European colonization, values, and religion began to affect the tribes. In 1905 their number was 195. Illinois tribe was one of those named after their settlement. Finally, the British relinquished it to the newly formed United States of America in 1783 at the conclusion of the American Revolution. The five main tribes were the Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Michigamea, Peoria, and Tamaroa. [1] The name of the confederation was derived from the transliteration by French explorers of iliniwe to Illinois, more in keeping with the sounds of their own language. The French referred to the confederation as the Illinois or Illiniwek, French versions of the Ottawa name for the group. [8] However, with the arrival of the European missionaries in the late 1600s, Jesuit missions were established as a means to convert the Illinois to Christianity. Copyright 2006 - 2023, Facts4Me. google_ad_client = "pub-8872632675285158"; According to records, 12 tribes are confirmed to be Illinois Indians, the rest are of the Miami descent. Some of the original Illinois Native American tribes are the following: These people came into the Indian territory in the midst of the Great Removal. They hunted deer, wild turkeys, and other small animals. Maize was planted in late spring and harvested prematurely in July, at which point most was preserved in order to prepare for the coming winter. Appalachians until further treaties were negotiated. A few of the men dressed and acted out the social role of women. It has been portrayed Nebraska, which was admitted to the union as the 37th state on March 1, 1867, two years after the end of the American Civil War, contains some of the nation's best ranchland and farmland. google_ad_height = 15; The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma v Rex Walden et. With that, they have an upper and lower division, with these divisions being referred to as phratries. Only people of the same gender and age of the dead person could participate as a part of their burial crew. The Illini people were experts in woodcarving. This was the first recorded use of the name "Illini" on campus. The original language of the people from this tribe was Algonquian. On the Origins of the Name Illinois. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas Newsletter, vol. This is the story of the Illinois people when they lived in their traditional homeland, a place the French used to call the "Illinois Country." Available at many libraries; FS Library fiche 6088745; The Lyman Copeland Draper Collection which includes: Each section is subdivided into two or more subsections that focus on specific topics. Virtual Museum of New France: Southern Algonquians, Illini Confederation: Lords of the Mississippi Valley, The Illinois Confederacy of Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Oklahoma. It is thought that when the French first encountered the Illiniwek tribes, there were as many as 10,000 members living in a vast area stretching from Lake Michigan out to the heart of Iowa and as far south as Arkansas. The tribes that arrived in east-central Illinois fought with the Illiniwek over land and resources and brought diseases like smallpox. In the end, the state of Illinois was not interested in a settlement. [32] Although highly respected, peace chiefs did not have the authority of village chiefs, and made decisions that were enforced through persuasion over force. American Indian jewelry Would you like to support our work on the Illini language? Due to a series of military defeats at the hands of Ottawa war-chief Pontiac and numerous tribes, Great Britain outlawed British settlement west of the. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The tribe called these men Ikoneta, but the French called them berdache.. Small boys who showed marked tendencies toward femininity were raised as girls. The Illinois seasonally lived in wigwams and longhouses, depending on the weather and the resources available to them. At the dawn of the historic era, when European explorers first entered the land we now call the State of Illinois, they encountered a people who became known to the world as the Illinois or Illiniwek Indians. [22] Hunters primarily sought bison, which were also numerous in the northern Illinois prairies. However, in the past, they spoke the Miami-Illinois language. Eventually the Illinois were forced to leave their traditional lands and move west to Indian Territory. Unfaithfulness of a wife was punished, as among the Miami, the Sioux, the Apache, and other tribes, by cutting off the nose of the offending woman, and as the men were very jealous, this punishment was often inflicted on mere suspicion. [10][9], Miami and Illinois are dialects of the same Algonquian language, spoken in Indiana and later Oklahoma. [32][31] Primarily only men were allowed to be chiefs, although women sometimes had leadership roles in the community as village chiefs. [5] Outside of religion, women could achieve status in the village through domestic activities and through harvest. The structures of authority are set out to have one central authority, called the Great Chief, and Chiefs under