Mutation (Ex): A biomancer has control over the Test Subject, manipulating it's structure at will. His medical advances have saved many lives. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours. If you do so, you may choose to regain microbe points equal to the number of hit dice expended in addition to restoring hit points. To use unnatural empathy, the biomancer and the aberration must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. When you expend a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher, you must sacrifice five hit points per level of the spell slot above 2nd to cast the spell. If these conditions are met, make a Wisdom check with a DC determined by the DM. He gains a +10 to his fly speed, and then two increases of times per day he may enter it. There are very very very few creatures with 1 HD. If the caster does not roll to attack, you instead gain advantage on the saving throw. You don't want something that Just Does Everything, and the rest of this class is edging dangerously close to trying to be a One Man Party. (a) a quarterstaff or (b) any simple ranged weapon. A biomancer keeps a spellbook of spells known, learning all 0th level spells and 3 + Int first level spells on creation. It speaks in a language of your choice that you comprehend. The creature gains resistance to all poison and disease effects. School of Biomancy (5e Subclass) - D&D Wiki School of Biomancy (5e Subclass) The School of Biomancy Wizards that choose to study within the School of Biomancy have a keen interest in manipulating the forces of life and a connection to the inherit magic of nature. Average Rating (7 ratings) Step down from Ravnica's street level into the Zonots of the Simic Combine, where the water's calm surface hides an ocean of scientific intrigue. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or by deafened for one round. Artificer: Biomancer. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The Biomancer may spend a Long Rest performing an experiment. Additionally, they may use their reaction to breathe in the microbes. Additionally the biomancer gains damage reduction 5 to either silver, adamantine, or cold iron (the biomancer's choice), and his cell form's damage reduction also becomes damage reduction of the appropriate type instead of DR/magic. Tool Proficency Taken a second time, and the biomancer may attempt to cast spells while infecting another person. Furthermore, you no longer suffer the effects of old age. By virtue of the distinct philosophies evident in each of these paths, there is little possibility of an alliance between biomancers of differing codes. They generally respect those with a similar (if unrefined) curiosity and loathe inidividuals or organizations that would stifle their curiosity. See chapter 10 in the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and the end of this document for the biomancer spell list. A biomancer, being a caster and lacking wild shape, cannot stand in melee, but he is very hardy thanks to his line of work and can endure more blows than the average spellcaster. It is rare for a biomancer to serve a deity. I became a scientist to save someone and I failed. He becomes immune to all forms of poison. "I wanna make this the Mele Fighter Archetype, but don't want to put the Fighter Class out of business.". The entire area radiates with arcane and natural magic, and the use of dispel magic only ends one of the effects listed below. Additionally, whenever you craft an item (magical or not) using the Alchemists Supplies, the Herbalism Kit or the Poisoners Kit, it takes you a quarter of the normal time and it costs you half as much the usual gold in supplies. A successful Heal check reveals what kind of poison the creature possesses. I think it should get more powerful as you level up, and make it more of a core piece of this class. You gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage, and you are immune to disease and the poisoned condition. You lose the ability to speak, cannot cast spells, and cannot apply force to any surface or object. What field of study awakened your curiosity? A creature immune to supernatural diseases is immune to infection by a biomancer's cell form, and creatures immune to disease may also be immune to the infection (willing targets may still permit the biomancer into their bodies, immune or not). Heeding the call of nature's unending evolution, biomancers are masters of manipulating the organic. Every saving throw against those effects is rolled with advantage. It is easy to find similarities between the two, but the academic and microscopic foci of the biomancer are clear distinguishing factors. If you do so, you may use your reaction to impose disadvantage on any magical attack that you can see. When you take this action, you touch the creature and specify the specific information that you are looking for. Biomancers admire druids, as both of them are in touch with nature. Preparing a new list of biomancer spells requires time spent in meditation and study at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. A large wooden desk (type and build determined by the caster) is conjured with a seat of the same type. Steeling himself against the possibilities, a tired elf checks his notes one last time before opening the seals of two vials held in either hand. Biomancers fit both the role of cleric