Personally I live next to river and woods. All Possum Traps are built to tough, professional standards and offer the highest quality features including: Open Size: 24cm (W) x 66cm (L) x 26cm (H) Safely captures troublesome possums without injury. Call 0417 251 911. Theyre Private having an affinity for indoor nooks for their bodily functions. Seems kinder than letting the animal die in the trap over days. Only registered users can write reviews. To do that to any living thing and post it like its OK and normal? Thats exactly how I feel! later on.. Ive bn c n one n my backyard thank u all for the info I will try the mothballs n ammonia had a rabbit tht use to come by havent cn it c nice the possum came, Although possums are not aggressive I have to keep them away from our property. They are nasty creatures. How about you come over here and explain to Mr. Or Mrs. Possum that i would appreciate it if it would take its ass to the woods down the street and rough it instead of trying to live off me like all of the other obama lovers. I have seen mother raccoons help their young Kitts eliminate by means of what looks just like the heimlic maneuver but just lower down on the belly. And kwpt me awake all week scratching and chewing around my house. Patrick, you are of course right, as in all things. We will gladly assist with returns and exchanges of this product in accordance with our returns and exchanges policy. Some of you need serious help, and a soul. Note: These are general possum trapping tips. What can I do. Its sweet tasting and smelling to them. Always read instructions prior to use and only apply as directed. Im with you they suck and cause tons of damage! not out in the woods. This is a cinnamon scented paste that you can apply to: t 38 If possible place the Possum Trap against a wall or building or in a path commonly used by the animal. But generally: look for any possum sign, e.g. Possums carry a disease that when passed on to horses, it attacks their nervous system and kills them. And if, after removing him (humanely) a few times, he kept coming back, I believe you would resort to stronger measures, not just let him stay. Very good just like chicken, no one ever seems to know difference. Make sure you use appropriate bait such as fruit, berries, vegetables, peanut butter which will attract the possum into the cage. 11 So, how to catch these nasty creatures? Dont want to kill them thats just crueljust dont want to see them , If Opossum come out the woods can they die I dont care. Take a look in the mirror would you please. Go buy a single shot pellet rifle and a shovel. Need to trap possums? Thank everyone for the wonderful advice lucky for me he or she moved neighbors had a chicken coop the eggs were the big draw so he made enclosed possum proof so they left to greener pastures, Theres a possum that comes on my porch at night searching for food from my cats bowel. possum droppings; scratches on trees; nibbled citrus, roses, or other shrubs. A possum just ate 4 8 day old baby rabbits in my yard. 16,019 views Sep 6, 2017 Capture and release traps are becoming more popular. Ivan, I am terrified of them too! you are lying about the ammonia dear. I thought, well its just one little old possum, no big deal. How did you manage to get them removed from your property? Some great tips and viewpoints. Oh, the joy !! All you people who want to save the possums need to start a fund to reimburse the livestock owners for sickness and death of horses and cattle. although they dont carry rabies they do carry many other diseases such as TB, can carry plubonic plague, and a few other nasty ones. Losing him has ripped a hole in her heart so big it will take a very long time to heal. Third- opossums will do anything possible to AVOID confrontation unless they are sick, hungry, or feeding babies. Not sure if he can make it to the basement or not. Mine is a purebred Anatolian shepherd. $30 worth of cat and dog food eaten or ruined, so far$200 for the reinforced wood screen door hes torn apart. An excellent cat trap, possum trap, animal trap, magpie tra 17 I have seen 3 out on my deck tonight. i also have skunks and raccoons that come in my yard. So if I want possums on my property to take care of ticks, then I should do the opposite of all the things you suggest? A opossum killed my hen. i think the other issue is that my other non english speaking neighbor have a bunch of cats running around the neighborhood and has kitty palace in his garage including an all u can eat kitty buffet with a ramp leading inside. Im on my cell and do not feel the need for an official document review. Good Day. If there is too much movement in the trap the possum may be reluctant to walk in or the trap door may be released before the possum enters the trap. I have possums in my yard . Suitable for: Carton of 50 x leg hold traps. Can even hear them gnawing on copper pipes in there. Store tomatoes are not grown in a magical pest free place. Ive even bottle fed baby ones whos mom was hit by a car. Gee, I love that little chore! Department of Sustainability & Environment. Restore the balance! Have you noticed you, awww theyre so cute, let them live people have no actual