That was basically the way things operated through the priest or prophet. I now have my tool to bring the evil down in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Royal Girlz Ministry - Between The Shout and The Shut Door [10 Virgins Parable]. They dont want to do anything that isnt their idea first. Because the leading way the Leviathan spirit operates is through pride, youll see it rear its ugly horns when fault comes its way. Those who feared the Lord would call a fast and pray so that they could avoid whatever punishment was coming their way. Even when they exhibit characteristics of Leviathan towards you, ask the Lord to help you to always respond in humility. God bless you! Your Freedom was Paid for 2000 Years Ago! Ask the Lord God to come into your life and reveal any areas where the Spirit of Leviathan has hardened your heart and has blocked you from receiving the fullness of God. Just came across your page as I wanted to buy a Shofar, and that testimony was so powerful! We also know ofJezebel in the Bible. In the Hebrew Bible, Leviathan is mentioned by name in these five verses: In Job 41, Leviathan is portrayed as a powerful and terrible beast that human strength cannot control. Every person having sex in dreams has a spiritual husband or wife. Greetings, I read Fourth Prayer Watch of the Night! While its true that all evil spirits are liars, the Leviathan spirit specializes in twisting the truth in the mind of its victims without them even realizing it. The influence of the Leviathan spirit sets fires that devour love and covenant, ultimately robbing God's people of hope and weakening their influence in the world. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Better poor and humble than proud and rich. Better it is to be of a lowly (humble) spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:18-19. She was married to King Ahab of Israel. I beg for change and never feel it and Never hear God or truly feel Him. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What Is a Leviathan Spirit and How Can You Identify It. It was great. Greed Money Im so glad it was a blessing to you. : An Authoritative Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare. I was led to this article as I read more on this Leviathan spirit. Hes like a sleeping pet who is comfortable in the home environment, especially Christian homes! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah and promised to kill him by the next day at the same time. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? 2 Spiritual Manifestations Leviathan is a spirit of pride, a stubborn demon that speaks in a rough tone. Principalities are a higher rank of demonic power. Job 41 dedicates a whole chapter to reference of the leviathan. Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill this room with your presence. I do not know if I could have made it during those times. I am so glad that I was born after Christ. Im not sure if you already do this, but praying in tongues is another powerful weapon to use in spiritual warfare and deliverance. Put a rope on him so that your girls can play with him? He is called by several different names, reflecting the several traditions which were melded to construct the concept of the Devil in the intertestamental period. Take it to the scriptures and compare them. Thank God for His promise that says The Lord is close to those who are of a broken heart and saves such as are crushed with sorrow for sin and are humbly and thoroughly penitent.. I would love suggestions. The pride of Leviathan is found in his appearance. Then they immediately feel a shift from their back and the pain goes. Thank you, I needed such a prayer to fight the raging Jezebel Spirit in my family especially for my sons who are married and are oppressed and dominated by their wives. In the apocryphal book of 2 Esdras 6:49-52, we read once again about Leviathan. I can see this is from my mother, her mother, and I dont know how far back. In Job 41:34 he is called "king over all the children of pride." There are five references to Leviathan in the Word of God. Before we get into the characteristics of a Leviathan spirit, I think its essential to look at the scriptures in the Bible that mention this creature/entity. The Leviathan spirit puts its scales up, engulfing the person under its influence so that even the truth bounces off them. Smith lives and resides in Memphis, Tennessee. I would say continue to pray my sister and seek Gods will in every aspect of your life and His Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth. My daughters father has married a women with this spirit. In the Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, we find the following passage on page 247: The Devil in the New Testament is wholly the enemy of God and righteousness. This does not affect your sale in any way and helps to keep our ministry running. They will be able to feel major resistance rise up inside of them in these types of situations. Theleviathan represents the forces of chaos. It must be renounced completely. Do not let people send you out by having you sample their god unless it is Jesus or God Almighty Himself. Be sober; be on the alert. Leviathans rows of scales are his pride. A person who has lived under the influence of Leviathan, pride, and self-worship needs to be broken of their pridefulness. Book 6 of 6: Total Deliverance from Destructive Water Spirits, Conquering Defeating Leviathan Spirit . Do not play around with tarot cards, witchcraft, or Ouija boards. Laziness Lets move on to the 12 characteristics of a Leviathan spirit that are commonly seen in its daily operation. Leviathan wants nothing more than to kill, steal, and destroy anything of meaning or value in a persons life. Sex in dreams are demons having sex with you. This wall I put up