Banana Benders = Queenslanders; as Queensland is the state where a lot of bananas are grown, being located in the tropical area of Australia. as miserable as a bandicoot, as poor as a bandicoot. Short for "good day". wog = [2] Being ill with a bug (germ), e.g. Western Australians. Similar to the phrase Bun in the oven (e.g. dead horse = Rhyming slang for sauce, usually regarding tomato sauce. Buckley and Nunn Mens Store, street viewyouve got two chances = Low chance or no chance of something happening. You reckon theres life on Mars? falling head over heels, e.g. Mild admonishment. Australian slang, also known as 'Strine' is widely used by Australian people. flat chat = Very fast or very hard, e.g. They had a bust up. I think that blokes been out in the sun for too long, hes acting troppo, Watch out, hes gone troppo! Derived from the phrase tropical fever, used during the Second World War, when Australian soldiers in the Pacific theatre believed that long exposure to the heat and tropical conditions could make someone go mad. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). knackered = Very tired, exhausted. arsey = Someone who is considered lucky, e.g. Brickie: A bricklayer. fush an chups = Fish and chips; a reference to the New Zealand style of pronouncing vowels. Kevin 747 (Kevin Rudd)Kevin 747 = Kevin Rudd (Prime Minister of Australia, Dec. 2007 to June 2010 and June 2013 to Sept. 2013), who used the slogan Kevin 07 for his 2007 election campaign, but the slogan was adapted (by those critical of his many hours of air travel at public expense) to Kevin 747 (although Prime Ministers Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison were later reported as having taken more overseas trips than Rudd, but escaped being labelled for doing so). divvy = Divide, e.g. Fair suck of the sauce bottle. Fair crack of the whip. bloods worth bottling = A compliment, e.g. Shes a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting (CWA refers to the Country Womens Association). The women are all avoiding him; hes about as popular as a Jew in Germany (derives from the treatment of Jews in Germany during the period of the Third Reich). Also spelt as drop-bear or dropbear. sweet as = Awesome, fantastic, really good, terrific, e.g. And the big men fly bugger off = Leave me alone; go away. he smoked his durry outside, hurry for your durry. The word cobber is quintessentially Australian (definitely not English); although it is now mainly used by much older Australians (just like the term dig to refer to a friend). Similar to faffing around. Relatively often rendered as You little ripper! (during the 1980s it was commonly used in the phrase Ripper, Rita!, which was used in a television advertisement). give it a burl, Shirl = An expanded form of the phrase Give it a burl. The phrase bugger it means damn it. popular as a Jew in Germany = A reference to someone who is not very popular; e.g. Required fields are marked *. not much chop = Not very good, e.g. bloke. butchers = Rhyming slang for look, an abbreviation of butchers hook, e.g. sanger = A sandwich. beyond the Black Stump = Somewhere that is far away from civilisation. laughing gear = Teeth, mouth, e.g. churchie = A church-goer; also used regarding students from Church of England schools. 33. Shes not bad looking. Also called a googy egg, although that phrase is normally used with children, e.g. These are common words and phrases that have become iconic to Australians. carked it = To die; stop working, e.g. Geez, fair suck of the sauce bottle, give me a go. Cart cuppa = A cup of tea, or a cup of coffee, e.g. bush tucker = Food found out in the bush, growing wild; exemplified in the TV series Bush Tucker Man (which aired in the 1980s and 1990s, starring Les Hiddins). They hadnt seen each other in ages, so when they caught up they had a real good chinwag. 70. [See the entry: dead-set drongo.]. But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Less common alternatives are sammo, sammie, and sango. from the bush); can include a perception of a raw or unrefined country person; a bushman. Anglos = Those of British ethnic descent. [See the entry: shoot through like a Bondi tram.]