Completed application card (plus water main extension agreement and service application if applicable). Commercial buildings often require additional service. To reduce nighttime glare for surrounding communities, SCWA retrofitted outdoor lighting systems at East Hampton and Westhampton facilities. In fact, we measure chemicals down to parts per billion. Co. 2014 NY Slip Op 05420 [121 AD3d 50] July 23, 2014: Hinds-Radix, J. Appellate Division, Second Department: Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law 431. Depending upon field conditions, additional testing on surrounding streets may be required. Directions Advertisement. New York State requires that we add chlorine to our water. The Town of East Hampton intervened in the action. Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. How will I know that you have my reading and not someone elses? The system replaced a manually-controlled operation with an automated-computer operation. Science has made great advances over the past 50 years. Water mains, wells, pump stations and other facilities were constructed during the SCWA's first decade in communities throughout Suffolk, including Huntington, Port Jefferson, Sag Harbor, Westhampton, Babylon and many others in between. Fiftieth anniversary of the SCWA. Third straight year without a rate increase. Name Suffolk County Water Authority Address 2045 New York 112, 5 Coram, New York, 11727 Phone 631-698-9500 Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-5:00 PM; Sat 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Join us for lively, open public discussion and protect our water supply. However, the Authoritys revenues continued to be relatively high. Will the radio frequency interfere with my television or phones? It is our mission to provide customers with the highest quality water at the lowest possible cost, built on a foundation of exceptional customer service. Our community is ready to answer. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. Due to new and stringent water standards promulgated by the New York State Department of Health, the SCWA began implementing a program utilizing carbon filtration systems. This building housed the executive, engineering, and accounting staffs. Bond ratings upgraded to AA+ and AA this year, leading to lower borrowing costs. Depending upon field conditions, additional testing on surrounding streets may be required. Sources/Usage Public Domain. Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. Besides, as we pump water, we use more electricity and chemicals. Water Authority successfully worked to remove obstacles in the way of bringing public water to two areas of Rocky Point where private wells had been declared unstable. Graph of Suffolk County Water Authority monthly withdrawal, averaged daily from 1988-2009 (Source: Suffolk County Water Authority). When contacting the Authority, ask for the New Service Department. SCWA customers can now track the location of our hydrant flushing operations in real time. We look for approximately 300 chemical constituents. View SCWA reports about the quality of your drinking water. Every facet of the organization was tested by a once-in-a-generation storm that came to be known as SuperStorm Sandy. All rights reserved, Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)CLICK HERE. 4060 Sunrise Hwy Islip, Town of NY 11769 (631) 589-5210. Water pumped was 15,647 gallons. Contact our Cross Connection Control Department early on to determine if you will need to install a backflow prevention device. Our billing cycle is based on a ninety-day billing quarter (three months use). Directions Advertisement. Annual precipitation in Suffolk alone amounts to more than 600 billion gallons, approximately half of which replenishes (or recharges) the aquifers. There are several ways to read a water meter remotely. Tips to get . There will be Water Flow Tests at various hydrant locations on Horseblock Road c/o Granny Road. In the first full year of operations, the SCWA added 1,100 new services, 28 fire hydrants, and 8.2 miles of main. Our site inspector will inspect your project only after the form has been received. Currently, while most of our wells don't need such filters, they are being used on approximately 10% of our wells. INTERIM DECISION OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 1 Name Suffolk County Water Department Address 180 5th Avenue Bay Shore, New York, 11706 Phone 631-665-0664 Fax 781-279-3805 Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-5:00 PM Even on Fire Island, which sustained massive damage, water service was fully restored within one month. Laboratory acquired a GC Mass Spectrometer capable of simultaneously scanning 200 herbicides and pesticides. For roadways which will be dedicated to the town, the term of this agreement is six (6) years, or until the hydrant rental is assumed by a public fire protection agency, during which time title to the roadway(s) will be transferred to the town. We joined the Groundwater Guardian program and increased our educational and outreach efforts, particularly through our new website. Purchased the Amity Harbor Water District, the properties of the Indian Head Water Company, and the Northport Water Works Company, with a total of 9,820 customers. Committed a $1 million challenge grant toward the acquisition of Hither Woods, a 777-acre watershed located in East Hampton. 5. In this case, water service will consist of the domestic service line, backflow protection, and possibly fire sprinkler service. The Suffolk County Water Authority is a not-for-profit public benefit corporation. You will need: Please contact our New Service Department at (631) 218-1148 for an information packet to be mailed or picked up in person. Emergency (24 hours - broken water main or pipeline, etc.) No need for customers to read water meters because of access issues. Water system made Y2K compliant. Pay your Suffolk County Water Authority (NY) bill online with doxo, Pay with a credit card, debit card, or direct from your bank account. The Authority earned national recognition for several of its radio messages that were part of a consumer education campaign. Overall rating. In order to keep service costs low for our entire customer base, we establish fees to cover costs that may be specific to certain services that most customers do not use. Full Title: Suffolk County Water Authority, Southampton, NY. AMR will help us achieve these goals. Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. SCWA, Leaders Hail Approval of State Law Making Polluters Repay New York Taxpayers. For the first time in SCWA history, the Authority found it necessary to install water treatment facilities at three Authority well field sites. Bottled water also creates a tremendous amount of plastic that must be dealt with. The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. The following is a schedule of new construction fees: Public roadway water main installation..$174/ft. Mailing address, telephone number of applicant or their agent, Water flow requirements, including fire flows. Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. 518-474-5607. Implemented program for customers to call in their meter readings by using Interactive Voice Response System. Established in 1951, the authority serves more than 300,000 residential and business customers. SCWA web site debuts. Correspondent Seth Wallach hits the streets of Sayville to find out which water Suffolk residents prefer and why (23:46), and see if anyone knows how much tap water really costs (30:13). Yearly pumpage figures soon exceeded the previous record of 24,277,000,000 gallons and continued to increase. The SCWA received nearly $650,000 in federal funds through the Department of Housing and Urban Development to install 9.7 miles of main in economically-depressed areas of Suffolk, enabling 512 new customers to receive water service at a reduced cost. No. (Suffolk Countys population increased 141.5% from 1950 to 1960). Medford, NY 11763 E: T: 631-698-2750 F: 631-696-8055 Promotions Check back soon! Suffolk County Sewer District boundaries and contractees - Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW). THE AUTHORITY'S COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE CONTINUES WITH AN INCREASED EMPHASIS ON STEWARDSHIP. Get in touch with online support or Online access is easy! An additional 5,000 feet of space was added to the Administration Building in Oakdale for the Accounting and Data Processing Departments. SCWA assumed operation of East Farmingdale water system. There are three major aquifers found beneath Suffolk County. Have a Question, Issue or Comment? Ask your billing questions directly by phone at 631-698-9500. The Suffolk County Water Authority Education Center celebrates the Authority's history, provides a glimpse into the future of the public water supply and, most importantly, teaches the public of the vital role they play in protecting our most precious resource - our underground drinking water supply. These bonds carried an A rating and were sold at a net interest cost of 3.4994%. To see if there is a main break close to your home, expand the map or simply type in your address in the search bar below. An unusually severe cold snap in December 1989 had Authority workers handling a record number of main breaks and service calls. Forty employees accepted early retirement incentive, resulting in operational savings over the next two years. (631) 218-1148. Embarked on an extensive Air Stripping Research Program to develop the most economical means of removing organic contaminants from 18 affected wells. View 467 homes for sale in Suffolk, VA at a median listing home price of $358,500. $3 million in surplus land sales used to cut anticipated increase in the average customers water rate from $12 to $4. However, a water filter must be properly maintained, or it could grow bacteria that could make you sick. Serving approximately 1.2 million Suffolk County residents, the Authority, which was founded in 1951, operates without taxing power on a not-for-profit basis. The SCWA Board approved rates changes that will take effect on June 1, 2022. Why do I have to pay a $30.00 initiation fee if I change residences? Mission: Suffolk County Water Authority is the largest groundwater water supplier in the United States. fire hydrant location approval, easement clearance, etc.). A new IBM 360 computer system was added to serve the Authoritys 150,000 customer accounts and perform internal accounting procedures. Once the above has been completed, application for service can be made by completing an application card and submitting the appropriate fee(s). Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. Emergency generators used so pump stations could come off public power system during height of heat crisis. WaterTraq also allows the user to overlay topography, boundaries and contours to show the depth to groundwater. SUFFOLK, New York 11727. Recent media reports concerning PFAS chemicals in drinking water have created concern on the part of our customers. We have them beat on quality, safety, and price! When it rains, or when snow melts, it slowly works its way through the sandy soil beneath us and into the aquifers, where it collects. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. If the "raw" water coming from a well has a chemical that exceeds the allowable maximum, we can put the raw water through a filtration system which removes any impurities. To manage operating schedules of the ten wells on the Montauk peninsula during the summer, a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) was put in service. **May be subject to additional costs if method of install is by open cut or directional bore in addition to restoration fees.. AMR stands for Automated Meter Reading (sometimes referred to as Mobile Automated Meter Reading). Email us at [email protected] with what you've got to say!. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. Reserve Your Spot for a Winter Tour. Introduced Consumer Meter Reading Program in Smithtown as a test area. Depending upon field conditions, additional testing on surrounding streets may be required. Generally, most new construction projects occur on undeveloped parcels of land in which roadways are constructed. Marked the tenth anniversary of the SCWA. Personal customer information is not loaded into the transmitter and therefore will not be transmitted. Nearly all of the money we need to operate comes from the sale of water and the sale of our own AA rated tax-free municipal bonds. The water as it comes from the ground is free of harmful bacteria. There will be Water Flow Tests at various hydrant locations on Sunrise Highway c/o Johnson Ave. At this time, 85% of Authoritys pumping stations were equipped with standby power. Payment of customer bills on the internet began. SCWA utilizes iron removal systems in communities where excess iron is an issue. For a full schedule of flushing operations, click here: 2022FLUSHING SCHEDULE. Acquired Bridgehampton Water Company. On April 17, 1985, a meeting of the involved agencies was conducted at the Region 1 office of the . Education Center Tours: Come See What's New! I'm looking for my bill. Sometimes, the project may be located on a public road where the Authority has existing water supply which will provide adequate supply for the new construction. Home building down due to recession, but an unprecedented drought during summer of 1957 resulted in record-breaking peak demands and water sales. As you know, the Suffolk County Water Authority has been providing Suffolk County citizens with safe drinking water since 1951. A New Service representative will guide you through the application and new construction process. In compliance with the requirements of the New York State Health Department, Suffolk County. Additionally, we installed water treatment facilities where needed to enable us to meet the new standards. The Suffolk County Water Authority, also known as SCWA, is a nonprofit organization that offers various community-based services. See a problem? This year marked the thirtieth consecutive year that the Authority posted across-the-board gains in all aspects of its operations. Throughout the years, Suffolk County Water Authority has increased their educational and outreach efforts and began mailing detailed water quality reports to their customers. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. We will deliver 1,000 gallons of water to your sink for about the price of a gallon of bottled water. . Water Quality. The project will not proceed until hydrant locations are approved by the local fire commissioner. Twice per year, the New York State Department of Health performs Proficiency Tests at our laboratory. The program also allows us to check to make sure that hydrants function properly and that a sufficient water supply is available for fire protection. Flushing operationsclose to your home may be responsible for temporary lower water pressure, discolored water and/or water collecting in the street on which maintenance is being performed. Authority engineers designed a new type of well that is capable of producing double the amount of water from a single well. In addition, easement descriptions for all roadways, flow demand, drainage plans, and backflow design plans are required. In the case of subdivisions requiring easements, the Authority can provide a supplemental agreement to the water main contract. 01/12/23 - 01/12/23: Hydrant Flow Tests. For water main extensions, one of our new service managers will oversee your project. These projects, which may involve repairing water main, installing new water main, maintaining hydrants or building new infrastructure, are essential in assuring that SCWA customers continue to enjoy a safe and reliable drinking water supply. Acquired Point OWoods, Summer Club and Cherry Grove water systems on Fire Island and installed new mains for entire Davis Park system. Manage all your bills, get payment due date reminders and schedule automatic payments from a single app. All roadways must be on grade with grade stakes installed as appropriate. Financial Reports. Mapping Long Island's groundwater and drinking water quality. New Service for a Commercial Customer PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured t We are not part of Suffolk County government. Upgraded our ability to conduct in-house water analyses, partly in response to new federal legislation. Reserve Your Spot for a Winter Tour. Two of these projects were undertaken with the cooperation of Suffolk County to bring public water to residents whose private supply was interrupted by Southwest Sewer District construction. Yes, only meter consumption readings, meter and module numbers are transmitted. Mr. Matthew B. Kondenar was appointed by the County Board of Supervisors to a five-year term as a member of the Authority. This arrangement is often advantageous when the water main is installed within a commercial complex such as a condominium complex, office park, or school. The director of our laboratory can call for the shut down of any well at any time! If there's sufficient water supplies in the aquifers, then why can't I waste water? The Authority's New Service Department is the contact point and information source for the installation process. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services can help arrange such testing. Completed application card (plus water main extension agreement and service application if applicable). *Additional fees are required for full flowmeters 4" or larger. In its natural state, you can't see iron in water. Performance benchmarks, such as organizational goals and objectives and regular financial reports, became mandatory. Having completed our first 20 years of service to Suffolk residents in 1971, we began our third decade with nearly 180,000 customers. Water Talk. The program as initiated to reduce estimated bills and save on operating costs. AMR will help us achieve these goals. We also add a chemical called lime. You will need: Please contact our New Service Department at (631)218-1148 for an information packet to be mailed or picked up in person. Your Drinking water. .Office of Human Resources County of Nassau One West Street Mineola, New York 11501 [email protected] Phone: 516-571-3072 Fax: 516 . New wells and/or pumps were installed at Bay Shore, Oakdale, Bayport, Babylon, West Babylon, and Westhampton. All rights reserved. Inflation being felt everywhere. The Suffolk County Water Authority Education Center celebrates the Authority's history, provides a glimpse into the future of the public water supply and, most importantly, teaches the public of the vital role they play in protecting our most precious resource - our underground drinking water supply. In studies done by independent organizations, some bottled water was not all that it had claimed to be. FARMINGVILLE, There will be Water Flow Tests at various hydrant locations on Horseblock Road c/o Granny Road. Suffolk County Water Authority strives to provide the best possible customer service, high reliability and low rates. Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY SUNRISE HWY CORNER POND RD OAKDALE, NY 11769 The Lab tests for 400 compounds, which is 251 more than required by our regulators. reduced pressure zone device, RPZ). Our wells are anywhere from 100 to 750 feet deep. One hundred and seventy miles of main were installed and water production was up to 18 billion gallons. The site navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. (Suffolk County was in the midst of its 300 th anniversary. Click "Learn More" to review your water quality data. The packet contains detailed information and procedures to assist you. The upper glacial aquifer was formed approximately 25,000 years ago by movement of large ice masses known as glaciers, which covered most of Eastern Canada and New England at the time. All rights reserved. The Water Authority placed a Burroughs Corporation B-1700 Fourth Generation Computer System on-line to service the SCWAs 224,000 family of customers. The SCWA installed 21 wells, the most ever installed in a 12-month period. The Water Authority operates the largest groundwater-testing laboratory in the nation. Ask a question about working or interviewing at Suffolk County Water Authority. We sponsor educational programs in local schools and a special research program at Stony Brook University (the Long Island Groundwater Research Institute was conceived, among other things, to research groundwater pollution issues). The packet contains detailed information and procedures to assist you. Public Notice Landbank Board of Directors Meeting 12-7-2022. SCWA TESTED BY A ONCE-IN-A-GENERATION STORM, HAILED FOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. All rights reserved. each service. Five compressed natural gas vehicles added to fleet to reduce emissions and reliance on foreign oil. We are also a risk management authority with responsibilities for dealing with flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses. Established in 1951, the authority serves more than 300,000 residential and business customers. Claim this business (631) 589-5210. One of our customer service managers will assist you in this procedure. Normally the water will clear in between four and eight hours. Name Suffolk County Water Authority Address 260 Motor Parkway Hauppauge, New York, 11788 Phone 631-582-2397 Fax 907-222-5169 Our corner gas stations, green lawns, landfills, cesspools, septic tanks, and use of "new chemicals", while making our lives easier, have also had an effect upon our groundwater. Completion of new 26,000-square-foot water testing laboratory. We were serving an estimated population of more than 700,000 people with over 27 billion gallons of water. Eliminated 25 vehicles and consolidated office space in further actions to increase efficiency. Report. Website. Shelter Islands Heights. Monthly pumpage record of 11.3 billion gallons achieved due to exceedingly hot July. For questions or . Lime makes the water less acidic, which protects the pipes in your home from corrosion. SCWA began leasing antennae space at its numerous tank sites generating approximately $3 million in revenues. Western Regional Office in Hauppauge opened, which brought into one centralized office the Babylon, Bay Shore, Huntington and Smithtown district offices. An interactive map of the water supply company service areas shows the generalized outline of the individual supply company service areas on Long Island. Suffolk Water Connections Inc. Frank Noto 222 Middle Island Rd. Laboratory receives perfect score in NYS Proficiency test. Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. Administrative/operating headquarters was completed. Department of Watershed Oversight and Protection was formed to review water protection practices, devise new strategies to protect the water supply, and coordinate water protection efforts with other governmental agencies. Receive a $50 credit on your SCWA bill, or sign up for a one-on-one consultation. Fiscal year 1980 saw the Construction Maintenance Department undertake four major water main installation projects at a cost of $2,564,600. Resolutions approved that eliminated various perks previously granted to Board members and certain employees pertaining to the use of SCWA vehicles, credit cards and the availability of various medical benefits. A new 750,000-gallon elevated storage tank was under construction in the Bay Shore Plant. Users can set search parameters that will allow them to look up specific contaminant levels for lead, iron, volatile organic chemicals, nitrates and other compounds to see the state of the Aquifer. Incomplete packages will not be accepted. By entering into a water main maintenance agreement, the Authority will install and maintain the water main and fire hydrants on your site. The deepest aquifer is the Lloyd aquifer, which ranges from 200 to 1,800 feet below land surface. 