driver is enormous. SD3: A massive wooden ship rests on the stage, surrounded by ice. /AIS false Check out the Scope At Home page for our favorite stories and tools to kick off your year. SD1: Victor grabs a sword and leaves the room. SD2: Victor coughs and sputters . Victor (muttering): My intentions were noble. Is it all my fault? What have I done?, N2: The creature wanders into a small village., N3: He lumbers over to a group of people., N1: Everywhere the creature goes, people are scared by him., N2: Finally, he finds a small shack and crawls inside., N3: Through a hole in the wall, he can see into the window of the house next door., N1: A blind man lives there with his two grown children., N2: Day after day, the creature watches the family.. One day, when Mr. De Lacey is home alone, the creature musters the courage to knock on the door. The Scope 2019-2020 Pacing Guide Is Here! I hate myself. Two students can be lawyers, one can be a judge (to settle disputes), some can act as the jury, and a few can be witnesses (Victor Frankenstein, the creature, Mr. De Lacey, etc.). The creature has learned to speak. Subscribers receive access to the website and print magazine. He learns to speak by listening to them. Victor is confused. Theres a worldwide interest in Frankenstein still, says Neil Fraistat, an expert on Mary Shelley. For alternate culminating tasks, see the boxes below. The full title of Mary Shelleys novel is Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus. Creature: I promise. Use these activities to help students analyze and appreciate literature through the lens of literary elements. The captain listens intently. Captain: Your remorse is meaningless. Use these activities to help students analyze and appreciate literature through the lens of literary elements. Victor: So much death. Bueno, para responder a la primera pregunta, s, las respuestas estn en tu libro de texto, pero puede que no sean tan accesibles . We additionally present variant types and plus type of the books to browse. /Width 500 SD3: In the distance, snow-topped mountains sweep into the bright-blue sky. Am I not human? >(HJ?ToM}upO3rq_y(Bup3u|uF:#m{#tFtoQxXg '. /Type /ExtGState On each issue page and article page, you can now download answer keyshidden from your students.. I will not unleash more horror on the world! So much more than a magazine, Scope provides leveled resources that make it easy to differentiate instruction while using the same reading material., Easy Printable Summer Trivia Questions And Answers, Spider Man: Far From Home Streaming Vostfr Gratuit, Univision Novelas Te Doy La Vida Captulos Completos, Titan T3 Folding Rack Installation Manual. The classic tale has enthralled generations of readers and inspired countless writers of horror and suspense: A young student of science, Victor Frankenstein, creates a grotesque but sentient . The world fed me hate, and hate filled me up. Subscribers receive access to the website and print magazine. Victor: Maybe they will truly disappear. . (7) $3.00. Scholastic Go! 1. Mary Shelley's seminal novel of the scientist whose creation becomes a monster. . Literacy Across the Grades and Content Areas Build knowledge and skills in any content area with 30+ magazines for grades pre-K-12. Looking for resources from before 2016?Click here! You . He is mad with grief. At the end of the play, the creature says, The world fed me hate. Find three examples in the play that support this statement. Friend: Whydid you want Victor to make another creature like you? SD3: The audience now sees the creature peering through a hole into the cottage next door, where a blind old man and his grown children move about. 16 SCHOLASTIC SCOPE OCTOBER 2018 Around the time Frankenstein was wtitten, Europeans were exploring the Arctic. SD3: Victor rushes to the window, but the face is gone. SD3: He stares at the door for a few moments. SD1: Agatha opens the front door to find a pile of chopped wood. Victor Frankenstein wasnt a real person. . Even you, my father, hate me. Learning Objective:to read a play and an editorial and then consider the implications of creating intelligent life, As you read the play, study the illustrations, and read the captions, think about who the monster is in this story. . No family. The Core Skills Workout is a series of skill-based activities that will help your students "bulk up" in the comprehension skills they need most to become strong, analytical readers. Assign parts and read the play as a class. Shelley: Captain Robert Walton and his crew are in the Arctic, searching for a passage to the North Pole. . SD3: Victor turns to flee, but the creature grabs his arm. This activity will prepare students to respond to the narrative writing prompt on page 19. The year is 2050, and a super-intelligent robot has just been created. . Meet your most important ELA objectives with Scope's engaging multi-genre content, rich