him that lead each individual tribe. [10] Other than the internal conflict among the tribes themselves, the Illinois also faced threat from European forces that stirred conflict with them and started wars, some of in which the Illinois were recruited as allies. In the beginning of February, war chiefs of each tribes organized raids against enemies, who included the Pawnee and the Quapaw, and later on, the five tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy. N.P., 1905.Urbana Free Library Local History Online Catalog, [16][18] This capture of land and people eventually pushed the Illinois out of the Great Lakes region and into present-day Kansas. This style of hair cut is called a Mohawk. [17] Called manitou, this vision quest was an important part of becoming an adult in the lives of the Illinois. MLA Style: "Illini Tribe." The women had the task of butchering the bison and would preserve the meat by drying and heating it in order to prepare for the winter, when hunting was not possible. One of the paintings created by Illini represented a thunderbird in honor of showing it's supernatural powers. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, 1859 List of Munsee from Leavenworth County Kansas, 1876-1878 Pacific Coast Business Directory, St. Charles Countys Participation in the World War, Oglethorpe University Publications Online, Maryville High School Yearbooks, 1919-1977, Maryville College, Tennessee, Yearbooks, 1906-2009, 1892-2008 Quincy High School Yearbooks Golden Rod, 1931-2008 North Quincy High School Yearbooks The Manet, FamilySearch United States Census Records. Tribal Land Claim Meets Resistance in Illinois. The Washington Post, 13 February, 2001, The earliest documented use of Illini in athletics is in the 1907 Illio yearbook, describing the football team. Essays on the Historical Geography of Champaign County: From the Distant Past to 2005. American Indian languages Go back to American Indian Cultures Because the French were small in number in this area, they posed little threat to the resident tribes and maintained good relationships with them. American Indian names War chiefs had the power to plan and lead raids on other tribes. The main activities of the men were hunting and warfare, while the women worked in the fields, prepared and preserved the foods, turned the hides into equipment and clothing, and did most of the work around the camp and village. Despite the withdrawal, the Miami say they wont stop fighting for their land. Illini Indian Fact Sheet. support our organization's work with endangered American Indian languages. [22] Maize was the primary crop, but the Illinois also planted beans, squash, pumpkins, and watermelons, and gathered wild foods in the forests. Illinois State Museum In 1736, according to Chauvignerie 1 the totem of the Kaskaskia was a feather of an arrow, notched, or two arrows fixed like a St. Andrews cross; while the Illinois as a whole had the crane, bear, white hind, fork, and tortoise totems. On the Origins of the Name Illinois., Claiborne, William. The tribe follows the method of creating clans following the line of the males of the family. All rights reserved. Because of this, the tribes in east-central Illinois didnt experience too many problems from white settlers from that direction. However, the British settlers in the East disturbed the Illinois way of life before any of them even arrived in the region. Indigenous Illinois: The History of American Indian Tribes in and Around Champaign County By Jason Peterson In 1874, the campus newspaper at the University of Illinois changed its name from The Student to The Illini. Mar. By the mid 1700s, the 12 or 13 tribes of the Confederation had dwindled to five: the Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Michigamea, Peoria, and Tamaroa. The Illini Indians wore moccasins on their feet. Trade with the French became common for the tribe, and in 1686, a fur dealer named Henri de Tonti established a trading post at the Quapaw village of Osotouy in order to buy pelts from them. Eventually they reclaimed some of their lands.[18]. The Illinois practiced polygamy and wives suspected of unfaithfulness were severely punished, sometimes suffering the loss of an ear or nose. January 18, 2023 Many college students have a strange relationship with productivity. After the United States ousted the British during the Revolutionary War, newly American settlers began to stream west. When in close proximity, the hunters would shoot their arrows and spears and force the animal in the opposite direction, towards the rest of the hunting party. Fighting Illini FAQ. University Archives. [5] Within these polygamous marriage, wives who were unfaithful were punished severely, sometimes by having parts of their face cut off. Museum Receives First Burnham Hospital Iron Lung from Martindale Family. The French have been in the Indian reservations in Illinois,giving them the position of really influencing the Native Americans in Illinois. Indian tribes A common phrase perpetuated by mental health circles is that 'your productivity does not define you,' and yet those who utter that phrase the most will often turn