This course can be applied to multiple licenses. It's ultimately the responsibility of the licensee to be Contact Information. The information below is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. Click Hereto view a list of approved CE classes. 4713.62 Continuing education approval of program. proposed rules, with time and location of public hearings. The information below is a summary of the minimum requirements set forth by the The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology. (G) In the case of an applicant for an initial manicurist instructor license, holds a current, valid advanced manicurist or advanced cosmetologist license and does either of the following: (1) Has the licensed advanced manicurist, licensed advanced cosmetologist, or owner of the licensed nail salon or licensed beauty salon in which the applicant has been employed certify to the board that the applicant has engaged in the practice of manicuring in a licensed nail salon or practice of cosmetology in a licensed beauty salon for at least one thousand eight hundred hours; (2) Has a school of cosmetology licensed in this state certify to the board that the applicant has successfully completed at least three hundred hours of board-approved manicurist instructor training as an apprentice instructor. "Shampooing" means the act of cleansing and conditioning an individual's hair under the supervision of an individual licensed under this chapter and in preparation to immediately receive a service from a licensee. "Natural hair style instructor" means an individual who teaches the theory and practice of natural hair styling, but no other branch of cosmetology, at a school of cosmetology. (A) The state cosmetology and barber board shall do all of the following: (1) Regulate the practice of cosmetology and all of its branches in this state; (2) Investigate or inspect, when evidence appears to demonstrate that an individual has violated any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted pursuant to it, the activities or premises of a license holder or unlicensed individual; (3) Adopt rules in accordance with section 4713.08 of the Revised Code; (4) Prescribe and make available application forms to be used by individuals seeking admission to an examination conducted under section 4713.24 of the Revised Code or a license or registration issued under this chapter; (5) Prescribe and make available application forms to be used by individuals seeking renewal of a license or registration issued under this chapter; (6) Provide a toll-free number and an online service to receive complaints alleging violations of this chapter or Chapter 4709. of the Revised Code; (7) Report to the proper prosecuting officer violations of section 4713.14 of the Revised Code of which the board is aware; (8) Submit a written report annually to the governor that provides all of the following: (a) A discussion of the conditions in this state of the branches of cosmetology; (b) An evaluation of board activities intended to aid or protect consumers; (c) A brief summary of the board's proceedings during the year the report covers; (d) A statement of all money that the board received and expended during the year the report covers. For Ohio cosmetology license renewal, you must take a one-hour course on Ohio laws and rules that is offered only by the Ohio State Board. The board may combine the advanced manicurist examination with the manicurist examination for individuals who complete a manicurist and advanced manicurist training course. Step 1. Every individual who provides massage therapy or other professional service in a salon under section 4713.42 of the Revised Code shall maintain the individual's professional license or certificate or electronically generated license certification or registration and a state of Ohio issued photo identification that can be produced upon inspection or request. Please note that neither the Board/Commission, nor its staff or counsel, are permitted to provide legal advice or . (B) The superintendent of public instruction shall nominate three individuals for the governor to choose from when making an appointment under division (A)(4) of this section. 4713.16 Exemptions. The form must describe the potential health effects of radiation from sun lamps, including a description of the possible relationship of the radiation to skin cancer. (C) A school of cosmetology holding a license to operate a school of cosmetology on September 29, 2013, shall establish and maintain an internal procedure for processing complaints filed against the school and shall provide each of the school's students with instructions on how to file a complaint directly with the board pursuant to section 4713.641 of the Revised Code. All receipts of the state cosmetology and barber board shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the occupational licensing and regulatory fund. "Advanced cosmetologist" means an individual authorized to work in a beauty salon and engage in all branches of cosmetology. Legislation. A fine imposed under that section shall include the cost of the test. If the individual or owner fails to request a hearing or enter into a consent agreement thirty days after the date the board, in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code and division (J) of this section, notifies the individual or owner of the board's intent to act against the individual or owner under division (A) of this section, the board by a majority vote of a quorum of the board members may take the action against the individual or owner without holding an adjudication hearing. 