuses Alex of completely 'dropping' her after Thanksgiving. They grew closer throughout the second season, when Zach helped Alex with the aftermath of his suicide attempt. Jessica is Alex's best friend and ex-girlfriend. Here at Liberty, she gets stuck in the middle of Hannah Baker's suicidal . Surprised, Jessica asks him if he already had a date, earning another snarky comment from him for undermining him. Alex reminded him that theyd be the kind of friends who tell each other stuff and it matters to him. They, along with the group, stay at the hospital during Justin's death. Thirteen Reasons Why 13 Reasons Why | Justin Foley Hannah Baker Bryce Walker | Romance Fan Fic 3 Reasons Why Trw Clay Jennson. They argue over who's fault it was and Clay makes everyone silent when he tells them all that maybe it's all their faults, talking more about bullying culture. When Winston Williams suspects that it was Jessica who killed Bryce, Alex confesses to him that it was he and he was alone, to protect her from further hurt. He is very surprised to learn about Winston and Monty's relationship, and hurt because he thinks that Winston was only hanging out with them to clear Monty's name. Charlie is happily greeted by Alex's family, especially his brother Peter as he's excited that Alex is dating a quarterback of the football team. They've been friends throughout the whole series. Writer (Disability Fiction, poetry, blog posts.) Charlie manages to get Alex back under the table, saying that his dad isn't out there and his mind is just making him think that because of his traumatic brain injury. Tyler visited Alex at his house after he testified in court. Winston told him he isnt going to do anything because he still loves him. In the third season, Alex helped Tyler recover and cover up his attempted school shooting, along with the rest of the group. When Alex agreed to come along with Monty to get the Polaroids, Zach didnt like the idea. After the Dean threatens to cancel Prom, the gang have a meeting where they agree to tell their parents the truth. In the fourth season, Alex and Charlie are revealed to be hanging out with Tyler a lot, as Charlie points out in Justin's Welcome Back Party that they were spending almost every night at Tyler's together. Alex understands and apologizes. In the second season, Alex is recovering from an unsuccessful suicide attempt. 13 Reasons Why (TV) Relationship: Charlie St. George/Alex Standall; Characters: Charlie St. George; Alex Standall; Diego Torres (13 Reasons Why) . By the end of the season, he makes peace with it and thanks Winston when he says that he loved both Alex and Monty. Clay asks why he asked him and Alex said that he had a sprained hamstring from lifting, Bryce said it was too addictive to get hooked on for just numbing the pain. In reply, Jessica tells him that she doesn't want to hurt him. Right then, Jessica gets a lot of maggots in her hand and starts screaming. Charlie answers his question but says that he doesn't 'endorse traditions'. Netflix. Tyler asked Alex what had happened between him and Winston because he thought they liked each other. Alex then asks him about his suicide note and what a specific line in it meant. Charlie comes out to his father and confirms that he is dating Alex. Justin was confused as to why Alex cared about a locker search and noticed him throw something away. Alex and Justin became friends shortly after Alex started attending Liberty High and hanging out with the jocks. Alex spent most of his high school experience determined to not feel anything about his sexuality, or even attempt to figure it out. And Charlie's wooing of Alex is incredibly sweet. Alex told Zach that he thought hed be happy for him, which Zach then confirmed. Forever". Jessica tells them that the Bakers' lawyer told her that she's just supposed to talk about The List ending their friendship. Before Clay leaves he tells Alex not to listen too hard. In their first date, Jessica told Alex to wait three minutes before going in so Hannah doesn't understand they're together. Hannah is unaware of her suspicions. Zach invited Alex to go do something, so they walked on the ledge of a rooftop together. In the fourth season, he's completely over his suicidal tendencies, as he tells Winston that he regrets the decision hugely in "College Tour". At some point, Alex and Justin started fighting over the tapes and Zach ran over to separate them. After the tapes are leaked, he tells Jess about it and proposes to skip school again. Alex asked if hed die too if he kills himself, and left. However, when Tyler was grabbing something from his bag he still tried to see if it was a gun. And Sheri's a fucking coward who got a kid killed. Before Alex leaves, he tells Charlie that they're never going to be together and as Charlie is not going to give up on him, he's going to walk away. Clay apologizes and tells them that he needs help in trying to bring Bryce down and help Hannah's court case. Jessica sarcastically tells him that she'd noted it. Jessica tells Alex not to help him as he can get Zach in trouble. Clay and Ani confront Alex about it, which makes Alex mad because it was through a breach of privacy. They started dating properly and were accepted into each other's families. A month after the events of season 3, Alex, Clay, Jessica, Ani, Tyler, Tony, and Charlie gathered for the first time since Bryce's murder case to welcome Justin home from rehab. 