and druid. A biomancer becomes immune to disease, both mundane and magical. Poison Use: A biomancer often handles dangerous chemicals in his study. A stream of microbes erupts from your biomancer focus and forms in a space that is a 5-foot cube you can see within range. On a failure, the creature may not be targeted in this way for 24 hours. Good Biomancers are doctors, curing disease and improving the body. You also double your proficiency with the Alchemists Supplies, the Herbalism Kit and the Poisoners Kit. DnD 5e - Classes. We can help you join them in sweet marriage fit for a king. This connection is of such strength that a biomancer often expends their own cells to accomplish a spell's effects, potentially rendering serious harm upon themselves. If you do so, you may impose advantage or disadvantage on the next attack of a creature you can see. Through this dedication, you have fostered an innate sense of curiosity that constantly pushes you to discover, learn, and adapt. This power may be taken multiple times, each time adding 5 more damage from your attacks which count as having the appropriate regeneration bypassing ability. On a success, they take half as much damage. Cell Form (Su): At 5th level, a biomancer unlocks the secrets of single celled lifeforms and can discorporate into a cloud of microbes floating in the air. The powers of a biomancer are that to inflict poison, disease, or to remedy the effects caused by them. As the spores envelop him, the assassin clutches his chest as blood spews forth from his mouth. Like a druid, a biomancer may gain a new subject with 24 uninterrupted hours. On a success, the creature now rolls a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. There are three codes for a biomancer to choose from, and a biomancer wholly commits to their code, swearing themselves to it irrevocably. My research nearly killed me once, and I still haven't recovered. All empathy extends to 100 ft. If you do so, you may expend any number of microbe points to heal your allies. After using this ability, you may not use it again until you complete a long rest. With his test subject, he gains a telepathic bond out to 100 ft. For everyone else, he gains an empathic link with all willing or unaware targets. I constantly work to prove myself a superior academic to my rival. No exceptions ever. Biomancers of this code are capable of self-sacrifice in protection of nature and their allies. "By spending an hour, and 500 gold per Rank, the Mutation becomes permanent.". In a forest, the area is lit with fireflies and wooden hammocks descend from nearby trees. I think the infusions are a good move but the core focus of this subclass seems a little unsure. RPGBOT April 20, 2021. You have dedicated a substantial amount of your life to the pursuit of one or more scientific fields. How long do they last? On a failure, the creature sets off a magical alarm tethered to the desk that telepathically alerts the Biomancer, animal companion, and all designated allies. I love the thrill of a heated argument and will seize upon any excuse to initiate one. What happens after the charm wears off? He may force a concentration check for enemy spellcasters to cast spells, with a DC equal to his infection DC. The powers of a biomancer are that to inflict poison, disease, or to remedy the effects caused by them. The DC for this check is 10 + the HD of the target creature, and he may do this as a free action. "The Hivemind, the brute, the caster" - what are these? Grafting Feat (Ex): A biomancer may obtain any grafting feat, such as Fiendish Grafts, as long as he meets the prerequisites for the feat. You may not use this feature again until you complete a short rest. Upon reaching the 14th Level in this class, you achieved a complete understanding of life, which has imbued permanent effects in your own body. At 15th level, his fly speed rises again, this time to 40 ft. (perfect), and he gains the special ability to infect the bodies of others. He may once again use spells which have vocal components, but still requires eschew materials or still spell to cast his spells. Adventure + STL Giveaway! Simic Biomancer (Artificer) Biomancer's Pack. We're back to the critical question of "How many Cytoplasts do I have and how many can I make before a long rest"? Evil aligned biomancers instead corrupt with their touch, dealing 1 point of ability penalty per class level x Int modifier (which cannot go below 1), with a Fort save for half DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Int. You can easily identify specific books or tomes and are proficient in understanding the systems of organization used in academic repositories. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. Though I am gifted in knowledge, I do not quite understand social norms. If the result is a 4 or less, the attack misses. You know the druidcraft and thorn whip cantrips, both of which are considered Wizard spells for you and dont count against the number of cantrips you may know. Constitution is important for any build, as is Dexterity to shore up their lack of armor (although they have no penalty for wearing armor, should they pick up proficiency). You regain expended uses of this feature after completing a long rest. The capabilities of a biomancer correlate to their experimentation. However, they share a similar characteristic in bearing a raw hunger for knowledge. They may spread this healing out over multiple ability scores and multiple subjects as they see fit. The treatment of a biomancer by a druidic tribe is dependent on that tribe's openness to nontraditional approaches exemplified by a biomancer. However, biomancers utilize their own microbes to sustain the effects that define their powers. If the creature succeeds, they take half as much damage and are not poisoned. You immediately choose how to distribute this pool among creatures within 50ft of you. Touch of Decay (Ex): Evil biomancers now deal ability damage instead of ability penalty with their microbe touch. On a failure, they take full damage and are considered poisoned. Biomancers are casters, ultimately. You may spend an additional two microbe points to impose disadvantage on the saving throw. Alternatively, you may expend 5 microbe points to cure a willing creature of blindness or deafness. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Re-skinned Dissonant Whispers. In cell form his concealment bonus works against magic as well, providing a 20% or 50% miss chance with targeted spells. Cell Cloud (Ex): A biomancer's cell form becomes more hazy and difficult to strike. The biomancer suffers no ill effects from the disease except for purely cosmetic ones, such as sores, pockmarked skins, or other symptoms of infection. When creating a biomancer, consider why they have such a thirst for knowledge. Your field of study determines where your skills have been applied and where your knowledge is centered. Good aligned biomancers generally pick up the oath of doctors to heal and cure the wounded and sick, while evil ones pick up oaths to spread disease for sick knowledge and warp the bodies of others. Immediately, the creature's hearing is overwhelmed with a high-pitched static that pierces into the mind, intensifying as the creature looks at you.The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. Arcane Tradition: Biomancer (5e) - Like a little mad science in your fantasy? I'd also like to point out here that this is the only class that requires Gold to use their class features. I still think that you've got a problem linking this to hit dice and not CR. In doing so, the test subject completely loses its form and may not be resurrected. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack. We're about eight months into this campaign now and I've really been loving the concept. Please read the rules before posting. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until you have completed a long rest. Health Check (Ex): A biomancer works with living things all the time. Its type changes to aberration although it retains animal HD, BAB, and skills. If you expend at least 10 points on a hostile creature, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. 1-3 HD: Share Spells, as the familiar ability of the same name. What if I fail my check - can I redo it? The creature obeys your orders to the best of its abilities, but will not willingly harm itself. Like a member of any other class, a biomancer may be a multiclass character, but multiclass. If the creature fails, it takes poison damage equal to the spent microbe points multiplied by your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) and is considered poisoned. You can cast a biomancer spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. An eligible creature must have a Combat Rating of 1 or lower, an Intelligence score of 5 or lower, and be friendly towards you. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. Their expertise and powers are of microbes, spores, and the building blocks that make up nature's most wondrous creations. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. I would like to point out that a Brown Bear as listed in the MM has four hit die - 4d10, specifically. However, the allure of vast knowledge attained on a quest or campaign are bait enough to achieve a knowledge biomancer's keen interest and efforts. In an instant, he consumes the contents of both vials and braces for the consequences. Gentle Repose, Ghoul Touch, Remove Paralysis, 3rdBlindness/Deafness, Create Food and Water, Inflict Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Darkvision, Deep Slumber, Ray of Exhaustion, Stinking Cloud, 4thInflict Critical Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Enervation, Haste, Restoration, Slow, 5thAnimate Dead, Cloudkill, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Polymorph, Waves of Fatigue, 6thMass Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Eyebite, Heal, Harm, Heroes' Feast, Transformation, 7thMass Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Greater Restoration, Raise Dead, Regenerate, Waves of Exhaustion, 8thClone, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Horrid Wilting, 9thEnergy Drain, Mass Heal, Mass Harm (Heroes of Horror), Resurrection, Temporal Stasis. The biomancer studies the body and single celled life, to discover the power hidden within the DNA, and the terror behind every illness. Spells: Biomancer spells are based on Intelligence for determining both spell DCs and spells per day, as well as the highest level spell available to cast. Although they modify nature and curiously toy with its inner workings, they firmly believe it should be preserved and respected. Starting at 15th level, your gathered knowledge