They can be a huge impediment towards the success of a completed project. (viii) Cutting down of cocoa trees that had been affected by the swollen shoot disease (vi) The widely held belief that the white man was superior to the black man was shattered during the world war as Ghanaian soldier fought alongside British soldier. Conflicts cause a general decline in the economy. (vii) Helps one to be seen as financially reliable and responsible (good reputation) 4.1 Communication Breakdown. (v) Helps to increase ones financial wealth or net worth. After completing this for the first current events article, have students go through the same process for the rest of the sources. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Among other things, what they find when they complete Situational Leadership training is that they learned a leadership language. It is a language they can use to lead change, manage performance and enhance employee engagement. Its important that governmental agencies and other socially oriented organizations render intensive education to the rural folks. The same holds true for a first-, second-, and third-shift assembly line. Political Vigilantism Threatens Political Stability in Ghana, on the Daily Maverick Website, viewed, on 25 November 2018, from For the most part, those days have long since passed. The team needs to acknowledge the source of conflict and work on . It is a necessary and permanent part of life. The paper is an account of the emergence of particular identities and inequalities and their role in promoting instability, conflict and violence. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The paper is an account of the emergence of particular identities and inequalities and their role in promoting instability, conflict and violence. In this paper the causes and impacts of conflicts in Northern Region are examined, with particular reference to the Konkomba inter-ethnic conflicts. (iv) They support the preservation of the environment There are four basic types: inter/intrapersonal and inter/intragroup. Answer one question only from this section, 1. THE ENVIRONMENT [any four]. A good project manager avoids these types of conflicts by managing their team with clear . (vii) Lack of trust by general public the general public seems to have a low level of trust in Rather than making recommendations or imposing a decision, the mediator encourages disputants to reach their own voluntary solution by exploring each other's deeper interests. Wouldn't the world be a better place if all the conflict was gone? First layer is always misunderstanding. Identify four sources of conflicts in Ghana (b) Explain four effects of conflicts in Ghana. 0 some SOEs products and services due to the affordable rates and the monopoly (one man show) that some of them have. This situation also results in reduced provision of goods and services ( less productivity). 3. (xv) Educating the rural populace on dangers involved with urban migration and opportunities in rural areas. etc, which would eventually draw lots of businesses / industries to the rural areas. Heavy workload, unfair treatment, bullying, harassment and unpredictable policies are all possible causes of organizational conflict. (v) Human rights abuse Personality conflicts, irritating as they may be, dont actually qualify as an organizational source of conflict. Yes, there was. Diligent diagnosis is a prerequisite for effective communication. The managers must be sensitive to the staff's feelings, actively listen to their side of the story, yet remain neutral and professional throughout the entire time. x1 04)lXa_&`7MF[!!!!= : 3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts (Level 2 Diploma in Care, Responsibilities of a care worker) 3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving . Formerly: the Gold Coast, a British colony. [5] WB 2019. 0000018382 00000 n What type of conflict is most common in the world today? Peacebuilding Overview, Approaches & Examples | What is Peacebuilding? (iv) Injuries, loss of life and property Hence, there is no political consistency. THE ENGLISH COMMON LAW The origins of English Common Law could be traced from AD 1066 when William the Conqueror was crowned English King. 91 lessons (ii) The media (both print and electronic) [8] ARII 2019. As described in the lesson, this is most often over relationships, power, communication, or change. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. For instance, if budgets are slim, the marketing department may feel like they can make the most of those dollars by earning new customers. 5m]jhhR}zf4vz6/2?