Scarecrow - Hat = Scarecrow on the bottom row to the right of the chicken costing 1,500 studs; Body = Scarecrow on the bottom row, and first column buy for 2,000 studs; Legs = Scarecrow on the third row and to the right of the chicken costs 1,000 studs. Change to your scarecrow character and speak with him again and you will inspire him and complete another mission. Use. You come into an area with a short maze, and a ghostly Dwarf, go to the top of the screen and the maze entrance, your movements are mirrored by the ghost and you need to direct him into fire three times. Column 1 now should lie with an open square of water to it's South, a black topped platform to it's West, and the path on it's North and East sides. The "Lake-town Man (Archer)" is on a hightower to the North of the town, but to reach him we need to go around the Eastern edge of town. When you get to the masonry above the ladder, switch to an Elf anyway so you can walk over the rope line to the mountain path above Erebor. Drop the contents of this mod into the game folder. Starting from the entrance, there is an arrow near the front of the screen; a little in the background is a turning handle walk into the green side for an arrow to emerge for the stone square; change your character to Dori, and follow the back wall for a hook point to grapple on with and the third arrow; walk back towards the statue in the centre, and change to an Elf, on top of the mausoleum is a Lego arrow on it's left front side, fire an arrow at this for the fourth arrow to be done; to the right of the mausoleum are three fir trees close together destroy them so you can hit the fifth arrow; from this arrow walk back towards the screen for a dig spot, change to Fili and tap to unearth arrow number six; the final arrow is to your left and closer to the screen again and needs to be freed from the rock surrounding hit then just needs to be hit with . The first to light is 1 then 4, with that the crypt opens, and Mithril Brick gained. For numbers bigger than 360, simply subtract 360 to make it easy to figure out). The third Troll has seen enough and leaves the cooking pot to attack you, this one will jump and smash the ground where he lands and charge at you. Use, In the Amory, upper level. The guide studs will lead to a building door, so go inside to be confronted by a floor puzzle with spears. On January 1, 2019, LEGO The Hobbit and LEGO The Lord of the Rings were removed from digital storefronts. Eventually you will come across a hook point hanging above a large gap between two Lego stone platforms, if you get prompted tap to attach to this, otherwise you may have to jump and then attach to it by pressing then . Steer the boat to the jetty and moor up when prompted with . Drag the script onto QuickBMS.exe. Have . Once more to your map, to the East of Weathertop is the Trollshaws, and it has a mission there "In the Bark", select this for your destination and fast travel to the Trollshaws Eagle statue to it's Southwest. complete the side quest Ancient Armoury to get a Mithril Brick located in Erebor. The guide studs will lead you back to her husband so they can be reunited but the way is perilous, and you will be attacked multiple times. Lego Harry Potter Years 5 - 7 Gold Brick Guide. Reward: a mithril LEGO brick Quest 82 - The Mother of all Evil There are two parts to opening the ancient armory and getting Horizon Zero Dawn's best armor set. Press next to the Red Brick and buy it for 1,000,000 studs, this replaces Red Brick 29 in your Extras menu, only set this to On if you are running short of Gold as loot. Schematics, or "Blacksmith Designs", are Collectibles that allow players to forge new Mithril items at the Blacksmith Shop in Bree. Hit the stone in the center to begin a series of riddles - hit the correct series of stones to get the schematic. GETIT.QA- Qatar's Best Online Shopping Website offers LEGO HOBBIT-PS4 at lowest price in Qatar. Crank the sharpening wheel to light the fire pit. She is happy with our masterstroke of a design and their trip ends on a high and our time in Dale. To the right side of the level you have reached is a Dwarf, speak to him with , he boasts of his strength and feels he can wield a Mithril Warhammer, which you give him straight away. He asks for your help teaching the pignappers a lesson, so enter the cave next to you. This armor proves invaluable going into the endgame, so be sure youve collected them all before reaching the final few missions. You will come across a Goblin LEGO Wall in this area. Make loot donations in the three statues. There are a party of Goblins inside but none make a move to attack, speak to our friendly Goblin King with he turns hostile with a dance off?!? From the maze entrance walk right until the ghost is underneath the single block in the area, then walk to the top, the ghost will be stuck walking into the block so will not go as far as you. The walkthrough for each level is divided into two main parts - Story Mode and Free Play. Open your map once more, you look like you are close to another Mithril Brick to your left on the map by an Eagle statue, it is really quite a distance, set that brick as your destination, but then use Fast travel on the Carrock Eagle statue to get there more easily. Now follow the guide studs across the large Stone giant carcass, carefully following it down when the camera changes on you. Open your map and directly below you is a character marker for "Elrond (Armoured)" that is your next destination, he is only a few short steps South of your current position, so interact with him and buy him for 40,000 studs. Forge this for your next achievement. As we haven't changed from our custom Orc there is another mission that requires us to be this character, in Weathertop to the right of Bree in the centre of the circle is the mission "Orc Expedition" for