His payments has since stopped. I WENT TO MY PERSONEL PHYSICIAN TO GET A CURRENT EVALUATION ON MY NEUROPATHY. Hello, I am a veteran that is receiving compensation of 60% for a back fusion (40%), left shoulder separation (10%) and arthritis in my right ankle (10%). Focus on social and occupational impairments if possible. When closing your letter, try to restate your opinion clearly being sure to include language stating what evidence youve reviewed in order to make your decision. Remember that this letter may change the veterans life in a very real way. Matthew, in order to qualify for IU, you must have one of the following: If you cant work because of a disability related to your service in the military (a service-connected disability), you may qualify for whats called Individual Unemployability. This means you may be able to get disability compensation or benefits at the same level as a Veteran who has a 100% disability rating. The only job I could possibly hold would be a work-from-home job and I know I wouldnt last too long. #1: Make sure they are timely with filing a claim. Ive completed all my paper work and exams. The .gov means its official. Mr. Thank you, While we still have our home base in Florida, So if they are not hiring me, knowing my disabilities, then who will??? I have been appealing a claim for PTSD and MST since March of 2002. What if your Social Security disability was granted for Service connected and non Service connected and your Service connected has now worsened more than the original SSDI award, as so severe to cause secondary Service connected health issues? Is IU an option for me and who at my local clinic would I discuss this with? I am a 40% service-connected disabled and unemployed Veteran. If using the WHODAS, use the complex method that breaks down the deficit by domain. pension. Diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea not service connected yet, HBP and Supra Ventricular Tachycardia. I would like to know if it is wise to appeal for the IU and get an actual VSO that can help me, since most days I have pain and migraines that keep me at home. Houston, TX: 2925 Richmond Ave, 12th Floor, Houston, TX 77098 2019 Daily-catalog.com. yet assertive representation for our clients. See Also: Individual unemployability letter examples Show details. February 12, 2002 Letter for va Benefits Sought. A lock ( Writing Convincing VA Statements in Support of Claim. The VA has published an Unemployability Training Letter (TL07-01E) for its employees handling TDIU claims that makes it seem equally easy. 1) a 60-percent or more disability evaluation based on a single service-connected disability or, Can I apply? See Also: Dr letter for va unemployability Show details. Win Your Veterans Benefits Claim With this VA Nexus Letter Example! At this time, I have no prospects be becoming employed. 111-19 _____ Printed for the . Be sure to note the veterans GAF or WHODAS score (the VA and the DSM-5 now recommends WHODAS, though GAF still seems to be commonly used.). I am really suffering thru work even though work. See Also: Sample veterans unemployability letter Show details, Just Now Training Letter 07-01 Total Disability Ratings Based on Individual Unemployability (IU) Benefits granted under the VA rating schedule are intended to compensate veterans for the average impairment in earning capacity that results from service-connected disease or injury. The following is a more formal version of what I tell them. 12 Cute Letters From Kids To Soldiers Letters To Veterans Classroom Newsletter Template Teacher Newsletter Template It is a good idea not to use Dear Soldier or Dear Marine or Dear Sailor as they refer to members of specific military branches and organizations may not be able to guarantee that the letters. On the VA IU form, there is a box that asked you to describe the reasons for the request. Philadelphia, PA: 1 International Plaza, Suite 550, Philadelphia, PA, 19113 Thank you Im I asking much other than what Im entitled to? These benefits pay the same as a 100 percent veterans benefits rating but do not require veterans to obtain that high of a rating to be eligible.. VA disability benefits buddy statements for Individual . Download the templates Here, Example: I am writing on behalf of veteran John Smith, who served in the U.S. Navy from April 1992 to April 1996. Mr. Smith suffers from Parkinson's Disease." Identify yourself, including your credentials and your experience. I have NO QUALITY OF LIFE living with all these medical conditions. This is especially important for veterans with a 100 percent VA disability rating who are attempting to upgrade their rating to "Permanent and Total Disability " status. We're sorry. This was also included in the package. Im 70% combined disabled. A VA disability reexamination is a medical examination used to re -evaluate the severity of your service-connected disability . Explain your clinical relationship with the veteran. It can be time-consuming and difficult, but this letter may mean the world to your patient. Form name: Request for Employment Information in Connection with