~^~{x dv|}(6y V!pR)Qi8IfE99JP%lodH/%oD$+mIx8!IGr>|@"*hRC7Ga-*B},_]2_O~,Vq*MR0X\1Op^('hepJAuV~7_O3(w`Pkb~~#Sj" YiC_3lM_X]v]U1Lo4 #f,|hi=cU.z And leaders learn very early on that not all tasks are created equal! While some Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Understanding the emergence and dynamics of certain identities in any place is complicated by a number of factors. In facilitative mediation or traditional mediation, a professional mediator attempts to facilitate negotiation between the parties in conflict. Begin by collecting several current events articles or videos. xref Any time you get people together (whether it be in families, work relationships, or in a club) you'll find personalities that fit together and those that don't. 0000001732 00000 n Of all the ethnic groups, the Ashanti were known for the numerous wars they fought when Ghana was called the Gold Coast (British Colony). Ethnic conflict exists in every country and Ghana is just one of them. This analysis of previously collected data examined four fitness-relevant issues for their possible role in marital conflict. The last approach is to avoid the conflict entirely. They conquered many lands because they possessed more power than other ethnic groups mainly because of their number and the vastness of their empire. Give four reasons for the establishment of state owned enterprises in Ghana, Highlight four problems facing state owned enterprises in Ghana (a) Problems created in the urban areas by rural-urban migration In the second half of FY2016 and after having been hard hit by lower global oil prices, Angola announced its FY2017 national budget of an estimated USD 44.22 billion. (iv) Political inconsistencies / interference Each political party that comes to power has different ideas on how the SOEs must be managed. However, the president is required to seek parliamentary approval before making any appointments[12]. When looking for the source of a conflict, it's important to remember that the different types of conflict reflect where the conflict originates (internally or externally) and the number of people involved (personal or group). [6] WB 2019. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. PESA may also use the information you have provided for internal record-keeping or other business requirements. (vi) Susu companies Available At: [Last Accessed: 7 February 2019]. The paper analysed the different elements of the. Since independence from France in 1960, Madagascars economy and development challenges have been compounded by periodic political unrests that have hampered economic growth and limited public investment. Conflicts driven by this factor are demonstrated in serious conflicts wherein separate parties have sets of beliefs that they assert in an aggressive manner. Create your account. (I) Individual Level Conflict: Management should keep in mind that all individuals have conflict within themselves. If people all had independent goals that didnt affect one another, everything would be fine. [9] UNDP 2019. This plot progression is true of shows aimed at the youngest of audiences (for example, the bear wants honey out of the tree but has to trick the bees in order to get it). There is the need for the provision of new and improved social amenities (modern infrastructure) such as public toilets, schools, potable water, electricity, information and communication services, recreational centres, etc, in the rural areas. His duties include the appointment of the members of the Army Council which oversee the entire military operations. Brexit and the Trump victory are the two main factors which continue to present uncertainties for many countries. Ghana Country Profile, on the British Broadcasting Corporation Website, viewed on 15 October 2018, from When employees become stressed and have a hard time maintaining work-life balance, they are more likely to engage in conflicts. Over 2,000 couples in five diverse cultures were studied. (iii) Suspicion and intolerance among individuals and groups The 74th Annual New Year School and Conference will open today at the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra with the Vice President being the special guest to formally open the event. Have students explain their reasoning. This article throws light on the four important levels of conflicts in organisation, i.e (1) Individual Level Conflict, (2) Interpersonal Conflict, (3) Group Level Conflict, and (4) Organisation Level Conflict. Conflict can occur between two employees, between a team of employees, or between departments of an organization, brought about by the employees, teams, or organizations themselves. $Mi8FB{N~JY@U,:pv=2/4/t4YB9w9AJG0bj.B] LS&8P7.XOb1 W_6M'=5W8reKroH[W*Kh0*b~\o[^4jnx ^x The new places they move to, even though it may be safer or more peaceful, may be less comfortable for them, since they may not get the basic necessities, pleasures or social environment they are used to in their original places. People who use this style tend to accept decisions without question, avoid confrontation, and delegate difficult decisions and tasks. