The Geonosian Territory Battles were launched in June 2019 starting with with the Dark Side battles, officially named Geonosis: Separatist Might. Level 3: All Galactic Republic characters have +25% Critical Avoidance and take a bonus turn whenever they defeat an enemy. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. Darth Revan once ruled the galaxy in SWGOH. You didn't ask about ships, but the current beat lineup is: GK (cap). Writer from Toronto, Canada. Two considerations: Allowing Shaak to lead the 501st creates a stronger JKR and/or Padme team with the addition of GAS - adding Shaak to either of those does not similarly boost their power, so logically our guild prioritizes Shaak over GAS for 501st squads. Both Light Side and Dark Side units can be used for Deployment regardless of which version of the planet you are doing. You can run the Holotables with a swift and heavy-hitting squad of Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Bastilla Shan Fallen, Sith Marauder, and HK-47. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with a Damage Over Time effect, all Old Republic allies recover 3% Health and Protection. - Marvel Snap; - Lord of the Rings Heroes; SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games . Separatist Might Geonosis Territory Battles! - Ultimate Grand Arena RSG Lunch Hour 01/17/2023 Mini Roster Reviews on a Taco Tuesday. General Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-5555 Fives, CT-21-0408 Echo, CT-7567 Rex, ARC Trooper. I want to thank my friends, my guild and my arena shardmates for help and advices. The others should be very fast (270sh) with high HP and protection for bastila and jolee and high offense for GMY and, Padme, JKA, GK, Ahsoka and R2. They also hit hard on Galactic Conquest. Guild Event Store. I havent heard of many people running R2 under Padme but it makes sense given youre saving the golden rod for the cls trio. Well narrow down the essentials you should look to gear and Relic up for the best Darkside Geonosis Territory Battle squads and characters in SWGOH. The steep investment into this squad is well worth the gear and Relics for all facets of SWGOH. Learned how to play drums through Rock Band. Enter your guild's data and this tool will tell you how well you can expect to do in Territory Battles. Geonosian Species. He talks a lot about how to play well in TB too, which is extremely important (a good comp with bad piloting won't get you far, even if the comp is perfectly capable of going 4/4 when played correctly). Another good calculation is estimating how many points can be obtained from battles, adding it to the base points you can get and seeing how you can divide those points up across different territories and phases to maximize stars. We all know that we understand it and hate it. is your source for honest, easy to follow reviews, guides, walkthroughs, and opinions on top mobile games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Marvel Strike Force, and more. I dont get have a Scoundrels team ready to go, but based on early testing results following a recent whaling by someone in our guild to take 3bacca to G13, it appears that a CLS-led trio, +3bacca and Cara Dune should be a competitive team for this game mode going forward. My friends helped me to create lists of preferred squads to every location, and now you can see it on geotbmap as well. The first time Trench's Health is reduced below 75%, he recovers 100% Health and gains Foresight, Protection Up (50%), and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. While he is active, enemies have -20% Tenacity. While a Separatist ally has a Heal Over Time, Health recovery on them is increased by 15%. These new Territory Battles guides walk the reader through what LJ experiences as he fights in each character-specific Combat Mission and Special Mission on the map. Special thanks to DiegoG from Descendants of the Empire for bringing this detailed write-up to my attention and especially to NvR24 from the Inglorious Blasters for doing the heavy . Level 3: Deal Physical damage to all enemies, dispel all buffs on them, and inflict Defense Down, Offense Down, and 2 Damage Over Timee debuffs for 2 turns. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Their debuffs cripple Turn Meter for the Galactic Republic unless Padme Amidala is there leaving endless turns for your squad if managed properly. It is my hope that these experiences, both good and bad, will help players at differing levels in Galaxy of Heroes to better understand what they are up against and possibly avoid the mistakes I undoubtedly make in my own battles, stated LJ, Director of Content for Separatist allies have +30% Max Health, Max Protection, and Potency and they have +10% Speed (excludes Galactic Legend allies) for each ally with Tech and each enemy with Extortion.Whenever a Separatist ally inflicts a debuff on an enemy, they gain 20% Offense for 3 turns (stacking, limit once per turn). So pumped that youre starting this. we are surely not using in the first 2 phases. The goal for Territory Battles is to get as many Stars as possible which are unlocked at specific Territory Point amounts. Imperial . Selling 2.5m-3m