Claim for Disability Benefits Use VA Form 21-4192 if youre a Veteran and you need your most recent employer to send us information so you can apply for Individual Unemployability disability benefits. ago answer please and if poss a p.o.c. He was forced to retire from his Civil Service job. Yes Appeal. .. Im 80% and have been awarded my rating for issues that interfere with working. I know that were just a number and quota, but I pray that someone in the RO office will have compassion to do what is right. Roger, I am happy to assist. I am a 70% rated veteran (2013). Dominique Joseph is a claims processor at the Appeals Management Center and the daughter of a disabled Veteran. we represent clients nationwide. My name is Edward J. Fuston, I was born on the 7th of March 1943 and by the Grace of God, I have served the US army from September 29 1979 to May 3rd 1992. Check out our Free template by clicking on the button here! 50% PTSD rated at 70% put in another NOD been there for 192 days now.. Greetings Ms. Dominique JosephI was medical discharged on August 2009 by the ARMY Honorablewith a 50%..I served 25 yrs PR National Guard. I do draw a V.A. THEY SAID THAT THE DOCTORS HAD NOT PUT A FORMAL DIAGNOSIS OF ILLNESSES IN MY RECORDS AND WERE GOING THO DENY MY CLAIM AGAIN. Thank you. 3 hours ago A letter from your doctor to the VA in support of your claim can do wonders in regards to moving your case along. If you cant work because of a disability related to your service in the military (a service-connected disability), you may qualify for whats called Individual Unemployability.. Therefore, obviously I should get unemployability benefits." Shouldn't I qualify for TDIU if I have a 60% or higher VA rating and am unemployable? I am currently speaking with an attorney regarding suing for wrongful termination and possible discrimination. Ive been trying to get help from all sources to include the PVA. She filed a claim for more disability compensation. Can You Help ME!! In 2010 I decided to write to the FT. Gordon hospital asking if they had any records of my June 1963 hospitalization. I also suffer from anxiety and depression spells and PTSD. Hi Kristy, I am sick about this whole nightmare. 2) a 70-percent combined disability evaluation based on multiple service-connected disabilities, with at least one disability rated at 40 percent or more. We do not promise nor guarantee any sort of result on VA claims with the use of these letters. Veterans that have trouble keeping or obtaining gainful employment may be eligible for Individual Unemployability benefits. In order to meet the V.A. Get your VA letters online Sorry, this is taking longer than expected. I have a total of SC rating at 90%, and one dusabiling factor at 60%. Dear Dominique, I am rated at 70% now with 2 service-connected disabilities. If youd like compensation, heres a good, quick tutorial on how to apply: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avDrUfN8lu4, We DO recommend you get assistance with filing from a Veterans Service Organization (DAV, VFW, American Legion, and many more). Pittsburgh, PA: 201 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 400, Pittsburgh, PA, 15235 I eventually was given a pulmonary function test- with only additional inhalers and albuterol for my nebulizer as the result. We guide our clients through the most difficult times in their lives with courtesy, respect, and professionalism. My Dad is 100% disabled. 7 hours ago And finally individual unemployability is a result of not being able to maintain gainful employment because of all of the other issues combined. Example: "I am writing on behalf of veteran John Smith, who served in the U.S. Navy from April 1992 to April 1996. See Also: Va individual unemployability sample letter Show details. Im 70% for PTSD, 30% for Keratoconus, a corneal disease that causes me to see poorly and not be able to drive at night or in low-light conditions, and 30% for migraine headaches. Avery, I am not familiar with how the Social Security Administration processes or considers their disability claims. Generally, a GAF score of over 50 is seen as minimally disabling. He asked me to talk to a service representative on his behalf, Generally, benefits are reduced for Veterans who are incarcerated. What is TDIU? I have not held a job for years and I can not drive. Is consistent with the circumstances, conditions, or hardships of combat or FPOW internment, and. What should I do as my issue has gotten substantially worse. It took them 8 years to acknowledge that this damage existed even with a decade of documentation and medication proof that it is service related, but did not assign it a rating. I was also told that no further respiratory testing would be done. He applied for IU, but his RVSR isnt offering no assistance to him. Thank you, My husband was injured in Vietnam, jumped out of a helicopter and broke his foot and a loss of hearing, he applied for benefits, but was denied, he cant walk much and a swollen foot dont allow him to do much, he needs help and some compensation, Thank you so much, Melvin, Im sorry to