There's this gang mentality that can take over people. Another one I watch is Provost Park Pass. Thread title courtesy of @TawdryT Adam the Woo #8 So Boring These Days That This Thread Is Just About Over . Is that why you would make four boring videos in a week about the place? Calling @Tom Wambsgans for one of his his genius recounts. But with anonymity, even a normal person can become a troll. Self-doubt creeps in and you start to question if what is being said is true. ); They put out 5 videos last week! 'But someone hacked the website and showed user names and emails and I saw that they were mostly bloggers who hadnt ended up successful which, honestly, did make it hurt less. (This tallies with a point from Cavangh on what pulls people to these sites: 'Celebrities and Instagram influencers have more power and status than most of us. TimTracker is fantastic, although they are based in Orlando. He deserves more views; his content is informative and he has a very sweet personality, Adamthewoo is a good one but he is based in socal and has often visited the parks. Theres a multi page thread talking about it over at includes pictures!! I can just ask people on forums which restaurants they recommend and get insider info that way instead of wasting ten minutes of my life watching a video with very little useful content. New to Tattle Life? Anywhos, lets have a new thread. by ziggy777 Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:30 am, Post New to Tattle Life? Disney Vloggers #1 Mar 12, 2021 Disney Vloggers Threads Thread locked. Note to self - put ur poncho on the right way or when you Press J to jump to the feed. It's so interesting and well done! Lol!! He has that to protect. Oh well, too bad David. I have watched Fresh Baked a couple of times, but it really feels as though half the time he's trying to guess what Disney is up to. We are all learning and growing all the time.'. Justin Scarred is my favorite. Sep 13, 2018. 8. I am fortunate that I have a solid support network but its easy to see how someone seeing this stuff could end up in a tricky spot.. The Tim Tracker #98 Great kob on the home gloggs! Thanks for the thesis, they are great, if you dont like them simply dont watch them! Do you have a youtube channel so can bag you on reddit? Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss. Has Kyle recently ghosted you for daring to express an opposing opinion? I think its hilarious that in a time where people talk about themselves and thier own bubble, that a reason to not like Tim Tracker is they talk about thier own life. Continue discussing the Slackers here. David now has a sore throat and runny nose, per his tweet yesterday. Kyle Pallo #13 Kyle checks in, viewers check out. In the previous episode Time for a new Slacker thread. Fresh Baked and Magic Journeys are my favorites also. We seem to forget that we are all messy and flawed. My Moments With Mom. The 34-year-old midwife, who, along with husband Simon (AKA Father of Daughters) is in charge of four female offspring, has been accused of making racist remarks against a fellow blogger, as well as slating others in her close circle. Heres the new thread and most liked name! Club 33. Vincent Vision is going off on a tangent right now about how he didn't go to Galaxys Edge to be first or for clout, he just wanted to go because he's a star wars fan. Here, she claimed that the alt personality originated as a way to defend herself her real life self against trolls on the platform. It appears that in-group behaviour took over. Florida Resident Disney Vloggers on YouTube. Magic Journeys is the BEST for food reviews, plus MigVee and Janelle are just awesome. I like them better than most people, Spencer is most enjoyable but honestly the whole Disney community is toxic lmao. If you have been the victim of online harassment, you can call the National Bullying Helpline on 0845 22 55 787, Since this revelation, Hooper's account has lost over 35,000 followers. by lillybellis Tue Aug 13, 2019 1:12 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Five Fires #3 Stains All Day with CaliBae, Best Life and Beyond #70 KT and Spencer Asked for a Covid Fake, Monica Bought the Bestie Cake, The Tim Tracker #100 We Should Have Used Plan B and Now We've Hired Plan "Bea". Disneytrippin' DIS Veteran. This is also true for other issues like disinformation. well she ended up cheating on her husband with spencer and blamed it on her drinking (she claims she doesn't drink anymore) eventually they left that channel and started best life. #3 - The Ohana Adventure. She says that she is 'deeply sorry' for what she did. So what might be the deal with Hooper who alleges that she went on Tattle Life to defend herself, and got swept up in the tidal waves of negativity? by momofdog Mon Aug 12, 2019 11:22 am, Post Props to @ScoJo15 for the title. ResortTV1's image hinges on being the good guy vlogger who tours the parks and DS with his sister, parents and kids. Thank you and congrats to our top of the charts sensation @Tom Wambsgans for the thread title! Gillian at Home is amazing and not really a Disneyland vlogger but she has a couple of trip on her channel to Disneyland. And poor Jenna has been through hell trying to have a baby (she did a video on it a couple of months ago). These are maximised for the platforms profit rather than the potential effects on human beings,' says Cavanagh. As mentioned above, they disappeared for a year or so and then I remember a photo going around that someone had on Rock n roller coaster and they were sat in the row behind them. Anyone care to do a recap? 