around and measure their days by how many items they checked off their to-do list. Their world was turned upside down during their long association with French settlers and, later, British and American colonists. [8][11] Women were sometimes granted hunting tasks upon communal hunts, but were denied the use of any weapons, thus making it difficult to participate in this activity. The Miami would later cede all of that land back to the United States in various treaties, except the 2.6 million acres of east-central Illinois land in question in the lawsuit. Through constant war most of the Illini were gone by the time the whites came. The Illinois were a populous and powerful nation that occupied a large section of the Mississippi River valley. [23] Men, on the other hand, could receive status through their achievements in battle and demonstrating courage and bravery. Again, they were also referred to as the Illini tribe.was said to have transformed in Peoria Tribe through the years after surviving different wars on or before the 1700s. According to Hennepin, the cabins of the more northerly tribes were made like long arbors and covered with double mats of flat flags or rushes, so well sewed that they were never penetrated by wind, snow, or rain. It is believed that they were one tribe with the Iowa, Winnebago and Ho-Chunk people until the 1600's. -Oklahoma Historical Society Day 2: The Otoe, Missouria and Iowa migrated to the south and west during the 16th century and divided. History of USA from native Americans to Independence, 10 Most Important Events American History. 2000. Le Journal 24/4: 6-10. The Illini men did the hunting. Wikipedia, Byways & Historic Trails Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, John Quincy Adams Sixth President of the United States, James Monroe Fifth President of the United States, General Anthony Wayne Brave Officer of the American Revolution, James Madison 4th President of the United States, Mary Jane Simpson The Lady and the Mule. Native Americans First Owners of America, Illini Confederation Accessed 13 June 2019. .adslot_1 { width: 300px; height: 250px; } The best-known of the Illinois tribes were the Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Michigamea, Peoria, and Tamaroa. Their exact location when first heard of by the whites can not he determined with certainty, as the tribes and bands were more or less scattered over southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and along the west bank of the Mississippi as far south as Des Moines river, Iowa. A confederacy of Algonquian tribes, formerly occupying south Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and sections of Iowa and Missouri, comprising the Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Michigamea, Moingwena, Peoria, and Tamaroa. Illinois, a confederation of small Algonquian -speaking North American Indian tribes originally spread over what are now southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois and parts of Missouri and Iowa. [16] Because of these developments, the Illinois tribes became well known to European explorers. What's new on our site today! However, the story took a surprising turn in 2000 when leaders from the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma filed a federal lawsuit to reclaim 2.6 million acres of land in Illinois, including land in Champaign County. The story is based, in part, on historical descriptions of the Illinois by French observers like Jacques Marquette and Pierre Delliette, who traveled or lived among them three-hundred years ago. There are no signs that any American Indian permanent settlements or villages ever existed in what is now Champaign County. About the same time the Iroquois waged war against them, which lasted several year, and greatly reduced their numbers, while liquor obtained from the French tended still further to weaken them. [12] Although the number has significantly reduced, many of their descendants are today part of the Peoria Tribe of Miami, Oklahoma, as part of the merged Confederated Peoria Tribe.[13][14]. Ryan claimed that tribes goal was to build and operate a land-based casino on the newly acquired land. Illinois (15-3, 5-2 Big Ten) lost 65-61 at Indiana (16-1, 6-1 Big Ten) in December. The population increased to about 6,000 people in about 460 houses. By the middle of the 17th century, most of the Illinois people were living along the Illinois River from Starved Rock to the Mississippi, having moved there because of harassment by the Dakota Sioux, Fox, and other northern tribes. Marquette finally got an opportunity to visit the Illinois in 1673, when he accompanied Louis Jolliet on an expedition to explore the Mississippi River. Cunningham, J.O. The Illinois Native Americans were composed of five subdivisions including Kaskaskias, Cahokias, Tamaroas, Peorias, and Metchigamis. [7][4], Eventually, they reorganized under the name of the Confederated Peoria. The Illinois Confederation, also referred to as the Illiniwek or Illini, was a group of 12-13 Native American tribes who lived in the Mississippi River Valley, occupying an area from Lake Michigan to Iowa, Illinois, and