hear. Just Now Sample Letter for VA Unemployability. After you are initially awarded disability benefits, VA will evaluate whether your disability is such that you ought to be scheduled for a future examination to determine if your benefits need to be adjusted. At the time that I applied for IU, I was 50% PTSD 40% for my back and 10% for each leg for ridicolopathy (sp) with an overall rating of 90%. I have a combined SC of 70%. Just Now Sample Letter for VA Unemployability.First Sample: Edward J. Fuston.February 12, 2002 Letter for va Benefits Sought. I am in an appeal for my service connection ptsd due to may, and legs, which were on my discharge. Brooklyn, NY: 300 Cadman Plaza West, One Pierrepont Plaza, 12th Floor, Brooklyn, NY, 11201 3 hours ago Sample Letter for VA Unemployability AVlessons.com. I have numerous injuries related to one injury and the VA has determined through their own doctors that the disability is getting worse as I get older. 9 hours ago For example, when claiming TDIU, or total disability based on individual unemployability, VA often asks for the veterans employment history and, if that history stretches back decades, it is understandable that the exact details would be hard to provide to VA. A lay statement can be used to explain any gaps or reasons for lack of specificity. The https:// ensures that you're connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and sent securely. The examiner ruled the hospitalization was due to my back as it would be speculation .I was awarded 100% IU in June 2003 for my stomach but again denied on my back disability. Preview. My name is Clarence, I am 80 percent combine and have file for IU do to PTSD, I file this claim in 2011 and still have not been approve as of yet. I have diabeties, bladder implant, hysterecmy full, irritble bowl syndrome/ chrones disease, lower back injury, possible breast cancer, neuropathy. If he were to move into a VA supported free assisted living facility, would he still recive his full monthly benefit? Indicate your relationship to the veteran. This form asks for information that VA uses to determine if a, 2 hours ago Aug 17, 2013 #1. A separate notice letter for a TDIU evaluation is no longer required. I filed a NOD in 2013 bc I was denied IU. See Also: Sample va disability claim letter Show details, 5 hours ago All VA Regional Offices Fast Letter 13-13 ATTN: All Veterans Service Center Personnel SUBJ: Claims for Total Disability Based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) Purpose The purpose of this Fast Letter is to revise and clarify VA procedures relating to claims for, See Also: Va form 21 4192 sample Show details, 2 hours ago I just got to see and had to go to the Veterans Hospital for my (C&P Evaulation for PTSD), the VA Doctor told me, that I had PTSD, and I would be receiving a rating letter from the Veterans Adm, See Also: Va letter of support unemployability Show details. Randall, I am sorry to hear. Smith was referred to me in June 2012 for his Parkinsons Disease, and has been under my care since that time. http://www.benefits.va.gov/vocrehab/, My brother was previously approved to receive disability payments, since then he has been incarcerated since 2010. I dont know what else to do except a congressional at this point. Example Buddy Statement for PTSD from Wife. Who can I talk to that can give me a more definite answer than my local VRO? [House Hearing, 111 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] EXAMINING APPELLATE PROCESSES AND THEIR IMPACT ON VETERANS ===== HEARING before the SUBCOMMITTEE ON DISABILITY ASSISTANCE AND MEMORIAL AFFAIRS of the COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION _____ MAY 14, 2009 _____ Serial No. Note: In certain casesfor example, if you need to be in the hospital oftenyou may qualify at a lower disability rating. Therefore, rating boards should submit to the Director, Compensation and Pension Service, for extra-schedular consideration all cases of veterans who are unemployable by reason of service-connected disabilities, but who fail to meet the percentage standards set forth in paragraph (a) of this section. 2 hours ago I am writing to request a letter from you to the Veteran's Administration (V.A.) Do I qualify? She was treated for back problems following the attack. Short on Time? 10% 1 knee.20% lower back.20 % left shoulder. The nexus, or a link between a veteran's current disability and an in-service event, is often the, Once the Department of Veterans Affairs determines that a veteran does have service connection on a disability that resulted from their military service, the VA considers the severity of that. With IU, we would no longer have to worry about our day-to-day existance. In November 2010, soon after my retirement and prior to receiving my first benefit payment, I was in a civilian hospital for two days for a severe asthma attack. I am in constant pain and have exhausted all my options with the VA such as PT, etc I am currently taking anxiety medication that I wasnt taking before, and my home life is suffering as well. Your use of these letters is at your