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. [3] Jenkins, J.C. and Kposowa, A.J. (vi) Increase in criminal activities (vii) Increased unemployment rate (viii) Reduced economic productivity For each, students should record the conflict type and source. Conflict Process Overview & Stages | What Is a Conflict Process? - Definition & Examples, Largest Revenue Sources for the Federal Government, Dealignment in Politics: Definition, Theory & Example, Political Nomination: Definition & Process, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, People living together conflict over who didn't put the cap on the toothpaste. By its size Nigeria has economies of scale over Ghana; however, Ghana is more proficient in terms of the ECOWAS regional integration program. Contents 1 Modern times 1.1 Dagbon 1.2 Denkyira 1.3 Ashanti Empire 1.4 Colony of the Gold Coast 1.5 Republic of Ghana 2 See also Modern times [ edit] Dagbon [ edit] 1896 Battle of Adibo Denkyira [ edit] 1588-1654 [ [Dut Ashanti Empire [ edit] Now that we understand conflict, were ready to take on negotiation. xb```b``m``e`cc@ >6 X `h`pFAfLlTn{`93jo}#:11=T05 The analysis suggests that almost all the respondants are of the view that an impending major conflict is likely to occur in the Northern Region. All these constitute abuses of human rights. vices, etc. We see it in toddlers when they fight over a single toy and when adults argue over politics. Today, these twin factors constitute a major cause of violent conflicts and civil strife in West Africa. Types of Conflict. Resource scarcity also leads to conflict. 0000003278 00000 n Of all the ethnic groups, the Ashanti were known . This is commendable for several reasons: transparency promotes accountability and facilitates sound communication as it is manifested in the enjoyed media freedom without major restrictions[11]. When youre not in the office, you get to choose who you hang out with, but during the work day, the cast of characters is chosen for you. 1. The more careless ones then abuse the rights of the others. 0000018047 00000 n [any two], (b) Effects of superstitious beliefs on a community, Positive Effects There have been conflicts such as the Konkomba-Nanumba conflict,[when?] (ii) They help to inculcate acceptable social habits in the society Conflicts over costs and budgets. Why do you think this is? A belief system based on perceptions of the supernatural or the spiritual realm rather than on factual reasoning, (ii) Examples of superstitious beliefs The paper analysed the different elements of the Ghanaian political economy which encourage or discourage particular patterns of peaceful co-existence and conflict. SOURCES OF LAW IN GHANA (ARTICLE 11, CHAPTER 4 ). There is enough evidence to suggest that all ethnic groups that were involved in the major conflict in 1994 are stock piling arms to be used in the event of another ethnic war. Organizational sources of conflict are those events or factors that cause goals to differ. <]>> This conflict stemmed from a trade dispute, which also factored issues of land access and use. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The country and four . (i) The shooting and killing of 3 ex-servicemen on 28th February 1948 at the Christianborg crossroad while on a march to the Osu Castle to present a petition to the Governor Power conflict occurs when the groups involved intends to maximisetheir influence in the social setting or in an organisation. There are a variety of ways to uncover such sources of conflict, including the use of personality testing instruments like Myers-Briggs, Thomas-Kilman, FIRO-B, and Personality Dynamics Profiles. 1. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. The times when subsistence farming was enough are past and gone. Depending on the type of conflict, you can choose a different course of action. 0000005545 00000 n (x) Tribal /ethnic / racial / cultural differences Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, What is Motivation? Moving, changing relationships, changing jobs, and other major changes are rife with conflict due to the fact that change involves opposing concepts in a state of unrest. (i) Provision of employment for workers. Sources and causes of conflict in the society Conflict refers to the incompatibility of goals, values and interests over scarce resources like power, economics and natural resources among others. (v) Displacements of persons Land has remained a thorny social, economic and political issue which has generated a lot of ethnic conflicts between Konkombas and Bimobas, Konkombas and Dagombas, Konkombas and Nanumbas, Konkombas and Gonjas, Gonjas and Nawuris and recently Konkombas and Nawuris., Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA Ghana), View highlights from our past newsletters. (i) Increase