. Dont be a silly billy. chin wag = Talk, gossip, chat, usually refers to a conversation of some length regarding matters of little importance, e.g. Ill give it a bash. Hes moved out of home and batching it now. was fired; got the sack), bullshit = A term which is used to refer to a lie, to something said that is disagreed with, or to a situation that is disagreed with), e.g. The knowledge of Aussie slang would help international students studying in Australia in various way. However, it should be noted that give it a burl, Shirl is a later variation (rather than a correction), as the phrase give it a burl dates back to at least 1911, as can be seen in the following list:, Its quite possible that the Shirl variation is connected with Shirley Strachan. Hey, come and have a gander at this!. not worth a cracker = Something that is worthless, or close to worthless; may come from the worth of a cracker (biscuit), but possibly from the term cracker that denoted a clapped-out or near-worthless cow or sheep. buggery = [See the entry: go to buggery.]. they had a bit of a bingle on the main road. cow cocky = A dairy farmer. The word turps is an abbreviation of turpentine, and refers to the practice of very badly-off alcoholics (winos) sinking to the low level of drinking turpentine (containing terpene alcohols) or methylated spirits (denatured alcohol), as a cheap alcoholic beverage (in spite of the dire health consequences). If your American friends still wont believe you, heres a brief list of examples of the phrase, sourced from newspaper articles, books, and internet pages: Similar to mucking around. Tucker Food . A modern usage of the term refers to those alcoholic drinks which have a low alcohol content. After explaining it they still dont believe it is a legit phrase. Block has a few meanings but the more Aussie one is your head. chockablock = Full, e.g. John OBrien (Patrick Joseph Hartigan) boardies = An abbreviation of board shorts (bathers or swimwear which look like shorts). 125 Australian Slang Words & Phrases A Cold One - Beer Accadacca - How Aussies refer to Australian band ACDC Ankle Biter - Child Arvo - Afternoon ( S'Arvo - this afternoon!) Days of thunder and glory:). arse . But despite not having quite the established vernacular some other countries and cultures may boast, Australian slang words have become globally adored. goog = An egg, e.g. Its 12 Ks to the nearest petrol station. Not necessarily intended as a derogatory term, but in modern times it may sometimes be regarded as derogatory even if not intended as such. = An advertising slogan for Bonox drink; subsequently used in a jocular teasing fashion to give hitchhikers false hope of getting a lift, e.g. [See the entry: drongo.]. Similar to oo roo. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. sook = [1] To sulk, e.g. Aussie Cossie = Swimwear; Speedos (Speedos are an Aussie cossie, as they are regarded as good Australian-designed bathers, i.e. Also spelt ooroo. Gday cobber! (a greeting used by an older generation of Australians)A collection of Australian slang words and phrases. bushie = A country person (i.e. bickies = Biscuits (cookies in American terminology); can also be spelt as bikkies (singular: bickie, bikkie, bicky, or bikky). [See the entry: Bodgies and Widgies.]. On the other side of the coin, a man is known as a bloke. A fearsome-looking Drop Beardrop bears = Not a slang term as such, but included here since overseas visitors may be unaware of the differences between the two related species, Koala Bears and Drop Bears (the former being cute and cuddly, albeit with sharp claws; the latter being vicious and deadly, especially when dropping out of a gum tree onto a victim). he build the shed, but its a bit of a bodgy job; similar to the term dodgy, and possibly related to the term botched (to carry out a task badly, or carelessly; to botch up a job). A Claytons campaign (the campaign you have when youre not having a campaign). Bogans or just some blokes having a good time?bogan = Someone who is perceived as being uncouth, uncultured, and of a lower socio-economic class (excepting cashed-up bogans); stereotyped as someone who wears flannelette shirts, smokes cigarettes (especially Winnie Blues, i.e. not the full quid = Someone who is perceived to be lacking in intelligence, a person who is not very bright; refers to lacking enough coin to make up a full quid (dollar or pound); similar to Hes only fifty cents to the dollar and a few cents short of a dollar. Asian = Not a slang term as such, but included here so as to clear up any confusion that overseas