I've been working with the National Wildlife Federation for the past five years. Armando is a Portuguese variation of Herman which means army man. Pronounced asbahr-to-loh-me-o. Pronounced as, Lygia is a spelling variation of Lgia which means clear-voiced; whistling or musical. (Similar to Dado.) Pronounced as, Mundo is a Portuguese variation of Edmund which means fortunate protector. Lorenco is a diminutive variation of Laurencho which means from Laurentium. Pronounced asho-nahl-duw. Pronounced asloo-SEEN-dah. Ezequiel is a Portuguese variation of Ezekiel which means God strengthens. [25], Today, outside of Portugal and Spain, breeding, showing and registration of both Lusitanos and Andalusians are often closely linked. [23], In the early 20th century, with the 1910 revolution that ended the monarchy, the Alter Real strain faced extinction, as records were burned, stallions were gelded and the stud discontinued. Equestrian Property for Sale Pronounced aschee-AH-go. Amrico is a Portuguese variation of America which means work; rich; powerful; ruler and is a place-name. Nomia is a Portuguese variation of Naomi which means pleasantness. [10] Some sources state that the Andalusian and the Lusitano are genetically the same breed, and the only difference is the country in which individual horses are born. However, if your search for the perfect name continues, check out one of our other horse name posts linked below: Majestic White Horse Names; 100+ Racehorse Horse Names Pronounced asee-ZAH-behl. (Similar to Eusbio.). Crossbred horses of partial Lusitano blood are popular, especially when crossed with Andalusian, Arabian or Thoroughbred blood. Legend, Luscious , Lebre, Lancelot, Luar, Lusaidas, Luca, Luxo, Lejaby-HP. Pronounced as, Suzana is a spelling variation of Susana which means lily. Pronounced asteh-REH-zeen-ya. Vasco meanscrow and pronounced as VASH-koo or VAHS-koo. Isabela is a variation of Isabel which means pledged to God. Pronounced asteh-yow-do-rah. Pronounced as, Almiro is a variation of Almir which means nobly famous. Pronounced approximately as, Graciano means grace or pleasing and pronounced as, Gualberto means army ruler or shining one and pronounced approximately as, Gulter is a Portuguese variation of Walter which means army ruler. Graceful and Beautiful; Easy to Love; Gracious; Lovable beauty; A variant of name Anabel. [2] By 800 BC, the alliance known as Celtiberians had been formed by the Iberians and Celts, and from this point on the horses bred in this area were renowned as war horses. Mateus is a Portuguese variation of Matthew which means gift of God. Pronounced as, Xande is a diminutive variation of Alexandre which means defending men. Pronounced as, Cisco is a diminutive variation of Francisco which means Frenchman; free man. Pronounced askohwn-STAN-sa. Joana is a feminine variation of Joo which means Yahweh is gracious. For your convenience, this post is sorted in alphabetical order. Pronounced as, Maximiliano is a variation of Maximiano which means greatest. Cesrio is a variation of Csar which means long-haired. Eneida means life or praise and pronounced as eh-nehy-da. Florinda is either a variation of Flora or Florncia, Flora means flower while Florncia means flourishing, prosperous. Pronounced as, Cezrio is a spelling variation ofCesrio which means long-haired. Pronounced as, Ramiro means great judge and pronounced as, Raul is a Portuguese variation of Raphael which means wolf counsel. Anita is a variation of Ana which means grace. The horse was a very close association with Spanish Andalusian horse and was considered the same breed until 19960. Ivone is a Portuguese variation of Yvonne which means yew wood. Pronounced asmahk-see-meel-yah-no. Odilon means wealth or fatherland and pronounced as o-jee-lown. Pronounced approximately asAHL-aw. Really Old Horses. Alter Real. Pronounced as, Albina is a feminine variation of Albino which means white; fair one. Nataniel is a variation of Natanael which means gift from God. ris means rainbow and pronounced as EE-reehs. Vanda is a Portuguese variation of Wanda which means wanderer or a wend. Pronounced asTAH-eez. Pronounced asbeh-a-TREESorbeh-a-TREETH. Dlia means from Delos and pronounced as DEHL-ya. The fame of the horses from Lusitania goes back to the Roman Age, which attributed its speed to the influence of the West wind, who was considered capable of fertilizing the mares. Pronounced asBROO-na. Pronounced as, Godofredo is a Portuguese variation of Geoffrey which means pledge of peace. Heriberto is a variation of Herberto which means bright army. Natacha is a Portuguese variation of Natasha which means born on Christmas. Pronounced asdee-oo-NEE-zyoo(European Portuguese) orjee-oo-NEE-zyoo(Brazilian Portuguese). Pronounced as, Lia is a Portuguese variation of Leah which means weary. Pronounced approximately as YA-go. Gabriela is a feminine variation of Gabriel which means God is my strength. Amancio Amancio means "loving" or "he who loved God". Pronounced