in streetism When a conflict occurs, people either lose their sense of security or actually become insecure. (ii) Incompetent and inefficient staff Some SOEs are staffed with personnel with relatively low levels of training, experience and skills. World History Encyclopedia, Era 9: Promises and Paradoxes, Proceedings of the Partnership for Peace [PfP] Consortium 9th Workshop of the Study Group Regional Stability in the South Caucasus - From Self-Defence to Regional Disarmament: Reducing Tensions and Stabilising the South Caucasus, edited by Frederic Labarre and Ernst M. Felberbauer, Elin Bjarnegrd, Erik Melander, Karin Johansson, Faktionalismus, Institutionen und Politische Instabilitt in Afrikanischen Staaten Sdlich Der Sahara $ h, The role of humanitarian and development aid in the economy of war, The genesis of recurring wars in Sudan: Rethinking the violent conflicts in the Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan, Northern Uganda: Protracted Conflict and Structures of Violence, The Peacemaking Effectiveness of Regional Organisations, Ethnic Conflicts in the South Caucasus: A Tripartite Approach in Explaining the Causes and Consequences of War, Conflict Dynamics in the Mano River Region: A Contextual Analysis, Post-independnce Peace Building in South Sudan: Looking Beyond Ephemeral Peace, ebooksclub org Building Sustainable Peace, Report of Conflict Assessment of EAC Partner States fin, Bulletin N85 Spring 2010, Master's Degree in International Development Policy THE AFRICAN UNION AND THE PRINCIPLE OF RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT --A CASE STUDY OF THE LIBYAN UPRISING IN 2011, South Sudans Post-Secession Crisis in a Comparative Perspective, Building Sustainable Futures: Enacting Peace and Development, Pathways to Secession: Separatist Trajectories in Nagorno-Karabakh, Chechnya and Kosovo, War and Genocide in Africa's Great Lakes since Independence, TITLE PAPEACEKEEPING IN AFRICA AND NONVIOLENCE AS AN ALTERNATIVE: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE IVORIAN 2010-2011 POST-ELECTION CRISES, External Threat and Democracy: The Role of NATO Revisited, FROM SELF-DEFENCE TO REGIONAL DISARMAMENT: REDUCING TENSIONS AND STABILISING THE SOUTH CAUCASUS, The Somali Conflict: Root causes, obstacles, and peace-building strategies, The Russian-Georgian August War of 2008 in the Context of Georgias External Security, The Coming Anarchy in Oceania? They must educate them on both the challenges involved in migrating without proper planning to the urban areas and the opportunities still available in the rural areas. An organizations reward system can be a source of conflict, particularly if the organization sets up a win-lose environment for employee rewards. Was there conflict in it? A number of studies have emphasized the broad disparity between the North and the South of the country in terms of levels of economic development and the general quality of life resulting in the relative backwardness of Northern Ghana in relation to Southern Ghana. However, these efforts did not yield the desired results, due largely to the shortcomings of military government, which is characterised by deficient structural checks and balances. Another might not know exactly how to express himself and ends up using words that they don't really mean. The belief that one must not whistle while taking a bath Some of these practices are puberty rites, widowhood rites, forced marriages, female genital mutilation, etc. 6. Full Name (required) The basic recipe for a story plot is: Introduce your characters, discover conflict, resolve conflict, farewell your characters. 0000003230 00000 n Accurate and balanced analysis of the political economy in Zimbabwe. They can generate chaos and progress, separation and cohesion. Introduction. Problems: Anyone can be involved in a conflict, and the amount of time, money, and equipment needed for resolution will vary according to its complexity. (vii) Employment difficulties for school leavers Political Conflict Theory: The conflict within us, that of our tastes and passions and opinions, arises as politics (be it local, state, national, or international). 4. (v) Credit unions Political stability and the entrenched rule of law is vital to maintain peace and stimulate economic growth within the country. Conflicts in Nigeria, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cte . Some of the opportunities in rural areas are ease of accommodation, acquisition of land for business or residence, lesser temptation for social The first step would involve the manager pulling the employees aside, and having one-on-one informal conversations with each of them to gain an understanding of what has taken place. 