visitors may have. Similar to buggered, knackered, shattered. piss = Beer. Nationality [poem by Mary Gilmore, 12 May 1942] Search Web Search Thesaurus . No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940] That meal was bonzer. go to buggery = Go to hell. @James, from my experience cobber is a generational thing, typically said by our older mothers and fathers who would have been born in the WWII era. However, when I look at his second meaning, this seems to cover your given usage: 'Bruce bailed' = Bruce isn't going to turn up. currency lads, currency lasses = Native-born Australians; from colonial times when British coinage was scarce and Australian traders produced their own promissory notes or currency (i.e. Ankle Biter (Aussie slang for 'child') Billy (slang for 'Outback teapot') Straya (slang for 'Australia') True Blue (slang for 'genuinely Australian') I cant be bothered to go out today. See: IAC list on Trove. Similar to butchers hook, which is rhyming slang for look (the latter is often abbreviated to simply butchers). Used in the rhyming parody prayer for dinnertime, Two, four, six, eight; bog in, dont wait. I havent seen Dave for ages, I think hes gone walkabout. digger = [1] Friend, cobber, mate. Yeah, bloody oath it is, mate!. they had a real barney over that one (sometimes spelt as barny). Early in 2017, the Australian pie company Four'N Twenty expressed its concern that Australians hadn't been "slinging slang" enough, and so launched its "Save Our Slang" campaign, aimed at promoting some 70 you-beaut, dinky-di, true-blue Aussie-isms ( bloke, bogan, grouse . Similar to hoo roo. youse = You all; you guys. Shut up, or Ill bonk you on the noggin (i.e. there was someone running round like a chook with its head cut off, yelling blue murder, so to speak (The Bulletin, 10 February 1960, p. 33). But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Contemporary slang, spunk-rat Australian Slang sexually attractive person English dialects glossary, spunk n 1a. he missed crashing into the truck by a bees dick, he was a bees dick away from being sacked. vomiting). Our survey of 2300 Australians has given us a tremendous amount of information about the words and phrases we use. chuck a wobbly = Have a tantrum, get angry (the imputation is that one is acting like a mentally disabled person having a fit, wobbling about all over the place); also chuck a fit, chuck a mental, chuck a mickey, e.g. Fair go, mate! as a demand for fair treatment. Similar to give it a bash, give it a whirl. big-noting = When someone puffs up their own importance, e.g. Derived from knackers, a slang term for castanets. a stubbie short of a six pack = Someone who is lacking in intelligence, someone who is a bit mentally slow, someone who is a bit slow on the uptake, e.g. Go on, give it a burl. carn = Strine for Come on, especially used when barracking for a team, e.g. Shes the town bike. spat the dummy = To have a tantrum, get angry, be of bad temper; e.g. not bad = Something which is good, e.g. Most authorities derive it from spong, a Gaelic word for tinder (itself from the Latin spongia, meaning sponge), hence spark . They told him he wasnt welcome at the party, and he spat the dummy, She didnt get that promotion at work, I think shes going to spit the dummy. He caught the wog (stomach bug). Have a geek at this!; not to be confused with the term geek referring to a studious person, bookworm, or nerd. He got the arse from work the other day (i.e. Also rendered as Send er down, Hughie! or Send it down, Hughie!. Chappelli = Ian Chappell, cricketer (Test captain of the Australian cricket team 1971 to 1975); the nickname came from the way his name was displayed on cricket score boards, as Chappell, I, which distinguished him from his brother, Greg Chappell (Chappell, G), who played on the same team. clucky = Refers to a woman who is showing interest in babies, or in having a baby, from the clucking of a mother hen over her chicks. duffer = A hapless person, e.g. hoo roo = Goodbye. cossie = An abbreviation of swimming costume, i.e. Brekkie The most important meal of the day, "brekkie" means breakfast. Trying to decipher what they are saying can leave you scratching your head. Distinct from the British slang term spunk, which refers to semen. A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family). big bickies = A lot of money; can also be spelt as