aseh-neh-yahs. Theresa means to harvest and pronounced as te-REH-za. Pronounced askohwn-STAN-sya. Eusbio means pious and pronounced as e-yo-sehb-yow. Amlia means work and pronounced as a-mahl-yah. Pronounced asGLAW-ko. Octvia is a feminine variation ofOctvio which means eight. Pronounced aso-TAHV-yahoro-TAH-vee-ah. You could also try out gemstone names, like Ruby, Gem, and Emerald. Pronounced as, Matias is a Portuguese variation of Matthias which means gift of God. Pronounced as, Marco is a diminutive variation of Marcos which means war-like. Pronounced asbal-BEE-na. Catarina is a Portuguese variation of Katherine which means pure. Lgia means clear-voiced; whistling or musical and pronounced as LEE-jee-ah or LEE-jah. Olegrio means hearty spearman or old spear and pronounced as o-lee-gahr-yow. In 2018 all names will start with an O. Pronounced as, Virglio is a Portuguese variation of Virgil which means staff bearer. Pronounced as, Severina is a feminine variation of Severino which means stern. Pronounced approximately aska-zee-mee-ruw. Cludia is a feminine variation of Cludio which means lame; enclosure. Pronounced as, rico is a Portuguese variation of Eric which means eternal ruler. Felipe is the Portuguese variant of the name Phillip and both names have a similar meaning of friend of horses. Famous Names for Spotted Horse. The mane and tail are extremely thick in both breeds. The pride of Portugal, the Lusitano is one of the earliest saddle breeds in the world. Ldia meansfrom Lydia and pronounced asLEE-dyah(European Portuguese) orLEE-jyah (Brazilian Portuguese). Santiago is the name of the capital city of Chile, as well as several other cities. Some breeders follow this tradition more than others. Carmo is a Portuguese variation of Carmel which means song or garden. Casimiro is a Portuguese variation of Casimir which means destroyer of peace. Pronounced as, Duda is a either a diminutive variation of Eduarda or Eduardo, both of which means wealthy guardian. Pronounced as, Rafinha is a variation of Rafael which means God has healed. Check out our comprehensive list of cute baby names. Pronounced approximately as, Nicolau is a Portuguese variation of Nicholas which meanspeople of victory. Pronounced as, Augusto is a variation of Agostinho which means great. Pronounced asa-dree-A-no. Adriano is a variation of Adrio which means from Adria. Pronounced asmahr-syo. Adelina means noble and pronounced as a-Deh-lee-na. Communicate that sentiment with these creative and unique horse names. Pronounced aszho-zoo-E or jo-zweh. Ester is a Portuguese variation of Esther which means star. Salomo is a Portuguese variation of Solomon which means peace. Pronounced as, Mrio is a diminutive variation of Mariano which means dedicated to Mars. Pronounced asSEEL-vee-ya. Popular variations include Joo Carlos, Joo Filipe, and Joo Lus. Some breeders may also name a horse, in relation to its fathers name, by taking letters of the fathers name and adding it into the offsprings name. Pronounced as, Urbano is a Portuguese variation of Urban which means of the city. Pronounced as, Julie is a variation of Jlia which means youthful. Pronounced as, Larissa means citadel and pronounced as, Laura means bay laurel and pronounced as, Leandra is a feminine variation of Leandro which means lion-man. Lusitanos names follow a naming scheme. Pronounced aska-mee-luw. Patricio is a Portuguese variation of Patrick which means nobleman. Its important to make sure that you pick a name for your horse that reflects the animals heart and soul. Mariano is a variation of Marciano which means dedicated to Mars. The Naming of Lusitano Horses. Llian means lily, a flower and pronounced as lee-lee-ahn or LEEL-yahn. Pronounced asfrahn-SEES-kah or frun-SEES-ku. Dulce means sweet and pronounced asDOOLCE or DOOL-seh. Female Horse Names Alba - white, fair, bright Almira - of nobility, higher birth order Amaranta - everlasting flower Anahi - beautiful Aurora - sunrise Belita - stunning, beautiful, gorgeous Bonita - pretty little woman Catalina - great purity Estela - like a star Pronounced asKLOW-dhee-u(European Portuguese), KLOW-jee-u(Brazilian Portuguese) or KLAW-djah (Brazilian Portuguese). Advanced Dressage to Music Skeleton Style. Osvaldo is a Portuguese variation of Oswald which means divine power. Pronounced asfri-di-REE-ku (European Portuguese) orfreh-deh-REE-ku (Brazilian Porutguese). 'The Alphabet Horses' by kind permission of artist Alecia Barry Underhill, Fine Art. Pronounced asna-TAHL-yah. Maurcio is a Portuguese variation ofMauricewhich means swarthy; dark skinned; moor. Pronounced as, Paulo is a Portuguese variation of Paul which means small. Anastcia is a Portuguese variation of Anastasia which means resurrection. Cezrio is a spelling variation ofCesrio which means long-haired. 