15,000 feet of transite main replaced as part of a long-term replacement program. Construction began on Oakdale administrative/operating headquarters. Added 19 new wells to system. Vision & Mission. The SCWA also built its administrative headquarters in Oakdale. Suffolk County Water Authority is a public benefit corporation of the state of New York. (See (Appendix 3) for installation and inspection details.). (See above. Fire hydrant annual rental$160.20 per hydrant, Delimited areas..Established area rate, Surcharges..Established contract rate, Provide the New Service Department with your site plans and discuss your project with a new service manager, Provide fire hydrant location information and fire district approval, Prepare your site -- install all curbs, drainage, mark service line and hydrant locations, grade all roadways (Appendix 1), Fax Site Preparation Form to our Construction Department (Appendix 2), Pipe line inspector will inspect your site for readiness, Water main installation is scheduled after site readiness has been verified, Bacteriological sample sent to our laboratory, Sample passes, main is plugged and put "in service", Service orders are released to our Construction Department, Taps and service lines are installed from the water main to the property line, Generally, from the time the contract is executed it takes 90 to 120 days to complete the installation process. 1. Apr 23, 2022 - Customer Service Representative (CSR) . The extension will benefit neighborhoods in the South River Road area south of Peconic Lake, where drinking water wells tested by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services last year were found to contain PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid) above the 10 parts-per-trillion drinking water standard. What do you do if you find a contaminant in the water supply? For water main extensions, the developer/builder must enter into a contract with the Authority to have the main, fire hydrants, and other appurtenances installed. KNDS877 Radio Service: PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional: Status: Active : Auth Type: Regular : Dates: Grant: 08/02/2012 Expiration: 09/25/2022 . Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. It is primarily natural iron and other solid matter stirred up into the water. Show more. Village of Saltaire. New construction topped all previous records. We can make your drinking water pure by filtering it through special carbon filtration systems. Fiscal year 1986 provided the Authority with a full-fledged test of its ability to cope with a major emergency as Hurricane Gloria, the most severe hurricane to reach Long Island in 12 years, virtually paralyzed Long Island for over five days. Depending upon field conditions, additional testing on surrounding streets may be required. The Authority was playing major role in conducting the Comprehensive Water Supply Study authorized by the County Board of Supervisors. SCWA took the position that the recharge of water was important in all sewer programs, including the Southwest Sewer District. We investigated numerous technologies available to remove iron from water and have been installing numerous iron removal systems in communities along the South Shore. The program, the first of its kind in New York State, allows public water providers the ability to track potential threats in the water supply and supply information to the public and regulators. However, as the water meets with air and mixes with chlorine, you can see it. Do we have enough water in the aquifers to meet our present and future needs? 45% increase in water production over ten years before. A slowdown in growth was seen due to a decline in the Suffolk County home-building industry. But beyond that, we even look for chemicals that we don't even have to (about another 100 chemicals), all to insure that the water we serve you is pure and safe. Operations were maintained at full capability for the duration of the emergency. Connection fees. 631-698-9500. Salary information comes from 44 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. The average daily demand is estimated at 150GPD. Backflow prevention is required for all commercial domestic services as well as all firelines. FCC Site Map ULS License Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - KNDS877 - SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY . Another challenge we met successfully during this decade was in maintaining operations at full capacity and keeping all our customers supplied with safe drinking water during the Hurricane Gloria emergency. The middle aquifer is called the Magothy aquifer, which is the thickest aquifer and is the source of most of the water served to SCWA Customers. Automated Meter Reading launched, allowing meter readers to collect reads instantaneously simply by driving by homes. RV Rental Northern Virginia, Motorhome & Camper . Acquired the Huntington, Babylon, and Sag Harbor properties of the New York Water Service Corporation on February 27, 1953, with its 38,000 customers and a meter testing shop. Ocean Bay Park Water Company. Scientists estimate that Long Islands aquifers hold between 65 and 120 trillion gallons of water. The bill was signed into law. In continuing commitment to environmental stewardship and financial savings, SCWA moves forward with plans to install solar panels on the roof of the engineering building in Great River. A webpage will be developed by the USGS that will compile published data from the hydrologic-surveillance program, in place since the mid-1970's, and various USGS sources, and supplement this information with more recent seasonal and annual hydrologic technical assistance will be provided to the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) to help . In a 12-month period because of access issues increased EMPHASIS on STEWARDSHIP read water meters because access... Installation and inspection details. ) water, we measure chemicals down to parts per.... 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