13 Reasons Why Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Why don't they put up a poster that says 'Don't be a fucking dick to people'?Alex to Clay in Liberty Hallway. As Alex watched, he began to wonder if Zach had been threatening the tape subjects because hes still hanging around Bryce. Later, Winston asked him why he did it, if hes sorry and if Jessica was with him. Upon finding out that Jessica had lied to Ani about being with Justin on Homecoming night, he screamed at her which caused students to find out about Justin and Jessicas relationship. Find your new local job on Gumtree today Gumtree. Hannah and Alex went from being best friends to distant acquaintances. He moves with a crutch, and his natural auburn hair has grown back. Zach found him in the locker room. Alex is shown to have a history of bullying and depression, and possibly being suicidal for a long time. Alex reminded Zach of the night the kissed (which he called a disaster) when he nearly fell from the roof, but Zach pulled him back. Alex defends Clay and calls out Mr. Porter. -Zach carrying Alex's bag for him. After it is announced that Bryce's dead body has been found, Alex reaches out to Jessica, asking how she's doing. After a fight broke out at the Homecoming football game and Bryce broke Zachs knee, Zach beat him up at the Navy Pier and left. Justin enters the Crestmont. Tragedy and heartbreak are a core part of the story, and especially so in the fourth and final season, when everything comes to a head. This group didn't stay so stuck together for long. Alex begs Clay one more time for the tapes and tells him to stop protecting him, Clay tells Alex that Skye is in the hospital, Alex asks what happened and Clay tells Alex "I stopped protecting her". Alex and Jessica began dating after being friends for a while but broke up because she refused to have sex with him. Tyler told him he didnt do it himself, but everyone else at the school did. Alex yelled at Bryce, after which Zach told him that he shouldnt do that. he also killed Bryce and pinned it on Monty, Clay and his friends frame Monty for Bryce's murder. After her testimony, Alex sticks around and asks her how he can help, but Jessica tells him to leave. As Alex grew close to Zach Dempsey, following his suicide attempt and rehabilitation, trying to understand why his best friend had begun acting so reckless and weird lately, Alex agreed to walk on the ledge of building rooftops with him. Following the events of the first season, Justin had run away and was gone for five months, but returned when Clay told him that Jessica wanted him to come back. She says that Alex looks really cute and kisses him in front of Justin. During a shooter drill, which the students thought might be real, Tony found pictures of guns in Tylers back and wanted to show them to the dean. In a flashback, Jeff Atkins got into a car crash and died, the next day, Clay and Alex talk about his death. Alex nearly fell, but Zach caught him. Alex gets tensed and tells her about what he heard when Sheriff Diaz told his dad that he wanted to reopen the case. Alex receives a poster with a threatening note on it regarding his attempted suicide, and shows it to Jessica at break, Clay sits down next to them and Jessica asks about his bruises, Clay tells her that someonein what looked like a black range roverran him off of the road while he was on his bike the night before, Alex thinks it's Bryce and Jessica becomes confused as they all know Clay isn't testifying, however Clay doesn't think that Bryce knows that information. In the third season, Alex, along with his friends, helps Tyler Down recover after Tyler's attempt at a school shooting. Charlie and Alex even went to the schools prom together, overcoming Alex's diffidence, where they were crowned royalties. Later on, clay sees Alex ripping down posters and confronts him about it, asking what he is doing, Alex tells him that he is cleaning up: "What they think that these are gonna save someone's life? They talked about love and Alex thinking Valentine is a waste of time. When Charlie and Alex comes back after convincing Zach to come see Justin, Alex goes and sits beside an exhausted Jessica. We all know the story. Upset, Alex packed his stuff and went to sleep in his dads tent instead. Alex throws up and leaves despite she tells him not to. Fanfiction Mystery Romance Sister Twin Tapes Sophie Baker is the younger twin of Hannah Baker, and the only twin still standing. Doubt spread over the group, the question being, could they trust Tyler? Throughout the season, he also feels guilty about his actions and goes as far as to attempt suicide. Winston started to touch Alex hand, but Alex recoiled and told him hes not gay. Shortly after becoming friends with Hannah and Jessica, Alex eventually drifted away and made a new group of friends, though he still remained friendly with Hannah. 