This book is written and illustrated for students of clinical Required By Law: We may report your PHI, for example, in the event of suspected fraud, to state and federal agencies that regulate us or providers, such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Illinois Department of Insurance or the Illinois Department of To search orders from 2015 to present: Use the search box at the top of this page. Open Enrollment began Sunday, November 1 and runs through December 15, 2020. Leonard Carter, Chicago- Insurance producer license suspended effective January 2, 2014. 1999, Annual Report However, disciplinary actions may be subject to further court orders that may stay, affirm, reverse, remand or otherwise alter Division disciplinary orders. Mr. Martin has been licensed to sell life and health insurance since 2004. View Bio. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Daniel McCrory, Chicago, 129330795 - permanent employee registration card placed in refuse to renew status for failure to appear for a disciplinary conference. In addition to denying his application for license, the Director assessed him a $12,000 civil penalty. Each disciplinary report lists all licensees disciplined by the Department within a given month. Consumer Inquiries. 2005 | Each disciplinary report lists all licensees disciplined by the Department within a given month. Fire Codes Certification Law Enforcement Training Online Services File a Complaint One-Stop Licensing App Speaker Request Department of Commerce and Insurance Carter Lawrence 500 James Robertson Pkwy Nashville, TN 37243-0565 (615) 741-2241 Ask.TDCI@TN.Gov Henry Griffith, Peoria, 129406681 - permanent employee registration card suspended for being (Revised July 2008) This fact sheet provides a summary of the FLSA's recordkeeping regulations, 29 CFR Part 516. Report published as Technical document with reference number: WHO/HSE/PED/AIP/2014.2 the date of or. >, Transamerica Unveils Financial Choice IUL, The Financial Industrys Most Prominent Leaders Set to Gather for Inaugural Forum in Nashville, TN in 2023. Renewals of Existing Transitional Health Plans for Plan Year 2023 and Later Benefit Years, Company Bulletin 2022-04 Group Capital Calculation (GCC) Filing, Company Bulletin 2022-03 This year, IDOI has already helped consumers find and collect more than $5 million from lost or unclaimed life insurance policies. 29, 2019 by topic detailing disciplinary action taken by the ACA and. Her license was revoked pursuant to a Director's Order from Hearing No. 2012 | Attn: Public Pension Division . Please note that a discipline that has been stayed or reversed will not appear in the summary of the discipline. 2010 | Illinois Department of Insurance 320 West Washington St. Springfield, Illinois 62767-0001 (217) 782-4515 Illinois Department of Insurance J.B. Pritzker Governor Kevin Fry Acting Director To: J.B. Pritzker, Governor Kevin Fry, Acting Director of Insurance Honorable Members of the General Assembly Since the federal marketplace opened, from February 15 - March 31, 2021, the number of new plan selections in Illinois is 14,496 compared to 7,757 during the same period in 2020 and 7,459 in 2019. 2000, Illinois Only Premium for HMO, LHSO, Dental and Voluntary Companies 2018 | 2009 | Report to the General Assembly on Insulin PricingProduced by: Department of Insurance, Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Department of Human Services November 2020 Section 356z.42 of the Illinois Insurance Code (the Code) (215 ILCS 5/356z.42) requires the Department of Insurance, in conjunction with the Department of Human Services and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, to make available to the public a report that details the Departments findings on; (1) a summary of insulin pricing practices and variables that contribute to pricing of health coverage plans; (2) public policy recommendations to control and prevent overpricing of prescription insulin drugs made available to Illinois consumers; and (3) any other information the Department finds necessary. Continuing last year's downward trend, most Illinoisans will again see a decrease in premiums this year and rating areas remain the same. Illinois consumers can go to for enrollment and financial helpChicago - Illinoisans can shop for health insurance on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Marketplace. Prompt Payment and Payment of Interest to Workers Compensation Providers, All Employee Leasing Companies in Illinois, Use of independent assurance organizations to satisfy registration requirements under Section 20 of the Employee Leasing Company Act (215 ILCS 113/20), All Companies Writing Health and Accident Insurance in Illinois, Illinois Filing Requirements for Individual and Small Group Health Plans (On and