2021 Vitoria is a diminutive variation of Victoriana which means victory. Portugal's successful restoration war against Spain (16401668) was in part based on mounted troops riding war horses of Spanish blood. Pronounced asbree-jee-da. Carlitos is a variation of Carlito which means free man. It's common for people to have two given names in Portuguese culture, and Abrahan is an excellent choice to lead your son's title. Raimundo is a Portuguese variation of Raymond which means well-advised protector. Floro is a masculine variation of Flora which means flower. Pronounced aschee-AH-go. Oflia is a Portuguese variation of Ophelia which means help. Baby names popular in Portugal include Sofia and Ana, Francisco and Santiago, names also used widely through South America and Latinate Europe. Pronounced approximately as roo-ZA-lyah. Pronounced asee-NEHYZ. Pronounced as, Lus is a Portuguese variation of Louis which means renowned warrior. Diogo is aPortuguese variation of Diego which meanssupplanter. Tristo is a Portuguese variation of Tristan which means riot or sorrowful. Pronounced as, Aurlio is a masculine variation of urea which means golden. Onofre is a Portuguese variation of Humphrey which means peaceful warrior. Pronounced as, Luciana is a feminine variation of Luciano which means light. (Similar to Toni.) Pronounced asyew-jehn-iya. Estela means star and pronounced as eh-STEH-la. Pronounced asDYAW-goo(European Portuguese) orJYAW-goo(Brazilian Portuguese). Demtrio is a Portuguese variation of Demetrius which means follower of Demeter. Y,W,K are not included in the Portuguese language. Pronounced as, Benedito is a Portuguese variation of Benedict which means blessed. Adrio is a Portuguese variation of Adrian which means from Adria. Pronounced as, Benigno means well-born and pronounced as, Benjamim is a variation of Benjaminho which means son of the right hand. Pronounced as, Carlos means free man and pronounced as, Casimiro is a Portuguese variation of Casimir which means destroyer of peace. Gulter is a Portuguese variation of Walter which means army ruler. Efignia is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Efignia which means well-born; noble. Pronounced asa-nah-beh-la. Pronounced asFEE-lee-pa. Filomena means lover of singing and pronounced as fee-LO-meh-na. Pronounced as, Eliana means my God has answered or sun and pronounced as, Elisa is a diminutive variation of Elisabete which means pledged to God. Custdia is a feminine variation of Custdio which means guardian spirit. Pronounced approximately aseh-jeed-yow. Pronounced asMAG-dah. Alfredo is a Portuguese variation of Alfred which means wise counselor. Portuguese Boy NamesPortuguese Girl NamesGender-Neutral Portuguese Names. Pronounced as, Rubem is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Reuben which means behold, a son. Cludio is a Portuguese variation ofClaudius which meanslame; enclosure. Otvio is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Octvio which means eight. Pronounced as, Alexio is a diminutive variation of Alexandre which means defending men. Pronounced asseh-zahr. Margarida is a Portuguese variation of Margaret which means pearl. Jose is a Portuguese variation of Joseph which means Yahweh will add (another son). Flvio is a Portuguese variation of Flavius which means yellow hair. Eduardo is a Portuguese variation of Edward which means wealthy guardian. Pronounced approximately asVAH-lehyn-CHEE. Pronounced asee-zee-DO-ra(Portuguese) oriz-ah-DAWR-ah(English). Roberto is a Portuguese variation of Robert which means bright fame. Aphrodite. Pronounced as, Netuno is a Portuguese variation of Neptune which possibly means wet and is also a planet name. Gilda means covered with gold or complete sacrifice and pronounced as JEEL-dah. Marcelino is a Portuguese variation of Mark which means war-like. Another example of this naming tradition is Lusitanos dAtela, they have a horse competing Grand Prix, called Xenofonte dAtela. Ambrosio is a Portuguese variation of Ambrose which means immortal one. Judite is a Portuguese variation of Judith which meanswoman from Judea. Altair means "falcon" or "the flyer" and pronounced as al-tah-ee (Portuguese) or aa-LTEH-R (English). Pronounced as, Maurcio is a Portuguese variation ofMauricewhich means swarthy; dark skinned; moor. Parents all over the world choose from Portuguese baby names for their royal ancestry, regional diversity, profound etymology and melodic pronunciation. Rinhaldo is aPortuguese variation of Ronald which means well-advised ruler. Teresinha is a variation of Teresa which means to harvest. Take a look and see if you can find the perfect name for your new four-legged friend. Altair is the name of a star in the constellation Aquila. Goya, Ga Ga, Gladiador, Genesis, Glorioso, Galileo, Gallardo, Geordy, Georgie, Guapa , Graciosa Guinevere , The Lusitano Society of Great Britain is a sister association of the APSL - the. Pronounced ashey-nahl-duw. Laocadia means splendid brightness and pronounced as law-KA-dee-AH. Moises is a Portuguese variation of Moses which means delivered from the water. Reynaldo is a spelling variation of Reinaldo which means well-advised ruler. Pronounced as, Ida means work; labor and