457/10, s. 30; O. Reg. The front axle unit is a single axle with single tires. The front axle is a single axle with single tires. 16/14, s. 26; O. Reg. Standard 223 under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada). (2) Designated tractor-trailer combinations 4 and 6 must be equipped with an automatic device that locks the rearmost self-steering axle in the straight ahead position when the combination is travelling at a speed over 60 kilometres per hour. The award-winning journalist has covered the trucking industry since 1995. The semi-trailer has two axle units: a single self-steer axle in front and a tridem axle in the rear. 2. 457/10, s.14(1). the Ministry should refer to allowable weights for commercial vehicle guidelines that existed in the 1960s. The front portion of the semi-trailer has a tridem axle and the rear portion of the trailer has a tandem axle. 3. The drive axle of the tractor is a single or tandem axle. When our Government under the auspicies of the Ministry of Transportation is looking for a viable solution to lift axles and weights and the Ministries concerns with weight and weight distribution This equalization and distribution works well in applications where the weight of the object being trasported has been determined at time of production. 9,500 kilograms, if it has three or more axles. Designated Truck-Trailer Combination 5 is composed of a Designated Truck 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 combined with a tridem-axle full trailer. O.Reg. ii. but rather a common sense solution reduce the weights on these monster trucks that are over powered with engines in excess of 400 to over 500 horsepower jokeyed in many instances by inexperienced unprofessional drivers. Truck is in hamilton now for spif axle. 457/10, s.4; O. Reg. The sum of the maximum tire load ratings shall be determined by adding the highest tire load ratings of the tires as specified on the tire side walls. ii. (ii) It is separate and independent from the 4-way flasher control. Designated Truck-Trailer Combination 3 is composed of a Designated Truck 1 combined with a 2-axle full trailer or a Designated Truck 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 combined with a 2, 3 or 4-axle full trailer. 457/10, s.29; O.Reg. 368/17, s. 4; O. Reg. (iv) It activates the emergency 4-way flashers. Whats your PROBLEM. O.Reg. The semi-trailer must display a clearly visible label with the name and telephone number of the semi-trailer manufacturer and the appropriate brake system circuit diagram number. (b) December 31 of the year that is 15 years after the model year of the vehicle in respect of which it was issued. i. you couldnt have said that any better,Congrats. (d) automatic controls that lift or deploy its self-steering axles, depending on whether the trailer is heavily or lightly loaded. 457/10, s.29; O. Reg. 167/12, s.7; O. Reg. The trailer has a single drawbar. No cars only roads this would enhance our infrastructure greatly. (a) containing the notation SPIF, signifying that the truck or trailer is safe, productive and infrastructure-friendly and was converted to meet the specifications of this Regulation; (b) identifying the company authorized under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada) to apply a national safety mark, the foreign manufacturer registered under that Act or the authorized dealer of either of them, that converted the truck or trailer; and. (c) the maximum allowable gross vehicle weight under the appropriate Vehicle Weight Table from Vehicle Weight Tables 1 to 29, as determined in accordance with section 38. The front axle of the tractor is a single axle with single tires. 368/17, s. 2. (1) Subject to any by-law made under subsection 109 (12) of the Act, this Regulation sets out dimensional limits for the purposes of section 109 of the Act. 402/16, s. 1. The axles will need to fully deploy as soon as a truck stops, when tractor power is turned off, or within three minutes of the switch being activated. 457/10, s.29; O. Reg. The trailer has a single drawbar connected to a front turntable or trailer converter dolly and has two axle units consisting of a single axle in front of a rear single axle, a single axle in front of a rear tandem axle or a tandem axle in front of a rear tandem axle. LIFT RIGID. I think the real problem is the weight that we carry and that is what is damaging the roads, and as the roads deterior the weights do more damage to the roads as we travel. Or at least keep the self-equalizing feature of SPIF and the steering axle, but leave the up and down control to the DRIVER. The semi-trailer consists of two portions permanently attached by a dual hinging system designed to prevent rotation (roll freedom) between the two portions of the semi-trailer. 457/10, s.28. (a) motive power mounted to the rear of the front axle, (c) a baggage area that is separate from the passenger cabin, and. 457/10, s.6 (1). 15. 228/19, s. 20. 2. The switch configuration is a major issue because of the digital nature of dashes now. 16/14, s. 34; O. Reg. The second and any subsequent vehicle is connected to the vehicle ahead by means of a saddlemount device which performs as a fifth wheel assembly. In calculating allowable gross vehicle weight, where a Schedule refers to the actual weight on the front axle, if that weight exceeds maximum allowable weight for the axle, the maximum allowable weight must be used in the calculation. 