coalesces into application. While the Biomancer was developed specifically for the Caphora campaign setting, which you can download free from our website, it will work with most existing campaign worlds, especially . Additionally, you may create a password that, once spoken, makes the speaker immune to the effects. However, a tribe that prioritizes the protection of nature from corrupting forces will likely welcome (or begrudgingly accept) the presence of a biomancer. Alternatively he may figure out the number of HD a creature possesses. A Dragonborn dances around a fire, emulating the movements of a Dragon he studied so long ago. As an action, you may make a contested Wisdom ability check against the creature's Wisdom. If you expend at least 10 points on an allied unconscious creature, they automatically succeed on a death saving throw and return to 1 hit point. You may choose an appendage or specific region of your body to use as a spellcasting focus for your biomancer spells. You gain proficiency with the Medicine and Nature skills. He did a quick conversion from 3.5 to 5e (no subclasses, few class features, enough to get the character going). It does not divine exact hp amounts, nor any effects which have no physical impact, such as being dominated. Some seek out appropriate animals, but others, generally less morally strict biomancers, grow new companions out of cell cultures and magic for the sole purpose of becoming their battle ally. A buddy of mine and I are experimenting with making a class based off of Magic the Gathering's Simic Biomancers. The biomancer rolls 1d20 and adds his biomancer level and his Charisma modifier to determine the unnatural empathy check result. Not only are Wizards the only class capable of gaining access to new spells between levels, but they can also alter their Prepared Spells every morning. If the save is successful, or the time limit on his cell form expires, then the biomancer is forced out and is shunted into the nearest space visible. They may swear a new code of ethics without a spell, but doing so causes them to lose 200 xp per character level for their sudden change in focus. If you prepare the 1st level cure wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Your knowledge has made you a staple in your chosen field, an expert that others rely on or look up to. My only complaint would be the third level martial mutation. If an attack meets or exceeds your AC while in Cell Body, roll a d20. When they are performing regular tasks and not expending their microbes, the efficiency of their bodies allows them to go for extended periods of time without nutrition. Organizations: Medical groups and hospitals are where the biomancer shines (the good ones at least). Is it possible to create creatures and fail each check, meaning that I can't use my class until tomorrow? When you cast a spell in this area, you can specify 'allies' that are immune to its effects. You gain the ability to cast shapechange on yourself without expending a spell slot, rewriting your DNA temporarily to accomplish the feat. Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, 4 at 1st level) Furthermore, you may now use the Alchemists Supplies, the Herbalism Kit or the Poisoners Kit as a spellcasting focus for your Wizard spells. "The Biomancers hit dice upgrade to 1d8" This is a mechanic that's just not done. At level 7, a biomancer learns how to communicate in this state, his voice ghostly and echoing in the wind, as if spoken by a billion tiny voices in chorus. When the familiar would die, you may immediately expend three microbe points to stabilize the creature. 0Acid Splash, Inflict Minor Wounds, Touch of Fatigue, 1stCure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Ray of Enfeeblement. Adherants to the Code of Preservation revere nature and the cycle of life. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened for one round. The only thing harder to balance than you having a bunch of features is being able to paste those features on other classes. Any ally of the biomancer that starts its turn there regains 5 (1d10); {"diceNotation":"1d10 ","rollType":"heal","rollAction":"Bolstering Presence"} hit points. Starting at 6th level, your body has become accustomed to poisons and diseases and you have built up biological countermeasures to each. How does the "touch" range work? CR is NOT analogous to hit die. In addition, for every ten years that passes, you only age one year. If the target succeeds the saving throw, you are aware of it and the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. The smell of rotten blood and broken bones, the squelching sound of repurposed muscle, the disgusting visage of creations that violate the sanctity of what should be considered living. "During that time, a biomancer may spend their Action or Movement on their turn to have the bonded Creature use its action or movement". Is lit with fireflies and wooden hammocks descend from nearby trees the attack misses of life speed, and.. Things all the time spells on creation use as a free action DC... Studied so long ago - what are these the rest of the same type can cast using! Spell to cast shapechange on yourself without expending a spell slot, rewriting DNA... Quarterstaff or ( b ) any simple ranged weapon with its inner workings, they make! 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