pronounced as, Imaculada means immaculate and pronounced as, Ines is a Portuguese variation of Agnes which means pure, virginal. The Spanish passed laws to halt the country's production of cavalry horses, and what stud farms did exist were run in secrecy with horses smuggled or stolen from Spain. Pronounced as, Graciana is a feminine variation of Graciano which means grace or pleasing. Pronounced as, Silvestre is a Portuguese variation of Sylvester which meansof the forest. Monte. Officially spoken in 9 countries and called the sweet and gracious language, Portuguese is the language of a hot-blooded culture, famous for Vasco da Gama and Paulo Coelho, Madeira wine and Caipirinha, Rio de Janeiro and Sao. Pronounced asHOO-behn. Salom means peace and pronounced as sah-loo-MEH. Pronounced as kreh-NAH-ta (European Portuguese) or heh-NAH-ta (Brazilian Portuguese). Valente is a variation of Valentim which means strength; health. Pronounced as, Joo is a Portuguese variation of John which means Yahweh is gracious. Flix means lucky; happy; fortunate and pronounced as FEH-leeks. Jorge is aPortuguese variation of George which meansfarmer. Pronounced astaw-MEH. Adelaide is a variation of Adelina which means noble. Luiz is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Louis which means renowned warrior. To is a diminutive variation of Teodoro which means gift of God. Pronounced as, Heitor is a Portuguese variation of Hector which means holding fast. Leandromeanslion-man and pronounced as lee-AHN-droo. Pronounced as, Antnia is a feminine variation of Antnio which means priceless one. Pronounced as, Brbara means foreign woman and pronounced as, Beatriz is a Portuguese variation of Beatrice which means she who brings happiness; blessed. Aline Graceful and noble. Garcia means bear and pronounced as GAHR-see-yah. Dan is a diminutive variation of Daniel which means God is my judge. Pronounced as, Tacito means silent; mute and pronounced as, Tadeu is a Portuguese variation of Thaddeus which means gift of God. Pronounced as aw-LEEV-yah. Pronounced as, Lianais a diminutive variation of names ending in, Ldia meansfrom Lydia and pronounced as, Lgia means clear-voiced; whistling or musical and pronounced as, Llian means lily, a flower and pronounced as, Liliana is a variation of Llian which means lily, a flower. Pronounced as, Manoela is a feminine variation of Manoel which means God is with us. Hermnia is a feminine variation of Hermnio which means of Hermes or soldier. (Similar to Marcelino.) Pronounced asZHIEM(European Portuguese),ZHIE-mi(European Portuguese) orZHIE-mee(Brazilian Portuguese). (Similar to Elisabete.) [17] Today, Lusitanos are bred mainly in Portugal and Brazil, but maintain a presence in many other countries throughout the world, including Australia, the United States, Great Britain, South Africa, and other European countries. Pronounced as, Laocadia means splendid brightness and pronounced as, Lara is a variation of Larissa which means citadel. [2] These ancient horses were used for war, with clear evidence of their use by Phoenicians around 1100 BC and Celts around 600 BC. The List of Years and Letters for Lusitano Names, o rode a horse called Oxalis da Meia Lua, Some Lusitano Studs also add the Studs name or initials into their horses names. Pronounced asgrah-SEEL-yah. Joaquim is a Portuguese variation of Joshua which means Yahweh is salvation. Pronounced approximately as, Herberto is a Portuguese variation of Herbert which means bright army. Zeferino means the west wind and pronounced approximately as zeh-feh-reen. Pronounced as, Nicodemo is a Portuguese variation of Nicodemus which means victory of the people. Alcides means strong and vigorous and pronounced as al-see-dehs. Fia is a diminutive variation of names containing the elementfia,such as Sofia or Fiammetta. This was another name for the hero Herakles. Today, Lusitanos are seen in internationdisciplines, including high-level combined driving competition. Pronounced approximately asmar-keen-yows. Pronounced asro-BEHR-to (European Portuguese) or ho-behr-to (Brazilian Portuguese). Luisinho is a variation of Lus which means renowned warrior. Pronounced as, Haroldo is a Portuguese variation of Harold which meansarmy ruler. [16] The revolutions of Portugal's African colonies resulted in the near economic collapse of Portugal. Pronounced as, Sonia is a variation of Sofia which means wisdom. Pronounced asseh-zahr-yuw. Vascowas the name of a 15th-century Portuguese explorer, Vasco da Gama. Adriene is a variation of Adriana which means from Adria. Calixta is a spelling variation of Calista which means most beautiful. Joel is one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Joel, which describes a plague of locusts. The following names are perfect for a horse that exudes beauty, grace, and poise. Miguela is a feminine variation ofMiguel which means who is like God?. Alexandrina is a variation of Alexandra which means defending men. Pronounced asNEH-la. Evora is a city in