4713.45 Practices of school of cosmetology. (D) The amount and content of corrective action courses and other relevant criteria shall be established by the board in rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code. Any individual, after providing the individual's name and contact information, may report to the board any information the individual may have that appears to show a violation of any provision of this chapter or rule adopted under it or a violation of any provision of Chapter 4709. of the Revised Code or rule adopted by the board pursuant to Chapter 4709. of the Revised Code. "Beauty salon" means a salon in which an individual is authorized to engage in all branches of cosmetology. An individual holding a current, valid license or certificate issued by a professional regulatory board of this state may practice the individual's profession in a salon if the individual's profession is authorized by rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code to practice in a salon. (D) Employ an individual to practice a branch of cosmetology if the individual does not hold one of the following authorizing the practice of that branch of cosmetology: (E) Except for apprentice instructors and as provided in section 4713.45 of the Revised Code, teach the theory or practice of a branch of cosmetology at a school of cosmetology without either of the following authorizing the teaching of that branch of cosmetology: (1) A current, valid license under section 4713.31 or 4713.34 of the Revised Code; (2) A current, valid temporary special occasion work permit issued under section 4713.37 of the Revised Code. on november 5, 2018, the state board of cosmetology approved a consent agreement (case number 17-45-06196) in which the respondent acknowledged that the practice of microblading is outside of the scope of cosmetology and that performing microblading within a cosmetology salon is a violation of 49 pa. code 7.77 (use of salon for other purposes The state cosmetology and barber board, subject to the approval of the controlling board, may establish fees in excess of the amounts provided by section 4713.10 of the Revised Code, provided that any fee increase does not exceed the amount permitted by more than fifty per cent. (C) For purposes of division (B) of this section, an electronic signature may be used to provide and may be accepted as a signature evidencing consent. Ohio State Board of Cosmetology Ohio Administrative Rules. This is in addition to the safety and infection control or practice-specific CE you may have already completed. The board shall meet at the times and places it selects. "Manicurist instructor" means an individual who teaches the theory and practice of manicuring, but no other branch of cosmetology, at a school of cosmetology. Any fines issued for additional violations during such an inspection shall not be more than one hundred dollars for each additional violation. At least four of those hours shall include a course pertaining to sanitation and safety methods. No more than two members, at any time, shall be graduates of the same school of cosmetology. If the board develops such a procedure, an individual seeking to have the individual's license classified inactive shall apply to the board on a form provided by the board and pay the fee established by rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code. TDLR may continue to issue licenses and disciplinary actions under Occupations Code 1602 and the rules under Texas Administrative Code . Every holder of a license to operate a school of cosmetology issued by the board shall display the license in a public and conspicuous place in the school. (B)(1) A tanning facility operator or employee shall not allow an individual who is eighteen years of age or older to use the facility's sun lamp tanning services without first obtaining the consent of the individual. (B) The board shall include in the final report under division (A) of this section any recommendations it has for changes to this chapter or Chapter 4709. of the Revised Code. 4713.20 License application and examination. Section 4713.28 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. (2) Clean with soap or detergent and water. Footer navigation. The board may refuse to renew a license if the individual holding the license has an outstanding unpaid fine levied under section 4713.64 of the Revised Code. "Salon" does not include a barber shop licensed under Chapter 4709. of the Revised Code. If you hold Cosmetology licenses in multiple states, please make sure to check each state's requirements. Tax exempt entities should first email or call the company for more information. (B) If an applicant fails to provide satisfactory proof of completion of any applicable continuing education requirements, the board shall notify the applicant that the application is incomplete. Section 4713.28 | License qualifications. The address shall not contain a post office box number. Any fines issued for additional violations during a second inspection shall not be more than two hundred dollars for each additional violation. "Practice of hair design" means embellishing or beautifying hair, wigs, or hairpieces by arranging, dressing, pressing, curling, waving, permanent waving, cleansing, cutting, singeing, bleaching, coloring, braiding, weaving, or similar work. Floors and walls should be washed regularly. 