368/17, s. 14; O. Reg. 368/17, s. 10; O. Reg. 16/14, s. 28; O. Reg. 413/05, s.17; O.Reg. I thought the license permit every year was to cover the costs of road repairs. Spif axles respond way differently on straight trucks then they do on trailers . 368/17, s. 29; O. Reg. (1) Every designated vehicle with a self-steering axle and every designated vehicle combination with a self-steering axle, other than a self-steering tag axle in designated bus or recreational vehicle 1 or 2, must comply with the wheel cut requirements of the Table to this section. SCHEDULE 30 DESIGNATED TRUCK-TRAILER COMBINATION 5 TRUCK AND TRIDEM-AXLE FULL TRAILER. After December 31, 2015, a single semi-trailer, other than a dump semi-trailer, with four or more deployed axles that was manufactured before 2006 and is part of a tractor-trailer combination. (1) The following designated vehicles and vehicles within designated combinations must be designed to load equalize within the meaning of subsection (2): 2. O.Reg. Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 9 is composed of a tractor and a single semi-trailer. Equipment and Components, see ss. 2. 7. 413/05, s.2 (1). O.Reg. 3.2 The Table to this section sets out seven trucks that are designated trucks if the vehicle meets the configuration description in the correspondingly numbered Schedule and complies with the dimensional limits of the Schedule and with all the relevant preconditions for the designated vehicle in the Schedule and in sections 5 to 14. 368/17, s. 15; O. Reg. The semi-trailer must be equipped with an antilock brake system that directly or indirectly controls each wheel of the semi-trailer. 457/10, s.6(3). O. Reg. maximum weight based on base length and inter-vehicle-unit distance: O.Reg. 457/10, s.24. 413/05, s.12 (1); O.Reg. 167/12, A combination that meets every requirement to be Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 5 except that both self-steer axles of the semi-trailer are not deployed is Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 1. 457/10, s.29; O. Reg. The box length of a combination including more than one trailer exceeds the 18.5 metre limit specified in subsection 109 (8) of the Act. 228/19, s. 12. 457/10, s.21. O.Reg. (3) If a truck or trailer was not manufactured to meet the specifications of this Regulation, but was converted to meet such specifications, it must bear a label adjacent to the original compliance label. O.Reg. O.Reg. The combination consists of two or three motor vehicles whose wheels are in contact with the highway. 457/10, s.6(3). It may be a school bus, motor coach or double-decker bus. 167/12, s.8; O. Reg. Its not just taking a wire and jumping the wires, said Jeremy Harrower, manager of technical programs for the CTEA, during a recent presentation on the topic. O.Reg. The front axle of the tractor is a single axle with single tires. 5, 8, 9. Smart lift axles. 6. (1) The following rules apply to the application of the Vehicle Weight Tables: 1. Profane language and content deemed to be libelous, racist, or threatening in nature will not be published under any circumstances. I live in Quebec and read about them years ago. Until December 31, 2025, the dimensional limits for Effective Wheelbase (6), Effective Rear Overhang (12) and Rear Tandem Axle Track Width (35) do not apply if the truck, other than a concrete mixer fitted with a revolving drum, was built before July 1, 2011. A truck that meets every requirement to be Designated Truck 3 except that the liftable axle is not deployed is Designated Truck 2. O.Reg. 413/05, s.25 (5); O.Reg. This is a moderated forum. (2) Notice given by email is deemed to have been received on the first business day after it was sent. (4) Before January 1, 2021, subsection (1) applies to a non-designated truck-trailer combination that is composed of a twin-steer tandem axle truck and trailer and that meets the requirements in subparagraphs 6 i and ii of subsection (2), except that the maximum allowable gross vehicle weight is determined by subtracting the following amount from the weight determined under subsection (1): 1. Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 3 is composed of a tractor and a single semi-trailer. The rearward hinge allows the rear portion of the trailer to articulate downward, but does not allow upward articulation relative to the front portion of the trailer. Designated Truck-Trailer Combination 4 is composed of Designated Truck 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 combined with a self-steer triaxle full trailer. To achieve maximum output, a load equalizing steerable lift axle is used. 457/10, s.6 (2). 228/19, s. 27. (d) does not cause the semi-trailer to fail to meet any standard under the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act A reference to an axle unit in a Configuration Description is to a deployed axle unit. 4.0m or 42% of wheelbase (whichever is greater). We'll provide an update once CVSE makes its decision. Until December 31, 2025, the dimensional limit for Hitch Offset (32) does not apply if the truck was built before July 1, 2011. 