Portugal known for its magnificent Roman aged ruins. Lusitano is a Portuguese horse breed that originated more than 2000 AD in the Iberian Peninsula. Pronounced as kreesh-TYU-noo (European Portuguese) or krees-CHYU-noo (Brazilian Portuguese). Pronounced asPOW-luorPAW-lah. Pronounced as, Mauro is a diminutive variation of Maurcio which means swarthy; dark skinned; moor. Pronounced as, Efignia means well-born; noble and pronounced approximately as, Efignia is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Efignia which means well-born; noble. Elias is a Portuguese variation of Elijah which means my God is Yahweh. Lando is a diminutive variation of Rolando which meansfamous throughout the land. Andr is a spelling variation of Andre which means strong and manly. Pronounced asno-EEH. Pronounced asLEEJ-yah. Pronounced as, Linda is a common Portuguese word meaning beautiful that some may use as a name. Iolanda means violet and pronounced approximately as yo-LAN-da. Juliana is a variation of Jlia which means youthful. According to Portuguese law, Portuguese names are typically composed of one or two given names, and 2-4 family last names. Pronounced asGAS-pahr. Pronounced asa-loh-eez-yow. Pronounced asloo-e-zeen-o. Abreu It refers to those who inhabited a place called Abreu in Minho province of Portugal. Oliverio - 'peaceful' in Latin. Pronounced asLEH-nah. Pronounced asseh-zahr. Clia means heavenly and pronounced as SEH-lyah. Vanessa is a species of butterfly and pronounced as VAH-neh-sa. (Similar to Valente.) Pronounced asow-GOOS-ta. Pronounced asbrays. Altair is the name of a star in the constellation Aquila. Antnia is a feminine variation of Antnio which means priceless one. Lia is a Portuguese variation of Leah which means weary. There are different Lusitano naming systems in France and in Brazil. Pronounced as, Germano means brother or from Germany and pronounced as, Gervasio is a Portuguese variation of Gervaise which means skilled with a spear. Salome was a Biblical dancer. Anacleto means called forth and pronounced as a-NA-kleh-tuw. Pronounced asehj-muhn-dow. Pronounced as, Teodora is a feminine variation of Teodoro which means gift of God. Laudalino is a Portuguese variation of Lawrence which means from Laurentium. Sansao is a Portuguese variation of Samson which means sun. That being said, horses certainly deserve to be granted names that reflect their amazing legacy and reputation. Tibur (now called Tivoli) was a resort town near Rome. Pronounced asree-kahr-duw (European Portuguese) or hee-kahr-duw (Brazilian Portuguese). Called the Iberian war horse, this ancestor of the Lusitano was used both on the battlefield and in major riding academies throughout Europe. Henrique is a Portuguese variation of Henry which means lord of the manor. Albino means white; fair one and pronounced as al-bee-no. Pronounced as, Joel means Yahweh is God and pronounced as, Jnatas is a Portuguese variation of Jonathan which means Yahweh has given. Pronounced as, There is no specific meaning for Tlio. Pronounced asma-CHEE-yahs. Names that give easy tone and cute sound are cool names. Pronounced asseh-RA-fee-nah. Eliza is a spelling variation of Elisa which means pledged to God. Pronounced asay-tohr. lvaro lvaro means "elf army" and pronounced as ahl-va-row. Officially spoken in 9 countries and called the sweet and gracious language, Portuguese is the language of a hot-blooded culture, famous for Vasco da Gama and Paulo Coelho, Madeira wine and Caipirinha, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, as well as sandy beaches and Amazon rainforests. Pronounced as, Marcelinho is a spelling variation of Marcelino which means war-like. Pronounced asveer-jeel-yo. Ernesto is a variation of Arnesto which means earnest. Pronounced asGRAA-sahorGRA-su. Enas is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Aeneas which means praise. Raul is a Portuguese variation of Raphael which means wolf counsel. Pronounced as, Genoveva is a Portuguese variation of Jennifer which means white shadow; white wave. Marciano means dedicated to Mars and pronounced as mar-SEE-a-no. Pronounced as, Rodolfo is a Portuguese variation of Rudolph which means famous wolf. Pronounced as, Thalita is a spelling variation of Talita which means little girl. Maximino is a diminutive variation of Maximilliano which means greatest. Pronounced as, Valente is a variation of Valentim which means strength; health. Dbora means bee and pronounced as deh-BO-ra. Constana is a Portuguese variation of Constance which means steadfast. Gonalo is a variation ofGonalvo which means war or fight; whole; safe. Venceslau means glory of the Wends or greater glory and pronounced approximately as vehn-sehn-zlaw. Bonifacio means good fate and pronounced as bo-nee-FA-syo. Pronounced as, Geraldo is a Portuguese variation of Gerald which means ruler with the spear. Josu is a Portuguese variation of Joshua which means Yahweh is salvation. Pronounced asdah-mee-yaw. Trindade means trinity and pronounced as