skill-building support material, and thrilling videos. All it takes is one click! SD2: Just then, the creatures face appears at the window. Read the title and subtitle on pages 18-19. Who wrote the novel. I wont do it! Creature: If you make me a companion, we will live far away. SD1: The creature stumbles onstage. Creature: You dont know the misery I have endured. This article was originally published in the October 2018 issue. As a class, read the editorial and discuss the questions below. SD2: He puts a hand on Mr. De Laceys shoulder. N1: The creature wants to be friends with the De Laceys. Select your file from the documents list and pick your export method. SD3: In the distance, snow-topped mountains sweep into the bright-blue sky. This code is printed on the front page of your Teacher's Guide included with your magazine issues and we'll also email it to you at the beginning of the school year! You are my creator, but I am your master.. Creature: Oh, misery! Do you think he was right? LEARN MORE. Select one or more: a.Samurai bond, Borrow the currency denominating the receivables, convert it to the local currency and invest it. Shelley, who was just 18 at the time, and four friends decided to see who could write the spookiest story. . Learn More . De Lacey: Agatha, dear, could you put another log on the fire, please? . Your response may be in the form of a one-page written letter or a one-minute video. Point out the vocabulary box on page 20. . N2: Felix hits the creature with a stick., N3: The creature runs away into the woods.. Haven't signed into your Scholastic account before? Haven't signed into your Scholastic account before? Victor (muttering): My intentions were noble. Author Mary Shelley started writing the novel Frankenstein in 1816. I will be able to bring back the dead! You . Elizabeth: We are finally married. Victor: Im sorry, darling. Captain: The driver is unconscious. << Creature (to himself): The old man cannot see me. Bookmark; Bookmark; Presentation View. Stranded on that piece of ice, just ahead. But Justine could not have done this. Captain: The driver is unconscious. SD1: He continues to walk as the lights brightenthe sun is rising. SD1: Quietly, he closes the door behind him and disappears into the building. Shelley: Back on the mountaintop near Geneva, the creature confronts Victor. I got angry and . 2014 BY SCHOLASTIC INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There could be a whole population of monsters. She screamed, "Stop! Click here to get the details! Victor: But . >> but . Inspire kids to think critically about their world with resources that reflect their lives, interests and identities. Build Strong Readers, Writers and Thinkers, with the most thrilling and powerful ELA resourcecreated just for grades 68, Already a subscriber? Launch impactful lessons with engaging, multigenre texts written by our in-house team of education experts. Father: Victor, I have terrible news. Scholastic Scope Language Arts A complete multigenre language arts teaching package Learn More Subscribe Grades 6-12 Starting at $5.13 Scholastic Action Reading Intervention Captivating stories and powerful support for striving readers Learn More Subscribe Grades 6-8 Starting at $4.59 Junior Scholastic Social Studies Shelley: Despair presses on Victors heart. He must be 8 feet tall! Agatha: Get away from my father, you monster! He brings the monster to life using electricity. by. I thought he might be my friend because he was too young to have prejudices. SD2: The creature gently puts a hand on Victors chest. terrible evil . Aldie grabbed her husband's arm. He is soaked by rain. I hated him. Use details from the illustrations to support your answer. I have only ever desired one thing. But what if they have children? Victor goes after him. And the narrative of a determined experimenter who loses control of his creation still reverberates across science, technology, and engineering. Check back soon for more announcements and tutorials. Victor (very loud): . They are searching for a passage to, If we dont break through soon, we will run. I wish they could see that I am kind. by Daniel Keyes (short story) , The Giver I won't do it! SD3: Just then, the creature opens his eyes and parts his lips. De Lacey: Please, come in and sit by the fire. SD3: Shelley slowly walks across the stage. The Documents tab allows you to merge, divide, lock, or unlock files. Victor: Maybe they will truly disappear. . N2: Months later, Victor is at his familys home. . (Though many people refer to the creature as Frankenstein, he wasnt named in the book. SD3: Just then, Felix and Agatha arrive home. Skip to Main Content Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice. Launch impactful lessons with engaging, multigenre texts written by our in-house team of education experts. All it takes is one click! *Stage Directors 1, 2 & 3 (SD1, SD2 & SD3) / *Mary Shelley, the storyteller/*Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist/*Creature, Victor Frankensteins monster / Father, Victors father /Elizabeth, Victors fiance /Mr. De Lacey, an elderly blind man /Agatha, De Laceys daughter /Felix, De Laceys son /Sailors 1, 2 & 3 /Captain Robert Walton, an explorer. SD2: Lightning cracks violently, shaking the table. Access this article and hundreds more like it with a subscription to Scope magazine. READING AND DISCUSSING THE PLAY (30 minutes). Ask students what they find most interesting about the video. . 