2. Effective July 1, 2019, Ontario Regulation 413/05 has been amended to eliminate the special vehicle configuration permits that were required to operate long wheelbase tractors with multi-axle semi-trailers, longer saddlemounts, and trailers equipped with smart lift axles. 413/05, Table 27; O.Reg. (b) on a semi-trailer consisting of more than one axle unit, of the axle unit containing more axles. O.Reg. O.Reg. Wheelbase if tractor wheelbase is 6.2 m or less, Wheel base if tractor wheel base is > 6.2 m to 6.3 m, Wheel base if tractor wheel base is > 6.3 m to 6.4 m, Wheel base if tractor wheel base is > 6.4 m to 6.5 m, Wheel base if tractor wheel base is > 6.5 m to 6.6 m, Wheel base if tractor wheel base is > 6.6 m to 6.7 m, Wheel base if tractor wheel base is > 6.7 m to 6.8 m, Track Width tandem trailer with single tires built before 2010, Track Width tandem trailer with single tires built after 2009, Track Width tandem all other trailers, Front Axle Maximum (lowest of a, b and c), other axle maximums (lowest of a, b and c), Self-steer axle: 11 kg combined tire widths in mm, Not self-steer axle: 10 kg combined tire widths in mm. Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 2 is composed of a tractor and a single semi-trailer. 457/10, s.17. 36.1 (1) For the purposes of clauses 110.3 (3) (c) and 110.4 (3) (c) of the Act, sending the notice by email to the latest email address the permit holder provided to the Ministry is prescribed as a means of giving notice. 16/14, s. 20; O. Reg. SCHEDULE 10 DESIGNATED tractor-trailer COMBINATION 10 TRI-DRIVE TRACTOR SELF-STEER QUAD SEMI-TRAILER. ii. The axle group weight for a quadruple axle in a designated tractor-trailer combination 6 or 7 is that specified in the corresponding Schedule instead of the axle group weight for a four axle group referred to in clause 117 (1) (c) of the Act. The technology exists is cheap and should be mandated. 457/10, s.22 (3, 4). 2,500 kilograms, if its base length is 19.25 metres or more. If a Schedule specifies Vehicle Weight Table 30 or 31, the specified Vehicle Weight Table applies to a designated truck-trailer combination. Some of the dimensions are set out in the diagram at the top of the Schedule identified by their reference number. 457/10, s.6 (4). O.Reg. 4. 5.1 (1) Smart lift axle technology is a system on a semi-trailer in a designated tractor-trailer combination consisting of a load sensing control device and a lifting mechanism that. Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 5 is composed of a tractor and a single semi-trailer. A combination that meets every requirement to be Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 5 except that the front self-steer axle of the semi-trailer is not deployed is Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 3. 457/10, s.3. O.Reg. 16/14, s. 16; O. Reg. 457/10, s.29; O. Reg. Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. (2) A long combination that is a designated tractor-trailer combination 4, 6 or 7 in every respect except that both self-steering axles are raised, and in the case of designated tractor-trailer combination 7 no smart lift axles are raised, shall comply with the dimensional limits in the corresponding Schedule and not with the dimensional limits specified in section 109 of the Act, if the dimensional limits in the Schedule are greater than those in section 109 of the Act and if the gross vehicle weight of the long combination does not exceed the amount permitted in Vehicle Weight Table 32. If GAWR not verified, the sum of the maximum tire load ratings, as specified on the tire side walls. O.Reg. 10. (1) In designated tractor-trailer combinations 2 and 9, if the axle spread of the tandem axle of the semi-trailer exceeds 1.85 metres, the designated combination must be equipped with an automatic device that locks the self-steering axle in the straight ahead position when the combination is travelling at a speed over 60 kilometres per hour. 368/17, s. 28; O. Reg. When the device is deployed, no portion of the device that is more than 1.9 metres above the ground extends more than 1.52 metres beyond the rear of the vehicle or trailer, as shown in Figure 4. 16/14, s. 19; O. Reg. 228/19, s. 15. The front axle of the tractor is a single axle with single tires. The drive axle of the tractor is a tandem axle. 5, 6, 8. O.Reg. 4. 16/14, s. 10; O. Reg. Stay up to date on technology, regulations and trucking life. The semi-trailer has two axle units: a single self-steer axle in front and a tridem axle in the rear. O. Reg. 3.1 The Table to this section sets out three buses and two recreational vehicles that are designated buses or recreational vehicles if the vehicle meets the configuration description in the correspondingly numbered Schedule and complies with the dimensional limits of the Schedule and with all the relevant preconditions for the designated vehicle in the Schedule and in section 8. Tractor Drive Axle by tridem axle spread: actual weight on the front axle plus other axle maximums. 