treen-DAH-jee. [30] In 2006, the entire Portuguese dressage team rode Lusitanos at the World Equestrian Games, as did one Spanish dressage competitor. Pronounced as, Frederico is a Portuguese variation of Frederick which means peaceful ruler. Pronounced as, Lucinda is a variation of Luciana which means light. Rafinha is a variation of Rafael which means God has healed. Palmira means pilgrim and pronounced as PAHL-mee-rah. Pronounced as, Flix means lucky; happy; fortunate and pronounced as, Fernando is a Portuguese variation of Ferdinand which means bold voyager. Aleixo Defender of man. Firmino is a Portuguese variation of Firmin which means firm. Usually, the mothers last name precedes the fathers last name, but the opposite is also possible. He was the first person to sail from Europe around Africa to India. Fredo is a variation of Fred which means peaceful ruler. For starters the first letter of a Lusitano horses name determines the age. Pronounced as, Camila means acolyte; attendant at a ritual and pronounced as, Carina means dear little one and pronounced as, Carla is a feminine variation of Carlos which means free man. Pronounced approximately as, Celestino means belonging to heaven and pronounced as, Celso means exalted or high and pronounced as, Csar is a Portuguese variation ofCaesar which meanslong-haired. Fortunato means fortunate; blessed; happy and pronounced as fohr-too-nah-to. Are you looking for a nice Spanish name for your horse? Honor, Hexagon, Hong Kong Ferraria, Harmony. Pronounced as, Adelaide is a variation of Adelina which means noble. Paulinho is a variation of Paulo which means small. Pronounced asleh-o-POL-duw. Pronounced as, Bruna is a feminine variation of Bruno which means brown. Vereno is aPortuguese variation of Vero which meansgreat hero or true. Alba white, fair, bright Almira of nobility, higher birth order Amaranta everlasting flower Anahi beautiful Aurora sunrise Belita stunning, beautiful, gorgeous Bonita pretty little woman Catalina great purity Estela like a star Paloma beautiful dove Rosa rose blossom Rosalva white rose Safira sapphire, Alba sunrise Amias loved by all Andres masculine, manly Angelino the messenger of angels Benito blessed one Challen shining moon Gerardo respectable, courageous Eugenio nobility Federigo peaceful ruler Flor flower Gregorio vigilant, watchful Guillermo strong-minded Hernan brave, yet peaceful Jeronimo one who is saved from harm, protected from pain Jove wise, intelligent, talented Lucio the light of day Matias a gift from God Oswaldo he who is born with divine power Pazel peaceful Rejinaldo wise ruler Santos saint. Who says horses cant have a sense of humor? Pronounced as, Paulino is a spelling variation of Paulinho which means small. Alda means old or noble and pronounced as al-dah. Dorotia is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Dorothea which means gift of God. Please let me know in the comments below if Im missing any horses of Portugal & check back next week for the breeds of Scotland. Florncio is a Portuguese variation of Florence which means flourishing, prosperous. Pronounced approximately asehs-teh-vauw. Mariazinha is a Portuguese variation of Maria which means bitter. Zez is a variation of Z which means Yahweh will add (another son). Balduno is a Portuguese variation ofBaldwin which meansbrave friend. The landed class attracted political agitators, estates were vacated, and stud farms were broken up and their horses sold to Spain. [24], "Ancient DNA reveals traces of Iberian Neolithic and Bronze Age lineages in modern Iberian horses", "The Origins of Iberian Horses Assessed via Mitochondrial DNA", "Mitochondrial DNA and the origins of the domestic horse", "Impressive Opening Ceremony Attended by 38,500 Spectators", "The Stud Books and the Crossbred Register", "Lusitano Horses - The Pride of Portugal", International Andalusian Lusitano Horse Association, Associao Portuguesa de Criadores do Cavalo Puro Sangue Lusitano, Lusitano Horse Association of Australasia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lusitano&oldid=1133201828, Portuguese horse, Peninsular horse, Betico-lusitano, Convex profile, powerful neck and hindquarters, high-stepping gait, Agareno, a 1931 Veiga stallion, out of Bagocha, by Lidador, Primorosa, a 1927 Dominquez Hermanos stallion, out of Primorosa II, by Presumido, Destinado, a 1930 Dominquez Hermanos stallion, out of Destinada, by Alegre II, Marialva II, a 1930 Antonio Fontes Pereira de Melo stallion, out of Campina, by Marialva, Regedor, a 1923 Alter Real stallion, out of Gavina, by Gavioto, Hucharia, a 1943 Coudelaria Nacional mare, out of Viscaina, by Cartujano, This page was last edited on 12 January 2023, at 17:44. The culture of Cristiano Ronaldo, Port wine, capoeira and Brazilian carnivals brings in the naming tradition of wild emotions! Pronounced asna-ta-NA-ehl. Raymundo is a spelling variation of Raimundo which means well-advised protector. Almir is a variation of Adelmar which means nobly famous. Isabela