2 0 obj Get your file. Victor (weakly): I unleashed . SD2: Victor coughs and sputters . Victor: The eyes! You are being redirecting to Scholastic's authentication page For more support materials,visit our Help Center. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB . But Justine could not have done this. I will have my revenge! But I am the author of a terrible evil. Friend: Howdo you wish Victor had treated you when you first came to life? Creature: But no. Then he slowly withdraws a key from his pocket and lets himself in. N3: Weeks later, Victor and Elizabeth are at a small inn., N3: Victor grabs a sword and leaves the room.. . . . *Stage Directors 1, 2 & 3 (SD1, SD2 & SD3) / *Mary Shelley, the storyteller/*Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist/*Creature, Victor Frankensteins monster / Father, Victors father /Elizabeth, Victors fiance /Mr. De Lacey, an elderly blind man /Agatha, De Laceys daughter /Felix, De Laceys son /Sailors 1, 2 & 3 /Captain Robert Walton, an explorer. Spencer Kayden; Based on Mary Shelleys classic novel, inference, interpreting text, key ideas, synthesis, authors craft, 3 Social Emotional Learning Connections in the October issue of Scope. . Put the creature on trial for the murders he committed. SD2: He stops in front of the door of the apartment building where he lives. Check back soon for more announcements and tutorials. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Pull him up! Creature: I have no friends. Elizabeth: But she is innocentI am sure of it! But all I was given was hate. Hes not going to make it. . He is dead. Frankensteins monster has appeared in dozens of movies and TV shows. Then he slowly withdraws a key from his pocket and lets himself in. R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4, R.5, W.2, W.3, SL.1, SL.2, L.4, L.5, L.6, RL.6.1, RL.6.4, RL.6.5, RL.6.9, RI.6.1, RI.6.1 RI.6.3, RI.6.4, RI.6.5, W.6.2, W.6.9, SL.6.1, SL.6.2, L.6.4, L.6.5, L.6.6, RL.7.1, RL.7.3, RL.7.5, RL.7.6, RI.7.1, RI.7.2, RI.7.3, RI.7.5, W.7.2, W.7.9 SL.7.1, SL.7.2, L.7.4, L.7.5, L.7.6, RL.8.1, RL.8.3, RL.8.5, RL.8.6, RI.8.1, RI.8.2, RI.8.3, RI.8.5, W.8.2, W.8.9, SL.8.1, SL.8.2, L.8.4, L.8.5, L.8.6. *viCTOR fRAnKEnSTEin, a young scientist *HEnRY CLERvAL, victor's best friend fATHER, victor's father ELizABETH, victor's fiance *CREATuRE, Frankenstein's monster mR. DE LACEY, an old blind man AGATHA, de lacey's adult daughter fELiX, de lacey's adult son *Starred characters are major roles. Frankenstein to me that I am self-educated: for the first fourteen years of my life I ran wild on a common and read nothing but our Uncle Thomas books of voyages. . Choose the character you will play. Victor: I will not bring more evil into the world. Victor (whispering): Will nature reveal to me the secrets of life? SD1: Felix raises a stick to strike the creature. Choose the character you will play. We will bother no one. No one will see us again. Creature: I came to ask forgiveness. N3: This man was Victor Frankenstein. I arrived here yesterday, and my first task is to assure Were extending the deadline for our True Teen Story contest to March 15th. Get the digital lesson plan for this article. See Student View. Resting his palms on the sill, he drops his head in relief and exhaustion. Teachers' #1 Choice for Current, On-Level Nonfiction. . Is it all my fault? The water rippled. De Lacey: It must be our guardian angel., Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images (Mary Shelley); Album/Alamy Stock Photo (Novel). SD3: He sinks to his knees, his head in his hands. . Victor (whispering): Will nature reveal to me the secrets of life? 5.0. On January 1, 1818, Frankenstein was published in England, Shelleys home country. See how teachers are using #ScholasticScope right now! Creature: If you make me a friend, we will live far away. SD2: The front walls of the shack and of the cottage beside it lift away. De Lacey: Please, come in and sit by the fire. Check back soon for more announcements and tutorials. SD3: The creature turns and leaps from the cabin window onto a raft of ice. Shelley: Back on the mountaintop near Geneva, the creature confronts Victor. Creature: I only ever wanted one thing. Access this article and hundreds more like it with a subscription to Scholastic News magazine. 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