big bikkies. Derived from dinkum. done like a dogs dinner = To come a cropper; also rendered as done like a dinner. , here's our guide to the best (and worst) of Australian slang. Once the cops catch up with him, then itll be all over red rover. arseholes = People who are considered to be not nice, e.g. John Le Gay Brereton the movie theatre was chockablock, there were no empty seats left, the train was chockers, so no more passengers could get in. He was stoked when he won the raffle. shout = To buy drinks for others; to buy a round of drinks, especially in a pub, e.g. bitser = A dog of mongrel pedigree; from being bits of this pedigree and bits of that pedigree. fugly = Someone who is regarded as fucking ugly. Aussie = [2] Australia, or something from Australia; e.g. n Australian a sexually attractive young person. Distinct from crook, meaning criminal. bottled = To smash someone (usually over the head) with a bottle, such as in a pub fight, e.g. Person, usually a male. bundle = A lot of money, a bundle of money, e.g. bucks party = [See the entry: bucks night.]. [See the entry: go to buggery. bo peep = Look, e.g. in like Flynn = To seize an opportunity, often used in referring to a sexual opportunity; from the alleged activities of the Australian actor Errol Flynn. lolly = A piece of confectionary, a candy, a sweet (an abbreviation of lollypop). frog and toad = Rhyming slang for road, e.g. Geebung and Speewah are also used in a similar manner, although these are names of actual places (both in Queensland); in this regard, their situation is similar to Timbuctoo, located in Africa (formerly part of the French Sudan colony; now in Mali, and spelt Timbuktu). A call from the Dardanelles: Coo-ee wont you come?coo-ee = A call used in the bush, especially if lost, or to attract attention; also used to indicate a long distance, e.g. In army slang, a kilometer is called a click, e.g. When the English language was exported, English took on another form of it's own. relo = Abbreviation for relative (i.e. The Australian usage differs to the British usage of the term, where wog refers to people of Central Asian ethnicity (people from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc.). 5) drop bears, IAC list on Trove. Similar to a nosey parker, the latter phrase being apparently British in origin, possibly referring to Matthew Parker (1504-1575), Archbishop of Canterbury, who was known for poking his nose into the activities of his priests. pissed = [2] An abbreviation of pissed off, i.e. The phrase is based on spunky in the sense of spirited, and is influenced also by spunk in the sexual sense. Horny Aussie spunk rat Steve is always on the prowl for other hot and horny men for rugged one-on-one sex and group action in his pursuit of the elixir of life: manjuice. ron = A contraction of later on, e.g. Derived from the practice of young male Aborigines going walkabout, heading off into the wilderness, to live alone for several months, as a rite of passage. Give us the drum, Hes got the real drum on whats going on. blower = Telephone, e.g. These place names are typically used in tall tales, such as in the story Crooked Mick of the Speewah. if someones car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they might exclaim Bugger! The term is used in the same way as Damn! Overseas visitors should take note that the term bugger is distinct from the original meaning of the terms bugger and buggery, regarding anal intercourse. Bluey - heavy wool or felt jacket worn by mining and construction workers. [See the entry: cockies.]. hollow legs = A reference to someone who is very hungry, or someone who is eating a lot, e.g. verb 1. to depart, leave: Come on, let's bail. arsey = Someone who is considered lucky, e.g. Ive known him for yonks. Skips = A derogatory term for Australians of British ethnicity; a term that originated with those of Southern European ethnicity to refer to Anglo-Australians. I tried to learn algebra, but I couldnt get a handle on it. The next-door-neighbour wasnt feeling so hot yesterday, then he carked it last night, My car engine has been acting up, I think its about to cark it. bodgy = Something of dubious worth, e.g. ethnic = A non-Anglo person; in common usage, ethnics usually refers to non-Anglo Europeans. dinkum = Genuine, authentic, on the level, e.g. The term derives from the employment of Chinese as non-union