LI No. LXI No. Something went wrong. North American Hunting Club Hunter's Classic Collectible Knife. Very Special Knife Collector Edition issued from the North American Hunting Club Organization. 1 North American Hunting Club Folding Pocket Knife; 2 D'Holder NAFC Limited Edition Folding Hunter Lockback Knife North American Fishing Club Collector's; 3 Les Kouba Walleyes Feeding Pocket Knife North American Fishing Logo Etch; 4 Collector's Edition Large Trapper Knife by North American Fishing Club F1703; 5 Mossy Oak Survival Knife, 15-inch Fixed Blade Hunting Bowie Knife with . Happy Shopping! $250.00 SOLD AS A SET. LXII No. Buyer to pay $15.00 shipping. 3,426+ items sold. They are of exceptional quality. EZESharp Dexter Sicut KA-BAR Tramontina Knives and Collectable Knives, Knife: UNUSED Some Small Marks Very Good Condition, Schrade USA Pro Hunter 1 (PH1). No returns are accepted. You are bidding on a knife from the NAHC Hunting Legacy Knife Collection. LI No. 15 (Jan. 13): The National Military And, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. The handles have wood scales with brass pins. TERMS & CONDITIONS Real Estate & Personal Property Auctions 1.All Auctions will start exactly on the advertised time 2.Changes to Auction Terms and Conditions take place occasionally and should be reviewed by Bidders on a regular basis. . Seller: anthonyjustin (3,426) 99.6%, Featured review. Camillus Clip Point Hunter- 3 3/4" Hollow Ground Clip Point 440A Stainless. 12.There are no bidder disclaimers, warranties , understandings, agreements, representations or warranties, expressed or implied not specified herein, respecting any contract, terms or conditions or the item or property sold hereunder, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for any particular use or purpose. $39.99 Regular Price $84.99. Old Aladdin Washington Drape Green Kerosene Oil Lamp. Seller: sweetchild2003 (500) 100%. Although the North American Hunting Club (NAHC) appears to be just another for-profit corporation, they did create a series of wildlife medals in both copper and silver that feature North American wildlife and have become very popular with collectors. 11.Being deemed the successful bidder by the Auctioneer, you agree to pay the amount of your bid plus all applicable taxes, buyers premium, other special premiums and other additional costs in accordance with all written or oral terms and conditions of the Auction. Genuine Coco bola Wood Grips. L No. . NAHC-Hunting Heritage Collection. This page was last updated: 18-Jan 13:32. 10-piece knife set: Pocket knives and knives. All items are sold in an as is where is condition and nothing else is implied or promised. 23 (Mar. Nickel Silver Guard. North American Hunting Club Commemorative Coins. Check my feedback and bid with confidence. 8. 10.All bids are either recognized or rejected only at the sole discretion of the Auctioneer. FOR SALE! 8.The successful purchaser agrees to pay any and all reasonable attorneys fees and costs incurred by the Auction Company, The Seller and/or their servants, agents or employees in the commencement or defense of any actions hereunder as well as in the collection of any obligations hereunder. $1,000. 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LXVI No. Leather Pocket Knife Sheath Only North American Hunting Club NAHC 5 Folder VTG Collectibles Knives Swords Blades Blade Parts Supplies Accs eBay. 17 (Mar. RyansmisfittoysCo. Has been kept in storage for many years, never used them. 17 hrs Left Charles & Ray Eames, Lounge Chair and Ottoman (2) $1,500. 16 (July 21): The National Military And, A Study Of The Savage Weapons At The Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, Arms And The Man Vol. An Auction with special conditions. Nice engraving on the bl. Unique Resin Impregnated Herringbone Kaleidoscope Wood Handle From Sante Fe Stone Works. Sunday, July 7, 2019 @ 8:00pm (Start) Tuesday, August 20, 2019 @ 8:00pm (End) Add to Calendar ON-LINE ONLY ; View Auction & Bid. 14. 2 of them fold, the rest don't figured one knife was worth the $15. Nickel Silver Bolsters. 16 (Jan. 20): The National Military And, European Arms & Armor Of The XV-XVIII Century, Arms And The Man Vol. 8. Each knife has the North American Hunting Club Lifetime member Logo engraved on the blade. What happened . Hunting Heritage Fixed Knife * NAHC Life Member Engraved *, Nahc Legacy Knife North American Hunter NIB, 5 Hunting Medallions & Pin Whitetail Deer Bear + Lot NRA & NAHC, Nahc Hunting Legacy Knife Collection Engraved W Whitetail Drop Point Fix, Lot Of 3 NAHC North American Hunting Club Books Whitetail Deer Turkey, NAHC North American Hunter Whitetail Deer Fixed Blade Knife With Leather, Buck NAHC Whitetail Deer Folding Lockback Knife, Coues Whitetail Deer American Hunting Club NAHC Big Game Super Slam Silv, NAHC "North American Whitetail Drop Point Knife" New Mint, Etched Blade&, Arms And The Man Vol. Original Price $6.92 Log In. North American Hunting Club Heritage Single Blade Life Member Etched On Blade Ebay, North American Hunting Club Knife Showcase Legacy Collection Guns Military Artifacts Knives Blades Tools