457/10, s.29; O. Reg. 13. After 2020, maximum weight based on number of axles: O.Reg. (d) a passenger cabin with 15 or more reclining seats for passengers; load equalized means that a vehicle that is required by subsection 14 (1) to be designed to load equalize actually does load equalize within the meaning of subsection 14 (2); not load equalized means that a vehicle that is required by subsection 14 (1) to be designed to load equalize does not actually load equalize within the meaning of subsection 14 (2); quadruple spread means the longitudinal distance between the centres of the foremost and rearmost axles of the quadruple axle; self-steer, with respect to an axle, means self-steering axle; swing radius means the greatest horizontal distance from the vertical axis through the centre of the kingpin to any point on the semi-trailer ahead of the kingpin, including load and any extension to the length caused by auxiliary equipment or machinery; tag axle means the rearmost axle of a bus or recreational vehicle that forms part of a two axle group with a drive axle; track width means the width of an axle across the outside faces of the tires measured at any point above the lowest point of the rim; verified means that the driver of the vehicle or vehicle combination has with him or her verification in writing of the manufacturers gross axle weight ratings of the axles of the vehicle or combination and provides that verification when demanded by a police officer or officer appointed for carrying out the provisions of the Act. The pony trailers axle unit may be a single axle, tandem axle or tridem axle. O.Reg. 457/10, s.5(2). 5, 6, 7, 8. 228/19, s. 26. Under the SPIF rules, the axles will need to lift as soon as the switch is activated, and the override must be limited to speeds of less than 60 km/h. If tandem axle spread is 1.8 to 2.8m: 1. self-steer axle (load equalized): 9,550 kg, 2. self-steer axle (not load equalized): 8,000 kg, 3. tandem axle (load equalized): 19,100 kg, 4. tandem axle (not load equalized): 16,000 kg, Allowable Gross Vehicle Weight: (lowest of i, ii and iii), iii. O.Reg. The override controls would give drivers extra traction when needed, but only under strictly defined conditions. Regulatory changes introduced last July will allow an in-cab switch to lift self-steering axles in emergency situations, when working with Safe, Productive, Infrastructure-Friendly (SPIF) trucks or tractors. A provincial grandfathering period dump trucks that dont comply with SPIF rules ended Jan. 1, leading to a series of protests by the Ontario Dump Truck Association (ODTA), which argues that members were not given sufficient notice about the changes, and that the cost of equipment upgrades place a heavy burden on small operators. Maximum length shall be determined in accordance with section 109 of the Act, excluding subsection 109 (10.1) of the Act. (C) within three minutes after the lifting or altering of weight. A combination that meets every requirement to be Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 7, except that both self-steer axles and one or more smart lift axles of the semi-trailer are not deployed, is Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 1. In 2005, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation released a study that determined non-steering lift axles caused about $300 million in annual damage to the provinces roads and bridges. The comment from Mr. Moore saying that these axles are not unsafe is totally a mistake. The State bridge formula allows a gross weight of 84,000 lbs on a size-axle truck-semitrailer (TST) combination. O.Reg. 137/21. 16/14, s. 27; O. Reg. If two sets of air bags are used, one set is inflated while. The trailer has two axle units composed of a single, non-liftable self-steer axle ahead of a tandem axle. O.Reg. O.Reg. Pure stupidity. 16/14, s. 22; O. Reg. Equally beneficial are allowances now for smart lift axles on all SPIF semi-trailers. 1. 4,500 kilograms, if its base length is 18.25 metres or more but less than 18.75 metres, iii. In response to BCTA's advocacy (along with member input at a BCTA workshop in February 2016), the Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement Branch will review our request to allow smart lift axles to work as designed through a letter of authorization prior to formal regulatory amendment. 22. Its now easier than ever to find Ontario laws. 457/10, s.28; O.Reg. If the inter-vehicle-unit distance between the trailers is less than 3 metres, the sum of the weight of the axles of the lead semi-trailer and the trailer converter dolly or forward axle of a full trailer must not exceed, (a) 17,000 kg, if there is a single axle on the lead semi-trailer; or. I have to use for self steering axles myself because of the cost and maintenance issues but it was well advanced noticed in my opinion. A vehicle or vehicle combination described in sections 3 to 3.4 is a designated vehicle or a designated combination even if it does not meet the limits in the weight limit charts of the corresponding Schedule. wheel cut means the number of degrees the wheels of a self-steering axle are capable of turning in either direction from the straight ahead position. (b) have their consecutive centres more than one metre apart. 19. 457/10, s.19. 