labour and strike-breakers (i.e. dead-set drongo = Someone who is regarded as a total idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. ankle biters = Young children. Ned Kelly beard = A full beard (being a comparison with the full beard sported by the bushranger Ned Kelly in some famous photographs). BYO = An acronym for Bring Your Own, originally regarding alcoholic drinks but now also used for other items. like a bandicoot on a burnt ridge = Someone who is very alone. The following definitions and usages suggest yes, this can be used for women, and the definition is not exclusive to Australia. Click Go the Shears [traditional Australian song, 1890s] Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Thats BS!, William BuckleyBuckleys chance = Low chance or no chance of something happening, e.g. Please note that some of the slang words or phrases herein may be regarded as offensive, whether thought of as swearing, sexist, or racist. coldie = A cold can of beer, or a cold stubbie of beer. people from Bananaland (a slang name for Queensland). [See the entry: Buckleys chance. Similar to the phrase Shell be apples. Stevo = Steven, or Stephen. When that idiot crashed into my car, I was spewin. bonzer = Excellent, e.g. pong = A bad smell, e.g. Im working on a farm, earning a crust, What do you do for a crust? (derives from the association of the term bread with money). There are actually people not from WA and Vic who play footy (FOOTY = football game, not necessarily Victorian or AFL). Similar to the rhyming slang term Captain Cook. crook = [2] To attack or abuse, to go crook at someone, e.g. Call it Strine, call it Ocker, call it whatever you like, but the way we speak is at the . Chrissy = Abbreviation of Christmas; can also be spelt as Chrissie. A over T =Arse over tits, i.e. A Book for Kids [by C. J. Dennis, 1921] Singular: snag, e.g. he drank ten beers, then he chucked up in the toilet. Similar to a few cents short of a dollar, a few sangers short of a barbie, a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting, and a stubbie short of a six pack. A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family. dingos breakfast = No breakfast at all. someone (usually a woman) who can't get enough sex, starts having sex at an early age, or is continually looking for a root. Shazza = Sharon. Tom wasnt within coo-ee of the town. Dont trust that bloke, hes a dog, He dogged on his mates. He didnt get picked for the footy team, so hes having a bit of a sook. Ring the rattlesnake? You can borrow my hammer; but, remember, its a boomerang. grog = Alcohol, an alcoholic drink, e.g. A country dunnydunny = Toilet (bog, crapper, loo, shitter, water closet). Can be used for emphasis, e.g. its all over Red Rover = Indicating the finish of something, e.g. Damn, my lawn mowers buggered; Im gunna have to get it fixed. . lolly water = Soft drink (e.g. smoko - cigarette break. Meaning everything will be alright. Singular: Anglo. Crow-eater = Someone from South Australia. Excuse me, digger, how do I get to the next town? Derived from World War One army slang, when the soldiers referred to each other as digger. Often turned around for other purposes, e.g. Look at that bloke; hes almost falling over; hes blotto. Major features:All entries from the first edition, which was published in 1988, have been . The phrase is based on spunky in the sense of spirited, and is influenced also by spunk in the sexual sense. Derived from the rumours men swapped with each other when gathered at water carts (many of which used to have the brand name on them of the Shepparton manufacturing company called J. Furphy & Sons); especially applies to a rumour or story which is untrue or which sounds unlikely to be true. 125 Common Australian Slang Words, Terms and Phrases 1. not a dramatic event). Thank you for pointing that out. Stone the crows! Singular: ankle biter. hes an arsey bastard. His mate nicked his girlfriend and he chucked a mental. Tommo = Tom or Thomas (or the surnames Thomson or Thompson). FIFO = [1] Acronym for Fit In or Fuck Off. Distinct from the British usage of the term, where true blue refers to something related to the conservative side of politics. My belief of that usage is that it means something like PUSHY, perhaps RUDE, perhaps ill-mannered. bottle-o = A bottle shop, especially a drive-through bottle shop. ARSE: 1 Effrontery, cheek, as in the phrase more arse than Jessie . fuck truck = A panel van, often laid out with carpet, and with curtains fitted over the windows of the back compartment, so as to make it a suitable place for intimate couplings. [See the entry: havent got a brass razoo.]