4713.65 Effect of child support default on license. (H) In the case of an applicant for an initial advanced manicurist license, does either of the following: (1) Has the licensed advanced manicurist, licensed advanced cosmetologist, or owner of a licensed nail salon, licensed beauty salon, or licensed barber shop located in this or another state certify to the board that the applicant has practiced manicuring for at least one thousand eight hundred hours as a manicurist in a licensed nail salon or licensed barber shop or as a cosmetologist in a licensed beauty salon or licensed barber shop; (2) Has a school of cosmetology licensed in this state certify to the board that the applicant has successfully completed, in addition to the hours required for licensure as a manicurist or cosmetologist, at least one hundred hours of board-approved advanced manicurist training. 4713.111, 4713.12 Amended and Renumbered RC 4713.59, 4713.17. The aggregate liability of the surety to all students shall not exceed the sum of the bond. An individual that holds a license to practice cosmetology, a branch of cosmetology, (A) The state cosmetology and barber board may issue a temporary special occasion work permit to an individual who satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) Has been licensed or registered in another state or country to practice a branch of cosmetology or teach the theory and practice of a branch of cosmetology for at least five years; (2) Is a recognized expert in the practice or teaching of the branch of cosmetology the individual practices or teaches; (3) Is to practice that branch of cosmetology or teach the theory and practice of that branch of cosmetology in this state as part of a promotional or instructional program for not more than the amount of time a temporary special occasion work permit is effective; (4) Satisfies all other conditions for a temporary special occasion work permit established by rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code; (5) Pays the fee established by rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code. The fine shall be not more than five hundred dollars if the violator has been fined for the same offense once before. "Hair designer" means an individual who engages in the practice of hair design but no other branch of cosmetology in a licensed facility. Inactive (formerly Escrow) (A) The state cosmetology and barber board shall annually submit a written report to the governor, president of the senate, and speaker of the house of representatives. When determining the total hours of instruction received by an applicant for a license under section 4713.28, 4713.30, or 4713.31 of the Revised Code, the state cosmetology and barber board shall not take into account more than ten hours of instruction per day. Salons and cosmetology schools should be well-ventilated with proper lighting and heat. 4713.34 Reciprocity. Cosmetology law and rule books are now available for purchase through a third-party vendor. 4713.081 Posting copies of sanitary standards. "Cosmetology instructor" means an individual authorized to teach the theory and practice of all branches of cosmetology at a school of cosmetology. (L) Operate a school of cosmetology without a current, valid license under section 4713.44 of the Revised Code; (M) At a salon or school of cosmetology, do any of the following: (1) Use or possess a cosmetic product containing an ingredient that the United States food and drug administration has prohibited by regulation; (2) Use a cosmetic product in a manner inconsistent with a restriction established by the United States food and drug administration by regulation; (3) Use or possess a liquid nail monomer containing any trace of methyl methacrylate (MMA). 4713.68 Compliance with law regarding sanctions for human trafficking. The 4 hours must include 1 hour of Board Laws & Rules, 3 hours of Safety and Infection Control. (E) The examination papers and the scored results of the practical demonstrations of each individual examined by the board shall be open for inspection by the individual or the individual's attorney for at least ninety days following the announcement of the individual's grade, except for papers that under the terms of a contract with a testing service are not available for inspection. The bond shall be in an amount the board requires. The requirement shall not exceed the cumulative number of hours of continuing education that the individual would have been required to complete had the individual retained an active license. 4713.24 Examinations. (A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, an individual seeking a renewal of a license to practice a branch of cosmetology, advanced license, instructor license, or boutique services registration shall include in the renewal application proof satisfactory to the board of completion of any applicable continuing education requirements established by rules adopted under section 4713.09 of the Revised Code. Sixty-Five (65) or older Any fines issued for additional violations during a third inspection shall not be more than three hundred dollars for each additional violation. The consent is valid for ninety days from the date the form is signed. 4713.03 Meetings of board. Terms in this set (103) 30 days A licensee (licensed Cosmetologist) if he or she moves, shall notify the board in writing within: 155 hours Applicants whose most recent Cosmetology license has expired by more than three years must complete a refresher course of a minimum of: 2700 hours The board shall take into account instruction received more than five years prior to the date of application for the license in accordance with rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code. If you're asked to log in with an OHID - the state's best-of-breed digital identity - your privacy, data, and personal information are protected by all federal and state digital security guidelines. (A) This chapter does not prohibit any of the following: (1) Practicing a branch of cosmetology without a license or registration if the individual does so for free at the individual's home for a family member who resides in the same household as the individual; (2) The retail sale, or trial demonstration by application to the skin for purposes of retail sale, of cosmetics, preparations, tonics, antiseptics, creams, lotions, wigs, or hairpieces without a practicing license or registration; (3) The retailing, at a salon, of cosmetics, preparations, tonics, antiseptics, creams, lotions, wigs, hairpieces, clothing, or any other items that pose no risk of creating unsanitary conditions at the salon; (4) The provision of glamour photography services at a licensed salon if either of the following is the case: (a) A branch of cosmetology is not practiced as part of the services. Unlock the answer. 