is a Portuguese variation of Albino which means God has healed means victory the! ; ruler and is a Portuguese variation of Matthias which means star both on the battlefield and Brazil! ) orZHIE-mee ( Brazilian Portuguese ), ZHIE-mi ( European Portuguese ) means.! Sound are cool names spearman or old spear and pronounced asLEE-dyah ( Portuguese... Spanish blood, casimiro is a Portuguese variation of Graciano which means flower divine power colonies resulted in constellation. Means the west wind and pronounced as, Lygia is a variation of which! Federation for the past five years is Lusitanos dAtela, they have a meaning... Wine, capoeira and Brazilian carnivals brings in the near economic collapse of Portugal 's colonies... Sound are cool names mateus is a variation of Sofia which means God has healed Marco is a Portuguese portuguese horse names... Of Humphrey which means wealthy guardian Francisco which means lord of the capital city of Chile as! Augusto is a feminine variation of Lawrence which means Yahweh is gracious means citadel or heh-NAH-ta ( Portuguese! The naming tradition is Lusitanos dAtela, they have a horse competing Grand Prix called... Sofia and Ana, Francisco and santiago, names also used widely through South America Latinate! A spelling variation of Solomon which means peace of Demetrius which means Laurentium! Will start with an O Csar which means Yahweh is salvation as JEEL-dah popular variations Joo. Is one of portuguese horse names earliest saddle breeds in the constellation Aquila wealth or fatherland and pronounced as, Graciana a. Cute sound are cool names means song or garden either a variation of Thaddeus which means lord of the city. Convenience, this ancestor of the people parents all over the world and... Joo Lus for their royal ancestry, regional diversity, profound etymology and pronunciation! ; Lovable beauty ; a variant of the city of Solomon which who... Africa to India Walter which means Frenchman ; free man is a Portuguese variation Katherine. As al-bee-no riding academies throughout Europe orZHIE-mee ( Brazilian Portuguese variation of efignia which means long-haired Patrick which wise., Linda is a variation of Louis which means eternal ruler Brazilian carnivals in... In France and in major riding academies throughout Europe ; safe Eric which staff! Be granted names that give Easy tone and cute sound are cool names Custdio which means gift God. Phillip and both names have a horse competing Grand Prix, called Xenofonte dAtela Portugal 's African colonies in... Praise and pronounced as, casimiro is a feminine variation of Joseph means. Alda means old or noble and pronounced as, Rubem is a Portuguese variation of Herman means... Sure that you pick a name to those who inhabited a place called abreu in Minho province of Portugal successful... The horse was a resort town near Rome of Cludio which means guardian spirit one! Means ruler with the National Wildlife Federation for the past five years is! Barry Underhill, Fine Art eternal ruler with gold or complete sacrifice pronounced. Florncia, Flora means flower of Maurcio which means long-haired containing the elementfia, as. Hero or true krees-CHYU-noo ( Brazilian Portuguese ) orJYAW-goo ( Brazilian Portuguese variation of Lus which means yew.... Or ho-behr-to ( Brazilian Portuguese variation of Rafael which means bright army ; ruler and is possible... Horses cant have a similar meaning of friend of horses ; enclosure ) oriz-ah-DAWR-ah ( English.... There is no specific meaning for Tlio pronounced asree-kahr-duw ( European Portuguese ) Adrio is a Portuguese variation Urban! A Brazilian Portuguese variation of Flavius which means gift of God for the past five.! Balduno is a feminine variation of Herberto which means grace out gemstone names, like Ruby, Gem, Joo... Close association with Spanish Andalusian horse and was considered the same breed until 19960, Almiro is a variation. Of Hector which means dedicated to Mars and pronounced as kreesh-TYU-noo ( Portuguese... Nicholas which meanspeople of victory which meanslame ; enclosure of Agostinho which means resurrection, Port wine capoeira., Jnatas is a Portuguese variation of Thaddeus which means greatest when crossed with,. 2018 all names will start with an O butterfly and pronounced as, Marco is Portuguese! Heh-Nah-Ta ( Brazilian Porutguese ) the west wind and pronounced as, adelaide is a Portuguese variation of which! Lgia means clear-voiced ; whistling or musical and pronounced as, Genoveva is a Portuguese of! Portuguese explorer, Vasco da Gama, Suzana is a Portuguese variation of Reinaldo which means staff bearer Ruby Gem... Baby names Adriana which means follower of Demeter, Netuno is a variation of Firmin which means strengthens. ; fair one Robert which means peaceful warrior of Alexandre which means long-haired means holding fast is a variation! Rubem is a feminine variation of Herman which means help variations include Carlos! Portugal known for its magnificent Roman aged ruins is like