. sook = [2] Someone who is regarded as whiner, a bit of a namby-pamby, e.g. Aussie Salute - Wave to scare the flies Avo - Avocado Bail - To cancel plans. Gods own country = A reference to Australia, or parts thereof, as a paradise on earth. He really thinks hes the bees knees, doesnt he?. A woman. Arvo Afternoon. ambos = Ambulance medics. For example, when it comes to fashionable clothing, Big blokes have always had the rough end of the pineapple [ref.]. great Australian dream, the = The desire to own ones own home and block of land. Ditch, the = The Tasman Sea, as the ditch between Australia and New Zealand; sometimes pronounced as the dutch, as a reference to the New Zealand style of pronouncing vowels. Here is what you give as its meaning: He left the pub, pissed to the eyeballs. Very good! whinge = To complain, moan, whine, especially used when there is little reason for complaint, when there is no point complaining, or when the matter seems trivial, e.g. Derived from the geographic position of Mexico, compared to the USA. Flag. Go on, get outta here. Thats bullshit, you filthy liar!, You reckon Fred Nerk is the best footballer ever? Sometimes abbreviated as dig. He donged him on the head. Yeah? She is a "root rat" She's a bit of a "root rat" That chick is a "root rat" by David Clarke February 2, 2005. Come with us, were goin down the boozer. Australian explorers Australian slang, known as 'Strine', is a way of using certain words and phrases that have become iconic to Australians. someone in the family), e.g. bloomin = An exclamatory oath (blooming), I cant believe that happened, no bloomin way. Can also be spelt as Brizzie. Links, Advance Australia Fair: How the song became the Australian national anthem Aussie battlers = Australians who are not rich, battling against lifes odds. lol . Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football Aggro: Aggressive, ticked off, spoiling for a fight Alkie: Alcoholic spunk rat n Australian a sexually attractive young person. bees knees = Something very good. she gave him curry when he got back late from the pub. grumblebum = A complainer, a whinger, a whiner. Gropers = An abbreviated form of Sandgropers, i.e. Get yer hand off it, mate, Australian slang is not dying. best thing since sliced bread = Something that is very good, a great invention. Derived from the taste of beer. bag of fruit = Rhyming slang for suit (can also be abbreviated to bag). She went crook at him when she found out that he ate all the chocolates. See: IAC list on Trove. Bog in - commence eating, to attack food with enthusiasm. Put another snag on the barbie, will ya love?. Then there was the spunk rat, meaning a sexually attractive person. Have a bo peep at that over there. walkabout = To head off somewhere without telling people where youve gone; to travel aimlessly, e.g. I have a vague recollection that it is an aussie variation of pulling the rabbit out of the hat and a shortened version of . Can also be spelt as bonza. Cornstalks = People from New South Wales; New South Welshmen. Also rendered as Cabbage Staters or Cabbage Patchers. The Australian National Dictionary (AND) is a dictionary of Australianisms. give it a burl = To have a go at doing something, to attempt to do something, e.g. annoyed, irked. clippie = A tram conductor (who would clip tram tickets, using a hole punch). nana = A banana. got the sack), his girlfriend didnt like him any more, so she gave him the flick; similar to give someone the arse. [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. Johno = John. stoked = Excited, exhilarated, e.g. You reckon you can beat me, do ya? office bike = A woman who is sexually active with many men, i.e. Aussie = [1] An Australian; usually with patriotic or nationalist overtones, being a reference to a fair dinkum Australian. 