our next destination. Jump on to the ledge you just pulled out, and quickly jump from it to the next and then to the platform with the Dwarf tunnel, press to use the tunnel to emerge on a higher part of the battlement. Our Red brick mission is finally available now, open your map once more and select the Red question mark for the "Helping Hands" mission, then follow the guide studs until you can take a short path South to North to reach the husband and wife you have been helping (this will save you circling through the town). So they attack the platform and release the brick inside to collect. One more to find, head North and then take the first path to your left (West), go to the end of this path across a Lego wooden platform, then go around the support in front of you on the right hand side of it, go underneath the edge of the building on the side surrounded by water, and to your left just the other side of the house is the final child, speak with them and then return to the mission giver, and she will thank you for your play with a brick. . Use the stepping stones to cross the water and get on the boat. When you speak to the man he will explain he does not believe in the existence of mini Stone giants, so change your character to the custom Stone giant you made, and he will reluctantly agree they exist, and asks you to pass the Mithril Brick to his brother in case he is smug about being right. The first child can be found by walking to the East, and before you step on to the bridge, head North there will be a boat on the jetty to your right, keep heading North to the end of this path, and then turn right towards the tall tower, a child is by the wooden column in front of the ladder, press by this child and walk them back to the mission giver. Just outside the town there is a cave with lots of Lego hatches. Sort by 13th Century Medieval Flail Item # ME-0123 $431.00 After the quest is completed, enter the Blacksmith Shop and approach the table. You can see your boat below, but as it is a little distance away, it is safer to fall to the stone platforms below you, and jump across them until you reach the jetty and can get back into your boat with . Choose this solitary brick as your next destination, and follow the guide studs to it. The Hobbit: Just the first two films, but they had the 3rd planed as dlc Jurassic World: Still continuing and coming soon is a 6th. By a cave door is a female Elf in green, speak to her and she asks you join her in battle. IGN's Lego: The Hobbit Walkthrough guides players from the doorstep of Bag End to Smaug's Treasure Room. Use an elf to shoot the targets then climb up to get the schematic. A new mission will show on your map within Dale, up and right from the Eagle statue is "Let's Go Find a Kite", this is on the high castle like area which had so many Mithril statues on, so go up the tall ladder that is to the East of the Dale Eagle statue on the wall of the Keep. The guide studs will take you along the path to the Goblin party, speak to the Goblin by himself with who asks with a dragon helm which we picked up earlier in the game, one more Mithril Brick is awarded for our good deed. Go to the far side of the building, and attack the lowest of the totem pole of snowmen, then climb the ladder that has been revealed. He's forced to procure his masters prey and do his bidding, no matter how debased. We can now use the Instruction platform inside the gazebo; spend the 50 Copper, 30 Iron, 20 Gold, 30 Emeralds and 50 Wood, so you can make the build. Climb up again and cross to the 2nd of the two platforms that have just been extended. Now, the red question mark, you should see this on your minimap, or use your main map if you like, but go to the "Cranks Very Much" mission, it is the same female Orc who we escorted, speak to her with , she is annoyed that cranks keep getting removed, but this won't be a problem with the Mithril Skeleton Crank, which we give her. Up top, unfold the ladder. There is one minstrel near the Braga character token to the East of the town, either follow the guide studs to the minstrel or you can take a cheeky double jump from the end of the pier near the doorway to get across. Walk up so you are horizontal with the blocks left side, then walk right into the block until the ghost is in the top left hand corner of the maze. Jump up and grab the hang bars to pull down the sails. Walk towards the doorway for Erebor, and on the left side is a small outcropping out over the moat. Yet another new mission appears on your map, to the North of the campsite is "Gruesome Conclusion" set it as your destination and follow the guide studs back towards this Northern cave. Another Mithril Brick now, Southwest of your location is a Mithril Brick which is just North of the trail, follow the guide studs down the mountainside which will lead you to a cave door, go inside the cave for a puzzle. He decides to wait for his wife, but we get a new guide stud trail to follow it back through Dale, and you will be led to his wife who is surrounded by skeleton ghosts. When you reach the campsite to the West, it is time to follow the guide studs up the mountain itself until we can meet our friend the Troll bouncer, try to speak to him and he will talk in his sleep about gorillas. This is the section where three pens must be unlocked in the dock area. Go to the hats section for your character, then press A to enter the parts menu. The next boss wave will begin, two large spiders will attack. He wants a Mithril Pickaxe to pursue a career in Mining, as this is in your possession you give him this valuable equipment, but as soon as you do he changes his mind. Switch to an Elf and jump first up the board on the right building then to and fro until you reach the platform at the top of the right building. Speak to the Orc with who wants the Mithril Skull Cap, so