Online Auctions Proxibid, North American Hunting Club Set Arizona Custom Knives, Vintage North American Hunting Club Set Fixed Folding Knife Buck Case Antique Military From Blackswan, Buck Knives 500 Colt Custom Duke Klc15729 Cutting Edge, North American Hunting Club Knife Collection Auction, North American Hunting Club 2 Piece Knife Set Property Room, Sold Price Schrade Hunting Heritage Collection Knife April 6 0120 6 00 Pm Edt, Schrade North American Hunting Club Fixed Knife Jan 14 2018 Kraft Auction Service In In, Knife Wooden Root Steel Marked North America Hunting Club Puma Inc Usa 19th 2000s Weapons Militaria Edged Weapons Auctionet, North American Hunting Club Signature Series Knife Collectors Tin Deer H1640 Ebay, North American Hunting Club H1625 Oem Pocket Knife Folding Knife Camping Knife Utility Tool Brass Bolster W Wood Scales Handle Scale 40 Scale Palletscale Architecture Aliexpress, Nahc North America Hunter S Classic Folding Blade H1730, North American Hunting Club Collection Knife H63 From Vitermb 20 53 Dhgate Com. Please read fully prior to any bidding activity. How we did it: We located the oldest USA knife manufacturer who agreed to create this special knife. Militaria & Weapons By placing a bid, all registered bidders and winning biddersagree withany and allterms and conditions found and associated companies. These knives have never been used or resharpened. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Brand New. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750. Your credit card or PayPal account will be charged. Will ONLY ship to the lower 48 states. If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please, Relevant Camillus Western USA Buckmasters Sharpfinger, Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions of Use. 15. Schrade USA Pro Hunter 1 PH1. by BladerunnerAU Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:25 am. 1.0.3 The Club's attorney, John Coughlin, declined to comment on the . The one I have has a little NA Hunting Club Medal in the wooden handle scale, the blade is etched with 75th Anni emblem and the knife is numbered on the pivot bolster and comes in a wooden presentation box. Bidder acknowledges and agrees that the Auctioneer is acting solely as the agent for the seller in this or any Auction. Other than the Terms and Conditions stated above, "Additional Terms and Conditions" may apply from time to time and Auction to Auction determined solely at the discretion of the Auctioneer and/or their advisors. All knives are in new, unused condition. . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for North American Hunting Club Legacy Knife Collection. Browning Model 367 Plain Edge Knife Usually Ships Within 12 Hours Usedknives Com. ELKHORN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY SINCE 1893 - FAIR DAY 2019!!! 13.All bids shall be regarded pending until appropriately accepted by the auctioneer. Case, Winchester, Bear, Buck, Heritage, Buck USA Skinner Knife North American Hunt Club 1996 Discontinued! Bear & Sons Cutlery Inc. Heritage Caper- 3" Stainless Caping blade. Extra 5% off with coupon. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Sort By. This Hunting Heritage Knife Collection from the NORTH AMERICAN HUNTING CLUB not only comes in a beautiful wood & glass display case, all the original boxes, certificates of authenticity, information sheets and leather sheathes are included for each piece!! This knife (The North American Hunter "Whitetail" Legacy) is the first in a series of eight world-class collector knives from the North American Hunting Club. 3 (Apr. OPENING BID $500.00 . NORTH AMERICAN HUNTING CLUB SAID IT WILL TAKE 10-21 DAYS TO RECEIVE. This is the complete set of the North American Hunting Club's Hunting Legacy Knife collection. XLVIII No. 12.Neither the company providing the software nor the auction company shall be held responsible for a missed bid, human error of any kind or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. (492) $98.95. [protected] 22 (June 1): The National Military And S, Arms And The Man Vol. North American Hunting Club 2 Hunting Skinning Knives Set wBlack Sheath. 8 Different Ohio Police Patches W/oldies Lot 15, Large Toy Plastic Black Prancing Horse - Nice Horsey, Never Used Rf Kennedy Political Bumper Sticker - Button, Men's Grove City High School Ring 1981 Eagles Nice, FEDERAL TRIBAL-bullion-U.S. Bureau Indian Aff.-OFFICER, ## 9 Vintage Paper Napkins With Cute Dogs ##. 10 (June 10): The National Military And S, Illustrated Catalogue Of Important Specimens Of Arms And Armor, Stained, Arms And The Man Vol. Keep in mind that this set cost almost $800.00 to accumulate, and is no longer available. LXVIII No. North American Hunting Club Hunting Heritage Knife Collection In Display Case. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. Date Added 02052021 Available This product is out of stock. Unique Resin Impregnated Herringbone Kaleidoscope Wood Handle From Sante Fe Stone Works. North American Hunting Club Hunting Heritage Collection 8 Piece Knife Set. Custom Leather Sheath. In 2013, the group that ran NAHC and a lot of other clubs obtained and became Scout Media. Troy, N.Y. C.1943, Billy Martin New York Yankees 11x14 Color Photo # 1. It was made exclusively for members of the North American Hunting Club and is not available through any catalog or retail store. These are of exceptional Collector Quality!! Very Special Knife Collector Edition issuedfrom the North American Hunting Club Organization. Since 1978 ** NOTE ** The actual club has been defunct for many years! Click below to begin your paid subscription. AAA+ NR, North American Hunting Club Hunting Heritage Collection 8 Piece Knife Set CASE, 10 Knives North American Hunting Club Limited Edition Knife Collection w/Display, North American Hunting Club Buck and Doe Lockback Folding Pocket Knife, North American Hunting Club Legacy Collection 8 Knife set Wooden Case Heritage, NAHC LTD KNIFE KNIVES NORTH AMERICAN HUNTING CLUB GUTHOOK SHEATH FIXED BLADE, North American Pro Hunter Bird and Trout Knife Hunting Set, North American Hunting Club Hunting Heritage Collection 8 Piece Knife Set, Limited Edition Hunting Knife by North American Hunting Club No SHEATH, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Hunting Club Wild Turkey, North American Hunting Club Heritage Collection 8 Knife Set In Wooden Case, North American Hunting Club Hunting Heritage 8 Knife Collection Glass Case LH153, North American hunting club multi tool pocket knife, North American Hunting Club Bone Folding Knife Folding Pocket Knife, North American Hunting Club Pocket Knife Whitetail Deer Folding Bucks Bulls NAHC, NORTH AMERICAN HUNTING CLUB PAIR OF WESTERN SHEATH KNIVES IN SHEATH NO.W84 & W81, View seller's store: LOVEDOCK'S VINTAGE MERCANTILE, North American Hunting Club Knife Sheath Fixed Blade Leather 6" x 5" NAHC, Limited Edition Hunting Knife by North American Hunting Club w/ Leather Sheath, Limited Edition Large 9.25" Hunter Knife by North American Hunting Club, North American hunting club USA mfg Knife with Holder Perfect Deer Knife, North American Hunting Club Pro Hunter Bird and Trout Knife Hunting Set, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Hunting Club River Bottom, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Hunting Club Bowhunters, North American Hunting Club 2 Hunting Skinning Knives Set, w/Black Sheath, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Fishing Club Opening Day, NAFC North American Fishing Club Limited Edition knife F1630 w/ wooden box & COA, North American Hunting Club Fixed Blade Hunting Knife Nylon Sheath Small Folder, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Fishing Club Sunny Slam, North American Hunting Club Small Lockblade Knife by Imperial Ireland, 3" Closed, View seller's store: AZrecordsandcollectibles, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Fishing Club Panfish, Stainless North American Hunting Club Pocket Knife Black Orange Perfect, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Hunting Club Mule Deer, Vintage North American Hunting Club knife keychain bottle opener, Signature Series Pocket Knife Collectors Tin Elk North American Hunting club, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Fishing Club Bass Feeding, Canal Street Custom Folding North American Hunting Club Knife 2006 Micarta USA, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Fishing Club Crappie, Bear USA Limited Pocket Knife North American Hunting Club Life Member, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Hunt Club Heading Swamp, North American Hunting Club Signature Series Knife w/Collectors Tin, North American Hunting Club 15th Anniversary Schrade Knife Lock back Gut Hook, Nahc Ltd North American Hunting Club Elk Picture Folding Pocket Knife, Signature Series Pocket Knife Les Kouba North American Hunting Club Pronghorns, LES KOUBA STONES IN THE KECHIKA RANGE KNIFE AND TIN NEW IN BOX LOOK FREE USA S/H, Seller: mississippiconnection (10,474) 100%, Western R18 -North American Hunting Club Knife, View seller's store: Military-Cards-Barbie-Americana, Schrade North American Hunting Club Life Member Knife and Leather Sheath, Leave feedback about your eBay search experience - opens in new window or tab. Create this Special Knife Collector Edition issuedfrom the North American Hunting Club Hunter & x27... Lot of other clubs obtained and became Scout Media SAID it will TAKE 10-21 DAYS to RECEIVE how did! - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900 8 Knife! Been defunct for many years Point 440A Stainless Blades blade Parts Supplies Accs eBay 3 '' Stainless blade... Made exclusively for members of the North American Hunting Club Hunting Heritage Collection 8 Piece set! Seller in this or any Auction!!!!!!!!!!! Who agreed to create this Special Knife member Logo engraved on the became Scout Media collected about you, Chair! Parkway NE, Suite 2900 Ottoman ( 2 ) $ 1,500 it will TAKE 10-21 DAYS to RECEIVE Knife the. Options and get the best deals for North American Hunting Club Hunter #... Attorney, John Coughlin, declined to comment on the and conditions New & amp ; used options and get the best deals for North American Club. 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