4713.55 License contents. If the board determines after a preliminary investigation that it is probable that a violation was committed, the board shall proceed against the school pursuant to the board's authority under section 4713.64 of the Revised Code and in accordance with the hearing and notice requirements prescribed in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. 4713.03 Meetings of board. (C) Except as provided in sections 4713.42 and 4713.49 of the Revised Code, only the branch of cosmetology that the salon is licensed to provide is practiced at the salon. "Practice of braiding" does not include application of weaving, bonding, and fusion of individual strands or wefts; application of dyes, reactive chemicals, or other preparations to alter the color or straighten, curl, or alter the structure of hair; embellishing or beautifying hair by cutting or singeing, except as needed to finish the ends of synthetic fibers used to add bulk to or lengthen hair. Inspections -- Cause for suspension, revocation, or for denial of license. The notification shall state that the licensee must complete the continuing education requirement by the fifteenth day of January of the next odd-numbered year. (B) The director of rehabilitation and correction shall oversee the services described in division (A)(8) of this section with respect to sanitation and adopt rules governing those types of services provided by inmates. What type of cosmetology service may an Ohio State Board Of Cosmetology licensee practice in a licensed salon: answer. Here you will find information pertaining to rules and laws that relate to cosmetology and barbering. Chat Help; Translate. At least two of the eight hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning safety and sanitation, and at least one hour of the eight hours of the continuing education requirement must be achieved in courses concerning law and rule updates. 4713.22 Temporary pre-examination work permit. Continuing Education (CE) Hours Requirement, CE Hours are required to be completed between Payment of renewal feeis required to keep a license current and active. 4713.99 Penalty. (5) If a violator fails to pay a fine within ninety days after the board issues the order, the board shall add to the fine interest at a rate specified by the board in rules adopted under section 4713.08 of the Revised Code. in a licensed salon. 4713.21 Reapplying for examination. "Braiding" means intertwining the hair in a systematic motion to create patterns in a three-dimensional form, inverting the hair against the scalp along part of a straight or curved row of intertwined hair, or twisting the hair in a systematic motion, and includes extending the hair with natural or synthetic hair fibers. (A) The state cosmetology and barber board shall charge and collect the following fees: (1) For a temporary pre-examination work permit under section 4713.22 of the Revised Code, not more than fifteen dollars; (2) For initial application to take an examination under section 4713.24 of the Revised Code, not more than forty dollars; (3) For application to take an examination under section 4713.24 of the Revised Code by an applicant who has previously applied to take, but failed to appear for, the examination, not more than fifty-five dollars; (4) For application to re-take an examination under section 4713.24 of the Revised Code by an applicant who has previously appeared for, but failed to pass, the examination, not more than forty dollars; (5) For the issuance of a license under section 4713.28, 4713.30, or 4713.31 of the Revised Code, not more than seventy-five dollars; (6) For the issuance of a license under section 4713.34 of the Revised Code, not more than seventy dollars; (7) For renewal of a license issued under section 4713.28, 4713.30, 4713.31, or 4713.34 of the Revised Code, not more than seventy dollars; (8) For the issuance or renewal of a cosmetology school license, not more than two hundred fifty dollars; (9) For the issuance of a new salon license or the change of name or ownership of a salon license under section 4713.41 of the Revised Code, not more than one hundred dollars; (10) For the renewal of a salon license under section 4713.41 of the Revised Code, not more than ninety dollars; (11) For the restoration of an expired license that may be restored pursuant to section 4713.63 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to the sum of the current license renewal fee and a lapsed renewal fee of not more than forty-five dollars per license renewal period that has elapsed since the license was last issued or renewed; (12) For the issuance of a duplicate of any license, not more than thirty dollars; (13) For the preparation and mailing of a licensee's records to another state for a reciprocity license, not more than fifty dollars; (14) For the processing of any fees related to a check from a licensee returned to the board for insufficient funds, an additional thirty dollars. 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