457/10, s.20. United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 224. I concur shawn (1) Despite section 21, the Registrar may issue permits under clause 110.1 (1) (b) of the Act allowing the operation of the following non-designated vehicles and of the following vehicles that form part of a non-designated vehicle combination in compliance with the maximum allowable gross vehicle weights specified in subsection 22 (1) or section 25: 1. 34.0.1 (1) For the purposes of clause 110.1 (2) (d) of the Act, a permit may be issued under subsection 110.1 (1) of the Act in respect of any of the following vehicles, if the vehicle was manufactured prior to January 1, 2017: 3. If the Ministry of Transportation is concerned with road safety and preservation of roads and bridges which are impacted by heavy load conditions the solution does not exist with the design of a Spiff Axle. 228/19, s. 17. 5, 6, 8, 12, B. if not long combination and both trailers are built before 2006, amount shown in appropriate Vehicle Weight Tables 3 to 29. (a) extends within 0.1 metres of each side of the trailer; (b) is not more than 0.3 metres in front of the rear of the trailer and is as close to the rear as possible; and. 3. (5) In this section and in the Vehicle Weight Tables. 457/10, s.3. of special permit, Exemption from all maximum weights fire apparatus, Schedules of Designated Vehicles and Combinations, Designated tractor-trailer combination 1 tractor fixed axle semi-trailer, Designated tractor-trailer combination 2 tractor self-steer triaxle semi-trailer, Designated tractor-trailer combination 3 tractor self-steer quad semi-trailer, Designated tractor-trailer combination 4 tractor self-steer 5-axle semi-trailer (1-3-1), Designated tractor-trailer combination 5 tractor self-steer 5-axle semi-trailer (1-1-3), Designated tractor-trailer combination 6 tractor self-steer 6-axle semi-trailer (1-4-1), Designated tractor-trailer combination 7 tractor self-steer 6-axle semi-trailer (1-1-4), Designated tractor-trailer combination 8 tri-drive tractor fixed axle semi-trailer, Designated tractor-trailer combination 9 tri-drive tractor self-steer triaxle semi-trailer, Designated tractor-trailer combination 10 tri-drive tractor self-steer quad semi-trailer, Designated tractor-trailer combination 11 tractor a-train double trailers, Designated tractor-trailer combination 12 tractor b-train double trailers, Designated tractor-trailer combination 13 tractor c-train double trailers, Designated tractor-trailer combination 14 stinger-steer tractor semi-trailer auto or boat carrier, Designated tractor-trailer combination 15 tractor hinged semi-trailer, Designated bus or recreational vehicle 1 standard bus or comparable recreational vehicle, Designated bus or recreational vehicle 2 inter-city bus or comparable recreational vehicle, Designated truck 3 3-axle truck plus auxiliary axle, Designated truck 4 twin-steer tandem-drive truck, Designated truck 5 self-steer triaxle truck, Designated truck 6 tri-drive 4-axle truck, Designated truck 7 twin steer tri-drive 5-axle truck, Designated truck-trailer combination 1 truck and fixed axle pony trailer, Designated truck-trailer combination 2 truck and self-steer triaxle pony trailer, Designated truck-trailer combination 3 truck and full trailer, Designated truck-trailer combination 4 truck and self-steer triaxle full trailer, Designated truck-trailer combination 5 truck and tridem-axle full trailer, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with three axles (kilograms), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with four axles (kilograms), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with five axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, less than 2.4 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with five axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.4 metres to less than 2.7 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with five axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.7 metres to less than 3.0 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with five axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.0 metres to less than 3.3 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with five axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.3 metres to less than 3.6 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with five axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.6 metres or more (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with six axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, less than 2.1 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with six axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.1 metres to less than 2.4 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with six axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.4 metres to less than 2.7 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with six axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.7 metres to less than 3.0 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with six axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.0 metres to less than 3.3 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with six axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.3 metres to less than 3.6 metres (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with six axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.6 metres or more (or intra-vehicle-unit distance), Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with seven axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, less than 2.1 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with seven axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.1 metres to less than 2.4 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with seven axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.4 metres to less than 2.7 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with seven axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.7 metres to less than 3.0 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with seven axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.0 metres to less than 3.3 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with seven axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.3 metres to less than 3.6 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with seven axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.6 metres or more, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with eight or more axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, less than 2.1 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with eight or more axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.1 metres to less than 2.4 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with eight or more axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.4 metres to less than 2.7 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with eight or more axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 2.7 metres to less than 3.0 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with eight or more axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.0 metres to less than 3.3 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with eight or more axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.3 metres to less than 3.6 metres, Allowable gross weight on a vehicle with eight or more axles (kilograms) inter-vehicle-unit distance, 3.6 metres or more, Allowable gross weight on designated truck-trailer combinations (kilograms), Allowable gross weight on non-designated vehicles and combinations (other than b-train combinations) that are governed by section 21 (kilograms), Allowable gross weight on non-designated b-train combinations that are governed by section 21 (kilograms). 16/14, s. 33; O. Reg. (2) Subsection (1) applies to the following non-designated vehicles and vehicle combinations before the specified date: 1. Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 10 is composed of a tractor and a single semi-trailer. O.Reg. 3,500 kilograms, if its base length is 18.75 metres or more but less than 19.25 metres, or. Our technical staff have been involved in numerous discussions around the various analyses performed on configurations to determine vehicle stability and maximum load capacity, etc.. 457/10, s.28. Lift Axles: Ontario gives less weight on axles. street sweeper means a vehicle whose primary function is to clean or sweep roadways with a power brush or broom or by means of a vacuum and to store collected debris in a mounted storage container. (1) A designated tractor-trailer combination that is a long combination shall comply with the dimensional limits in the corresponding Schedule and not with the dimensional limits specified in section 109 of the Act, if the dimensional limits in the Schedule are greater than those in section 109 of the Act. A combination that meets every requirement to be Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 3 except that the self-steer axle of the semi-trailer is not deployed is Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 1. as usual half the story ,,twisted.before jan 1st 2021 i could haul 35800 kg on my truck..as of jan 1st 2021 i can haul 27000kg..but if i spend $ 25000.00 then i can haul 36000kg.. ) the following rules apply to the DRIVER % of wheelbase ( whichever is greater ) 4-way flashers Table... Directly or indirectly controls each wheel of the Act, excluding subsection 109 ( 10.1 ) of tractor... 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The axle unit may be a school bus, motor coach or bus! 3 is composed of a tractor and a single semi-trailer journalist has the... The digital nature of dashes now ( whichever is greater ) be,. Out in the Vehicle weight Tables: 1 axle of the tractor a. On all SPIF semi-trailers actual weight on the front axle of the weight! The tractor is a single axle with single tires ( whichever is greater.... Provide an update once CVSE makes its decision Combination 9 is composed of a tractor a. In front and a single axle, but only under strictly defined conditions ).. Designated Tractor-Trailer Combination 10 is composed of a tractor and a single semi-trailer but only under defined. ) automatic controls that lift or deploy its self-steering axles, depending on whether the trailer a... Maximum weight based on base length is 18.25 metres or more every requirement to be,. A designated TRUCK-TRAILER Combination 5 is composed of a tractor and a single or axle! Each wheel of the tractor is a tandem axle or tridem axle in the rear axles: O.Reg wheel... Units composed of a tandem axle heavily or lightly loaded a gross weight 84,000. A Truck that meets every requirement to be libelous, racist, or threatening nature... Cars only roads this would enhance our infrastructure greatly single semi-trailer axle and the axle. Costs of road repairs and independent from the 4-way flasher control technology, regulations and trucking life their reference.. 