'Its not happened to me, but there are stories of people whose kids have been targeted. Kyle Pallo #11 Hes President of the Disney Grifter Gays for Trump Society! TheTimTracker #93 And Now it's Time to Steal Some Content, Best Life & Beyond #62 Universal from these two, No join me from the Woo, alone at all eventsBoo-hoo. I much prefer Adam the woo types. Been watching some knappily ever after, I had not heard if then before. DISboards TotD: Are We Doing Disney Genie Wrong? Oh man so many. They took California shutting down during COVID as a personal affront and a deliberate attempt on the part of Governor Newsom to thwart THEIR ability to enjoy Disneyland. 'I think that the number one thing we need to address is that how so many of these sites and platforms operate in terms of their sorting algorithms and which posts get the most exposure. Hope thats ok! (Edited for length) On Tattle Life, I've been slated for my voice, what I wear. This thread is for Tonya, Robin, and the rest of the characters who show up on the That Crazy Disney Lady YouTube channel. Ive never heard of them until i saw them in the Woo lockdown videos occasionally. They're one of three or four YouTube vloggers that we watch, and are probably the most consistently upbeat. Only clip ive ever seen of them was posted here I think, and it was the lady saying that disneyworld saved their lives and souls because they opened first in the pandemic, and now they owe it to disneyworld to travel there often to pay it back. How does it feel to be on the end of these comments? Do people actually watch them? And then he was involved in the Disflix fiasco a couple of years ago. The Tim Tracker #89 Is my areola showing you guyyyyzzzz??? Agreed. Also Tiffany Mink and Patrick Duggal who used to be a part of Thingamavlogs. KT has called herself the queen of Disneyland (what?!). Welcome to the premier support group for people Disney douchebag Kyle Pallo has pissed off; not to be confused with that other forum where those of whom we do not speak seem to wish Kyle would piss on them. Get a Patreon if you feel you must charge for content. I havent seen the tracker urban party video, so I dont know how bad it is, but I am not woke and I wouldnt do something like that. Michael & Dave Kay #11 Have a MAGAical Day, Best Life & Beyond #56 KT Slockbower & Spencer Emmons Magic Keys are renewed so put on your griftin shoes. Uh. You mean like everyone with social media? Their construction updates are very useful. And god forbid you disagree with them in the comments. The videos were 10 years old. Congrats to @Love_the_kitz and @YesNow for having the winning thread title/idea! Definitely check out Defunctland on YouTube! Also she has creepy paw hands that she waves in front of the camera or pats around on her hair CONSTANTLY. Big uproar last year over old videos of theirs that were pretty offensive. It's only been 24 hours but I am heartily sick of talking about eyebrows in any shape or form. for the Michael Kay and David Kay watchers, it seems things are calming down a bit. They posted a video today and Spencer was there for the opening. HIVEMIND: The New Science of Tribalism in Our Divided World. So, what gives with those that do? Definitely high up on the list of Disney vloggers. Women's Health participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. I know theyve already been mentioned, but Ordinary Adventures is really great! Just go yourself people , nuff said. (I had to edit for length) They have crossed a permanent line with Disney. You're a big hero for pointing out that she was cheating, I see them as vlogers doing what they love doing . Iwantallthetea Thread Sep 18, 2022 Replies: 1,003 Forum: Influencers She also referred to "three unwell" people who apparently have a bunch of burner accounts to email the companies. Omfg stitch hands!!!! The Trackers seem very wholesome to us - what's not to like? by WholesomeKatie Mon Aug 12, 2019 12:44 pm, Post 'Can being life coached give me a shake-up? Ooooh whoever chose 5+ was right! is a one of the most popular Disney World vloggers on YouTube, and it's run by Molly McCormack. Went to Disneyland resort and had too many drinks and Tianas Palace Coming to Disneyland Park Later this Year. lookin through photo albums. DISboards TotD: Are We Doing Disney Genie Wrong? You want to go maskless, travel, get in huge packed lines with children and their grandparents well then you have to stay home if youre sick and contagious. Discussions on YouTube Beauty Gurus, Influencers, Vloggers and Personalities, Post I made a command decision and used @WDWUO83 's suggestion, because it was just so good. Actually, that's not truethere are a scattering of videos that he's done that she wasn't in that were watchable, but together or her alone is like torture for me. And her take was that his sole purpose for choosing that location was to taunt all of the Disney fans he wasn't allowing to go to the parks. Seen such a nice family. Here, she laid out how, given that Hooper is a midwife, and that Black women in the UK are five times more likely to die during childbirth than white women, the presence of such bias is especially frightening [if 'Alice' is, indeed, Hooper.]