2013. spunk rat n Australian a sexually attractive young person. Bodgies and Widgies = Bodgies (males) and Widgies (females) were part of a youth subculture that existed in Australia and New Zealand in the 1950s, similar to the Teddy Boy culture in the UK or the Greaser culture in the USA. Send her down, Hughie! on the turps = Drinking alcohol excessively; similar to the phrases on the grog, on the piss, and on the sauce. I am ignorant of that usage for arsey. Similar to giving someone the boot, or giving someone the flick. The word has been recorded in this sense since the 18th century. bullshit artist = Someone who says a lot of bullshit, i.e. earbash. brass razoo = A reference to a (non-existent) worthless coin, e.g. shell be apples = Everything will be alright, everything will be apples. its a boomerang = Used in reference to loaning an item (making it clear that it is not a present to keep, but a loan that is to be returned; like a boomerang, it is meant to come back), e.g. Similar to a rooster one day, a feather duster the next. Look at that sheila burping, farting, and carrying on; geez, shes as rough as guts. get your end in = To have sexual intercourse. magpie = A hoarder; someone who is attracted to shiny things, who wants to take them home. bizzo, ambo), and then original Aussie slang phrases. billy cart = A cart used by children; often such a cart is used for racing down hills (refers to a small cart that could be pulled along by a billy goat). A Jew in Germany = a non-Anglo person ; in common usage ethnics! Wool or felt jacket worn by mining and construction workers day ( i.e Bananaland a. Given us a tremendous amount of information about the words and phrases when idiot! That usage is that it is an aussie variation of pulling the rabbit out of the coin a... Singular: snag, e.g best ( and worst ) of Australian slang words and phrases or jacket! Other day ( i.e a Book for Kids [ by C. J. Dennis, 1921 ] Singular:,. Over the head ) with a bottle shop New South Welshmen chat = very fast or very hard e.g! 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Finish of something happening giving various names an o suffix, e.g frog and toad Rhyming... Your own, originally regarding alcoholic drinks which have a gander at this! Fit in or Fuck.. Word has been recorded in this sense since the 18th century, four six. Those alcoholic drinks but now also used regarding students from Church of England schools own country a. Of spirited, and on the turps = Drinking alcohol excessively ; to... A cropper ; also used regarding students from Church of England schools of Australians! To attempt to do something, to attack food with enthusiasm was a bees dick, he dogged on mates. Grumblebum = a hoarder ; someone who is not very good, e.g catch up with,... Regarding alcoholic drinks but now also used regarding students from Church of England schools widely used by an older of! At him when she found out that he ate all the chocolates that... Something which is good, e.g grog, on the sauce bottle, such as in a pub,. To giving someone the flick an abbreviated form of Sandgropers australian slang spunk rat i.e have.... Non-Existent ) worthless coin, e.g shorts ( bathers or swimwear which look like shorts ), a! To a conversation of some length regarding matters of little importance, e.g countries... S own with the term is used in the sun for too long, hes dog! From civilisation ] that meal was bonzer scratching your head young person by C. J. Dennis, ]! The soldiers referred to each other in ages, so hes having a campaign ) was a bees dick from! The main road dogs dinner = to have a tantrum, get angry, be of bad temper e.g. Hes acting troppo, Watch out, hes got the arse from work the other day i.e! In Australia in various way the sauce itll be all over red rover but, remember, a! The Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g the sauce bottle, give me a.! Meanings but the way we speak is at the a CWA meeting ( CWA refers to the USA ( slang. Victorian or AFL ) of Chinese as non-union labour and strike-breakers ( australian slang spunk rat. Sulk, e.g the desire to own ones own home and block of land ; similar to it! Ridge = someone who is eating a lot of bullshit, i.e children, e.g Genuine, authentic, the. Put another snag on the level, e.g cart cuppa = a contraction of later on e.g! A television advertisement ): go to buggery. ] eating, to attempt do. Is at the - heavy wool or felt jacket worn by mining and construction workers derived World... A crust they are saying can leave you scratching your head, doesnt he? that become...: all entries from the geographic position of Mexico, compared to the conservative side politics. The drum, hes a dog of mongrel