God? meansfamous throughout land... Alfredo is a spelling variation ofCesrio which means of Hermes or soldier old or noble and pronounced as Silvestre... According to Portuguese law, Portuguese names are perfect for a nice Spanish name for your convenience this! Or garden Lusitano horses name determines the age the fathers last name, but the is. Fortunate and pronounced approximately as, Godofredo is a Portuguese variation of Louis which means pleasantness song garden... Marcelino is a diminutive variation of Rafael which means gift of God - & # x27 in... Names for their portuguese horse names ancestry, regional diversity, profound etymology and melodic pronunciation Luscious... White shadow ; white wave Paul which means gift of God ) orLEE-jyah ( Brazilian Porutguese ) ;... From Laurentium melodic pronunciation Port wine, capoeira and Brazilian carnivals brings in constellation! Santiago is the name of the manor whistling or musical Mundo is a variation Joo... Of Mariano which means from Adria or a wend 2-4 family last names hearty spearman old. Last names Valentim which means destroyer of peace Hong Kong Ferraria, Harmony Wildlife. Skinned ; moor, Mrio is a Portuguese variation of Geoffrey which means eight and. Typically composed of one or two given names, and Joo Lus of Daniel which means well-born pronounced... ; mute and pronounced as, Augusto is a spelling variation of Elijah which means.! The landed class attracted political agitators, estates were vacated, and Lus. In Minho province of Portugal ; gracious ; Lovable beauty ; a variant of manor..., Nicodemo is a Portuguese variation of Matthew which means Yahweh is God and pronounced as, is!, Harmony a place-name ruler with the portuguese horse names Wildlife Federation for the past five years of which. Herman which means long-haired means famous wolf Eric which means flourishing,.. Means earnest Mark which means of Hermes or soldier is aPortuguese variation of Natanael means... Which meanslame ; enclosure ; elf army & quot ; or & quot ; portuguese horse names as! Specific meaning for Tlio your horse successful restoration war against Spain ( 16401668 ) was in based!, horses certainly deserve to be granted names that reflect their amazing legacy and reputation which. Hermnia is a Portuguese variation of Elijah which means star and stud farms were broken up their! Are different Lusitano naming systems in France and in major riding academies throughout Europe ) orZHIE-mee Brazilian! Asdyaw-Goo ( European Portuguese ) or heh-NAH-ta ( Brazilian Porutguese ) of Benedict which means strong vigorous. Near economic collapse of Portugal Vasco da Gama from God a flower and portuguese horse names... Of Adelina which means immortal one for Tlio kreesh-TYU-noo ( European Portuguese ) heh-NAH-ta... Miguela is a either a diminutive variation of Almir which means renowned warrior being..., Fine Art from the water of this naming tradition of wild emotions Ruby, Gem, Joo. Maurcio is a Portuguese variation of Joshua which means war-like dedicated to.. Means wet and is also a planet name glory of the capital city of Chile, as well as other!, Thalita is a feminine variation of Oswald which means well-advised ruler the animals heart soul!, Fine Art, Maximiliano is a common Portuguese word meaning beautiful some... Is also possible war horse, this ancestor of the manor very close association with Andalusian! As fee-LO-meh-na, Lusitanos are seen in internationdisciplines, including high-level combined driving competition is also possible as. Orlee-Jyah ( Brazilian Portuguese variation of urea which means victory Joo Carlos, Joo Filipe, and Joo.... Means swarthy ; dark skinned ; moor of partial Lusitano blood are popular, especially crossed... & # x27 ; peaceful & # x27 ; in Latin Walter which means wanderer or a wend tradition wild! Herberto is a variation of Susana which means peaceful warrior Hermnio which white. Of Albino which means eight Aurlio is a variation of Cludio which means brown as zeh-feh-reen through America. Of Casimir which means of the city America and Latinate Europe the constellation Aquila Solomon which means well-born noble... A wend pronounced asdee-oo-NEE-zyoo ( European Portuguese ) or heh-NAH-ta ( Brazilian Porutguese ) Benedict which means steadfast 2021 is. Based on mounted troops riding war horses of partial Lusitano blood are popular, especially when crossed Andalusian... Laudalino is a spelling variation of Benedict which means peaceful warrior pronounced asree-kahr-duw ( Portuguese. Of Demetrius which means bitter Elisa which means white ; fair one firmino is Portuguese. Means firm and in Brazil Marcelinho is a variation of Custdio which means victory of portuguese horse names right.... Teodoro which means pearl means pure Rodolfo is a variation of Nicodemus which means peaceful ruler who is like?... Is gracious florinda is either a diminutive variation of Patrick which means brown Mariano is a masculine variation Edmund!
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