life history with these creatures from HELL? One just killed a beautiful baby egret, I live in Florida and they are being either hit by cars or to much development the egrets, I am referring to. So i had to go out and try and kick it off her without getting bit myself. The slider is closed it happened again to night when that person got home,can a possum take up living in a house? why does your dog bark out the window at the possums! Look up EPM (Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis). Possums are totally non-aggressive. Possums got under my house and chewed my Security System wire into at my bedroom window. In order to live we need to eat. Have had them in my roof fighting, have had them die there above my bedroom the stench oh hell. Possums are a protected species in Australia and as such proper care should be taken when handling these animals. I have a couple that makes home under our playhouse. Some of the scum replying on this message thread here are worse than any vermin I have even encountered in my life. If yes, how long will she be there before she comes out? For those that say they are nice and dont harm anything that is not true. When possums take one bite out of each tomato, the crop we worked hard to grow & counted on for food is gone. No sympathy for you! I will trap/kill/deter/poison/destroy them all as California does not allow live trap and release. These WILD animals would still have a place to live in the wild, theyre not coming on to our property, weve came onto theirs! Set the trap at dusk and check each morning. The rear door should be pushed down and back at the rear of the trap. There is not a soft spot in my roofs. videos, make sure you use all equipment, including PPE, safely by following the manufacturers instructions. My Dog killed 2 of them in my backyard and I just seen another one in that same area. Does antifreeze get rid of possums and raccoons? I am going to trap them from now on and release them but I am going to put their lights out to. Lead is poison. Well I know what you are going to say: when the opossum kills the snake or rat, well thats just instinct and natures way. When he tries to dig under the upper portion of the L, he is greeted with wire that he cant dig through. Im at the end of my rope literally checking all night long. Its your property, you paid for it. This morning I heard number six under my house. Our Possum Trap is safe for both humans and possums, and are quickly becoming the most trusted name in pest control solutions. Though these animals run away, soon they can come back, after the work of repellent is done. Rodents will be killed or moved to a far away place. While I was sleeping my poodle went to the kitchen for a snack. Well I dont know what kind of possums you have but the one thats trying to live at my house is going under my house destroying my duct costing me from $300-$400 everytime he finds a way to get under my house. You dont have the first clue what youre talking about, lady. Next door the neighbors house is a wreck so I suspect they live there and are foraging here. Message me for my addressyou can send me a check. My dogs kept barking at an opposum at night and I killed it with an axe and chop the opposum into pieces. Sweet Sour hide lots. DO NOT spray directly on humans,pets,exposed food,food preparation areas or food utensils. Hedgehogs The possum was playing possum!! Im tired of possums finding ways to get into the lower drawer of my kitchen. Buts this is a very rural environment. What is wrong with you people, how would you like to be treated and killed like thus website says? Yes they do. Youve never had to deal with them in your house in your bedroom in the middle of the night. These creatures related to koalas and kangaroos are wildly misunderstood. NOT necessary! In my case, I have a few acres and I trap (live trap) and take take raccoons, Possums, etc. Do you have any suggestions for getting rid of it? Im scared they will leave huge piles of diseased poop everywhere, Im scared they will chew up things on my property, they offer nothing but problems to anyone they come in contact with. Make sure you monitor the trap daily as once the possum is captured they will not be able to source food or water. BIG mistake! long story short. My new video surveillance cameras have shown many possums active late at night on my property. This is the problem with the world today .. two opinions and both sides of the debate demanding the other side agree with their point of view. You may also want to consider growing vegies in a raised garden bed, like a VegTrug, which comes with a metal frame and greenhouse cover to protect and extend your growing season. They also clean up spilled garbage and fallen fruit off trees. Now i hear noises and the critter possums is living in my attic. I remember the day my non-aggressive world turned. By the way they can get out of traps very easy. Prevention is a perfect approach. They are really near animals once you get to know them. Here is the list of cheap and effective ones that can be freely tried out in your backyard: When it comes to possums elimination, setting traps is the best way to do it. If not those people are insane to want giant rats around. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. They will destroy your propertyjust as rats will, and there are plenty of them out there. It was terrible. They kill and eat chickens traumatizing the remaining birds. I dont know how many more I will get in my trap . just had a possom on my porch tonight eating cat food.i moved the cat food inside and 15 min later it wss back trying to get into our dog food totes.we have cats baby kittens dogs chickens a duck and a turkey.we have a mini husband tried scaring it continued to try to get into our animal feed so my husband shot it.i cant stand them.they are ugly and disgusting. I have a clear yard , w/only two trees so no where really to hide (no bushes or wood piles), surrounded by a 6 privacy fence and my home has a basement so I dont think theyre under the house. She almost got attacked 2 times. Killing one helps to restore their balance. Double entry - tunnel trap for live capture of animals and pests. !I have used mothballs and they workI always throw a bunch throughout my yardtry it. Need the address? My dad has a Boxer that likes to catch the ones that enter his backyard. $199.95, Special Price I am a disabled female veteran who lives with a small 7 pound toy poodle. Instant Humane Kill Rodent Snap Traps That Work, A Better Effective Alternative. A very nice comment which mirrors my feelings exactly. just buy a cheap capture cage from harbor freight, anything that smells and they cant help but get themselves caught. So my husband used the process of eliminating the problem in are house.Now this morning at 8:01 am the dam thing is back I cant get no sleep and im cranky as hell no rest for three days but it seems like the dam thing whats to meet his maker possum possum heaven and hes going this time. RATS?? Why do people think you can live in a vacuum? I have had them in my place as well and recently had one watching me from behind my computer screen. They are NOT RODENTS. I am having the same problem. Omg. Set up one gallon bleach. The protozoa attack the central nervous system. I just had a possum in my backyard by my basement window. Ferrets Opossums very rarely carry rabies because of their unusually low (for mammals) body temperatures. You obviously didnt care too much about them to leave them outside. It is all worth trying, if you dont they will try to get to make their home in your roof ceiling and if they cant find a way out thay die and decay. Please help. There are ways to do it without killing them. Compare. When it got close, I started wailing on it with a broom stick really hard. I have found the best solution to date is to set a possum trap with a bit of apple. Next morning a big agressive male was in the trap. I have one of those vicous beasts in my backyard. Amen to that Jennifer. Despite our best efforts to continually find and seal up every little bitty spot they may claw their way in to, they keep finding a way under our home, where its nice and cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I would like to know how effective some of these remedies work without hurting my strays. I think Ive lost about $15,000 over the last 3 years. $69.95, Special Price Come back in the morning and if it is in the trap. Im mad that I have possums because I live where there is a lot of houses . I live in Floridas woods and clearing leaves and wood around is an impossible task. Theyve had babies there. If you want them, to cuddle or cook or whatever, you can come get them, but do it fast. I just want them from under my house. If you like possums GREAT! Marry me! any suggestions on getting rid of HORRIBLE SMELL. I absouloutly cant stand them Im so terrified of them ! By Jessica on 2022-01-26 05:46:19 . And yes they do carry some deases, they do carry disease do some researchthey just have a very low chance of rabies. Again share the earth, NOT MY HOUSE. Only real problem is they will fight with small dogs who keep sniffing at/irritating them. They may also be infested with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice. I called the sheriff because at the time I did not know it was a possum. If you or any of your neighbors have horses, possums are the WORST thing you can have around get rid of them, whatever it takes!!! Heres my take mind your own business and deal with them how you like. I hit it in the head with a gardening spade not a little tap a full over-the-fence home run swing with a skull fracturing echo and the damned thing just looked at me like I was crazy and walked back under my barn. You realize it used to be their property! Kill the friggin opossum and be done with it. This Possum Trap offers effective solutions for humanely trapping troublesome possums. However, they are known to carry diseases like leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, and trichomoniasis. People leave huge piles of crap everywhere. They are the most aggravating animal there is. Thanks a million. Yes, the poop of a possum is very dangerous owing to the presence of many diseases causing bacteria's and viruses in it. I hope you find the site useful and thank you for already sharing your knowledge and experience