or this (skin of armor) will protect you from touching me and getting too close to my heart. When the spirit of Leviathan is in operation, it causes you to be stiff necked and stubborn. Thank you for exposing the devil and his tactics, very much appreciated, indeed the truth sets free. The Tennessee native is a member of Temple of Deliverance COGIC, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, Omicron Delta Kappa, The Golden Key International Honour Society, and Kappa Delta Pi. Like impure silver, which overlays an earthen vessel, so are smooth lips and an evil heart. Strife is angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues, conflict. As an affiliate of Amazon and other sponsored companies on this blog, we may receive a small commission when you click the links and make a purchase. Leviathans face is so fearful and intimidating. LEVIATHAN: THE TWISTING SERPENT To deal with this enemy, we must look to the Word. It is a time in their lives when they want to rise up against authority, and you are right, its not JUST teenage rebellion. Pay attention to what youre thinking about! When we humble ourselves, He will heal us and soften our hearts that we may be able to believe His word for our lives. However, He told them, that particular spirit would not go out unless you fast and pray. If you want your sons behavior to improve, this would definitely be of some use. Talking about Leviathan, Its back has scales of shields; it is shut up closely as with a seal. Shalom. I was with a man who is the father of my two children for 17 years who was operating under this spirit and it nearly killed me. In Job 41:34, it is called king over all the children of pride, and pride is what allows this spirit to enter into peoples lives. This does not affect your sale in any way and helps to keep our ministry running. And the last state of that person becomes worse than the first. CODE: ROSE22 10% off $69+; 15% off $99+; 20% off $129+, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), YouTube Video UCcRvUtmaJAzdpc_6mzii-lw_AYm6UnnKfbY. 2. That could be multiple leadership positions in the same person. And what about the seed that fell among the thorny weeds? The spirit of pride offers them the lie of power and a false sense of identity. Some peoples pride will pull in the spirit of anger to help out here by creating an anger wall (shield) so that no blame can enter. In the Book of Job, we find the Lord having a conversation with His servant Job. Jesus told them to bring the young man to Him. The Spirit of Leviathan hardens your heart to embrace people and the things of God. Only God can tame him. The person tells half-truths because, in their mind, theyve told enough. Leviathan is the ancient force of chaos that has been around since before God made mankind. . I am 100% consumed by Leviathan and I never knew one thing about this. What Are We to Make of Unanswered Prayers? May the Lord our God be glorified! I command you to cease your activities and operations in my mind and life and in those that I have influenced! The list of characteristics of those who operate in Jezebel / Leviathan and Ahab are below: Jezebel Controlling (you feel if you control other people you will never be hurt again) Manipulative Anxious / Fearful Jealous Demanding Sexually impure & selfish Lies Desire for power and leadership Wants to shut down true Holy Spirit More dominant By taking scriptural references to leviathan and other creatures badly out of context, some people have invented an entire mythology of unique demonic entities and attributed to them various nefarious deeds. Is it a negative or dark feeling? This spirit often comes in through a wounded spirit involving rejection. Psalm 73:6-7 Please feel free to contact our ministry for questions or send us an email to leave a prayer request or testimony. The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion. It is any mind-set or attitude that says "it must be done THIS way . Salem Media Group. We thank you for your continued love and support of Royal Girlz Ministry. May I give some advice? Matthew 12:34-37: Offspring of vipers! Not only is it a characteristic of the Leviathan spirit to break covenants between humans, but it also rises against the covenant between God and man. For example, a husband who has been charged with leading his family and is also a leader in his job or the community. Thanks. It is in this place that people become complacent and lose their desire to go higher and deeper in the things of God. For out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks.. They seem robot-like and have a nonchalant attitude of whatever.. If we gave up one meal, this would draw Gods attention. Upon the fifth day thou said unto the seventh part, where the waters were gathered that it should bring forth living creatures, fowls and fishes: and so it came to pass. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The scripture found in Romans 8:38-39 comes to mind that says this And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from Gods love. She worshipped the idol god Baal and Ahab began too as well. But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. Scripture says that Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel than all the kings of Israel that came before him (1 Kings 16:33). The scripture doesnt specifically say agree on earth about any good matter, it says any matter. I believe this is why is can spot this enemy so quickly, but it has come to me through friend and people who I would have never guessed and this last time really threw me for a loop. No natural weapon will work. This spiritual warfare article will discuss the characteristics of a Leviathan spirit and how to recognize and overcome it! Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. The Lord rebuked the devil. Stubborn, Rebellion May the Lord help me, Blessings my sister! Can a Christian get free if this spirit has taken a strong hold in their life, Yes. Step up and claim your inheritance. Drug use can put people in harms way and open up the gateway to a demonic spirit. Although this is typically used for good, could the Leviathan spirit underhandly convince people to invoke it for evil purposes? If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. So glad that you are freed from him and his demons and are now recovering. This spirit doesnt want to work with anyone. A marriage will not survive if the husband or the wife is operating in the spirit of pride and refuses to The battle with the spirit of Leviathan may be one of the. Matthew 3:4-11. My question is, what are the best steps to take to help out my son, whom I think is being controlled by this spirit. Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor. Supplication and prayers bring forth deliverance and healing, but Leviathans pride will not allow him to humble himself and repent. I have a spouse who in nearly 50 years of marriage has manifested . Demonic spirits push boundaries and will keep checking and testing to see if they can get back in their house.. Leviathan uses contention and misunderstanding to destroy communication between people and God. Their eyes are haughty and piercing and they never smile to encourage others. The scales wont let the Holy spirit in, blocking Him out. No matter how far you want to go up in the spirit, you cant and It is a very frustrating feeling. Your heart becomes stony ground for the Word of God to take root. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Thank you for such tangible and enlightening information. God bless you! The "leviathan spirit," or the "the spirit of leviathan" is one of many terms associated with a particular view of demonic oppression. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This spirit's goal is to twist everything in our path that is good and . Ms. Kimberly, thank you so much for your obedience in the kingdom, your article on Leviathan blessed me greatly! Nothing and no one will change your way of thinking. 5:22-32. I am so glad you were able to identify the spirit. I feel that this spirit. Captive is one forcibly taken in war. Those who disagree with them (their own opinions are so important), Critical and condemning attitudes and thoughts, Boasting over achievements and revelation, Dishonor of authority (indicates pride in the heart), Desiring to be served (Jesus did not come to be served but to serve), Dismissive of others opinions and thoughts, Desiring to control others (including narcissism and gas-lighting), A condescending attitude towards other believers. Ephesians 6 encourages us to put on the whole armor of God so that we can fight the whiles of the devil. The one thing that Leviathan hates is prayer! We have to avoid things that open up thegateway to evil spirits. It causes them to hold on to denominational beliefs and religious ways instead of embracing the Kingdom of God and His love. Its also a very critical time in a teenagers life when they need to be reminded of both your love for them as well as Gods love for them. We have to read the word, pray, and ask God for His spirit. The higher Leviathan can bring him up, the further he can fall (with witnesses) when the principality decides to turn on him. 1 Kings 19:1-3 tells us why Elijah the prophet ran for his life. We will stand in faith with you for God to save and deliver him from the spirit of rebellion which is rooted in The Spirit of Divination/Witchcraft. Please feel free to contact our ministry for questions or send us an email to leave a prayer request or testimony. These cookies do not store any personal information. When the Spirit of Leviathan is operating in people, It likes to hide and so getting too close to people will allow them to be seen. If in the past you had sex in dreams and you were not delivered, you have a spiritual husband or wife. Backbiting I grew up Baptist and any talk of these things is seen as strange, particularly by my mother. I reject this spirit completely and wholeheartedly. 2 Esdras was in the original 1611 King James Bible; it talks about Leviathan being created by God before man existed. No power in the sky above or in the earth belowindeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord., The Leviathan spirit represents pride, arrogance and haughtiness and in order to be delivered from this spirit, a person must first acknowledge that they operate in it. Idleness Theyre very stubborn in believing that they know more than anyone else, and they are right. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Intellect They feel more peace and also feel like a weight has lifted from them. It is important to get young people really saved before leaving your household. Strife Homes have been broken up over the spirit of confusion. Slay the dragon that is in the sea (Psalm 27:1). You are very welcome! We will first start off by looking at his skin. And if there is any of this that you dont agree with, God will make it clear to you. A Lying Tongue (lies, gossip, accusation, criticism, faultfinding, slander) We shouldn't either org Messianic Vision, Inc The leviathan spirit is a sneaky beast, twisting reality into half-truths and lies that can hold a person bondage An evil spirit can be cast out of a person through the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit Currey . Give up a whole days meal and He is really listening. For wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption, and deceit of every kind. Their defense is to keep you away and intimidate you with fear so that you never can get close enough to their heart or to the real them. 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