0000003585 00000 n CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2, 1. Because the communications department is equipped to provide clear instructions but are not necessarily the subject matter experts, they must wait for engineering to provide product details that are important to the final message. A descriptive survey was used for the study based on qualitative research method. (ix) High prices of essential commodities, which was caused by general shortage 1992. Conflict that exists between two people is called interpersonal conflict. H( YT30)B uf0t-M4L@jiq V[@DAq9 ^`zpYf3"43_P:0m^033f s; [bU@ Yw succeed. The Political Origins of African Military Coups: Ethnic Competition, Military Centrality, and the Struggle over the Postcolonial State, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Fundamentally, what is the source of that conflict? 4. The manufacturing team disagrees with research and development. Whereas this major divide has never generated conflict in Ghana, it is possible to identify different categories of continuous conflict, some of it violent. (a) (b) Give four reasons for the establishment of state owned enterprises in Ghana . This should serve as motivation for rural dwellers to stay and work there. If one team deviates from those standards, then it creates conflict with the other two groups. The 1994 fight between the Konkomba and Nanumba tribes which resulted in over 1,000 deaths and the displacement of 150,000 people should serve as a warning[13]. This could make life difficult or even unbearable for them. Let's look at examples of this type of conflict. Y' ]bf!S4)J# I{. ){to\8a|hEu\.bVYN8=XnQ`;X80K!V. ; Interpersonal - this is conflict between two or more individuals; it may be an isolated . A strong correlation between economic performance and conflict has been a feature throughout Ghanas history. [11] BBC 2018. Task-Sharing and Peace Operations : the role of the Organisation Internationale La Francophonie , International Peacekeeping, 19, 3, 2012, pp. With changes in the international landscape occurring in the years following the Cold War, new and different types of conflict flared up. (iv) Large capital required to establish certain vital services may not be obtained by private Organizational sources of conflict occur when departments are differentiated in their goals. Each, however, seems to be couched in a different theoretical position .Political economists such as Collier tend to investigate motives and opportunities; political scientists such as Nathan . Serious conflicts / intense fighting can lead to injuries, loss of lives and property of inhabitants and state. Organizational They can be seen in relationships/partnerships or in the workplace as people jockey for position and power. Avoiding is another passive approach that is typically not effective, but it has its uses. The rate of unemployment in Ghana in 2020 was 4.70%, a 0.05% increase from 2020. (b) Effects of conflicts in Ghana 2. Home Resources Identify the Source of Conflict. Industrial conflicts are basically two types; Strikes. (PDF) Effects of conflicts on local development in Ghana Effects of conflicts on local development in Ghana Authors: Desmond Gagakuma Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology. Ghanas proclivity for military coups entrenched military centrality, whereby the military perceived itself to be the sole functional organ of state, not as susceptible to or constrained by corruption to the degree of other branches of state, including civil government[3]. 0000018306 00000 n Interpersonal conflict can be seen any time two people disagree on a topic. 1. Examples of enactments are Acts of Parliament, Acts of Parliament are passed by Parliament itself, examples include the Minerals and Mining, (PNDCL 227) the Banking Law, 1989 (PNDCL 225), the Finance Lease Law, 1993 (PNDCL, Regulations are delegated or subsidiary legislation enacted by persons or. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme. (xiii) Amendment of negative cultural practices [1] Fischer, H. 2016. Intergroup power struggles are the key to many wars in the world. Then, guide students in determining if the conflict is interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup or intragroup. The 4 main categories are: Intrapersonal - this is when a person experiences inner turmoil, such as disagreeing with the values of the company or being a perfectionist. Lessons ( ii ) they help to inculcate acceptable social habits in the International landscape occurring in the conflicts. We use some essential cookies to make this Website work or contact customer support occurs, people either lose sense! Operations: the role of the sources use some essential cookies to make Website! - this is conflict between two or more individuals ; it may be, dont actually qualify an! Can choose a different course of action us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit.! 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