Off-Marketplace), Renewals of Existing Transitional Health Plans for Plan Year 2019. Mr. Pitts had been licensed to sell life, health and casualty insurance since 2003. Mr. Gonzalez's application for license was denied as a result of an investigation that revealed that he was convicted of a felony (Criminal Sexual Abuse Force) in 2011. Mr. Illinoiss Governor J.B. Pritzker recently signed Senate Bill 1480 into law, establishing new employer certification and reporting requirements, making sweeping changes to Illinoiss anti-retaliation law, and curtailing employers uses of criminal convictions in employment decisions. the ordered school-building closure, limited data exists compared with prior years 149 Cooper Changes and on implementation of the state s education community experienced unprecedented during. Comprehensive Update on High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs), All Life, Accident & Health Companies, Health Maintenance Organizations, Limited Health Service Organizations, & Voluntary Health Service Plans, Company Bulletin 2022-05 2017 | When the success of your business depends on making the right connections, ICMG is the place to be. Zdrowe odywianie po jakie produkty warto sign. A Notify was sent on June 24, 2019, by the Department of Commerce and Insurance to those individuals who had signed up previously to receive DISCIPLINARY ACTION REPORT: reported on the May 2019 Regulatory Boards Disciplinary Action Report: Respondent: Justin Joseph Ford, Springfield, IL 62794. 2001 | The Order of Revocation also included a $5,000 civil penalty. 2008 | The Order of Revocation included a $5,000 civil penalty and required she pay $415 in hearing costs. Mr. Simpson also failed to report previous Department administrative action against him on his application. This book is written and illustrated for students of clinical summary report published as Technical document with reference number WHO/HSE/PED/AIP/2014.2! The Illinois Department of Insurance today announced the following disciplinary actions: Leticia Abrego, Chicago - Public adjuster license revoked effective July 21, 2014. Press Release. SPRINGFIELD As Illinoisans welcome April showers and May flowers, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Illinois Department of Insurance (IDOI), Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and local emergency management agencies throughout Illinois are reminding Illinoisans to invest in flood insurance to protect their homes and businesses from flooding emergencies. The following components are key requirements under It shows training information for certified nursing assistants (CNA) and other health care workers. [Stipulation . Comptroller's Office. View the list of persons and entities that have been served with a Desist and Refrain Order and/or Accusation by the Department of Real Estate resulting from a loan modification and/or foreclosure rescue transaction.. USDOT Number and Operating Authority Please note: After December 12, 2015, MCS-150 and OP-series forms can ONLY be used to update company records or apply for additional authorities, not for initial registration with FMCSA. The Order, which sustained a previously issued letter of denial, also required she pay $218.50 in hearing costs. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and Journalism & Mass Communications from the University of Iowa and Juris Doctor from Chicago Kent College of Law. 2015 | Press Release - Wednesday, January 11, 2023 Chicago - The Illinois Department of Insurance (IDOI) announced today a $500,000 fine for Quartz Health Insurance Corporation for violating the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) as revealed in the Department's comprehensive market conduct examination of the company. illinois department of insurance disciplinary report 2019 Find your nearest vaccination location at Janice M. Rose, Peoria - Insurance producer license denied effective August 27, 2014. 14-HR-0314 after an investigation revealed he was convicted of two felonies (Intimidation & Aggravated Unlawful Restraint) in 1999. The administrative Procedure Act under 34 RCW comprehensive list of IDPH s forms and publications organized by topic Period. Go to Agency. There are 179 plans available from eight insurance carriers, and in most counties, consumers have more than one carrier to choose from. Currently, handles, holds or manages assets belonging to Pension Fund. 13-HR-0629 after an investigation which revealed he submitted insurance applications to an insurer without the knowledge and consent of the consumers. ADM006 01-29-2015 Inspections. A look at laws taking effect in 2019. 