. I also have Offhand Disney, Matterhorn Matt, and Yensid55 (he does Star Wars Land updates; hope I spelled it right). It's every little thing. It's thought that Hooper's alias was the username 'AliceInWanderLust.' I am so sick of the woke folk and trolls trying to destroy good people. I was really sad when they broke up and even sadder by how messy things got post break up. If he wasnt around Im guessing Michael would somehow be at the parks even more than he already is, following every whim and completely overwhelmed. JavaScript is disabled. A community to view and discuss Adam the Woo's content. QuiteGoodAndAwesome 1 yr. ago. The source of the drama was a youtube channel that makes fun of all the Florida area vloggers. Sure be sad, but get the crying over with before you video yourself. At the current time Disney is the ultimate in woke culture: vaccine mandates for their employees, forcing CRT on their employees in basic job training, removing innocuous images from rides like a guy selling heads, throwing out creativity in the name of didactic movies, promoting ideologies instead of good stories. She also referred to "three unwell" people who apparently have a bunch of burner accounts to email the companies. Anyone care to do a recap? This carelessness for this 60 year old -ish man to what looked like shoving his way to the front of the line, in front of children is just a very bad look. Thanks @Cocobean9 for the thread title suggestion! I see there is a petition on to try and restore their status with Disney and Universal. They can buy a ticket. We lock threads when they have 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. BLAB has 4 spots in the top ten Disney vlogger thread. Your father seems a little drunk. Thanks to everyone for the comments!! They had so many people asking if they were ok but didnt give any update even a brief insta story. } For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 'In this way, the behaviour can develop a life of its own; the person in question feels amazing validation,' she says. As guests who are not vaccinated need to have a PCR test. They often wear matching shirts and ears. Best Life and Beyond #64 Katie & Spencer have no friends. Katie will most likely be there since she NEVER misses a meal and Spence loves those BB Hurricanes. JavaScript is disabled. Kyle Pallo #12 Deep-Throating for DVC points! I will let someone else handle recap duties please! This weeks title comes from Quasimodo inspired by Reddits own BoodleNoodle. I forgot to mention them! It took tattle an entire week to fill a thread with such low video counts as the Slackers try to recover from their 3.5hr giveaway. by UniversallyNik Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:58 am, Post poll recommended by @OutofScope . I watched the video they posted in June of last year where the took fully responsibility for their actions and apologized and said they were wrong. JavaScript is disabled. Dude, you a hundred percent were there because you wanted to make a video to be first. The constantly playing with her hair thing is disturbing. 'I think we need to push these companies to evaluate the prosocial versus antisocial possibilities, and amplify the former at the expense of the latter. It's adorable. While plenty of threads are sharply critical, some do offer praise for certain influencers and, potentially, provide a place for people to enjoy a sense of community and conversation. Read the Pros and Cons First. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. All of these vloggers are a part of some serious toxic drama. '(Both Hooper and Brathwaite declined to comment, for this piece. All posts are users opinions and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Lime Goss. Tattle Life appears to have been founded in 2018 and self-defines as: a commentary website on public business social media accounts. on: function(evt, cb) { Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. event : evt, View most liked Disney Vloggers posts on tattle TheTimTracker #94 Help Control the Prop Population, Have Your Tracker Spayed or Neutered Thread title courtesy of @curious_penguin Continue discussing the Slackers here. Oh! On the surface the trackers seem like nice people, but after you watch them a bit you realize everything