south to Missouri and Arkansas. In 1832 the Illinois sold the lands they had retained, moving to Kansas and then to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). [17] Hunters depended on spirits in catching wild animals, warriors asked the spirits for guidance before warfare, and shamans were regularly employed to absolve matters concerning physical and mental health. Meet our Tribal Government. This tribe decided to side with the French people during the war, making the British their enemy. In 1833 the survivors, represented by the Kaskaskia and Peoria, sold their lands in Illinois and removed west of the Mississippi, and are now in the northeast corner of Oklahoma, consolidated with the Wea and Piankashaw. : Paleo-Indian Era (Stone Age culture) the earliest human inhabitants of America who lived in caves and were Nomadic large-game hunters of animals including the Great Mammoth. The attorney general filed a motion to dismiss the suit on the grounds that it called into question the states sovereignty. However, negotiations were fruitless. Suggestions for new links are always welcome. Although not nearly as cohesive as the Iroquois League, their political unity was sufficient to dominate other tribes in the region. [17][18] The Peoria sent out messengers asking for help from the French, but by the time they reached the site, many of the Peoria warriors had been killed. Illinois, a confederation of small Algonquian-speaking North American Indian tribes originally spread over what are now southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois and parts of Missouri and Iowa. 2008. Answer: They were forced to move west in the 1830s in Indian Removal Acts. The tribes which constitute The Confederated Peorias, as they then were called, originated in the lands bordering the Great Lakes and drained by the mighty Mississippi. The wars had arisen due to the conflicts between tribes for resources and trade goods, or were initiated by European explorers looking to expand their land. In the 17th century, when French explorers arrived in central Illinois, the land was mostly occupied by a group of tribes including the Peoria, Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Michigamea, and more. The Illini Indian tribe just had a different accent compared to those belonging to the Miami tribes. Costa, David J. They somehow have the historic relationship with the Delaware, Ottawa, and Shawnee tribes. The Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma is a confederation of Kaskaskia, Peoria, Piankashaw and Wea Indians united into a single tribe in 1854. Accessed 27 December 2017. Other smaller affilliated groups were the Taporouas, the Moingwenas, the Chinkoa, the Omouahoa, the Coiraconetanon, and the Chepoussa, While some authors (e.g., Scott) consider the Wea (Ouiatenon) and Piankeshaw to be Illinois affilliates, in fact these two . While these roles were more deliberate, young boys that demonstrated feminine tendencies were brought up as girls in both outerwear and domestic roles. In about the year 1639 the Winnebago betrayed and killed a group of Illini visitors, and for revenge, the Illini delivered a telling coup against this tribe which was certainly living in the Green Bay area. With this, they get to live with their huge family tree inside one establishment. [27] Fish was plentiful in the Illinois river, but the Illinois generally did not rely on fishing as sustenance. [21], In 1854, the Illinois merged with the Wea and Piankashaw nations, renaming themselves as the Confederated Peoria Tribe. Despite the names American Indian origins, as well as the contentious debate over the Fighting Illini symbol, many Champaign County residents may not know much about the indigenous people of this area or their story. [20], Although specific dates are unknown, the Illinois Confederation had at one time been one large nation without any divisions of smaller tribes. [27][17] For bodies that were intact, the cadavers were ceremonially dressed and placed in their grave along with funeral objects that would accompany them into the afterlife. Shortly after, the Miami withdrew their lawsuit. Prior to this time they had been even larger but had declined due to several costly wars with the Iroquois and Sioux tribes. [14] The remaining members of the Peoria Confederation reorganized, seeking federal recognition by the U.S. government, and were officially acknowledged by 1978. This component of the module is divided into nine broad sections that tell different aspects of the story of the Illinois Indians. The Kaskaskia at this time were in somewhat intimate relation with the Peoria, since Gravier, who returned to their village in 1700, says he found them preparing to starts., and believed that if he could have arrived sooner the Kaskaskians would not thus have separated from the Peouaroua [Peoria] and other Illinois. By his persuasion they were induced to stop in south Illinois at the point to which their name was given. Early 21st-century population estimates indicated more than 1,500 individuals of Illinois descent. [22][8] Amidst a polygamous society, the first wives held superiority in their families, and held leadership roles in the household. A wooden cover is placed over their graves in order to prevent animals and environmental factors from disturbing the grave. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Native Indian Tribes - History of Illinois, Illinois - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Illinois - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). After the Illinois traders made additional trips to Lake Superior during the next few years, missionaries admired their calm disposition and viewed them as good candidates for conversion to Christianity. [14][18] European diseases drastically reduced the numbers of the Illinois. In fact, Illinois was actually occupied by two different sets of Native Americans, namely the Illinois Indians and the Miami tribes. Lasting about 50 years, the United Peoria and Miami Tribe dissolved in the 1920s. The women had the right to manage the agricultural land.The word Lenape means man or Indian. [6], Though chiefs had the authority of political power and were widely respected by the people, the egalitarian society of the Ilinois presented a more democratic environment in which important decisions that effected the community were made by tribal consensus. They can be considered migrants, such as the Delawares, Kickapoo, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Sac and Fox, and Wyandot. They hunted deer, wild turkeys, and other small animals. In 1800 there were only about 150 left. Once drained, the soil in this region would become some of the most productive ground to grow corn and soybeans on in the world. [31] But even after the split, all the tribes maintained a strong sense of unification as one nation of the Illini. Native American languages In the month of March, Peoria citizens gather with our friends and family to reflect and celebrate on the previous year while we look forward to . Women did the farming. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Starting around the mid-17th century, the Illinois greatest foe was the Iroquois Confederacy, who badly diminished their population. In 1874, the campus newspaper at the University of Illinois changed its name from The Student to The Illini. The Indians of Illinois: A History and Genealogy. The Ho Chunks defeated them in one battle then ate the dead. January 12, 2023. Jacques Marquette, a French Jesuit missionary, claimed that Illinois was derived from Illini in their Algonquian language, meaning 'the men'. [1] Ilinwe is the singular form of ilinwek. Guthrie, William, 1708-1770, There are no signs that any American Indian, Map of Illinois circa 1818, Melish, John, 1771-1822, Costa, David J. [10] The former is considered to be a more accurate representation, and the Illinois are said to number 10,500 people at the time of European contact.[24]. The conflicting statements regarding the number of their villages at this period and the indefiniteness as to localities render it difficult to reach a satisfactory conclusion on these points. The Illinois were almost constantly harassed by the Sioux, Foxes, and other northern tribes; it was probably on this account that they concentrated, about the time of La Salles visit, on Illinois river. [10][12], The French named the area Pays de Illinois, or "Illinois country", which came to be a common name in referring to the homeland of the Illinois. We encourage students and teachers to look through our main Illini website for more in-depth information about the tribe, but here are our answers to the questions we are most often asked by children, with Illini pictures and links we believe . Sesquicentennial Committee of Champaign County, 1969. Women wore skirts and leggings. While the Ojibwa, who occupied neighboring areas around the eastern Great Lakes, pronunciation for this concept sounded to the French like, ilinwe. [27], At the time of European contact, the Illinois economy was largely self-sufficient. In 1673, Jesuit Father Jacques Marquette and French-Canadian explorer Louis Jolliet met the . As time went by, the power of the French over them grew. Their descendants, the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, are now scattered throughout the United States but maintain their tribal headquarters in Miami, Oklahoma. As according to culture, they were tattooed and taught the language patterns that were specific to women. There is reason, however, to believe, from discoveries that have been made in mounds and ancient graves, which appear to be attributable to some of the Illinois tribes, that the skeletons, after the flesh had rotted away, were buried, often in rude stone sepulchers. Miami Tribe Drops Suit Over Land in Illinois. Chicago Tribune, 15 June 2001.,%20June%2015.htm. google_ad_width = 728; The Cahokia (Miami-Illinois: kahokiaki) were an Algonquian-speaking Native American tribe and member of the Illinois Confederation; their territory was in what is now the Midwestern United States in North America.As a member of the Illinois Confederation, the Cahokia were likely similar to other Illinois groups in culture, economy, and technology. In the early 1700s, the Illinois became involved in the conflict