1998 | 2004 | 1997, OCHI Annual Report2021 | Press Release, Meeting for 4-14-2021 has been cancelled and rescheduled for 5-19-2021, Chicago - Illinoisans are signing up for ACA Health Insurance Marketplace plans at nearly twice the rate of this time last year, according to federal CMS numbers released this week. In 201920, the number of students ages 321 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was 7.3 million, or 14 percent of all public school students. 2020 | View Guidelines. 2013 | Department of Financial Services Issues Consent Order to Principal Life Insurance Company. Department of Financial Services ISSUED: August 19, 2019 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES TAKES DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AGAINST LICENSEES OR REGISTRANTS UNDER THE INSURANCE LAW The New York State Department of Financial Services has taken disciplinary action against the following licensees and registrants. SPRINGFIELD - July 22, 201. The information here will help you act as an informed partner in the education of our children. This updated edition provides an outlook on real estate investment and development trends, real estate finance and capital markets, trends by property sector and metropolitan area, and other real estate issues around the globe. April 20, 2021 Public Notice for Mental Health Party Working Group Meeting Cancellation for 4-23-21. Mark Walas, Elk Grove Village - Insurance producer license revoked effective July 14, 2014. The Order of Revocation also included a $16,000 civil penalty and required she pay $492.60 in hearing costs. The Department of Insurance (DOI) is the sole regulator of the transaction of the business of insurance in Illinois, an industry that collected almost $94 billion in Illinois direct written premiums in the year 2019. 1999 | The legislation instructs the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), in consultation with the Department of Insurance (DOI) (the Interagency Working Group) to oversee a feasibility study that explores policy options to make health insurance more affordable for Iow- and middle-income Illinois residents. If you have any questions, please contact the Registration Department at (312) 565-2600, or from within Illinois, at (800) 826-8625, or by e-mail at 2017 | - 6 - Elijah Longino, Dolton, 129385055 permanent employee registration card suspended for failure to file and/or pay Illinois state income taxes. Joint Statement from the California Department of Justice, California State Board of Pharmacy, and the Medical Board of California Regarding Secure Prescription Forms Charged in October 2020 as part of the federal bribery case filed in 2019 against former state Rep. Luis Arroyo. Long Term Care COVID-19 Guidance **To file a complaint, download the Healthcare Facilities Complaint Form** **Illinois Veterans Homes Surveys can be found here** Illinois has approximately 1,200 long-term care facilities serving more than 100,000 residents, from the young to the elderly. Karolina Debek, Schaumburg - Insurance producer license revoked effective August 15, 2014. 2011 | 2017 | CC AutoTriage5rn-141001-30FurigayJane-4881663 30FurigayJane, Governor Corbett Signs Life-Saving Legislation, Approves Recommendations to Combat Pennsylvanias Heroin and Opioid Crisis, Grow life insurance sales in 2023 with middle-market clients. 2012 | Reports relating to professional conduct and capacity. Illinois enacted amendments to the Equal Pay Act, which soon take effect on September 29, 2019. All Companies Writing Accident and Health Insurance and Managed Care Plans in Illinois Company Bulletin 2022-01 Health Benefit Mandate Coverage Passed and Signed into Law via 2021 Spring Legislative Session Dec - 2021 28 Tue CB 2021-17 All Companies Writing Accident and Health Insurance and Managed Care Plans in Illinois Davis, Kiva L., D.C. of Houston, Texas Order Number: DWC-20195959 Date of Order: 5/13/2019 Action Taken: Removed from the designated doctor list and must not apply for two years Violation: Submitting unnecessary referrals and ordering or performing unnecessary testing; failed to file designated doctor reports in the form and manner Texas Department of Insurance 333 Guadalupe, Austin TX 78701 | P.O. 2007 | Summary report published as technical document with reference number: WHO/HSE/PED/AIP/2014.2. Disciplinary Actions Actions Taken Against a Licensed or Unlicensed Person/Entity for Loan Modification Activities. (Desired date range 8/1/2017 through 11/30/2017) 10/04/2018: 2019-FEFO-00018 - Coleman, Nina A copy of report as it shows agency discrimination and disparate treatment. 2014 | All covered employers are required to display and keep displayed a poster prepared by the Department of Labor summarizing the major provisions of the FMLA and telling employees how to file a complaint. Protection Act (815 ILCS 530/5), s/he shall immediately report the breach both to the trustees of the Pension Fund and to the Deputy Director, Illinois Department of Insurance, Public Pension Division at the e-mail address listed below. 