11 images Reading Jay Asher's book 13 Reason's Why and watching his characters be brought to life in the show played a huge role in my character study and the courage it took to place myself into my cousin's mind frame the night he left us The rest of the season, Alex and Justin didnt interact until the last episode. Zach attended Alex birthday party. Clay then remembers a time when Hannah came into the boys changing room and got mad at Alex. Zach told Alex that hell pick him up, and pointed out that its hot and that they can have hot banter. C-PTSD. Given all the hot button issues that 13 Reasons Why broached each season, Alex's sexuality was a topic that sat on the back-burner for most of the show with Alex not coming out until Season 4. They attend Justin's Welcome Back party together and later, discusses about Tyler and the murder cover-up. They start making it physical and he breaks them up. When Alex and Jessica returned to school for the first time in months, Zach ran up to them to say hi and to carry Alexs backpack. Alex becomes very happy and thanks him, but Bryce and Scott come and subtly make fun of him, which angers Alex and he lashes out, calling Bryce a 'fucking rapist'. They also respected and cared for each other, and helped each other on numerous occations. Hannah tries to tell the truth but Jessica was so convinced that she sees it as lying and manipulation. His sense of style is very similar to Clay's, and he is often seen wearing jeans and a t-shirt with some sort of jacket. me: -Zach and Alex in the pool. Tyler immediately apologized and tried to help him up, but Alex told him hes fine and to continue the fight. Media-Enthusiast. Alex, my friend, we're in hell already, I plan to look like I'm enjoying it.Jessica. They formed a deep bond throughout the series. Clay catches up with Alex in the hallway and tells Alex that he did some research on what Tyler did. "No no no." I quickly say. It's not okay. Tyler asked I expect youd like me to thank you? but Alex said that he doesnt want Tyler to ever talk to him again. Also telling him to not talk to Tony and to meet him at Monet's after school. She tries to comfort him, much to Justin's annoyance. LoginRegister. During The Student Riot, Zach questions Alex on why he's with him and not Charlie. He also told that after what Bryce did to him, it wouldnt be justice for him to go to jail. Jessica responds by saying he can't ever say that again and they have to stay apart. They stare at each other and wait. Their first interaction is Alex asking why Clay didn't tell him the school "outlawed" him (banning him from talking about his suicide attempt), Clay tells him that he wasn't made aware of talk of suicide being banned in the school. During the Spring Fling dance, Alex joins in with hugging Clay after Clay hears his and Hannah's song"The Night We Met"come on. Everything Hannah said on the tapes is true. Peter Standall The Priest Judge Franklin Purdy Erica Charles Tommy Shuster Chad Moore Seth Massey Tracy Porter Tamika Luke Holliday, Clay Jensen Ani Achola Tony Padilla Zach Dempsey Jessica Davis Justin Foley Olivia Baker Bryce Walker Alex Standall Tyler Down Lainie Jensen Kevin Porter Montgomery de la Cruz Nora Walker Matt Jensen Courtney Crimsen Amara Josephine Achola Greg Davis Casey Ford Charlie St. George Dennis Vasquez Chle Rice Gary Bolan Cyrus Sheriff Diaz Bill Standall Caleb Karen Dempsey Mackenzie Mr. Down Coach Kerba Mrs. Down Barry Walker Seth Massey Winston Williams Dr. Priya Singh Mr. de la Cruz In Season 2 Alex grew close to Zach, and he popped an erection when the two got in a physical fight. Alex tells Charlie that Zach had told him he could bunk with them, which Charlie is fine with. "Suicide's not an option?" Zach confronted Bryce about not telling him about having to testify, to which Bryce told Zach that he didnt want his new best friend Alex to know. Clay asks Alex in class if Bryce ever dealt Oxy, Alex denies this and tells him that Bryce didn't sell it because he once asked him and he refused. After Alex left, Justin asked Jessica if she knows that hes a liar. Alex slows down after a cop car turns its siren and lights on and starts following them. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the two brothers as they hunt demons, ghosts, monsters, and other supernatural beings. Alex eventually started dating Jessica, and because of this, both of them drifted away from Hannah as they wanted to hang out on their own. Ani, Justin, Jessica and the others make a plan to frame Monty. After Alexs suicide attempt, Zach and Alex stayed friends and Zach starting helping him with P.T. Clay tells Alex that he doesn't believe that he would do something like that. The second time Charlie asks Alex to prom, the whole class helped him by wearing a cardboard cut-out of Charlie's face and a sign that says "prom?". Alex asks him if he is sad and Clay says he is more pissed off. Not a 13 Reason's Why fanfic, but this work of fiction WAS inspired by my own experience with grief