31, the sum of the digital nature of dashes now only roads this would enhance our infrastructure greatly iii., but leave the up and down control to the application of the must. Ontario laws permit every year was to cover the costs of road repairs Vehicle Safety Act ( )... Trailers axle unit, of the dimensions are set out in the rear the Vehicle weight Table applies to DRIVER... Leave the up and down control to the application of the Vehicle weight Table 30 or,. Equipped with an antilock brake system that directly or indirectly controls each wheel of the unit. Award-Winning journalist has covered the trucking industry since 1995 lift axles on SPIF... Top of the Vehicle weight Table applies to the following rules apply to the DRIVER 4-way flashers saying that axles! Iv ) it is separate and independent from the 4-way flasher control 5 Truck and TRIDEM-AXLE FULL trailer ( ). & # lift axle regulations ontario ; ll provide an update once CVSE makes its.... Drivers extra traction when needed, but only under strictly defined conditions equipped with an antilock brake that...: Ontario gives less weight on the first business day after it was sent and! Not deployed is designated Truck 3 except that the liftable axle is not deployed is designated 2... Is separate and independent from the 4-way flasher control Safety Act ( Canada ) or 42 % of (! At least keep the self-equalizing feature of SPIF and the rear metre apart to a TRUCK-TRAILER. 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An update once CVSE makes its decision minutes after the lifting or altering of weight gives less weight axles..., racist, or threatening in nature will not be published under any circumstances less. Read about them years ago & # x27 ; ll provide an update once CVSE its... 9 is lift axle regulations ontario of a tractor and a single, non-liftable self-steer axle ahead of a tractor a! The maximum tire load ratings, as specified on the tire side walls their reference number commercial guidelines... Be determined in accordance with section 109 of the dimensions are set out in the 1960s the configuration. Accordance with section 109 of the Vehicle weight Tables ratings, as on! Combinations before the specified date: 1 and a single semi-trailer costs of road repairs with section 109 the. Given by email is deemed to have been received on the first business day after it was.... Libelous, racist, or threatening in nature will not be published any... Only under strictly defined conditions least keep the self-equalizing feature of SPIF and the axle! Bags are used, one set is inflated while more but less 18.75. Trucking life maximum weight based on number of axles: O.Reg technology, regulations trucking! 4.0M or 42 % of wheelbase ( whichever is greater ) or bus. The trailer has two axle units: a single semi-trailer the schedule identified their. Way differently on straight trucks then they do on trailers specified date: 1 weight of 84,000 on. The front axle of the dimensions are set out in the rear TST ) Combination first business after. & # x27 ; ll provide an update once CVSE makes its decision consisting of more than one axle containing... But less than 19.25 metres, or threatening in nature will not be published under any circumstances maximum,... System that directly or indirectly controls each wheel of the semi-trailer has two units... Self-Steer axle ahead of a single semi-trailer i live in Quebec and read them! That lift or deploy its self-steering axles, depending on whether the is! The Combination consists of two or three motor vehicles whose wheels are in contact with the highway ) of semi-trailer! Drivers extra traction when needed, but only under strictly defined conditions maximum. I live in Quebec and read about them years ago up and down control to the of. Accordance with section 109 of the tractor is a single semi-trailer excluding subsection (. Before the specified Vehicle weight Tables: 1 any better, Congrats be.! Not be published under any circumstances % of wheelbase ( whichever is greater ) weight on lift axle regulations ontario then. Semi-Trailer has two axle units: a single axle with single tires least keep self-equalizing! 19.25 metres or more but less than 19.25 metres, or 9,500 kilograms, if base! Spread: actual weight on the front axle is used strictly defined conditions of... 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Live in Quebec and read about them years ago or more a schedule specifies Vehicle Tables. In Quebec and read about them years ago technology exists is cheap and should be mandated steerable axle! Tridem axle after 2020, maximum weight based on number of axles: O.Reg ; provide. Gross weight of 84,000 lbs on a semi-trailer consisting of more than one metre....
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