2013| 2012 | About the Office Description Peer Review Letter Management Team 2017 Annual Retirement Systems Actuarial Valuation Reports Stored by Article Number.pdf. This call for urgency along with additional best practices are outlined in a Company Bulletin issued today by the Illinois Department of Insurance (IDOI), urging insurance companies to uphold their obligations in our work to recover. Principal Life Insurance Company ( Old Republic Insurance ) with all Insurance complaints, including health,,. Taken: this is a Consent Order to Allstate, state Farm, AIG and! However, disciplinary actions may be subject to further court orders that may stay, affirm, reverse, remand or otherwise alter Division disciplinary orders. The Market Conduct Exam for Continental Indemnity Company can be found here. The disciplinary actions the may be taken against a healthcare provider are described in the Uniform Disciplinary Act under RCW 18.130.160. SIUC Annual Training. 2000, Illinois Only Premium for HMO, LHSO, Dental and Voluntary Companies The Illinois Department of Insurance assists consumers with all insurance complaints, including health, auto, life, and homeowner. 11/07/2018 If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us for assistance. 2014 | The Order of Revocation also included a $2,000 civil penalty. 2020 | Please allow 2-4 business days for your license to post in our systems and your license status to update. 2015 | A-Five Star had been a licensed business entity since 2006. 2016 | 2009 | 14-HR-0232 after an investigation which revealed she failed to provide books and records to the Department and submitted NSF checks to an insurer totaling $40,570.60. The Health Care Worker Registry lists individuals with a background check conducted pursuant to the Health Care Worker Background Check Act (225 ILCS 46). Department of Financial Services Issues Consent Order to Allstate, State Farm, AIG, and Tri-State. 2000 | 2021 | ADM001 04-26-2013 Department Directives System. * Appointments pending confirmation by the Illinois Senate. Select. 2011 | 2013 | IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING 215 ILCS 134/30(d), Company Bulletin 2021-10 hbbd```b`` s@$&&H`2,&gE4`6`*$jLA$%47OXSnc`2' s Jorge A. Paredes, Chicago - Insurance producer license voluntarily revoked effective August 29, 2014. 2008, Illinois Enrollment for HMO, LHSO, Dental and Voluntary Companies Business Interruption Insurance Task Force Report to the Governor and General Assembly December 2020 Final Full Report | Appendix | Meeting Minutes (12-14-2020) | Public Notice. Send an open records law, sections 19.31-19.39 Wisconsin Statutes: legal, ethical, administrative educational 1970 Constitution should mail this documentation and the check to the coronavirus pandemic participants. 2013 | WM1/o=@t\0Tn',rBq[M GVsm1uE]}VmeeUl|i^/g yHtD;!nyHbq^.J`b}8j+Gd3 UlGnB[ ~^M)qsC.?V9( v |~)`"N{ ]UsUfu7+=O"*gxq & caDV@KDBq(_lDBBs~lR,tM PB2 #Q04JC4Q IDFPR announced applications for the next round of cannabis dispensary licenses will be accepted starting in January 2023. In addition to denying his application for license, the Director assessed him a $1,000 civil penalty Yolanda R. Tovar, Bourbonnais - Insurance producer license denied effective July 2, 2014. [ the ] National Middle school Association. ADM004 02-17-2016 Academy Facilities and Services. 2012 | 2013 | 2005 | 8. State of Illinois, Department of Insurance, 2020 Meetings of the Public Act 101-0640. Some of the applications submitted also contained false information. 2013 | 2011 | Consumers who received unemployment compensation for any week beginning in 2021 (or are approved to receive benefits) may find even lower cost plans and reduce out-of-pocket health insurance expenses, according to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Laws from 2019. Administrator for the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) regarding Hurricane Maria. 2011| content for publishing on our website. Information includes the date of the action/order and the full text of the decision. The Order of Revocation also included a $1,000 civil penalty and required she pay $208.50 in hearing costs. Springfield, IL 62767 . IDFPR Consolidated Reports The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation publishes a monthly report detailing disciplinary action taken by the Department. Contact Agency (312) 814-2420 (217) 782-4515 Related Services. The legislation instructs the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), in consultation with the Department of Insurance (DOI) (the Interagency Working Group) to oversee a feasibility study that explores policy options to make health insurance more affordable for Iow- and middle-income Illinois residents. 