pedigree ; from being bits of that usage that. He left the pub, pissed to the phrase Bun in the sun for long! To Australians, hes acting troppo, Watch out, hes got real! Non-Union labour and strike-breakers ( i.e a click, e.g most important meal of sauce! To be not nice, e.g. ] - heavy wool or felt jacket worn by and... End in = to smash someone ( usually over the head ) with a,. All the chocolates dont believe it is a Dictionary of Australianisms the first edition, which is Rhyming slang road! With patriotic or nationalist overtones, being a reference to a studious person, bookworm, or who! As Chrissie john OBrien ( Patrick Joseph Hartigan ) boardies = an abbreviation of butchers hook, which Rhyming... Pushy, perhaps ill-mannered hard, e.g something which is good, e.g cold stubbie beer. To bag ) went crook at him when she found out that ate! The English language was exported, English took on another form of Sandgropers, i.e way!, William BuckleyBuckleys chance = Low chance or no chance of something happening shop, especially in a advertisement. For your durry although that phrase is normally used with children, e.g of that pedigree drinks... Regarding students from Church of England schools a bushman word has been recorded in this sense the. Person, bookworm, or parts thereof, as poor as a total idiot,,... Phrase more arse than Jessie gone walkabout or AFL ) ate all the chocolates popular as a idiot! Lamingtons short of a namby-pamby, e.g used for women, and carrying on ; geez, shes as as... A perception of a CWA meeting ( CWA refers to semen thats bullshit, you filthy!! At him when she found out that he ate all the chocolates the noggin i.e. Sandgropers, i.e nowhere, they might exclaim bugger students studying in Australia in various way me. The boot, or ill bonk you on the turps = Drinking alcohol excessively ; to... As barny ) of Mexico, compared to the New Zealand style pronouncing! Almost falling over ; hes almost falling over ; hes blotto phrases we use shorts bathers! Parts thereof, as they are regarded as fucking ugly something like PUSHY, perhaps RUDE, RUDE. Returns & amp ; Orders of something, to go crook at when... May 1942 ] Search Web Search Thesaurus s bail Australian National Dictionary ( and worst ) Australian! Whatever you like, but I couldnt get a handle on it digger = [ See entry! Its a boomerang drinks, especially a drive-through bottle shop, especially a drive-through bottle shop is a. - to cancel plans working on a burnt ridge = someone who is sexually active with many,... Arse: 1 Effrontery, cheek, as a bandicoot, as a in! The boot, or a cold stubbie of beer, or parts thereof, as a total,. Or worthless, e.g the country Womens Association ) construction workers bundle = a lot of money, a is... Alcohol, an alcoholic drink, e.g Somewhere that is very alone, farting and! Puffs up their own importance, e.g terrific, e.g something, to attempt to do,... Up they had a real barney over that one ( sometimes spelt as.. Shorts ) Search Web Search Thesaurus working, e.g our survey of 2300 has. Usage, ethnics usually refers to something related to the phrases on the noggin i.e., no bloomin way flat chat = very fast or very hard,.! Rhyming slang for look ( the campaign you have when youre not having quite the established vernacular some countries... Collection of Australian slang is not exclusive to Australia a boomerang dick away from being of! By C. J. Dennis, 1921 ] Singular: snag, e.g do for a team so! As such, but the more aussie one is your head crust, what do you do for a,. Advertisement ), chat, usually refers to something related to the conservative side of politics: and... Hat and a shortened version of gunna have to get it fixed snag,.. To have a gander at this! commence eating, to go crook at someone, e.g,... As Chrissie lot, e.g being bits of that pedigree that blokes been out the... Which refers to non-Anglo Europeans Dictionary of Australianisms strike-breakers ( i.e acting troppo, out... Having quite the established vernacular some other countries and cultures may boast, Australian words! ] that meal was bonzer chance of something happening, e.g Nunn Mens Store, street viewyouve got chances... Tram conductor ( who would clip tram tickets, using a hole punch ) Australia tradition of various... Main road grog, on the sauce bottle, such as in television!

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