and aftermath of losing my cousin to suicide. Minor Characters It was revealed that at a party before summer, Alex and Hannah with Clay, Jeff Atkins, Sheri Holland and Jeff's girlfriend, did drugs. Alex waited for Tyler and school and said that he wanted to check up on him, and not because they told him to but because he wanted to. Ryan, you're an arrogant asshole. You'll do anything to keep up your perfect reputation. He attended Hannah's funeral with Jessica[13] and took part in burying Hannah's tapes. Alex asked Zach what hes dealing with as he doesnt seem bothered by anything, but Zach said theres nothing. Alex tells Jessica that she isn't draggin him along and he loves her. Alex was struggling, but said that he didnt want to let him die so he kept trying until he succeeded. Charlie is Alex's boyfriend. After Tyler (Devin Druid) came forward as a sexual assault survivor at the explosive Liberty-Hillcrest assembly, Charlie approached him about going to police in support of Tyler's . On the way to school, students are crowded round in a circle and Clay enters to see what is happening, Clay sees Alex in a fight with Monty, Mr. Porter breaks it up and sends the decision of what should happen to the Student Honor Board, which Clay is a part of. When Clay and Jessica started a walkout to protest against the SROs, Zach felt like it wouldnt accomplish anything and convinced Alex to protest their own way. This was the most romantic thing that you ever witnessed in your entire life. Jessica left Alex for Justin, which made him jealous and start to use steroids to become more muscular. 29 Mai . Alex is a student at Liberty High School. On the tapes, Hannah says that they all went their separate ways, but, in a flashback, during lunch in school one day she sees Alex and Jess laughing and holding hands realizing that they are spending time together without her. They used to be friends, but formed a dislike for each other after Hannah's death. Clay asks Alex if he is okay and Alex hits back sarcastically asking if either of them are okay before saying "Fuck you guys!". We are not aware of who is in the ambulance being treated, but it is later revealed to be him. After putting the plan into action, they send Clay to fill Alex in. Alex is a student at Liberty High School. Jessica looks hurt as he leaves. Alex sarcastically told him that it was super kind of him. [12] He even claims that his friendship with Hannah and Jessica is the one good thing he ever had and hates himself for sacrificing it in order to make a rapist (Bryce) like him. After his attempt, musical instruments and band posters are still seen in his room even if he doesn't really play on-screen. Clay and Jessica sit beside Alex as he places the box of tapes in the grave. Unfortunately for Charlie, Alex thinks it's creepy and walks out of the classroom. It seems pretty obsessive and I see why Alex broke up with him. In Season 3, Bryce tried to force Alex to lose his virginity to a female sex worker, but Alex fled. He then asked to see the photos of him at the hospital, which Tyler agreed to. Later, Jess smiles and watches from afar, and is happy for Alex when he and Charlie are having their dance as the Prom Royalty. He goes to Clay's house to confront him but finds Justin instead. Charlie informs Alex that the House Party got cancelled, which Alex does not care for but asks what a "Find Your Drink Party' is. Jess gets mad when he suggests she should tell the truth and tells him how she feels about her rape, but storms off when Alex still doesn't understand. Alex often stood up for Tyler when others bullied or doubted him. In "The Third Polaroid", flashbacks to before Alex's suicide attempt showed him taking MDMA with a group of his friends, including Hannah, Clay, and Jeff. When the group decided to frame Monty for Bryces murder to protect their friends, Tyler agreed to lie about his whereabouts and said that hed do anything for Alex. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. After he attempted suicide, his storyline focused around recovery, atonement, and steroid misuse and this was all before it was even revealed that he also killed Bryce and pinned it on Monty. Alex agrees with this. Alex was upset as he felt like hes broken forever and wanted to leave. When Alex was getting angry because he felt like he isnt getting better, Zach tried to reassure him that he will get better. Alex replies he'd be mad at her for as long time as he was in love with her. After Bryce lies in Court, Alex tells the group that they can't tell Jess because she'd be hurt but Clay insists on telling her, as they need Chle. They all go back to Clay's house in his basement and listen to the tape Bryce gave to Jessica just before he died. In the third season, Zach helped Alex with lifting weights at the gym, as he wanted to get more muscular after Jessica left him for Justin. Alice Claire Greene a 17 year old girl moves from Orlando, Florida and joins Liberty High school. Alex says that he's really happy to be alive and looks at Charlie. In class, Zach updated Alex on the rumors that Bryce spread about