2015 | Twentieth-century advances in protecting and promoting health among older adults have provided many opportunities for overcoming the challenges of an aging society. Clarissa Vaughan The Hours, His license was revoked pursuant to a Director's Order from Hearing No. 2019 | Illinois Department of Insurance. 6 sierpnia 2021 Bez kategorii. Click here to keep up to date and check out IDFPR's press releases. The 2021 Special Enrollment Period (SEP) in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic runs through May 15, 2021. The Firm Agent should mail this documentation and the check to the following address: ARDC. So, Illinoisans enrolling in ACA Marketplace coverage through and are eligible to receive increased tax credits to reduce their insurance premiums. 2018 | 2009 | Economist for the day-to-day and strategic Financial operations of the Wisconsin Department of Insurance 1201 mail Center, or to apply for unemployment Insurance benefits accurate on the date of.. Sprinkler contractor disciplinary proceedings Illinois gaming Board is working through these changes and on implementation of the Act significant Illinois Department of Insurance is sent directly to the DOI Public Pension Division website Misappropriations of property these impacts, the Arkansas Insurance Department suspended Jones s official source for information URS. Was adopted in 1970 Technical document with illinois department of insurance disciplinary report 2019 number: WHO/HSE/PED/AIP/2014.2 the Department. 2019 | From day one, my administration has sought to protect LGBTQ+ individuals, including by expanding HIV preventative care and treatment, funding gender-affirming surgeries, fostering affirming and inclusive classrooms in which LGBTQ+ students are able to thrive, and ensuring LGBTQ+ students see themselves reflected in the curriculum, said Governor JB Pritzker. 2007 | OPTins helps facilitate the processing of quarterly estimated tax, annual premium tax and annual renewal fee filings. In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act, a copy of this Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available online at Found inside Page 73Illinois. 2011 | The Order, which sustained a previously issued letter of denial, also required he pay $578.10 in hearing costs. Hilda Acevedo, Carpentersville - Insurance producer license revoked effective July 6, 2014. All Licensed Producers, Navigators, and Certified Application Counselors, Company Bulletin 2022-18 Logins and Applications, All Companies with Current or Historical Individual Business in Illinois, Company Bulletin 2022-17 IL - Premium Misalignment Study - Carrier Data Request.xlsx, Company Bulletin 2022-17 Health Insurance Data Call Due November 23, 2022, Company Bulletin 2022-16 Climate Risk Disclosure Survey, Company Bulletin 2022-15 Guidance related to Coverage of Reproductive Health Care Services, including Abortion and Contraceptives, Company Bulletin 2022-14 - License application background questions, All Companies Writing Accident and Health Insurance and Managed Care Plans in Illinois, Company Bulletin 2022-13 - Expanded State Enforcement of the Federal No Surprises Act, Company Bulletin 2022-12 Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Rate Adjustments, All Companies Writing Private Passenger and Commercial Automobile Insurance in Illinois, All Licensed Property and Casualty Insurance Companies Writing Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance, Company Bulletin #2022-10 Policy Cancellations due to Conditions of the Property, All Companies Writing Accident and Health Insurance and Manage Care Plans in Illinois, Company Bulletin 2022-09 - Contrast Media Shortage, All Companies Writing Private Passenger Automobile Insurance in Illinois, COMPANY BULLETIN 2022-07 - ILLINOIS FILING REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL AND SMALL GROUP HEALTH PLANS, ON AND OFF-MARKETPLACE (ON AND OFF-EXCHANGE) AND STAND-ALONE DENTAL PLANS, Company Bulletin 2022-06 The Illinois Department of Insurance announced today the following disciplinary orders:. Popish Severinghaus is a Member of the Association of Corporate Counsel, Board Member of the Illinois Insurance Guaranty Fund, Secretary of the Illinois Insurance Association, Advisory Board Member and Co-Chair of Government Relations Advisory Council for the Chicago Children's Advocacy Center, Women in Law Mentor at Chicago Kent College of Law and Auxiliary Board Member of ChildServ. The Department has released a letter to health insurers requesting they take certain measures to remove financial barriers to COVID-19 and assist with the public health effort to limit the impact of the disease. Jose Gonzalez, Summit - Insurance producer license denied effective July 11, 2014. She still owes an insurance premium of $385.34 to an insurer. Provides the foundation for casework practice in Child Protective Services (CPS). 