between the Meskwaki, also known as "Fox", and the French, known as the Fox Wars. Eventually member tribes occupied an area reaching from Lake Michicigao (Michigan) to Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas. The tribe made dugout canoes out of large trees. One of the many Illini tribe facts is that they are fluent in the English language in the contemporary times. Tribe Stakes Claim to Illinois Land., The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma v Rex Walden et. [17][8] While a great portion of the tribes eventually converted, some tribal elders rejected the religions and worked to retain their beliefs in the spirit world. Native American horse names The Treaty of Grouseland says that no part of the lands guaranteed to the Miami Tribe by treaty could be transferred without the express consent of the Miami Tribe.. The Illinois Confederation comprised 12 separate tribes who shared common language and culture. [32][17] One such Great Chief that is noteworthy in European history is Mamantouensa, who even traveled to France. Illinois Indian Tribe - Miami Tribe To each cabin were 4 or 5 fires, and to each fire 2 families, indicating that each dwelling housed some 8 or 10 families. Native American quilts "Illiniwek" redirects here. Iroquois county [14] Although the Illinois fought back against their primary enemy at the time, the wars scattered and killed many of their members. Explore our culture, history, and more. Current News. The Illini artwork included painting, fabric dying and wood carving. They became important allies of French fur traders and colonists who came to live among them, and they played a key role in the early history of what would later become the midwestern United States. However, the tribe waited 195 years to make a move last time. It was only through the expansion of European ideals and direct contact with French officials that influenced the chiefs to wield greater power over their people. Father Jacques Marquettelonged to establish a mission among the Illinois and began to study their language and culture. Iroquois raids greatly reduced their numbers, and the introduction of liquor by French traders further weakened the tribe. [30] As time passed, traders and missionaries began to settle among the Illinois and their formerly self-sufficient economy became increasingly dependent upon their French allies.[10]. In 1959, the US government dissolved the Peoria tribal government but the tribal members began the process to regain federal recognition, which they achieved in 1978. The Illinois had a number of traditional enemies, including the Sioux, Osage, Pawnee, and Arikara to the west, and the Quapaw to the south. They were not one tribe but a confederation of 12 tribes: The Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Peoria, Tamaroa, Moingwena, Michigamea, Chepoussa, Chinkoa, Coiracoentanon, Espeminkia, Maroa, Tapouara. Indigenous tribes lived in the surrounding area, and it is likely that they hunted game in Champaign County, setting up seasonal camps in the forested areas surrounding the prairies. google_ad_slot = "7815442998"; Also, the tribes main output include corn, beans, and tobacco.They were more agriculturally inclined compared to the other tribes in Illinois. In exchange for hides, furs, and human slaves obtained from tribes living to their south and west, the Illinois traded with Great Lakes tribes and French traders for guns and other European goods. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The whites first carne in actual contact with them (unless it be true that Nicollet visited them) at La Pointe (Shaugawaumikong), where Allouez met a party in 1667, which was visiting that point for purposes of trade. [11][17] These roles were not inherited, but could be achieved through a demonstration of great battle skills, as well as through convincing the other warriors that his manitou could guide them into a successful raid. Men wore breechcloths. Return to our Native Americans Culture Menu Illinois way of life before any of them even arrived in the Indian reservations in.., young boys that demonstrated feminine tendencies were brought up as girls both. 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In 1832 the Illinois Confederation comprised 12 separate tribes who shared common language and culture in Indiana later... Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students illini tribe facts to the. Name for the Study of the same gender and age of the story of the dead Independence 10... And longhouses, depending on the other hand, could receive status through achievements! Was to build and operate a land-based casino on the Origins of paintings! Point to which their name was given five main tribes were the Cahokia, Kaskaskia Michigamea... Describing the football team 31 ] but even after the split, all the tribes were more deliberate, boys. Men ' ] Ilinwe is the singular form of ilinwek, meaning 'the men ' Illinois., Claiborne William! Out of large trees, could receive status through their achievements in battle and demonstrating courage and bravery language... 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