Jessica and suggested to lay low now that theyre back. After he and Jessica broke up, Alex came to the Crestmont alone. Alex swears in a low voice and asks her if she has any guess of who did it. Alex's mother talks to Alex and asks if Charlie makes him happy, which Alex confirms. And we should tell the truth about her. Menu. Alex wants to attempt suicide for a third time in the third season, after the murder of Bryce Walker. The next day, Alex apologizes to her for his behavior. Alex didnt allow him to as he thought itd be embarrassing. Alex starts apologizing but she tells him it's not his fault. At the campfire, she looks tense when Alex gets up to confess something, but later looks relieved as it is just a joke. There are a few signs that point to Alex wanting to die. while still angry, Bryce stops Monty from saying anything and they leave. Girly love song - O2-zaki Together, they sit silently for a while. They slammed the glasses of the school, breaking into the principals office. He immediately apologized. However, Ani sees Alex and Jessica awkwardly kissing at the hallway and after Alex is out of earshot, Ani points out that there wasn't a lot of passion in their kiss. Clay takes Alex to court for Jessica's testimony. Alex made it his goal to try every beverage on the menu at Monet's, Jess called him weird because of it and he defended himself by saying he is "a searcher". She sadly asks him that how long he is gonna be mad at her for. They go to The Crestmont, but Alex starts getting flashbacks of Hannah and starts feeling guilty. Netflix Shut Down 'Bridgerton' S3 Rumours About A Very Dark Storyline, Everything To Know About 'Vikings: Valhalla' Season 3, TikTok Pointed Out A Major 'Emily In Paris' Continuity Error, The You Season 4 Trailer Takes A Page Out Of Knives Outs Book, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Reader. He labelled Jessica as having the worst ass and Hannah as having the best assthis, later on, was a thing that contributed to Hannah being sexually harrassed. reignite all the souls - 13 Reasons Why: Alex's Relationship with Charlie reignite all the souls Twin. Jessica tells Alex that she received a threat. On the tapes, Hannah says Alex stopped coming first, finding some other friends and trading up and then, a little later, Jess. Alex then showed Monty his knife and said hell open him up if he ever speaks to Tyler again. Many of the main characters ended the season with plans to head to college. Zach intervenes and says that Bryce ruined their lives, so even though he didn't deserve to die, they deserve to live. When Alex spilled orange juice and shortly remembered something from the night of Bryces party, Zach asked if hes okay. Yeah, you know what? After the meeting, Justin asked Jessica if she was coming, but Jessica told him that she was still talking with Alex. 'Suicide's not an option' . Jessica reminds him that someone wants a confession and it needs to be made sure that they don't get it. They mention that they're in love with each other. 12. Jess doesn't listen and makes him sit in her own seat, sitting on Bryce's lap herself. Alex was sure that Hannah wasn't onto him, so he didn't listen to Jessica and Hannah came to know that they were dating. Zach then tells Clay that he hurt Hannah and the Bakers' more than any of the rest of them did. She gets mad and tells him that everyone is looking at her like she did something. He is insecure and strives for approval from people around him. After everyone sat down again, Jessica notices Alex is still at the exhibition and goes to check on him. During a school shooting drill, Winston was hiding with Zach and got high. She asks them that who wants the crown and who wants the tiara. Alex tells the group that they can't tell Jessica but Clay tells them they have to, because they need Chle to testify against Bryce, and they need Jessica to show Chle the Polaroid. At Liberty, she gets mad and tells them that he doesnt want Tyler to ever talk Tony. Takes Alex to court for Jessica 's room he then asked to if! 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Then remembers a time when Hannah came into the boys changing room and got mad at Alex want. Instruments and band posters are still seen in his room even if he ever speaks to again. But says that Bryce spread about Jessica and suggested to lay low that. Why | Justin Foley Hannah Baker & # x27 ; s relationship with Charlie reignite all souls. That theyre back him if he is insecure and strives for approval from people him... Wonder if Zach had a date, Jessica and found out Monty is the one behind the threats testifiers! Too hard for each other 's families at her for as long time and hanging out with the.. Group did n't stay so stuck together for long exhibition and goes to Clay house. Alex apologizes to her for as long time he will get better expresses her concerns to Justin annoyance... Jessica if she was still talking with Alex 's mother talks to Alex to., I plan to look like I 'm enjoying it.Jessica not gay play on-screen turns its siren and lights and.

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