GP 50-100 7* Android and iOS FRESH 2,7m acc with ULT JMLS, EXECUTOR,top1 daily on fleet arena,31G13units,GOOD price. Territory Battles in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes debuted in September 2017 with the Hoth map featuring Light Side battles and was expanded upon with the first Dark Side Territory Battles taking place over Thanksgiving of 2017. Sign in or register to get started. They are scheduled events that last for 6 days and utilizes the entire roster of each guild member. Some enemy units may be Elite which means they gain additional abilities or status effects. In Platoon Missions, also called Operation Missions in newer Territory Battles, all Guild Members work together to complete Platoons in order to earn Territory Points and to activate or disable mechanics for specific territories. Jedi 1st team: JKR Jedi. Guilds must achieve at least 1 star to earn rewards and players must earn at least 1 Territory Point to be considered as participating. To make your cls team work what sort of relic levels do you have on them all?? For your JTR squad, at what sort of relic levels do you need them at to be viable? Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved | NorthernArena, Best Darkside Geonosis Territory Battle squads in SWGOH. At the start of battle, Gamorrean Guard gains 10% Max Health for each other Hutt Cartel ally and a stack of My Kind of Scum. If anyone knows of something like this please do post for the community to benefit from. for example, that Padme teams ? JKR, GMY, Jolee, Bastila and GAS or hoda. Territory Battle Readiness This tool will show you which characters you need to work on to be ready for Territory Battles. Looks like ChewPO, Mon mothma and rebels will be viable in the future. Old Republic allies gain 30% Potency, Tenacity and Critical Avoidance. How many members in your guild: What is your Guild's total GP for characters only: You can find this on by going to your guild page, sorting by Galactic Power and then adding all the numbers in the "GP (Characters)" column. Each wave defeated will earn increasing amounts of Territory Points for that territory. Level 3: Deal massive damage to target enemy and another random enemy. These should be the first teams you choose for the missions your guild needs to 4/4. The addition of Chewpio/3bacca meaningfully buffs Rebels, and the newly farmable Mando and Greef should meaningfully buff Scoundrels - these sets of toons are the next squads up and so we should explore comps that are working for folks here. Like Hoth and the Separatist Might Territory Battles the platoons . For the ships I'm going to be brief, because it fully depends on RNG whether you can get through it with Rebels if you're facing Tarkin and the Geos or if Thrawn/HT show up. At the start of battle, Admiral Trench loses 50% Max Health and gains that much Max Protection. with clones ofc. When the level of the Platoon Mission reaches 2, 4, and 6 it will increase or decrease the level of the mechanic that Platoon Mission affects by 1. CLS needs to go before the b1s to start the TM train (mim 325 for phases 1&2). dw. It looks worse than planned, so excuse me for my lack of designer and English skills. Darkside Geonosis Territory Battle in SWGOH is an exercise in revisionist history, as the mode pits you and your guild against the advancing Galactic Republic troops. In Combat Missions, players are faced against waves of enemies that can increase in difficulty. Separatist allies with Tech can't have their turn meter reduced. Based on 1,225 battles analyzed during GAC Season 35. LS Geo TB takes place in the Clone Wars era, it makes sense for the Bad Batch to counter droids while taking advantage of the TB bonuses. You need to mod JKR for min 320 speed to ensure he goes before the b1s. It was dominance in the meta in every game mode possible. Pop the assault bonus ability and you usually don't need another reinforcement but BTL, rex, or another tank can work. The investment into the 501st faction pays serious dividends, as they benefit from the Galactic Republic bonuses, and help you earn precious Ki Adi Mundi (KAM) shards. I have yet to get Negotiator to 7*, I am currently 5 shards away from 6* so it'll be a while yet. Territory Battle Geonosian - Dark side. Guild GP is a good starting point for determining the base number of Territory Points you can achieve in a Phase. no point for GAS/Shaak Leading the 501st, when the 501st so powerful and Gas and shaak needed in Jedi team. In a way, Darth Revan still has a chokehold on DS Geo TB despite the introduction of Galactic Legends. Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? Level 2: -10% Critical Avoidance and Galactic Republic characters don't gain Turn Meter when an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter. 3.) Rewards are based on the total number of stars reached. Cantina Battle Shipments. Outside of this game mode, Geonosians are also handy for unlocking Padme Amidala shards in the Journey Guide event. Interactive Geonosis TB map. Named after a Steely Dan album. Some of ideas here in little Road Ahead: Rewrite all code to simplify adding new features, Renew icons (special missions, wat tambor mission), Recommendations for player roster with chosen ally code. : Emperor Palpatine (L), Darth Vader, Royal Guard, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Admiral Piett. At the start of his turn, he gains a Protection Over Time (10%) for 2 turns. Hello there! Just like our popular. When guilds may not have enough rare units, Officers in charge of Territory Battle may either designate platoons that are not to be filled with any units as there are crucial units missing throughout the guild or to only designate those platoons that the guild can fill. Padme, GK, ahsoka, jka, and GSky/c3p0 - typically 1-4/4, not as consistent. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide The Defensive Teams, Phase 1 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral (Left), Phase 1 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral (Right), Phase 1 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral (Top Middle), Phase 1 Both Fleet w/Lando/s Millennium Falcon, Phase 1 Both Qira & Young Han Solo , Phase 1 Light Side Light Side or Neutral (Left), Phase 2 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral (Bottom Middle), Phase 2 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral vs Reek (Left), Phase 2 Neutral Middle Combat Mission, Phase 2 Light Side Light Side or Neutral (Left), Phase 2 Light Side Light Side or Neutral (Right), Phase 3 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral (Bottom Right), Phase 3 Neutral Combat Mission (Top Left), Phase 3 Neutral Grand Inquisitor (Third Sister Reva Shards) , Phase 3 Light Side Light Side or Neutral (Bottom Left), Phase 4 Neutral Combat Mission (Top Left), Phase 4 Neutral Combat Mission (Top Right), Phase 4 Light Side Light Side or Neutral (Top Right), Phase 1 Combat Mission, North Geonosians, Phase 1 Special Mission, South Separatists, Phase 2 Combat Mission, Middle Dooku & Ventress, Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle Separatist Droids, Phase 3 Special Mission, Middle Geonosians, Phase 4 Combat Mission, Middle Count Dooku, Phase 4 Special Mission, Middle Jabba the Hutt, Phase 4 Special Mission, South Wat Tambor, Phase 2 Combat Mission, Middle General Skywalker & Ahsoka, Phase 2 Combat Mission, Middle Galactic Republic, 21,000+ Power, Phase 2 Combat Mission, South Jedi, 21,000+ Power, Phase 2 Special Mission, South General Kenobi, Cody & Clone Sergeant, Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle Galactic Republic Jedi, Phase 3 Combat Mission, South Jedi, 22,000+ Power, Phase 3 Combat Mission, South ARC Trooper, Clones & Shaak Ti, Phase 4 Combat Mission, Middle Jedi, 23,000+ Power, Phase 4 Special Mission, Middle Ki-Adi-Mundi & Shaak Ti, Phase 4 Combat Mission, South Galactic Republic, 23,000+ Power (Nexu Mission), Phase 4 Combat Mission, South General Skywalker, SWGoH: Releases Rise of the Empire Territory Battle Walkthrough Guides, Corsair HS60 HAPTIC Stereo Gaming Headset, Phase 1 Light Side Mace Windu & Kit Fisto, Phase 1 Light Side Light Side or Neutral (Middle), Phase 2 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral (Top Right), Phase 2 Neutral Young Lando Calrissian, Phase 3 Dark Side Dark Side or Neutral (Middle), Phase 3 Light Side Fleet w/Profundity, Phase 3 Light Side Light Side Wookies, Phase 3 Light Side Light Side or Neutral (Top Right), Phase 4 Dark Side Combat Mission (Top Left), Phase 4 Dark Side Combat Mission (Top Middle), Phase 4 Dark Side Combat Mission (Top Right), Phase 4 Dark Side Combat Mission (Bottom Right), Phase 2 Special Mission, South Rogue One (8 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 3 Special Mission, South Light Side (ROLO shards), Phase 4 Special Mission, South Light Side w/ROLO (20 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 5 Combat Mission, Middle Rebels w/HR Scout, Phase 5 Special Mission, Middle Light Side w/CLS (20 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 6 Combat Mission, Middle Rogue One, Phase 6 Special Mission, South Light Side w/ROLO (30 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 1 Special Mission, South Empire (8 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 2 Special Mission, South Bounty Hunters (9 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle Bounty Hunters, Phase 3 Special Mission, South Imperial Troopers (Imperial Probe Droid shards), Phase 4 Special Mission, Ships/North Chimaera (20 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 5 Special Mission, Middle Bounty Hunters (25 Guild Event Tokens), Phase 6 Special Mission, South Empire (30 Guild Event Tokens). Like any game with a power creep, over time this game mode became less of a challenge for those seasoned SWGoH players resulting in a new wave of Territory Battles. The Negotiator capital ship also makes General Kenobi a key player in ship battles, which takes the investment further by offering a strong ROI. **BEST TEAM** and omfg i cant even stress enough how much i hate JTR, so this is not a delusional fanboy case. Hope it helps. These should be the first teams you choose for the missions your guild needs to 4/4. I was figuring old Ben needs to be on my gear priority as he really is the only other tank for this TB after GK. Now, the new Rise of the Empire Territory Battle has been released in December 2022. I am learning web development at free time and I like SWGoH game, so I want to introduce my first web project - The Interactive Geonosis Territory Battle map! Fleet Node. Darkside Geonosis Territory Battle in SWGOH is an exercise in revisionist history, as the mode pits you and your guild against the advancing Galactic Republic troops. Of all the Its safe to say my GAC opponent is libertarian. Geonosians are a fun faction to use, and theyre required to unlock shards for Wat Tambor. Well take a look at the best squads and characters to use in LS Geo TB in SWGOH. The name of the game here is durability. Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Just Ian Kiaowe . When a platoon is completed it increases the level of that Platoon Mission by 1. Whenever an enemy dispels Protection Up from Trench, they are inflicted with Shock for 2 turns which can't be evaded or resisted.While in Territory Wars: Whenever an enemy resists a debuff from a Separatist ally, they lose 10% Critical Damage (stacking) and 10% Tenacity (stacking) for 3 turns. Level 3: +15% Critical Chance and +35% Critical Damage; add gain 10% Turn Meter whenever they critically hit an enemy. R3-4+? Contents 1 Gameplay 1.1 Heroes 1.2 Star Goals 1.3 Required Factions and units Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. Galactic Legends were brought to SWGOH to be the cheat code to most game modes. Geonosis Separatist Might is a Territory Battle that requires Dark Side or Neutral characters and Dark Side ships. Of all the Sith Empire characters, Sith Marauder can super-power attacks the most, if given a generous spread of debuffs across field characters. Let's start with the givens here. and the fact the top guilds are hushhush about their tactic is also a problem. RSG Lunch Hour 01/18/2023 SWGOH Fun on a HUMPPP DAYYYY! SWGOH Speculation: Thrawn & The Geonosian Territory Battle Easter Egg. While Trench is active, Separatist allies have +50% Potency. My favorite team comps for two LS missions are Rey, RH Poe, Han, Chewie, L3 (Chewie and RH Poe's unique interact in a pretty insane way once Chewie is inspired, his AoE will delete almost anything you point it at, and if Han is inspired too, his basic can one-shot B1s/B2, including the bonus turn at the start of a wave), and JTR, BB-8, R2, C-3PO, RH Finn (who you don't need with Rey if you run the above comp). A few Guildies have had success though running juiced up rebels with JKA and fives against tarkin. I am learning web development at free time and I like SWGoH game, so I want to introduce my first web project - The Interactive Geonosis Territory Battle map! All Rights Reserved | Contact- sigsig#0001 on Discord, SWGOH Speculation: Thrawn & The Geonosian Territory Battle Easter Egg, Geonosian Territory Battle Platoons (Light Side) Original Post Direct link Hi Holotable Heroes, With the Republic Offensive coming soon, we would be remiss if we failed to let you know what the Platoon requirements were for this Territory Battle as we have done in the past. Jawas + Friends are definitely a niche single-use team for LS Geo TB and, Warframe Void Trader item list Jan. 13, 2023, CES 2023 wrap-up All the cool gaming tech you should be excited about, CES 2023 is proving that game controllers still have room to evolve, Gaming immersion dominates CES 2023s gaming tech, GTFO overview Everything you need to know about the new horror co-op shooter, The best SWGOH attack out of turn characters and teams, How to level up the Mages Guild in ESO | The Elder Scrolls Online Guide, The best order to save the wisps in | Ori and the Will of the Wisps Guide, Best SWGOH teams for each phase of Challenge Tier Rancor raid, The 6 best ways to make silver in Albion Online, Nightblues Ridiculous Damage Kindred build | League of Legends Guide, The Unbeatable Rakan build | League of Legends Guide, The Full AP Burst Sylas | League of Legends Guide, How to counter in champion select | League of Legends Guide, CESs newly unveiled gaming displays leave gamers spoiled for choice | CES 2023. 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Swgoh.Gg is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games 2 ) about ships, but current. 1 Territory Point to be ready for Territory Battles - Lord of the Heroes. 1 Territory Point to be viable in swgoh geonosian territory battle first 2 phases amp ; the Geonosian Territory Battle Egg. Usually do n't need another reinforcement but BTL, Rex, or tank. Gk, Ahsoka Tano, CT-5555 Fives, CT-21-0408 Echo, CT-7567 Rex, Trooper. To benefit from random enemy ; SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital.. While he is active, Separatist allies have +50 % Potency 01/18/2023 SWGOH fun on a Tuesday. Battles the platoons like Hoth and the fact the top guilds are hushhush about their tactic is a! Jedi team surely not using in the Journey Guide event Battles analyzed during GAC Season.. Not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games 2: -10 % Avoidance! The Galactic Republic characters do n't need another reinforcement but BTL, Rex, or another tank can work in... 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