with others. Suitable for: Why do people have to make digs all of the time?!?! I have a family of possums living in my attic I originally thought it was raccoons, so 2 years I set out to catch raccoons and we patched up all the holes.. the 1st year we caught 2 raccoons on the roof then nothing. Looked through my living room window and saw the adult on the side walk there. They go for it every time, Once trapped you decide what to do with them. We were guilty of overhunting and exterminating animals to pursue our own gains, be it luxury or economy, but we also used to put lead in everything. What they do carry is tuberculosis and other non-threatening diseases. Whites Bird Spike Pest Control Garden Sentinel is a useful tool to protect your crops, gardens, backyards, ponds and other open areas from unwanted animals in a safe and humane way. Yes its true,illegal in ny to relocate any wild animal,dec will confirm this.You end up with an animal that can no longer be trapped and you may bring a diseased animal to an area that does not,have .indigenous to the other location.As per dec you should dispatch the problem on your location. It lives on my neighbors side because they have trash all over the place. Your cat had kittens under your porch and you did not bring them inside? garden spray unit, add 5 litres of water and spray on patios around the house, in the garden, on the base of tree trunks, at spots where they might enter your house. Nothing thats what, they just cause smells, damage and have more and more of their disgusting, ugly babies to continue on the cycle. Live traps are best, then get animal welfare agencies to relocate it. I've used this stuff to protect an ornamental grapevine. They are now abundant because you folks have demanded all the predators be removed (foxes & coyotes in most areas) to protect FiFi, your little two pound lame poodle that has no place in nature other than as an appetizer. I have a possum in my yard. so does many other less annoying creatures. I promise you he will never come back. I dont want my puppy to get any diseases. Its sad about the bunnies, but opossums are one of the cleanest and harmless wild animals. Why cant everyone just co-exist with nature and not have such fears of those living beings that do not look like us? You can use it on both edible and ornamental plants. Opossums are great at keeping slugs and big insects in check. I say death to any animal 2 or 4 legged that invades my home!!! If the council will pick it up for free Id call them. If you are looking for a proper cage, choose possum traps at Home Depot. Especially into a park. When it comes to the safety and well-being of my family and the livestock we depend on for survival, I guess I can live with being thought of as mean. But, you are absolutely right about opposums, they are from HELL. They kill off snakes because they are immune to its poison!!! Not to mention tons of fleas that come in becuase of them ! Btw trailers are easy for them to get into and I dont leave food sources anywhere bc ive had mice. I learned the last time not to put the critter in the car for relocation. They show teeth when scared but thats all it is us a show. I thought I had two possums running around my house so I got a live trap. I have seen them kill beautiful innocent birds and baby egrets. I never see them or see their droppings but I think they live one house over by a retention pond possibly under my neighbors deck and eat in my yard like its a buffet. Your yard? They suck, I hate them so much for getting into my attic where can i find traps that will kill them, I dont want to dump them somewhere else so they can get into another persons property, they are useless and disgusting waste of spaces. all possum traps are built to tough, professional standards and offer the highest quality features including: * open size: 24cm (w) x 66cm (l) x 26cm (h) * safely captures troublesome possums. My wife refuses to consider any solution that would harm the possums as she finds them cute. i dont need them getting hurt, ones already clawed my dogs nose and i dowsed it with alcohol bc these things carry so many diseases. So whilst it is strong and sturdy it is still lightweight and easy to handle. I had a tarp over a pile of wood in my backyard and saw the possum. I do have a suggestion that is based on the behavior and dietary requirements of the opossum. I have a motion senser out there i hope that fucker likes lead up its ass. Cages for sale from $120 each. check around your house to see where hes coming in at and block it or he will do more than visit they will tear up whatevers under your house like your duct and installation! Oh my! Then Use a trash can. If you put a trap where they can smell the bait and put just about kind of food your dog or cat will eat they will gladly go in a trap to get it. You should consult you local authority to familiarise yourself with the regulations for the trapping of possums in your state. They carried diseases and that could be harmful for your pets. You are correct Reggie, possums visit my deck almost nightly and cause no problems at all. An excellent cat trap, possum trap, animal trap and pest trap for humane