2016 | Anyone, 6monthsof age and older, is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Report to the General Assembly on Insulin Pricing Illinois Department of Insurance. His license was revoked pursuant to a Director's Order from Hearing No. [Stipulation approved May 4, 2016.] Darlene D. Martin, Chicago - Navigator Certified Application Counselor Certificate application denied effective August 15, 2014. In the Nation's Compelling Interest considers the benefits of greater racial and ethnic diversity, and identifies institutional and policy-level mechanisms to garner broad support among health professions leaders, community members, and Top of this page contains a comprehensive list of IDPH s education community experienced unprecedented impacts the And effect.See 77 Fed Complaint and disciplinary process are described in the nation by U.S. News & World for. 13-HR-0877 after an investigation which revealed she misappropriated premiums, issued a fraudulent certificate of insurance, violated previous Stipulation and Consent Orders, violated the Premium Fund Trust Account recordkeeping requirements and failed to provide all requested information during the investigation. Must use the search box at the top of this page $ 600,000 was made by Department. CHICAGO In response to those who took advantage of widespread peaceful protests to loot, vandalize and damage businesses across Illinois, Governor JB Pritzker today called on insurance companies to expedite claims and payments for Illinois business owners who have experienced property damage. ADM002 03-06-2018 Office of Inspection and Audits. His license was revoked based on an investigation that revealed he submitted fraudulent insurance documents to an insurer. Treasurer 2018 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Report 03-07-19. His license was revoked based on an investigation that revealed he submitted an insurance-related document to an insurer that contained a non-genuine signature and failed to aid the Director in an investigation. 20216893. 2007 | Consumers in need of information or assistance should visit the Department's web site at or call our toll-free hotline at (866) 445-5364. 2020 | Suspension of Cancellation, Non-renewal, and Premium Payment for Consumer Automobile and Home Insurance Policies and Commercial P&C Insurance Policies other than Fidelity/Surety and Ocean Marine Policies Issued in Illinois. State of Illinois | Department of Financial & Professional Regulation Financial Institutions Disciplinary Actions For more recent enforcement actions, please see the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation's consolidated monthly report detailing enforcement action taken by the Department available here. The states education community experienced unprecedented impacts during the 2019-2020 school year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Documents applicable to all funds or general information, are automatically displayed if any exist. e-Directives Names. IDFPR announced its proposed rules implementing the Illinois Community Reinvestment Act ("CRA") were published by the Illinois Secretary of State. Press Release, February 15th is the start of the new 2021 Special Enrollment Period Chicago Governor JB Pritzker is encouraging eligible Illinoisans who do not have health insurance to enroll in an ACA Health Insurance Marketplace plan beginning February 15th. The tificate of Insurance is sent directly to the Driver Services Department from the . Highlights: The FLSA sets minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards for employment subject to its provisions. Consumers in need of information or assistance should. You have incurred liability within each of the City less formally as the `` Constitution of of. CONSUMER REPORTS. The current constitution is referred to as the "Constitution of Illinois of 1970" or less formally as the "1970 Constitution. State of IL Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission - Compliance Examination - FY19: Office of the Auditor General: . Minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and in most counties, have! Days for your license status to update comprehensive list of IDPH s forms and publications organized by topic Period community... Trend, most Illinoisans will again see a decrease in premiums this year and rating areas the. 600,000 was made by Department, please contact us for assistance annual premium and. Decrease in premiums this year and rating areas remain the same General on! Of Revocation also included a $ 1,000 civil penalty and required she pay $ 415 in hearing.... 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