pass this to him, for a realisation that underneath everything we are bones. These two power cells can be used to unlock the door into the ancient laboratory where the armor is housed - complete the circuit and unlock the door by solving the locking puzzle: the numbers are hours in the day, corresponding to each wheel. Once attached press on the swing to the other side to safely land and be in front of a cave. In the final area, behind the cracked dwarf plate behind where Bombur is tied up (center of area - upper left side). Now a new fire appears, walk all the way to the left so you are in the top left corner, now walk all the way to the bottom left corner, at this corner walk all the way to the right wall, now walk up and keep walking in this top dead-end until the ghost is on the bottom wall, now walk into the wall to your left until the ghost is above the fire, then walk up into the dead-end again to force the ghost into fire two. In the front right corner of the room, destroy some objects and then use the pieces to build a craft plate. In this modern tale focusing on Draculas loyal servant, Renfield (Hoult) is the tortured aide to historys most narcissistic boss, Dracula (Cage). Change your character to Bilbo, and equip the Ring so you are in Wraith mode. In this modern tale focusing on Draculas loyal servant, Renfield (Hoult) is the tortured aide to historys most narcissistic boss, Dracula (Cage). Leave the cave again, and you will be confronted by the shade of the "Necromancer", who now roams Dol Guldur, find him and buy him for 66,666 studs. Check out the trailer for Renfield, the upcoming vampire movie starring Nicholas Hoult and Nicolas Cage. The campfire is directly along this path, sit at the fire and change night into day by pressing , then confirming to change the time of day with . Back to the map, and in Lake-town is a mission "The Lost Fireflies" set this as your destination and fast travel to the Lake-town Eagle statue. Defeat the four orcs, then cross the bridge to the right and battle the large orc again. Travel to Bree and the Blacksmith after this so we can set some forging for our return to Lake-town in a couple missions time. Click to enlarge. Now follow the guide studs to an Elf who is hidden behind a cave door in the shrubbery, talk to her with and she will ask and you will give the Mithril Wraith Armour. Keep attacking the skeletons until you can reach her, then speak to her with , she will follow you now. There is a Mithril chest and statue here, that you can destroy with Saruman if you wish, but otherwise it's on to the next mission. This mission "What Goes Around" is by the East side of the gazebo where the Dwarf husband from Ghost Town was, so jump off the Keep back to the ground and walk in that direction following your mini-map. Once all the items have been collected, a cut scene will launch. Then on to round three and the next QTE battle, after you win the third QTE battle Azog's mother will retreat. In your map again is another nearby character tile, choose the "Mirkwood Elf (Archer)" as the next destination, and leave the cave, then follow the guide studs until you find the archer to interact with, buy him for 30,000 studs. Now walk to the platform furthest to the right, which will allow you to customise Trolls. He runs off to the cave door to your right, follow him and go through the door. Open your map, and to the Northwest of Rivendell in the top centre of the map and to the Southeast of the Looking for Proof level banner where we checked the tomb of the Narzgul is the mission "For Orcs' Eyes Only" set this as your destination and then fast travel to the High Fells Eagle statue, and follow the guide studs up the hillside. Use Ori to shoot the target on the gate on the upper right. Download them instantly and you're ready to build! In order, they can be found during the missions: Maker's End, The Grave Hoard and The Mountain That Fell. After receiving his gratitude and brick go to your map. For example, Bombur can be used as a trampoline that enables his companions \"belly-bounce\" out of danger!Collect, combine and forge new items in the Blacksmith Shop using Mithril, the most precious metal in Middle-earth.Triumph in a game of riddles and learn to wield the power of The One Ring.Play with family and friends with easy access drop-in, drop-out gameplay option. He's forced to procure his masters prey and do his bidding, no matter how debased. You will land on the fifth column and be able to walk along the plank to column six towards the front of the screen. lego hobbit won't open Switch to another character and climb up the dwarf to reach the platform above. The film co-stars Awkwafina, Ben Schwartz, and Adrian Martinez. According to a forum post by effdeegee: "I found a great place for farming studs and figured I'd leave it for others. Make sure you are in the day time, so use the nearby campsite if you need. Jump to the left and pull the lever down. Note: Characters unlocked with codes cannot be saved. Now walk back along the guide studs to return to the mission giver. All Collectibles locations (even those accessible in the Story Mode playthrough) are detailed in the Free Play walkthrough farther down the page. Now get out of the tower and use the newly horizontal platforms to get across to the next building and the plank along it's roof. Skip to main content. The second Minstrel will now have a rough location to the North of the town, so follow the guide studs to him, and press so he also follows you, then walk back to the mission giver following the guide studs and their ditty will be complete. The last missions in Mirkwood now, "Peacock's Prize" is to the right of the Eagle statue off the trail, set this as your destination and fast travel to it with the Mirkwood Eagle statue. 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