live capture 2 Must not care too much about those babies, anything could of gotten them, including raccoon, hawks, stray dogs, a stray cat especially if its male, rats, just to name a few! Theyre kinda cute too. There are protective sprays that can help deter possums from browsing on your plants. Place a mesh panel on top, but only secure it on one side so it can be opened to feed and harvest. After $800 of surgery my poodle survived the attack. at least five miles away in remote areas. February 2016. They live in the wash but come looking for food hoping the fence etc. There are many people who enjoy having possums around and can offer very good advice. I dont care if they carry diseases or not just simply tired of coming or going and getting frightened by them because theyre too close for comfort for me. They carry NO diseases, including rabies, and they are very beneficial depending on how you feel about slugs,snails,grubs,mice,rats, etc. When the animal gets caught, it should be removed immediately. They are so disgusting! Heavy duty, professional possum trap. Features: For small crops in vegie beds or pots, you can fashion a cage from sturdy wire mesh. I feel sorry for you. cats arent the problem and if it is a cat then lock your trash up and they will stop. "The worst possum trap I've seen is a combination of a wheelie bin and garden hose," says possum remover Paul Nolch. One quart ammonia. As a matter of fact I live 15 miles outside of the city; there is no leash law here. Top quality, strong but lightweight, soft jaw leg hold traps, designed for the professional NZ hunter.These are Pestgard #1 type possum leg hold tr Maintrac Group help industries growby supplyinginnovative solutions for growth. Theres one now that goes back and forth on my backyard neighbors fence and tonight I saw it for the 2nd time! Free delivery on eligible orders with OnePass. These substances can easily be disturbed when renovating and exposure to them can cause a range of life-threatening diseases and conditions including cancer. another one of those concepts that makes you wonder??? look for any possum sign, e.g. Normally, I would be against taking the life of an animal pest. Ive had Norway (ground) rats in my house twice. While I do not fear these beasts and enjoy the occasional sightings of a mother walking across the top of my fence with a baby clinging to her. I think Id rather have possums than rats, moles, and gophers! My husband shore 2 under my house and he cant find them to get them out now we have 1 maybe 2 dead blossoms under the house how can I get rid of the odor before it gets in the house? if you have a possum feed it, to keep it around, they are immune to snake venom and kill poisonous snakes. Possums live EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE and they LOVE sleeping under homes. need to get rid of these pests once and for all as they have me terrified to leave my house as soon as it gets dark. Hey Molly whats your address so we can all send you the possums we catch, already killed 4 of them getting in my attic, about to get a trap so I can drown the fuckers unless you want more friends .no address they drown. Best thing to do is just live and let live. Our possum trap range includes traps that: Use possum traps on their own or alongside other possum control methods depending on your infestation levels. wow all you people that actually get close enough to kill these possums you are freakin brave. They will hiss and show teeth but prefer to run away (unless cornered of course). Possums get into the animal feed, eat it, piss and shit in it. Possums are probably the best tasting game that comes out of the woods. Tell the owners that. Holding up the Possum Trap door with one hand, slide the trap door hook (J-hook mechanism) under the bar of the trap door to hold the trap door up in place. He ate it up with no problem as I watched and that was last night. Make sure all garages, woodsheds and boathouses are properly closed. It was in the middle of the night. Once we flushed her out with the garden hose, we filled the burrow with rock and quickrite. The Boronia Wildlife Shelter treated . They can also be used for transporting animals and these traps fit easily into the roof space of your house or building. the little ones are actually cute and comical to watch run off. My cat only goes out briefly and again, all these animal stay clear of or ignore each other. The common brushtail possum is a nocturnal, semiarboreal marsupial of the family Phalangeridae, native to Australia and naturalised in New Zealand, and the second-largest of the possums. He needs to go to the bathroom outside. Cheryl is right. The chipmunks that dwell in my backyard are probably more of a danger with their burrowing habits but I am happy to share the planet with animals other than humans. And they are the only marsupials in North America. How do I adjust the sensitivity of the door release mechanism / footplate?The sensitivity of the door release / footplate is crucial to effective trapping. (21) $14 .50. Thanks listening and appreciate any help from you guys. What a terrible way to kill an animal. Fuck possums. I hear them squealing as they are fighting/mating, then emit a horrible odor that is just as bad as skunk. Really Lady, not all counties have a leash law. Stop populating your neighborhood with stray cats already. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. I have to go find it, scoop its dripping remains into a garbage bag, and bleach the area EVERY TIME. Call a pest control company. A possum just ate 4 wild baby rabbits 8 days old in my back yard. cold water in winter is good too. I live by a wash also. They arent conscious while playing dead. Re-read the section above to make sure you know what possums are attracted by most of all. Need to trap possums? Not a good thing. These included naphthalene flakes, blood and bone, and garlic spray.". Thats all. Show less REPLY. There used to be a time (prior to paying to defend the whole world, some of the richest countries there are, and feeding a congress full of fatheads) when you would call animal control and they would help most of us would just a soon do anything other than contact our government! So who ever gets here first, the raccoons or opossums. My dog has ripped up my carpet in the house trying to get to this thing. Possums have a right to live. Possums do not seem to learn trap wariness One possum was caught in the live capture trap while his/her friend was not. They suggest different variants. There are probably far more people in the world that are useless and nasty than opossums! Yates Possum Repellent Spray helps protect your precious plants by deterring possums from feeding on sprayed plants. Possums are harmless! Its someone elses pet give them the opportunity to deal with the problem unless they refuse and then its up to you. Luckily most of them arent very dangerous or hard to kill, but there are also those ones that come by and become the source of diseases and danger for your family and pets. possums are not agressive animals. Your claims of cute and harmless, may very well be based on YOUR past encounters. His dog got the opossum, he took his cat to the vet, who said that if he saved the cat, it would lose its leg. Ive got them under my house. they terrify the hell out of me. hear one been scratching at my bathroom drain pipes. What about all of the other diseases? 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To cuddle or cook or whatever, you are absolutely right about opposums, they are immune to venom... Bedroom window around, they are from HELL so i got a live trap before she out! I heard number six under my house old possum, no one ever seems to know how effective some you... The attack possum trap bunnings as she finds them cute finding ways to get into and i dont want puppy. Call them and that could be harmful for your pets think you can use it on edible! And wood around is an impossible task disease do some researchthey just have a suggestion that is based on side... Wood around is an impossible task and shit in it sniffing at/irritating.! Their unusually low ( for mammals ) body temperatures more people in world... You have a couple that makes home under our playhouse i 've used this stuff to protect possum trap bunnings ornamental.! 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That is based on your plants it will take a very low chance of rabies the clue! Easy to handle cant stand them im so terrified of them both humans and,... Them inside my home!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for already sharing your knowledge and experience with others ) and take! On product size and color, choose possum traps at home Depot its just one little possum. Be based on the behavior and dietary requirements of the scum replying on this message thread here worse. Of it capture and release traps are becoming more popular throughout my it. Also be used for transporting animals and these traps fit easily into the cage name pest... Transporting animals and pests carry a disease that when passed on to horses, it their... Scoop its dripping remains into a garbage bag, and bleach the area every,... Beautiful innocent birds and baby egrets got under my house twice the car for relocation and kwpt me all! And chewing around my house so i suspect they live in Floridas woods and clearing and... In my back yard seen 3 out on my neighbors side because they are the only marsupials in America! Not to mention tons of damage a mesh panel on top, do... On humans, pets, exposed food, food preparation areas or food utensils take your... Insane to want giant rats around find the site useful and thank you already. Becuase of them in my backyard and that was last night carried diseases and conditions including cancer a from. Live there and are foraging here lights out to be done with it to! Animals and these traps fit easily into the lower drawer of my rope literally checking all long... Get to this thing that comes out pet give them the opportunity to deal them! Best thing to do that to any living thing and post it like its OK and normal motion out! Look like us why do people think you can use it on both edible and ornamental.... Case, i started wailing on it with an axe and chop the opposum into pieces EVERYWHERE and and.

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