own risk and understanding that every veterans service-connected claim is unique. Veterans may be eligible for this rating increase if they are either unemployed or unable to maintain substantially gainful employment as a result of their service-connected disability (or disabilities). I again filed with this information and was denied again. This form asks for information that VA uses to determine if a, 2 hours ago That sample letter gave me all the information I need as a guide to organize and prepared my personal Sworn Statement letter. Neither Hill and Ponton, PA, nor anyone acting on their behalf, will be liable under any circumstances. See Also: Va form 21 0820 fillable Show details. Eric. and Im not trying to get UI, I just want to be rated appropriately for my disability and receive the back pay I have been denied for a decade. I CONTACTED MY CONGRESSMAN TO SEE IF THERE WAS ANYTHING HE COULD DO TO AT LEAST GET THEM TO LOOK AT MY CLAIM. When you file, youll have to provide evidence (supporting documents like a doctors report or medical test results) showing that your disability prevents you from holding down a steady job. Once you are service connected, if a doctor states that your PTSD is causing an employment handicap, you may be eligible for IU, provided it meets the criteria specified in the post above. Confused. I put in for IU in 3-14 and was denied.Put in a NOD on 2-15,Was wondering since I havent worked since 1997 why it would be denied.I am rated 60% IHD and 50% PTSD + 10% tinnitus.They The VA defines individual unemployability as being unable to secure or follow a substantial gainful occupation as a result of service connected disabilities. 1.b. ), in what, I perceive, to be an effort to mislead claimants. You can find out more about extraschedular evlauations in 38 CFR 4.16. Aaron, without getting into PII, the best advice we can give is to re-read your decision letter. Between my social security and VA benefits, my wife and I are barely able to make ends meet. By Benjamin Krause January 14, 2011 March 29, 2018. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Va addition 70% do I have a chance for IU, Thank you first of all for writing such a good article on this subject matter I come to you because my local VSO has no clue nor does her boss over at the regional office. 3 hours ago VA Individual Unemployability if you can't work. Identify the veteran and the purpose of your letter of support. Should the provider already have access to these records since they were provided at the time of my rating? If you click a merchant link and buy a product or service on their website, we may be paid a fee by the merchant. Going to school on campus could be difficult since campus is a social environment, but you may be able to take classes online. Buddy Statements for Individual Unemployability Claims. She has been able to work without difficulty until last year, when she began to experience chest pain with any exertion. It states exactly why VA couldnt grant and exactly what VA needs to grant. Now I have bowel incontinence and urinary incontinence everyday. Contact Us following language may be used in a letter to the VA: The Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000 (VCAA or Act) was signed into . and I was awarded 30% on 3 claims within one claim that was done about 2 yrs. Except for the 7 types of protected VA disability ratings, the . If you can please help, cause i need dental work bad and cannot afford it, trying to kept a place to stay and feed myself.. Just trying to get an appointment. We advocate for the disabled. EXHIBIT- Sample VA Notification Letter . Do they lose rating or comp benefits if they go back to school and get a part time job? Many of Why is it so difficult to get someone to realize my asthma is more severe that initially rated? By not notifying claimants of 38 CFR 4.16(b. Two easy questions I hope, I thank you for putting the information about IU out on FB and here on the VA website it seems to clear the air on some questions that veterans and there families have about it. If you are interested in getting a job or going back to school, I highly recommend speaking with our vocational rehabilitation specialists. I also used a military general statement form to express my reasons for requesting IU. 3 hours ago Sample Letter for VA Unemployability AVlessons.com. An official website of the United States government. Your my NP, do you think by my medical problems that I couldnt do the work of a medical support assistant I cant check people into clinics, file, or answer phones or whatever, I wasnt even told what job or area I was going to work in, only that I was assigned to the healthcare support dept and would be called later telling me where/when I was going to work! I am dependent on breathing medications to function day to day. See Also: Sample letter for va unemployability Show details. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. I have been told by my mental health doctor at the VA that my TBI rating is low and I am currently appealing. The following is a more formal version of what I tell them. Thank you. I am scheduled for 32 hours a week but usually only make 20 or so I am at 90% service connection. You can request one by walking into your local VAMC, or by finding one in your area at http://www.va.gov/vso. I am 90 % right now for: PTSD 50 %, INTER-VERTEBRAL DISC SYNDROME 40 %, INJURY OF THE BLADDER 40 % MIGRAINE HEADACHES 30 %, LIMITED MOTION OF ANKLE 20%, PARALYSIS OF SCIATIC NERVE The thing that pisses me off is that the NP who initially seen me was not the regular, that she doesnt normally do these exams, she didnt ask me anything about my disabilities, or medical problems, she seen me for less then 10 mins, then they called back saying that I check a yes on problems I had that were on the job description, so I went back in and wrote those out, I said I wore OTC Reading glasses, that I was supposedly color blind as I missed 3 out of the exam, and that I cant kneel on my knees well because of pain and my hip replacement, so after I wrote them down hey said wait and the regular NP would talk to me, well she came over and said I was done and she didnt need to see me, so I left! I got the doc to do it on a Friday, I hand delivered it to the VARO and my DAV NSO on Monday morning, and by Friday I received a call from DAV telling me I was now TDIU P&T If you have all ready gotten SSDI, then youu should also provide your SSDI documents showing you are unemployable for the same reasons. Remember that the burden of proof is whether there is at least a 50/50 chance that the event or exposure caused or aggravated the disability. First Sample: Edward J. Fuston. They denied it because I am receiving SSD and said that the only way that I can receive IU is if a doctor states that I cannot work or am not able to maintain employment. In order to qualify for IU, you must have one of the following: 1) a 60-percent or more disability evaluation based on a single service-connected disability or. but not the info covered in 38 CFR 4.16(b. Since, based on the information you provided, it does not appear that you meet the eligibility requirements for IU based on your service-connected disability percentage of 40-percent. 38 USC 310, 331, 1110. 3 Steps For Writing Your Statement in Support of Claim When filling out a VA form 21-4138, you will first need to provide some identification information, including: Full name (of the veteran/beneficiary) Veteran's social security number (SSN) VA file number Date of birth Veteran's service number Telephone number (including area code) Email address I was denied years of back pay for another service related injury because they wouldnt accept an appeal, but finally reviewed the original records and awarded the disability at 50%, without back pay for the many years they refused to accept my appeals. These letters are only being shared to hopefully provide veterans with a better idea of what the VA is looking for and what may be able to help their claim move along. February 12, 2002 Letter for va Benefits Sought. But I did receive an increase for my back condition of 20%.I was also denied for tinnitus due to no service records to make connection to service. Is there anything in the provision for those that really suffer thru working. She does not receive it, and if they say they are giving it to me, will im not getting nothing but 300.00 are so myself. Form name: Request for Employment Information in Connection with Claim for Disability Benefits Use VA Form 21-4192 if youre a Veteran and you need your most recent employer to send us information so you can apply for Individual Unemployability disability benefits. Hi Dominque, Step #1: List the Name of the Disability You're Claiming in the First Section of the VA Form 21-4138 In part one, you'll want to list the name of the VA disability condition you're claiming. Disabled Veterans Sample FOIA Letter. What should I do. My name is Edward J. Fuston, I was born on the 7th of March 1943 and by the Grace of God, I have served the US army from September 29 1979 to May 3rd 1992. Id appreciate any n all info you have. So why are there laws and regulations if the RO dont abide by them? My rating decision stated I was denied bc although I cant work due to my depression, I am sc for PTSD and not depression. I have had worsening symptoms since I originally submitted my IU claim in March 2014, would it be wise to simply add on the other symptoms, and appeal with a more helpful VSO then I had pre-spinal cord biopsy? Updated: March 30, 2016. I requested U I but my claim continues to be closed abs reopen. Will you please explain that to me. Hearing loss is a good example of this type of claim. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Is that true and if so why? Cincinnati, OH: 300 E Business Way, Suite 200, Summit Woods Corporate Center, Cincinnati, OH, 45241 We gave our all when we were called upon and now when we reach out for help someone have to decide whether you qualify or not, is this right to the veterans that have given to their country? The idea behind total disability individual unemployability (TDIU) is that the limitations from your service connected condition or conditions prevent you from getting or maintaining a job. Guide to VA Disability Rates & Pay Schedules: 2023 Edition, Individual Unemployability Rating Calculator, List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map), Social Security Disability Benefits Guide, VA Unemployability Letter Sample Template, 7 Critical Things Veterans Do to Win Their VA Disability Claims. In your opinion, would this be an easy grant for IU once a DRO reviews my case??? He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps a year after our wedding and served honorably as a combat engineer from July 2002 to July 2006. A formal offer of employment will allow you to make an official job offer to a person you want to hire for your business. Veterans must submit the form within a set 60-day deadline, or they risk having their benefits reduced automatically. Portland, OR: 650 N. E. Holladay Street, Suite 1600, Portland, OR, 97232 (Note: In 2014, the U.S. Census Bureau considered a poverty-level, yearly wage for a person under the age of 65 to be $12,316.) See Also: Sample letter for va unemployability Show details regarding my claim for Unemployability. I really need a reliable service officer. Common Examples of Lay Persons Fellow servicemember Spouse Friend Co-Worker Adult Child Parent of the veteran Caregiver to the veteran In addition to the above-mentioned people, the veteran themselves may also compose a lay statement on their own behalf. What is Individual Unemployability? So with my NOD, I provided a private drs opinion stating my depression is a symptom of my PTSD and I am unable to obtain or maintain gainful employment and that my sc disabilities cause total and social occupation. And if so, can you remove the IU, keep the 100%, and go back to work? I have filed complaints with the Inspector General and have never heard back regarding these examinations. Going to school on campus could be difficult since campus is a social environment, but you may be able to take classes online. Remember to bring your POA. Sign and date your name to the best of your knowledge and belief. them are Veterans themselves. Jack, a poverty-level, yearly wage for an individual over the age of 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, is $11,354. Description of sample letter for va unemployability Stateside Legal TM Self-Help Sample Letter Packet Notice of Disagreement of VA Claim Denial Letter (To Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD cannot be continued if you have multiple present stressors, like unemployment, pending homelessness and relationship issues. i also supported his ptsd problems at his job with testimony from va employees that had been given to the eeoc (he had filed an eeoc case against va as employer)and attached the copies of the testimony-i also had gotten under the foia some very sensitive stuff under a case he had filed against a former employer (rod was the first disabled person 2019 Daily-catalog.com. In September 2014 I had a video conference with the VVA and it took me 7 years to even get that hearing. First Sample: Edward J. Fuston. Carl, its possible the decision letter may contain a clerical error. Lock One of the SC ratings is 10% for TBI and there is several others as well to get my combined SC at 70%. These combat related disabilities do not require medical evidence from service as long as the lay statement is consistent. So as to not discuss personal information here, I have asked a VA representative to reach out to you directly to get more information. These letters is at your own risk and understanding that every veterans service-connected claim is unique at the Management. If so, can I apply I know I wouldnt last too.. Recive his full monthly benefit letter may contain a clerical error am a 70 rated! Va needs to grant from his Civil service job appeal for my service connection PTSD to... That my TBI rating is low and I know I wouldnt last too long unemployability if you to! This time, I have been awarded my rating for issues that with. 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Va Individual unemployability letter examples Show details, benefits are reduced for veterans who are incarcerated testing would a. Work-From-Home job and I know I wouldnt last too long they are timely with filing a for! In.gov or.mil disability claims I WENT to my PERSONEL PHYSICIAN to get someone to realize asthma! Congressman to see if there was ANYTHING he could do to at one... Receive disability payments, since then he has been under my care since time. Brother was previously approved to receive disability payments, since then he has been able to work local clinic I! Would be done disability payments, since then he has been under my care since that time monthly benefit as... ( V.A. for its employees handling TDIU claims that makes it seem equally easy # 1 work without until. Would I discuss this with asked me to talk to a person you want hire. Gotten substantially worse now I have bowel incontinence and urinary incontinence everyday what VA needs to grant certain! 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