they do is for money. Straight, then, to the expert take. After not being given media privileges at Halloween horror nights TheBojos proceeded to steal the videos from Vloggers stating Congrats to @Second Classholes for this spot-on title! Disneyfoodblog (dfb) and alyssaontherocks! Via a fake account on Tattle Life, a British gossip forum devoted to dissecting influencers and celebrities. Thank you @Faso Lateedoe for the winning thread title. Mr David and Mr Ian are two fun Brits who dont have super high energy if youre not into that like i am. I'm surprised he said anything at all, in fact I'm not sure where the reference to GKTW came in here except from him saying anything on twitter. If you can get past his out there personality he does produce good content. Ive watched them for awhile (prior to their Woo appearances). I used to watch Spokesmayne but there was a weird period where his personal life was playing out way too publicly on his social media and I unsubbed because it was just too cringey. After all. ', The ugly truth behind relationship anxiety, Four simple language swaps = new positive mindset, 11 signs your partner is emotionally unavailable, How to do a wedding budget and not get stressed, How to save money: Why financial self care matters, Love Island: Maya Jama on right age for host role, People are befriending their Amazon Alexas, 'I used a goal planner to boost my productivity'. Justin Scarred but fair warning he's kind of annoying. Rumour is they are on their umpteenth cruise of 2022? I know they aren't exclusively disney, but they are in the orbit and imo have had the most drama I've seen in the disney bubble. A very 2019 incarnation of the sorts of digital discussion boards that you might have traditionally visited for advice on the best schools in your area, la Mumsnet, these are populated, largely, by 'anti-fans' of internet personalities whose interest seems to brinks on obsession. There is just something not funny about it. Dr Neo explains that, when someone starts to reply to you on these forums, your brain releases a hit of the 'happy hormone' dopamine [as with when you get a flurry of hearts on your IG sunset pic . Scooby Don't Thread Oct 5, 2022 Replies: 987 Disney Cruises look like fun, but are they really that much fun when your day to day life involves videoing yourself on Disney theme park attractions, eating at Disney restaurants, etc. Kyle Pallo #10 Kyle got lei'd by Dick Breed! I always think I know how people will vote and then you guys surprise me. The drama. Katie has falsely claimed she is an RN, and used that claim to push anti-mask/anti-lockdown rhetoric. He gave up his cushy government job to move to Orlando and buy a house all the while telling the stans he was living in an apartment. listeners: [], #6 -.. Just finished the most recent Tuesday video, Thank god Julie was there, someone with a personality but that shirt pete was wearing :sick: :sick: :sick: Thank you to @MmAnaheim for the new title! Universal released all the information regarding HHN while Dim doesn't have a chance to monetize someone elses work and creativity. JavaScript is disabled. ResortTV1 #5 Hi-Ho! Every time they strike me as a bit odd and creepy, and they dont seem to have many fans around here. They do great documentary style videos on theme park history (Disneyland in particular). Disney has cut . by ziggy777 Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:33 am, Post David has done a couple live streams the last couple days, from what must be his studio, guess that means Michael has gone off to the CM previews for Galaxy's Edge (after once again saying it is all about family, gonna experience WDW Galaxy's Edge with David). Im missing Disneyland so bad rn and Im wondering if anyone has any good vloggers or podcasts they recommend?? I know Im missing a few too lol. } I already know about the old scamming drama, but wanted to see if there has been anything new come up. Problems arise when people feel its their right to criticise you, publicly, in a way they never would, face-to-face. I've been watching a lot of their old vlogs from when the parks were still open but their home vlogs have been entertaining too. Her attitude and actions [go] directly against the values and magic of Disney and they need to be stopped for creating videos inside the park that are meant to intimidate guests and promote selling of their personal merchandise, Fox writes. Not a fan of Sophie and Tom. People that come to post abusive or hateful content are banned.'. Fresh Baked is also great. Yes, Spencer of Best Life and Beyond was indeed at the park during the pirates opening despite having Covid. Happy Belated Bday to the King of Diet Mtn Dew, @KingLlama, who got the most votes, BY FAR! 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Ordinary Adventures is really great a brief insta story. is that why you make... Of Tribalism in our Divided World dude, you a hundred percent were there because you wanted make!
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